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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

March 01, 1946

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

[Public Papers: Special Message to the Congress Transmitting a Statement on Foreign Loan Policy]
[Public Papers: Letter to the Speaker of the House of Representatives Concerning Measures To Stimulate Veterans Housing Construction]
Cabinet Meeting (Agenda attached - Secretaries James Byrnes and Lewis B. Schwellenbach absent. Dean Acheson invited but is out of the city. Bowles, Porter and Wyatt invited for this meeting but not to come regularly)
Hon. Chester Bowles (Requested the appointment)
The President received members of the Executive Committee of the Negro Newspaper Publishers Assn. as follows: Dr. Arnett Murphy, Baltimore, Maryland; Howard H. Murphy, Baltimore, Md.; Dr. C.B. Scott, New York, N.Y.; A.G. Shields, Little Rock, Arkansas; C.A. Scott, Atlanta, Ga.; Robert Durr, Birmingham, Ala.; Miss Olive Diggs, Chicago, Ill.; John H. Sengstacke, Chicago, Ill.: Carter Wesley, Houston, Texas; P.B. Young, Sr., Norfolk, Va.; Thomas W. Young, Norfolk, Va.; P. Bernard Young, Jr., Norfolk, Va.; Louis O. Swingler, Memphis, Tenn.; Dowdal H. Davis, Jr., Kansas City, Mo.; Leon Washington, Jr., Los Angeles, Cal.; Frank L. Stanley, Louisville, Ky.; Louis E. Martin, Detroit, Mich.; Ludlow Werner, New York, New York; John D. Bogle, Philadelphia, Pa.; P.L. Prattis, Pittsburgh, Pa.: Mrs. Jesse L. Vann, Pittsburgh, Pa.; J.A. Hamlett, Kansas City Kansas; N.W. Sweets St. Louis, Mo.; J.E. Mitchell, St. Louis, Mo.; Sam B. Solomon, Miami, Fla.; Doxey A. Wilkerson, New York, N.Y.; Alexander Barnes, Washington, D.C. (This is a group which the President received last May. This is an annual event timed to concide with National Negro Newspaper Week, and is usually attended by 15 to 20 publishers - the Executive Committee of the Association, plus half a dozen of the publishers and editors of the larger papers. This group saw President Roosevelt twice and he suggested the visit should be an annual event similar to the one made each year by Society of Publishers & Editors. As result, this meeting with the President has become something of an annual tradition among the Negro publishers)
Hon. Herbert C. Hoover
Mr. Mubarak Ali Khan; (Mr. Stanley Woodward) (This is the Indian national about whom Sen. Langer wrote, asking the President to see, as well as one or two other people, all of whom were told that the request would have to clear through the Agent General for India. The Agent General finally asked the Protocol Division to request the White House to make the appointment, and Mr. Matthew Connelly asked Mr. Stanley Woodward to sit in on the appointment - This Indian wishes to present personally to the President a petition thanking him for his support of the Indian Immigration and Naturalization Bill)
Hon. Lincoln MacVeagh, American Ambassador to Greece (in Washington this week, and asked to see the President)
(Mr. Howard Hunter) (Request came thru David Niles and the President agreed to see OFF RECORD)
(Drop in on Food Conference in East Wing) [Public Papers: Remarks to Members of the Conference Called To Develop a Food Conservation Program]
(Make movies for Red Cross in Oval Room, of President's Red Cross Speech tonight)
(Leave the White House for Raleigh to attend party for Judge Rosenman)
(Return to White House)
(Leave the White House for the Statler Hotel to attend Dinner of Civil Air Patrol)
(Return to the White House)
(Open Red Cross Drive over the Radio) [Public Papers]
(Movies made with Mr. Wilson Wyatt for March of Time)
Mr. J.A. Ducournau
Hon. John J. Dempsey, Governor of New Mexico (At request of Secretary of Agriculture Clinton P. Anderson)
General Henry H. Arnold (To tell the President "good-bye")
(Worked on speech for Columbus, Ohio, Federal Council of Churches)
(Attended White House Correspondent's Dinner, Statler Hotel)
[Public Papers: Statement by the President Upon Receiving a Resolution Endorsing the British Loan Agreement]
Seantor Kenneth McKellar, Tenn.; Senator Alben W. Barkley, Ky.; Speaker Sam Rayburn, Tex.; Cong. John W. McCormack, Mass.
The Secretary of the Navy [James Forrestal]
Mr. E.S. Evans, Jr.; Mr. J.C. Goldrick; John R. Smith; Mr. J. Mack Swigert; Mr. A.V. Murray; Mr. Fred McClerkin; Mr. Miles H. Knowles. (This Committee represents the manufacturers of miscellaneous items whose companies are organized by the United Steel Workers Union.)
General Walter Krueger (Asked for the appointment)
The President received Editors of monthly magazines of the Standard Railroad Labor Organizations as follwos: L.O. Thomas, Washington, D.C.; J.B. Springer, Chicago, Ill.; D.B. Huggins, Kansas City, Mo.; Roy Horn, Chicago, Ill.; W.S. Horner, St. Louis, Mo.; Marion Hedges, Washington, D.C.; Phil E. Ziegler, Cincinnati, Ohio; Ray Scott, Cleveland, Ohio; P.M. Smith, Cleveland, Ohio; L.A. Freeman, Kansas City, Kans.; John Clinton, Chicago, Ill.; W.M. O'Brien, Wahsington, D.C.; W.J. Trost, Buffalo, N.Y.; A.E. SChwing, Cleveland, Ohio; J.R.T. Rives, Cedar Rapids, Iowa; E.A. Moore, Chicago, Ill.; Thos. R. Downiw, Detroit, Michigan. (This appointment requested and arranged by Sen. Pepper)
Hon. John B. Blandford, Jr. (Asked for the appointment)
Mr. Joseph Pfister (To present his painting of the President. This is man who has been studying the President at press conferences, thru instigation of Senator Huffman, who will try to come with him, but doubts if he will be able to)
The Secretary of War [Robert P. Patterson]; The Attorney General [Tom C. Clark]; Hon. Paul V. McNutt.
The Secretary of State [James F. Byrnes] (Uusal Monday appointment)
(Leave for Union Station with Rt. Hon. Winston Churchill for Fulton, Missouri)
Arrived Westminster College, Fulton Missouri for awarding of honorary degree by College to Winston Churchill
At Columbus, Ohio addressed meeting of the Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America. [Public Papers] [Audio: MP3 ]
Arrived Washington
The Secretary of the Treasury [Fred M. Vinson]
Dr. Edward H. Pruden, Pastor, First Baptist Church, Wash.; Mrs. Pruden (His mother) (Dr. Pruden's mother arrived February 26th, and he says he spoke to the President about bringing her in to shake hands)
Mr. John L. Lewis; Mr. Wm. L. Hutcheson (This arranged last week by Dr. John R. Steelman)
Mr. James Shepley (Was on General Marshall's staff in China - brought the President report last week, with understanding he was to return and talk to the President after the President had read report)
Vice Admiral Alan G. Kirk (Arranged by Commodore Vardaman)
Hon. Harold D. Smith; Mr. Paul Appleby.
(Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower; The Secretary of War [Robert P. Patterson]; General Carl Spaatz) OFF RECORD
The Secretary of the Treasury [Fred M. Vinson]
The Postmaster General [Robert E. Hannegan]
Cabinet Meeting (Agenda attached - All present except Treasury and Commerce)
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
Senator Brien McMahon, Conn. (Phoned late yesterday to ask for this appointment)
The President signed War Ship Sales Bill in presence of Vice Admiral Emory S. Land and Sen. George L. Radcliffe.
Hon. Richard V. Keane (Will be accompanied by Mr. Oldham, one of the subordinates at Australian legation. The Minister is ill and unable to bring Keane, who is a Senator, leader of Government Party in Australia, and Minister of Trade and Customs, in Washington 4th to 9th, and the Australian Minister expressed hope the President could receive Senator Keane)
The President received certificate of honorary membership from Reserve Officers of the Naval Services as follows: Lt. John H. Archer, Philadelphia, Pa.; Comdr. Thurmond Chatham, Elkin, N.C.; Capt. Merle Gulic, New York City,; Lt. Comdr. Minor Hudson, Washington, D.C.; Lt. Comdr. H.B. O'Neill, Washington, D.C.; Rear Adm. Sidney Souers; Lt. Comdr. H.F. Byrd, Jr., Winchester, Va.; Comdr. Earl D. Chesney, Washington, D.C.; Col. James Keating, Arlington,Va.; Lt. Comdr. William Leckie, Arlington, Va.; Captain George S. Piper, New York City; Comdr. B.J. Davnille, Washington, D.C. (We have been trying to arrange this since last November, when the President first told Commodore Vardaman he would accept, but Mr. George Piper, President, was going away or for various reasons unable to get here)
The President presented the Medal for Merit to: Hon. J. Edgar Hoover; Col. John Monroe Johnson; Mr. John J. Pelley. Those who attended: Mrs. J.J. Pelley; Mr. and Mrs. B.A. Clements; Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Brandon; Mrs. George E. Allen; Mrs. J.M. Johnson; Col. Louis A. Johnson; Dr. Bowman Elder; Mr. Sam W. Reynolds; Mr. Horace G. Smithy; Mr. Homer C. King; Mr. W.C. Kendall; Mr. C.H. Buford; Hon. James F. Byrnes; Hon. Fred M. Vinson; Hon. Scott W. Lucas; Hon. Stephen Early; Admiral J.L. Holloway; Captain H.A. Yeager; General Paul F. Yount; Hon. Tom C. Clark; Mr. James P. McGranery; Mr. Clyde Tolson; Dr. F.M. Davenport.
[Public Papers: Citation Accompanying the Medal for Merit Presented to J. Edgar Hoover]
[Public Papers: Citation Accompanying the Medal for Merit Presented to John Monroe Johnson]
[Public Papers: Citation Accompanying the Medal for Merit Presented to John J. Pelley]
(Major F.D. Whittaker; Mr. Bruce Zerkle)
(Left office to go aboard USS WILLIAMSBURG)
Senator Kenneth McKellar, Tenn.; Sen. Alben W. Barkley, Ky.; Speaker Sam Rayburn, Tex.; Cong. John W. McCormack, Mass.
The President signed S.J. Res. 136 in presence of Sen. and Mrs. Jos. C. O'Mahoney, Wyo.; Sen. and Mrs. Edward Robertson, Wyo.; and Cong. Frank A. Barrett, Wyo. (Senator Robertson has asked if the pen the President uses may be given him to be placed in the Buffalo Bill Museum)
Senator Olin D. Johnston, S.C.; Gen. C.P. Sumervall; Lt. Gov. Edward O. Brown; Cong. L.M. Rivers, S.C. (Phoned Mr. Connelly, or had his secretary phone him, stating the Senator was in South Carolina, and some emergency had arisen in the Legislature there, which made it necessary for Senator Johnston to see the President at earliest opportunity)
The Rt. Hon. Winston S. Churchill
H.E. Carlos Martins, the Ambassador of Brazil (Just returned from a visit to Brazil and has requested an appointment with the President in order to deliver personally a message from President Dutra of Brazil. A copy in translation attached for the President's Information)
Senator Walter F. George, Ga. (Phoned Mr. Connelly last Friday to ask for this at earliest date - wanted to come Saturday)
The Secretary of State [James F. Byrnes] (Usual Monday appointment)
Hon. William O. Douglas, Assoc. Justice, U.S. Supreme Court; Dr. James Yen. (Dr. Yen head of the Chinese Mass Education Movement, leaving for China in week or so - the Justice wrote the President asking if he might bring the gentleman in for a talk)
General Dwight D. Eisenhower
Executive Orders:  [9703 the Existence of the Quantico-Superior Committee, Created by Executive Order No. 6783 of June 30, 1934]
[Public Papers: Letter to Senator O'Mahoney Transmitting a Proposed Wool Price Support Program]
[Public Papers: Telegram to Leading Citizens Requesting Them To Serve on a National Famine Emergency Council]
Senator Harley M. Kilgore, W. Va.; Col. Richmond Harris. (Re Veterans legislation - Senator Kilgore asked to be allowed to bring in Col. Harris)
Sen. Harley M. Kilgore; Mr. Thester Coleman; Mr. W.D. Coleman; Mr. Theodore W. Cousins; Mr. I.J.K. Wells. (This is a delegation from West Virginia, for whom Senator Kilgore asked for an appointment, in order that they might be photographed with the President. They are from the Negro magazine COLOR. Mr. Charles Ross approved. They wish to present the fourth edition of COLOR to the President. They wrote Sen. Kilgore, partly as follows - "Since COLOR has in mind the following worthy objectives: to create good will between the races, to improve work habits and job attitudes of its readers, since it intends to upgrade their personality, since it intends to dignify labor and glorify the common occupations of life as stressed by Booker T. Washington; since it intends to educate and inspire as well as entertain; since it is the first magazine ever printed in four colors in the Negro race, and it occurs during President Truman's administration, we firmly believe it would be good thing for us to present this historical issue to the President of the United States.")
Senator Raymond E. Willis, Indiana; Governor Ralph E. Gates, Ind.; Hon. James Emmert. (Senator Willis asked to bring the Governor in)
Hon. Adolf A. Berle, Jr. (Phoned from New York March 7th, to ask whether he could now see the President, in response to the President's letter to him of February 20th, attached, suggesting they discuss South American situation)
Hon. Herbert Lehman
The Secretary of Commerce [Henry A. Wallace] (Requested the appointment)
The Secretary of the Navy [James Forrestal] (Requested the appointment)
(Lunch) (Cabinet luncheon - one absentee, Secy. Fred M. Vinson)
The Secretary of Agriculture [Clinton P. Anderson]; Mr. Gayle Armstrong. (Asked for this last week)
Senator Alben W. Barkley, Ky.
[Public Papers: Letter to Edwin W. Pauley Consenting to the Withdrawal of His Nomination]
Senator Albert W. Hawkes, N.J. (R.) (To discuss case of a young aviator killed in combat, named McGuire. The Senator thinks is the number two American avaitor. Has been voted the Congressional Medal of Honor, and Senator Hawkes wants to talk to the President about possibility of having presentation made to the widow, posthumously, in White House by the Presi- dent. Mr. Matthew Connelly explained carefully to the Senator the President's definite policy of not presenting posthumous medals of honor, but the Senator wants to talk to the President about it, anyhow, as the Senator says this is exceptional case)
Cong. George Outland, Calif.; Cong. Wright Patman, Texas; Cong. Walter K. Granger, Utah; Congr. Andrew J. Biemiller, Wis.; Cong. Chet Holifield, Calif. (Cong. Outland requested the appointment, stating that it was wish of the co-sponsors of Full Employment Bill to have Committee of five mention to the President their thoughts on Commissionerships)
Hon. Oscar L. Chapman, Acting Secretary of the Interior; Dr. Ira N. Gabrielson, retiring (Apr. 1st) Director of Fish and Wild Life Service (Mr. Oscar Chapman asked if he might bring Dr. Gabrielson in)
Hon. Watson B. Miller, Administrator FSA; Dr. Thomas Parran, Surgeon General, U.S. Public Health Service (Dr. Parran leaving for Paris on Mar. 15th, and Mr. Miller asked if they could come in to discuss the trip, health program and the UNO)
Hon. Raphael O'Hara Lanier, newly appointed American Minister to Liberia (Will soon depart for his post and requested, through Protocol, appointment with the President before leaving)
Sen. James M. Mead, N.Y.; Sen. Jas. M. Tunnell, Del.; The Secretary of State [James F. Byrnes]; Hon. John Snyder.
(Leave for stag buffet supper at home P.M.G. Hannegan)