Clifford, Clark M. Papers

Dates: 1900-1980. Bulk Date Span: 1946-1950

Assistant Naval Aide to the President, 1945-1946; Naval Aide to the President, 1946; Special Counsel to the President, 1946-1950

The papers of Clark M. Clifford primarily document his service as Special Counsel to President Truman from 1946 to 1950, and include material relating to such topics as labor policy, U.S.-Soviet relations, the Marshall Plan, the unification of the armed forces, the founding of the state of Israel, and the 1948 election. There is also some material in the collection concerning Clifford's relations with Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Truman. The papers consist of correspondence, memoranda, reports, speeches and speech drafts, newspaper clippings, printed material, and other items.

See also Clark M. Clifford Files and Oral History

[Administrative Information | Biographical Sketch | Collection Description | Series Descriptions | Folder Title List]


Size: About 17.5 linear feet (approximately 35,000 pages).
Access: Open.
Copyright: Clark M. Clifford donated his literary property rights in all of his writings in this collection, and in other collections deposited at the Truman Library, to the United States government. Documents created by U.S. government officials in the course of their official duties are in the public domain. Copyright interest in other writings in this collection is assumed to remain with the authors of the documents or their heirs.
Processed by: Mary Ann Blaufuss (1968); Erwin J. Mueller, Raymond H. Geselbracht, Dennis Bilger, Sharie Simon, and Mary Jo Colle (1990); Randy Sowell, Dennis Bilger, Sharie Simon, and Janice Davis (2000).

[ Top of the page | Administrative Information | Biographical Sketch | Collection Description | Series Descriptions | Folder Title List ]


1906 (December 25)


Born, Fort Scott, Kansas



LL.B., Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri



Attorney, St. Louis, Missouri

1931 (October 3)


Married Margery Pepperell Kimball



Officer, U.S. Naval Reserve



Assistant Naval Aide to the President



Naval Aide to the President



Special Counsel to the President



Attorney, Clifford & Miller, Washington, D.C., and unofficial adviser to Presidents Truman, Kennedy, and Johnson



Secretary of Defense



Attorney, Clifford & Warnke, Washington, D.C.; unofficial adviser to President Carter; Chairman, First American Bankshares



Author, Counsel to the President (with Richard Holbrooke)

1998 (October 10)


Died, Bethesda, Maryland

[ Top of the page | Administrative Information | Biographical Sketch | Collection Description | Series Descriptions | Folder Title List ]


The papers of Clark M. Clifford mostly relate to his service as Special Counsel to the President from 1946 to 1950. An attorney from St. Louis and an officer in the U.S. Naval Reserve, Clifford came to the Truman White House in 1945 to serve as Assistant to the Naval Aide to the President, James K. Vardaman, Jr. He succeeded Vardaman as Naval Aide in 1946 and became the President's Special Counsel a few months later. For the next four years, until he resigned in 1950 to resume his career as a private attorney in Washington, Clifford was probably the most influential and prominent member of Truman's White House staff. His papers document his role as a presidential speechwriter, his involvement in crises both foreign and domestic, and his contributions as a political strategist.

The collection contains information relating to such Truman-era topics as labor unrest and the Taft-Hartley Act; the developing Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union; economic aid to Europe under the Marshall Plan; unification of the armed forces under the National Security Act; the crisis in Palestine that led to the founding of the state of Israel; and the hard-fought 1948 election campaign. A relatively small amount of material documents the relationship between Clifford and Mr. and Mrs. Truman after the end of the Truman Presidency. Clifford's papers consist of correspondence, memoranda, reports, speeches and speech drafts, newspaper clippings, printed material, press releases, and other items.

The papers are divided into five series. The first and largest series, the Subject File, contains memoranda, correspondence, speeches and speech drafts, reports, press releases, and other items documenting some of the major events and policies of the Truman administration during Clifford's tenure as Special Counsel. Much of this material reflects his involvement in foreign policy and national security issues: the development of the U.S. atomic energy program; the Economic Cooperation Administration and its implementation of the Marshall Plan; the controversy over Palestine, in which Clifford played a significant role as an advocate of extending U.S. diplomatic recognition to the new state of Israel; and the unification of the armed forces through the creation of the National Military Establishment in 1947. Among the materials relating to Russia in this series are documents compiled by Clifford and his assistant, George M. Elsey, in the course of preparing their top secret 1946 report to the President, "American Relations With the Soviet Union" (also known as the Clifford-Elsey Report.). On the domestic front, the series contains information about the coal strike of 1946, the Taft-Hartley Act of 1947, and other contentious labor issues. A substantial amount of material in the Subject File documents Clifford's work in drafting presidential speeches, messages, and statements.

The second series, the Political File, contains printed material, newspaper clippings, memoranda, correspondence, press releases, and other items relating to national politics during the Truman years, with particular emphasis upon the 1948 election. Some of the material in this series reflects Clifford's role as a White House political strategist in 1947 and 1948. Of particular interest is a lengthy memorandum that Clifford submitted to the President on November 19, 1947. Originally drafted by James Rowe, Jr., a Washington attorney, this "Clifford-Rowe Memorandum" summarized the major features of the campaign strategy that Truman would pursue in achieving his upset victory in the 1948 presidential election. Other memoranda by Clifford and by William Batt, Jr., Director of the Research Division of the Democratic National Committee, also document high-level planning for that campaign. The Political File also includes a variety of Democratic Party campaign publications. Some correspondence with Clifford and other materials in the series relate to the 1952 and 1956 presidential campaigns, after Clifford had left the White House.

The Presidential Speech File includes speeches and speech drafts, press releases, memoranda, printed material, newspaper clippings, correspondence, itineraries and schedules, drafts of legislation, and other items mostly documenting the drafting of President Truman's speeches and other public messages. In addition to the drafts themselves and accompanying research materials, the series contains samples of press reaction and some memoranda relating to political strategy. Among the major speeches that Clifford helped write during this period were several State of the Union addresses, the Truman Doctrine speech of 1947, a number of 1948 campaign speeches, and the 1949 Inaugural Address, with its proposal of a "Point Four" program of aid to underdeveloped nations. One notable item in the series is Mr. Truman's own handwritten draft of a speech on the 1946 railroad strike. In this proposed speech, which he never actually delivered, the President strongly denounced the leaders of the striking railroad unions, and called for volunteers to help "hang a few traitors" and defend the Constitution. The Presidential Speech File contains much information about the 1948 "Whistlestop" campaign, including train schedules for the President's trips.

The Miscellaneous Speech File mostly contains speeches and speech drafts, press releases, memoranda, and other items pertaining to speeches delivered by Cabinet members, other Truman administration officials, members of Congress, and other prominent individuals. Clifford apparently compiled this material in connection with his speechwriting duties as Special Counsel. The speeches relate for the most part to U.S. domestic politics and foreign affairs during this period.

The last series, the Harry S. Truman File, contains material donated by Clifford's estate to the Truman Library in 1999. Most of this material consists of photocopies of personal correspondence between Clifford and Truman, and between Mrs. Clifford and Mrs. Truman, dating from the years after Clifford left the Truman administration in 1950. Many of the letters from Mr. and Mrs. Truman in this series are handwritten. In addition, the Harry S. Truman File contains some photocopied correspondence between Clifford and others regarding Mr. Truman and his legacy, and several original souvenir cards bearing Clifford's name and handwritten inscriptions by the President. With the exception of these cards, the originals of all the documents in this series were retained by the Clifford estate, and apparently will be donated to the Library of Congress as part of that institution's collection of Clifford Papers.

Additional information about Clark Clifford and his service in the Truman administration may be found at the Truman Library in two oral history interviews with Clifford (Oral History Interview No. 276 and No. 440); in the Clark M. Clifford Files, which are part of the Staff Member and Office Files of the Harry S. Truman Papers; in the Truman Post-Presidential Papers; and in the George M. Elsey Papers.

[ Top of the page | Administrative Information | Biographical Sketch | Collection Description | Series Descriptions | Folder Title List ]


Container Nos.




  SUBJECT FILE, 1916-1960
Memoranda, correspondence, speeches and speech drafts, reports, press releases, and other items relating to the major policies and events of the Truman administration during Clifford's tenure as Special Counsel to the President. Arranged in alphabetical order.


  POLITICAL FILE, 1946-1964 (Bulk Date Span, 1946-1952)
Printed material, newspaper clippings, memoranda, correspondence, press releases, and other items relating to U.S. national politics during the Truman years, particularly the 1948 election campaign. Arranged in chronological order for the most part.


  PRESIDENTIAL SPEECH FILE, 1900-1965 (Bulk Date Span, 1946-1950)
Speeches and speech drafts, press releases, memoranda, printed material, newspaper clippings, correspondence, itineraries and schedules, drafts of legislation, and other items relating to the drafting of President Truman's speeches and other public messages. Arranged in chronological order for the most part.


  MISCELLANEOUS SPEECH FILE, 1933-1950 (Bulk Date Span, 1946-1949)
Speeches and speech drafts, press releases, memoranda, and other items relating to speeches delivered by Truman administration officials and other prominent persons. Arranged in alphabetical order for the most part.


  HARRY S. TRUMAN FILE, (1947-1980)
Photocopies of personal correspondence between Mr. and Mrs. Clifford and Mr. and Mrs. Truman; correspondence with Clifford regarding Truman; and other items. Arranged in alphabetical order.
[ Top of the page | Administrative Information | Biographical Sketch | Collection Description | Series Descriptions | Folder Title List ]


SUBJECT FILE, 1916-1960

Box 1

  • Army-McCarthy [Hearings, U.S. Senate], 1954
  • Atomic Energy--Appropriations for AEC
  • Atomic Energy--Atomic Energy Act [1946, and Proposed Amendments]
  • Atomic Energy--Atomic Energy Reports to Congress, 1947-1949
  • Atomic Energy--Biographical Sketches of Commissioners
  • Atomic Energy--Biographical Sketches of Proposed Members
  • Atomic Energy--Clapp, Gordon R. [Appointment as Chairman of TVA]
  • Atomic Energy--Extension of Terms of Members of AEC
  • Atomic Energy--General Advisory Committee, 1946-1948
  • Atomic Energy--General Groves [Statement re Appointment to AEC, 1946]
  • Atomic Energy--Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, 1947-1949
  • Atomic Energy--Labor Relations in Atomic Energy Installations, 1949
  • Atomic Energy--Lilienthal, David E., 1946-1949
  • Atomic Energy--Lilienthal, David E.--Speech File, 1947-1948
  • Atomic Energy--Manhattan Project--Status of Funds, 1948
  • Atomic Energy--Miscellaneous
  • Atomic Energy--Newspaper Clippings and Releases, 1947-1949

Box 2

  • Atomic Energy--Parsons, Admiral W.S.--Article on Atomic Bomb for Saturday Evening Post
  • Atomic Energy--President's Letter to Senator Hickenlooper [re AEC members]
  • Atomic Energy--Statement by Senator Wherry [re Cooperation Between the AEC and the Military Liaison Committee]
  • Atomic Energy--Testimonies at Congressional Hearings [1 of 2]
  • Atomic Energy--Testimonies at Congressional Hearings [1 of 2]
  • Bulwinkle Bill S.110 [Interstate Commerce]
  • Cabinet Secretariat [Proposed Creation of, Within the EOP]
  • Cellar Monopoly Committee [Report to the President, 1949]
  • China, 1948-1950 [1 of 3]
  • China, 1948-1950 [2 of 3]
  • China, 1948-1950 [3 of 3]

Box 3

  • Coal Case, 1946 Strike [1 of 5]
  • Coal Case, 1946 Strike [2 of 5]
  • Coal Case, 1946 Strike [3 of 5]
  • Coal Case, 1946 Strike [4 of 5]
  • Coal Case, 1946 Strike [5 of 5]
  • Congress, President's Relationship with
  • Economic Cooperation Administration--ECA

Box 4

  • Economic Cooperation Administration--Committee for the Marshall Plan
  • Economic Cooperation Administration--Export-Import Bank Recommendations
  • Economic Cooperation Administration--Food Committee
  • Economic Cooperation Administration--France and Italy, Aid for
  • Economic Cooperation Administration--Joint Committee on Foreign Economic Cooperation
  • Economic Cooperation Administration--Miscellaneous
  • Economic Cooperation Administration--Press Statements and Releases
  • Economic Cooperation Administration--Report [of the] Committee of European Economic Cooperation
  • Economic Cooperation Administration--Special Session of Congress
  • Economic Cooperation Administration--Statement by the President
  • European Recovery Program [1 of 4]

Box 5

  • European Recovery Program [2 of 4]
  • European Recovery Program [3 of 4]
  • European Recovery Program [4 of 4]
  • Foreign Aid, Report by the President's Committee [European Recovery and American Aid] [l of 2, parts one and two]
  • Foreign Aid, Report by the President's Committee [European Recovery and American Aid] [2 of 2, part three]
  • Kansas City Elections of 1946

Box 6

  • Labor--H.R. 4908--Case Bill [mediation of labor disputes]
  • Labor--H.R. 4908--Case Bill--Material for Congressman Thom
  • Labor--H.R. 4908--Case Bill--Miscellaneous
  • Labor--H.R. 4908--Case Bill--Press Release, June 11, 1946
  • Labor--H.R. 4908--Case Bill--Rough Drafts
  • Labor--H.R. 32--Hobbs Bill [obstruction of interstate commerce]
  • Labor--S.J. Resolution 97 [mistaken veto of]
  • Labor--80th Congress--Labor Bills--Budget
  • Labor--80th Congress--Congressional Hearings [statements of Paul M. Herzog, Chairman, National Labor Relations Board, March 6 and 11,1947]
  • Labor--80th Congress--Clippings

Box 7

  • Labor--80th Congress--Domestic Affairs
  • Labor--80th Congress--Drafts of Speeches
  • Labor--80th Congress--General Correspondence
  • Labor--80th Congress--Publications
  • Labor--H.R. 3020--Taft-Hartley Bill--Analysis
  • Labor--H.R. 3020--Taft-Hartley Bill--Correspondence [1 of 2]
  • Labor--H.R. 3020--Taft-Hartley Bill--Correspondence [2 of 2]
  • Labor--H.R. 3020--Taft-Hartley Bill--Drafts
  • Labor--H.R. 3020--Taft-Hartley Bill--Members of New Board
  • Labor--H.R. 3020--Taft-Hartley Bill--President's Correspondence [analyses of the Taft-Hartley Bill addressed to the President and the Bureau of the Budget, together with a draft of the President's veto message]

Box 8

  • Labor--H.R. 3020--Taft-Hartley Bill--Publications [1 of 2]
  • Labor--H.R. 3020--Taft-Hartley Bill--Publications [2 of 2]
  • Labor--H.R. 3020--Taft-Hartley Bill--Department of Labor Report, June 1948
  • Labor--H.R. 3020--Taft-Hartley Bill--Labor Development Under, 1947-1949 [1 of 2]
  • Labor--H.R. 3020--Taft-Hartley Bill--Labor Development Under, 1947-1949 [2 of 2]
  • Labor--General--Bell Aircraft Corporation
  • Labor--General--Coal Strike, May 1946
  • Labor--General--Coal Settlement, 1948

Box 9

  • Labor--General--Congress of Industrial Organizations
  • Labor--General--Digests--Labor
  • Labor--General--Employment and Unemployment Situation, 1949
  • Labor--General--Fair Labor Standards Act
  • Labor--General--Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
  • Labor--General--ITU [International Typographical Union]--Contempt Charges Against
  • Labor--General--Labor League for Political Education [veto of the Labor Relations Act of 1947; report to President on the labor dispute in the meat packing industry; collective bargaining studies]
  • Labor--General-Miscellaneous
  • Labor--General--National Labor Relations Board
  • Labor--General--National Labor Relations Board--Examiners--Proceeding to Remove

Box 10

  • Labor--General--Newspaper Clippings
  • Labor--General--Railroad Strike, 1948
  • Labor--General--Speeches in Support of Labor Program
  • Labor--General--Strikes, Data on
  • Labor--General--United Steel Workers of America (CIO)
  • Loyalty Investigations [1 of 2]
  • Loyalty Investigations [2 of 2]
  • Meat Situation, 1946--Correspondence
  • Meat Situation, 1946--Drafts and [press] Releases on [relating to the] President's Speech
  • Meat Situation, 1946--Reports
  • Meat Situation, 1946--Statement to Press by the President
  • Mexican Oil [expropriation of U.S. oil properties by Mexico]

Box 11

  • National Intelligence Authority [1945-46]
  • National Military Establishment--Air Force [1947-48]
  • National Military Establishment--Armed Forces--Miscellaneous
  • National Military Establishment--Armed Services Committee, U.S. Senate [proceedings, 1949]
  • National Military Establishment--Army [1948-49]
  • National Military Establishment--B-36 Investigation [1949]
  • National Military Establishment--Central Intelligence Agency
  • National Military Establishment--Hoover Commission Recommendations on National Security Organization [1949]
  • National Military Establishment--Joint Staff [General Bradley testimony]
  • National Military Establishment--Miscellaneous

Box 12

  • National Military Establishment--Navy [1948-49]
  • National Military Establishment--Physical Disability [retirement]
  • National Military Establishment--Retirement in Armed Services
  • National Military Establishment--Security Council [1947-49]
  • National Military Establishment--[National] Security Resources Board [1946-49]
  • National Military Establishment--Selective Service [1946-49] [1 of 2]
  • National Military Establishment--Selective Service [1946-49] [2 of 2]
  • Natural Gas Legislation [1 of 3]
  • Natural Gas Legislation [2 of 3]
  • Natural Gas Legislation [3 of 3]
  • Overseas Radio and Cable Consolidation [1949]

Box 13

Box 14

  • Palestine--Releases and Clippings
  • Palestine--Speeches--Miscellaneous [1948-49]
  • Palestine--State Department Memos--Misc. [1948-49]
  • Palestine--Statements [by President Truman, 1946-49]
  • Palestine--Telegrams and Cables [1 of 2]
  • Palestine--Telegrams and Cables [2 of 2]
  • Palestine--United Nations Papers on Palestine
  • Palestine--United States Policy with Regard to Palestine
  • Portal-to-Portal Pay [1 of 2]
  • Portal-to-Portal Pay [2 of 2]
  • Prices, Statement by the President Regarding Senator Taft's Remarks on [June 5, 1947]

Box 15

  • Russia [1 of 8]
  • Russia [2 of 8]
  • Russia [3 of 8]
  • Russia [4 of 8]
  • Russia [5 of 8]
  • Russia [6 of 8]
  • Russia [7 of 8]

Box 16

  • Russia [8 of 8]
  • Sedition Bills of 1949
  • Segregation in Armed Forces [1947-49]
  • Steel
  • Television Channels [FCC correspondence re, 1949]
  • Unification [of the armed forces]--Amendment of National Security Act, 1949 [1 of 2]
  • Unification [of the armed forces]--Amendment of National Security Act, 1949 [2 of 2]
  • Unification--Army Air Force [1946-47]
  • Unification--British Central Organization for Defense, 1946
  • Unification--Civilian Control of National Defense-[Paul H.] Appleby Address, 10-24-46

Box 17

  • Unification--Congressional Hearings [1946-47]
  • Unification--Correspondence--General 1946-47]
  • Unification--Drafts of Speeches
  • Unification--Memorandum, "Keeping the Nation Strong"
  • Unification--Memo--Original Notes, Exhibits, Carson Glass Drafts, etc.
  • Unification--Message to Congress, 12-18-45
  • Unification--Naval Officer Training, 1946
  • Unification--Peacetime Preparedness for National Emergency: J.D. Small's Report to the President, 1946
  • Unification--President's Letter to Vandenberg and Martin Re Agreement of Armed Services on Unification Plan [January 17, 1947 letter and related memoranda]
  • Unification--Press Releases
  • Unification--Secretary of Defense [1946-49] [1 of 2]

Box 18

  • Unification--Secretary of Defense [1946-49] [2 of 2]
  • Unification--Thomas Bill (S. 2044)
  • Unification--Unification Bill--Correspondence, Comments and Recommendation
  • Unification--Unification Bill--as Submitted to Congress, 2-26-47
  • Unification--Unification Bill--Drafts [1 of 2]
  • Unification--Unification Bill--Drafts [2 of 2]
  • Unification--"Unification of Armed Forces" by Maj. Lawrence J. Legere, Jr., Ph.D., 1950 [1 of 4]

Box 19

  • Unification--"Unification of Armed Forces" by Maj. Lawrence J. Legere, Jr., Ph.D., 1950 [2 of 4]
  • Unification--"Unification of Armed Forces" by Maj. Lawrence J. Legere, Jr., Ph.D., 1950 [3 of 4]
  • Unification--"Unification of Armed Forces" by Maj. Lawrence J. Legere, Jr., Ph.D., 1950 [4 of 4]
  • Unification--Working Papers for Truman Memo by [Carson] Glass [1 of 2]
  • Unification--Working Papers for Truman Memo by [Carson] Glass [2 of 2]
  • Universal Military Training--Message to Congress, 10-2-45 [1 of 2]
  • Universal Military Training--Message to Congress, 10-2-45 [2 of 2]
  • Wallace, Henry [memoranda re foreign policy views, resignation, election of 1948]

POLITICAL FILE, 1946-1964 (Bulk Date Span, 1946-1952)

Box 20

  • Capital Comment, Aug.-Dec. 1947
  • Capital Comment, Jan.-Aug. 1948
  • Gallup Polls, 1947
  • Newspaper Clippings, 1947
  • Newspaper Clippings, 1948 [1 of 2]
  • Newspaper Clippings, 1948 [2 of 2]
  • Press Releases and Statements, 1946-Jan. 1948 [1 of 2]
  • Press Releases and Statements, 1946-Jan. 1948 [1 of 2]
  • Press Releases and Statements, 1948
  • Publications, 1946-47

Box 21

Box 22

Box 23

  • Election Congratulations, 1948
  • Correspondence, 1952 [presidential campaign]
  • Memoranda, 1951-52 [primaries, election data for campaigns, 1788-1936]
  • 1952 [Democratic National] Convention
  • Finance Committee, 1952 [election campaign]
  • Independent Citizens Committee on Election Issues
  • Clippings, 1951-52
  • Miscellaneous 1952 [campaign booklets on election issues, political clubs]

Box 24

  • Publications, 1952 [Democratic publications re the Republican voting record] [1 of 2]
  • Publications, 1952 [Democratic publications re the Republican voting record] [2 of 2]
  • Democratic National Convention, Chicago, Aug. 13-17, 1956

PRESIDENTIAL SPEECH FILE, 1900-1965 (Bulk Date Span, 1946-1950

  • President Roosevelt's Speech to Congress, January 6, 1941
  • Christmas Eve Speeches, Dec. 1939-1946, Inclusive
  • Addresses and Statements [of Senator Harry S. Truman], Jan. 1935-April 1945
  • Speeches of the President--1945-1946
  • Speeches of the President--1947
  • Speeches of the President--1948, January-September
  • Speeches of the President--1948, October-December

Box 25

  • Speeches of the President--1949
  • President's Messages to Congress (May 3, 1945-Aug. 14, 1946 [1 of 2]
  • President's Messages to Congress (May 3, 1945-Aug. 14, 1946 [2 of 2]
  • President's Messages to Congress (1947-1950) [1 of 5]
  • President's Messages to Congress (1947-1950) [2 of 5]
  • President's Messages to Congress (1947-1950) [3 of 5]
  • President's Messages to Congress (1947-1950) [4 of 5]

Box 26

  • President's Messages to Congress (1947-1950) [5 of 5]
  • Index of Communications from President Truman to the 79th and 80th Congresses
  • 1946, May 10, Fordham University
  • 1946, May 24, Railroad Speech [re strike]
  • 1946, May 24, Railroad Speech--President Truman's Notes for
  • 1946, May 27, Governors' Conference, Oklahoma City (not given)
  • 1946, May 29, Remarks at George Washington [University] Commencement [which was attended by Margaret Truman on the occasion of her graduation]
  • 1946, August 1, Army Air Forces Speech
  • 1946, October 14, Meat Shortage Speech
  • 1946, October 22, U.N. Speech
  • 1946, Reports on President's Speeches by Leonard Reinsch [reports on speeches of October 14 and 23, 1946]
  • 1946, November 4, Suggested Election Eve Speech
  • 1946, November 11, Post Election Message
  • 1946, November 11, Post Election Message-- President Truman's Notes for
  • 1947, January 3, Bureau of the Budget Message of 1948
  • 1947, January 6, State of the Union Message

Box 27

  • State of the Union--1947 [1 of 2]
  • State of the Union--1947 [2 of 2]
  • 1947, January 30, Speech on March of Dimes
  • 1947, February 28, Mexico City
  • 1947, March 4, Baylor University
  • 1947, March 12, Speech to Congress on Greece [re aid to Greece and Turkey]
  • 1947, March 23, Jackson Day [1946]
  • 1947, April 5, Jefferson Day
  • 1947, April 8, Radio Speech in Memory of President Roosevelt
  • 1947, April 21, Associated Press [annual luncheon, New York City]

Box 28

  • 1947, April 29, Speech to Greet President Aleman [of Mexico]
  • 1947, May 10, Gridiron Dinner
  • 1947, June 7, Kansas City Reunion of the 35th Division
  • 1947, June 9, Canadian Parliament
  • 1947, June 17, Princeton [University]
  • 1947, June 20, Radio Speech on [the veto of the] Taft-Hartley Bill [1 of 2]
  • 1947, June 20, Radio Speech on [the veto of the] Taft-Hartley Bill [2 of 2]
  • 1947, June 28, Speech to 38th Annual NAACP Conference
  • 1947, July 4, Monticello
  • 1947, September 2, Speech at Rio de Janeiro
  • 1947, September 5, Speech to the Brazilian Congress [at Rio de Janeiro]
  • 1947, August 31-September 8, Brazil Trip: Brazil Reference Book [briefing books prepared by the State and Treasury Departments]

Box 29

  • 1947, August 31-September 8, Brazil Trip-- Miscellaneous [correspondence re itinerary; correspondence and a transcript of a telephone conversation re the relationship of the President's trip to the Inter-American Conference for the Maintenance of Continental Peace and Security; retrospective log of the President's trip]
  • 1947, October 5, Radio Broadcast Re Food Committee [the Luckman Committee] Program
  • 1947, October 8, Radio Broadcast to Women Voters
  • 1947, October 10, Suggested Speech from Joseph Jones (not used)
  • 1947, October 22, United Nations [empty]
  • 1947, October 24, Suggested Remarks to Representatives of the National Security Committee
  • 1947, October 24, Broadcast on Need for Special Session of Congress
  • 1947, November 17, Message to Special Session [of Congress] Re High Prices and European Aid [1 of 2]
  • 1947, November 17, Message to Special Session [of Congress] Re High Prices and European Aid [2 of 2]
  • 1947, December 6, Dedication of Everglades National Park
  • 1947, December 19, Message to Congress on the Marshall Plan [1 of 2]
  • 1947, December 19, Message to Congress on the Marshall Plan [2 of 2]
  • 1947, December 24, Christmas Speech
  • 1947, December 28, Statement on Signing S[enate] J[oint] Res[olution] l67 (Inflation Bill)
  • 1947, December 3l, Press Conference Speech
  • 1948, January 7, State of the Union Address

Box 30

  • State of the Union, January 7, 1948--Drafts
  • State of the Union, January 7, 1948--Taxation
  • State of the Union, January 7, 1948--Material from Government Departments, Agriculture to Public Works [l of 2, Civil Aeronautics Board]
  • State of the Union, January 7, 1948--Material from Government Departments, Agriculture to Public Works [2 of 2, other agencies]
  • State of the Union, January 7, 1948--Material from Government Departments, Housing to War Assets
  • State of the Union, January 7, 1948--Miscellaneous
  • 1948, January 29, Distillery Message

Box 31

  • 1948, January 30, March of Dimes Broadcast
  • 1948, February 2, Civil Rights
  • 1948, February 18, Aid to China
  • 1948, February 19, Jefferson-Jackson [Day] Dinner [1 of 2]
  • 1948, February 19, Jefferson-Jackson [Day] Dinner [2 of 2]
  • 1948, February 20-21, Puerto Rican Speeches
  • 1948, February 20-March 5, Puerto Rico and Key West [information about the cruise; list of dinner guests]
  • 1948, February 23, Housing Message
  • 1948, March 17, Message to Congress on Foreign Policy
  • 1948, March 17, Speech to Dinner of Friendly Sons of St. Patrick
  • 1948, March 25, Palestine Statement
  • 1948, April 2, Income Tax Veto [veto of H.R. 4790]

Box 32

  • 1948, April 5, News Vendors Bill [veto of H.R. 5052]
  • 1948, April 14, Opening of Savings Bond Drive
  • 1948, April 17, American Society of Newspaper Editors
  • 1948, April 19, Message on 50th Anniversary of Cuban Independence
  • 1948, May 1, Speech on National Health (Extemporaneous)
  • 1948, May 6, Speech on [National] Conf[erence] on Family Life (Extemporaneous)
  • 1948, May 14, Speech to Young Democrats [dinner]
  • 1948, May 14, Farm Message to Congress (Not Delivered in Person)
  • 1948, May 20, Girard College, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • 1948, June 4, Swedish Centennial Meeting, Chicago
  • 1948, June 5, 35th Division Reunion, Omaha
  • 1948, June 10, Washington State Press Club, Seattle
  • 1948, June 12, University of California, Berkeley [1 of 2]
  • 1948, June 12, University of California, Berkeley [2 of 2]

Box 33

  • 1948, June 14, Los Angeles Press Club
  • 1948, June 3-18, Extemporaneous Remarks on Trip to West Coast
  • 1948, June 3-18, West Coast Trip [press reports of; lists of the President's party; itinerary of; speech material from Government agencies and the Democratic National Committee]
  • 1948, July 5, Dedication of Simon Bolivar Memorial [Bolivar, Missouri]
  • 1948, July 15, Acceptance Speech [before the Democratic National Convention, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania]
  • 1948, July 27, Message to Congress on Inflation and Housing
  • 1948, July 31, Dedication of N.Y. International Airport--Idlewild
  • 1948, September 5-7, Detroit Trip [press releases of Labor Day speech and informal remarks delivered during the Detroit trip]
  • 1948, September 5-7, Detroit Trip--Labor Day Speech [drafts of speech delivered at Cadillac Square, Detroit, September 6, 1948, and press releases of informal remarks delivered by Truman at other stops on the trip] [1 of 2]
  • 1948, September 5-7, Detroit Trip--Labor Day Speech [drafts of speech delivered at Cadillac Square, Detroit, September 6, 1948, and press releases of informal remarks delivered by Truman at other stops on the trip] [2 of 2]
  • 1948, September 5-7, Detroit Trip--President Truman's Record on Labor
  • 1948, September 13, American Association for the Advancement of Science

Box 34

  • 1948, Campaign Trip, September 17-October 2: Train Schedules
  • 1948, Campaign Trip, September 17-October 2: Visitors on Train [and itineraries]
  • 1948, Campaign Trip, September 17-October 2: Miscellaneous [correspondence and telegrams from White House staff and others concerning the trip and the content of the speeches; clippings and articles]
  • 1948, Campaign Trip, September 17-October 2: Extemporaneous Remarks [1 of 2]
  • 1948, Campaign Trip, September 17-October 2: Extemporaneous Remarks [2 of 2]
  • 1948, Campaign Trip, September 18, Iowa--Major [address] (Dexter--Plowing Match)
  • 1948, Campaign Trip, September 20, Colorado--Major [address] (Denver)
  • 1948, Campaign Trip, September 21, Utah--Major [address] (Salt Lake City)
  • 1948, Campaign Trip, September 23, California--Major [address] (Los Angeles)
  • 1948, Campaign Trip, September 24, Arizona--Phoenix
  • 1948, Campaign Trip, September 27, Texas--Major [address] (Bonham)

Box 35

  • 1948, Campaign Trip, September 28, Oklahoma--Major [address] (Oklahoma City)
  • 1948, Campaign Trip, September 30, Illinois--Major [address] (Carbondale)
  • 1948, Campaign Trip, September 30, Kentucky--Major [address] (Louisville)
  • 1948, Campaign Trip, October 1, West Virginia--Major [address] (Charleston)
  • 1948, Campaign Trip, October 6-9, Train Schedules
  • 1948, Campaign Trip, October 6-9, Extemporaneous Remarks
  • 1948, Campaign Trip, October 6, Pennsylvania--Major [address] (Philadelphia)
  • 1948, Campaign Trip, October 6, New Jersey--Jersey City
  • 1948, Campaign Trip, October 8, New York-Major [address] (Buffalo)
  • 1948, Campaign Trip, October 10-16, Train Schedules
  • 1948, Campaign Trip, October 10-16, Platform Speeches
  • 1948, Campaign Trip, October 11, Ohio--Major [address] (Akron)
  • 1948, Campaign Trip, October 12, Illinois--Springfield
  • 1948, Campaign Trip, October 13, Minnesota-Major [address] (St. Paul)
  • 1948, Campaign Trip, October 14, Wisconsin--Major [address] (Milwaukee)
  • 1948, Campaign Trip, October 15, Indiana--Indianapolis
  • 1948, Campaign Trip, October 18-19, Train Schedules
  • 1948, Campaign Trip, October 18-19, Miscellaneous--RaleighMiami [clippings]

Box 36

  • 1948, Campaign Trip, October 18, Florida-Major [address] (Miami)
  • 1948, Campaign Trip, October 19, North Carolina--Major [address] (Raleigh)
  • 1948, October 21, International Ladies Garment Workers Union Broadcast
  • 1948, Campaign Trip, October 22-November 1, Train Schedules
  • 1948, Campaign Trip, [October 22-November 1], Platform Speeches, October 24-30
  • 1948, Campaign Trip, October 22-November 1, Miscellaneous, [itineraries, speech drafts]
  • 1948, Campaign Trip, October 23, Johnstown, Pennsylvania
  • 1948, Campaign Trip, October 23, Scranton, Pennsylvania
  • 1948, Campaign Trip, October 23, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
  • 1948, Campaign Trip, October 24, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
  • 1948, Campaign Trip, October 25, Illinois (Major [address]--Chicago)
  • 1948, Campaign Trip, October 26, Ohio (Major [address]--Cleveland)
  • 1948, Campaign Trip, October 27, Massachusetts (Major [address]--Boston)
  • 1948, Campaign Trip, October 28-29, New York (Major [addresses]--Madison Square Garden, Harlem, Brooklyn)
  • 1948, Campaign Trip, October 30-November 1, Missouri--St. Louis, Kansas City, Independence
  • 1948, Campaign Speeches--Summary [prepared by White House staff, giving brief descriptions of the contents of 293 of Truman's speeches and informal remarks]
  • 1948, November 7-21, Key West [clippings re Truman's statement about his beard; memoranda re arrangements for the vacation period]
  • 1948, November 24, Fourth Session of the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization
  • State of the Union [Address, January 5,] 1949--Drafts [1 of 2]

Box 37

  • State of the Union [Address, January 5,] 1949--Drafts [2 of 2]
  • State of the Union [Address, January 5,] 1949--Final Message, Extra Copies
  • State of the Union [Address, January 5,] 1949--Departmental Memos [1 of 3]
  • State of the Union [Address, January 5,] 1949--Departmental Memos [2 of 3]
  • State of the Union [Address, January 5,] 1949--Departmental Memos [3 of 3]
  • State of the Union [Address, January 5,] 1949--Housing
  • State of the Union [Address, January 5,] 1949--Labor Phase
  • State of the Union [Address, January 5,] 1949--Economic Program
  • State of the Union [Address, January 5,] 1949--Comments [on what should be included in the address]
  • 1949, January 19, Democratic National Committee's Finance Committee Inaugural Address, January 20, 1949 [speech drafts, background material for, comments on what should be included in, press reaction to, and George Elsey's recollection in 1963 of the origins of the Point IV concept] [1 of 4]

Box 38

  • 1949, January 19, Democratic National Committee's Finance Committee Inaugural Address, January 20, 1949 [speech drafts, background material for, comments on what should be included in, press reaction to, and George Elsey's recollection in 1963 of the origins of the Point IV concept] [2 of 4]
  • 1949, January 19, Democratic National Committee's Finance Committee Inaugural Address, January 20, 1949 [speech drafts, background material for, comments on what should be included in, press reaction to, and George Elsey's recollection in 1963 of the origins of the Point IV concept] [3 of 4]
  • 1949, January 19, Democratic National Committee's Finance Committee Inaugural Address, January 20, 1949 [speech drafts, background material for, comments on what should be included in, press reaction to, and George Elsey's recollection in 1963 of the origins of the Point IV concept] [4 of 4]
  • Point IV--President's Inaugural Address, [January 20,] 1949 [correspondence on the status and progress of the Point IV program, January-June 1949]
  • Point IV--[President's Inaugural Address, January 20, 1949]--Miscellaneous [correspondence and printed material re ideas and proposals concerning the Point IV program, February 1949-January 1950, and a March 28, 1945 memorandum from Gifford Pinchot to President Roosevelt re a World Conference on the Conservation of Natural Resources] [1 of 2]
  • Point IV--[President's Inaugural Address, January 20, 1949]--Miscellaneous [correspondence and printed material re ideas and proposals concerning the Point IV program, February 1949-January 1950, and a March 28, 1945 memorandum from Gifford Pinchot to President Roosevelt re a World Conference on the Conservation of Natural Resources] [2 of 2]
  • Point IV--[President's Inaugural Address, January 20, 1949]--Press Releases, Clippings [press reaction to the Point IV proposal]
  • Economic Reports of the President, [January and July] 1949
  • 1949, February 24, Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, [Statler Hotel, Washington, D.C.] [1 of 2]

Box 39

  • 1949, February 24, Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, [Statler Hotel, Washington, D.C.] [2 of 2]
  • 1949, March 21, U.S. Conference of Mayors
  • 1949, April 4, Signing of North Atlantic Pact
  • 1949, May 16, Savings Bond Opportunity Drive
  • 1949, May 18, Visit of Eurico Dutra, President of Brazil
  • 1949, May 25, President's Conference on Community Responsibilities to Peacetime Servicemen and Women
  • 1949, June 2, Highway Safety Conference
  • 1949, June 6, Dinner for General George C. Marshall
  • 1949, June 7, President Truman's Comments on U.S.-Soviet Relations [Truman handwritten draft]
  • 1949, June 11, Reunion of 35th Division, Little Rock, Ark[ansas]
  • 1949, June 13, Radio Speech on the [U.S.] Economic Situation
  • Midyear Economic Report of the President, July 11, 1949 [drafts of Truman's message to Congress and background material] [1 of 2]
  • Midyear Economic Report of the President, July 11, 1949 [drafts of Truman's message to Congress and background material] [2 of 2]
  • 1949, July 19, Chicago, Imperial Council Session on the Shrine of North America
  • 1949, July 25, Message to Congress on Military Aid to Free Nations
  • 1949, August 20, Miami, Florida, VFW Convention
  • 1949, August 27, Philadelphia, Pa., Annual Convention of the American Legion

Box 40

  • 1949, September 5, Pittsburgh, Pa., Labor Day Speech
  • 1949, September 5, Des Moines, Iowa, Labor Day Speech
  • 1949, September 27, Radio Speech to Women's Division, Democratic National Committee
  • 1949, September 29, Kansas City, Mo., Dinner Honoring William M. Boyle, Jr.
  • 1949, October 24, New York, Laying of the Cornerstone of the U.N. Headquarters
  • 1949, November 3, St. Paul, Minn., "Truman Day" Speech
  • 1949, November 5, Radio Remarks Endorsing Gov. Herbert Lehman for Senator
  • 1949, November 11, National Conference of Christians and Jews
  • 1949, December 21, Arlington Cemetery, Unveiling of WW II Memorial Carillon
  • 1949, Miscellaneous Schedules
  • State of the Union Message--1950 [l of 2, drafts of, foreign reaction to]
  • State of the Union Message--1950 [2 of 2, agency proposals re]
  • [1949]-1950, Miscellaneous Presidential Addresses, Radio Broadcasts, Etc. [press release texts of the President's remarks; drafts; correspondence]
  • Presidential Speech Material

MISCELLANEOUS SPEECH FILE, 1933-1950 (Bulk Date Span, 1946-1949)

  • Speech File--Miscellaneous, 1946-48 [1 of 3]

Box 41

  • Speech File--Miscellaneous, 1946-48 [2 of 3]
  • Speech File--Miscellaneous, 1946-48 [3 of 3]
  • Speeches--Miscellaneous Political, 1948 [1 of 2]
  • Speeches--Miscellaneous Political, 1948 [2 of 2]
  • Speeches--Miscellaneous Political, 1949
  • Acheson, Secretary of State Dean, 9-19-49 [speech before the Pan-American Society of the United States, New York City]
  • Anderson, Clinton P., 4-15-47, 11-15--47, 8-28-49
  • Austin, Senator Warren, to the United Nations, 3-28-47
  • Bevin, Hon. Ernest, Before the House of Commons, 1-22-48
  • Bowles, Chester, Radio Speech, 10-31--47
  • Bradley, Albert, [Executive Vice President, General Motors Corporation], On the Business View of Wage-Price-Profit Relationships, 1-14--47
  • Brannan, Secretary of Agriculture Charles F., 1949 Speeches
  • Clark, Attorney General Tom, 2-47, 9-18-48 and 9-20-48
  • Conant, J.B. ["The Atomic Age," a lecture at the National War College, October 2, 1947]
  • Davidson, Assistant Secretary of the Interior C. Girard, Speeches, 1947-1949
  • Democratic National Committee, Speeches, 1946-1947 [speeches by DNC officers, and a few others]
  • Denham, General Counsel Robert N., St. Louis Bar Association, 11-3-47

Box 42

  • Douglas, Justice William O., 3-22-48
  • Ewing, Oscar R., 5-19-49
  • Firestone, Harvey S., Jr., 10-6-47
  • Folsom, Governor James E., Address as Presidential Candidate, 1-27-48
  • Ford, Henry II, Address on Obligations of Business Management, 4-29-47 [and on production, 9-29-47]
  • Forrestal, James, Speeches, 1946-48
  • Foskett, Admiral [James], 10-18--47
  • Gardner, O. Max, 1-9-33 and 9-19-46
  • Green, Senator Theo F., in Reply to Senator Taft, 1-19-48
  • Hannegan, Robert E., 10-14--46
  • Harriman, Secretary of Commerce W. Averell, Before the Pacific Northwest Trade Association, 8-18-47
  • Herzog, Paul, Speeches, 1947-48
  • Hill, Arthur M., 3-25-48
  • Johnson, Secretary of Defense Louis, Speeches, Oct.-Dec. 1949
  • Kefauver, Congressman Estes, 12-30-47
  • Keyserling, Leon H., 9-18-49
  • Lucas, Senator Scott W., 11-7-47
  • Luckman, Charles, Speeches, 1946-48
  • Marshall, Secretary of State George C., Speeches, 1947-48
  • McGrath, Senator J. Howard, Speeches, 1947-48
  • Myers, Senator Francis J., Radio Address, 12-27-47
  • O'Mahoney, Senator Joseph C., Speeches, 1947-48
  • Pace, Frank, Jr., 6-28-49
  • Patterson, Robert P., 1-22-48
  • Price, Congressman Melvin, 9-8-47
  • Royall, Kenneth C., 10-15--48
  • Ruml, Beardsley, 1-18-50
  • Sawyer, Secretary of Commerce Charles, 8-30-48 and 4-24-29
  • Schwellenbach, Secretary of Labor Lewis B., 10-27-47

Box 43

  • Snyder, John W., Speeches, 1945-47 [1 of 2]
  • Snyder, John W., Speeches, 1945-47 [2 of 2]
  • Steelman, John R., Speeches, 1948-49
  • Sullivan, Gael, 12-10-47 and 3-19-48
  • Sullivan, Secretary of the Navy John L., 5-3-48
  • Szymczak, M.S., Member, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System, Speeches, 1947-48
  • Taft, Senator Robert A., Address at Republican Dinner, Columbus, [Ohio], 7-31-47 [and Ohio Society address, 11-10-47]
  • Tobin, Secretary of Labor Maurice, Radio Address, 9-18-49
  • Vardaman, James K., Speeches, 1946
  • Whitney, C.V., 5-23-49 and 9-20-49
  • Wiggins, Under Secretary of the Treasury, A.L.M., Speeches, 1947
  • Wylie, Philip, Draft of Speech for President Truman on Russia, N[ot] D[elivered]
  • [Cross reference sheets for books, pamphlets and photographs withdrawn from the Clifford papers and transferred to the book or audiovisual collections]
  • [List of security classified materials in the Clifford papers]


  • Correspondence With Harry S. Truman, 1950-1953
  • Correspondence With Harry S. Truman, 1953-1972
  • Correspondence With Mrs. Harry S. Truman, 1950-1980
  • General Correspondence Relating to Harry S. Truman, 1947-1973
  • Signed Cards, 1948-1951
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