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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

March 25, 1946

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

Hon. Robert S. Kerr, the Governor of Oklahoma (Asked for the appointment by wire week ago)
Hon. Dean Acheson, the Acting Secretary of State (Usual Monday appointment)
Senator James Huffman, Ohio; Mr. Charles A. Otis, Co-Chairman, Cleveland Sesquicentennial Commission; Mr. John F. Curry, Chairman of Board, County Commissioners, Cuyahoga County, Ohio; Mr. Donald F. Lybarger, County Recorder, Cuyahoga County; Congressman Michael A. Feighan, Ohio. (The Mayor requested this appointment for Committee to invite the President to come to Cleveland July 22, 1946 to participate in Cleveland's 150th Anniversary.)
Hon. Josiah Marvel, Jr. (Newly appointed American Minister to Denmark - wishes to talk to the President before departure for post)
Mr. Ogden Reid
Congressman Clarence Cannon, Missouri
Representatives from National Committee for a Fair Minimum Wage as follows: Mr. Clarence Anderson; Miss Eliz. Sasuly; Mr. Marcellea Penn; Mr. Odell Wiley; Mr. W. Coy Ledford; Mr. Sam Zagoria. (The secretary of this Committee wrote Mr. Connelly to request the appointment for this Committee's representative - stated Committee was organized to aid in mobilization of public opinion behind the President's 65 per cent Minimum Wage Bill. These people vets from Winston Salem, N.C., who are working for less than 65 cents an hour. Mr. John Snyder looked at correspondence and approved their request for appointment)
Hon. Bernard Baruch
(The Attorney General [Tom C. Clark]; Acting Secretary State Acheson)
Senator Tom Connally, Texas; Speaker Sam Rayburn, Texas. (Senator Connaly asked for the appointment)
Congressman W.O. Burgin, N.C. (The Congressman asked for the appointment)
H.E. Samuel Cardinal Stritch (Arranged through Gael Sullivan)
Mr. Edmund Brown, City and County Dist. Atty. San Francisco. (Is candidate for Attorney General of the State of California - wants to pay respects. Arranged through and at suggestion of Mr. George Killion, Dem. Natl. Com.)
Mr. Shelton B. Lamar, Pres. Huguenot Society of Washington, D.C.; Mrs. Frank B. Steele, Pres. General of Federation of Huguenot Societies of America; Miss Virginia Sudler. (To present the President with the insigne and certification for honorary life Membership - Attached are two copies of the President's application, filled out and awaiting the president's signature. Mr. Lamar will want the President to sign these)
The President presented the Congressional Medal of Honor to: Master Sergeant Charles L. McGaha, U.S.A.; Commander Richard H. O'Kane, U.S.N. The following people invited: Hon. James Forrestal, Secretary of Navy; Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz; Vice Admiral Louis P. Denfeld, Chief of Naval Personnel; Vice Admiral Charles A. Lockwood, formerly Commander Submarines, Pacific; Senator Styles Bridges; Senator Charles W. Tobey; Representative Chester B. Herros; representative Sherman Adams; Mrs. Richard R. O'Kane (wife of Comdr. O'Kane); Miss Marsha O'Kane (daughter of Comdr. O'Kane); Master James O'Kane (son of Comdr. O'Kane); Dr. and Mts. W.G. O'Kane (Parents of Comdr. O'Kane); Mrs. Asher Capelle (sister of Comdr. O'Kane); Captain L.B. Taylor, U.S.N., Aide to Sec. of Navy; Commander D.B. Fluckey, U.S.N., Aide to Adm. Nimitz; Lt. Commander & Mrs. B.R. Nagel; Assistant Secretary of Navy, John Sullivan; Senator Tom Stewart; Senator Kenneth McKellar; Representative B. Carroll Reece; Hon. Robert P. Patterson, Sec. of War; General Thomas T. Handy, Deputy Chief of Staff; General J. B. Devers, Commanding General Army Ground Forces; Mrs. Laure McGaha; Mrs. Bertha McGaha; Mrs. Jane McGaha; Miss Vanalda Wilson; T/5 John M. Keene, Jr.; Mrs. Scotty Bean; Mrs. Patricia Tradaway; Captain John E. Glancy; Lt. Jos. E. Wingard; Col. Noah Brinson. (Ceremonies to be held in South Grounds in order that they may be witnessed by two bus-loads of disabled veterans, who had planned to see White House grounds from bus.) [Public Papers: Remarks on Presenting the Congressional Medal of Honor to Commander Richard H. O'Kane, USN, and Master Sergeant Charles L. McGaha, USA]
Congressman Dudley G. Roe, Md. (To talk to the President about the invitation which Dr. Gilbert W. Mead, President of Washington College, Chestertown, Md., extended on behalf of College, last autumn, for the President to attend their commencement next June and receive honorary degree. At that time Mr. Matthew Connelly suggested they renew their invitation in the Spring. Congressman Roe called first of week, and since then President Mead has written again, as well as Governor Conor of Maryland, and Senator Tydings, expressing hope that the President will accept. This College established by charter 1782, making them first chartered college in State, tenth in the country, and second below Mason-Dixon line, William and Mary being their senior)
(Hon. William O. Douglas, Assoc. Justice, U.S. Supreme Court) (Arranged by Captain Clark Clifford, off record)
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Solins, of Welch, West Virginia (Solins wrote the President in January explaining he would come to Washington on honeymoon at this time. Senator Kilgore also interested. Mr. Solins recalled that the lady he was to marry had privilege of preparing dinner that was served in the President's honor when he visited Welch, W.Va. in Nov. 1941. She has, moreover, just returned as lst Lt. of Marine Corps, after year in Pacific and brought back ribbon citation. Senator Kilgore called yesterday to renew the request that the President receive this honeymoon couple)
Hon. Chester Bowles (Called yesterday afternoon to ask for this)
Sen. Burton K. Wheeler, Mont; Mr. J. Burke Clements. (The Senator asked to bring him in - he is endorsing Clements for Commissionership on FCC)
Hon. Edward J. Flynn; Mr. Paul Fitzpatrick. (Mr. Flynn phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly last week for this)
The Acting Secretary of State, Dean Acheson (Usual Thursday appointment)
Congressman James Morrison, La.
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
The Secretary of the Treasury [Fred M. Vinson]
Cabinet Meeting (Treasury absent; PMG absent; Secy of Commerce absent; General Fleming absent; Mr. Acheson for State)
Mr. William Green, Pres. Amer. Federation of Labor; Mr. James Brownlow, Pres. International Union of Metal Trades; Mr. Ed Brown, Pres. International Electrical Workers Union; Mr. George Lynch, Pres. International Pattern Makers Union. (Mr. Green asked for this yesterday)
Colonel Lloyd Bradford (Called from Baltimore for this appointment to present him with some 33rd Degree Masonic jewels brought back from France and Belgium, as well as other souvenirs. He stated that the President told him to bring these articles when he returned from overseas, where went in autumn of 1944)
Mr. Franklin D'Olier, Chariman, U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey, Gravelly Point; Mr. Henry Alexander, Vice Chairman for Germany of the U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey; Mr. Paul Nitze, Vice Chairman for Japan. (This arranged by Mr. Locke ar the President's direction. Attached is copy of Mr. D'Olier's directive of August 15, 1945, which the President wishes to read prior to Mr. D'Olier's visit.)
Hon. Leland Olds, Chairman, Federal Power Commission; Hon. Nelson Lee Smith, Vice Chairman; Hon. Claude L. Draper; Hon. Richard Sachse; Hon. Harrington Wimberly. (Mr. Olds requested appointment for himself and his Commisnrs.)
H.E. Signor Alberto Tarchiani, the Ambassador of Italy (Is making a trip to Rome by plane, leaving Sun. Mar. 31st, and requested appointment with the President before departure. Will return however)
Hon. Henry Morgenthau, Jr. (Asked for the appointment)
(Mr. Walter Winchell - off record) (At suggestion of Mr. Hannegan)
Under Secretary Agriculture, Hutson.
Mr. C.C. Payne; Mr. and Mrs. Silverforb; Ruby Lee Payne; Mrs. C.C. Payne; Carl Wormington. (Mr. Payne is Tom Evans' partner. Mr. Evans' wrote Mr. Connelly asking that they be shown the White House)
[Public Papers: Letter to Secretary Anderson Concerning the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations]
Senator Brien McMahon, Conn. (Postponed from last Friday)
Senator Kenneth McKellar, Tenn.; Senator Alben W. Barkley, Ky.; Speaker Sam Rayburn, Tex.; Congressman John W. McCormack, Mass.
The President received group from the National Veterans Advisory Committee and the National Post War Service- Americanism Commission of the B'nai B'rith: Mr. Henry Monsky; President of B'nai B'rith, Omaha; Mr. Sidney G. Kusworm, Natl. Treasurer and Chairman of the Americanism Commission, Day, O.; Lt. Col. Elliott A. Niles, Chairman, Natl. Veterans Advisory Com- mittee, Boston, Mass.; Mr. Maurice Bisgyer, Secretary of B'nai B'rith, Washington, D.C.; Mr.A.B. Kapplin, Natl. Director of Post War Service - Americanism Department, Wasington D.C. (This was arranged at request of Mr. Philip M. Klutznick - they are meeting in Washington today. Mr. Klutznick hoped they might have picture as the National Jewish Monthly, which reaches about 200,000 Jewish families would like to feature such a photograph.) B'NAI B'RITH, NATIONAL VETERANS)
Mr. Eric Johnston; Mr. Ralph Bradford, General Manager, U.S. Chamber of Commerce. (Mr. Johnston asked for the appointment)
(General Shang Chen) (Chinese representative on UNO - Admiral Leahy bringing in off record, as we turned down all other UNO delegate requests, including the Chinese who is head of the Chinese UNO delegation. This gentleman, however, has a message for the President from General Chiang Kai-shek)
The Secretary of State [James F. Byrnes] (Usual Monday appointment)
The Secretary of the Navy [James Forrestal]
Governor Ellis Arnal, Georgia
Hon. W. Stuart Symington, Asst. Secretary of War. (Asked for the appointment)
Hon. Fiorello LaGuardia (Asked for the appointment)
Mr. Robert McKeever (Asked for the appointment)
Mr. Edward V. Loughlin (Head of Tamany - asked for the appointment)
Congressman Willliam G. Stigler, Okla.; Cong. Paul Stewart, Okla.; Mr. Ben Dwight, National Attorney for the Choctaw Nation; Mr. Floyd Maytubby, Governor of the Chickasaw Nation; Judge Earl Welch, Member of the Chickasaw Advisory Council; Mr. W. W. Short, State President of Okla. Choctaw-Chickasaw Confederation; Principal Chief, W.A. Durant of Choctaw Nation; Mr. Dan Madrano, Member of State House of Representatives as well as Executive Secretary of the Congress of American Indians; District Judge N. B. Johnson, Natl. President of the Congress of American Indians. (Congressman Stigler asked if he might bring in these outstanding Oklahoma Indians, who are in Washington this week) INDIANS - CHOCTAW, CHICKASAW
Hon. Louis G. Dreyfus, Jr. (American Minister to Iceland - in Washington on leave thru Wednesday April 3rd and asked to call upon the President while here)
Mrs. Nellie Tayloe Ross, Director, Bureau of the Mint (Wishes to bring in the President's medal which the Mint has been working on, as she has several points relating to it to take up with the President)
(Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Guilfoyle) (Just married, to pay respects)
The Secretary of State [James F. Byrnes]
(Cabinet Luncheon - Acheson for State, Post Office away, nine in all)
(Mr. Duke Shoop)
Dr. Harold W. Dodds, President of Princeton; Colonel Howard Rusk. (Rusk has been designated by President to handle health program)
Hon. Harold D. Smith
(Mr. Richard Nacy)
[Public Papers: Statement by the President Upon Releasing Report of the Director of War Mobilization and Reconversion]
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
(Hon Chester Bowles; Hon. John Snyder; The Secretary of Agriculture [Clinton P. Anderson]) OFF RECORD
Senator Arthur H. Vandenberg, Mich.; Sen. Homer Ferguson, Mich.; Cong. George G. Sadowski, Mich.; Cong. Paul W. Shafer, Mich.; Cong. Bartel J. Jonkman, Mich.; Cong. William W. Blackney, Mich.: Cong. Fred Bradley, Mich.; Cong. Frank E. Hook, Mich.; Cong. Louis C. Rabaut, Mich.; Cong. John D. Dingell, Mich.; Cong. George A. Dondero, Mich.; Cong. Earl C. Michener, Mich.; Cong. Jesse P. Wolcott, Mich.; Cong. George O'Brien, Mich.; Cong. John Lesinski, Mich.; Judge Frank A. Picard, Eastern Dist. of Mich.; General William S. Knudsen; Hon. Prentiss M. Brown; Mr. George Stark, Pres. Historical Assn. of Mich.; Mr. J. Lee Barrett of Detroit Convention & Tourist Bureau; Mr. K. M. Richards; Reverend Mayne, head of Detroit Round Table. (To invite the President to come to Detroit for celebration May 30th and June 1st of 150th anniversary of the founding of Wayne County, and the 50th anniversary of the first public appearance of first motor car in the streets of Detroit) DETROIT - WAYNE COUNTY ANNIVERSARY
Air Marshal Douglas Colyer (Arranged by Admiral Leahy, who will bring him in)
Secretary of the Navy [James Forrestal]; Vice Admiral Louis E. Denfeld (Off Record for one half hour)
Hon. Joseph E. Davies
Mr. W. A. Bass; Mr. William B. Stone. (Commander American Legion, State of Mo. - arranged at request of Mr. Jim Pendergast, Kansas City)
(Lunch in office of Secretary of War [Robert P. Patterson])
(The President's tailor, Mr. Pitassy, for fitting)
[Public Papers: Statement by the President Concerning Benefits for Philippine Army Veterans]
Hon. Herbert H. Lehman (Requested the appointment)
Mr. S. J. Phillips, President, Booker T. Washington Birthplace Memorial; The Secretary of the Booker T. Washing- ton Birthday Memorial, Mr. Emmett J. Scott. (The President agreed to be photographed with these gentlemen, while conferring with them on matters pertaining to the Memorial project - see prospectus attached -- arranged by Mr. Charles Ross.
Senator Elbert D. Thomas, Utah; Senator Warren R. Austin, Vt.; Major General Lauris Norstad; Mr. Stephen E. Rice; Mr. John H. Simms. (Sen. Thomas asked for this appointment for sub-committee on Military Affairs considering Unification of Armed Services. Sen. Lister Hill also member, but had to be in Alabama because of father's illness.
Mr. J. F. Victory, Secretary of Natl. Advisory Committee for Aeronautics; Dr. J. C. Hunsacker, Chairman (also non-paid member) (Mr. Victory asked for this nearly two weeks ago to discuss vacancies in the membership of this Committee - Dr. Hunsacker comes to Washington only part of each week)
Mr. Charles Triller, Chairman of Philharmonic-Symphony Society Board; Mr. Marshall Field, President; Mr. Floyd Blair, Treasurer; Mr. Ralph Colin, Asst. Treasurer; Mr. Robert Thayer, Asst. Treasurer; Mr. Arthur Judson, Exec. Secretary; Mr. Bruno Zirato, Assoc. Manager. (To present honorary membershp in Society to the Presi- dent. They originally asked the President to let them make this award on stage of Carnegie Hall on occasion of one of concerts conducted by their permanent Musi- cal Director, Arthur Rodzinski. Rodzinski incidentally, unable to come down. See their press announcements attached giving history of orchestra.)
(Mr. Edwin Locke, Jr.)
General Dwight D. Eisenhower
The Secretary of Agriculture [Clinton P. Anderson]; The Secretary of Commerce [Henry A. Wallace]. (The Secretary of Agriculture asked for this)
Cabinet [Meeting] (All present except the Postmaster General and General Fleming)
Senator Wallace H. White, Jr., Me. (Asked for the appointment)
(Mr. Frank McNaughton - to shake hands)
(Leave for Union Station for Army Day Celebration in Chicago)
Arrived Chicago, Illinois
[Public Papers: The President's News Conference With the Keen Teen Club of Chicago]
(Made Army Day address at Soldier's Field in Chicago) [Public Papers] [Audio: MP3 ]
(Arrived Washington from Chicago)
Attended concert of National Symphony (Beethoven's Ninth) at Constitution Hall, with Mrs. Truman and Miss Truman.
Senator Kenneth McKellar, Tenn.; Senator Alben W. Barkley, Ky.; Speaker Sam Rayburn, Tex.; Congressman John W. McCormack, Mass.
Senator Joseph F. Guffey, Pa. (Requested the appointment)
Congressman Louis C. Rabaut, Mich. (Asked to see the President on matter coming up before Appropriation Committee on Tuesday)
(Honorable Ganson Purcell) Chairman, SEC (Asked if his appointment might be kept off record as there were so many stories started as result of his last call here)