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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

May 14, 1946

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

(Hon. Donald Richberg) (Now law partner of Hon. Jos. Davies, wishes to discuss Railway situation with the President, off the record)
Mr. Granville Conway, Acting Administrator, War Shipping Administrator. (Senator Radcliffe asked that the President see Conway as several important problems have come up in War Shipping Administration lately)
His Eminence, Bernard Cardinal Griffin, Archbishop of Westminister Mr. John Balfour (The British Embassy asked that the President allow the Cardinal to pay his respects, as be was to be in Washington today)
(Cong. James M. Curley - Mayor-elect of Boston) (Asked for the appointment and was told he could come off the record)
(Cabinet luncheon - all came (Not sure about Secretary of Labor - he possibly did not attend)
(Mr. A. F. Whitney, Pres. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen) Mr. Alvanley Johnston, Grand Chief Engineer, Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers.) (The Secretary of Labor [Lewis B. Schwellenbach]; Hon. John Snyder; Mr. H. H. Schwartz, Chairman, Mediation Board)
Mr. C. J. Goff, Assistant to President, Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen & Enginemen Mr. W. H. Fraser, Pres. Order of Railway Conductors of America Mr. T. C. Cashen, Pres. Switchmens' Union of North America
Mr. J. J. Pelley Mr. D. P. Loomis Mr. W. T. Faricy Mr. H. A. Enochs Mr. J. P. Parrish
Cong. C. Jasper Bell, Mo. (The Congressman requested the appointment)
Hon. L. Welch Pogue, Chairman, C.A.B. Hon. Clarence Young, Member, C.A.B. (Mr. Pogue requested the appointment)
Rev.H. P. Sconce. (Pastor, First Baptist Church, Roseburg, Oregon) Lew Wallace, Dem. National Committeeman, Oregon, wrote Mr. Matthew Connelly in March that Sconce was an enthusiastic Democrat and very prominent in his community. Stated Sconce is friend of Senator Tom Connally and Cong. Brooks Hays of Air; that Sconce writes for Watchman-Examiner, most influential of all Baptist papers and covered San Francisco Conference for this publication. Rev. Sconce also hopes that some trout which he had sent by plane from Oregon for the President will have arrived. Should have come to White House yesterday, but as planes were grounded trout should come sometime today.
Hon. Chester Bowles
(Hon. Frank Walker)
(Mr. William Hutchinson, head of Carpenters Union, A.F. of L.) (Hon. John Steelman) (Mr. Hutchinson is coming off record, as he is member of A.F.of L. Council, which is in Washington at this time. Thought if he came on record all other Council members would ask.)
Hon. Richard Sachse, Member Federal Power Commission (Is going to Berlin with Mr. Edwin Pauley to assist in investigation of electric power installations and other power reparation problems in Germany and elsewhere in connection with Pauley's mission. Before leaving for Germany, where he expects to meet Mr. Edwin Pauley and staff about middle of June, would like to talk to the President.
Hon. Ras H. S. Imru, newly appointed Minister of Ethopia; Mr. Getahoun Tesemma, interpreter. (Presented credentials)
Dr. Daniel A. Poling ( To invite the President to dinner being organized to be held at Waldorf Astoria, N.Y.C., next October under auspices of all the Protestant religious bodies of the U.S., sponsored by Christian Herald, of which Dr. Poling is Editor. This dinner meeting to consider general theme "Religion in Life".
Adm. William F. Halsey
Sen Hugh B. Mitchell, Wash Cong. Henry M. Jackson, Wash.
(Lunch) (Downstairs in Executive Office)
Hon. Harold Smith, Director of Budget
Mr. John L. Lewis; Mr. Charles O'Neill; (Hon. John Steelman; The Secretary of Labor [Lewis B. Schwellenbach]; Hon John Snyder)
The President motored to home of Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal for dinner.
[Public Papers: Statement by the President Upon Disapproving Bills of the Legislature of Puerto Rico]
[Public Papers: Special Message to the Congress Transmitting Reorganization Plan 1 of 1946]
[Public Papers: Special Message to the Congress Transmitting Reorganization Plan 2 of 1946]
[Public Papers: Special Message to the Congress Transmitting Reorganization Plan 3 of 1946]
(The Secretary of Labor [Lewis B. Schwellenbach]; Hon. Edward McGrady)
Mr. John L. Lewis & Mr. Chas. O'Neill
Cong. Jed Johnson, Okla. Mr. Ned Shepler, Editor of Lawton, Okla. Daily Constitution, largest Democratic Newspaper in western Okla. Hon. R. E. Glenn (Cong. says he is Mayor of his home town, which is likely Anadarko) Mr. Milton Keating; Mr. W. E. Tomlinson; Mr. John Keathley (The Congressman first asked for this, saying the President told him to come in when he returned from Okla. Later in the day called Mr. Connelly and asked to bring in the additional gentlemen from his State)
Cong. Sol Bloom, N. Y. (Asked for the appointment to discuss bills now pending concerning UNNRA and South America)
Hon. Chester Bowles (Asked when leaving yesterday if he might come back today)
Hon. Harold D. Smith, Dir. Bureau of the Budget
Press Conference (Called on Spot re Coal Strike Negotiations) [Public Papers]
Hon Herbert C. Hoover; Dr. Julius Klein
General Henry H. Arnold (Requested the appointment)
Hon. John Russell Young, D. C. Commissioner (To pay respects and thank the President for his reappointment)
Mr. R. R. Dupre
The Acting Secretary of State (Usual Thursday Appointment)
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
Hon. Daniel J. Tobin, head of Union of Teamsters and Trucksters; (Hon. Geo. Allen) (The President invited him to come in, and Mr. Tobin asked if it might be in afternoon, as Council meeting in morning.)
Mr. John L. Lewis Mr. Charles O'Neill
[Public Papers: Statement by the President Upon Issuing Order Directing Possession and Operation of the Railroads]
Cabinet [Meeting] (Everyone attended except State and Interior, and their Under Secretaries will attend)
Sen. Elbert D. Thomas,Utah Sen. Abe Murdock, Utah Cong. Walter K. Granger, Utah Cong. J. W. Robinson, Utah (Urgent matter which they were afraid would get out before they talked to the President)
(Mr. Robert O'Brien; Hon. Robert E. Hannegan)
Sen. James W. Huffman, O. [Ohio] (Requested the appointment)
The Rt. Hon. Herbert Morrison, Lord President of the Council and Leader of the House of Commons Mr. Robert Makins Mr. Max Nicolson (Arranged by Mr. Wm. Clayton, who did not come)
The President received Members of Assignment Service, War Manpower Commission, who are winding up their work. (In requesting this appointment, the Chairman of the Directing Board, Frank H. Lahey, M. D., of Lahey Clinic, Boston, said: "They have all done a good job, as you know, not an easy one because satisfying the military and keeping the public happy as to doctors, dentists, veterinarians, nurses and sanitary engineers, was not simple.") Those present were: Lt. Colonel Dean F. Brooke, U.S.A., Former Assistant Executive Officer of Procurement and Assignment Service; Dr. Frank H. Lahey, Chairman, Directing Board, Procurement and Assign. Serv.; Dr. Harvey B. Stone, Vice Chairman, Directing Board; Dr. James E. Paullin, Member, Directing Board; Dr. Harold S. Diehl, Member, Directing Board; Dr. C. Williard Camalier, Member, Directing Board; Mr. Abel Wolman, Member, Directing Board; Dr. Sam F. Seeley, Executive Officer, Procurement and Assignment Service; Dr. Maxwell E. Lapham, Executive Officer, Procurement and Assignment Service; Dr. Paul C. Barton, Executive Officer, Pro- curement and Assignment Service; Miss L. Louis Baker, Assistant Executive Officer in Charge of Nursing, Procurement and Assignment Service; Mr. Howard M. Kline, Assistant Executive Officer; Miss Mary E. Switzer, Liaison and representative of Federal Security Admin. and War Manpower Commissioner on Directing Board.
(Hon. Welch Pogue) (Hon. Edwin Locke)
H. H. Manuel A. Roxas, President-elect of the Philippine Republic Hon. Paul V. McNutt
The President and Mrs. Truman will receive the out-of-town delegates of the American Association of Museums, at the White House.
Mr. A. F. Whitney, Pres. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen. Mr. Alvanley Johnston, Grand Chief Engineer, Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers.
Mr. C. J. Goff, Asst. to President, Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen Mr. W. H. Fraser, Pres. Order of Railway Conductors of America Mr. T. C. Cashen, Pres. Switchmen's Union of North America.
M. J. J. Pelley Mr. D. P. Loomis Mr. W. T. Faricy Mr.H. A. Enochs Mr. J. P. Parrish
Commander Joseph Stack, Veterans of Foreign Wars Sen. Leverett Saltonstall, Mass. Cong. John W. McCormack, Mass. Sen. David I. Walsh, Mass. Mr. Eugene C. Carver, of Boston, Past Commander, VFW Mr. Joseph Kennedy, Jr. (Son of former Amb. Kennedy) [sic probably John F. Kennedy. Joseph Kennedy, Jr, died August 12, 1944] Mr.John A. Breen, Chairman, Natl. Housing Committee, V.F.W., of Boston Mr. Omar Ketchum, Legislative Representative, VFW (To invite the President to attend their National Convention, VFW, in Boston, first week in September - Governor Maurice Tobin was to have come, but had to cancel his plans.
Hon. Mon C. Wallgren, Governor of Washington Mr. Jack Gorrey
(No Official List given out)
[Public Papers: Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House Transmitting Bill on Philippine Veterans' Benefits]
(The Secretary of State [James F. Byrnes]; The Secretary of Labor [Lewis B. Schwellenbach])
Lunch downstairs with Governor Mon C. Wallgren of Washington
[Public Papers: The President's News Conference on the Railway Labor Negotiations]
Left by plane for Grandview, Mo.
Arrived Grandview.
Drove from Kansas City to Liberty, Missouri to William Jewell College where received Honorary Degree at noon.
Left Fairfax Airport, Kansas City, by plane for Washington.
Arrived Washington, D. C.
Sen. Alben W. Barkley, Ky. Speaker Sam Rayburn, Tex. Cong. John W. McCormack, Mass. (They stayed for the signing of the Postal Pay Raise Bill at eleven. Senator McKellar was in the hospital)
The President signed H.R. 5059, a Bill to provide additional compensation for Postmasters and Employees fo the Postal Service. Those present were: The Postmaster General [Robert E. Hannegan]; Hon. Jesse M. Donaldson, First Assistant, P.M.G.; Hon. Gael Sullivan, Second Asst. P.M.G.; Mr. Pace, Executive Assistant to the P.M.G.; Senator James M. Mead, N. Y., Senator Alben W. Barkley; Speaker Sam Rayburn; Cong. John W. McCormack; Cong. Thomas G. Burch, Va., Chairman House Committee, Post Offices and Post Roads; Cong. George D. O'Brien, Mich.; Hon. John Steelman; Mr. Wm. C. Doherty, Pres., National Association of Letter Carriers; Mr. Leo E. George, President, National Federation of Post Office Clerks; Mr. John J. Barrett, President, United National Association of Post Office Clerks; Mr. Thomas G. Walters, President, National Association of Rural Letters Carriers; Mr. Philip J. Gallagher, President, National Association of Postmasters; Mr. Chester M. Harvey, President, Railway Mail Association; Mr. Luther C. Steward, President, National Federation of Federal Employees; Mr. E. A. Meeks, Secretary, National League of District Postmasters; Mr. T. Roy Talbot, National Association of Postal Supervisors; Mr. James B. Burns, President, American Federation of Government Employees.
Mr. James C. Quigley; Mr. Joseph Votava; Miss Mary Harrison (Ed McKim wrote about this, asking that the President see them during their visit here - also Mr. Nacy at Committee phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly, to urge that the President see them.)
Dr. L. W. Chang; Dr. Y. J. Kim (Mr. Woodward brought Dr. Chang and Dr. Kim over to present to the President a vase of ancient Korean procelain. Under auspices of State and War Departments, a group of Koreans have been brought to the United States to study our educational system. This group has been staying in Washington as guests of State Department, and Dr. Chang is its leader. He is presenting this to the President for the people of the United States, as a gift of the Korean people.
Father Lawrence C. Gorman, President, Georgetown University; Father Paul A. McNally, Vice President (To present the President with an illuminated copy of the Honorary degree which the University conferred upon him last June 17th (Senator Chavez accepted it for the President, according to the records in Mr. Matthew Connelly's office.
Hon. Edward J. Flynn of New York (Arranged by Mr. Matthew Connelly after talking to Mr. Flynn on the telephone.)
Hon. Owen J. Roberts (Asked for this sometime ago, by letter)
(CABINET LUNCHEON - all except Secretary of Agriculture Clinton P. Anderson, who is to let us know definitely this morning)
(The Postmaster General [Robert E. Hannegan]) (Hon. George Allen)
[Public Papers: Letter to the Director of War Mobilization and Reconversion Concerning the Establishment of U.N. Headquarters]
Congressman Vito Marcantionio, New York (The Congressman phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly about ten days ago and asked for this appointment)
Honorable Paul Porter (Mr. Porter phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly yesterday and asked for this appointment)
The President will sign H.R. 4761, (An Act to expedite the availability of housing for veterans of World War Two, etc, etc.). Those attending signing, will be: Hon. Wilson Wyatt, National Housing Administrator; Hon. Raymond M. Foley, Federal Housing Administrator; Sen. Robert F. Wagner, New York; Congressman Brent Spence, Ky.; Cogressman Wright Patman, Texas
Honorable Leon Blum H. E. Hon. Henri Bonnet , The Ambassador of France (Mr. Blum, who has been in this country negotiating a loan for France, plans to leave Washington Friday, May 24th, to return to Paris, and has asked, through Mr. Woodward, to be allowed to come in and tell the President "goodbye".)
Lt. General Edmund B. Gregory, War Assets Administrator.
Monsignor van Waeyebergh, Louvain, Belgium Mr. J. Cox, Brussels Mr. E. Blancquaert, Ghent Mr. J. Duesberg, Liege (These are the Rectors of the four Belgian Universities, distinguished educators, visiting the U.S. under auspices of the Belgian American Educational Foundation, Inc., who expect to be in Washington May 20-23. The Belgian Ambassador, requested, through the State Department, that the President receive these gentlemen if convenient)
Mr. Melvin Mayfield (When Senator Huffman of Ohio was in last week, he asked Mr. Matthew Connelly to arrange for Mayfield to call on the President. Mayfield, aged 27, is holder of Congressional Medal of Honor, and since this appointment requested, a "box" appeared in Washington Star, stating Mayfield on way here to see the President to solicit his help in a fight against a $10,000,000 flood control dam project, which if carried through would cause Mayfield to have to abandon his newly acquired eight acres, plus 179 acres he operates for his father, as land would be flooded.)
Mrs. Jewell Swofford, (Chairman, Employees Compensation Commission - this arranged by Mrs. Mary E. Switzer, of Federal Security Agency, when in to see the President last week with the group)
Hon. Walter Thurston, U.S. Ambassador to Mexico (Newly appointed, and has asked for consultation with the President before his departure for his post, on or about May 25th.)
Mr.Willard Shelton, editorial writer with Chicago Sun -- (In city for about ten days, and asked, through Mr. Charles Ross, to come in and chat with the President. He saw the President last November)
Mr. Malcolm Muir, Publisher of Newsweek Mr. Ernest Lindley (Mr. Muir is just back from Europe - Appointment arranged through Mr. Charles Ross)
Mr. William Green, Pres. A. F. of L. Mr. Matthew Woll, Vice Pres. A. F. of L. Mr. George Meany, Secretary - Treasurer of A.F. of L. (Mr. Green requested this at the suggestion of their Executive Council, which is meeting in this city at present)
Honorable Harold D. Smith, Director Bureau of the Budget
(Hon. George Allen) (Judge Rosenman)
Mr. A. F. Whitney; Mr. Alvanley Johnston; The Secretary of Labor [Lewis B. Schwellenbach]; Hon. John Snyder; Hon. John Steelman