Dates: 1936-2004
Size: 20 linear feet, 7 linear inches.
Access: Open.
Copyright: The donor gave to the U.S. government the copyrights in this material and in any other material received by the U.S. government and maintained in a depository administered by the National Archives and Records Administration. Documents created by U.S. government officials in the course of their official duties are in the public domain. Copyright interest in other documents presumably belongs to the creators of those documents, or their heirs.
Processed by: Doug McClellan and David Clark (2014).
Box 1
- Afghanistan
- Agricultural Development Council [1 of 2]
- Agricultural Development Council [2 of 2]
- Agricultural Development Council - Appointments and Policies
- Agricultural Development Council - Printed Materials [1 of 2]
Box 2
- Agricultural Development Council - Printed Materials [2 of 2]
- Agricultural Education [1 of 2]
- Agricultural Education [2 of 2]
- A.I.D. - May 1960 - December 1965 [1 of 3]
Box 3
- A.I.D. - May 1960 - December 1965 [2 of 3]
- A.I.D. - May 1960 - December 1965 [3 of 3]
- A.I.D. - January 1966 - December 1966 [1 of 5]
- A.I.D. - January 1966 - December 1966 [2 of 5]
Box 4
- A.I.D. - January 1966 - December 1966 [3 of 5]
- A.I.D. - January 1966 - December 1966 [4 of 5]
- A.I.D. - January 1966 - December 1966 [5 of 5]
- A.I.D. - January 1967 - November 1967 [1 of 3]
Box 5
- A.I.D. - January 1967 - November 1967 [2 of 3]
- A.I.D. - January 1967 - November 1967 [3 of 3]
- A.I.D. - January 1968 - July 1984
- A.I.D. - Appointment as Assistant Administrator for T.C.R.
Box 6
- A.I.D. - Bangkok, Thailand
- A.I.D. - "Front Lines" Newsletters
- A.I.D. - India
- A.I.D. - Population Growth
- A.I.D. - Printed Materials
- A.I.D. - Reorganization
Box 7
- A.I.D. - Research Advisory Committee [1 of 3]
- A.I.D. - Research Advisory Committee [2 of 3]
- A.I.D. - Research Advisory Committee [3 of 3]
- A.I.D. - Special Papers
- American Association for the Advancement of Science - Agricultural Sciences for the Developing Nations
- American Seed Trade Association - Hybrid Corn Industry - Research Conference - 1964
Box 8
- Bangladesh [1 of 4]
- Bangladesh [2 of 4]
- Bangladesh [3 of 4]
- Bangladesh [4 of 4]
Box 9
- Beirut, Lebanon [1 of 2]
- Beirut, Lebanon [2 of 2]
- Borlaug, Norman E. [1 of 2]
- Borlaug, Norman E. [2 of 2]
- Brazil
Box 10
- Brazil - Agricultural Research Project I Appraisal Report
- Brazil - Agricultural Research Project II Appraisal Report
- Central Treaty Organization [1 of 3]
- Central Treaty Organization [2 of 3]
- Central Treaty Organization [3 of 3]
Box 11
- China - Agriculture in China: 1949-2030
- Clippings
- Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
- Correspondence - August 1965 - June 1966
Box 12
- Correspondence - July 1966 - November 1966
- Correspondence - December 1966 - June 1967
- Correspondence - August 1967 - August 1968
- Correspondence - September 1968 - June 1969
Box 13
- Correspondence - July 1970 - January 1974
- Dillman, A. C.
- Egypt
- Egypt - Printed Materials
Box 14
- Experimental Agriculture - 1972-1975
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
- Gardner, John
- Hardin, Charles M.
- Ibadan, Nigeria
- India [1 of 2]
Box 15
- India [2 of 2]
- India - 1955 - Correspondence
- India - 1955 - Follow-Up
- India - 1955 - Plans and Schedules
- India - 1955 - Reports
- India - 1971 - NARSIA Workshop [1 of 2]
Box 16
- India - 1971 - NARSIA Workshop [2 of 2]
- Indian Council of Agricultural Research [1 of 2]
- Indian Council of Agricultural Research [2 of 2]
- Indonesia [1 of 4]
- Indonesia [2 of 4]
Box 17
- Indonesia [3 of 4]
- Indonesia [4 of 4]
- Indonesia - Printed Materials [1 of 3]
- Indonesia - Printed Materials [2 of 3]
Box 18
- Indonesia - Printed Materials [3 of 3]
- International Agricultural Development Service
- International Executive Service Corps
- Iran
- Iran - Survey Team
- Iraq
Box 19
- Korea
- Korea - Hornig Team [1 of 3]
- Korea - Hornig Team [2 of 3]
- Korea - Hornig Team [3 of 3]
- "Linkage Relations in Triticum Monococcum"
Box 20
- Lysenko, Pavel and Trofim [1 of 2]
- Lysenko, Pavel and Trofim [2 of 2]
- Malaysia [1 of 3]
- Malaysia [2 of 3]
- Malaysia [3 of 3]
Box 21
- Malaysia - Clippings
- Malaysia - Printed Materials
- Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute - 1968-1969 [1 of 2]
- Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute - 1968-1969 [2 of 2]
- Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute - 1970 [1 of 2]
Box 22
- Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute - 1970 [2 of 2]
- Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute - 1971 [1 of 2]
- Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute - 1971 [2 of 2]
- Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute - 1972-2004 [1 of 3]
- Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute - 1972-2004 [2 of 3]
Box 23
- Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute - 1972-2004 [3 of 3]
- Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute - Appointment
- Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute - Diary
- Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute - Expenses
- Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute - Governing Board
- Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute - Inauguration
- Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute - Progress Reports
Box 24
- Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute - Project Structure
- Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute - Speeches
- Malaysian Institute of Management
- Marshall Plan - Twentieth Memorial - June 1967
- McCall, Max A.
- National Academy of Sciences - National Research Council
- National Arboretum - Plant Introduction
- Nepal [1 of 4]
Box 25
- Nepal [2 of 4]
- Nepal [3 of 4]
- Nepal [4 of 4]
- Nicaragua
- Office of Science and Technology
Box 26
- Office of Technology Assessment [1 of 5]
- Office of Technology Assessment [2 of 5]
- Office of Technology Assessment [3 of 5]
- Office of Technology Assessment [4 of 5]
- Office of Technology Assessment [5 of 5]
Box 27
- Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development [1 of 2]
- Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development [2 of 2]
- Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development - Printed Materials
- Pakistan [1 of 3]
- Pakistan [2 of 3]
Box 28
- Pakistan [3 of 3]
- Pakistan - Reports [1 of 2]
- Pakistan - Reports [1 of 2]
- Philippines [1 of 5]
Box 29
- Philippines [2 of 5]
- Philippines [3 of 5]
- Philippines [4 of 5]
- Philippines [5 of 5]
Box 30
- Philippines - Printed Materials
- Photographs
- Point IV - Background
- Point IV - Ceylon
- Point IV - Egypt
- Point IV - Follow-Up
- Point IV - India
- Point IV - Iran
- Point IV - Iraq
- Point IV - Italy
- Point IV - Pakistan
- Point IV - Philippines
Box 31
- Point IV - Report on 1950 Mission
- Point IV - Thailand
- Population Programs
- Rusk, Dean
- Ruttan, Vernon
Box 32
- Schultz, Theodore W.
- Selected Papers [1 of 2]
- Selected Papers [2 of 2]
- Society for International Development
- Special Projects
- Speeches and Publications - October 1948 - April 1956
Box 33
- Speeches and Publications - September 1965 - June 1967 [1 of 2]
- Speeches and Publications - September 1965 - June 1967 [2 of 2]
- Speeches and Publications - August 1967 - March 1969
- Sri Lanka [1 of 5]
Box 34
- Sri Lanka [2 of 5]
- Sri Lanka [3 of 5]
- Sri Lanka [4 of 5]
- Sri Lanka [5 of 5]
Box 35
- Sudan [1 of 5]
- Sudan [2 of 5]
- Sudan [3 of 5]
- Sudan [4 of 5]
Box 36
- Sudan [5 of 5]
- Sudan - Printed Materials
- Taiwan [1 of 3]
- Taiwan [2 of 3]
- Taiwan [3 of 3]
Box 37
- Taiwan - Hornig Team [1 of 4]
- Taiwan - Hornig Team [2 of 4]
- Taiwan - Hornig Team [3 of 4]
- Taiwan - Hornig Team [4 of 4]
Box 38
- Taiwan - Travel Schedules and Expenses
- Thailand [1 of 3]
- Thailand [2 of 3]
- Thailand [3 of 3]
- Thailand - Reports [1 of 2]
Box 39
- Thailand - Reports [2 of 2]
- The International Rice Research Institute
- The Peace Corps [1 of 2]
- The Peace Corps [2 of 2]
- The Rockefeller Foundation [1 of 3]
Box 40
- The Rockefeller Foundation [2 of 3]
- The Rockefeller Foundation [3 of 3]
- The Rockefeller Foundation - Joint Indo-American Team - 1955
- The Rockefeller Foundation - Printed Materials [1 of 3]
Box 41
- The Rockefeller Foundation - Printed Materials [2 of 3]
- The Rockefeller Foundation - Printed Materials [3 of 3]
Box 42
- The Rockefeller Foundation - Selected Reports and Correspondence
- The World Bank
- Turkey [1 of 3]
- Turkey [2 of 3]
- Turkey [3 of 3]
Box 43
- U.S.D.A. [1 of 4]
- U.S.D.A. [2 of 4]
- U.S.D.A. [3 of 4]
- U.S.D.A. [4 of 4]
Box 44
- U.S.D.A. - Annual Report of Seed Flax Investigations in Minnesota - 1941-1942
- U.S.D.A. - Annual Report of Seed Flax Investigations in Minnesota - 1943-1944
- U.S.D.A. - Appointments
- U.S.D.A. - Cooperative Flax Nursery Report - 1939-1941
Box 45
- U.S.D.A. - Cooperative Flax Nursery Report - 1942-1944
- U.S.D.A. - Diary
- U.S.D.A. - Director of Crops Research [1 of 2]
- U.S.D.A. - Director of Crops Research [2 of 2]
Box 46
- U.S.D.A. - History
- U.S.D.A. - Marshall Plan
- U.S.D.A. - Point IV
- U.S.D.A. - Printed Materials [1 of 2]
- U.S.D.A. - Printed Materials [2 of 2]
Box 47
- U.S.D.A. - Secretary Orville Freeman [1 of 2]
- U.S.D.A. - Secretary Orville Freeman [2 of 2]
- U.S.D.A. - "Summary of Flax Plot and Rod Row Trials in Minnesota: 1936-1940"
- Vietnam
- Weaver, Warren