Dates: 1948-1952
Size: 11 linear feet, 5 linear inches.
Access: Open.
Copyright: The donor gave to the U.S. government the copyrights in this material and in any other material received by the U.S. government and maintained in a depository administered by the National Archives and Records Administration. Documents created by U.S. government officials in the course of their official duties are in the public domain. Copyright interest in other documents presumably belongs to the creators of those documents, or their heirs.
Processed by: Gerald A. Motsinger (1986); Jan Davis and David Clark (2016).
Box 1
- Biography- Gray, Gordon
- Biographical sketches of prospective interviewees
- Biographical sketches- staff
- Collation of agency comments
- Comments on September draft- Gray Report
- Correspondence- printing, etc.
- Form letters- invitation to discussion meetings
- Inter- office memos
- Letters of Comment- Gray Report
- List of charts and negatives
- Lists of names suggested for survey- originals [1 of 2]
Box 2
- Lists of names suggested for survey- originals [2 of 2]
- Lists of names suggested for survey- working lists
- Map- "100 Major Labor Market Areas"
- Meetings- agendas, procedures, discussion notes
- Memoranda- Dollar Gap
- Miscellaneous I
Box 3
- Miscellaneous II- Newsclips
- Miscellaneous III- Letters
- Miscellaneous- General
- Organizational plans
- Personnel- Miscellaneous
- "Statement of the Problem"
- Teletype messages
ADMINISTRATIVE FILE: Staff Reports and Discussions
Box 4
- Correspondence- Braun, T.W.
- Correspondence- Hoover, Calvin
- Correspondence- Mikesell, Raymond
- Dollar Gap discussions- notes
- Gray Staff reports [1 of 3]
- Gray Staff reports [2 of 3]
- Gray Staff reports [3 of 3]
Box 5
- Intra-Staff correspondence and memoranda
- Mason, Dr. Edward G.
- Requests for working papers-lists, correspondence
- Trezise, Philip - Area Reports [1 of 2]
- Trezise, Philip - Area Reports [2 of 2]
- Voorhees, Hon. Tracy S.
Box 6
- Balance of Payment Records- U.K., 1948-1949
- Balance of Payment Records- U.K., 1949-1950
- Balance of Payment Records- U.K., 1950-1951
- Balance of Payment Records- U.K., 1951-1952
- General Balance of Payments- U.K., 10/29/1949
- Balance of Current Transactions- U.K., 1949-1950
- Buy American Act
- Canada - economic information
- Chamber of Commerce of the U.S.- "Our World Trade"
- Council on Foreign Relations - Study Groups Reports
- Currency convertibility
- Currency convertibility - sterling area
Box 7
- Diebold, Jr., William - "European Recovery"
- Domar, Evsey D. "Effect of Foreign Investment on Balance of Payments"
- Economic Cooperation Administration, 7/1949, "The Sterling Dollar Exchange Rate"
- ECA, "Trade and Payment Projections For a Post ERP year," March 1950
- ECA, "Objectives in Western Europe," April 1950
- ECA, Series of policy statements
- Economic development area reports
- Estimates of Western European rearmament and U.S. economic aid [1 of 2]
- Estimates of Western European rearmament and U.S. economic aid [2 of 2]
- Foreign dollar export incentives
- Foreign Trade Zone bill
- Foreign travel
- General import promotions
Box 8
- International Monetary Fund material
- Katz, Samuel I, "Recent Monetary Developments in the United Kingdom"
- Kindleberger, Charles P., "The Dollar Shortage" [1 of 2]
- Kindleberger, Charles P., "The Dollar Shortage" [2 of 2]
- Korean Crisis effects
- Knox, William, "The International Story"
- Latin America - area reports
- Latin America - coffee
- Material provided by Assistant Secretary of Commerce
- Menderhausen, Horst "Dollar Shortage - Oil Surplus"
- Middle East and Africa - Economic reports, area papers
- Migration problems re: Dollar Gap
Box 9
- Organization For European Economic Co-Operation - General
- O.E.E.C. - General memoranda
- O.E.E.C. - Reports [1 of 2]
- O.E.E.C. - Reports [2 of 2]
- Post ERP economic projections
- Post ERP foreign debt service
Box 10
- Potential military contribution of ERP countries
- President's Advisory Committee on Management Improvement
- Private direct investment
- Quantitative projections
- Reports and correspondence [1 of 2]
- Reports and correspondence [2 of 2]
- Report on Effect of Federal Quarantine and Related Laws on Agricultural Imports
- Report on General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
- Report on U.S. Direct Investments
- Romm, Maxim, "A Solution of the Dollar Shortage"
- Shipping policies
Box 11
- Stockpiling
- Strategic materials policy
- Synthetic rubber consumption
- United Kingdom - Expansion of exports
- United Kingdom - General
- U.S. trade and balance of payment statistics
- Working Papers - Methods of increasing foreign dollar earnings
WORKING PAPERS: Dollar Gap Correspondence
Box 12
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I-K
- L
- M
- N-P
Box 13
- R
- S
- T
- U-W
- Correspondence on Dollar Gap plan - Department of Agriculture [1 of 3]
- Correspondence on Dollar Gap plan - Department of Agriculture [2 of 3]
- Correspondence on Dollar Gap plan - Department of Agriculture [3 of 3]
Box 14
- Bureau of the Budget
- Department of Commerce
- Council of Economic Advisers
- Department of Defense
- Department of Interior
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
- Export-Import Bank of Washington
- Federal Reserve System
- Federal Security Agency
- House of Representatives
- Securities and Exchange Commission
- Department of State [1 of 2]
- Department of State [2 of 2]
- Tariff Commission
- Department of Treasury
- U.S. Senate
- White House
- Dollar Gap Reports
WORKING PAPERS: International Economic Development
Box 15
- Council on Foreign Relations - Discussion group memorandum
- Department of Commerce press releases
- Economic Cooperation Administration Policy Series
- Intelligence and Services Division, Office of International Trade, "Closing Dollar Gap by Import Promotion"
- Marsh, Donald B., "The Export-Import Bank of Washington"
- McManemin, John A., "U.S. Balance of Payments and Point Four"
- National Advisory Council, "Financial Aspects of the Point IV Program"
- Organization for European Economic Co-Operation, "International Investments"
- Point Four Report
- Reports and Correspondence - miscellaneous
WORKING PAPERS: Trade Restrictions
Box 16
- Barriers to Foreign Investment - Working papers
- Cartels
- Copyrights and Patents - Effect on Imports
- Council on Foreign Relations - Study group report
- Customs simplification
- Economic Cooperation Administration - Trade Reports
- Europe - Barriers to business integration
- International House, "Manual For Freight Agents"
- Liepe, Wolfram, "Note on U.S. Import Restrictions"
- National Association of Manufacturers, "Capital Export Potentialities After 1952"
- Organization for European Economic Co-Operation-Trade Committee
- Pierson, John H.G., "Maintaining U.S. Prosperity While Closing the Export-Import Gap"
- Reports and correspondence - Trade restrictions
Box 17
- Strong, L. Corwin, International Trade Promotion Division
- Tariff reclassification
- Trade Agreements Act [1 of 2]
- Trade Agreements Act [2 of 2]
- Trade barriers
- Trends in Merchandise trade of third market areas with the U.S., Canada
- World trade and payments, 1953-1954
WORKING PAPERS: Intra-European Adjustment
Box 18
- ABC Conference
- Boecnever, Jr., L.C., "The Significance and Development of East-West Trade"
- Cleveland, Harlan, "Problem of Western Europe's Competitive Position in World Economy"
- Cleveland, H. van B., "Dollar Shortage: Causes and Remedies"
- Dept of Agriculture, "Agricultural and Food Programs by Countries"
- Department of Agriculture, "West Europe's Prospective Imports of U.S. Agricultural Products"
- Dickinson, Jr., Edward T., "The Order of Reason in the World of our Time"
- Dickinson, Jr., Edward T., "Strategy and Tactics of European Federation"
- Economic Cooperation Administration, "Patterns in Foreign Trade"
- ECA Policy Series reports
- ECA, "Promotion of Imports from ERP Countries," Preliminary Report, May 6, 1949
Box 19
- Economic Cooperation Administration, "Recovery Guides"
- "The European Recovery Program," Joint Report, 7/1/1949 - 9/30/1949
- Foreign Agriculture Magazine, June 1950
- Hulley, John, "The Adjustment Problem"
- Intra-European Payments Branch, "Contribution of Intra-European Trade"
- International Monetary Fund reports
- National Advisory Council, "National and International Measures for Full Employment"
- Organization For European Economic Co-Operation, "Report....Intra-European Payments and Compensations for 1949-1950"
- OEEC, "Report on Liberalization of Intra-European Trade"
- OEEC, Reports - miscellaneous
- Reports and correspondence
- Smithies, Arthur, "European Unification and the Dollar Problem"
- Trade liberalization in Europe
Box 20
- Andrews, Stanley and West, Robert, "Necessity for Coordination of U.S. Aid Programs in Far East"
- Blaisdell, Jr., Thomas C., "Report on Economic-Commercial Conference, Tokyo and Far East"
- Commonwealth of Australia, "Statement on Foreign Policy"
- Correspondence - Far East
- Council on Foreign Relations, "Southeast Asia in the World Economy"
- Hayes, Jr., Samuel P., "Griffin Mission"
- Liang, C.C. - International Monetary Fund, "Role of Far East Sterling Area Countries
WORKING PAPERS: Executive Departments, Agriculture
Box 21
- Department of Agriculture - General
- USDA - Bureau of Animal Industry
- USDA - ARA - Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine
- USDA - PMA - Cotton Branch
- USDA - PMA - Fruit and Vegetable Branch
- USDA - PMA - Grain Branch
- USDA - PMA - Livestock Branch
- USDA - PMA - Tobacco Branch
- USDA - PMA - Transportation and Warehousing Branch
WORKING PAPERS: Executive Departments, Other Departments
- Department of Commerce - General
- Department of Commerce - "Foreign Transactions of the U.S. Government
Box 22
- Department of the Interior - General
- Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service
- Department of Labor
- Department of State [1 of 3]
- Department of State [2 of 3]
- Department of State [3 of 3]
- Department of Treasury
- Working Papers - Miscellaneous
WORKING PAPERS: Independent Agencies
Box 23
- Economic Cooperation Administration - General [1 of 3]
- Economic Cooperation Administration - General [2 of 3]
- Economic Cooperation Administration - General [3 of 3]
- ECA - Report on Possibilities for Increased Sales of European Products in Western Hemisphere by Wayne C. Taylor [1 of 2]
Box 24
- ECA - Report on Possibilities for Increased Sales of European Products in Western Hemisphere by Wayne C. Taylor [2 of 2]
- Export-Import Bank
- Federal Reserve System [1 of 2]
- Federal Reserve System [2 of 2]
- Federal Security Agency - Food and Drug Administration
- Federal Security Agency - Public Health Service
- Federal Trade Commission
- Griffin Mission reports
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
- National Advisory Council
- National Security Resources Board
- U.S. Tariff Commission
Box 25
- Correspondence - Cover letters for advance copies of report
- Gray Report, "Problems for United States Foreign Economic Policy"
- Introduction to Report - draft
- Lists used for distribution of Gray Report
- Report to the President on Foreign Economic Policies - first draft
- Report to the President on Foreign Economic Policies - draft
- Requests for comments on revised report
Box 26
- The Budget In Operation
- Foreign Quarantine, Manual of Operations
- Miscellaneous publications [1 of 2]
- Miscellaneous publications [2 of 2]
- Quotation cards
- Shipping Policies
- Card File