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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

March 14, 1946

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

[Public Papers: Letter to Owen D. Young Approving the Cancellation of the Congressional Awards Dinner]
[Public Papers: Statement by the President Concerning the Reemployment of Veterans]
Mr. Harry Theis (To present gold life membership card in Missouri Athletic Club)
Senator Burton K. Wheeler, Mont.; Sen. Joseph C. O'Mahoney, Wyo.; Sen. Robert M. LaFollette, Jr., Wis.; Sen. Edwin C. Johnson, Colo.; Sen. Abe Murdock, Utah; Sen. Eugene D. Millikin, Colo.; Sen. Hugh Butler, Nebr. (Sen. Wheeler asked to bring in these Senators to discuss Mexican and prisoners of war, as affect sugar beet question)
Cong. Arthur G. Klein, N.Y. (Asked for the appointment today, saying it was urgent)
Hon. Robert L. McKeever, Director of Liquidation, OEM (McKeever asked for this appointment)
(Mr. Arthur Krock, N.Y. Times) (Mr. Charles Ross bringing him in back way, off record)
Mr. Robert E. Wise, Pres. U.S. Junior Chamber of Commerce; Mr. R. Cary Nichols, Jr.; Mr. Jesse H. Ott; Mr. Robert Ewing, Chairman of the Veterans Affairs of the Junior Chamber of Commerce; Mr. James S. Beattie. (Senator Alben W. Barkley made request that these representatives from U.S. Junior Chamber of Commerce be given opportunity to come in and personally invite the President to be with them at their "Victory Day" luncheon, paying homage to the 75% of its membership who served in Armed Forces, to be held March 28th, Statler.)
Hon. W. Averell Harriman
The Secretary of State [James F. Byrnes] (Usual Thursday appointment)
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
Cabinet Meeting (Agenda attached - Secy. of Treasury only absentee)
Sen. James W. Huffman, Ohio; Gen. Jacob L. Devers; Lt. Gen. J. Lawton Collins; Gen. Robert Beightler; Captain Drum, aide to Gen. Devers; Mr. Frank Loessing. (To present original manuscript to the President of "THE BALLAD OF ROGER YOUNG" composed by Frank Loessing, around deeds of Roger Young of Tiffin, Ohio, famous Infantryman of this war, killed in South Pacific, and awarded Congressional Medal of Honor. Song became very famous with GI's. The Infantry is hoping the President may offer it to them for their own archives, but cannot say so. This hint came from Secy. to Sen. Huffman.)
Mr. J. David Stern, Publisher of Phila. Record (Asked for the appointment, saying he was going to be in Washington Friday & Saturday)
Hon. Sir Frederic Eggleston, Minister of Australia (Is leaving Washington at end of this week, for good, and wishes to say "goodbye")
(DeWitt Gilpin) OFF RECORD
Hon. Prentiss Brown; Mr. V.M. Steinbaugh. (Of Michigan, asked to talk to the President re Michigan politics. Mr. Brown here attending the meetings of Business Advisory Committee, Dept. of Commerce)
General George C. Marshall
[Public Papers: Statement by the President Upon Receiving Reports Concerning Enemy Collaborators in the Philippines]
Hon. Julius A. Krug (Asked to come in for a talk with the President)
Sen. Lister Hill, Ala.
(Dr. George W. Calver), attending physician at Capitol (Col. Wallace Graham) (Col. Graham asked to bring Calver in for minute, OFF RECORD)
Dr. John Foster Dulles (Wrote a note to the President, saying he expected to be in the city today, and if the President could see him would like to call)
H.R. Senor Don Marcial Mora, the Ambassador of Chile; Miss Gabriela Mistral. (She is winner of Nobel Prize in Poetry, and a Chilean - the request emanated with Hon. Spruille Braden, who thought it good idea for the President to receive her, as she had been received by other heads of Government)
(Lv. for Mayflower Hotel to attend the dinner of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick)
[Public Papers: Exchange of Messages With President Bierut of Poland Concerning Grain Shipments by UNRRA]
Sen. Kenneth McKellar, Tenn.; Sen. Alben W. Barkley, Ky.; Speaker Sam Rayburn, Tex.; Cong. John W. McCormack, Mass.
Cong. Thomas E. Martin, Iowa; Mr. G.C. Monckmaier, of Davenport, Iowa. (The Congressman asked if he might bring in Mr. Monckmaier, a manufacturer of Davenport, who has a nephew who is a German prisoner of war)
Hon. James Lawrence Fly (Asked for the appointment)
Hon. Myron Taylor (The President wrote him March 11th, "I hope I'll have an opportunity to see you before you start back to Italy")
Rev. Robert I. Gannon, President, Fordham University (Father Gannon wishes to personally extend the invitation to the President to accept honorary degree at Fordham May 11th, and attend Fordham's centenary dinner that evening)
Hon. John G. Winant, U.S. Ambassador to Gr. Britain (Asked for the appointment)
The Secretary of State [James F. Byrnes] (Usual Monday appointment)
The Rt. Hon. the Earl of Athlone, and the Princess Alice and the Countess of Halifax.
The Secretary of the Navy [James Forrestal]
(Mr. Edwin Locke)
[Public Papers: Special Message to the Congress Transmitting Report Concerning the United Nations]
Senator Carl A. Hatch, New Mexico (Asked for the appointment)
Senator George L. Radcliffe, Md. (Asked for the appointment)
Cong. Joseph Clark Baldwin, N.Y. (R) (Asked for the appointment last week upon his return from South America, to report on his trip)
General Carl A. Spaatz; Gen. Bruce Hovey, Commanding at Bolling Field; Captain George S. Howard, Conductor, Army Air Force Band; Mr. Merle Jones, manager of Washington outlet, Station WOL; Mr. Charter Heslep, Washington Representative Mutual Broadcasting System. (To present some recordings of music played by this band at their debut when they dedicated their thirty- minute program to State of Missouri. This program was first of a series entitled "This is Your Country". Heslep thought this such a beautifully written music drama extolling the virtues of Missouri, with everything from an ex-Metropolitan opera singer to an Ozark hillbilly number, that the Presi- dent should be given a special pressing)
Mr. John M. Guild, of Dallas, Texas; Mrs. Harold L. Mathias, of Oklahoma City, his daughter; Maj. M.A. Guild, his son, and Mrs. Guild's son's wife. (To shake hands)
Mr. Tom Hennings of St. Louis
The Secretary of State [James F. Byrnes]; Gen. Walter B. Smith, the United States Ambassador to Russia.
(Lunch) Cabinet luncheon, all except Secy. of Agriculture, and the Postmaster General, and the Postmaster General may just make it if his train gets here in time.
The Secretary of the Navy [James Forrestal]; Admiral Chester Nimitz; Vice Admiral W.H.P. Blandy.
(Attended off-record dinner at Burning Tree Country Club)
Miss Grace Dupre (Artist who is doing joint portrait of the President and his mother, just wants to look at the President for few minutes)
Senator Sheridan Downey, California (Asked for the appointment)
Senator Dennis Chavez, New Mexico; Mr. David Chavez, Jr. (The Senator asked if he might bring in his brother, David Chavez, Jr.)
Hon. James E. Markham, the Alien Property Custodian (Asked for the appointment)
Mr. Edmund O. Carl, Potentate, Almas Temple. Mr. Renah F. Camalier, High Priest and Prophet; Mr. W.H. McMains, Member of Shrine Circus Committee. (McMains asked for the appointment for them to extend invitations to the President and deliver tickets, for the Shrine Circus, sponsored each year by Almas Temple for the benefit of Shriners Hospitals for crippled children. This' year circus will be held Uline Arena between Apr. 8th and 14th)
Sir Ramaswami Mudaliar; Hon. Stanley Woodward; Sir Robert Hutchins. (Leader of the Indian Food Delegation - the State Department made a special plea to have the President see, stating in view of Sir Ramaswami's distinguished status and the critical nature of his mission here, "make it highly desirable that the President see him, if only for a few minutes". They stated originally that Sir Ramaswami was leaving March 15th but he apparently stayed over especially for the appointment)
Hon. Trygve Lie, Secretary General of the Permanent Organization of the United Nations; The Secretary of State [James F. Byrnes]. (Enroute to New York to assume his new duties - coming to Washington to pay respects to the Secretary of State, and hopes to pay his respects to the President)
Mr. John T. Barker of Kansas City, Missouri (Wired for the appointment)
Mr. Victor de Mers (His wife talked to Mrs. Truman at tea about Mr. De Mers coming in. The President agreed to see him, but as they were away for a while, this first convenient time)
Hon. Harold D. Smith; Hon. Paul Appleby. (Requested the appointment yesterday afternoon)
(Mr. Arthur Adams; Mr. Vivian Truman)
The Secretary of the Treasury [Fred M. Vinson] (Requested the appointment yesterday afternoon)
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
Hon. Ganson Purcell, Chairman, S.E.C. (Asked to see the President on matter of some urgency)
Senator Francis J. Myers, Pa. (Asked to see the President re Bill before the Senate, creating three Secretaryships for the Department of Commerce)
Mr. Frank Davis, Kansas City, Kansas; Mr. Hugh Francis. (See correspondence with the President attached)
Cong. Cecil King, California (Was anxious to come down before leaving for California for Jackson Day dinner celebration, to talk to President about Mexico City airline run)
The French Ambassador; Hon. Leon Blum, former French Premier. (Blum is Washington to head negotiations for a French loan. Mr. Blum requested an appointment with the Presid- dent to pay his respects - is a guest at Blair House. State Department made special thing of this, called, in addition to their usual letter, to say the officials of that Department thought most important)
Hon. John J. Dempsey, the Governor of New Mexico. (Requested the appointment)
Mr. Charles R. Denny; Mr. Rosel H. Hyde.
(Mr. Dan Nee)
Mr. Howard Bruce (Mr. John Snyder requested, saying the President had expressed wish to see Mr. Bruce at this time)
Cabinet Meeting
Sen. Tom Connally, Texas (Asked for the appointment)
Sen. George D. Aiken, Vermont (R.) (Asked for the appointment)
Congressman William Lemke, North Dakota (Wants to talk about taking all of the farm boys who are single, regardless of the Tydings Amendment)
The Russian Ambassador
(Mr. Joe McQueen) (Old friend from Kansas City, to pay respects)
Mr. Leighton Shields (Wrote he would be in city today and asked for few minutes with the President)
Hon. John Kane
(Hon. Frank Walker) (To talk about his trip to Europe where he was UNO alternate delegate. In town for Jackson Day Dinner)
(Mr. Edwin Pauley)
(General Walter Bedell Smith, U.S. Ambassador to Russia) (Off Record)
The Postmaster General [Robert E. Hannegan]
(Mr. C.E. Wilson; Hon. Samuel I. Rosenman; Hon. John Snyder)
(Leave for Mayflower Hotel for Jackson Day Dinner) [Public Papers: Address at the Jackson Day Dinner] [ Audio: MP3 ]
[Public Papers: Letter to Herbert H. Lehman Upon His Resignation as Director General, United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration]
Senator Kenneth McKellar, Tenn.; Senator Alben W. Barkley, Ky.; Speaker Sam Rayburn, Tex.; Cong. John W. McCormack, Mass.
Hon. W.K. Harrison, former Head, Inter-American Affairs (Wrote the President to ask if he could come in and talk about the Office of Inter-American Affairs. Says it had done great work and "we can't at this moment afford to see this real job of international relations destroyed.")
Congresswoman Helen Douglas Mankin, Goergia
Mr. Harris J. Booras, Supreme President, Supreme President, Supreme Lodge of the Order of Ahepa; Mr. Frank E. Pofanti, of Chicago, Supreme Vice President; Mr. Leo J. Lamberson, South Bend, Indiana, Supreme Secretary; Mr. C.G. Paris, Baltimore, Maryland, Supreme Treasurer; Mr. Stephen S. Scopas, N.Y.C., Supreme Secretary; Mr. George Cotsakis, Atlanta, Ga., Supreme Governor; Mr. Nicholas Economous, Akron, Ohio, Supreme Governor; Mr. Eugene F. Sager. (To confer the degree of Archon Politis of the Order of Ahepa - their Banquet is to be Statler tonight)
Hon. Bernard Dickmann