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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

May 03, 1946

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

Hon. John D. Erwin, American Ambassador to Honduras (Mr. Erwin is leaving for his post today and asked to come in to pay respects -- arranged through the State Department)
The President signed S. 1757, "To amend the Surplus Property Act of 1944, with reference to veterans' preference, and for other purposes.". The following were present: Senator Burnet R. Maybank, S. C., Lt. Gen. Edmund B. Gregory, Senator Joseph C. O'Mahoney, Wyo., Congressman Carter Manasco, Ala., Hon Edith Nourse Rogers, Congresswoman from Mass. [Public Papers: Statement by the President Upon Signing the Veterans' Priority Bill for Surplus Property]
Hon. Wm. Pawley, U. S. Ambassador to Brazil
(Miss Grace Annete Du Pre) (Requested a half hour for final sitting for portrait)
(Mr. Tom Ford) (Former Congressman from California - came in to shake hands with the President)
(Secretary of War [Robert P. Patterson], Secretary of Navy [James Forrestal], Hon. Dean Acheson, Acting Secretary of State, Admiral William Leahy, Captain Clark Clifford, General Harry Vaughan)
(Hon. John Snyder, Hon. John Steelman)
The President agreed to be photographed with Mrs. Truman and the Page Boys at the East Entrance of the White House. (Mrs. Truman is tendering a luncheon for them on this date, 1:00 pm)
[Public Papers: Special Message to the Congress Transmitting Bill for Inter-American Military Cooperation]
Honorable Sam Rayburn; Honorable Alben Barkley Honorable John McCormack
(Hon. John Snyder)
Hon.Fiorello La Guardia (Requested this appointment to discuss an important matter regarding Permanent Joint Board of Defense UNRRA)
The Egyptian Minister, Mr. Mahmound Hassan (Just returned from Egypt and wishes to present to the President a letter from King Farouk; also a gift from the King - Mr. Woodward believes it a stamp collection) (Arranged through the State Department)
Mr. Perry Faulkner, Chief, Veterans Employment Service (Appointment requested by Mr. Ted Marks)
Hon. Lauchlin Currie (Just returned from Europe, where he made extensive study of Italian situation in his capacity as President of Council for American Italian Affairs. Wishes to discuss this trip with the President)
Hon. Dean Acheson, Acting Secretary of State
Hon. Lewis B. Schwellenbach, The Secretary of Labor; (Hon. John Snyder; Dr. John Steelman)
(Hon. Edwin Locke)
[Public Papers: Statement by the President Commending CARE]
Mrs. John E. Raker; Mr. Albert Breitwieser; Mr. George Winchester - (Mrs. Raker is widow of former Congressman John E. Raker - is bringing in nephew, Mr. Breitwieser and his friend just to shake hands - made at the suggestion of Mrs. Truman)
Sen. Burton K. Wheeler, Mont. (Requested the appointment)
A Delegation from the American Road Builders' Association will present the President with a life membership in that organization. Those to be present: Mr. J. T. Callaway, President, Manufacturers' Div. Hon. J. W. Robinson, Chairman, House Roads Committee Mr. James J. Skelly, Pres., Am. Road Buiders' Ass'n, Media, Pa. Mr. Charles M. Upham, Engineer-Director Mr. D. W. Leonard, Highway Engineer, Jackson Cty, Kansas City, Mo. Mr.John A. Long, Manager, City, Highway Officials' Div., American Road Builders' Ass'n.
Lt. Gen. W. H. Haskell Maj. Gen. Glen Edgerton, Assoc. Admin. War Assets Admin. Mr. Walter A. Joyce, Deputy Administrator for Operations, War Assets Administration Mr.Tom Burland (Gen, Haskell who is Executive Director, Cooperative for American Remittances to Europe, New York City will hand the President certain food packages for shipment to Europe - arranged through Mr. Charles Ross)
(Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Jacobs) Mr. Jacobs is President of the Kansas City Bar Association, and wishes to come in to pay respects and also to invite the President to a meeting of their Association - appointment requested by Mr. Tom Evans and Mr. James Pendergast)
The Secretary of Agriculture [Clinton P. Anderson]; Mr. Nathan Koenig; Mr. and Mrs. Claude H. Canaday - (Mr. Canaday is the farmer from Bloomfield, Nebraska, who sold corn that he would have fed hogs and donated $1030 to the Secretary of Agriculture, for relief. Mr. Koenig feels this will be good publicity angle for Famine Emergency Committee) (Newspaper men present; also pictures taken)
The President presented the Distinguished Service Medal to General Philip B. Fleming; and the Legion of Merit to Major General Ulysses S. Grant. Those present were: Mrs. Fleming; Miss Joselyn Fleming; Lieutenant General R. A. Wheeler; Colonel Spencer Cosby; Mr. Baird Snyder; Mr. W. E. Reynolds; Mr. T. H. McDonald; Mr. George H. Field; Miss Leona K. Kemtainen; Mr. Ernest E. Hall; Lt. Gen. Thomas T. Handy, Mrs. Ulysses S. Grant (Appointment arranged by General Harry Vaughan)
[Public Papers: Citation Accompanying the Distinguished Service Medal Awarded to Major General Philip B. Fleming]
[Public Papers: Citation Accompanying the Legion of Merit Awarded to Major General Ulysses S. Grant III]
General Ulysses S. Grant (Asked for this appointment)
(The Postmaster General [Robert E. Hannegan]; Mr. August Busch, Jr.)
(Mr. T. C. Cashen; Dr. John Steelman; Hon. John Snyder)
(VE Day)
The President's Birthday
[Public Papers: Statement by the President on the Anniversary of V-E Day]
The President addressed opening session of the Highway Safety Conference at Departmental Auditorium [Public Papers]
(Mr. George Skadding, Secretary of White House Photographers Ass'n, et al) (To present gift to the President)
Hon. Dean Acheson, Acting Secretary of State
(Lunch with Cabinet at Office of Attorney General)
[Public Papers: Joint Statement With the Prime Ministers of Great Britain and Canada Concerning the Combined Food Board]
(General Alexander A. Vandegrift, Commandant Marine Corps) - (Arranged through Captain Clark Clifford)
(Colonel Claude Earp)
The Secretary of the Treasury [Fred M. Vinson]
[Public Papers: Veto of Bill To Establish an Army Optometry Corps]
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
Hon. James P. McGranery, Assistant to the Attorney General (Requested this appointment)
The President will receive a delegation from the National Association of Broadcasters. (This Board of Directors, representing 700 out of 900 stations in the United States, will meet in Washington on May 8th and 9th.) (Arranged by Mr. Leonard Reinsch) (Pictures requested) The following were presented: Justin Miller, President; District 1, Paul W. Morency, WTIC, Hartford, Connecticut; District 2, Kolin Hager, WGY, Scranton, Pennsylvania; District 4, Campbell Arnoux, WTAR, Norfolk, Virginia; District 5, F. W. Borton, WQAM, Miami, Florida; District 6, Hoyt B. Wooten, WREC, Memphis, Tennessee; District 7, James D. Shouse, WLW, Cincinnati, Ohio; District 8, John E. Fetzer, WKZO, Kalamazoo, Michigan; District 9, Leslie C. Johnson, WHBF, Rock Island, Illinois; District 10, John J. Gillin, Jr., WOW, Omaha, Nebraska; District 11, E. L. Hayek, KATE, Albert Lea, Minnesota; District 12, William B. Way, KVOO, Tulsa, Oklahoma; District 13, Martin B. Campbell, WFAA, Dallas, Texas; District 14, Hugh B. Terry, KLZ, Denver, Colorado; District 15, William B. Smullin, KIEM, Eureka, California; District 16, Wiliam B. Ryan, KFI, Los Angeles, California; District 17, Harry R. Spence, KXRO, Aberdeen, Washington; LARGE STATIONS, District 5, J. Leonard Reinsch, WSB, Atlants, Georgia; District 4, J. Harold Ryan, WWVA, (Address at WSPD) Wheeling, West Virginia MEDIUM STATIONS, District 4, T.A.M. Craven, WOL, Washington, D. C.; District 4, G. Richard Shafto, WIS. SMALL STATIONS, District 12, Matthew H. Bonebrake, KOCY, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; District 3, Clair R. McCollough, WGAL, Lancaster, Pennsylvania; Network, CBS, District 2, Frank Stantion, CBS, 485 Madison Avenue, New York; Network, NBC, District 4, Frank M. Russell, NBC, Trans-Lux Building, Washington, D. C.
The President and Mrs. Truman will receive Lord and Lady Halifax - the President's office. (Lord Halifax originally asked for the appointment to tell the President goodbye. He later requested the appointment for Lady Halifax too.)
The Prime Minister of Australia, R. Hon. Joseph Benedict Chifley (Arranged through the State Department)
The President will receive a group of Motion Picture Industry representatives, and a few representatives from the Red Cross. The following were present: Jack Alicoate, Film Daily; Maurice Artigues, Paramount Pictures, Corp.; Carter Barron, Loew's Inc.; Harry Brandt, Brandt Theatres; Carl Buermele, Co-op Theatres; B.T. Burnside, Warner Bros.; Robert Carnie, Paramount Pictures Corp.; Robert Clabeaux; J. J. Clark, Antonagon Theatres; John de Joseph, Reni Photographers; Ned Depinet, RKO Radio Pictures; James Devlin, c/o Harold Wirthwein, Paramount Pictures, Inc.; William Eberline, Fillmore Theatre; Otto Ebert, RKO Radio Pictures; Jay Emanuel, Exhibitor; Si Fabian, Fabian Theatres; Roger Ferri, 20th Century Fox Films; Ernest Fitzgerald, Colonial Theatre; Harold J. Fitzgerald, Fox Wisconsin Theatres; Abel Green, Variety; Harry Greenman, Capitol; Francis Guehl, Universal Pictures; Francis Harmon, Theatre Activities Committee; Jack Harrison, Hollywood Reporter; Pete Harrison, Publisher, Harrison Reports; Donald A. Henderson, 20th Century Fox Films; Bernie J. Hynes, Fox Intermountain Theatres; George Jackson, RKO Radio Pictures; Mack Jackson, Jackson Theatre, Alexander Theatre; Irving Kahn, 20th Century Fox Films; Harry Kalmine, Warner Brothers; Sherwin Kane, Motion Picture Daily; Malcolm Kingsberg, RKO Radio Pictures; Morris Kinzler; William J. Kupper, 20th Century Fox Films; Frank La Falce, Warner Bros.; Irving Lesser, Roxy; Howard M.G.M.; Thomas Kennedy, Showmen's Trade Review; Izzy Lincer, 20th Century Fox Film Corp.; Fred Lind, Ute Theatre; John McFadden, RKO Radio Pictures; Harold Michaels, Universal Pictures; Bill Michaelson, 20th Century Fox; Dan Michalove, 20th Century Fox; Martin Moskowitz, 20th Century Fox; Tony Muto, Fox Newsreel; Al Naroff, Brandt Theatres; Hiram Parks, Brownfield Theatres, John Payette, Warner Bros.; C. E. Peppiatt, 20th Century Fox; Dan Polier, 20th Century Fox; Martin Quigley, Jr., Motion Picture Herald; Harold Rinzler, Randforce Theaters; Samuel Rinzler, President, Randforce Theaters Circuit; Monte Salmon, Rivoli Theatre; Benjamin Schwatz, Home Theatre; Charles Schalifer, 20th Century Fox Films; Willie Shaffer, Orpheum Theatre; Sam Shain, 20th Century Fox; Eric Shinkel, Little Theatre; Ben Shylen, Box Office; Spyros P. Skouras, 20th Century Fox Films; Lionell Toll, Independent, Hotel Astor; Don Velde, National Screen Service; Mo Wax, Film Bulletin; John Webber, Colonial Theatre, Lebanon, Pa.; Joseph Weil; Bob Weitman, Capitol Theatre; William White, Skouras Theatres; Red Cross Representatives: Basil O'Connor, Chairman, American National Red Cross; Ben Burch, Special Assistant to Vice Chairman; Howard Bonham, Vice Chairman, Public Relations; Louis Boochever, Director of Public Relations. (Group headed by Spyros P. Skouras)
Mr. Harland Bartholomew (From St. Louis -- wants to discuss revision of city plan of Washington)
First-day sale ceremonies of the 3c Honorable Discharge Emblem stamp were held in the EAST ROOM of the White House, at which time the Postmaster General presented to the President the first sheet of stamps. (Newsreels and stills requested - Mr. Hannegan brought along the Post Office Department photographer, Mr. Frank R. Alexander) (List of guests invited by Mr. Hannegan filed in Mr. Connelly's office)
Honorable James Davis, Governor of Louisiana; Senator Richardson, State Senate of Louisiana. Appointment arranged by Mr. Hannegan)
Mr. Niles Trammel, President, N.B.C.
(Adm.W. W. Smith; Honorable John Snyder)
Honorable Edward J. Kelly, Mayor of Chicago
The President received members of the Highway Safety Conference: Governor A. Williams, Governor James Davis, Governor Maurice Tobin, Hon. Patrick P. Curran, Governor R. J. Williams, Governor Herbert B. Maw, Governor William M. Tuck, Governor Clarence Meadows, Lt. Governor Kenneth A. Evans, Lt. Governor C. P. Dahl, Lt. Governor Howard C. Belton, Lt. Governor Sioux K. Grigsby, Mayor C. Ray Bell, Mayor Orville Christianson, Mayor Bernard J. Dowd, Mayor Frank M. Doran, Mayor Leslie T. Fox, Mayor W. B. Hamilton, Mayor E. T. Jeffries, Jr., Mayor Edward J. Kelly, Mayor Walter E. Lawrence, Mayor Alton A. Lessard, Hon. L. E. Lichford, Mayor George Merrick, Mayor Edwin F. Weis, Mayor C. A. Winslow, Capt. N. W. Kimbrough, Mr. Horace Moore, Mr. Guy E. Williams, Mr. Edgar E. Lampton, Mr. H. L. Hinkley, Judge Arthur F. Ells, Hon. George Williams, Hon. George Asbell, Major Wm. E. Spence, Mr. T. P. Sullivan, Hon. Rue J. Alexander, Mr. Claud R. McCamment, Mr. O. M. Howard, Hon. Harold I. Goss, Isaac S. George, Mr. Herman Dignan, Mr. A. Rohweder, Hon. Greek L. Rice, Col. Hugh Waggoner, Mr. C. L. Sheridan, Wardner G. Scott, Mr. Lester C. Moody, Hon. Donald G. Matson, Mr. Arthur W. Magee, Mr. Floyd Kennedy, Mr. Clifford J. Fletcher, Colonel H. J. Hatcher, Mr. Perry T. Ford, Mr. Lynn Bomar, Colonel Homer Garrison, Honorable H. E. Marsh, Lt. H. D. Austin, Mr. Ben L. Marcus, Mr. Ray Bromley, Mr. R. B. Fowler, Dr. George H. Gallup Mr. Gibb Gilchrist, Mr. Paul Hoffman, Mr. Thomas H. MacDonald, Hon. Owen J. Roberts, Mr. William J. Scripps, Dr. George D. Stoddard, Mr. Arthur Vanderbilt, Mr. W. Robie Dunman, General Philip B. Fleming, Major George E. Grotz, Lt. Col. Kirk A. Keegan, Mr. Thomas H. MacDonald, Colonel Light B. Yost. (General Chairman of the Conference)
Cabinet [Meeting] (All members present - Hon. Dean Acheson in place of Hon James F. Byrnes) (AGENDA -- DISCUSSION OF COAL STRIKE)
Hon. Henry A. Wallace, Secretary of Commerce (The President expressed the desire at Cabinet Luncheon this week to see the Secretary)
Mr. Arthur W. Wilson (Wants to say hello and to "Hear about the dinner in Independence given the President by the old 129th F. A. officers.")
Honorable Robert S. Kerr, Governor of Oklahoma (Requested the appointment)
Senator Kenneth S. Wherry, Nebraska
Mr. Percy Blair; Colonel Bryce Metcalf, President General, Society of the Cincinnati; Mr. Andrew Christian, President, Virginia Society of the Cincinnati, Richmond, Va. (They want to present to the President the Gold Eagle, which is the emblem of the Society. This is the medal which was to be presented to the President at the Dinner of the Society, which dinner was cancelled because of the death of Chief Justice Stone)
(Mr. Ed. Sullivan - New York Daily News) (Arranged through Mr. Hannegan)
Hon. Paul McNutt; President Elect of the Philippines, Honorable Manual Roxas. [Public Papers: Statement by the President Upon Meeting the President-Elect of the Philippines]
Sen. Brien McMahon; Mr. R. M. Roberts; Mr. A. P. Mazza; Capt James. P. Healey; Chief John M. Gleason. (Mr. Roberts and Mr. Mazza are from the ROBERTS FURNITURE COMPANY, Greenwich, Connecticut. They will present the President with a chair which was made similar to the one which they gave to the late President Roosevelt) Sen. Brien McMahon will remain after the presentation (Requested an appointment)
(The Secretary of Labor [Lewis B. Schwellenbach]; The Secretary of the Interior [Julius A. Krug]; Honorable John Snyder; Honorable John Steelman.)
Mr. John L. Lewis; Mr. Charles O'Neill
Senator Theodore F. Green, R.I. Honorable John C. Pastore, Governor of R. I.
The Attorney General [Tom C. Clark]
(The President will leave for National Airport where he will board plane for New York City. He will accept honorary degree from Fordham University and make a broadcast that afternoon.)
Arrived New York City, motored to Fordham University in Bronx.
Rec'd Degree from Fordham and made Radio Address over national hook-up. Address at Fordham University, [Public Papers] [Audio: MP3 ]
Returned to Washington, D. C.
The President motored to "Shangri La".
Returned to White House.
Sen. Kenneth McKellar, Tenn. Sen. Alben W. Barkley, Ky. Speaker Sam Rayburn, Tex. Cong. John W. McCormack, Mass.
Senator Warren G. Magnuson, Washington
Congressman Jennings Randolph, West Virginia Mr. R. M. Davis, Montgomeryville, West Virginia (Congressman Randolph called to request this appointment and asked if he could bring Mr. Davis along.)
The President will sign the Federal Airport Act, S. 2 with the following present: Congressman Alfred Bulwinkle, North Carolina; Hon. Wm. A. M. Burden, Assistant Secretary of Commerce; Senator Pat McCarran, Nevada; Congressman Jennings Randolph, West Virginia; Hon. Gael Sullivan, 2nd Assistant Postmaster General; Hon. Theodore P. Wright, Administrator Civil Aeronautics Authority; Hon. L. W. Pogue, Chairman, Civil Aeronautics Board; Mr. Charles Donaldson, Ass't Administrator for Airports, Civil Aeronautics Authority. (Pictures)
Mr. A. H. Green; Mr. Irwin Silverman; Hon. Clement A. Akina. (Honorable Joseph Farrington, Delegate from Hawaii was ill and was unable to come. Mr. Silverman came in his place. Mr. Farrington asked that this appointment be arranged so that Mr. Akina could present to the President a Calibash bowl which is considered finest gift in Hawaii.)
The President presented the Medal for Merit to Honorable William Pawley, Ambassador to Brazil. (Mr. Keech arranged this and suggested that the President present him with Medal when Ambassador came in to say goodbye before going to Brazil.) [Public Papers: Citation Accompanying the Medal for Merit Awarded to William D. Pawley]
Honorable Herbert Hoover; Secretary of Agriculture [Clinton P. Anderson] (Mr. Hoover will give report on his recent trip to the President)
Honorable Dean Acheson, Acting Secretary of State; The Rt. Hon. Herbert Morrison, Lord President of the Council and leader of the House of Commons (Mr. Dean Acheson asked that he be allowed to bring Mr. Morrison in on his regular Monday appoint- ment. Mr. Morrison is in this country in connection with the food situation and wishes to meet the President. Mr. Dean Acheson will stay behind for his regular appointment.)
The Secretary of War [Robert P. Patterson]; The Secretary of the Navy [James Forrestal]; Admiral Chester Nimitz; General Thomas T. Handy, Acting Chief of Staff; General Carl Spaatz, Commanding Genral, A.A.F., General Lauris Norstad. Chief of Plans Division, A.A.F., Captain Clark Clifford; General Harry Vaughan (They will confer on Unification Bill.)
The President will receive the members of the Advisory Committee of the Office of War Mobilization and Reconversion: Hon. John Snyder; Hon. O. Max Gardner, Chairman; Mr. T. C. Cashen; Mr. Chester C. Davis; Mr. Nathaniel Dyke, Jr.; Mr. Albert F. Goss; Mr. William L. Green; Mr. Eric A. Johnston; Mr. George H. Mead; Mr. Phillip Murray; Mr. Edward A. O'Neal; Mr. James G. Patton and Mrs. Anna M. Rosenberg.
Mr. Walter Mack
Hon. William McChesney Martin, Jr., Member of Board of Directors, Export-Import Bank of Washington. (Asked for the appointment)
Hon. Lithgow Osborne (Retiring American Ambassador to Norway) (To pay respects and say "Goodbye")