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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

April 08, 1946

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

Hon. Oswald Ryan, Civil Aeronautics Board (Mr. L. Welch Pogue may come along, but is not sure - Mr. Ryan asked for the appointment)
Mr. Richard McIntire, of Topeka, Kansas (Is Chairman, Corporation Committee, Topeka and has been for many years, and according to Mr. John Snyder who asked for the appointment, Mr. McIntire is highly recommended by Governor Kerr. Was in Charleston, W. Va. when Mr. Connelly finally reached him on telephone to invite him to come)
The Secretary of State [James F. Byrnes] (Usual Monday appointment)
General Alexander A. Vandergrift
(Mr. Ted Marks; Mr. Perry Faulkner)
Hon. Kenneth C. Royall, Under Secretary of War; Mr. Thomas McCabe. (To report on his trip to Europe)
Congressman Alfred J. Elliott, California; Senator Sheridan Downey, California; Mr. Northcutt Ely. (Cong. Elliott asked for the appointment)
The Secretary of the Treasury [Fred M. Vinson] (Asked for one half hour with the President today)
The Secretary of Commerce [Henry A. Wallace]; Hon. Chester Bowles; Hon. Paul Porter. (The Secretary of Agriculture [Clinton P. Anderson] originally included in this appointment which was arranged at suggestion of Mr. John Snyder. Mr. Clinton Anderson speaking in Baltimore at 10:30 and unable keep both appointments. Mr. John Snyder suggested having meeting without Clinton Anderson, and that he, John Snyder, would talk to Clinton Anderson. Mr. John Snyder later decided have Henry A. Wallace instead)
Mr. R. S. Hecht, of New Orleans (Arranged at suggestion of Mr. John Snyder. Mr. Hecht wishes to extend invitation to the President to visit International House in New Orleans)
Hon. Sumner T. Pike (Resigning as member of Securities and Exchange Commission. He wrote the President that he would like to come down from Philadelphia and talk to him about his successor. He recommends, as his successor, Mr. Rober Foster, at present Solicitor of SEC)
Hon. Wayne C. Taylor (Former President, Export-Import bank of Washington - coming in at Mr. Matthew Connelly's invitation)
H. E. Senor Don Juan B. Ayala, the Ambassador of Paraguay. (newly appointed, to present credentials - see attached brief biographical sketch)
Hon. Harold D. Smith, Dir. Bureau of the Budget (Says they are running against time on some reorganization matters and has number of documents which the President must go over with him. Needs half hour and half hour or more tomorrow)
Mr. James Sauter (Connected with War Activities Committee, which handled entertainment for troops overseas - good friend of Ad- ministration and this arranged at suggestion of the Committee. He wants to invite the President to a dinner which this Committee is giving in N.Y.)
(Cabinet Luncheon - eight present. Postmaster General and Secretary of the Navy absent)
The Secretary of Labor [Lewis B. Schwellenbach] (Asked for appointment)
Lt. Gen. J. Lawton Collins (Arthur Krock thought the President would like to hear about Gen. Collins' very brilliant maneuver, the "break through" in view of the President's deep interest in military maneu- vers. Arranged through Mr. Charlie Ross)
Hon. John E. Miles, former Governor of New Mexico
[Public Papers: Statement by the President Upon Signing Order Terminating the Office of Inter-American Affairs]
Congressman Jed Johnson; Okla. (Asked for the appointment)
Mr. Harold H. Hamilton, National Commander of the Military Order of the Purple Heart (Advised that he would be passing through Washington and would like to pay his respects. Saw the President last autumn, Nov. 7th
H.E. Senor Dr. Don Alfredo Machado Hernandez, the Ambassador of Venezuela. (Newly appointed to present credentials - see brief biographical sketch attached)
Congressman George E. Outland, California; Congressman Andrew J. Biemiller, Wisconsin; Congressman Frank E. Hook, Michigan
Mr. Clark Griffith; Mr. Ford Frick, Pres. National League; Mr. Edward Eynon. (To present the Annual Baseball Pass to the President, and invite him to the opening game on April 16th)
(Mr. John Stigall) (At suggestion of Mrs. Truman, a personal friend)
Hon. Harold D. Smith, Dir. Bureau of the Budget (To continue talks on reorganization documents)
The Secretary of Agriculture [Clinton P. Anderson]; Hon. Chester Bowles; Mr. James Browlee.
View United Newsreel Japanese Go to Polls in First Free Election.
[Public Papers: Statement by the President Announcing Revised Budget Estimates]
Congressman James G. Fulton, Pa. (R) (Asked for the appointment to discuss a surplus depot in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County)
Mr. William Lanier; Mr. Abner Larson. (Democratic Nominees for U.S. Senate in N. Dak. - at request of Mr. Sam O'Neal at Committee)
Hon. John F. Fitzgerald, former Mayor of Boston; Mr. Roscie Pryor; Mr. Frank Davis. (To shake hands at request of Cong. John McCormack, Mass.)
Mr. Jack Beal of TIME (Going to China with Gen. George C. Marshall on a deal with the Chinese Government, and TIME has given him year's leave of absence. Wants to say "goodbye" and tell him about the trip. Had expected to leave next Wednesday, but General George C. Marshall has now asked him to be ready to leave with him tomorrow night, Friday)
Mr. Flavel Robertson (Of Kansas City - wrote that he would be in Washington at this time and asked to be given opportunity to see the President)
Lt. Gen. Edmund B. Gregory (Arranged at suggestion General Harry Vaughan)
The Secretary of State [James F. Byrnes]; Hon. George Messersmith, Ambassador Designate to Argentina. (In town briefly before going back to Mexico City to pack up and leave for South America)
The President presented the Collier Congressional Awards to Senator Arthur H. Vandenburg, Michigan; Cong. A.S. Monroney, Okla. (These awards are of $10,000 each to the Senator and Represen- tative who, in the judgment of a non-partisan committee of citizens, has best served the country during the preceding 12 months. Object is to attract attention to the work of Congress. Those invited to attend as follows: Mr. Owen D. Young; Dr. Channing Tobias; Mrs. Arthur H. Vandenberg; Major A.H. Vandenberg, Jr.; Mrs. A.S. Mike Monroney; Miss Leisch; Miss Bailey; Mr. Michael Monroney; Mr. Thomas H. Beck; Mr. A. E. Winger; Mr. William L. Chenery; Mr. Henry LaCossitt; Robert Wilkinson; Mr. Herman Hettinger; Mr. Walter Davenport; Mr. Richard Chaplin; Mr. Allen Foster; Mr. Robert DeVore; Mr. Frank Gervasi; Mr. James Derieux; William Hillman; Lt. Commander Dan Clark; Richard Young.
[Public Papers: Remarks Upon Presenting the Collier's Congressional Awards to Senator Vandenberg and Representative Monroney]
Hon. Herschel V. Johnson, American Ambassador to Sweden (Secretary James F. Byrnes asked Mr. Matthew Connelly to have the Ambassador come in for five minutes)
The Secretary of State [James F. Byrnes]; General George C. Marshall. (Secretary James F. Byrnes asked to bring Gen. George Marshall in on his (The Secretary's) usual Thursday appointment)
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
[Public Papers: Statement by the President Concerning Preparations for Nuclear Tests in the Pacific]
(Left airport aboard "Sacred Cow" for Hyde Park, New York)
Spoke at formal dedication of Franklin D. Roosevelt Historic Site at Hyde Park, New York [Public Papers]
Left Hyde Park for Washington, D.C.
Arrived Washington, D.C.
(Mr. Edward McKim; Major General Pick; Mr. Spencer Neal; Mr. Harry Trustin) (Mr. McKim asked to bring in these gentlemen off record)
Hon. Lowell Mason (To talk about plans for opening game)
Mr. Roy Roberts, Publisher, Kansas City Star (Here for gridiron and wants to pay respects)
(Bryce Smith)
(Leave for Gridiron Dinner)
Senator Kenneth McKellar, Tenn.; Senator Alben W. Barkley, Ky; Speaker Sam Rayburn, Tex., Congressman John W. McCormack, Mass.
Mr. Willliam Green, Pres. A.F. of L. (Asked for the appointment)
Hon. Paul V. McNutt; Mr. Nathaniel Davis. (Leaving tonight for Philippines and McNutt asked for one- half hour. Davis is from State Department and going out as political advisor to the High Commissioner)
(Leave for Pan American Union)
Address Special Session of Governing Board of the Pan American Union, in celebration of Pan American Day, April 14th, which day fell this year on Sunday. [Public Papers] [Audio: MP3 ]
Honorable Fiorella [Fiorello] LaGuardia
(Honorable John Snyder; Mr. Howard Bruce) (At Request of Mr. Snyder)
(The Secretary of the Navy [James Forrestal]; Admiral Louis D. Denfeld)
Sen. James M. Tunnell, Dela.; Sen. James M. Mead, N.Y.; Sen. David I. Walsh, Mass.; Sen. George L. Radcliffe, Md.; Sen. Joseph F. Guffey, Pa.; Sen. Harley M. Kilgore, W. VA. (Senator Tunnell asked for this - stating this is group of Senators, all of whom come up for re-election next Fall)
The President received the Members of the Advisory Board, Office of War Mobilization and Reconversion, as follows: Hon. O. Max Gardner; Mr. Albert S. Goss; Mr. Edward A. O'Neal; Mr. James G. Patton; Mr. Nathaniel Dyke, Jr.; Mr. Eric A. Johnston; Mr. George H. Mead; Mr. T. C. Casheen; Mr. William Green; Mr. Philip Murray; Mr. Chester C. Davis; Mrs. Anna Rosenberg. (Having their regular meeting and wish to pay respects)
Mr. R. B. Caldwell, of Kansas City (President of Federal Reserve Board of Kansas City)
Hon. Basil O'Connor (Requested the appointment)
The Secretary of War [Robert P. Patterson] (Re Research Bill)
Mr. W. A. Brooks (With Cotton Compress Co. of Texas. Mr. Hannegan, the Attorney General [Tom C. Clark] and Speaker Rayburn, all urged the President see Mr. Brooks, saying he had given party terrific amount of help in past. Has met the President in Texas, in past, and wants to renew friendship)
Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Patterson; Miss Betty June Patterson; Mrs. Paul Truitt.
The British Ambassador; Air Chief Marshal Sir Sholto Douglas; Air Chief Marshal Sir A. Guy R. Garrod. (Lord Halifax asked for this personally. Douglas is Commander in Chief of British Zone in Germany and Garrod is British Representative on UNO Staff)
(Lunch in the private dining room of Senate at Capitol)
(Returned to White House)
(Left for Griffith Stadium to attend opening ball game)
Senator George D. Aiken, Vermont (Says it is a "purely social matter", and that he wishes to give the President something)
(Dr. Ted Williams, Pres. Medical Assn'n. of Kansas City) (Colonel Wallace Graham) (Col. Graham asked to bring in Dr.Williams off record)
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
Mr. Harry Schaack, Pres.Board of Trade, Chicago; Mr. Robert Woodworth, Cargill & Co., Minneapolis, Chairman Natl. Grain Trade Council; Mr. Frank Theis, Simonds Shields, Theis Grain Co., Kansas City. (This requested by former Senator Sam Jackson. Said in wire to Mr. Connelly, "Have every confidence cause represented by these men will receive full consideration. This seems only relief to deplorable conditions in quick lift to volume needed wheat and rehabilitation legitimate markets in grain.")
Hon. Henry F. Grady; Mr. Walter Mallory; Mr. William Waymack; Mr. James G. Rogers; Mr. Herman Wells; Mr. Lou Henderson) (Mr. Grady just returned following completion of his duties as American member of Allied Commission to Observe Greek Elections, and would like to make oral report and bid the President goodbye. Asked to bring these other members of his mission, all of whom enjoy personal rank of Minister. Mr. Grady holds rank of Ambassador)
Mr. Edgar Ansel Mowrer (Says he promised number of Americans in Germany that as soon as he returned would try to see the President and present their common viewpoint on what they feel could easily become disastrous situation there.)
Mr. C. Don Field, of Los Angeles. (At request of Mr. Frank Land. Field is one of Shrine leaders in Southern California, also member Calif. State Senate. Anxious to say "hello" to the President, purely social, according to Mr. Land)
Hon. Richard C. Patterson, Jr., Amer. Ambassador to Yugoslavia (In U.S. for consultation and leave, and desires to call upon the President before departing for his post)
(Mr. and Mrs. Ervin R. Roach of Baltimore) (To pay respects, old friends. Soon leaving for Hawaii, where they both hope to find positions)
[Public Papers: Telegram to Herbert Hoover, Honorary Chairman, Famine Emergency Committee]
The President will receive from Mr. Luther Miller and Senator John H. Bankhead, 2d., of Alabama, a bull calf, the gift of the Birmingham Stock Show, of which Mr. Miller is chairman. The President is being given this calf so that he may give it to UNNRA or some similar organization now or later. Guests will be: Senator John H. Bankhead, 2d., Alabama; Mr. Luther Miller; Mr. Max McLaughlin, Presi- dent Alabama Future Farmers; Mr. Billy Smith, President, Alabama 4-H Club; Mr. P.O. Davis, Dir. Agricultural Extension Service, Alabama; Mr. Walter Randolph, Pres. Alabama Farm Protection Federation; Mr. Bedell Munro, Pres. Penn. Central Airlines; Mr. Arthur Sartain, Secretary to Senator Bankhead.
Senator Harley M. Kilgore, W. Va. (Asked for the appointment)
Honorable Chester Bowles
(Mr. Mize Peters; Mr. J. B. Hodge)
The President will open the Buddy Poppy Drive for the Veterans of Foreign Wars, by buying it from their war orphan, Betty Lou Hall, who is from their home at Eaton Rapids, Michigan. Guests: Betty Lou Hall (Orphan of World War II); Mr. Joseph M. Stack, Commander in Chief, V.F.W.; Mr. Omar B. Ketchum, Natl. Legislative Rep. V.F.W.; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Adams, in charge of VFW Natl. Home and acting as parents of Betty Lou; Miss G. C. Leffingwell, Dir. of V.F.W. Buddy Poppy Publicity; Mrs. M. Frances Anderson, Natl. Pres. Ladies Auxiliary, V.F.W. (Betty Lou is four years of age, orphan of Arthur Alvin Hall, Infantry, killed in action in European theatre in December, 1944. The Child's home was originally in Lansing, Michigan, and the mother and four sisters and brothers were admitted to the V.F.W. National Home in June, 1945. Mr. Charles Ross has given permission for movietone News to be present, in view of fact child is orphan of this war, etc.)
Honorable Leif Erickson, (Montana Supreme Court); Mr. Frank M. Swacker (N.Y. lawyer); Dr. Gordon S. Watkins (Univ. of Calif.) (Railroad Emergency Fact Finding Board, asked through Dr. John R. Steelman to see the President)
(Mr. LeRoy V. Brant, of Etude Magazine) (This off record interview arranged by Cong. Anderson, California. Brant doing story on the President for Etude, and has submitted questionnaire)
Rear Admiral Ellery W. Stone, Chief Commissioner of the Allied Commission for Italy. (Is now in Washington, having returned from Rome for con- sultations with the State, War and Navy Departments re- garding Allied policy in Italy. The Admiral desirous of seeing the President in order to inform him concerning situation in Italy)
Mr. J.R. Coulter, Chief Traffic Officer, Frisco Lines; Mr. William L. Huggins, Jr., Special Representative. (Mr. Huggins saw the President several weeks ago with Jim Blair and mentioned to the President that Mr. Coulter would be in Washington at this time and the President said he would be glad to see them)