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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

December 15, 1945

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

Hon. Spruille Braden, Assistant Secretary of State (Asked for appointment)
Congressman Estes Kefauver, Tennessee; Congressman John E. Rankin, Mississippi; Congressman John J. Sparkman, Alabama; Congressman Malcolm C. Tarver, Georgia; Congressman Zebulon Weaver, North Carolina; Congressman Noble J. Gregory, Kentucky; Congressman J. Percy Priest, Tennessee; Congressman Albert Gore, Tennessee; Mr. L.J. Wilhoite; Mr. Ken G. Whitaker, Administrative Assistant of the Public Power Board. (To present brochure prepared by Electric Power Board of Chattanooga of editorial comments in papers served by TVA on the President's Kentucky Dam Speech. The Congressmen have also had a brochure prepared photostating editorials from leading newpapers complimenting the President on his renomination of Lilienthal -- Cong. Rankin will stay behind and present to the President a portrait of General Winfield Scott)
Hon. Henry F. Grady (To head Commission to go to Greece to oversee elections - Is leaving shortly and wanted to talk to the President before departure)
Mr. Roy Roberts; Mr. Robert McLean, President of A.P. (Mr. Roberts asked if he could bring McLean in)
Mr. Edgar Kobak, President, Mutual Broadcasting System (Made through Mr. Charles Ross)
The President's War Relief Control Board: Hon. Joseph E. Davies, Hon. Charles P. Taft, Hon. Charles Warren, Mr. James Brunot.
Hon. Prentiss Brown
Hon. Dean Acheson, Acting Secretary of State; Hon. Loy Henderson; Judge Joseph C. Hutcheson, of the Fifth Circuit Court at Houston, Texas, (American Chairman); Mr. Frank Aydelotte, former President of Swarthmore College; Mr. Frank W. Buxton, Editor of Boston Herald; Mr. James G. McDonald, former Chairman of the Foreign Policy Association; Hon. O. Max Gardner; Hon. William Phillips, former Under Secretary of State. (These are the American members of the Anglo-American Com- mittee of Inquiry with regard to the situation in Plaestine, and the problem of the displaced Jews in Europe - met yesterday at State Department, and they hoped the President could see and impress upon them how important it is for them take up their work with all possible speed. Mr. Loy W. Henderson, Director, Office of Near Eastern Affairs of State Department, has submitted some suggestions for the President, as to what he might say to these committee members.)
(Lunch - Hon. Phil Donnelly, Governer of Missouri and the Postmaster General [Robert E. Hannegan])
(Leave for Gridiron Dinner at Statler)
The President visited the Naval Medical Center at Bethesda and Walter Reed Hospital -- visiting with veterans.
[Public Papers: Veto of Bill Raising the Rank of Chiefs and Assistant Chiefs of Naval Bureaus]
Senator Kenneth McKellar; Senator Alben W. Barkley; Speaker Sam Rayburn; Cong. John W. McCormack.
Mr. Stanley O'Connor
Senator James M. Mead, New York; Congressman John W. McCormack, Mass.; Cong. Frank Boykin, Ala. (To recommend to the President the appointment of William Seavers to succeed Mr. Klutznick as National Housing Administrator - McCormack asked for the appointment)
Hon. Malcolm Ross; Mr. John Brophy; Mr. Boris Shishkin; Miss Sara Southell; Mr. George M. Johnson.
The President awarded the Robert J. Collier Trophy to General Carl Spaatz. The following will attend: Mr. Stuart Tipton; Admiral Louis De Flores; Mr. William R. Enyart; Mr. Richard C. Palmer; Miss Mae Simpson; Miss Jacquelin Cochran; Mr. John P. Morgan; Mr. Rainbridge Crist; Gen. Ira C. Baker; Mr. Russell W. Nichols; Mr. Robert Kinkead; Mr. Lester D. Gardner; Mr. Gill Robb Wilson; Mr. Grover Loening; Mr. W.P. Redding; Mr. Jack Frost; Congressman Daniel Hoch, Pa. (General's district) (This was scheduled for presentation this evening at the banquet at Statler given by Aero Club of Wash. commemorating anniversary first flight at Kitty Hawk. Is highest award in aeronautics in this country and has been administered as public trust since 1917 by Aero Club of U.S. and by Natl. Aeronautic Assn. as its successor. Has been custom in past for President of U.S. to make actual presentation, except during years since Pearl Harbor, when Vice President did it)
General Omar N. Bradley; Mr. W.E. Reynolds (General Bradley asked for the appointment)
Hon. Chester Bowles (Asked for the appointment)
Hon. Paul A. Porter (The President said he wanted to see Porter this week)
Hon. Dean Acheson, the Acting Secretary of State
Father Robert J. White (Of Catholic University - to invite the President to attend Red Mass at that University in January)
Senator Harley M. Kilgore, W. Va. (Asked for the appointment)
Senator Joseph C. O'Mahoney, Wyoming. (Asked for this appointment)
Mr. J.J. Pelley, Pres., Association of American Railroads; Mr. Carter Fort, Vice Pres. and Gen. Counsel, Association of American Railroads
Mr. Edward J. Locke; Mr. Albert Carr. (Mr. Locke asked if he could bring in Mr. Carr, who has accompanied him on last two trips to China)
(The Secretary of the Navy [James Forrestal])
Dr. Edwin J. Kyle, American Ambassador to Guatemala. (In Washington and asked to be received by the President)
(Mr. Milton Mackaye) (Off record, is doing piece on White House for Saturday Evening Post - Mr. Charles Ross arranged)
The President presented the Congressional Medal of Honor to: Captain Robert H. Dunlap, USMCR; Lieutenant Richard M. McCool, USN; M/Sgt. Vito R. Bertoldo, USA; Lieutenant Frank Burke, USA; Sergeant Mike Colalillo, USA; T/Sgt. Vernon McGarity. Those invited: Hon. James V. Forrestal, Secretary of the Navy; Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, USN; Chief of Naval Operations; General A.A. Vandegrift, USMC, Commandant of the Marine Corps; Lt. Col. Fields, USMC, Aide to General Vandegrift; Commander E.B. Fluckey, USN, Aide to the Chief of Naval Operations; Captain and Mrs. Robert H. Dunlap; Captain Edwin C. Clarke, USMC; Lt. Richard M. McCool, Jr., USN; Mrs. Richard M. McCool, Jr. (wife of Lieut. McCool) Mr. and Mrs. R.M. McCool (parents of Lieut. McCool); Miss Frances McCool; Mr. and Mrs. W. Props; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cobean; Miss Jean Edwards; Mr. Harry England; Mr. J.W. Wheeler; Hon. A.S. Mike Monroney, M.C.; Miss Florence Dunlap, (sister of Captain Dunlap); Secretary of War [Robert P. Patterson]; General Eisenhower; General Handy; General Devers; General Arnold; General Stilwell; Colonel Paul L. Ristroph; Captain and Mrs. J.E. Glancy; Lt. William T. Campbell; Lt. Joseph E. Wingard; Lt. Eli Grubic; Lt. Myer Koonin; Lt. William A. Leftwich; Colonel Philip J. Ebrehadt; Judge Alexander M. Ormsby; Mr. Barney Coons; Mr. William J. Burke; Mr. and Mrs Peter J. Grompone; Mr. John Reagan; Major James Hedrick; Mr. John Stelle, Natl. Commander of the American Legion. Mr. Emory Macintosh; Hon R.C. McMillen, M.C.; Cong. and Mrs. Wm. A. Pittenger; Mr. and Mrs. Rocco Bertoldo; Mrs. Dorthy M. Bertoldo; Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Sutter; S1/c Peter P. Bertoldo; Mrs. William J. Burke; Mrs. Alice Burke. Mr. Vincent L. Burke; Mr. John J. Burke; Mr. Carlo Colalillo; Mr. Pat Colalillo; Mrs. Jennie Sisto; Mrs. Mary Sisto; Mrs. Patrick Colalillo; Congressman Tom Murray; Senator McKellar
(Mr. William L. Olden and daughter, Mrs. Esther Londerman) (To shake hands - used to work for the President on farm)
(Lunch - Cabinet - at White House)
Hon. Edwin Pauley (Re his trip to Orient) for one-half hour
[Public Papers: Special Message to the Congress Recommending the Establishment of a Department of National Defense]
[Public Papers: Special Message to the Senate Transmitting Nominations of United States Representatives to the United Nations]
Senator Claude Pepper; Mr. Irwin L. Houser. (Returned last Friday from Europe, and wishes to tell the President about trip)
Hon. John B. Blandford, Jr., Adminstrator, National Housing Agency (Leaving around noon today, and felt he should see the President before going out of town)
Mr. Frank Land, Secretary General, The Grand Council of the Order of De Molay, will present to the President on behalf of this Order, a portrait of the President's mother, painted by Jerry Farnsworth. Guests will be: Senator Arthur Capper, Kansas; Senator Edward V. Robertson, Wyo.; Senator Carl A. Hatch, New Mexico; Senator Edwin C. Johnston, Colo.; Senator Forrest C. Donnell, Mo.; Senator Frank P. Briggs, Mo.; Senator Burton K. Wheeler, Mont.; Senator Tom Connally, Tex.; Cong. L. Mendel Rivers, S.C.; Cong. Robert A. Grant, Ind.; Cong. Henry M. Jackson, Wash.; Cong. Walter C. Ploeser, Mo.; Hon. John Edgar Hoover; Brig. Gen. William E. Hall; Mr. John H. Cowles; Mr. Leonard P. Steuart; Mr. Ralph Sheets; Mr. Frank H. Deal; Mr. Carl Claudy, Mr. Egil Steen. (This list invited by Mr. Frank Land - Harry W. Bundy, Grand Master, was forced to regret as was the Secretary of Agriculture [Clinton P. Anderson])
Mr. Spyros Skouras, Pres. 20th Century Fox Film Corp. (To discuss problem of Greek Relief. Mr. Hannegan suggested that he be given this appointment)
Senator George L. Radcliffe, Md.; Hon. Theodore R. McKeldin, Mayor of Baltimore; Mr. Simon Sobeloff, City Solicitor of Baltimore; Mr. Don Swann (artist) (The Mayor is to present to the President original etching No. 1 that Don Swann has prepared for the Mayor exclusively to present to distinguished guests visiting Baltimore. It is etching of Washinton Monument (in Baltimore) showing Mount Vernon Place Methodist Church located on the spot where Francis Scott Key died, and also the Peabody Conservatory of Music)
(Mr. Paul Dillon) OFF THE RECORD
Hon. Cornelieus Van H. Engert, retiring American Minister to Afghanistan (He returned to the United States, and wishes to pay his respects to the President)
Mr. Philip Buck, former General Counsel of Treasury (In town and wished to pay respects)
Mr. Cameron Forbes
Hon. Harold D. Smith, Mr. Paul Appleby
The Secretary of the Treasury [Fred M. Vinson], Hon. Dean Acheson, the Acting Secretary of State.
On this date President Truman announced his nominations of representatives to the first session of the United Nations. See Eleanor & Harry: The Correspondence of Eleanor Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman: documents, photographs and more.
[Public Papers: Letter to Senator Wagner and Representative Manasco Concerning the Full Employment Bill]
[Public Papers: Letter to Dr. Isaiah Bowman on Federal Assistance for Scientific Research]
The President will sign the Reorganization Bill in presence of following invited guests: Sen. Pat McCarran, Nev.; Sen. Abe Murdock, Utah; Cong. William Whittington, Miss.; Hon. Lindsay C. Warren; Sen. Harry F. Byrd, Va.; Cong. Carter Manasco, Ala.; Hon. Harold D. Smith [Public Papers: Statement by the President Upon Signing the Reorganization Act of 1945]
Mr. James E. Barnes (Of Todd Shipyards, asked for two minutes)
The Secretary of the Interior [Harold L. Ickes] (Asked for this appointment)
The British Ambassador; Admiral Sir Henry Ruthven Moore. (Moore is new head of British Admiralty delegation in U.S., replacing Admiral Sir James Somerville - was lately Commander in Chief of the British Home Fleet)
Mr. Joseph Davidson, Adjutant, National Press Club Post No. 20, American Legion; Mr. W.W. Wheeler; Mr. Carter Brooke Jones; Mr. Harry E. Radcliffe; Mr. Sotorios Nicholson; Mr. Eddie Lewis; Mr. Paul McGhee. (They invited the President to their monthly meeting on December 18th, and he was unable to attend - so they are bringing over the scroll which they had intended presenting to him then. Scroll is presented as the President is first Legionnair to hold office of the President of the U.S.)
Rear Admiral Earle W. Mills, Assistant Chief of Bur. of Ships (Arranged through Admiral William D. Leahy)
Miss Dorothy Thompson; Mr. Ely Culbertson (Arranged by Mr. Robert Hannegan)
Hon. Herschel V. Johnson, American Minister to Sweden (In this country and wants to see the President)
Hon. Dean Acheson, Acting Secretary of State
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
[Public Papers: Letter to the Administrator, Federal Works Agency, Asking Him To Head a Conference on Traffic Safety]
Cabinet [Meeting] (All present except Sen. McKellar, Blandford and Secretary of Labor)
Dr. E.L. Bowles, Special Assistant to General Arnold (General Arnold asked that the President see him)
Mr. John W. Kenney, General Counsel, for Procurement and Materiel, Navy Department (Secretary James Forrestal asked that the President see him)
Hon. Oscar Lange, the Ambassador of Poland (Newly appointed, to present credentials)
Mr. Miles W. Vaughan, United Press Far Eastern Manager
(Mr. Robert Nathan) OFF THE RECORD
Representatives of the Dublin Conference Committee: Mr. Cord Meyer, Jr., fomerly USMCR, of Mass., wounded on Guam; Mr. Michael Straight, fomerly AAF, author and editor of New York; Mr. Norman Cousins, author and editor, of Conn.; Mr. Thomas K. Finletter, lawyer and author of New York; Mr. Ulric Bell, newspaperman and author of N.Y. (This appointment made only after we had approval of Secretary of State James Byrnes, who made some suggestions for the President to follow in talking to this group - Attached is brochure "Declaration of the Dublin Conference" and the Chairman's letter requesting conference with the President.)
Reception for White House Employees
(Leave for eggnog party at Secretary James Forrestal's home and from there to dinner at home of Judge Samuel I. Rosenman)
[Public Papers: Statement and Directive by the President on Immigration to the United States of Certain Displaced Persons and Refugees in Europe]
The President will present to ten officers from the White House Map Room, the Legion of Merit: Major Ogden Kniffin; Major Boyce P. Price; Major Franklin H. Graham; Chief Warrant Officer A.M. Cornelius; Lt. Commander George M. Elsey; Lt. Commander William M. Rigdon; Lt. Robert H. Meyers; Lt. Robert W. Bogue; Lt. O.S. Collins; Ships Clerk E.L. Hoying
Colonel Reuben H. Tucker; Lt. Colonel Willard B. Harrison
(Mr. Lewis Barringer)
Honorable Dean Acheson
(Speaker Sam Rayburn)
(Mr. Art Coates)
(Left to see safe deposit box in Hamilton National Bank)
(Dined at home of Mr. George Allen)
[Public Papers: Memorandum of Disapproval of Bill Reducing Certain Appropriations and Contract Authorizations for Fiscal Year 1946]
The Rt. Hon. Peter Fraser, Prime Minister of New Zealand; Hon. A.D. MacIntosh, the Secretary for External Affairs; Hon. C.A. Berendsen, the Minister of New Zealand. (Fraser and MacIntosh on their way to London)
General S.M. Chu (At request of Chinese Ambassador. Was Military Attache to Chinese Embassy in United States, but was recently Chief Delegate to the Far East Advisory Group sent to Japan)
(Lunched at home of Hon. John Snyder)
The President lighted the Nation's Xmas Tree and Addressed the nation on a nation-wide hook-up. [Public Papers: Address at the Lighting of the National Community Christmas Tree on the White House Grounds]
Leave for Kansas City
Arrive Kansas City
In Kansas City
In Kansas City
[Public Papers: Letters to the Members of the Board of Directors on the Termination of the Smaller War Plants Corporation]