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  4. The Fight for Freedom for Women and Children in Afghanistan

The Fight for Freedom for Women and Children in Afghanistan

Lesson Author
Required Time Frame
Two 50 minute class periods
Grade Level(s)
Lesson Abstract
To increase awareness of the plight of women and children, specifically in Afghanistan and the United States involvement there, through comparing and contrasting.

The classroom consists of young girls ranging from the ages of 14 to 18 years old.  They can bring their

babies up to 3 months of age, to class with them, while they are completing educational requirements

necessary for them to return to their regular school.  This program is voluntary and students may

remain at their “base school” if they choose to do so during their pregnancy.  The advantages of the

classroom are they may go to the restroom at any time and don’t need to ask permission.  They may

also have healthy snacks throughout the day. We are a classroom of all girls in the same situation.  The

disadvantages are; they do not move class to class and they are with me the entire day. The students

receive core instruction on a computer based program and direct instruction in Parenting and Health.  

The instructor is available to answer questions and assist students needing help on the computer.  

The program is considered a dropout prevention program.  When they complete a semester of TAPP

(Teen Age Parent Program) the school district will pay childcare for them to complete high school.  

Assignments are completed during class time.  Students are encouraged to openly discuss topics

related to the assignment.

Rationale (why are you doing this?)

To increase awareness of the plight of women and children, specifically in Afghanistan and the

United States involvement there, through comparing and contrasting.  The class is composed of

young women and babies.

Lesson Objectives - the student will

• Students will identify the reasons for the United States involvement in Afghanistan.

• Students will explain the “new threat” to peace.

• Students will be able to explain what the creation of “America’s Fund for Afghan Children” was.

• Students will identify at least 4 of the initiatives of the Afghan Women and Children Relief Act,

December 12, 2001.

• Students will explore the significant role Laura Bush played in women’s and children’s rights globally.

District, state, or national performance and knowledge standards/goals/skills met

• CCSS.ELA-Literacy. RH.9-101 Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and

secondary sources, attending such features as the date and origin of the information.

• CCSS.ELA-Literacy. RH. 9-10-2 Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or

secondary source:  provide an accurate summary of how key events or ideas develop over the

course of the text.

• RH.9-10.3 Analyze in detail a series of events described in the text; determine whether earlier events

caused later ones or simply preceded them.

Secondary materials (book, article, video documentary, etc.) needed

Hosseini, Khaled. A Thousand Splendid Suns. New York: Riverhead, 2007.

Sisterhood Is Global Institute, htttp://

Primary sources needed (document, photograph, artifact, diary or letter, audio or visual recording, etc.) needed

•  2001 invasion of Afghanistan

•     children letters


• http://georgewbush-whitehouse/    weekly radio addresses

Fully describe the activity or assignment in detail. What will both the teacher and the students do?

Give students the historical background knowledge need to understand plight of the Afghan people.

Discussing current books and video available for students to further explore the oppression that the

people of endured; examples:  The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini.

Introduce key vocabulary:  al Qaeda, terrorist, Taliban, muslim, burqa

Using the internet or atlas students will draw a map of Afghanistan and its relationship to Pakistan, Iran,

Iraq, and Saudi Arabia.  Students will identify and label capital city.

Students will create a timeline of events that will include:

 The Rights of Afghan Women and Children, beginning with the invasion of Afghanistan October 7, 2001, specifically the first lady, Laura Bush’s key role.

The creation of “American’s Fund for Afghan Children” October 11, 2001.

Mrs.Bush’s radio address

Afghan Women and Children Relief Act, December 12, 2001

Commission on the status of women

Creation of the U.S. Afghan Women’s Council, 2002

Include other noteworthy events the first lady was involved with up until 2008.

In creating this timeline students will be given  questions that they will answer as they complete the time line.







Questions to complete as you create a timeline of events.





  1.  What was the reason for the Afghanistan invasion of October 7, 2001? Support your answer with at least 3 details.






  1. What was unique about “America’s Fund for Afghan Children?






  1.  What were some of the issues that Laura Bush mentioned in the radio address that Afghan women faced, that women in this country may be surprised?






  1.  Name at least 4 of the initiatives of the Afghan Women and Children Relief Act, signed December 12, 2001.








  1.  From a statistical viewpoint, what were the successes in Afghanistan by 2008 for women and children.




Assessment: fully explain the assessment method in detail or create and attach a scoring guide


4 3 2





All events included One or two missing events Some events irrelevant Many events not included



8 events documented 6 events documented 5 events documented Fewer than 5 events



Events in order Almost all events 75%reported Inaccurate reporting



Clearly described Described some unclear Not described well misinformation
Mechanics Punctuation, spelling, capitalization accurate Mostly correct Numerous errors Errors throughout timeline



  • Students will complete lesson writing a personal perspective of the events.  At least one page long