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Records of Temporary Committees, Commissions and Boards: Records of the President's Materials Policy Commission (Record Group 220)


[Administrative Information | Folder Title List]


Size: 61 linear feet, 8 linear inches.
Access: Open.
Copyright: The donor gave to the U.S. government the copyrights in this material and in any other material received by the U.S. government and maintained in a depository administered by the National Archives and Records Administration. Documents created by U.S. government officials in the course of their official duties are in the public domain. Copyright interest in other documents presumably belongs to the creators of those documents, or their heirs.
Processed by: Erwin J. Mueller (1964); David Clark (2013).

[ Top of the page | Administrative Information | Folder Title List ]



Box 1

  • Administration
  • Budget and accounting
  • Consultations with representatives from industry-labor
  • Contracts
  • Domestic resources
  • Energy
  • Finance
  • Foreign resources
  • Forestry
  • Land reclamation
  • Materials, general
  • Meetings
  • Metals and minerals, general
  • National Security Resources Board
  • Organization and functions
  • Personnel
  • Petroleum
  • Policy issues
  • Preparation, printing and distribution of report
  • Production materials
  • Public relations
  • Questionnaires to industry
  • Reports - progress reports
  • Reports to chairman, general
  • Requests for comments in drafts
  • Rubber
  • Technology
  • Water resources

OFFICE OF THE CHAIRMAN: Reading File (January 22, 1951-June 28, 1952)

  • Reading File - Mr. Pauley - Dr. Mason

EXECUTIVE SECRETARY: Administrative File

Box 2

  • Atomic energy review
  • Coal products - as raw material for chemical industry
  • Comments on drafts
  • Commodities
  • Conferences - committees and meetings
  • Conferences - committees and meetings - Commission meetings
  • Discovery techniques (National Research Council)
  • Economic waste
  • Editing, printing, and distribution
  • Energy
  • Files
  • Foreign resources
  • Letters of appreciation
  • Office of General Counsel
  • Partial sources of mailing list

Box 3

  • Paley report interviews
  • PMPC - distribution plans - mailing lists
  • PMPC - progress reports
  • PMPC - press plans
  • PMPC - budgets
  • PMPC - drafts of forewords, acknowledgments, history, etc.
  • PMPC - Commission meetings
  • PMPC - drafts on organization chapter
  • Personnel

Box 4

  • Publicity
  • Questionnaires
  • Receipts for material returned
  • Requests for information
  • Review meetings - forest products - metals - minerals
  • Review procedure
  • Requirements for materials
  • Security
  • Source material
  • Statistics
  • Stock-piling
  • Technology
  • Technology - Battelle Reports
  • Transmittal of materials to members of Commission
  • Transmittal of materials to staff

EXECUTIVE SECRETARY: Proceedings of Commission Meetings - (March 29-April 4, 1951)

Box 5

  • Conference report - (March 29) - copy #1
  • Conference report - (March 29) - copy #3
  • Transcript of proceedings - March 30, 1951 (3 copies)
  • Transcript of proceedings - April 4, 1951 (2 copies)

EXECUTIVE SECRETARY: Proceedings of Commission Meetings - (April 9-November 2, 1951)

Box 6

  • Transcript of proceedings - April 9, 1951 (2 copies)
  • Transcript of proceedings - May 10, 1951 (3 copies) - morning session
  • Transcript of proceedings - May 10, 1951 (3 copies) - afternoon session
  • Discussion with Messrs. Geo. and Alan Bateman - Oct. 4 (4 copies)
  • Commodity meeting on manganese and tin - October 15
  • Meeting with Department of Interior officials - November 2 (2 copies)
  • PMPC meeting - April 9
  • Liquid fuels meeting - November 2

EXECUTIVE SECRETARY: Proceedings of Commission Meetings - (November 16-December 12, 1951)

Box 7

  • Transcript - National Security Resources Board - December 11 (2 copies)
  • Minerals and metals meeting - December 12 (3 copies)
  • Commission meeting - November 16 (4 copies)

EXECUTIVE SECRETARY: Published Report, Digests, Press Releases

Box 8

  • Resources for Freedom (Vol. I) Foundations for Growth and Security - June 1952
  • Resources for Freedom (Vol. II) The Outlook for Key Commodities - June 1952
  • Resources for Freedom (Vol. III) The Outlook for Energy Sources - June 1952
  • Resources for Freedom (Vol. IV) The Promise of Technology - June 1952
  • Resources for Freedom (Vol. III) Selected Reports to the Commission - June 1952
  • Summary of Vol. 1 - Materials Policy Commission
  • Press release: biographical summaries of the Commissioners
  • Excerpts from the report (Vol. I)
  • Summary on foreign resources (Vol. I)
  • Selected reports to the Commission (Vol. I)
  • The outlook for energy sources

EXECUTIVE SECRETARY: Processed Documents

Box 9

  • Letter to Paley from President Truman - January 22, 1951 (PMPC) - press release
  • Preliminary listing of reports, documents, other sources - April 2, 1951
  • Program statement for fiscal year 1951
  • Questionnaire (minerals-metals) PMPC - May 18, 1951
  • Letter to Lyle Craine (Department Interior) re: reserves of principal minerals - March 24, 1951
  • Letter to Lyle Craine from P.H. Coombs - March 30, 1951
  • Letter to Lyle Craine signed Dr. Lovering, re: mineral deposits - April 16, 1951
  • PMPC organization chart - May 28, 1951
  • Letter to Lyle Craine - Spencer Summary Statistics - June 5, 1951
  • Letter to Lyle Craine from Philip H. Coombs re: acknowledgment of receipt report, Metals and Minerals - July 19, 1951
  • Letter to Mr. Alexander (April 12, 1951) from Lyle E. Craine, Acting Director, Program Staff Department of Interior
  • "It's Later Than you Think" - Coombs to staff - July 3, 1951
  • Relation of production materials to economic growth and security
  • Schedule for conferences with General Motors representatives - Abrahamson PMPC - July 13, 1951
  • Corporation depletion statistics (PMPC), 1948-1949
  • Letter to M.W. Boyer from P. Coombs (PMPC) - July 17, 1951
  • Memo to staff (August 3, 1951) Coombs, re: broad dimensions of the PMPC's job
  • Standard outline for final commodity reports - August 8, 1951
  • Memo to PMPC staff from Philip Coombs - November 21, 1951
  • Memo to PMPC staff from Mr. Ackerman, re: Mr. Coombs new appointment - October 29, 1951
  • Reminder regarding care and handling of classified material - Ackerman memo to PMPC staff - October 13, 1951
  • Eric Hodgin memo to PMPC staff writers (draft three)-September 29, 1951
  • Coombs memo to PMPC staff, re: revision of 1st draft and schedule of Commission meetings - September 13, 1951
  • Coombs memo to all PMPC secretaries - September 6, 1951
  • McConnel memo to PMPC secretaries - August 22, 1951
  • Coombs memo to staff, re: administrative arrangements concerning technology area - July 18, 1951
  • Coombs-Hodgins memo to PMPC staff - July 31, 1951
  • First specifications for uniform typing style on monographs and manuscripts (O'Connell, July 13, 1951)
  • Listing of reports, documents, other sources (Supplement #4), May 21, 1951
  • Listing of reports, documents, other sources (Supplement #3), April 30, 1951
  • Listing of reports, documents, other sources (Supplement #2), April 20, 1951
  • Memo to new staff members - availability of background of material - April 23, 1951
  • Long-run problems relating to the procurement and expansion of foreign supplies (materials) - March 13, 1951
  • Agenda for meeting on foreign resources - February 27, 1951
  • Agenda for first meeting of PMPC - January 30, 1951
  • Minutes - President's Materials Policy Commission No. 2 - February 13, 1951
  • Biographical summaries

EXECUTIVE SECRETARY: Preliminary Drafts of Report (Domestic Resources Group)

Box 10

  • Functions of domestic resources group (draft) - April 18, 1951
  • Foreign interests and attitudes on the development of their material resources - July 4, 1951
  • The place of the U.S. in the free world's forest economy
  • Premium price plan as an incentive device
  • Direct incentives for the mineral industries - September 19, 1951
  • Tentative summary of answers to questionnaire on forest resources and products
  • Domestic materials policy (E.S. Mason) - May 8, 1951
  • Outline of work program for the domestic resources policy group
  • Clarifications of commodity reports needed by the domestic resources group (Fritz) - June 12, 1951
  • Production level and organization of U.S. agriculture in 1975 - July 5, 1951
  • Manufacturing methods - processing requirements for fertilizers - K.D. Jacobs - June 22, 1951
  • Technically qualified government personnel on commodities except fuels, June 11, 1951
  • Problems and objectives of domestic resources policy (Fritz) - July 10, 1951
  • Questionnaire on forest resources and products - July 1951
  • U.S. and world (reserves - potential) sources of minerals and selected metals - June 1951
  • Assignment 5 - minerals - protection of resources in place (staff study)
  • Losses of minerals in milling, smelting, refining (staff study #7)
  • Depletion and expensing in the minerals industries (2 folders)
  • Direct incentives for the mineral industries - September 13, 1951
  • Direct incentives for the mineral industries - September 19, 1951
  • Coal reserves
  • Petroleum and natural gas reserves
  • Water
  • Policy paper on black report on land productivity
  • Outline for project - U.S. Forest Products Laboratory (J.C. Rettie)
  • Problems relating to non-renewable domestic resources

EXECUTIVE SECRETARY: Preliminary Drafts of Report Arranged According to PMPC Organization

Box 11

  • Energy Resources - Use of atomic energy for electric power
  • Energy Resources - Technological developments arising from the Atomic Energy Commission program
  • Energy Resources - Discovery and exploration of the atom
  • Energy Resources - By-product materials of atomic energy
  • Energy Resources - Atomic Energy Commission materials demands
  • Energy Resources - Direct incentives for exploration and discovery of atomic power
  • Energy Resources - Agenda for presentation by Atomic Energy Commission
  • Energy Resources - major problems and issues
  • Foreign Resources - Foreign resources area - working outline (Frank Mikesell)
  • Foreign Resources - Preliminary draft for foreign resources
  • Foreign Resources - Tin study - H. Kahn
  • Foreign Resources - Major policy questions in foreign resources area (Mikesell)
  • Foreign Resources - Information required by the Foreign Resources Group from the commodity specialists
  • Foreign Resources - Foreign interests and attitudes toward the development of their material resources (R.F. Mikesell)
  • Foreign Resources - Summary of current experience of the international materials conference
  • Foreign Resources - Obstacles to U.S. private investment (Nicholas)
  • Foreign Resources - Miscellaneous strategic materials (Taristcheff)
  • Foreign Resources - Foreign resources area projects - April 9, 1951
  • Foreign Resources - Long-run problems relating to the procurement and expansion of foreign supplies of materials
  • Foreign Resources - Agenda for meeting on foreign resources - February 27, 1951
  • Legal Resources - Topics of special interest to Office of General Counsel for inclusion in commodity reports
  • Legal Resources - Revision of mining law essential to encourage new exploration - development (C. Martz)
  • Legal Resources - Memo to PMPC staff from Max Isenbergh - April 9, 1951
  • Security and Market Policy - Security outline (Huntsberger) - June 27, 1951
  • Security and Market Policy - Market policy outline - June 5, 1951
  • Security and Market Policy - The materials position of the Soviet bloc (E. Ames)
  • Security and Market Policy - Assumptions on long-range market prospects for materials (Knorr)
  • Security and Market Policy - Stable markets as a long run objective (Gideonese)
  • Security and Market Policy - Monographs, staff studies, project papers of Security and Market Policy Division
  • Security and Market Policy - Problems of strategic stock piling (Mendershausen)
  • Security and Market Policy - Market policy issues - July 5, 1951
  • Security and Market Policy - Security assumptions and conclusions (Hunsberger)
  • Security and Market Policy - Security issues (S. & M. P. staff)
  • Security and Market Policy - Materials policy and enemy attack on the free world (Knorr)
  • Security and Market Policy - Buffer stocks outline (Knorr) - July 3, 1951
  • Security and Market Policy - Questions raised by Security and Market Policy staff to aid work of commodity specialists
  • Statistical Services - Spencer memo re: specify sources from statistical editorial staff
  • Technology - Technology group work schedule (R. Miller)
  • Technology - Some preliminary questions
  • Technology - Technical growth of metals to meet future needs (Clark)
  • Technology - Policy question in the technology area (Miller)
  • Technology - Commission meeting - agenda for technology - July 10, 1951
  • Technology - Chemicals and materials (Elias)
  • Technology - Technology draft (E. Hodgins) - May 30, 1951
  • Technology - Statement of PMPC Battelle project - May 8, 1951
  • Technology - Memo (R. Miller) to PMPC staff re: Battelle reports - October 3, 1951
  • Technology - Memo (R. Miller) to PMPC staff - (August 28) Battelle project
  • Technology - Outline for technology section of PMPC report (E. Hodgins)
  • Technology - Misc. (technology)

Box 12

  • General Analysis - Guide list - general references for commodity reports - June 1, 1951
  • General Analysis - Plan for handling commodity studies
  • General Analysis - Memo: to commodity reporters and other interested parties - June 26, 1951
  • General Analysis - Bulletin: to commodity studies staff - October 25, 1951
  • General Analysis - Technically qualified government personnel on commodities (Fritz)
  • General Analysis - Guidance notes for commodity studies (Alexander) - May 31, 1951
  • General Analysis - Commodity coverage (Alexander)
  • General Analysis - Guidance notes for commodity studies, No. 2
  • General Analysis - Guidance notes for commodity studies, No. 3
  • General Analysis - Checklist of commodities
  • General Analysis - Chart summary of antimony, beryllium, bismuth, cadmium
  • General Analysis - Guide list - general reference for commodity reports
  • General Analysis - Aluminum (preliminary outline)
  • General Analysis - Chemicals and materials, July 9, 1951
  • General Analysis - Cobalt (preliminary outline)
  • General Analysis - Copper (preliminary outline)
  • General Analysis - Copper (preliminary outline) commodity report No. 1 (Netschert)
  • General Analysis - Copper (preliminary outline) commodity report No. 2 (Netschert)
  • General Analysis - Chromium (preliminary outline) March 28, 1951
  • General Analysis - Fluorpar (preliminary outline) March 30, 1951
  • General Analysis - Iron ore (preliminary outline) March 28, 1951
  • General Analysis - Iron ore (commodity report) April 25, 1951
  • General Analysis - Lead (preliminary outline) March 29, 1951
  • General Analysis - Lead (commodity report) August 10, 1951
  • General Analysis - Light metals - problems of requirements and supply
  • General Analysis - Magnesium (PMPC)
  • General Analysis - Manganese (preliminary outline)
  • General Analysis - Manganese (summary)
  • General Analysis - Miscellaneous strategic materials (1st draft) Tatistcheff
  • General Analysis - Molybdenum (preliminary outline)
  • General Analysis - Nickel (preliminary outline)
  • General Analysis - Phosphate - resources and consumption
  • General Analysis - Potash (preliminary outline)
  • General Analysis - Rubber (preliminary outline)
  • General Analysis - Rubber (1st draft) Tatistcheff
  • General Analysis - Sulphur (preliminary outline)
  • General Analysis - Commodity report on sulphur (1st draft) Lehmann - June 4, 1951
  • General Analysis - Tin (preliminary outline) March 30, 1951
  • General Analysis - Titanium - August 23, 1951
  • General Analysis - Zinc (preliminary outline) March 29, 1951
  • General Analysis - Commodity report on zinc - August 13, 1951
  • General Analysis - Major problems facing the Commission (Alexander) June 13, 1951
  • General Analysis - Carbon black - July 2, 1951
  • General Analysis - The Material Basis of our Civilization (Alexander) June 13, 1951
  • General Analysis - Construction industry case study (Cabot) July 7, 1951
  • General Analysis - Materials requirement for building construction (Cabot - Stone) August 14, 1951
  • General Analysis - Construction industry case study (Cabot - Stone) and draft - August 27, 1951
  • General Analysis - "Historical Statistics of the U.S." (U.S. population) Harberger - July 23, 1951
  • General Analysis - Requirements projection (objective and assumptions) Harberger - May 15, 1951
  • General Analysis - Assumptions - methods for projection of foreign requirements, Harberger - June 20, 1951
  • General Analysis - Free world supplies and requirements of materials (long range supply problems)
  • General Analysis - Projection of materials requirements in 1975 (Harberger) - September 17, 1951

EXECUTIVE SECRETARY: First Draft of Report

Box 13

  • First draft - PMPC
  • General Analysis - Chapter I
  • General Analysis - Chapter II
  • General Analysis - Chapter III
  • General Analysis - Chapter IV
  • General Analysis - Chapter V
  • General Analysis - Chapter VI
  • General Analysis - Chapter VII
  • General Analysis - Chapter VIII
  • General Analysis - Chapter IX
  • General Analysis - Chapter X
  • Commodity studies - introduction
  • Commodity studies (G.A.) Chapter I-A
  • Commodity studies (G.A.) Chapter I-B
  • Commodity studies (G.A.) Chapter I-C
  • Commodity studies (G.A.) Chapter II-A
  • Commodity studies (G.A.) Chapter II-B
  • Commodity studies (G.A.) Chapter II-C
  • Commodity studies (G.A.) Chapter II-D
  • Commodity studies (G.A.) Chapter III-A
  • Commodity studies (G.A.) Chapter III-B
  • Commodity studies (G.A.) Chapter III-C
  • Commodity studies (G.A.) Chapter III-D
  • Commodity studies (G.A.) Chapter III-E
  • Commodity studies (G.A.) Chapter IV-A-B-C
  • Commodity studies (G.A.) Chapter V-A
  • Commodity studies (G.A.) Chapter V-B
  • Commodity studies (G.A.) Chapter V-C
  • Commodity studies (G.A.) Chapter VI
  • Energy resources section - Chapter I
  • Energy resources section - Chapter I - Confidential
  • Energy resources section - Chapter VIII-A
  • Commodity studies (E.R.) - Chapter VIII-B

Box 14

  • Commodity studies (E.R.) - Chapter VIII-C
  • Commodity studies (E.R.) - Chapter VIII-D
  • Domestic resources - Chapter I
  • Domestic resources - Chapter II
  • Domestic resources - Chapter III
  • Domestic resources - Chapter IV
  • Domestic resources - Chapter V
  • Domestic resources - Chapter VI
  • Domestic resources - Chapter VII
  • Domestic resources - Chapter VIII
  • Domestic resources - Chapter IX
  • Domestic resources - Chapter X
  • Foreign resources - Chapter I
  • Foreign resources - Chapter II
  • Foreign resources - Chapter III
  • Foreign resources - Chapter IV
  • Foreign resources - Chapter V
  • Foreign resources - Chapter VI
  • Foreign resources - Chapter VII
  • Foreign resources - Chapter VIII
  • Foreign resources - Chapter IX
  • Materials position of the Soviet bloc - November 7, 1951
  • Problems of strategic stockpiling - October 26, 1951
  • Materials buffer stocks - October 24, 1951
  • Security - Chapter I
  • Security - Chapter II
  • Security - Chapter III
  • Security - Chapter IV
  • Security - Chapter V
  • Security - Chapter VI
  • Market policy - Chapter I
  • Market policy - Chapter II
  • Market policy - Chapter III
  • Market policy - Chapter IV
  • Market policy - Chapter V
  • Market policy - Chapter VI

Box 15

  • Energy resources - Chapter I
  • Technology - interim memorandum
  • Technology - Chapter I
  • Technology - Chapter IV
  • Technology - Chapter V
  • First draft - summary

EXECUTIVE SECRETARY: Second Draft of Report

  • General analysis (2nd draft) - Chapters I, II, III
  • General analysis - Chapter IV
  • G.A. commodity studies - copper - Chapter II-A
  • G.A. commodity studies - lead - Chapter II-B
  • Energy resources commodity studies - liquid fuels - Chapter VIII-A
  • Energy resources commodity studies - natural gas - Chapter VIII-B
  • Energy resources commodity studies - coal - Chapter VIII-C
  • Energy resources commodity studies - electric energy - Chapter VIII-D
  • Energy resources section
  • Domestic resources - Chapter I
  • Domestic resources - Chapter II

Box 16

  • Domestic resources - Chapter III
  • Domestic resources - Chapter IV
  • Domestic resources - Chapter V
  • Foreign resources - Chapter I
  • Foreign resources - Chapter II
  • Foreign resources - Chapter III
  • Foreign resources - Chapter IV
  • Foreign resources - Chapter V
  • Foreign resources - Chapter VI
  • Foreign resources - Chapter VII
  • Foreign resources - Chapter VIII
  • Foreign resources - Chapter IX
  • Security and market policy - materials buffer stocks
  • Security - Chapter I
  • Security - Chapter II, IV, VI, appendix
  • Security - Chapter III
  • Security - Chapter V
  • Security and market policy - Chapter VI (policy recommendation)
  • Security and market policy - market policy
  • Technology - Chapter I
  • Technology - Chapter II
  • Technology - Chapter IV
  • Technology - Chapter V

EXECUTIVE SECRETARY: Third Draft of Report

  • Editorial - working copy, "The Problem We Face " - November 5, 1951
  • Editorial - "The Problem We Face" - Chapter I - November 23, 1951
  • Editorial - "The Problem We Face" - Chapter I - January 21, 1952
  • Editorial - "Our Gargantuan Appetites" - Chapter II - November 23, 1951
  • Editorial - "Venezuela - The Materials Path to National Progress" - November 23, 1951
  • Energy resources (liquid fuels), Chapter A - November 23, 1951
  • Energy resources (natural gas), Chapter CS VIII-B
  • Energy resources (electric energy), Chapter VIII-D

Box 17

  • Energy - Chapter I
  • Energy - Chapter II
  • Foreign resources (No. 1) - Chapter I
  • Foreign resources (No. 1) - Chapter II
  • Foreign resources (No. 1) - Chapter III
  • Foreign resources (No. 1) - Chapter IV
  • Foreign resources (No. 1) - Chapter V
  • Foreign resources (No. 1) - Chapter VI
  • Foreign resources (No. 1) - Chapter VII
  • Foreign resources (No. 2) - Chapter I
  • Foreign resources (No. 2) - Chapter II
  • Foreign resources (No. 2) - Chapter III
  • Foreign resources (No. 2) - Chapter IV
  • Foreign resources (No. 2) - Chapter V
  • Foreign resources (No. 2) - Chapter VI
  • Foreign resources (No. 2) - Chapter VII
  • Foreign resources (No. 2) - Chapter VIII
  • Domestic resources - Chapter I
  • Domestic resources - Chapter II
  • Domestic resources - Chapter III
  • Domestic resources - Chapter IV
  • Domestic resources - Chapter V
  • Domestic resources - Forward to Chapters III, IV, V
  • Technology - Chapter I

Box 18

  • Technology - Chapter II-"What is Technology?"
  • Technology - Chapter III-"Promise of Technology for the Future"
  • Technology - Chapter III-A-"The Dominant Materials"
  • Technology - Chapter III-B-"The Problem Materials"
  • Technology - Chapter III-C-"The Aggressive Materials"
  • Technology - Chapter III-D-"Scare Underdeveloped Materials"
  • Technology - Chapter III-E-"New Tools for Technology"
  • Technology - Chapter IV-"Use of Materials by the Building Industry"
  • Technology - Chapter V-"Research and Materials"
  • Technology and materials problem - Chapter I
  • Technology and materials problem - Chapter I-A-Tools
  • Technology and materials problem - Chapter II-"Promise of Technology for the Future"
  • Technology and materials problem - Chapter II-A-"Dominant Materials"
  • Technology and materials problem - Chapter II-B-"Problem Materials"
  • Technology and materials problem - Chapter II-C-"Potential Materials"
  • Technology and materials problem - Chapter II-D-"Scarce Underdeveloped Materials"
  • Technology and materials problem - Chapter II-D-"New Tools to Solve Materials Problem"
  • Technology and materials problem - Chapter III-"Use of Materials by the Building Industry"
  • Security - Chapter I - "Materials Requirements Mobilization Planning"
  • Security - Chapter II - "Strategic Stockpiling"
  • Security - Chapter III - "Resources Expansion-Reserve, Capacity, etc."


Box 19

  • Organization - Part VIII - "Strengthening Government Organization" (Index)
  • Materials - Part IV - "Making Materials Go Further"
  • Draft report (January 21, 1952) - Part I - Introduction
  • Draft report (January 21, 1952) - Part II - "Strengthening Domestic Resource Base"
  • Draft report - 5 chapters
  • Draft report (January 21, 1952) - Part III - "Strengthening the Free World Resource Base"
  • Draft report - Chapters I-VIII
  • Draft report (January 21, 1952) - Part IV - "Materials
  • Draft report (January 21, 1952) - Part V - "Strengthening the Energy Resource Base" (2 chapters)
  • Draft report (January 21, 1952) - Part VI - "Strengthening the Technology Resources"

EXECUTIVE SECRETARY: Drafts of Commodity Studies (January-April 1952) - Volume I

Box 20

  • Adhesive metals
  • Aluminum
  • Antimony
  • Beryllium
  • Bismuth (1)
  • Bismuth (2)
  • Cadmium
  • Chemicals
  • Coal
  • Copper
  • Electric energy
  • Flourspor
  • Iron and steel
  • Lead
  • Magnesium
  • Manganese
  • Miscellaneous strategic materials
  • Natural gas
  • Oil
  • Rubber
  • Sulphur
  • Tin
  • Titanium
  • Zinc
  • Zuconium

EXECUTIVE SECRETARY: Drafts of Commodity Studies (January-April 1952) - Volume II

  • Adhesive metals (Vol. II)
  • Aluminum - 1

Box 21

  • Aluminum - 2
  • Antimony
  • Beryllium
  • Bismuth
  • Cadmium
  • Chemicals
  • Copper
  • Fluorspor
  • Iron and steel
  • Lead
  • Magnesium
  • Manganese
  • Miscellaneous strategic minerals
  • Rubber (natural and synthetic)
  • Tin
  • Titanium
  • Zinc
  • Zuconium

EXECUTIVE SECRETARY: Previous Drafts Combined (Vol. 1, April 1952)

  • Introduction - Chapters I-V
  • General Introduction - Chapters I-V
  • Chapter I - Introduction
  • Chapter II - "Developing New Resources of Minerals"
  • Chapter III - "Making the Most of Timber Resources"

Box 22

  • Chapter IV - "Making the Most of Agricultural Resources"
  • Chapter V - "Obtaining Enough Water for Industry"
  • Foreign resources - Chapter I - Introduction
  • Foreign resources - Chapter II - "Private U.S. Investment in Resources"
  • Foreign resources - Chapter III - "Direct Assistance by Public Agencies"
  • Foreign resources - Chapter IV - "Need to Remove Barriers to World Trade in Raw Materials"
  • Foreign resources - Chapter V - "Reducing Market Instability"
  • Energy - Chapter I - "The Challenge of Energy"
  • Energy - Chapter II - "Oil"
  • Energy - Chapter III - "Natural Gas"
  • Energy - Chapter IV - "Coal"
  • Energy - Chapter V - "Electric Energy"
  • Energy - Chapter VI - "Energy in the Rest of the Free World"
  • Energy - Chapter VII - "An Energy Pattern for the Future"
  • Technology - Chapter I - "The Task for Technology"
  • Technology - Chapter II - "Measure of Technological Strength"
  • Technology - Chapter III - "Putting Technology to Work (Building Industry)
  • Technology - Chapter XXIII - "The Scope of Technology"
  • Technology - Chapter XXIV - "The Task for Technology"
  • Technology - Chapter XXV - "Technology - Government and Research"
  • Security - Chapter I - "Materials Policy"
  • Security - Chapter II - "Stretching Supply by Cutting Demand"
  • Security - Chapter III - "Building & Maintaining Stockpiles"
  • Security - Chapter IV - "Emergency Resources for Extra Production"
  • Security - Chapter V - "Soviet Materials Position"
  • Summary

EXECUTIVE SECRETARY: Previous Drafts Combined (Vols. II, III, IV, March-May 1952)

Box 23

  • Projection of materials demand for 1975
  • Estimates of U.S. & world resources and potential resources
  • Measures of raw materials production - consumption
  • Land productivity
  • Oil
  • An aid to mineral exploration
  • Rapid growth of electricity
  • Natural gas
  • Promise of technology (A-E)
  • Technology of forest products
  • (PMPC, Vol. IV) - Need for facts & analysis, PMPC, Vol. IV (2 folders)

EXECUTIVE SECRETARY: Previous Drafts Combined (Vol. V, March-April 1952)

Box 24

  • Point Four and materials development
  • Economic cooperation in Venezuela
  • U.S. direct private investment abroad in materials production (2 folders)
  • Taxation of Canadian industries (2 folders)
  • Mineral exploitation by the Federal Government (2 folders)
  • Federal mining laws and mineral leasing acts (2 folders)
  • Indirect Government operation through management controls as a means of foreign development (2 folders)
  • Report on water (transferred to NSRD) (2 folders)
  • Place of U.S. in free world forest economy (2 folders)
  • Requirements for timber products in relation to nation's forest resources (2 folders)
  • Counterpart funds for raw materials (2 folders)
  • Export-import loans for development (2 folders)
  • Guarantees for foreign investment (2 folders)
  • Incentives for mineral industries (2 folders)
  • Unpublished reports - "Resources of Alaska" (2 folders)
  • Role of solar energy (2 folders)
  • Geologic mapping - an aid to mineral exploration
  • Mineral policy - the need for facts and analysis
  • Charts (included in report)

Box 25

EXECUTIVE SECRETARY: Comments on Drafts of Report: General

  • General
  • Metals and minerals
  • Additive metals
  • Aluminum

Box 26

  • Antimony
  • Beryllium
  • Bismuth
  • Cadmium
  • Chemicals
  • Chemicals - special report
  • Copper - No. 1

Box 27

  • Copper - No. 2
  • Fluorspar
  • Iron and steel
  • Lead

Box 28

  • Magnesium
  • Manganese
  • Rubber
  • Miscellaneous strategic materials
  • Sulphur
  • Tin
  • Titanium

Box 29

  • Zinc
  • Zuconium
  • Energy
  • Coal

Box 30

  • Electric energy
  • Energy natural gas
  • Petroleum - oil (folder 1)

Box 31

  • Petroleum - oil (folder 2)
  • Petroleum - oil (folder 3)
  • Petroleum - oil (folder 4)
  • Solar energy

Box 32

  • Domestic resources
  • Domestic resources - introduction
  • Domestic resources - agriculture
  • Domestic resources - timber
  • Domestic resources - water

Box 33

  • Foreign relations
  • Security

Box 34

  • Incentives for mineral industry
  • Technology
  • Organization
  • Promoting free world expansion
  • Resources of Alaska
  • Stockpiling materials for security
  • Projection of materials demand for 1975
  • Land productivity

EXECUTIVE SECRETARY: Reports and Studies

  • Water - Jack R. Barnes, consulting ground-water hydrologist
  • Standards - A key to a dynamic materials policy
  • Timber - prospective requirements for timber products in relation to the nation's forest resources

Box 35

  • Forest - place of the U.S. in the free world's forest economy
  • Battelle Reports - Role of technology in the future of iron and steel
  • Battelle Reports - Role of technology in the future of iron-ore supply
  • Battelle Reports - Role of technology in the future of manganese
  • Battelle Reports - Role of technology in the future of cobalt
  • Battelle Reports - Role of technology in the future of columbium
  • Battelle Reports - Role of technology in the future of nickel
  • Battelle Reports - Role of technology in the future of tungsten
  • Battelle Reports - Role of technology in the future of vanadium
  • Battelle Reports - Role of technology in the future of coaking coals
  • Battelle Reports - Role of technology in the future of scrap (raw material)
  • Battelle Reports - Role of technology in the future of copper
  • Battelle Reports - Role of technology in the future of lead
  • Battelle Reports - Role of technology in the future of zinc
  • Battelle Reports - Role of technology in the future of natural gas (with outline copy)
  • Battelle Reports - Role of technology in the future of petroleum (with outline copy)
  • Battelle Reports - Role of technology in the future of aluminum
  • Battelle Reports - Role of technology in the future of magnesium
  • Battelle Reports - Role of technology in the future of titanium
  • Battelle Reports - Role of technology in the future of tin
  • Battelle Reports - Role of technology in the future of sulphur, sulphides, sulphuric acid
  • Battelle Reports - Role of technology in the future of potash supplies
  • Battelle Reports - Role of technology in the future of fluorspar
  • Battelle Reports - Role of technology in the future of zirconium
  • Battelle Reports - Role of technology in the future of uncommon metals

Box 36

  • Battelle Reports - Role of technology in the future of coal
  • Battelle Reports - Role of technology in the future of coaking coals
  • Battelle Reports - Role of technology in the future of electrical energy transmission (with rough draft)
  • Battelle Reports - Role of technology in the future of hydroelectric power
  • Battelle Reports - Role of technology in the future of hydroelectric developments (2 copies)
  • Battelle Reports - Role of technology in the future of unconventional sources of energy (with 3 rough drafts)
  • Battelle Reports - Role of technology in the future of thermal generation of electricity (with 2 rough drafts)
  • Battelle Reports - Role of technology in the future of discovery techniques (2 copies)
  • Battelle Reports - Role of technology in the future of metallic production wastes
  • Battelle Reports - Role of technology in the future of smelting and refining wastes
  • Battelle Reports - Role of technology in the future of corrosion control
  • Battelle Reports - Role of technology in the recovery of ocean resources
  • Battelle Reports - Energy & fuels - notes on the overall energy picture (with rough draft)
  • Battelle Reports - Role of technology in increasing mineral supplies by waste control in beneficiation
  • Battelle Reports - Waste suppression - nonferrous scrap
  • Battelle Reports - Waste suppression - waste going into the atmosphere
  • Battelle Reports - Waste suppression - waste going into streams

Box 37

  • Metals and minerals - estimates of U.S. - world reserves & potential resources of coal, petroleum & natural gas - Dept. of Interior
  • Water - brief summary of overall water situation in 10 selected areas - Dept. of Interior
  • Coal products as raw materials for the chemical industry (Koppers Co., Inc.)
  • Building industry - report on technological developments (Little Report)
  • Petroleum chemicals - forecasts for DX - Standard Oil Development Co.
  • Minerals - Possibilities of improved discovery methods (National Research Council)
  • Natural gas and petroleum as industrial raw materials (Egloff-Universal oil products)

EXECUTIVE SECRETARY: Questionnaires - Minerals and Metals

Box 38

  • Alan Wood Steel Co.
  • Alaska Juneau Gold Mining Co.
  • Allied Chemical and Dye Corp.
  • Alphine Mining Co.
  • Alta United Mining Co.
  • Aluminum Co. of America
  • American Agricultural Chemical Co.
  • American Cyanamid Co.
  • American Machine and Metals, Inc.
  • American Metal Co.
  • American Smelting and Refining Co.
  • American Zinc, Lead and Smelting Co.
  • Anaconda Copper Mining Co.
  • Apex Smelting Co.
  • Arizona Barite Co.
  • Armco Steel Corp.
  • Asheville - Schoonmaker Mica Co.

Box 39

  • Baker, David D.
  • Banner Mining Co.
  • Beryllium Corp.
  • Bishop, D. and Co. - Platinum Works
  • Black Hawk Consolidated Mines
  • Bonneville, Ltd.
  • Bradley Mining Co.
  • Broadwater Zinc and Lead Co.
  • Brooks and Scanlon, Inc.
  • Brush Beryllium Co.
  • Bunker Hill and Sullivan Mining and Concentrating Co.
  • Callahan Zinc-Lead Co.
  • Calumet and Hecla Consolidated Copper Co.
  • Castro Chrome Association
  • Cerro De Pasco Copper Corp.
  • Ceylon Graphite Co.
  • Charleston Lead Mine

Box 40

  • Chief Consolidated Mining Co.
  • Christmas Copper Corp.
  • Clayton Silver Mines
  • Cleveland-Cliffs Iron Co.
  • Clifton Products Co.
  • Climax Molybdenum Co.
  • Colorado Fuel and Iron Corp.
  • Combined Metals Reproduction Co.
  • Consolidated Copper Mines Corp.
  • Consolidated Feldspar Corp.
  • Copper Canyon Mining Co.
  • Copper Range Co.
  • Cordero Mining Co.
  • Coronet Phosphate Co.
  • Crystal Fluorspar

Box 41

  • Davidson, Donald
  • Davison Chemical Corp.
  • Desert Exploration Co.
  • Dierks Lumber and Coal Co.
  • Dixon (Joseph) Crucible Co.
  • Dodgeville Mining Co.
  • Dow Chemical Co.
  • Dulin Bauxite Co.
  • Dupont de Nemours & Co.
  • Dural Sulphur and Potash Co.
  • Eagle-Picher Mining and Smelting Co.
  • Fairmount Co.
  • Fansteel Metallurgical Corp. (2 folders)
  • Fortune Mine
  • Fowler, George M.
  • Freeport Sulphur Co.

Box 42

  • General Electric Co.
  • Getchell Mine, Inc.
  • Goldsmith Bros. Smelting and Refining Co.
  • Grand Deposit Mining Co.
  • Hanna, M. A. Co.
  • Harshaw Chemical Co.
  • Hillside Mining and Milling Co.
  • Hollingsworth and Whitney Co.
  • Horseshoe Basin Mining and Development Co.
  • Howe Sound Co.
  • Inspiration Consolidated Copper Co.
  • International Minerals and Chemical Corp.
  • International Nickel Co. of Canada Ltd.
  • Jefferson Lake Sulphur Co.
  • Jones and Laughlin Steel Corp.
  • Joralmon, Ira B.

Box 43

  • Just, Evan
  • Kaiser Aluminum and Chemical Corp.
  • Kaiser Steel Corp.
  • Kennecott Copper Corp.
  • Lavino, E.D. and Co.
  • Lone Star Steel Co.
  • McKinstry, Hugh E.
  • McLaughlin, Donald H.
  • Magma Copper Co.
  • Manganese, Inc.

Box 44

  • Miami Copper Co.
  • Midnight Mining Co.
  • Miller, Hugo W.
  • Minerva Oil Co.
  • Molybdenum Corp. of America
  • Monsanto Chemical Co.
  • Mudd, Harvey A.
  • Mutual Chemical Co. of America
  • National Lead Co. (3 folders)
  • National Steel Corp.
  • Nevada Mass. Co.
  • Nevada Scheelite Div. - Kennametal, Inc.

Box 45

  • New Jersey Zinc Co.
  • New Park Mining Co.
  • North Butte Mining Co.
  • North Range Mining Co.
  • Ozark Mahoning Co.
  • Pacific Mining Co.
  • Pacific Northwest Alloys Co.
  • Pacific Tin Consolidated Corp.
  • Park Utah Consolidated Mines Co.
  • Pend Oreille Mines and Metal Co.
  • Peru Mining Co.
  • Phelps Dodge Corp.
  • Picklands Mather and Co.
  • Potash Co. of America

Box 46

  • Reynolds Metal Co.
  • Rico Argentine Mining Co.
  • Rosiclare Lead and Fluorspar Mining Co.
  • St. Joseph Lead Co.
  • Schmitt, Harrison
  • Shenandoah - Dives Mining Co.
  • Shenon, P.D.
  • Sidney Mining Co.
  • Silver Dollar Mining Co.
  • Silver King Coalition Mines Co.
  • Sonoma Quicksilver Mines, Inc.
  • Southern Mica Co.
  • Spokane-Idaho Mining Co.
  • Surcease Mining Co.
  • Swift and Co.
  • Taylor-Knapp Co.
  • Tellaride Mines, Inc.
  • Tennant, C. Sons and Co. of New York
  • Tennessee Corp.
  • Texas Gulf Sulphur Co.
  • Tintic Lead Co.
  • Treasure Mountain Gold Mining Co.

Box 47

  • Triumph Mining Co.
  • Tungsten Mining Corp.
  • Union Carbide and Carbon Corp.-Electro Metallurgical Div.
  • U.S. Graphite Co.
  • U.S. Mica Co., Inc.
  • U.S. Potash Co., Inc.
  • U.S. Smelting Refining and Mining Co.
  • U.S. Steel Co.
  • Vanderwilt, John W.
  • Vinegar Hill Zinc Co.
  • Virginia-Carolina Chemical Corp.
  • Wah Chang Corp.
  • Woodward Iron Co.

EXECUTIVE SECRETARY: Summaries of Questionnaires - Metals and Minerals

Box 48

  • Antimony
  • Asbestos
  • Bauxite and Aluminum
  • Beryllium
  • Borax
  • Chrome
  • Chromite
  • Columbite
  • Copper
  • Diatomite
  • Gypsum
  • Flminite
  • Iron Ore
  • Kaolin
  • Lead

Box 49

  • Limestone
  • Manganese
  • Mercury
  • Molybdenum
  • Nickel
  • Phosphate Rock
  • Platinum
  • Potash
  • Rutile
  • Sulphur
  • Tantalum
  • Tin
  • Tungsten
  • Vanadium
  • Zinc
  • Zircon

EXECUTIVE SECRETARY: Correspondence re Questionnaires - Metals and Minerals

Box 50

  • Metal and minerals in general
  • Drafts of questionnaire
  • Selection of names to send questionnaire to
  • Questionnaire correspondence, A
  • Questionnaire correspondence, B
  • Questionnaire correspondence, C
  • Questionnaire correspondence, D-F
  • Questionnaire correspondence, G-H
  • Questionnaire correspondence, I-K
  • Questionnaire correspondence, M-N

Box 51

  • Questionnaire correspondence, O-R
  • Questionnaire correspondence, S-T
  • Questionnaire correspondence, U-Z

EXECUTIVE SECRETARY: Questionnaires - Forest Resources and Products

  • Alger-Sullivan Lumber Co.
  • Allen-Rogers Corp.
  • American Box Corp.
  • Anacortes Reneer, Inc.
  • Angelina County Lumber Co.
  • Angelina Hardwood Sales Co.
  • Augusta Hardwood Co.
  • Bailey Lumber Co.
  • Bentley (J.A.) Lumber Co.
  • Blair-Vermont Plywood Co.
  • Brooks-Scanlon, Inc.
  • Brown Builders Supply Co.
  • Bunyan, Paul Lumber Co.
  • Central Lumber Co.
  • Champion Paper and Filer Co.
  • Chesapeake Corporation of Virginia
  • Collins Pine Co.
  • Coulter, C. H.
  • Crosby Forest Products Co.
  • Crossett Paper Mill Co.
  • Crown Zellerbach Corp.
  • Cummer Sons Cypress Co.
  • Dana, Samuel T.
  • Dargan Lumber Mfg. Co.
  • Dwyer Lumber Co.
  • Eatonville Lumber Co.
  • Edens-Birch Library Co.
  • Evans Products Co.

Box 52

  • Fair, D. L. Lumber Co.
  • Fessenden Companies, Inc.
  • Finch, Pruyn and Co., Inc.
  • Fleishel Lumber Co.
  • Folweiler, A. D.
  • Fontana, S. G.
  • Fordyce Lumber Co.
  • Forest Products Co. of Oregon
  • Forrest Veneer Co.
  • Fox, Abbott, Lumber Co.
  • Frampton, D. C. and Co.
  • Frost Lumber Industries, Inc.
  • Gamble Bros., Inc.
  • Garrett, George
  • Gaylord Container Corp.
  • Glatfelter, P. H. Paper Co.
  • Gould Paper Co.
  • Griffith Lumber Co.
  • Gross and Janes Co.
  • Great Northern Paper Co.
  • Hallet Mfg. Co.
  • Hancock, M.S., Inc.
  • Hammermill Paper Co.
  • Harbor Plywood Corp.
  • Hardwood Corp. of America
  • High Sierra Pine Mills, Inc.
  • Himes Co., Inc.
  • Hines Lumber Co.
  • Holt Hardwood Co.
  • Hartsboro Lumber Co.
  • Horner Wood Products Co., Inc.

Box 53

  • Industrial Plywood Corp.
  • Inman-Poulson Lumber Co.
  • International Paper Co.
  • Jamestown Veneer and Plywood Corp.
  • Jolin Corp.
  • Kellog Lumber Co.
  • Keyes Fibre Co.
  • Kimberly-Clark Corp.
  • King Lumber Industry
  • Kirby Lumber Co.
  • Korstian, Clarence F.
  • Long-Bell Lumber Co.
  • Louisiana Central Lumber Co.
  • Maine Skewer and Dowel Corp.
  • Marckworth, Gordon
  • Martins Fork Lumber Co.
  • Mason, David T.
  • Mead Corporation
  • Masonite Corporation
  • Michigan California Lumber Co.
  • Mobile River Sawmill Co.
  • Mount Emily Lumber Co.
  • McCloud Lumber Co.
  • Nekoosa-Edwards Paper Co.
  • Nelson, DeWitt
  • New York and Penn. Co.
  • Nickey Bros., Inc.
  • Olson Lumber Co.
  • Oregon-American Lumber Corp.

Box 54

  • Pine Logging Co. of California
  • Pope and Talbot, Inc.
  • Puget Sound Pulp and Timber Co.
  • Quimby, Allen Veneer Co.
  • Ramey and Sons
  • Rayonier, Inc.
  • Reynolds and Manley Lumber Co.
  • Rhinehimer, Millard E.
  • Ritter Lumber Co.
  • Robbins Flooring Co.
  • Rogers, J. and J. Co.
  • Rose, D.M. Co.
  • Ruberoid Co.
  • Saint Helens Pulp and Paper Co.
  • St. Regis Paper Co.
  • St. Paul and Tacoma Lumber Co.
  • Schiller, Edward
  • Scotch Lumber Co.
  • Shasta Forest Co.
  • Shirley, Hardy L.
  • Simpson Logging Co.
  • Smith, F. Nelson
  • Smith, W. T. Lumber Co.
  • Smith, Wm. A. Lumber Co., Inc.
  • Sound Lumber Co.
  • Southern Box and Lumber Co.
  • Southern Lumber Co.
  • Southern Pine Lumber Co.
  • Southland Paper Mills, Inc.

Box 55

  • Southwest Lumber Mills, Inc.
  • Stewart Lumber Co., Inc.
  • Sullivan Lumber Co., Inc.
  • Temple Lumber Co., Inc.
  • Tigerton Lumber Co.
  • Timberlands, Inc.
  • Townsend Lumber Co., Inc.
  • Trenton Lumber Co.
  • Union Lumber Co.
  • Urania Lumber Co.
  • Vestel Lumber and Mfg. Co.
  • West Coast Lumbermen's Association
  • West Virginia Pulp and Paper Co.
  • Weyerhaeuser Sales Co.
  • Weyerhaeuser Timber Co.
  • Willamette Valley Lumber Co.
  • Williams-Brownell, Inc.
  • Wilner-Wood Products Co.
  • Questionnaires correspondence - forest products - general
  • Questionnaires correspondence - forest products - A-B
  • Questionnaires correspondence - forest products - C-E
  • Questionnaires correspondence - forest products - F-H
  • Questionnaires correspondence - forest products - I-M
  • Questionnaires correspondence - forest products - N-S
  • Questionnaires correspondence - forest products - T-Z

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: Correspondence - General

Box 56

  • Budget - office correspondence
  • Consultants
  • Industry members
  • Inter-office copies
  • Invitations
  • Office - general
  • Office - personnel
  • Press and radio
  • Project ideas
  • Staff assignments

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: Correspondence - Commission

  • Aluminum
  • American Standards Association
  • Battelle
  • Canada
  • Commission documents
  • Commodity studies

Box 57

  • Construction
  • Domestic resources
  • Editorial and review
  • Energy
  • Foreign resources
  • Forest products
  • Government activities
  • Koppers Co.
  • Land
  • Legal
  • Little, Arthur D.

Box 58

  • Metals and minerals
  • Outline - final report
  • Platinum
  • Public domain
  • Projects
  • Renewable resources
  • Rubber
  • Requirements projections
  • Security
  • Staff comments
  • Staff studies - typewritten copies
  • Standards
  • Statistical
  • Stockpile
  • Tax
  • Technology
  • Tin
  • Water

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: Correspondence - Staff

  • Bateman
  • Blum
  • Brown
  • Bunker
  • Coombs

Box 59

  • Craine, Lyle
  • Croston, John
  • Hodgins
  • Isenbergh - Chayes
  • Kahn
  • Lasby, Sam
  • Lehmann, Glenn
  • Mason
  • Mikesell
  • Moment
  • Paley
  • Phillips
  • Pontius, Harry

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: Correspondence - Departmental

  • Agriculture Department
  • Atomic Energy Commission
  • Budget Bureau
  • Central Intelligence Agency
  • Commerce Department
  • Council of Economic Advisors
  • Defense Production Administration
  • Defense Materials Procurement Agency
  • Economic Cooperation Administration
  • Federal Power Commission
  • Federal Trade Commission
  • Forest Service
  • General Services Administration
  • Housing agencies
  • Interior Department
  • International Bank
  • Justice Department
  • Labor Department
  • Library of Congress
  • Bureau of Mines
  • Minerals Advisory Committee
  • National Security Resources Board
  • Point Four program
  • Public Health Agency
  • State Department

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: Correspondence - Reading Files

Box 60

  • President's letter
  • Johnson Committee
  • Personnel
  • Reading file (Feb. 1951-June 1952)
  • Personnel (hardback folder)
  • Binder - Topical: (1) editorial
  • Binder - Topical: (2) energy
  • Binder - Topical: (3) foreign resources
  • Binder - Topical: (4) general analysis
  • Binder - Topical: (5) legal
  • Binder - Topical: (6) security and market policy
  • Binder - Topical: (7) statistical
  • Binder - Topical: (8) technology

EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT: Administrative File

Box 61

  • Administrative
  • Administrative memos - notices
  • Budget allocations
  • Budget basic authorities
  • Budget requirements, fiscal year 1951
  • Budget requirements, fiscal year 1952
  • Chronological file - Feb.-June 1951
  • Chronological file - July-Dec. 1951
  • Chronological file - Jan.-June 1952
  • Comptroller General decisions
  • Contracts, drafts, extras, misc.
  • Contract - American Standards Association
  • Contract - Battelle Memorial Institute
  • Contract - (SA 849), Creative Arts Studio, Inc.

Box 62

  • Contract - (SA 844), Design and Production, Inc.
  • Contract - Graham Associates
  • Contract - Howard University
  • Contract - Arthur D. Little Co.
  • Contract - National Academy of Sciences
  • Contract - Elmo Roper
  • Contract - Roger Williams, Inc.


Box 63

  • Aboriginal Land Claims in Alaska
  • Anti-Trust Division--Department of Justice
  • Anti-Trust Laws--Application to Foreign Operations
  • Anti-Trust Regulations Governing Business Advisory Committees and Pooling of Scientific Research
  • Assignments
  • Battelle Memorial Institute
  • Bibliography
  • Conflict of Interest Statutes
  • Congressional Record Digest (Bureau of the Budget)
  • Contracts
  • Economic Cooperation Administration

Box 64

  • Effect of State Tax Laws on Mineral Exploration and Development
  • Exploration--Bonuses for Discovery
  • Exploration and Development--Revision of Municipal Laws Essential to
  • Exploration and Discovery [1 of 2]
  • Exploration and Discovery [2 of 2]
  • Exploration--The Exploration Corporation
  • Federal Research--Contingent Problems
  • Federal Research--Tax Treatment of Research and Experiment Costs
  • GSA--Contract--GS-OOP-317 (SCM) [empty folder]
  • GSA--Contract--SCM-TS-9156 [empty folder]
  • GSA--Contract--10511 [empty folder]
  • GSA--Contract--10512 [empty folder]
  • GSA--[Contract] Related correspondence [empty folder]
  • General Services Administration--General Services Administration--Belgian Congo
  • Harvard--Forestry
  • Harvard Projects
  • Income Tax--Internal Revenue Code--General Definitions
  • Interior Department--Defense [1 of 2]
  • Interior Department--Defense [2 of 2]

Box 65

  • Interior Department--Legal Material [1 of 2]
  • Interior Department--Legal Material [2 of 2]
  • Investment Guarantees
  • Investment Treaties
  • Legislative Reference Service
  • Little, Arthur D., Inc.
  • Management Contracts
  • Management Contracts--Working Papers
  • Mapping--Geologies
  • Mineral Industries--Federal Credit
  • Mining--Small Mines

Box 66

  • Mining Laws of Canada
  • Mining Laws of South Africa
  • Mining Laws [1 of 3]
  • Mining Laws [2 of 3]
  • Mining Laws [3 of 3]
  • Mineral Leasing Acts--Appendix Paper
  • Mining and Mineral Leasing Acts
  • Mining Laws--Conference on Revision of U.S. - Hearings Before a Special House Committee on Public Lands Pursuant to H.Res. 66, Oct. 17, 1949

Box 67

  • Minerals Industry, Survey of Legislative Proposals for Incentives to
  • Minerals Location Law--Statutory and Case re Operation
  • Minerals Program--Interior Department
  • Minerals Taxation, State
  • National Security Resources Board
  • Obstacles to Investment Abroad
  • Preliminary Meetings--Federal Agencies
  • Oil and Gas Regulations--Williams Project [1 of 2]
  • Oil and Gas Regulations--Williams Project [2 of 2]
  • Organizations
  • PMPC--Basic Organization

Box 68

  • Ore Left in the Ground
  • Reconstruction Finance Corporation
  • Pay Bill
  • PMPC Report
  • Mineral Reserves
  • Rubber (Synthetic)--Patents
  • Schifter papers
  • Staff Discussions
  • Stockpiling, Legal Authority for
  • Studies--Legal
  • Submerged Coastal Oil Lands
  • Tax Data--Treasury Department
  • Taxation of Income from Abroad
  • Unitization--Anti-Trust Laws
  • Water Pollution Control

EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT: Taxation and Incentive File

Box 69

  • Accelerated Authorization
  • Australia
  • Buffer Stock
  • Bonus Program 5
  • Canada
  • Coal
  • Commodities
  • Conservation, Nature of
  • Conservation Grants
  • Depletion [1 of 2]
  • Depletion [2 of 2]

Box 70

  • Depletion--Treasury Study
  • Depletion and Expensing in the Mineral Industry
  • Direct Incentives--General
  • Direct Incentives Questionnaire
  • Excess Profits Tax
  • Exploration (Minerals)
  • Exploration (Minerals)--Costs
  • Federal Credit
  • Foreign
  • Foreign Income
  • Federal Taxation Mining Industry Proposals
  • Foreign--B
  • Forestry
  • Forestry--State Taxation
  • General Incentive Policy Statements
  • Severance Taxes--Mining
  • Grubstake Loans
  • Joint Committee Reports

Box 71

  • Lerner Report
  • Lumber operations--Income Tax
  • Market Stabilization and Incentives
  • National Science Foundation
  • Special Incentives for Mining Industry
  • Oakes--Reader
  • Oil and Gas
  • Price Support
  • Revenue Act of 1951 [1 of 2]
  • Revenue Act of 1951 [2 of 2]
  • Risks

Box 72

  • Some effects of increasing raw material
  • South Africa
  • Drafts - mineral policy (U.S. Government)
  • Strategic and critical materials
  • Sulphur
  • Taxes
  • Proposals for Federal tax exemption - depletion allowances as incentives to the mining industry
  • United Kingdom

STATISTICS SECTION: Statistical File - General Records File

Box 73

  • Foreign investments
  • Construction study - tables prepared by Dr. Wardwell
  • Foreign trade - 1951
  • Free world distribution of production, consumption and reserves
  • G.N.P. and national income - U.S.
  • National income - world - 1949
  • Population
  • Projection
  • Real prices
  • Interim report on means for increasing mineral reserves
  • Requirements forecast for the petroleum-chemical industry in the U.S.A. - 1955-75
  • Miscellaneous statistical summaries prepared for other PMPC sections
  • Venezuela
  • Years life of reserves
  • Statistics staff memoranda
  • Raw materials index
  • Raw materials consumption and production historical series
  • Raw materials consumed - tonnage approximations

STATISTICS SECTION: Statistical File - General Records

Box 74

  • Review of drafts of reports sent to editorial section
  • Bureau of Mines world tables
  • Commodity files
  • Aluminum metal refined


  • Antimony
  • Asbestos
  • Bauxite
  • Cadmium
  • Chromite
  • Coal (bituminous - lignite)
  • Coal (Pennsylvania anthracite)
  • Cobalt
  • Copper
  • Fluorspar
  • Iron
  • Lead
  • Magnesium
  • Manganese ore
  • Mercury
  • Molybdenum
  • Natural gas
  • Nickel
  • Crude petroleum
  • Phosphate rock
  • Light metals and plastics
  • Potash
  • Pyrites

Box 75

  • Prepared tables not published - unrevised
  • Foreign trade data furnished by Office of International Trade
  • Export - import (1939) - raw materials coverage
  • Bureau of Mines - world tables
  • Foreign trade
  • Consumption - percentage estimate by PMPC
  • Metals - Leong Production Series
  • Fuels - Leong Production Series
  • Construction materials - non-metals
  • Chemicals - non-metals
  • Miscellaneous - non-metals
  • Agriculture raw materials
  • Fish and wildlife products
  • Fisheries
  • Furs
  • Forest products

Box 76

  • Minerals - productions and consumption series
  • Consumption index
  • Iron and ferro-alloys consumption
  • Other metals consumption (non-ferrous)
  • Fuels consumption
  • Construction materials consumption
  • Other non-metallic consumption (2 folders)


Box 77

  • Rubber
  • Steel
  • Stone
  • Sulphur - native
  • Tin
  • Titanium
  • Tungsten
  • Zinc
  • Production, consumption and reserves in 1950
  • Self-sufficiency of the U.S.
  • Years life of U.S. by grade - Alexander
  • Estimated primary copper supplies and requirements, U.S. and free world - 1950-75
  • Relative shares of U.S. and free world of production, consumption, and reserves
  • 1950 production as percent of reserves
  • Years of life of U.S. reserves at current rates of consumption - 1900, 1950, and 1975
  • Remaining years of life U.S. proved, indicated and inferred ore at 1950 rates of consumption
  • Current tonnage production of basic materials in U.S.
  • Raw materials cycle
  • Cumulative increase in resources related to decreasing grade
  • Use and availability of water
  • Consumption of energy in the U.S. and the world: 1900-50
  • Natural gas - marketed production - industrial consumption: 1920-75
  • Production and consumption of (1) major metals (2) ferro-alloys (3) selected non-metals
  • Actual and real prices of world trade commodities
  • Industrial production in U.S. compared with quantity - unit value of selected imports
  • Fifty years of telephone technology
  • Scientists and engineers in industrial research - 1950
  • Progress in average auto engine design - gasoline quality - 1900-50
  • Support and performance of scientific research in the U.S. - 1941-51
  • Support of scientific research by major groups in the U.S. - 1930-51
  • Statistics
  • Copper
  • Fluorspar
  • Production, consumption, and reserve series: Chromite
  • Production, consumption, and reserve series: Pig Iron
  • Production, consumption, and reserve series: Manganese
  • Production, consumption, and reserve series: Sulphur
  • Production, consumption, and reserve series: Zinc
  • Production, consumption, and reserve series: Aluminum
  • Production, consumption, and reserve series: Fluorspar
  • Production, consumption, and reserve series: Copper
  • Production, consumption, and reserve series: Lead
  • Production, consumption, and reserve series: Tin
  • General analysis III
  • Years life of reserves - U.S. and free world
  • General analysis I
  • Per capita Gross National Product
  • Domestic resources I
  • Domestic resources II (2 folders)
  • Domestic resources IV
  • Domestic resources V (2 folders)
  • Areas of soil erosion in the U.S.
  • Federally owned lands - 1945 (Bureau of Land Management)

Box 78

  • Flow of iron and steel
  • Domestic resources - estimated cost of mining coal remaining in U.S. in terms of man hours
  • Domestic resources - use and availability of water
  • Precipitation - run-off by major drainage basins
  • Energy - consumption in U.S. and the world, 1900-50
  • Marketed production - industrial consumption (natural gas)-1920-50
  • Production - primary consumption, major metallic ores in U.S. 1900-50
  • Production - primary consumption, ferro alloy metals in U.S., 1900-50
  • Production - primary consumption, selected non-metallic minerals, 1900-50
  • Foreign resources, IV
  • Market policy - I - industrial production in the U.S. compared with quantity and unit value of selected imports - 1948-50
  • 50 years of telephone technology
  • Scientists - engineer industrial research
  • Progress in auto engine design - gasoline
  • Support of scientific research in U.S. 1941-51
  • Support of scientific research by major groups, 1930-51
  • Production of raw materials
  • Average annual production of raw materials by decade
  • Manganese
  • Copper - 2 charts
  • Aluminum


Box 79

  • Letter of transmittal, ack., miscellaneous correspondence for Vol. I
  • "Materials and Freedom," Chapter I, Volume I
  • "Dimensions: Past and Future," Chapter 2, Volume I
  • "The Opportunities," Chapter 3, Volume I
  • "The Difficulties," Chapter 4, Volume I
  • "Steps Toward Policy," Chapter 5, Volume I
  • Miscellaneous material on domestic resource section
  • "The Changing Pattern of Growth," Chapter 6, Volume I

Box 80

  • "Developing Mineral Reserves," Chapter 7, Volume I
  • "Making the Most of Timber Resources," Chapter 8, Volume I
  • "Improving Agricultural Resources," Chapter 9, Volume I
  • "Supplying Industry with Water," Chapter 10, Volume I

Box 81

  • Miscellaneous material on foreign resources
  • "The Opportunity and the Problems," Chapter 11, Volume I
  • "U.S. Private Investment in Resources," Chapter 12, Volume I
  • "Direct Assistance by Public Agencies," Chapter 13, Volume I
  • "Removing Barriers to Trade," Chapter 14, Volume I
  • "Reducing Market Instability," Chapter 15, Volume I

Box 82

  • Area tables and charting
  • Miscellaneous material on energy section
  • "The Energy Problem," Chapter 16, Volume I
  • "Oil - How Much? How Long?", Chapter 17, Volume I
  • "Natural Gas - Boom Fuel," Chapter 18, Volume I
  • "Coal - Can Cost Be Cut?", Chapter 19, Volume I
  • "Electricity - How Much at What Cost?", Chapter 20, Volume I
  • "Energy for Other Free Nations," Chapter 21, Volume I
  • "Energy for the Nation" - summary, Chapter 22, Volume I
  • "The Scope of Technology" - summary, Chapter 23, Volume I
  • "The Tasks for Technology" - summary, Chapter 24, Volume I

Box 83

  • "Government and Materials Research," Chapter 25, Volume I
  • "Technology and Building" - case study, Chapter 26, Volume I
  • Miscellaneous material on security section
  • "Materials Policy - National Security," Chapter 27, Volume I
  • "Stretching Supply by Effective Use," Chapter 28, Volume I
  • "Building and Maintaining Stockpiles," Chapter 29, Volume I
  • "Preparing for Emergency Production," Chapter 30, Volume I
  • "The Soviet Materials Position"
  • "The Continuing Task," Chapter 31, Volume I

Box 84

  • History and acknowledgment
  • Printers copy, Volume I

Box 85

  • Volume I (First galleys - 1)

Box 86

  • Volume I (First galleys - 2)

Box 87

  • Graphics - DR-1
  • Graphics - introd. 9
  • Graphics - tech. 2
  • Graphics - auto design
  • Graphics - introd. 11
  • Graphics - introd. 10
  • Graphics - vol. 2 #7
  • Graphics - Vol. 2 #3
  • Graphics - vol. 2 - chart #14
  • Graphics - vol. 2 #2
  • Graphics - vol. 2 - chart 4A
  • Graphics - relation between Venezuela's oil income and rise in GNP
  • Graphics - energy - 6
  • Graphics - energy - E-1
  • Graphics - energy - 2
  • Graphics - energy - 3
  • Graphics - energy - 4
  • Graphics - energy - 5
  • Graphics - energy - 7
  • Graphics - E 8, natural gas
  • Graphics - Energy - 10
  • Graphics - T 5 - research and development expansion
  • Graphics - T 6 - scientific manpower supply
  • Graphics - sec. 3 - new weapons use more materials
  • Graphics - S-4
  • Graphics - Sec. 5 - nearby sources add to security
  • Graphics - FR-1
  • Graphics - FR-3 - U.S. imposes tariff on key strategic materials
  • Graphics - security - 2
  • Graphics - FR-4-5
  • Graphics - DR-3 (public domain)
  • Graphics - DR-2
  • Graphics - DR-2A
  • Graphics - DR-6 (timber drain U.S. growth)
  • Graphics - DR-5 (saw timber heart of supply problem)
  • Graphics - DR-7 (poor cutting practices waste forest resources)
  • Graphics - DR-8 (more farm output needed per acre)
  • Graphics - DR-12
  • Graphics - DR-9
  • Graphics - DR-11 (pollution of water by cities - industries)
  • Graphics - DR-9A
  • Graphics - introduction - 1
  • Graphics - introduction - 3
  • Graphics - introduction - 5
  • Graphics - introduction - 2
  • Graphics - metal conservation - growth in demand - (GNP)
  • Graphics - introduction - 6
  • Graphics - introduction - 7
  • Graphics - introduction - 8
  • Graphics - introduction - 4
  • Graphics - vol. 2 #1

Box 88

  • Letter of transmittal, acknowledgment, miscellaneous correspondence for Volume II
  • Volume II, Chart #1
  • Scope and plan of studies, ch. I, Vol. II
  • Ferrous metals - iron and steel, ch. II, Vol I
  • Ferrous metals - manganese, ch. III, Vol. II
  • Ferrous metals - additive metals, ch. IV, Vol. II
  • Nonferrous metals - copper, ch. V, Vol. II
  • Nonferrous metals - lead, ch. VI, Vol. II
  • Nonferrous metals - zinc, ch. VII, Vol. II

Box 89

  • Nonferrous metals - tin, ch. VIII, Vol. II
  • Nonferrous metals - antimony, ch. IX, Vol. II
  • Nonferrous metals - cadmium, ch. X, Vol. II
  • Nonferrous metals - bismuth, ch. XI, Vol. II
  • Nonferrous metals - beryllium, ch. XII, Vol. II
  • Nonferrous metals - aluminum, ch. XIII, Vol. II
  • Light metals - magnesium, ch. XIV, Vol. II
  • Light metals - titanium, ch. XV, Vol. II
  • Light metals - zirconium, ch. XVI, Vol. II
  • Misc. strategic materials - sulphur, ch. XVII, Vol. II
  • Misc. strategic materials - fluorspar, ch. XVIII, Vol. II
  • Misc. strategic materials - special strategic m., ch. XIX, Vol. II

Box 90

  • Non-minerals - rubber, ch. XX, Vol. II
  • Non-minerals - chemicals, ch. XXI, Vol. II
  • Non-minerals - projection of 1975 materials demand, ch. XXII, Vol. II
  • Background information - reserves and potential resources

Box 91

  • Background information - production and consumption measures
  • Background information - U.S. Bureau of Mines tables

Box 92

  • Copy for printer (2 folders)

Box 93

  • Volume II (galleys)

Box 94

  • Volume II (galleys)
  • Outlook for energy sources - letter of acknowledgment, transmittal, misc. correspondence for Vol. III
  • "Outlook for Energy Sources" - four studies on energy, introduction
  • "Outlook for Energy Sources" - oil, ch. 1, Vol. III
  • "Outlook for Energy Sources" - natural gas, ch. 2, Vol. III
  • "Outlook for Energy Sources" - coal, ch. 3, Vol. III
  • "Outlook for Energy Sources" - electric energy, ch. 4, Vol. III

Box 95

  • Volume III (galleys)

Box 96

  • Letter of transmittal, acknowledgment, misc. correspondence for Vol. IV
  • The promise of technology - "Improved Exploration for Minerals," ch. 2, Vol. IV
  • The promise of technology - "Technology of Iron and Steel," ch. 3, Vol. IV
  • The promise of technology - manganese, ch. 4, Vol. IV
  • The promise of technology - tin, ch. 5, Vol. IV
  • The promise of technology - titanium, ch. 6, Vol. IV
  • The promise of technology - zirconium, ch. 7, Vol. IV
  • The promise of technology - uncommon metals, ch. 8, Vol. IV
  • The promise of technology - tasks and opportunities, ch. 1, Vol. IV

Box 97

  • The promise of technology - ocean resources, ch. 9, Vol. IV
  • The promise of technology - forest products, ch. 10, Vol. IV
  • The promise of technology - building industry, ch. 11, Vol. IV
  • The promise of technology - coal products - chemicals, ch. 12, Vol. IV
  • The promise of technology - oil and gas, ch. 13, Vol. IV
  • The promise of technology - forecasts - petroleum chemicals, ch. 14, Vol. IV
  • The promise of technology - possibilities of solar energy, ch. 15, Vol. IV

Box 98

  • Volume IV (copies for the printer)

Box 99

  • Volume IV (copies for the printer)

Box 100

  • Volume IV (galleys)

Box 101

  • Volume IV (galleys)

Box 102

  • Volume IV (galleys)
  • Selected reports - Vol. V - letters of transmittal, acknowledgment
  • Selected reports - Vol. V - taxation of Canadian minerals industries, report 4
  • Selected reports - Vol. V - government exploration for minerals, report 1
  • Selected reports - Vol. V - mining laws and mineral leasing acts, report 2
  • Selected reports - Vol. V - incentives for minerals industries, report 3

Box 103

  • Selected reports - Vol. V - Domestic timber resources, report 5
  • Selected reports - Vol. V - The free world's forest resources, report 6
  • Selected reports - Vol. V - Future demands on land productivity, report 7
  • Selected reports - Vol. V - U.S. fertilizer resources, report 8
  • Selected reports - Vol. V - Water for U.S. industry, report 9
  • Selected reports - Vol. V - Venezuela "sows the petroleum", report 10
  • Selected reports - Vol. V - U.S. private investment abroad, report 11
  • Selected reports - Vol. V - guaranties for foreign investment, report 12
  • Selected reports - Vol. V - IBRD and materials development, report 13
  • Selected reports - Vol. V export - import loans for development, report 14

Box 104

  • Selected reports - Vol. V - counterpart funds for raw materials, report 15
  • Selected reports - Vol. V - government management contracts, report 16
  • The need for basic facts on minerals (not printed) Vol. V
  • Geologic maps for minerals discovery (not printed) Vol. V
  • The resources of Alaska (not printed) Vol. V
  • The Point Four Program (not printed) Vol. V
  • Volume V (copy for the printers)

Box 105

  • Volume V (printers copy - galleys)

Box 106

  • Volume V (galleys)

Box 107

  • Charts-digest of reports

Box 108

  • Summary report - history and statistics (4 folders)

Box 109

  • Icebox draft
  • (1) Part I - Introduction
  • (2) Part II - "Strengthening our Domestic Resource Base"
  • (3) Part III
  • (4) Part IV - "Materials"
  • (5) Part V - "Strengthening the Energy Resource Base"
  • (6) Part VI - "Strengthening the Technology Resource"
  • (7) Part VII - "Strengthening the Materials Base of National Security"
  • (8) Part VIII - "Strengthening Government Organization to do the Job"

Box 110

  • Interoffice memoranda - Hodgins-Ackerman
  • Interoffice memoranda - Hodgins-Coombs
  • Interoffice memoranda - Hodgins-Paley
  • Interoffice memoranda - Hodgins to staff
  • Interoffice memoranda - McConnell to staff (except Hodgins)
  • Interoffice memoranda - Ayres, Eugene
  • Interoffice memoranda - Avery, Julian
  • Interoffice memoranda - Hodgins-Cohen
  • Interoffice memoranda - Cohen memoranda - general
  • Interoffice memoranda - Hodgins to Commissioners
  • Interoffice memoranda - Hodgins-Pontius
  • Interoffice memoranda - Hodgins-Consultants
  • Interoffice memoranda - Hodgins-Page
  • Interoffice memoranda - Hodgins-White
  • Interoffice memoranda - Hodgins-McConnell
  • Interoffice memoranda - PMPC status sheet
  • Interoffice memoranda - security releases
  • Interoffice memoranda - chronological
  • Outside correspondence - Williams, Roger, Jr.
  • Outside correspondence - recruitment of personnel
  • Hodgins personal - correspondence
  • Hodgins personal - graphics
  • Hodgins personal - introduction
  • Hodgins personal - miscellaneous
  • Hodgins personal - organization
  • Hodgins personal - outlines

Box 111

  • Introduction - third draft - comments from staff
  • Introduction - Vol. I
  • Miscellaneous materials
  • Title suggestions
  • Volume II-A - schedules
  • Recommendations
  • Outlines
  • Report on interviews in Cleveland, Columbus Parker
  • Miscellaneous
  • National minerals policy
  • Outlines
  • Interview of Dr. Clark, Mr. Parker, Mr. Elias - Iron and Steel Institute
  • Questionnaire - forest resources and products
  • Introduction and comments - drafts, Vol. I
  • Commodity studies - 1st draft
  • Lasky comments on redrafts of commodity studies (2 folders)
  • Commodity studies memoranda
  • Hodgins exchange of memos with commodity analysis panel
  • Outline - domestic resources
  • Domestic resources - 1st draft
  • Informal note for Mr. Hodgins - (Howard Ball) - Aug. 14, 1951
  • Functions of domestic resources group (Coombs) - April 18, 1951
  • Domestic resources memoranda
  • Domestic resources policy
  • Hodgins exchange of memos with Domestic Resources
  • Liquid fuels meeting with Interior officials
  • Hodgins exchange of memos with Energy
  • Energy resources - 1st draft
  • Energy memoranda
  • Foreign resources memoranda
  • Foreign resources - 1st draft
  • General Analysis - 3rd draft
  • Alexander's commodity summaries - August 1951
  • Hodgins exchange of memos with General Analysis
  • Policy orientation - Harberger - Sept. 5, 1951
  • Ruhr industry and the Schuman Plan (W.N. Parker)
  • Hodgins exchange of memos with Legal
  • Memo to Commission re "contracts for special studies" (Isenbergh) - June 13, 1951

Box 112

  • Battelle project - statement
  • Koppers project
  • Universal oil project
  • Little, Arthur D.
  • Security & market policy - 1st draft
  • Security memoranda
  • Report of National Research Council (means for increasing mineral reserve)
  • Hodgins exchange of memos with Security and Market Policy
  • Memorandum to staff writers (Spencer)
  • Technology - drafts from Hodgins desk (2 folders)
  • Technology memoranda
  • Agenda and Hodgins' notes for Commission meeting of July 10, 1951
  • Gibson letter re PMPC representation on Conservation Coordinating Committee - March 19, 1951
  • Hodgins exchange of memos with Technology
  • Exchange of Technology - C. White's documents
  • Miscellaneous
  • Invitations to Commission meeting on technology section - April 2, 1951
  • Industrial Bulletin, A.D. Little, Inc.
  • Meeting with Zay Jeffries, Hodgins, Miller, Clark - May 16, 1951
  • Natural gas - petroleum as industrial raw material (non-energy uses)
  • Proposed outline for technology section of report (Hodgins)- Mar. 30, 1951
  • Temperature, energy and technological development (Elias)
  • Tyler's thoughts on scope and content of technology section of PMPC report
  • Technology draft (Hodgins) - May 30, 1951
  • Work schedule, technology
  • Yale Brozen (ch. 32), Conservation of Resources - textbook for economics
  • Yale Brozen - needed studies - June 27, 1951
  • Yale Brozen - research, technology and productivity
  • PMPC staff data

Box 113

  • Miscellaneous notes
  • Composite of commodities problems
  • Materials - Vol. III
  • Area tables - Aug. 28, 1951
  • Memoranda to Mr. Hodgins
  • Bibliography
  • Land productivity (Black report), Mason-Fritz
  • Point Four and foreign raw materials development
  • Graphics
  • Memoranda for files
  • Memos to and from Norvell Page
  • Complexities compounded
  • Venezuela - the materials path to national progress
  • Recent and prospective impact of technology on utilization and supply of forest products

Box 114

  • Index for first draft of report - Sept. 4, 1951
  • Maps - outline
  • Fertilizer resources and requirements of the U.S.
  • Liquid fuels - (Dwyer)
  • Letter to research institutes (non-government)


Box 115

  • Commodities - general
  • Aluminum
  • Additives
  • Antimony
  • Bismuth
  • Cadmium
  • Carbon black
  • Chemicals
  • Chromium
  • Cobalt
  • Copper
  • Energy
  • Fluorspar

Box 116

  • Hides and skins
  • Iron and steel
  • Lead and zinc
  • Manganese
  • Magnesium
  • Miscellaneous strategic materials
  • Molybdenum
  • Natural gas

Box 117

  • Master-oil
  • Nickel
  • Phosphate
  • Potash
  • Rubber
  • Sulphur
  • Tin
  • Titanium
  • Tungsten
  • Wood and wood products
  • Zirconium


Box 118

  • Atmospheric effluence - Bureau of Mines
  • Conservation of materials and suppression of waste
  • Bureau of Standards - corrosion control
  • Exploration of minerals
  • Minerals - programming - extraction - exploitation
  • Fertilizers - preliminary study papers

Box 119

  • Fertilizer - reviews and correspondence
  • Fertilizers - sulphur, potash, phosphate, etc.
  • Fertilizer report
  • Forestry

Box 120

  • Land productivity
  • Land productivity - reviews of correspondence
  • Land reclamation
  • Population projections and plant expansion
  • Public lands and Alaska

Box 121

  • Standardization - Hodgins
  • Industrial water (working drafts)
  • Industrial water
  • Public Health Service - water pollution (States)
  • Water situation in ten selected areas

Box 122

  • Water - long range studies by States


Box 123

  • Atomic energy
  • Carbon black report
  • Consumption of energy
  • Energy - energy general
  • Energy - coal and coke
  • Energy - electric power
  • Energy - oil and gas
  • Energy - solar energy
  • Energy - confidential
  • Hydroelectric projects
  • Liquid fuels
  • Meetings
  • Natural gas
  • Requirements and reserves
  • Saturation of appliances
  • Tables and charts
  • Work program
  • Coal - drafts 1-4


Box 124

  • Electric energy - drafts 1-4
  • Natural gas - drafts 1-4
  • Liquid fuels - 1-4
  • Overall energy - drafts 1-3


Box 125

  • Area tables - PMPC
  • Battelle project
  • Bibliographies
  • Buffer stocks
  • Cartels
  • Checklist
  • Economy of the Middle East in 1950, by Alfred Michaelis
  • Exploration
  • Foreign resources area - files - outline
  • Foreign defense minerals - committee meetings
  • Foreign supplies and requirements - Committee on - meetings - summary

Box 126

  • Commodity Credit Corporation
  • Defense Materials Procurement Agency
  • Defense Production Administration
  • General Services Administration
  • International Board of Research and Development
  • International Materials Conference
  • Office of Defense Mobilization
  • Department of State
  • United Nations
  • International Commodity Agreements
  • Investment guarantees
  • Latin America
  • Mining geologists meeting
  • Multiple exchange rates
  • Outline - foreign resources area
  • Projects (Bateman, Alan M.)
  • Projects - legal and administrative obstacles (Brewster, K.)
  • Projects - Feis, Herbert
  • Projects - Parks, Wallace
  • Projects - Commerce -private procurement practices (Kahn)
  • Projects - ECA - general
  • Projects - ECA - role of investment guarantees in stimulating U.S. private investment in foreign materials development (Morrisson)
  • Projects - ECA - Southeast Asia and dependent areas

Box 127

  • Projects - Interior - exploration
  • Projects - Export-Import Bank - role in foreign materials development
  • Projects - International Bank - role in foreign materials development
  • Projects - case studies covering major commodities and areas (Brodie-State)
  • Projects - TCA - exploration
  • Procurement (2 folders)
  • Rockefeller report
  • Report - general
  • Tariff tables
  • Tax incentives
  • Treaties
  • Chronological reading file - Mar-July 1951
  • Chronological reading file - Aug. 1951-Jan. 1952


Box 128

  • Overseas territories development
  • General - I.A.
  • Metallic minerals - Aluminum (bauxite)
  • Metallic minerals - Copper
  • Metallic minerals - Iron ore
  • Metallic minerals - Lead
  • Metallic minerals - Manganese
  • Metallic minerals - Magnesium
  • Metallic minerals - Molybdenum
  • Metallic minerals - Nickel
  • Metallic minerals - Steel
  • Metallic minerals - Tin
  • Metallic minerals - Tungsten
  • Metallic minerals - Zinc
  • Non-metallic minerals - phosphates
  • Non-metallic minerals - graphite
  • Non-metallic minerals - potash
  • Non-metallic minerals - sulphur
  • Energy - resources - petroleum
  • Energy - resources - other

Box 129

  • Obstacles to foreign investment - political climate
  • Obstacles to foreign investment - restrictive policies on entry
  • Obstacles to foreign investment - taxation problems
  • Obstacles to foreign investment - restrictive export policies
  • Obstacles to foreign investment - C.J. Nichols papers
  • Measures for overcoming obstacles - improvement of climate
  • Measures for overcoming obstacles - tax incentives
  • Measures for overcoming obstacles - investment treaties
  • Measures for overcoming obstacles - investment guarantees
  • Measures for overcoming obstacles - other
  • Encouragement of foreign materials development - local financing problem
  • Encouragement of foreign materials development - international loans
  • Encouragement of foreign materials development - U.S. government activities
  • Encouragement of foreign materials development - international arrangement
  • Encouragement of foreign materials development - rubber program
  • Encouragement of foreign materials development - J. Frank
  • Encouragement of foreign materials development - ways to increase U.S. imports (South America)
  • Encouragement of foreign materials development - U.S. foreign investment statistics
  • Encouragement of foreign materials development - Vol. 5 studies
  • Encouragement of foreign materials development - United Nations programs
  • Encouragement of foreign materials development - miscellaneous
  • Technical assistance - Other
  • Technical assistance - foreign resources
  • Technical assistance - Venezuela


Box 130

  • Allocations
  • Assumptions - security
  • Brozen, Yale
  • Buffer stocks
  • Bulk purchase arrangements (United Kingdom)
  • General commodities - reference material - specialists
  • Committee to purchase contracts
  • Ames, Edward - Federal Reserve Board
  • International commodity arrangements - security
  • Issues - market policy
  • Issues - security
  • Legal - general counsel
  • Long term contracts
  • Market policy
  • Market stability
  • Materials policy - drafts - (stencil copies)
  • Materials security
  • Miscellaneous
  • Political impact of security
  • Price guarantees - security
  • Tin


Box 131

  • Aluminum
  • American Can Co.
  • American Society for Metals
  • Atomic energy
  • Automobiles
  • Battelle Memorial Institute
  • Bell Telephone Laboratories
  • Chemicals
  • Coal
  • Cobalt
  • Conference on Quantitative Description of Technological Change

Box 132

  • Conversations - F. Clark
  • Conversations - DeVeau
  • Copper
  • Correspondence, misc.
  • Diamonds
  • DuPont
  • Elias' - reports, correspondence, etc.
  • Interior Department correspondence
  • Koppers Company, Inc.
  • "Coal Products as Raw Materials for the Chemical Industry"

Box 133

  • Arthur D. Little, Inc.
  • Lukens Steel Co.
  • Magnesium
  • Manganese
  • Metallic minerals and metals
  • Metallurgical Advisory Board
  • Molybdenum
  • National Research Council
  • National Science Foundation
  • Patents
  • Personnel
  • Petroleum

Box 134

  • Proceedings of the PMPC - April 9, 1951
  • Research file
  • Russian reserves and production
  • Standard Oil Co.
  • Steel
  • Technology - comments on
  • Tin
  • Titanium

Box 135

  • Tungsten
  • Tyler's reports and correspondence
  • Universal Oil Products Co.
  • Waste suppression
  • Weyheuser Sales Co.
  • Zinc
  • Zirconium

TECHNOLOGY SECTION: Construction Materials File

Box 136

  • Work notes - preliminary papers
  • Cabot correspondence - construction technology
  • Federal anti-trust cases (1946-) involving construction - building industry
  • Construction - general
  • Construction - institutional
  • Construction materials requirements (Stone study)
  • Stone research, Chapter IV, technology (construction)

Box 137

  • Work sheets (appendix) - Chapter IV, Stone
  • U.S. vs. Libbey-Owens-Ford Glass Co. (Civil Action #5239), June 17, 1947

COMMODITY SECTION: Commodity Studies

Box 138

  • Aluminum
  • Chromium
  • Coal
  • Construction material
  • Copper
  • Fertilizer
  • Forest products
  • Glass
  • Industrial water
  • Iron and steel
  • Land and water
  • Lead
  • Magnesium
  • Manganese
  • Molybdenum
  • Nickel
  • Phosphates
  • Potash
  • Rubber
  • Sulphur
  • Tin
  • Titanium
  • Zinc
  • Miscellaneous commodities
  • Miscellaneous minerals
  • Chemicals
  • Secondary metals
  • Projections

Box 139

  • Commodity documents
  • Questionnaire


  • Commission documents
  • Progress reports
  • Commission meetings - agenda - minutes
  • Issuances - general
  • Administrative issuances
  • Domestic resources (2 folders)

Box 140

  • General analysis
  • Legal issuances
  • Security and market policy
  • Domestic resources policy
  • Energy resources
  • Foreign resources
  • Defense program
  • Technology (2 folders)
  • Commodity reports

Box 141

  • Oversize items
  • Resources for Freedom, Volume I, Foundations for Growth and Security
  • Resources for Freedom, Volume II, The Outlook for Key Commodities
  • Resources for Freedom, Volume III, The Outlook for Energy Sources
  • Resources for Freedom, Volume IV, The Promise of Technology
  • Resources for Freedom, Volume V, Selected Reports to the Commission
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