Truman, Bess W. Papers

Dates: 1849-1983

Wife of Harry S. Truman, 1919-1972; First Lady of the United States, 1945-1953

The papers of Bess W. Truman contain appointment books, address books, menus, correspondence, financial records, and legal documents relating to her personal life and activities as First Lady of the United States.

[Administrative Information | Biographical Sketch | Collection Description | Series Descriptions | Folder Title List]


Size: 52 linear feet, 11 linear inches (about 103,500 pages).
Access: Open.
Copyright: The donors gave their copyright interest in writings in these files to the United States Government. Documents created by U.S. Government officials in the course of their official duties are likewise in the public domain. Copyright interest in any other writings in these files is assumed to remain with the authors of the documents, or their heirs.
Processed by: Bill Carpenter, Amy Crossley, Jan Davis, Tammy Kelly Williams, Sharie Simon, and David Clark (2010-2017).

[ Top of the page | Administrative Information | Biographical Sketch | Collection Description | Series Descriptions | Folder Title List ]


1885 (February 13)


Born, Independence, Missouri



Graduated from Independence High School



Lived in Colorado Springs, Colorado, following the death of her father, David W. Wallace



Moved into her grandfather’s home at 219 N. Delaware Street



Attended Barstow School in Kansas City, Missouri



Became engaged to Harry S. Truman

1919 (June 28)


Married Harry S. Truman

1924 (February 17)


Gave birth to Mary Margaret Truman

1945 (April 12)


Became First Lady of the United States upon the swearing in of Harry S. Truman as President

1953 (January 20)


Returned to Independence, Missouri

1982 (October 18)


Died, Independence, Missouri

[ Top of the page | Administrative Information | Biographical Sketch | Collection Description | Series Descriptions | Folder Title List ]


The Bess W. Truman Papers contain appointment books, menus, address books, correspondence and other items that document the life of Bess Wallace Truman.

The first series, the Appointment Books File, contains appointment books that primarily cover Mrs. Truman’s tenure as First Lady. The first book, from 1944, is kept in Mrs. Truman’s handwriting. Appointment books for the presidential years contain both the handwriting of Mrs. Truman and her secretary, Reathel Odum. Appointment books after 1953 are all in Mrs. Truman’s handwriting. For some of the years between 1945 and 1953, there are multiple appointment books. Folders that are labeled “personal” contain appointment books for Mrs. Truman when she was in Independence; she usually spent several months of the year at home in Independence. The appointments include both official functions and personal appointments. Official functions include teas, receptions, diplomatic dinners and parties. Personal appointments include visits to the doctor and dentist, appointments with her hairdresser, shopping trips, lunches with friends, and meetings with various groups she remained personally involved with, such as the USO (United Service Organization), the P.E.O. Sisterhood (Philanthropic Educational Organization), and a spanish class for the wives of Washington, D.C. diplomats. Also in this series are two small address books kept by Mrs. Truman, containing the addresses of some of her friends and associates.

The second series is the White House Menus File. This series contains lunch and dinner menus for the Truman family and any guests they entertained. Also included in this series are the shopping lists for official functions that the White House hosted, such as teas, receptions, and State Dinners; sometimes the menu for the event is included as well. The time period of August 17, 1950 through January 1, 1951 is missing entirely. Most of the menus indicate in writing the number of trays to bring or the number of people attending each meal. If the family dined anywhere other than the dining room, that is written on the menu as well, such as if they took their meal on the Sun Porch. Any special menu changes or requests are also written on the menus, such as a request by one of the household for a different dessert or side dish. This is especially noticeable with Mrs. Truman’s mother, Mrs. Madge Wallace. The menus tend to be repetitive and reflect the fairly simple tastes of the Trumans and the era in which they lived. They often ate molded salads, sandwiches, burgers, and meals made from leftovers. This entire series has been digitized and can be browsed on our website.

The third series is the Financial Affairs File. This series consists of bills, receipts, banking documents, insurance policies, trust statements, wills and other financial documents related to Harry and Bess Truman. The bills and receipts relate to purchases of food, clothing, and household items, as well as payments for home repairs, medical expenses, and automobile purchases and maintenance. The banking documents consist of canceled checks, checkbook registers, checkbook stubs, deposit slips and monthly statements for checking and savings accounts located at financial institutions such as the Bank of Independence, Riggs National Bank, Columbia National Bank, Commerce Trust Company, National Bank of Washington, City National Bank, First National Bank of Kansas City and Empire State Bank. The insurance documents include yearly policies that cover personal items, automobiles and the Truman residence. The trust statements were for trusts established by the Trumans for Vietta Garr, the Truman housekeeper, and for their four grandsons, Clifton Truman Daniel, William Wallace Daniel, Harrison Gates Daniel and Thomas Washington Daniel. The wills consists of drafts and various versions of the wills as they were written and updated throughout the years. Other financial documents include yearly income tax returns, leases for apartments in Washington, D.C. used by the Trumans during his Senate years, bank account balance sheets, and accounting ledgers.

The fourth series, the Correspondence File, 1889-1934, contains letters, notes, and other items compiled by Bess Truman before and during the early years of her marriage to Harry S. Truman. The earliest items of correspondence in this series are two letters from Frank Gates, Bess’s uncle, written to Bess when she was around four or five years old. Also included in this series is a Victory Loan Ledger that Bess used to keep track of Liberty bonds that she sold during World War I. This series also contains a card signed by Bess Truman when she was President of the Community Welfare League, a local organization providing service to the needy, which still exists today. The largest quantities of correspondence consist of letters from two of Bess’s best friends, Mary Paxton (later Keeley) and Arry Mayer (later Calhoun). The letters discuss their families, mutual acquaintances, romances, and World War I. This entire series has been digitized and can be browsed on our website.

The fifth series, the Correspondence File, 1935-1945, covers the period that Harry S. Truman served as Senator and Vice President. The vast majority of the correspondence dates from late 1944, just after Harry S. Truman’s nomination as Vice President and after the 1944 election victory by the Democrats. This correspondence, mostly from friends but also from the general public, congratulates Bess and Harry on Harry’s nomination. In addition to correspondence from her friends Mary Paxton Keeley and Arry Mayer Calhoun, Mrs. Truman corresponded frequently with Harriette (Mrs. Leighton) Shields, the wife of a political associate of Truman’s. There is also correspondence from Gunston Hall, the private school that Margaret Truman attended in Washington, D.C. for part of each year.

The sixth series, the Correspondence File, 1945-1953, covers the time that Harry S. Truman served as President. While there is still correspondence from many of Mrs. Truman’s close friends and family contained in this series, there is a great deal more from people of note, as well as an increased amount of letters from average citizens. Some of this material is likely material that should have been filed at the time in the White House Social Correspondence Files, such as autograph requests and requests for donations, recipes, and the like. Occasionally, there are draft replies to these letters written in Mrs. Truman’s hand. Topics covered in this series include: the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt and the ascension of Truman to the Presidency; the genealogy of Wallace/Gates families; Margaret Truman’s concert debut and other concerts that followed; the 1948 election; the assassination attempt upon President Truman; and the death of Mrs. Truman’s mother, Madge Gates Wallace. Also included are occasional official notes to Margaret Truman. Mrs. Truman also corresponded with some of the wives of men prominent in her husband’s administration, including Alice (Mrs. Dean) Acheson, Selma (Mrs. Harold) Burton, Ann (Mrs. Oscar) Chapman, Katherine (Mrs. George) Marshall, and Mrs. Perle Mesta. Mrs. Truman also received letters from former First Ladies, including Frances Cleveland Preston, Edith Wilson, Grace Coolidge, and Eleanor Roosevelt. Also of note in this series are a handwritten letter from the actress Olivia de Havilland, and two handwritten notes from the actress Jeanette MacDonald.

The seventh series, the Correspondence File, 1953-1982, covers the time from when Mrs. Truman left the White House to her death. While this series does contain correspondence from regular citizens who wrote to the former First Lady, most of the correspondence is from close friends and associates. Generally, this series contains the incoming correspondence; sometimes carbon copies of the outgoing correspondence are attached as well. There are occasional notes on the correspondence in Mrs. Truman’s handwriting. Topics covered in this series include: requests for recipes; birthday, Mother’s Day, and other holiday greetings; sympathy wishes during the various hospitalizations of Harry S. Truman and Bess W. Truman; congratulations upon the marriage of Margaret Truman; compliments on appearances of Margaret Truman in various public venues; genealogy information and requests; autograph and picture requests; invitations to events; requests for donations to charities, fund drives, exhibits, etc.; political matters; the death of Harry S. Truman; and personal letters regarding friends, family, and acquaintances. Notable correspondents include: Presidents and/or First Ladies from Dwight Eisenhower through Ronald Reagan; Dean and Alice Acheson; Ann (Mrs. Oscar) Chapman; Tom and Mary Clark; Clark and Marny Clifford; Elvah Daniel (Margaret Truman’s mother-in-law); Mary Margaret (Mrs. J. Roger) DeWitt; Nell (Mrs. Jesse) Donaldson; Thomas Eagleton; India Edwards; Fanny Finch; Bertha (Mrs. Julien) Friant; Andy and Georgia Neese Clark Gray; Edith Helm; Mary Paxton Keeley; Jane Lingo; Katie Louchheim; George and Katherine Marshall; Naomi Nover; Margaret (Mrs. Robert) Patterson; Matthew Ridgway; John Snyder; Harry Vaughan; and Guri Lie Zeckendorf. Other notable items include several notes from the singer Hildegarde and a note from Angela Lansbury.

The eighth series, the Family Correspondence File, contains correspondence, cards, newspaper clippings, notes, postcards, and telegrams from members of both Harry S. Truman’s family as well as Bess Wallace Truman’s family. Correspondents from President Truman’s family include Myra Colgan Hornbuckle, Mary Ethel and Nellie Noland, Mary Colgan Romine, and Grace Truman Summer (first cousins); John C. Truman and Martha Ann Truman (nephew and niece); J. Vivian Truman (brother); Martha Ellen and Mary Jane Truman (mother and sister); Louis W. Truman (first cousin once removed); and others. Most of the letters from Truman relatives are actually addressed to Harry, rather than Bess. All of the letters tend to mention information about the health, welfare, and significant events of various family members. Other specific topics include: Kansas City, Grandview, Missouri, and national politics; Tom Pendergast and the Jackson Democratic Club; Franklin D. Roosevelt and his plan to expand the size of the Supreme Court in 1937; Truman’s first speech in the Senate; Lloyd Stark, Maurice Milligan and the 1940 Senate primary and general election; the Truman Committee; the Vice Presidential nomination and the 1944 election; the ascension to the Presidency; the death of Martha Ellen Truman; Margaret Truman’s singing career and concerts; the 1948 election and 1949 Inaugural; the renovation of the White House; the Korean War and Douglas MacArthur; the 1950 assassination attempt upon President Truman; books written about Harry S. Truman; the 1952 election; Masonic and Order of the Eastern Star issues and politics; farm and land matters; and genealogy matters. Included among these items is an 1868 letter from the Jackson County Probate Clerk to Solomon Young, Harry S. Truman’s maternal grandfather, regarding sales of land. Correspondents from Bess Wallace Truman’s family include: David Wallace and Marian Wallace (nephew and niece); Fred and Christine Wallace, George and May Wallace, and Frank and Natalie Wallace (brothers and sisters-in-law); Madge Gates Wallace (mother); Virginia Willock Wallace (paternal grandmother); and Elizabeth Emery Gates (maternal grandmother). Nearly all of these letters are written to Bess. Topics in these letters include: news of family, friends and acquaintances in Independence; Waggoner-Gates Milling Company business; repairs and renovations of the family home at 219 North Delaware Street; Mrs. Truman’s bridge club; activities of David, Marian, and Margo Wallace; the 1944 Democratic National Convention and Truman’s nomination as Vice-President; the 1945 Inaugural; death of Franklin D. Roosevelt and ascension of Truman to the Presidency; Truman’s trip to Fulton, Missouri with Winston Churchill in 1946; the Trumans’ trip to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1947; the 1948 election and 1949 Inaugural; and Margaret Truman and her singing career. Included among these letters is a letter from 1849 to a Sarah Wallace (an undetermined relative). In addition to the correspondence from Madge Gates Wallace to Bess W. Truman, this series contains the letters that Bess wrote to Madge. Among the topics that Bess mentions in these letters to her mother are: Margaret Truman and her schooling and activities; Kansas City and Missouri politics; family and extended family matters; social functions in Washington, D.C., including the visit of the King and Queen of England in 1939; World War II, rationing, and civil defense preparedness; Harry S. Truman’s Senate office and business; and the Trumans’ 1947 trip to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

The ninth series, the Correspondence File, 1973-1982, contains correspondence, notes, newspaper clippings, telegrams, and printed materials and covers the time span from Harry S. Truman’s death to Bess Truman’s death. This series is different from the previous post-presidential correspondence series in that nearly all of this correspondence was answered by staff at the Harry S. Truman Library as a courtesy to Mrs. Truman. Mr. Truman’s former secretary, Rose Conway, stayed for a few years after his death, and her name appears on Mrs. Truman’s correspondence sporadically through about 1976. After that, nearly all of Mrs. Truman’s mail was handled by Mary Jo Colle, and her name usually appears at the bottom of the carbon copies of replies. Mrs. Truman likely saw much of this correspondence, as her handwriting sometimes appears on the correspondence, providing suggested responses. Topics covered in this series include: questions about Harry S. Truman and life in the White House (usually not answered); general compliments regarding Mr. and Mrs. Truman, Margaret Truman Daniel, and the Harry S. Truman Library; get well, sympathy, birthday, and holiday cards; requests for donations to charities, fund drives and exhibits; requests for autographs and pictures (Mrs. Truman stopped signing autographs around 1979-1980); requests for use of excerpts of Mr. Truman’s Memoirs or other intellectual property, which were forwarded to Mrs. Truman’s attorney; requests for meetings (always denied); Truman and Wallace genealogy questions; invitations (usually declined, if any reply is included); and recipe requests. Most of the correspondence in this series is from non-noteworthy people and people who were not personally acquainted with Mrs. Truman. A few correspondents of note include Missouri Governor Christopher Bond; Reva Beck Bosone; Lynda Johnson Robb (a single note requesting an interview for Ladies Home Journal magazine, which was denied); and Mr. and Mrs. Ike Skelton.

The tenth series, the Outgoing Correspondence File, 1953-1982, contains carbon copies of replies sent to people who sent letters to Mrs. Truman. Some of this material is duplicated in the Correspondence File, 1973-1982.

The eleventh series, the Greetings File, 1945-1982, contains cards, notes, newspaper clippings, photographs, telegrams, and some printed materials received by Bess W. Truman. The vast majority of the material consists of greeting cards people sent to Mrs. Truman for various holidays, including Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, Valentine’s Day, and her birthday. This series also contains get-well cards sent to Mrs. Truman during her various illnesses and hospitalizations. Average people with no connection to Mrs. Truman sent most of the cards and notes. However, some notable correspondents do turn up, including Alice (Mrs. Dean) Acheson, President and Mrs. Jimmy Carter, Nell (Mrs. Jesse) Donaldson, President and Mrs. Gerald Ford, Mary Paxton Keeley, and Mr. and Mrs Ike Skelton. Some cards contain handwritten notes from Mrs. Truman regarding what the response should be, or notes from one of the secretaries who handled her correspondence (Rose Conway or Mary Jo Colle). Cards received by Mrs. Truman could receive one of several responses: a handwritten response from Mrs. Truman; a typewritten response with a stamped signature; a recognition card without any kind of signature; a recognition card with a stamped signature; or a recognition card with a handwritten signature. Many (often marked with a question mark) did not receive any acknowledgement. As Mrs. Truman aged, it is doubtful she even saw many of the cards that she received. A sampling of cards received by Mrs. Truman is in each folder; the entire folder is available upon request.

The twelfth series is the Harry S. Truman Correspondence File. This series consists of 188 letters and telegrams from Bess W. Truman to Harry S. Truman from 1919 through 1943. Bess wrote many of these letters to Harry while he served at Army Reserve camp in the summers and during her absences from Washington, D. C. while he served as a United States Senator. The letters kept Harry informed of family happenings, the weather in Independence, and Independence, Kansas City, Jackson County, and Missouri politics. Bess also filled her letters with questions about events happening in Washington, D.C. and admonishments to Harry to keep himself healthy and not work himself too hard. The letters from 1936 to 1943 reflect the challenges they faced managing two households – one in Independence and one in Washington, D. C. The people referred to most frequently in the letters are members of Bess and Harry’s families: Margaret Truman, Madge Wallace, George and May Wallace, Frank and Natalie Wallace, Fred and Christine Wallace, Nellie and Mary Ethel Noland, Mary Jane Truman, and Martha Ellen Truman. This entire series is digitized and is available, with transcripts, on our website.

The thirteenth series is the Margaret Truman Correspondence File. This series consists of about 100 letters, notes, and telegrams from Bess W. Truman to Margaret Truman from 1930 through 1977. Approximately half of these letters date from the family’s time in the White House. The letters served to help coordinate family schedules when they split their time between their home in Independence and the White House. The letters also kept Margaret updated on events involving friends and family in both cities. There are also some letters to Margaret written during her parents’ trips to Europe in 1956 and 1958. The people most frequently referred to in the letters include: Annette Wright, Drucie Snyder, Madge Wallace (Margaret’s grandmother), George and May Wallace, Frank and Natalie Wallace, Fred and Christine Wallace, Perle Mesta, and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Strickler.

The fourteenth series is the Harry S. Truman Death File. This series contains sympathy cards, letters, telegrams, and newspaper clippings that people sent to Mrs. Truman upon the death of her husband. Average people with no connection to Mrs. Truman sent the vast majority of these cards and notes. This series also contains sympathy cards sent by heads of state, governors, Senators and Congressmen, colleagues of Mr. Truman, veteran’s organizations, Masonic Lodges, labor unions, and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Truman. Notable correspondents include Lyndon Johnson, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Golda Meir, Richard Nixon, and Strom Thurmond, among many others. A sampling of cards received by Mrs. Truman is in each folder; the entire folder is available upon request.

The fifteenth series is the Resolutions Honoring Harry S. Truman File. This series contains correspondence and copies of resolutions passed by state, county, city, and municipality legislatures honoring Harry S. Truman after his death. Some other organizations, such as school boards, charitable organizations, and private companies also passed resolutions which are also included here.

The sixteenth series is the Outgoing Correspondence File, 1973-1974. This series contains carbon copies of letters that Mrs. Truman sent out to people and groups who sent condolences to her upon the death of Mr. Truman.

The seventeenth series is the White House Social Functions File. This series contains scrapbooks of events hosted by the White House. In the scrapbooks are guest lists, seating charts, drafts of invitations and admittance cards, newspaper clippings, and other materials related to White House social events. Some, but not all, of this material is duplicated in the White House Social Office Files of the Harry S. Truman Papers.

The last series is the Subject File. This series contains material related to Wallace and Gates genealogy, including copies of applications for membership in the Daughters of the American Revolution; Society Daughters of Colonial Wars; National Society of United States Daughters of 1812; Huguenot Society; and United Daughters of the Confederacy. It also contains copies of recipes given out by Mrs. Truman, as well as recipes and cookbooks she collected. Also in this series are documents related to Mrs. Truman’s schooling; Margaret Truman; Mrs. Truman’s work as part of the St. Agnes Guild of Trinity Episcopal Church in Independence, Missouri; memorabilia; and printed materials.

Related collections include the Harry S. Truman Papers: White House Chief Usher Files and the White House Social Office Files; the Harry S. Truman Papers Pertaining to Family, Business and Personal Affairs (Harry’s letters to Bess); the Harry S. Truman Papers as U.S. Senator and Vice President; the Harry S. Truman Papers: President's Secretary's Files; the Harry S. Truman Post-Presidential Papers; the papers of Alonzo Fields, Mary Paxton Keeley, Linda King, Mag Noel, Mary Ethel Noland, Reathel Odum, Thelma Pallette Seibel, Grace Truman Summer, David Wallace, Frank and Natalie Wallace, Fred Wallace, Madge Gates Wallace, and Mary Wallace; the Bess Truman Collection; and the Records of the Community Services League.

[ Top of the page | Administrative Information | Biographical Sketch | Collection Description | Series Descriptions | Folder Title List ]


Container No.   Series
Bound books containing handwritten appointments for Bess W. Truman, and bound address books containing handwritten addresses of friends and associates. Arranged chronologically.
3-4   WHITE HOUSE MENUS FILE, 1947-1952
Menus and handwritten notes regarding lunch and dinner menus for members of the White House household and menus and shopping lists of food for White House social events. Arranged chronologically.
5-32   FINANCIAL AFFAIRS FILE, 1917-1983
Bills, receipts, banking documents, insurance policies, trust statements, wills and other financial documents.  Arranged chronologically.
Correspondence, notes, cards, ledgers, and other items from family, friends and associates of Bess Wallace Truman. Arranged alphabetically by last name of correspondent.
Correspondence, notes, and telegrams from family, friends, and others to Bess Wallace Truman. Arranged alphabetically by last name of correspondent.
35-38   CORRESPONDENCE FILE, 1945-1953
Correspondence, cards, newspaper clippings, notes, telegrams, and handwritten drafts of replies to Bess Wallace Truman. Arranged alphabetically by last name of correspondent
39-43   CORRESPONDENCE FILE, 1953-1982
Correspondence, cards, newspaper clippings, notes, and telegrams from family, friends, and others to Bess Wallace Truman. Arranged alphabetically by last name of correspondent.
Correspondence, cards, newspaper clippings, notes, postcards, and telegrams from family members to Harry S. Truman and Bess Wallace Truman, as well as letters from Bess Wallace Truman to her mother, Madge Gates Wallace. Arranged alphabetically by last name of correspondent.
48-69   CORRESPONDENCE FILE, 1973-1982
Correspondence, notes, newspaper clippings, telegrams, and printed materials from people and organizations to Bess Wallace Truman. Arranged alphabetically by last name of correspondent.
Carbon copies of correspondence sent out by Bess Wallace Truman and her secretary in reply to letters received. Arranged alphabetically by last name of recipient.
73-85   GREETINGS FILE, 1945-1982
Greeting cards received by Bess W. Truman for various holidays, including her birthday and Christmas, and get-well cards she received during her illnesses and hospitalizations. Arranged chronologically by year, thereunder by type of card, and thereunder alphabetically.
Correspondence and newspaper clippings from Bess W. Truman to Harry S. Truman. Arranged chronologically.
Correspondence and newspaper clippings from Bess W. Truman to Margaret Truman. Arranged chronologically.
90-109   HARRY S. TRUMAN DEATH FILE, 1972-1973
Greeting cards, telegrams, letters, and newspapers clippings received by Bess W. Truman upon the death of her husband, Harry S. Truman. Arranged alphabetically by name of correspondent
Correspondence from state, county, city, and municipality legislatures and private companies along with resolutions passed by these organizations in honor of Harry S. Truman after his death. Arranged alphabetically by name of correspondent.
Carbon copies of letters that Mrs. Truman sent in reply to condolences she received upon the death of her husband, Harry S. Truman. Arranged alphabetically by last name of correspondent.
Scrapbooks containing guest lists, invitations, seating charts, admittance card drafts, newspaper clippings, and other materials about social events hosted by President Harry S. Truman and First Lady Bess W. Truman. Arranged chronologically by date of event.
117-121   SUBJECT FILE, 1883-1982
Correspondence, newspaper clippings, memorabilia, notes, address books, printed materials, ledgers, genealogy charts, and other materials related to the life of First Lady Bess W. Truman. Arranged alphabetically by subject.
[ Top of the page | Administrative Information | Biographical Sketch | Collection Description | Series Descriptions | Folder Title List ]



Box 1


  • 1944 Personal
  • 1945
  • 1945 Personal
  • 1946
  • 1947
  • 1948
  • 1948 Personal
  • 1949

Box 2

  • 1949 Personal and Address Book
  • 1950
  • 1951
  • 1951 Personal and Address Book
  • 1952
  • 1953
  • 1954 Personal
  • 1955 Personal
  • 1956 Personal
  • 1957 Personal
  • 1958 Personal

Box 3

  • 1959 Personal
  • 1960 Personal
  • 1961 Personal


Box 4


Box 5

  • 1917: Bills
  • 1917: Morgan Oil & Refining Co.
  • 1918: Bills
  • 1920: Bank of Independence
  • 1920: Bills
  • 1921: Bills
  • 1922: Bank of Independence
  • 1922: Bills
  • 1923: Bank of Independence
  • 1923: Bills
  • 1924: Bank of Independence
  • 1924: Bills
  • 1924: Farmers & Merchant Bank
  • 1925: Bank of Independence
  • 1925: Bills
  • 1926: Bank of Independence
  • 1926: Bills
  • 1927: Bills
  • 1927: Income Tax Return
  • 1927: Insurance
  • 1927: Warranty Deed
  • 1928: Bank of Independence
  • 1928: Bills
  • 1928: Insurance
  • 1929: Bank of Independence
  • 1929: Bills
  • 1929: Income Tax Return
  • 1930: Bank of Independence
  • 1930: Bills
  • 1930: Income Tax Return
  • 1930: Insurance
  • 1931: Bank of Independence
  • 1931: Bills
  • 1931: Income Tax Return
  • 1931: Insurance

Box 6

  • 1932: Bank of Independence
  • 1932: Bills
  • 1932: Income Tax Return
  • 1932: Insurance
  • 1933: Bank of Independence
  • 1933: Bills
  • 1933: Income Tax Return
  • 1933: Insurance
  • 1934: Bank of Independence
  • 1934: Bills
  • 1934: Income Tax Return
  • 1934: Insurance
  • 1935: Bank of Independence
  • 1935: Bills
  • 1935: Hamilton National Bank
  • 1935: Income Tax Return
  • 1936: Bank of Independence
  • 1936: Bills
  • 1936: Hamilton National Bank
  • 1937: Bank of Independence
  • 1937: Bills

Box 7

  • 1937: Hamilton National Bank
  • 1937: Income Tax Return
  • 1938: Bills
  • 1938: Hamilton National Bank
  • 1938: Income Tax Return
  • 1939: Bills
  • 1939: Hamilton National Bank
  • 1939: Income Tax Return
  • 1939: Insurance
  • 1940: Apartment Lease
  • 1940: Bills
  • 1940: Hamilton National Bank
  • 1940: Income Tax Return
  • 1940: Insurance
  • 1941: Apartment Lease
  • 1941: Bills

Box 8

  • 1941: Hamilton National Bank
  • 1941: Income Tax Return
  • 1941: Insurance
  • 1942: Apartment Lease
  • 1942: Bills
  • 1942: Hamilton National Bank
  • 1942-1953: Hamilton National Bank
  • 1942: Income Tax Return
  • 1942: Insurance
  • 1943: Bills
  • 1943: Hamilton National Bank
  • 1943: Income Tax Return
  • 1943: Insurance
  • 1944: Bills
  • 1944: Hamilton National Bank
  • 1944: Income Tax Return
  • 1944: Insurance

Box 9

  • 1945: Bills
  • 1945: Hamilton National Bank
  • 1945-1946: Hamilton National Bank
  • 1945-1947: Hamilton National Bank
  • 1945-1953: Hamilton National Bank
  • 1945: Income Tax Return
  • 1945: Insurance
  • 1946: Bills
  • 1946: Hamilton National Bank
  • 1946: Income Tax Return
  • 1946: Insurance
  • 1947: Bills

Box 10

  • 1947: Hamilton National Bank
  • 1947-1948: Hamilton National Bank
  • 1947: Income Tax Return
  • 1947: Insurance
  • 1948: Bills
  • 1948: Hamilton National Bank
  • 1948-1949: Hamilton National Bank
  • 1948:  Income Tax Return
  • 1948: Insurance
  • 1949: Bills
  • 1949: Hamilton National Bank
  • 1949-1950: Hamilton National Bank
  • 1949: Income Tax Return
  • 1949: Insurance
  • 1949: Riggs National Bank
  • 1949-1960: Riggs National Bank

Box 11

  • 1950: Bank Account Balance Sheets
  • 1950: Bills
  • 1950: Hamilton National Bank
  • 1950-1951: Hamilton National Bank
  • 1950: Income Tax Return
  • 1950: Insurance
  • 1950: Riggs National Bank
  • 1951: Bank Account Balance Sheets
  • 1951: Bills
  • 1951: Hamilton National Bank
  • 1951-1952: Hamilton National Bank
  • 1951: Income Tax Return
  • 1951: Insurance
  • 1951: Riggs National Bank

Box 12

  • 1952: Bank Account Balance Sheets
  • 1952: Bills
  • 1952: Hamilton National Bank
  • 1952-1953: Hamilton National Bank
  • 1952: Income Tax Return
  • 1952: Insurance
  • 1952: Riggs National Bank
  • 1953-1957: Accounting Ledger
  • 1953-1960: Accounting Ledger
  • 1953-1961: Accounting Ledger
  • 1953: Bank Account Balance Sheets
  • 1953: Bank of Independence

Box 13

  • 1953: Bills
  • 1953: Columbia National Bank
  • 1953: Hamilton National Bank
  • 1953: Income Tax Return
  • 1953: Insurance
  • 1953: Riggs National Bank
  • 1953: Savings Bonds
  • 1953: Warranty Deed
  • 1953: Will
  • 1954: Bank of Independence
  • 1954: Bills
  • 1954: Columbia National Bank

Box 14

  • 1954: Hamilton National Bank
  • 1954: Income Tax Return
  • 1954: Insurance
  • 1954: Riggs National Bank
  • 1955: Bank of Independence
  • 1955: Bills
  • 1955: Columbia National Bank
  • 1955: Commerce Trust Company
  • 1955: Insurance
  • 1955: Income Tax Return
  • 1955: National Bank of Washington
  • 1955: Riggs National Bank
  • 1955: Wills
  • 1956: Bank of Independence

Box 15

  • 1956: Bills
  • 1956: Columbia National Bank
  • 1956: Commerce Trust Company
  • 1956: Income Tax Return
  • 1956: Insurance
  • 1956: National Bank of Washington
  • 1956: Riggs National Bank
  • 1956: Statement of Financial Condition
  • 1956: Wills
  • 1957: Bank Account Balance Sheets
  • 1957: Bank of Independence
  • 1957: Bills
  • 1957: City National Bank
  • 1957: Columbia National Bank

Box 16

  • 1957: Commerce Trust Company
  • 1957: Income Tax Return
  • 1957: Insurance
  • 1957: National Bank of Washington
  • 1957: Riggs National Bank
  • 1957: Trusts
  • 1957: Wills
  • 1958: Bank Account Balance Sheets
  • 1958: Bank of Independence
  • 1958: Bills
  • 1958: City National Bank
  • 1958: Columbia National Bank
  • 1958: Commerce Trust Company
  • 1958: Income Tax Return
  • 1958: Insurance
  • 1958: National Bank of Washington
  • 1958: Riggs National Bank

Box 17

  • 1958: Trusts
  • 1959: Bank Account Balance Sheets
  • 1959: Bank of Independence
  • 1959: Bills
  • 1959: City National Bank
  • 1959: Columbia National Bank
  • 1959: Commerce Trust Company
  • 1959: Income Tax Return
  • 1959: Insurance
  • 1959: National Bank of Washington
  • 1959: Riggs National Bank
  • 1959: Trusts
  • 1959: Wills

Box 18

  • 1960: Bank of Independence
  • 1960: Bills
  • 1960: City National Bank
  • 1960: Columbia National Bank
  • 1960: Commerce Trust Company
  • 1960: Income Tax Return
  • 1960: Insurance
  • 1960: National Bank of Washington
  • 1960: Riggs National Bank
  • 1960: Trusts
  • 1960: Wills
  • 1961: Accounting Ledger
  • 1961: Bank of Independence

Box 19

  • 1961: Bills
  • 1961: City National Bank & Trust Company
  • 1961: Columbia National Bank
  • 1961: Commerce Trust Company
  • 1961: Income Tax Return
  • 1961: Insurance
  • 1961: National Bank of Washington
  • 1961: Riggs National Bank
  • 1961: Trusts
  • 1961: Wills
  • 1962: Accounting Ledger
  • 1962: Bank of Independence
  • 1962: Bills
  • 1962: City National Bank & Trust Company
  • 1962: Columbia National Bank

Box 20

  • 1962: Commerce Trust Company
  • 1962: Income Tax Return
  • 1962: Insurance
  • 1962: National Bank of Washington
  • 1962: Riggs National Bank
  • 1962: Trusts
  • 1962: Wills
  • 1963: Accounting Ledger
  • 1963: Bank Account Balance Sheet
  • 1963: Bank of Independence
  • 1963: Bills
  • 1963: City National Bank & Trust Company
  • 1963: Columbia National Bank
  • 1963: Commerce Trust Company
  • 1963: Income Tax Return
  • 1963: Independence Savings & Loan Association
  • 1963: Insurance
  • 1963: National Bank of Washington
  • 1963: Trusts

Box 21

  • 1964: Bank of Independence
  • 1964: Bills
  • 1964: City National Bank & Trust Company
  • 1964: Columbia National Bank
  • 1964: Commerce Trust Company
  • 1964: Empire State Bank
  • 1964: Income Tax Return
  • 1964: Insurance
  • 1964: National Bank of Washington
  • 1964: Trusts
  • 1965: Bank of Independence
  • 1965: Bills
  • 1965: City National Bank & Trust Company
  • 1965: Columbia National Bank
  • 1965: Commerce Trust Company
  • 1965: Empire State Bank

Box 22

  • 1965: Income Tax Return
  • 1965: Insurance
  • 1965: National Bank of Washington
  • 1965: Trusts
  • 1966: Bank of Independence
  • 1966: Bills
  • 1966: City National Bank and Trust Company
  • 1966: Columbia National Bank
  • 1966: Commerce Trust Company
  • 1966: Empire State Bank
  • 1966: First National Bank of Kansas City
  • 1966: Income Tax Return
  • 1966: Insurance
  • 1966: National Bank of Washington
  • 1966: Trusts

Box 23

  • 1967: Accounting Ledger
  • 1967: Bank of Independence
  • 1967: Bills
  • 1967: City National Bank & Trust Company
  • 1967: Columbia National Bank
  • 1967: Commerce Trust Company
  • 1967: Empire State Bank
  • 1967: First National Bank of Kansas City
  • 1967: Income Tax Return
  • 1967: Insurance
  • 1967: National Bank of Washington
  • 1967: Trusts
  • 1967: Wills
  • 1968: Bank Account Balance Sheets
  • 1968: Bank of Independence
  • 1968: Bills
  • 1968: City National Bank & Trust Company
  • 1968: Columbia National Bank

Box 24

  • 1968: Commerce Trust Company
  • 1968: Empire State Bank
  • 1968: First National Bank of Kansas City
  • 1968: Income Tax Return
  • 1968: Insurance
  • 1968: National Bank of Washington
  • 1968: Trusts
  • 1969: Bank of Independence
  • 1969: Bills
  • 1969: City National Bank & Trust Company
  • 1969: Columbia National Bank
  • 1969: Commerce Trust Company
  • 1969: Empire State Bank
  • 1969: First National Bank of Kansas City
  • 1969: Income Tax Return
  • 1969: Insurance
  • 1969: National Bank of Washington
  • 1969: Trusts
  • 1970: Bank Account Balance Sheet
  • 1970: Bank of Independence
  • 1970: Bills

Box 25

  • 1970: City National Bank & Trust Company
  • 1970: Columbia Union National Bank
  • 1970: Commerce Bank
  • 1970: Commerce Trust Company
  • 1970: First National Bank of Kansas City
  • 1970: Income Tax Return
  • 1970: Insurance
  • 1970: National Bank of Washington
  • 1970: Trusts
  • 1971: Accounting Ledger
  • 1971: Bank of Independence
  • 1971: Bills
  • 1971: City National Bank & Trust Company
  • 1971: Columbia Union National Bank
  • 1971: Commerce Bank
  • 1971: First National Bank of Kansas City
  • 1971: Income Tax Return
  • 1971: Insurance
  • 1971: National Bank of Washington
  • 1971: Trusts

Box 26

  • 1972: Bank of Independence
  • 1972: Bills
  • 1972: City National Bank & Trust Company
  • 1972: Columbia Union National Bank
  • 1972: Commerce Bank
  • 1972: First National Bank of Kansas City
  • 1972: Income Tax Return
  • 1972: Independence Savings and Loan
  • 1972: Insurance
  • 1972: National Bank of Washington
  • 1972: Power of Attorney
  • 1972: Trusts
  • 1973: Bank Account Balance Sheets
  • 1973: Bank of Independence
  • 1973: Bills

Box 27

  • 1973: City National Bank and Trust Company
  • 1973: Columbia Union National Bank
  • 1973: Commerce Bank
  • 1973: Empire State Bank
  • 1973: Estate
  • 1973: First National Bank of Kansas City
  • 1973: Income Tax Return
  • 1973: Independence Savings and Loan
  • 1973: Insurance
  • 1973: Investments
  • 1973: National Bank of Washington
  • 1973: Pension
  • 1973: Trusts
  • 1973: United Missouri Bank
  • 1974: Bank of Independence
  • 1974: Bills
  • 1974: Independence Savings and Loan
  • 1974: Insurance
  • 1974: Trusts [1 of 2]

Box 28

  • 1974: Trusts [2 of 2]
  • 1974: Will
  • 1975: Bank of Independence
  • 1975: Bills
  • 1975: Contracts
  • 1975: Income Tax Return
  • 1975: Insurance
  • 1975: Trusts
  • 1975: United Missouri Bank
  • 1976: Bank of Independence
  • 1976: Bills
  • 1976: Income Tax Return
  • 1976: Insurance
  • 1976: Trusts [1 of 2]

Box 29

  • 1976: Trusts [2 of 2]
  • 1976: United Missouri Bank
  • 1976: Will
  • 1977: Bank of Independence
  • 1977: Bills
  • 1977: Income Tax Return
  • 1977: Insurance
  • 1977: Trusts
  • 1977: United Missouri Bank
  • 1978: Bank of Independence
  • 1978: Bills
  • 1978: Income Tax Return
  • 1978: Insurance

Box 30

  • 1978: Trusts
  • 1978: United Bank of Missouri
  • 1978: Will
  • 1979: Bank of Independence
  • 1979: Bills
  • 1979: Income Tax Return
  • 1979: Insurance
  • 1979: Trusts
  • 1979: United Missouri Bank
  • 1980: Bank of Independence
  • 1980: Bills

Box 31

  • 1980: Income Tax Return
  • 1980: Independence Savings and Loan
  • 1980: Insurance
  • 1980: Trusts
  • 1980: United Missouri Bank
  • 1981: Bank of Independence
  • 1981: Bills [1 of 2]
  • 1981: Bills [2 of 2]
  • 1981: Income Tax Return
  • 1981: Independence Savings and Loan
  • 1981: Insurance
  • 1981: Time Slips
  • 1981: Trusts
  • 1981: United Missouri Bank

Box 32

  • 1982: Bank of Independence
  • 1982: Bills [1 of 2]
  • 1982: Independence Savings and Loan
  • 1982: Insurance
  • 1982: Time Slips
  • 1982: Trusts
  • 1982: United Missouri Bank
  • 1983: Bank of Independence
  • Undated: Bills
  • Undated: Checkbook Covers
  • Undated: Financial Statements
  • Undated: Insurance


Box 33


Box 34

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • Calling Cards
  • Congratulatory Cards
  • D
  • E
  • F
  • G
  • Gunston Hall
  • H
  • I
  • Invitations and Programs [1 of 2]
  • Invitations and Programs [2 of 2]
  • J
  • K
  • L
  • M
  • N
  • O
  • P
  • R
  • S
  • Shields, Harriette
  • T
  • U
  • V
  • W
  • X-Y-Z


Box 35

  • A
  • Addresses and Telephone Numbers
  • Appointments
  • B [1 of 2]
  • B [2 of 2]
  • Blair House
  • Bridge Club
  • C [1 of 2]
  • C [2 of 2]
  • Condolences
  • Congressional Club
  • D

Box 36

  • E
  • F
  • G
  • H
  • I
  • Invitations and Programs [1 of 3]
  • Invitations and Programs [2 of 3]
  • Invitations and Programs [3 of 3]
  • J
  • K

Box 37

  • L
  • M [1 of 2]
  • M [2 of 2]
  • Mc
  • N
  • Name Cards
  • O
  • P
  • Q
  • R
  • S [1 of 2]

Box 38

  • S [2 of 2]
  • Secret Service
  • T
  • U
  • Unidentified Correspondence
  • V
  • W [1 of 2]
  • W [2 of 2]
  • X-Y-Z


Box 39

  • A
  • Acheson, Dean and Family
  • Address Books
  • B [1 of 2]
  • B [2 of 2]
  • C [1 of 2]
  • C [2 of 2]
  • Carter, President and Mrs. Jimmy
  • D [1 of 2]
  • D [2 of 2]

Box 40

  • E
  • Eisenhower, Mamie Doud
  • F
  • Ford, President and Mrs. Gerald R.
  • G
  • Gray, Georgia Neese Clark
  • H [1 of 2]
  • H [2 of 2]
  • Humphrey, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert H.

Box 41

  • I
  • Invitations, Menus, and Programs [1 of 2]
  • Invitations, Menus, and Programs [2 of 2]
  • J
  • Johnson, President and Mrs. Lyndon B.
  • K
  • Kennedy, President and Mrs. John F.
  • L [1 of 2]
  • L [2 of 2]
  • M
  • Mc

Box 42

  • N
  • Name Cards
  • Nixon, President and Mrs. Richard M.
  • O
  • P
  • Q
  • R
  • Reagan, President and Mrs. Ronald W.
  • S [1 of 2]
  • S [2 of 2]
  • Snyder, John W.

Box 43

  • Symington, Stuart
  • T
  • Talge, Henry J.
  • Truman-Daniel Wedding
  • U
  • Unidentified Correspondence
  • V
  • W
  • XYZ


Box 44

Box 45

Box 46

Box 47

  • Wallace, Madge Gates to Bess Wallace Truman: April 1941
  • Wallace, Madge Gates to Bess Wallace Truman: May 1941
  • Wallace, Madge Gates to Bess Wallace Truman: July-September 1941
  • Wallace, Madge Gates to Bess Wallace Truman: October-November 1941
  • Wallace, Madge Gates to Bess Wallace Truman: February-April 1942
  • Wallace, Madge Gates to Bess Wallace Truman: September 1942
  • Wallace, Madge Gates to Bess Wallace Truman: October 1942
  • Wallace, Madge Gates to Bess Wallace Truman: January-February 1943
  • Wallace, Madge Gates to Bess Wallace Truman: July-September 1944
  • Wallace, Madge Gate to Bess Wallace Truman: September 1945
  • Wallace, Madge Gates to Bess Wallace Truman: January 1946
  • Wallace, Madge Gates to Bess Wallace Truman: March 1946
  • Wallace, Madge Gates to Bess Wallace Truman: July 1946
  • Wallace, Madge Gates to Bess Wallace Truman: September-October 1946
  • Wallace, Madge Gates to Bess Wallace Truman: July-August 1947
  • Wallace, Madge Gates to Bess Wallace Truman: September 1948
  • Wallace, Madge Gates to Bess Wallace Truman: September 1949
  • Wallace, Madge Gates to Bess Wallace Truman: Undated
  • Wallace, Marian
  • Wallace, Natalie Ott: 1933-1951
  • Wallace, Natalie Ott: Undated
  • Wallace, Virginia Willock
  • Wallace Relatives - General


Box 48

  • Aa-Ad
  • Ae-Am
  • An-Az
  • Bab-Ban
  • Bar-Baz

Box 49

  • Battery D
  • Bea-Bel
  • Ben-Beq
  • Ber-Bew
  • Bi-Bj
  • Birthday of Harry S. Truman, 90th – May 1974
  • Bl-Bn
  • Boa-Bol
  • Bom-Boy

Box 50

  • Bra-Bre
  • Bri
  • Bro
  • Bru-Bun
  • Bur-By
  • Cab-Cap
  • Car-Ce

Box 51

  • Cha-Che
  • Chi-Chu
  • Ci-Cla
  • Cle-Cly
  • Clippings Sent to Mrs. Truman
  • Cob-Col
  • Com-Coo
  • Cooke, Julie

Box 52

  • Cop-Cos
  • Cot-Cox
  • Cra
  • Cre-Cru
  • Cu-Cw
  • Cusack, Greg
  • Dab-Dau
  • Daniel, Margaret Truman – Mail Addressed To
  • Dav-Day
  • De-Dh

Box 53

  • Di-Dn
  • Doa-Doy
  • Dr-Dz
  • Ea-Ef
  • Eagleton, Tom
  • Easter, 1975
  • Edwards, Sarah
  • Eg-Ez

Box 54

  • F-Faw
  • Fed-Fei
  • Fil-Fly
  • Finnegin, Mrs. Pauline
  • Foc-Foy
  • Fra-Fry
  • Fu-Fz
  • Gab-Gay

Box 55

  • Gea-Giv
  • "Give 'Em Hell, Harry!"
  • Gla-Glu
  • God-Gov
  • Gra
  • Gre-Gw
  • Haa-Hah
  • Hai-Hal
  • Ham-Hark

Box 56

  • Harl-Harv
  • Has-Haz
  • Hea-Hem
  • Hen-Her
  • Hes-Hn
  • Hoa-Hon
  • Hoo-Hor
  • Hos-Ht
  • Hu-Hz

Box 57

  • I
  • Jab-Jan
  • Jap-Ji
  • Jones
  • Jo-Jz
  • Ka-Kd
  • Ke-Kh

Box 58

  • Kessler, Seymour
  • Ki-Kk
  • Kl-Koh
  • Koi-Kz
  • Lab-Lao
  • Lap-Lay
  • Le-Lh

Box 59

  • Li-Ln
  • Loc-Loq
  • Lor-Lz
  • McA-McE
  • McF-McI
  • McK-McZ
  • Mac-Man
  • Map-Marr

Box 60

  • Mars-Marx
  • Mas-May
  • Me-Mh
  • Mic-Mil
  • Min-Mn
  • Mob-Moo
  • Mor-Moz

Box 61

  • Mu-My
  • Mother’s Day Cards, 1975-77
  • Na-Nd
  • Ne-Ni
  • No-Ny
  • Ob-Op
  • Or-Oz

Box 62

  • Pac-Pas
  • Pat-Pay
  • Pea-Per
  • Pes-Ph
  • Pi-Pl
  • Po
  • Pr-Pz
  • Q
  • Raa-Ray

Box 63

  • Rea-Rez
  • Rh-Ri
  • Roa-Rod
  • Roe-Ros
  • Rot-Roz
  • Ru-Ry
  • Sab-San
  • Sanborn, Robert J.

Box 64

  • Sap-Sca
  • Scha-Scho
  • Schools
  • Schr-Sd
  • Se-Sf
  • Sha-She
  • Shi-Shu
  • Si-Sj

Box 65

  • Sk-Smi
  • Smith
  • Smo-Sp
  • Sta-Stei
  • Step-Sti
  • Sto-Stu

Box 66

  • Su-Sy
  • Ta-Te
  • Tha-Thu
  • Thanksgiving
  • Ti-To
  • Tra-Tru
  • Truman Scholarship Foundation, Harry S.
  • Tu-Tz

Box 67

  • U
  • Va-Vh
  • Velky, Mike
  • Vi-Vz
  • Vlasak, Carl E.
  • Wab-Wak
  • Wal-Waq
  • War-Wd
  • Wea-Wel

Box 68

  • Wen-Whg
  • Whi-Whz
  • White House Preservation Fund
  • Wia-Will
  • Wilm-Wn
  • Wob-Woo
  • Wor-Wz

Box 69

  • X-Y-Z


  • A
  • Ba-Bn
  • Birthday, 88th – February 1973
  • Birthday, 89th – February 1974
  • Bo-Bz
  • Ca-Cn
  • Co-Cz
  • D

Box 70

  • E
  • F
  • G
  • Ha-Hd
  • He-Hz
  • I
  • J
  • K
  • L
  • Mc

Box 71

  • Ma-Mh
  • Mi-Mz
  • N
  • O
  • P
  • Q
  • R
  • Sa-Sd
  • Se-Sn
  • So-Sz

Box 72

  • T
  • U
  • V
  • Wa-Wh
  • Wi-Wz
  • X-Y-Z


Box 73

  • 1945: Christmas
  • 1946: Christmas
  • 1947: Birthday
  • 1947: Christmas
  • 1948: Christmas
  • 1949: Christmas
  • 1950: Christmas
  • 1950: Other Greetings
  • 1951: Christmas
  • 1951: Other Greetings
  • 1952: Birthday
  • 1952: Christmas
  • 1952: Other Greetings
  • 1953: Birthday
  • 1953: Christmas
  • 1953: Other Greetings
  • 1954: Birthday
  • 1954: Christmas
  • 1954: Other Greetings
  • 1955: Birthday
  • 1955: Christmas
  • 1955: Other Greetings
  • 1956: Birthday
  • 1956: Other Greetings
  • 1957: Sympathy
  • 1959: Christmas
  • 1959: Other Greetings
  • 1959: Sympathy – Dignitaries
  • 1959: Sympathy – Other
  • 1960: Birthday
  • 1960: Christmas
  • 1960: Other Greetings
  • 1964: Christmas
  • 1966: Birthday
  • 1967: Birthday, A-H
  • 1967: Birthday, I-N
  • 1967: Birthday, O-Z
  • 1967: Other Greetings
  • 1969: Birthday
  • 1969: Other Greetings
  • 1970: Birthday
  • 1971: Birthday, A-E

Box 74

  • 1971: Birthday, F-K
  • 1971: Birthday, L-R
  • 1971: Birthday, S-Z
  • 1971: Christmas
  • 1971: Sympathy, A-K
  • 1971: Sympathy, L-Z
  • 1972: Birthday, A-D
  • 1972: Birthday, E-J
  • 1972: Birthday, K-O
  • 1972: Birthday, P-S
  • 1972: Birthday, T-Z
  • 1972: Christmas
  • 1972: Other Greetings
  • 1973: Birthday, A-C
  • 1973: Birthday, D-G
  • 1973: Birthday, H-J
  • 1973: Birthday, K-L
  • 1973: Birthday, M-O
  • 1973: Birthday, P-R
  • 1973: Birthday, S
  • 1973: Birthday, T-Z

Box 75

  • 1973: Christmas, A-B
  • 1973: Christmas, C-E
  • 1973: Christmas, F-J
  • 1973: Christmas, K-L
  • 1973: Christmas, M-N
  • 1973: Christmas: O-R
  • 1973: Christmas, S-T
  • 1973: Christmas, U-Z
  • 1973: Other Greetings
  • 1974: Birthday, A
  • 1974: Birthday, B
  • 1974: Birthday, C
  • 1974: Birthday, D
  • 1974: Birthday, E-G
  • 1974: Birthday, H
  • 1974: Birthday, I-J
  • 1974: Birthday, K-L

Box 76

  • 1974: Birthday, M
  • 1974: Birthday, N-Q
  • 1974: Birthday, R
  • 1974: Birthday, S
  • 1974: Birthday, T-V
  • 1974: Birthday, W-Z
  • 1974: Christmas, A
  • 1974: Christmas, B
  • 1974: Christmas, C
  • 1974: Christmas, D
  • 1974: Christmas, E-F
  • 1974: Christmas, G
  • 1974: Christmas, H
  • 1974: Christmas, I-K
  • 1974: Christmas, L
  • 1974: Christmas, M

Box 77

  • 1974: Christmas, N-O
  • 1974: Christmas, P
  • 1974: Christmas, R
  • 1974: Christmas, S
  • 1974: Christmas, T-V
  • 1974: Christmas, W-Z
  • 1974: Other Greetings
  • 1975: Birthday, A
  • 1975: Birthday, B
  • 1975: Birthday, C
  • 1975: Birthday, D
  • 1975: Birthday, E
  • 1975: Birthday, F
  • 1975: Birthday, G
  • 1975: Birthday, H
  • 1975: Birthday, I

Box 78

  • 1975: Birthday, J
  • 1975: Birthday, K
  • 1975: Birthday, L
  • 1975: Birthday, M
  • 1975: Birthday, N
  • 1975: Birthday, O
  • 1975: Birthday, P
  • 1975: Birthday, Q
  • 1975: Birthday, R
  • 1975: Birthday, S
  • 1975: Birthday, T
  • 1975: Birthday, U
  • 1975: Birthday, V
  • 1975: Birthday, W
  • 1975: Birthday, Y
  • 1975: Birthday, Z
  • 1975: Birthday, Unidentified
  • 1975: Christmas, A
  • 1975: Christmas, B
  • 1975: Christmas, C
  • 1975: Christmas, D
  • 1975: Christmas, E

Box 79

  • 1975: Christmas, F
  • 1975: Christmas, G
  • 1975: Christmas, H
  • 1975: Christmas, I-J
  • 1975: Christmas, K
  • 1975: Christmas, L
  • 1975: Christmas, M
  • 1975: Christmas, N
  • 1975: Christmas, O-Q
  • 1975: Christmas, R
  • 1975: Christmas, S
  • 1975: Christmas, T
  • 1975: Christmas, U-V
  • 1975: Christmas, W
  • 1975: Christmas, Y-Z
  • 1975: Other Greetings
  • 1976: Birthday, A
  • 1976: Birthday, B
  • 1976: Birthday, C
  • 1976: Birthday, D-E
  • 1976: Birthday, F-G
  • 1976: Birthday, H-I
  • 1976: Birthday, J-K
  • 1976: Birthday, L
  • 1976: Birthday, M
  • 1976: Birthday, N-P

Box 80

  • 1976: Birthday, R
  • 1976: Birthday, S
  • 1976: Birthday, Schools
  • 1976: Birthday, T-V
  • 1976: Birthday, W-Z
  • 1976: Christmas, A-B
  • 1976: Christmas, C-D
  • 1976: Christmas, E-G
  • 1976: Christmas, H-K
  • 1976: Christmas, L-N
  • 1976: Christmas, O-R
  • 1976: Christmas, S
  • 1976: Christmas, T
  • 1976: Christmas, U-Z
  • 1976: Other Greetings
  • 1976: Sympathy, A-D
  • 1976: Sympathy, E-K
  • 1976: Sympathy, L-R
  • 1976: Sympathy, S-Z
  • 1977: Birthday, A-D
  • 1977: Birthday, E-G

Box 81

  • 1977: Birthday, H-K
  • 1977: Birthday, L-M
  • 1977: Birthday, N-Q
  • 1977: Birthday, R-T
  • 1977: Birthday, U-Z
  • 1977: Birthday, Anonymous
  • 1977: Christmas, A-B
  • 1977: Christmas, C-D
  • 1977: Christmas, E-G
  • 1977: Christmas, H-J
  • 1977: Christmas, K-M
  • 1977: Christmas, N-R
  • 1977: Christmas, S-T
  • 1977: Christmas, U-Z
  • 1977: Sympathy, A-D
  • 1977: Sympathy, E-H
  • 1977: Sympathy, I-N

Box 82

  • 1977: Sympathy, O-S
  • 1977: Sympathy, T-Z
  • 1978: Birthday, A-B
  • 1978: Birthday, C-D
  • 1978: Birthday, E-G
  • 1978: Birthday, H-K
  • 1978: Birthday, L-N
  • 1978: Birthday, P-R
  • 1978: Birthday, S-T
  • 1978: Birthday, U-Z
  • 1978: Christmas, A-D
  • 1978: Christmas, E-P
  • 1978: Christmas, R-Z
  • 1978: Sympathy, A-G
  • 1978: Sympathy, H-P
  • 1978: Sympathy, Q-Z
  • 1979: Birthday, A-C
  • 1979: Birthday, D-G

Box 83

  • 1979: Birthday, H-J
  • 1979: Birthday, K-M
  • 1979: Birthday, P-S
  • 1979: Birthday, T-Z
  • 1979: Birthday, Anonymous
  • 1979: Christmas, A-H
  • 1979: Christmas, I-Q
  • 1979: Christmas, R-Z
  • 1980: Birthday, A-D
  • 1980: Birthday, E-H
  • 1980: Birthday, I-N
  • 1980: Birthday, O-T
  • 1980: Birthday, U-Z
  • 1980: Christmas, A-K
  • 1980: Christmas, L-R
  • 1980: Christmas, S-Z
  • 1980: Other Greetings
  • 1980-81: Sympathy, A-M
  • 1980-81: Sympathy, N-Z
  • 1981: Birthday, A-B

Box 84

  • 1981: Birthday, C-G
  • 1981: Birthday, H-K
  • 1981: Birthday, L-R
  • 1981: Birthday, S-Z
  • 1981: Birthday, Miscellaneous
  • 1981: Christmas, A-F
  • 1981: Christmas, G-P
  • 1981: Christmas, R-U
  • 1981: Christmas, V-Z
  • 1981: Sympathy, A-C
  • 1981: Sympathy, D-G
  • 1981: Sympathy, H-M
  • 1981: Sympathy, N-S
  • 1981: Sympathy, T-Z
  • 1982: Birthday, A-H
  • 1982: Birthday, I-P
  • 1982: Birthday, Q-Z
  • 1982: Sympathy, A-B

Box 85

  • 1982: Sympathy, C-E
  • 1982: Sympathy, F-G
  • 1982: Sympathy, H-J
  • 1982: Sympathy, K-M
  • 1982: Sympathy, N-S
  • 1982: Sympathy, T-Z
  • 1982: Sympathy, Miscellaneous
  • Undated: Birthday, A-L
  • Undated: Birthday, M-Z
  • Undated: Christmas, A-E
  • Undated: Christmas, F-L
  • Undated: Christmas, M-R
  • Undated: Christmas, S-Z
  • Undated: Christmas, Unknown
  • Undated: Other, A-G
  • Undated: Other, H-Z
  • Undated: Other, Unknown


Box 86

Box 87

Box 88


  • April 25, 1930 [Postcard]
  • April 26, 1930 [Postmark]
  • April 27, 1930 [Postcard]
  • April 30, 1930 [Postcard]
  • May 1, 1930 [Postcard]
  • May 2, 1930 [Postcard]
  • July 14, 1941 [Postmark]
  • July 16, 1941 [Postmark]
  • July 19, 1941 [Postmark]
  • Ca. July 21, 1941 [No Date; No Postmark]
  • July 23, 1941 [Postmark]
  • July 25, 1941 [Postmark]
  • July 26, 1941 [Postmark]
  • July 29, 1941 [Postmark]
  • July 31, 1941 [Postmark]
  • August 2, 1941 [Postmark]
  • August 4, 1941 [Postmark]
  • August 6, 1941 [Postmark]
  • August 9, 1941 [Postmark]
  • August 11, 1941 [Postmark]
  • August 13, 1941 [Postmark]
  • July 14, 1942 [Postmark] [2015 accretion]
  • July 15, 1942 [Postmark] [2015 accretion]
  • August 13, 1945 [Postmark]
  • August 16, 1945 [Postmark]
  • August 18, 1945 [Postmark]
  • August 28, 1945 [Postmark]
  • August 31, 1945 [Postmark]
  • September 4, 1945 [Postmark]
  • September 8, 1945 [Postmark]
  • July 5, 1946 [Postmark] [2014 accretion]
  • July 8, 1946 [Postmark] [2014 accretion]
  • July 9, 1946 [Postmark-1 of 2] [2014 accretion]
  • July 9,  1946 [Postmark-2 of 2] [2014 accretion]
  • July 10, 1946 [Postmark] [2014 accretion]
  • July 31, 1946 [Postmark] [2014 accretion]
  • September 26, 1946 [Postmark] [2014 accretion]
  • September 30, 1946 [Postmark] [2014 accretion]
  • October 2, 1946 [Postmark] [2014 accretion]
  • October 3, 1946 [Postmark] [2014 accretion]
  • October 9, 1946 [Postmark] [2014 accretion]
  • October 13, 1946 [Postmark] [2014 accretion]
  • October 24, 1946 [Postmark] [2014 accretion]
  • October 25, 1946 [Postmark] [2014 accretion]
  • October 28, 1946 [Postmark] [2014 accretion]
  • November 12, 1946 [Postmark] [2014 accretion]
  • November 19, 1946 [Postmark] [2014 accretion]
  • November 21, 1946 [Postmark] [2014 accretion]
  • December 10, 1946 [Postmark] [2014 accretion]
  • February 4, 1947 [Postmark] [2014 accretion]
  • February 5, 1947 [Postmark] [2014 accretion]
  • February 6, 1947 [Postmark] [2014 accretion]
  • February 8, 1947 [Postmark] [2014 accretion]
  • February 24, 1947 [Postmark] [2014 accretion]
  • February 25, 1947 [Postmark] [2014 accretion]
  • April 22, 1947 [Postmark] [2014 accretion]
  • April 30, 1947 [Postmark] [2014 accretion]
  • August 7, 1947 [Postmark] [2014 accretion]
  • August 19, 1947 [Postmark] [2014 accretion]
  • October 27, 1947 [Postmark] [2014 accretion]
  • October 28, 1947 [Postmark] [2014 accretion]
  • October 31, 1947 [Postmark] [2014 accretion]
  • July 16, 1948 [Postmark] [2014 accretion]
  • July 21, 1948 [Postmark] [2014 accretion]

Box 89

  • February 5, 1949 [Postmark]
  • March 15, 1949 [Postmark]
  • March 22, 1949 [Postmark-Postcard]
  • May 11, 1949 [Postmark] [2014 accretion]
  • June 9, 1949 [Postmark]
  • January 11, 1950 [Postmark]
  • February 1951
  • June 2, 1951
  • June 19, 1951
  • June 10, 1951 [Postmark]
  • June 23, 1951
  • June 27, 1951
  • November 13, 1951 [Postmark]
  • June 22, 1952 [Postmark]
  • Ca. June 1952 [No Date; No Postmark]
  • July 4, 1952 [Postmark]
  • July 20, 1952
  • August 15, 1952
  • January 2, 1953 [Postmark]
  • March 12, 1954 [Postmark]
  • October 22, 1954 [Postmark] [2014 accretion]
  • March 6, 1955
  • August 9, 1955
  • August 10, 1955
  • August 15, 1955
  • August 21, 1955
  • March 28, 1956 [Postmark]
  • May 19, 1956 [Postcard] [2015 accretion]
  • May 24, 1956 [Postmark] [2014 accretion]
  • May 28, 1956 [2014 accretion]
  • May 30, 1956 [Postmark-Postcard]
  • June 3, 1956 [2014 accretion]
  • June 9, 1956 [Postcard] [2014 accretion]
  • June 14, 1956 [2014 accretion]
  • June 15, 1956 [Postcard] [2015 accretion]
  • June 16, 1956 [2014 accretion]
  • June 23, 1956 [Postcard] [2015 accretion]
  • June 25, 1956 [Postcard] [2015 accretion]
  • Ca. June 1956 [No Date; No Postmark] [2015 accretion]
  • Ca. June 1956 [Postcard] [2015 accretion]
  • January 9, 1957 [Postmark]
  • June 6, 1958
  • September 18, 1962 [Postmark]
  • February 3, 1976 [Postmark]
  • October 1977 [Postmark]
  • Undated Card [2014 accretion]
  • Undated Envelope
  • Undated Letter [2014 accretion]
  • Undated Letters
  • Undated Notes and Cards
  • Undated Telegram


Box 90

  • Aa-Ac
  • Ad
  • Ae-Ak
  • Al
  • Am
  • An
  • Ao-Ar
  • As-At
  • Au-Az
  • Baa-Bah
  • Bai-Bak
  • Bal-Bap
  • Bara-Barn
  • Baro-Barz
  • Bas-Bat
  • Bau-Baz
  • Bea-Bec
  • Bed-Bei
  • Bel-Bem
  • Ben-Bent
  • Bera-Berg
  • Berk-Bern
  • Berr-Bess
  • Best-Bid
  • Bie-Bil

Box 91

  • Bin-Bj
  • Blac-Blak
  • Blal-Bly
  • Bn-Boc
  • Bod-Bol
  • Bom-Boo
  • Bor-Bot
  • Bou-Bow
  • Box-Boz
  • Brac-Brad
  • Brag-Braz
  • Brea-Brez
  • Bri-Broc
  • Brod-Broo
  • Bros-Brown
  • Browni-Bry
  • Buc-Bul
  • Bum-Burd
  • Burk-Burni
  • Burns-Busch
  • Bush-By
  • Cab-Cai
  • Cala-Calv
  • Cam
  • Can-Cap
  • Cara-Carl

Box 92

  • Carm-Carr
  • Cars-Case
  • Cash-Cath
  • Catt-Ce
  • Chad-Chap
  • Char-Che
  • Chi-Cho
  • Chr-Chu
  • Ci-Clap
  • Clark-Clary
  • Clas-Cle
  • Cli-Coa
  • Cob-Coh
  • Coi-Colle
  • Colli-Colv
  • Com-Cond
  • Cone-Conn
  • Conr-Cook
  • Cool-Core
  • Cork-Cos
  • Cot-Cov
  • Cow-Coz
  • Cra-Cre
  • Cri-Cro
  • Cru-Cuf
  • Cul-Cuo
  • Cup-Cz
  • Dab-Dall
  • Dalo-Danf
  • Dang-Danz
  • Dar-David
  • Davies-Davis

Box 93

  • Daw-Daz
  • Dea-Def
  • Deg-Del
  • Dem-Den
  • Dep-Des
  • Det-Dez
  • Dia-Die
  • Dif-Dim
  • Din-Dix
  • Doa-Dol
  • Dom-Dot
  • Dou-Doy
  • Dra-Dry
  • Dua-Duke
  • Dum-Dura
  • Durb-Dus
  • Duv-Dz
  • Eac-Eav
  • Eb-Ed
  • Ef-Ei
  • Ela-Ell
  • Elm-Ene
  • Eng-Ep
  • Er-Es
  • Et-Ez
  • Fa-Fair
  • Fal-Fark

Box 94

  • Farl-Fay
  • Fea-Feh
  • Fei-Fen
  • Feo-Few
  • Fia-Fil
  • Fin-Fir
  • Fis-Fit
  • Fla-Fle
  • Fli-Fly
  • Foc-Ford
  • Fore-Fors
  • Foreign Miscellaneous
  • Fort-Foy
  • Frab-Fran
  • Frat-Free
  • Frei-Frid
  • Frie-Frk
  • Fro-Fuh
  • Ful-Fy
  • Gab-Gai
  • Gal-Gam
  • Gan-Garn
  • Gea-Gel
  • Gem-Geo
  • Gep-Gh
  • Gia-Gib

Box 95

  • Gie-Gill
  • Gilm-Gir
  • Gis-Gla
  • Gle-Gob
  • Goc-Goldf
  • Goldi-Gon
  • Good-Goos
  • Gor-Gos
  • Got-Graf
  • Grag-Gran
  • Grap-Grec
  • Greek-Green
  • Greer-Grif
  • Grig-Grop
  • Gros-Grz
  • Gua-Gui
  • Gul-Gv
  • Haa-Hag
  • Hah-Hali
  • Hall-Halv
  • Ham-Hanb
  • Hanc-Hanr
  • Hans-Hard
  • Hare-Harp
  • Harre-Harri
  • Harry-Harw
  • Has-Haw

Box 96

  • Hay-Haz
  • Hea-Hec
  • Hed-Hel
  • Hem-Henl
  • Henn-Hens
  • Hent-Hero
  • Herr-Herz
  • Hes-Hey
  • Hib-Higg
  • High-Hill
  • Hillb-Hn
  • Hoa-Hod
  • Hoe-Hok
  • Holc-Holl
  • Holm-Holt
  • Holu-Hop
  • Hor-Hosk
  • Hosm-Hou
  • Hov-Hs
  • Hub-Hugg
  • Hugh-Hula
  • Hulb-Hunt
  • Hunz-Hy

Box 97

  • Ia-Im
  • In-Ip
  • Ir-Iz
  • Jab-Jac
  • Jae-Jam
  • Jan-Jay
  • Jea-Jenn
  • Jens-Jez
  • Ji-Johnson, G
  • Johnson, H-R
  • Johnson, S-Jones, D
  • Jones, E-Y
  • Jons-Joz
  • Jua-Jut
  • Kaa-Kai
  • Kal-Kan
  • Kas-Kat
  • Kau-Kaz
  • Kea-Kee
  • Keh-Kell
  • Kelt-Kenn
  • Kent-Ker
  • Kes-Kh
  • Kib-Kim
  • Kin-Kip

Box 98

  • Kir-Kj
  • Kla-Kli
  • Klo-Kne
  • Kni-Knu
  • Kob-Koh
  • Koj-Kon
  • Koo-Kos
  • Kot-Kram
  • Kran-Krem
  • Kren-Kri
  • Kro-Kru
  • Kua-Kuk
  • Kul-Ky
  • Lab-Laj
  • Lak-Land
  • Lane-Lap
  • Lar-Lash
  • Lask-Lau
  • Lav-Laz
  • Lea-Led
  • Lee-Lef
  • Leg-Lei
  • Lem-Les
  • Let-Lev
  • Lew-Ley
  • Lib-Lil

Box 99

  • Lim-Lin
  • Lip-Lis
  • Lit-Ll
  • Lob-Log
  • Loh-Lon
  • Loo-Los
  • Lot-Lp
  • Lub-Luh
  • Lui-Lur
  • Lus-Ly
  • Maa-Mac
  • Mad-Mag
  • Mah-Mak
  • Mala-Malo
  • Malo-Mang
  • Mank-Manz
  • Map-Marc
  • Mard-Mare
  • Marg-Mars
  • Mart-Marto
  • Maru-Mast
  • Mata-Mats
  • Matt-Mau

Box 100

  • Maw-Maz
  • McA-McB
  • McCab-McCau
  • McCl-McCre
  • McCr-McD
  • McE-McG
  • McH-McK
  • McL-McM
  • McN-McW
  • Mea-Mei
  • Mel-Men
  • Mer-Mes
  • Met-Mey
  • Mia-Mih
  • Mik-Milla
  • Miller, A-J
  • Miller, K-Z
  • Milli-Mir
  • Mis-Ml
  • Mob-Moni
  • Mon-Moon
  • Moora-Moore
  • Moorh-Morg
  • Mori-Morris, M
  • Morris, P-Mort

Box 101

  • Mosc-Mot
  • Mou-Mue
  • Mug-Mul
  • Mum-Mur
  • Mus-My
  • Nac-Nas
  • Nat-Neh
  • Nei-Nel
  • Nem-Nev
  • New
  • Nice-Nick
  • Nico-Niz
  • Noa-Norr
  • North-Norto
  • Noru-Nye
  • Oa-Ob
  • Oc-Of
  • Og-Ole
  • Olh-On
  • Op-Or
  • Os-Ot

Box 102

  • Ou-Oz
  • Pab-Paj
  • Pal-Pan
  • Pao-Pari
  • Park-Paro
  • Parr-Pass
  • Past-Paty
  • Pau-Paz
  • Pea-Penk
  • Penn-Perd
  • Pere-Peru
  • Pes-Pete
  • Peti-Pf
  • Phe-Phil
  • Phin-Pid
  • Pie-Pig
  • Pil-Piz
  • Pla-Plu
  • Poa-Pola
  • Poli-Pop
  • Por-Pot
  • Pou-Poz
  • Pra-Pre
  • Pric-Pris

Box 103

  • Prit-Ps
  • Pu-Py
  • Q
  • Ra-Rai
  • Raj-Ram
  • Ran-Ras
  • Rat-Raz
  • Rea-Red
  • Ree-Reg
  • Reh-Rej
  • Rek-Rev
  • Rex-Rh
  • Ria-Ric
  • Rid-Rig
  • Rik-Riz
  • Roa-Roberts
  • Robes-Robin
  • Robis-Roe
  • Rog-Rol
  • Rom-Rop
  • Rosc-Rosen
  • Roser-Rost
  • Rota-Rotu

Box 104

  • Rou-Roz
  • Rub-Ruf
  • Rug-Rusk
  • Russ-Rust
  • Rut-Rz
  • Saa-Sae
  • Saf-Sak
  • Sal-Sanc
  • Sand-Sant
  • Sap-Sau
  • Sav-Say
  • Sca-Scha
  • Sche-Schil
  • Schim-Schl
  • Schm-Schn
  • Scho-Schr
  • Schub-Schum
  • Schun-Schwa
  • Schwe-Sco
  • Scr-Sed
  • See-Sel
  • Sem-Seu
  • Sev-Shad

Box 105

  • Shaf-Shap
  • Shar-Shaw
  • Shea-Shen
  • Shep-Sher
  • Shet-Shr
  • Sht-Sid
  • Sie-Sill
  • Silv-Simm
  • Simo-Simp
  • Sims-Sis
  • Sit-Sk
  • Sla-Smir
  • Smith, A-E
  • Smith, F-J
  • Smith, K-P
  • Smith, R-Smithe
  • Smits-Sny
  • Soa-Sol
  • Som-Soy
  • Spa-Spen
  • Sper-Spol
  • Spoo-Sru

Box 106

  • Stac-Stal
  • Stam-Star
  • Stas-Steh
  • Stei-Sten
  • Step-Stern
  • Sterr-Stew
  • Sti-Stog
  • Stok-Stop
  • Stor-Strau
  • Strav-Stub
  • Stuc-Suh
  • Sui-Sun
  • Suo-Swa
  • Swe-Sz
  • Tab-Tan
  • Tar-Tav
  • Tay-Ted
  • Teg-Ten
  • Teo-The
  • Thi-Thomas
  • Thomau-Thoms
  • Thon-Tili

Box 107

  • Till-Tob
  • Toc-Ton
  • Too-Toz
  • Trab-Trat
  • Trau-Trim
  • Trin-Troz
  • Tru-Tuk
  • Tul-Turnb
  • Turne-Ty
  • Ua-Ul
  • Um-Uz
  • Vac-Vanm
  • Vann-Var
  • Vas-Vei
  • Vel-Vet
  • Vic-Vin
  • Vir-Vu
  • Waa-Wag
  • Wah-Wald
  • Walk-Wall
  • Waln-Walt
  • Walu-Warn

Box 108

  • Warp-Warz
  • Wash-Wasy
  • Wat-Wau
  • Waw-Web
  • Wec-Wein
  • Weir-Welk
  • Well-Wer
  • Wes-Wey
  • Wha-Whita
  • White-Whitem
  • Whitf-Why
  • Wic-Wig
  • Wik-Wilk
  • Will-Williams, C
  • Williams, D-J
  • Williams, K-W
  • Williamson-Wilson, H
  • Wilson, I-W
  • Wilt-Win
  • Wir-Wit
  • Wla-Wom
  • Won-Wood

Box 109

  • Woos-Woz
  • Wr-Wy
  • Ya-Yn
  • Yoa-Young, L
  • Young, M-Yu
  • Zab-Zaz
  • Zd-Zh
  • Zi-Zm
  • Zo-Zy
  • Undetermined


Box 110

  • Alfalfa County, Oklahoma Democratic Central Committee
  • American National Red Cross
  • Amsterdam, New York
  • Ararat Shrine Temple, Kansas City, Missouri
  • Arkansas Legislative Council
  • Atlanta, Georgia
  • Bayonne, New Jersey
  • Benton Harbor, Michigan City Council
  • Berwyn, Illinois City Council
  • Birmingham, Alabama
  • Bridgewater Township, Sommerville, New Jersey
  • Bristol Township, Levittown, Pennsylvania
  • California State Assembly
  • California State Senate
  • California Superior Court, Alameda County
  • Cattaraugus County Legislature, New York
  • Chautauqua County Legislature, New York
  • Chillicothe, Missouri
  • Cincinnati, Ohio City Council
  • Commissioners of the New Jersey Highway Authority
  • Conference of Grand Masters of Masons of North America
  • Corpus Christi, Texas
  • County of Maui, Hawaii
  • Credit Union National Association
  • Cumberland County, New Jersey Board of Chosen Freeholders
  • Cuyahoga County, Ohio
  • Dallas, Texas City Council
  • Dallas County, Texas Commissioner’s Court
  • Delano, California City Council
  • Delaware Genera Assembly
  • Dover, New Jersey
  • Democratic Executive Committee, Pinellas County, Florida
  • Democratic State Committee of Missouri
  • Eastchester, New York
  • East Cleveland City Commission
  • East Providence, Rhode Island City Council
  • Elk Grove Village, Illinois
  • Erie County, New York Legislature
  • Everett, Massachusetts
  • Fargo, North Dakota Board of City Commissioners
  • Ferndale, Michigan City Commission
  • Florida House of Representatives
  • Florida Senate
  • Fredonia Grange Number 1, Fredonia, New York
  • Grand Masonic Lodge of Missouri
  • Greenfield, Indiana
  • Hamtramck, Michigan Common Council
  • Hartford, Connecticut Court of Common Council
  • Hawaii Executive Proclamation
  • Hennepin County, Minnesota Board of Commissioners
  • Henrico Education Association, Richmond, Virginia
  • Herkimer County, New York Legislature
  • Honolulu, Hawaii City and County Council
  • Huntington Park, California City Council
  • Huron, Ohio
  • Illinois House of Representatives
  • Jacksonville, Florida City Council
  • Kansas State Senate
  • Krebs Engineers Board of Directors, Menlo Park, California
  • Lake County, Illinois Board of Supervisors
  • Leon County Democratic Executive Committee, Tallahassee, Florida
  • Long Beach, California City Council
  • Los Angeles, California City Council
  • Maine House of Representatives
  • Mary Conclave, Red Cross of Constantine
  • Maryland House of Representatives
  • Memphis, Tennessee City Council
  • Mercer County, New Jersey Board of Chosen Freeholders
  • Merriam, Kansas
  • Micronesia, Congress of
  • Minnesota Legislature Joint Resolution
  • Missouri Valley Region of Hadassah

Box 111

  • Montgomery County, New York Board of Supervisors
  • Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Delaware
  • Mount Sinai Lodge, Lynn, Massachusetts
  • Nevada Legislature Joint Resolution
  • New Britain, Connecticut Common Council
  • New Jersey State Conference of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
  • New Jersey State Senate
  • New York Executive Proclamation
  • New York, New York City Council
  • New York State Senate
  • Nixon, President Richard M.
  • North Carolina General Assembly
  • North Kansas City, Missouri City Council
  • Oak Park, Michigan City Council
  • Oakland, California City Council
  • Ohio General Assembly Joint Resolution
  • Oklahoma Legislature Joint Resolution
  • Onondaga County, New York Legislature
  • Orangetown Town Board, Orangeburg, New York
  • Oregon Legislature Joint Resolution
  • Oskaloosa, Florida Board of County Commissioners
  • Padre Burgos, Philippines
  • Palo Alto, California
  • Pittsburgh Zionist Federation, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
  • Plymouth County Education Association, Marshfield, Massachusetts
  • Police Jury of Caddo Parish, Louisiana
  • Presidential Museum of Odessa, Texas
  • Providence, Rhode Island City Council
  • Rabbinical Association and Jewish Community of Greater Kansas City
  • Reserve Officers Association National Council
  • Rhode Island General Assembly
  • Richmond, Virginia Jewish Community Council
  • River Edge, New Jersey
  • Roanoke, Virginia City Council
  • Rochester, New York City Council
  • Sacramento, California City Council
  • San Diego, California City Council
  • San Francisco County, California Board of Supervisors
  • Santa Barbara, California Community College District
  • Santa Fe Springs, California City Council
  • Sayreville, New Jersey Board of Education
  • Schenectady, New York Board of Representatives
  • Schenectady, New York City Council
  • Sikeston, Missouri
  • Somerset County, New Jersey Board of Chosen Freeholders
  • Somerville, Massachusetts Board of Aldermen
  • South San Francisco, California City Council
  • St. Joseph, Missouri City Council
  • St. Louis, Missouri Board of Aldermen
  • St. Louis, Missouri County Council
  • St. Mihel Post 247, Veterans of Foreign Wars
  • St. Paul, Minnesota City Council
  • State Democratic Executive Committee of Tennessee
  • Steuben County, New York Board of Supervisors
  • Suffolk County, New York Legislature
  • Sullivan County, New York Board of Supervisors
  • Temple Shalom, Levittown, Pennsylvania
  • Texas State Senate
  • United States House of Representatives
  • University of Missouri Young Democrats
  • Village of Nyack, New York Board of Trustees
  • Village of Richton Park, New York Board of Trustees
  • Virginia Legislature Joint Resolution
  • Waukegan, Illinois City Council
  • Wayne County, New York Board of Supervisors
  • Wayne State University Board of Governors
  • Westchester County, New York Board of Legislators
  • Wisconsin Legislature Joint Resolution
  • Wyoming Legislature Joint Resolution
  • Yonkers, New York City Council


Box 112

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • E
  • F
  • G
  • H
  • I
  • J
  • K
  • L
  • M
  • Mc
  • N
  • O
  • P
  • Q
  • R
  • S
  • T
  • U
  • V
  • W
  • X-Y-Z


Box 114

  • April 13, 1945 through August 31, 1946 [1 of 2]
  • April 13, 1945 through August 31, 1946 [2 of 2]
  • September 19, 1946 through July 26, 1947 [1 of 2]
  • September 19, 1946 through July 26, 1947 [2 of 2]

Box 115

  • September 1, 1947 through August 30, 1948 [1 of 3]
  • September 1, 1947 through August 30, 1948 [2 of 3]
  • September 1, 1947 through August 30, 1948 [3 of 3]
  • October 1, 1948 through September 30, 1949 [1 of 2]
  • October 1, 1948 through September 30, 1949 [2 of 2]

Box 116

  • October 1, 1949 through March 27, 1952 [1 of 2]
  • October 1, 1949 through March 27, 1952 [2 of 2]
  • March 23, 1952 through January 20, 1953 [1 of 2]
  • March 23, 1952 through January 20, 1953 [2 of 2]

SUBJECT FILE, 1883-1982

Box 117

  • Address Books
  • Barstow School
  • Birth Certificate
  • Books
  • Calendar, 1924
  • Calendar of Dates, 1947
  • Car Registration and Titles
  • Christmas Lists
  • Christmas Tags
  • Congressional Club Yearbook, 1939
  • Congressional Record, January 9, 1973
  • Cook Books
  • Correspondence, Miscellaneous
  • Democratic National Convention Ticket Books, 1940
  • Essays Written by Bess Wallace
  • Expenses – White House
  • Gifts List – Items Sent to House
  • Guest List, White House Luncheon, c. 1945
  • Henhouse Squawk Newsletter
  • Inauguration, 1949: Dresses
  • Inauguration, 1949: Events
  • Invitation, Independence High School Graduation, 1901
  • Invitation List, Truman Library Dedication Receptions
  • Invitation List, Truman Library Groundbreaking Ceremony
  • Itineraries, 1946-1952
  • Itineraries, 1953-1970
  • Lawyer’s Desk Book, 1929
  • Lawyer’s Desk Book: Enclosures

Box 118

  • Letter, Bess Wallace to Maud Wells, October 24, 1893
  • Letterheads and Stationery
  • Maps
  • Marriage Certificate
  • Medical Treatment Information
  • Memorabilia
  • Menus
  • Music
  • Newspaper Clippings: Chronological, January 9-May 31, 1945
  • Newspaper Clippings: Chronological, April 12-June 22, 1945
  • Newspaper Clippings: Chronological, June 22-August 11, 1945
  • Newspaper Clippings: Death of Madge Gates Wallace
  • Newspaper Clippings: Gates and Wallace Families

Box 119

Box 120

  • St. Agnes Guild, Trinity Episcopal Church: Constitution, By-Laws, and Minutes
  • St. Agnes Guild, Trinity Episcopal Church: Notebooks
  • St. Agnes Guild, Trinity Episcopal Church: Receipts and Checks
  • St. Agnes Guild, Trinity Episcopal Church: Record Book
  • Sample Cards
  • Scrapbook – National League of American Pen Women of Missouri
  • Secret Service
  • Sheet Music
  • Speeches and Remarks by Others
  • Stamps and Philately
  • Trinity Episcopal Church
  • Truman Family Genealogy Charts
  • Truman, Harry S.: Condolence Card Samples
  • Truman, Harry S.: Contributions to the Truman Library
  • Truman, Harry S.: Funeral Car Data
  • Truman, Harry S.: Stamp Ceremony
  • Truman, Margaret: Atlanta, Georgia Concert Clippings
  • Truman, Margaret: Birth Announcement
  • United Daughters of the Confederacy Application

Box 121

  • Wallace Family Lineage
  • Warranty Deed, 3404 Karnes Boulevard, Kansas City, Missouri
  • White House
  • White House Social Season
[ Top of the page | Administrative Information | Organizational History | Collection Description | Series Descriptions | Folder Title List ]