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  4. Harry (and Bess) Truman's Excellent Adventure

Harry (and Bess) Truman's Excellent Adventure

Lesson Author
Required Time Frame
Homework activity
Grade Level(s)
Lesson Abstract
Students will complete a geography book report/project based on the book.

Students will complete a geography book report/project based on the book

Algeo, Matthew. Harry Truman's Excellent Adventure: the True Story of a Great American Road Trip. Chicago Review Press, 2011

Rationale (why are you doing this?)

Students are required to read a book with a geography element at some point during the year.  This book is an interesting story with a geography undertone.

Lesson Objectives - the student will
  • Construct a map of the United States
  • Locate, gather, and process information from a variety of primary and secondary sources including maps
  • Identify how locations change over time
District, state, or national performance and knowledge standards/goals/skills met
  • MO SS CLE 5.B.b. Communicate locations of places by creating maps and by describing their absolute locations and relative locations
  • MO SS CLE 5.C.b. Explain how and why places change
  • MO SS CLE 5.G. Use geography to interpret the past, explain the present and plan for the future
Secondary materials (book, article, video documentary, etc.) needed
  • Algeo, Matthew. Harry Truman’s Excellent Adventure: the True Story of a Great American Road Trip. Chicago Review Press, 2011
Primary sources needed (document, photograph, artifact, diary or letter, audio or visual recording, etc.) needed
  • “Harry Truman’s Excellent Adventure, May 6 2009 ~ Video.”, 6 May 2009,
Fully describe the activity or assignment in detail. What will both the teacher and the students do?
  • Student will read the book “Harry Truman’s Excellent Adventure: the True Story of a Great American Road Trip”
  • Student will create a map of the route Harry Truman took on his Excellent Adventure
  • Student will write a one page book review using the district provided book review form (This assignment fulfills one of the required book reviews for the year)
  • Map will include all stops mentioned in the book and a brief description of each
  • Map will include any changes to the locations mentioned in the book or found during research


Assessment: fully explain the assessment method in detail or create and attach a scoring guide

Student Name:     ________________________________________








Neatness of Color and Lines

All straight lines are ruler-drawn, all errors have been neatly corrected and all features are colored completely.

All straight lines are ruler-drawn, most errors have been neatly corrected and most features are colored completely.

Most straight lines are ruler-drawn, most errors have been neatly corrected and most features are colored completely.

Many lines, corrections of errors, and/or features are not neatly done.


95-100% of words on the map are spelled and capitalized correctly.

94-85% of the words on the map are spelled and capitalized correctly.

84-75% of the words on the map are spelled and capitalized correctly.

Less than 75% of the words on the map are spelled and/or capitalized correctly.

Color Choices

Student always uses color appropriate for features (e.g. blue for water; black for labels, etc.) on map.

Student usually uses color appropriate for features (e.g. blue for water; black for labels, etc.).

Student sometimes uses color appropriate for features (e.g. blue for water; black for labels, etc.).

Student does not use color appropriately.

Labels - Accuracy

At least 90% of the items are labeled and located correctly.

80-89% of the items are labeled and located correctly.

79-70% of the items are labeled and located correctly.

Less than 70% of the items are labeled and located correctly.


All features on map are drawn to scale and the scale used is clearly indicated on the map.

Most features on map are drawn to scale and the scale used is clearly indicated on the map.

Many features of the map are NOT drawn to scale even though a scale is clearly indicated on the map.

Many features of the map are NOT drawn to scale AND/OR there is no scale marker on the map.

Map Legend/Key

Legend is easy-to-find and contains a complete set of symbols, including a compass rose.

Legend contains a complete set of symbols, including a compass rose.

Legend contains an almost complete set of symbols, including a compass rose.

Legend is absent or lacks several symbols.


Title tells the purpose/content of the map, is clearly distinguishable as the title (e.g. larger letters, underlined, etc), and is printed at the top of the map.

Title tells the purpose/content of the map and is printed at the top of the map.

Title tells the purpose/content of the map, but is not located at the top of the map.

Purpose/content of the map is not clear from the title.