Students will take the events of the Cuban Missile Crisis and place into context of the Cold War. After students list then discuss the media available during this time they will work with a partner to create a poster or diorama depicting a fallout shelter from the 1950-1960 eras in response to the Cold War and the Cuban Missile Crisis. Dr. Spencer Kagan’s cooperative learning strategy will be used as a formative assessment tool. Primary sources will also be included in this lesson
The Cold War led to media hype about how to survive in a fallout shelter in the event of a nuclear attack. The question asked, “How rational and effective would such a shelter have been?’ will be included in class discussion. Cultures change over time is often overlooked in a sixth grade geography class and this is a topic I’d like to address during this lesson.
*Students will define the Cold War and its impact on U.S. citizens during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
*Students will analyze how effective a fallout shelter would have been in the event of a nuclear missile attack.
*Based on maps students will determine how each U.S. region responded to the letter from President Kennedy to the American public.
Show-Me Standards: Knowledge Standards In Social Studies, students in Missouri public schools will acquire a solid foundation which includes knowledge of the use of tools of social science inquiry (such as surveys, statistics, maps, documents).
Performance Standards
Goal 1:2 conduct research to answer questions and evaluate information and ideas
Goal 2:1 plan and make written, oral and visual presentations for a variety of purposes and audiences
Goal 3:2 develop and apply strategies based on ways others have prevented or solved problems
Goal 4: 1 explain reasoning and identify information used to support decisions
Benchmark 1: Geographic Tools and Location: The student uses maps, graphic representations, tools, and technologies to locate, use, and present information about people, places, and environments.
Benchmark 4: The student engages in historical thinking skills
Life magazine handout, September 15, 1961 excerpts
YouTube video (used as a download on my desktop):
Duck and Cover propaganda video from 1951
Photographs of fallout shelters, plans from the 1950-1960’s for fallout shelters, letter from the president and the articles in the Life handout.
Students will watch a portion of the video, Duck and Cover, to introduce the cultural point of view of the American public during the Cold War. The video is 9 minutes and 15 seconds and I would not use the entire clip.
Students will discuss the technology available during this time period. The teacher would also stress how World War II had just ended and cultural opinion towards a communist form of government existed. The Life magazine handout will be shared with a partner.
Students will create a list of materials and supplies prior to designing a fallout shelter with their partner. When the posters are created students will have two options: one to create a poster depicting a fallout shelter of from the 1950-1960’s or one the students design using today’s technology. A list of criteria will be presented to the students: only authentic materials and supplies are used, items in the posters will be labeled, and a rationale for the items taken into the fallout shelter be included.
Partners will be asked to share the posters in a Dr. Spencer Kagan activity, Mix-Freeze-Pair and Share. Students will be given time during the activity to add any new items to their posters that they now feel will be needed in a fallout shelter. Posters will be displayed for the other students.
Formative assessments will be from teacher observation of partner discussions, items included on the posters, partner sharing in the cooperative learning activity.