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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

December 28, 1945

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

[Public Papers: Statement by the President Upon Signing Bill Extending the Second War Powers Act]
Depart Kansas City
Arrive White House
Hon. Dean Acheson
Secretary of Agriculture [Clinton P. Anderson]
Senator Arthur Vandenburg; Hon. Dean Acheson
Leave for cruise aboard USS WILLIAMSBURG.
[Public Papers: Letter to the Chairman, National War Labor Board, on the Establishment of the National Wage Stabilization Board]
Arrived Washington from cruise on USS WILLIAMSBURG. Worked all day on radio address to be delivered Thursday evening January 3, 1946. No appointments.
[Public Papers: Letter to General Bradley Regarding the Establishment of a Department of Medicine and Surgery in the Veterans Administration]
(Mr. Arthur E. Coates)
(Dr. Isadore [Isador] Lubin) (Called Mr. Connelly and said he was now quite well, and wanted to see the President for just few minutes today, if possible)
Colonel Arthur A. Kimball (Of Justice Jackson's staff in Nuremberg - the Justice particularly anxious that Kimball talk to the President before going back to Europe)
Hon. Joseph F. McGurk, American Ambassador to the Dominican Republic. (In Washington at present for consultation, and desires to see the President before returning to his Post)
(Lewis T. Barringer)
Radio report on status of reconversion program [Public Papers] [Audio: MP3 ]
Executive Orders:  [9674 LIQUIDATION OF WAR AGENCIES]
[Public Papers: Letter Accepting Resignation of Admiral Land as Chairman and Member, U.S. Maritime Commission, and as Administrator, War Shipping Administration]
The Secretary of the Interior [Harold L. Ickes]
(Mr. James Pendergast)
(Mr. Edward Locke and parents)
Mr. Carl H. Claudy (When Mr. Claudy called with Grand Council of the Order of De Molay, last month, this appointment was arranged at the President's direction)
(Mr. Roy Webb)
Hon. Murray W. Latimer, Chairman, Railroad Retirement Board (Mr. Latimer asked for this appointment)
Mr. Herman Phleger (San Francisco lawyer, just back from Germany. This ap- pointment requested by Mr. Eugene Meyer, and arranged by Mr. Charles Ross)
Sergeant and Mrs. Eugene List (In Washington, and asked, thru National Broadcasting Co. to be allowed to pay a call on the President. Is Sergeant who played for the President in Potsdam)
Hon. Harold D. Smith; Hon. Paul Appleby.
(Mr. Neal Helm; Mr. Roy Harper)
The Secretary of State [James F. Byrnes]
(Dinner at Bolling Field with General Arnold)
[Public Papers: Statement by the President on the Victory Clothing Collection for Overseas Relief]
[Public Papers: White House Statement on Anglo-American Committee Hearings on Palestine and the Problems of European Jews]
Hon. Chester Bowles
The Chinese Ambassador (Is returning to China on January 8th, and wants to see the President before his departure
The United Nations Interim Committee on Site: Dr. Shuhsi Hsu, for China M. Francois Briere, for France Mr. Awny el Khalidi, for Iraq The Hon. Major K.G. Younger, for United Kingdom Mr. G.F. Saksin, for U.U.S.R. Senor Don Julio A. Lacarte, for Uruguay H.E. Dr. Stoyan Gavrilovic, for Yugoslavia Mr. Huntington, Secy. of Committee (American) Mr. Jeffrey Wilson, Associate Secretary (English) Mr. Clyde Nichols, Assistant Secretary (American) (This group calling upon the Secretary (Or the Under Secretary) of State at 11.30, and asked that the President receive them.)
The Secretary of the Treasury [Fred M. Vinson]
The Secretary of Agriculture [Clinton P. Anderson]
[Public Papers: Statement by the President on Demobilization]
Mr. Emil Schram, President, N.Y. Stock Exhange; Mr. John Coleman, Vice President, N.Y. Stock Exchange. (They originally asked for this appointment a week ago, but were unable keep it, and asked for this day)
Senator James O. Eastland, Miss.; Senator Robert M. LaFollette, Wisconsin; Senator Kenneth S. Wherry, Nebraska; Senator Pat McCarran, Nevada. (Sen. Eastland made this request for the four Senators, and asked it be before noon, as Sen. LaFollette is leaving town today)
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
Hon. Charles W. Taussig, United States co-chairman, Anglo- American Caribbean Commission (Leaving soon for Caribbean, and feels it important he see the President)
The Secretary of the Navy [James Forrestal] (Says only needs ten minutes)
Colonel Peter Hamilton (At request of General Henry H. Arnold)
The President presented the D.S.M. to General of the Army, Henry H. Arnold -- ceremonies in East Room [Public Papers: Citations Accompanying Distinguished Service Medal Presented to General Henry H. Arnold]
(The President will talk to General Arnold alone in study, after ceremonies)
(Cabinet Luncheon)
Sir Ben Smith, Minister of Food for Great Britain; The Secretary of Agriculture [Clinton P. Anderson]; Mr. Willard Thorpe. (Smith has been in this country for conversations with Secretary Clinton P. Anderson. This request came through Major Lockhart at British Embassy, and Secretary Clinton P. Anderson concurred in it)
(Bob Considine; Charles Ross)
(Rear Admiral Sidney Souers; Admiral William D. Leahy; Commodore James Vardaman; Commander Clark Clifford; General Harry Vaughan) (Admiral William D. Leahy arranged this off the record
Senator Harley M. Kilgore, West Virginia
Hon. John J. Kane, Chairman, County Commissioner, Pittsgurgh, and his two sons (Asked if he could bring in his two sons, one just discharged from Army after three years' service, and one at present Captain in Air Corps, just back from Pacific on 45 days furlough. This latter boy a West Point graduate. Did not give us their names)
Hon. Adolf A. Berle, Jr., U.S. Ambassador to Brazil (Arrived here Monday from Brazil)
Hon. Maury Maverick (Asked for brief appointment to discuss something pertaining to Smaller War Plants - said it was not of a personal nature)
(Mr. Edward Jacobson; Mr. Herman Rosenberg)
Hon. Harold D. Smith (Hon. Samuel I. Rosenman; Hon. John Snyder)
[Public Papers: Statement by the President on Releasing Report of Fact-Finding Board on the General Motors Labor Dispute]
(Major Glenn Hopkins)
Hon. Kenneth C. Royall, Acting Secretary of War
The President will receive members of National Association of Home Builders of the United States - Mr. Joseph E. Merrion, President, Chicago, Ill.; Mr. Frank W. Cortright, Exec. V.P., Wash. D.C.; Mr. Joseph Meyerhoff, Treasurer, Baltimore, Md.; Mr. Milton J. Brock, Secretary, Los Angeles, Calif.; Mr. Robert P. Gerholz, Past President, Flint, Mich.; Mr. Ralph S. Duke, Member of Executive Committee & Regional Vice President, St. Louis, Mo.; Mr. Harry J. Durbin, Member of Executive Committee, Detroit, Michigan; Mr. John Olson, Regional Vice President, Worcester, Mass.; Mr. J. Harold Genrich, Regional Vice President, Buffalo; Mr. George S. Goodyear, Regional Vice Presi- dent, Baltimore, Md.; Mr. C. Finley Knight, Regional Vice Presi- dent, Jacksonville, Fla; Mr. Joseph B. Haverstick, Regional Vice Pres., Dayton, O.; Mr. John C. Lindrop, Regional V.P., Chicago; Mr. Ben C. Wileman, Regional Vice Pres., Okla. City, Okla; Mr. F. Orin Woodbury, Regional Vice Pres., Salt Lake City; Mr. L.C. Sims, Regional Vice Pres. Portland, Oregon; Mr. Edward R. Carr, Pres. Home Builders Assn. of Metropolitan Washington, Wash., D.C.; Mr. William J. Guinan, Exec. Dir. Builders Assn. of Metropolitan Detroit, Detroit, Mich.; Mr. William E. Johnson, Exec. Vice Pres. Home Builders Assn of Phila. & Suburbs; Mr. C. Philip Pitt, Executive Secretary, Home Builders Assn of Maryland, Balt. Md.,; Mr. Normine W. Watkins, Exec. Dir. Home Builders Assn. of Allegheny County, Pittsburgh, Pa; Mr. Wilbur Kerr, National Director, Columbus, O.; Mr. Rodney Lockwood, Exec. Asst. Builders Assn. of Metropolitan Detroit; Mr. Frank E. Avren, Public Relations Dir., Wash., D.C.
The Secretary of the Interior [Harold L. Ickes]
Mr. Mark Etheridge, Publisher, Louisville Courier-Journal (We originally asked him to come in around middle of December, but for various reasons this first mutally convenient date could be found)
Maj. Gen. Philip B. Fleming, Administrator, Federal Works Agency, with the members of the conference on Highway Safety. This is a preliminary conference with the President, the following to be present - Hon. Malcolm McEachin, Pres. Amer. Assn. of Motor Vehicle Administrators, Carson City, Nev.; Mr. Herman A. Mac- Donald, President, Amer. Assn. of Highway Officials, Boston, Mass.; Chief Fred A. Roff, President, International Assn. of Chiefs of Police, Morristown, New Jersey; Gen. Edward H. Lastayo, Chief Highway Division, Office of Chief of Transportation, War Department, Wash., D.C.; Mr. Pyke Johnson, Pres. Automotive Safety Foundation, Was., D.C.; Mr. H.J. Brumnier, Presient, American Automobile Assn., San Francisco, California; Hon. Eric A. Johnston, Pres. U.S. Chamber of Commerce; Hon. Wallace J. Flavey, Chairman, Natl. Conservation Bur., New York City; Kenneth B. Coleman, Chairman, Natl. Committee for Traffic Safety, Seattle, Wash.; Mr. Thomas H. MacDonald, Comissioner of Public Rds., Was. D.C.
Mr. Frank Barker; Maj. Frank Barer, Jr; Mr. Chauncy Clark. (Want to shake hands with President)
(Mr. Richmond Keech) (Re tenative policy of Medal for Merit Board - says the President said would discuss this with him, and as Board meets in few days hoped he might have this talk before meeting)
The Acting Secretary of State (Thought last night he would be feeling well enough to keep this routine appointment but will phone us defin- itely this morning)
(Preview of documentary film of the President's life which Col. Al Holland has been working on)
The Postmaster General [Robert E. Hannegan]
[Public Papers: Letter to the Speaker of the House Transmitting Proposed Reductions in Appropriations]
Cabinet Meeting (After Cabinet, Mr. Charles Ross wants to get a few pictures of the President and Mr. Robert Hannegan together, for Mr. Atkins of Saturday Evening Post)
Mr. John V. Lawrence, Managing Director; Mr. Ted V. Rodgers, President; Mr. Chester Moore, Secretary. (American Trucking Associations, Inc., - originally had appointment arranged through Postmaster General, November 9th, but was postponed because of Labor-Management Conference still being in session. This organization now plans to hold in Cinncinnati, beginning Jan. 14th, important meeting. They wish discuss for few minutes problem which is of greatest concern to their industry in its present efforts to restore itself to peacetime basis. Mr. Hannegan anxious that they have this opportunity.)
The President will receive the members of the National Conference of Business Paper Editors: A.H. Allen, Steel; Mrs. E.R. Allured, Manufacturing Confectioner Pub. Co.; Mrs. Estelle Anderson, Boot & Shoe Recorder; John Anthony, Iron Age; Ashmun, H.S., Class Digest; Salma Barmasel, Chilton Company; C.S. Baur, Iron Age; S.R. Bernstiein, Advertising Age; Dorothy Blum, Tide; H.H. Brown, Marine Engineering; Paul E. Clissold, Bakers Helper; Fred V. Cole, Jewelers Circular; John N. Connell, W.R.C. Smith Co.; Creighton, Herman, Pencil Points; Charles Downes, Distribution Age; T.C. DuMond, Materials and Methods; Julian Elfenbein, House Frunishings; P.M. Fahrendorf, Chilton Co.; R.L. Fitzgerald, Boot & Shoe Recorder; Louis R. Ford, Motorship; E.G. Gavin, American Builder; Ben Gordon, Chain Store Age; W.G. Gude, Foundry; Stuart Hamilton, Business Week; Carl Harrington, Mill and Factory; Charles J. Heale, Hardware Age; Stuart F. Heinwitz, Purchasing; G.E. Henry, Purchasing; Charles O. Herb, Machinery; Joseph S. Hildreth, Chilton Publications; Lawrence M. Hughes, Advertising Age; Miss A.B. Haggett, Business Press News Bureau; Mr. S.T. Henry, McGraw-Hill Publictions; J.A.J. Jones, Food Industries; Arthur Joyce, Bakers Weekly; S.A. Knisely, Associated Business Papers; Paul Keister, Rider & Kaister; Harold A. Knight, Materials and Methods; Alvin W. Knoerr, Engineering & Mining Journal; Kopecki, Ernest, Iron Age; E.C. Kreutzberg, Steel; Arnold Kruckman, American Perfumer; Edward J. Kruspak, Automotive News; Rudolf Kopfmann, Associated Business Papers; P.C. Lauinger, Oil & Gas Journal; Godfrey M. Lebhar, Chain Store Age; W.A. Lee, Glass Digest; Thomas W. Lippert, Iron Age; Gordon McBride, Food Industries; R.S. McBride, Chemical & Metallurgical Engrg; Mrs. Gladys Montgomery, Electronics; Helen Millspaugh, Bakers Weekly; Miss C.R. Munger, Iron Age; J.T. Nelvery, Robbins Publishing Co.; G.A. Nichols, Printers Ink; Erik Oberg, Machinery; H.J. Payne, Architectural Record; C.B. Peck, Railway Mechanical Engineer; Fred P. Peters, Materials & Methods; Eldridge Peterson, Printers Ink; Bill Phair, Iron Age; B.K. Price, Steel; Miss Irene Pearson, Associated Business Papers; Henry D. Ralph, Oil & Gas Journal; King L. Rice, Power Plant Engineering; Sumner Rider, Rider & Keister; Erle Ross, Steel; T.N. Sandifer, Chemical Industries; Frank Steinbach, Foundry; Clifford Strock, Heating & Ventilating, Irwin H. Such, Steel; C.C. Swearingen, Bakers Helper; Lawrence Sullivan, Bakers Helper; Elliott Taylor, Gas Magazine; John R. Thompson, MacLean-Hunter Publications; M.E. Thompson, Diesel Power; W.K. Toboldt, Motor Age; Paul C. Trimble, Donnellys Trade Papers; William Ullman, Automotive News; A.N. Weckaler, Conver-Mast Publications; Joan T. Wiarda, Metal Finishing; M.A. Williamson, Chemical & Metallurgical Engrg; Paul Wooton, Chilton Publications; Marian Willier, Oil & Gas Journal; Walter Taft, Railway Age; C.B. Tavenner, Railway Age; R.V. Wright, Railway Age; John N. Bailey, Broadcasting Magazine.
Hon. Avra Warren, newly appointed Minister to New Zealand (Would like very much be received by the President before departing for his post)
Hon. Stuart Symington
Mr. Edward Keating, Manager, LABOR (A national weekly newspaper owned and edited by the Railroad Workers of America - asked for ten minutes, as he believes he has somehting to tell of importance) (Mr. Charles Ross says this publication, whenever it supports a candidate in a statewide election, puts out a special issue of the paper and plasters the State with it. Mr. Charles Ross thinks this may have been done at some time or other for the President)
Mr. William Green, Pres. A.F. of L. (He requested this appointment)
Major General William J. Donovan (The President will present the Oak Leaf Cluster to General Donovan, who when asked what guests he wished to invite, expressed wish to come alone) [Public Papers: Citation Accompanying Distinguished Service Medal Presented to General William J. Donovan]
Mr. Merrill C. Meigs (Of Hearst organization - wants to report on his recent trip abroad)
The President and Mrs. Truman will attend a reception given for them by the American Newspaper Women's Club in the Grand Ballroom of the Mayflower Hotel.
[Public Papers: Statement by the President Following a White House Meeting To Avert a Steel Strike]
(Rear Admiral Sidney Souers; Admiral William D. Leahy; Gen. Harry Vaughan; Commodore James Vardaman; Commander Clark Clifford; Hon. Harold D. Smith; Hon. Samuel I. Rosenman)
Congressman E.E. Cox, of Georgia
(The President has agreed to take part for a few sittings, in the picture-taking "orgy" which has been arranged for Mrs. Truman and Margaret - Mr. Charles Ross has been told that the Presi- dent will come over about this time to pose with them for a few "takes")
(Dr. Isadore [Isador] Lubin)
(The Secretary of Labor [Lewis B. Schwellenbach]; Hon. John Snyder; Dr. John Steelman)
Rear Admiral Joel Boone, USN