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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

December 01, 1952

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

H. E. Dr. Pyun Yong T'ae, Foregin Minister of Korea H. E. Dr. You Chan Yang, the Ambassador of Korea (Requested through Protocol. Dr. Pyun wishes to invite the President's attention to deep gratitude of Korean people for tremendous assistance rendered by United States. Was attending UN Assembly.)
Congressman Brent Spence, of Kentucky (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly last week and asked for this.)
(Honorable Frank Pace, the Secretary of the Army) OFF RECORD
Honorable David Bruce, the Under Secretary of State (Usual Monday appointment for State)
Honorable Thomas K. Finletter, the Secretary of the Air Force Honorable E. V. Huggins, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force Mr. A. E. Upton, Acting General Counsel Air Force Honorable John Garrett Scott, Acting Secretary of Commerce Honorable Charles F. Horne, Chairman, C. A. A. (Arranged by General Robert Landry to discuss O'Hare Airport in Chicago)
(Mr. Tom Stokes) (Mr. Tubby brought him in OFF THE RECORD)
Honorable Jack Gorrie, Chairman, National Security Resources Board (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly last week and asked for this.)
Honorable Paul Walker, Chairman, Federal Communications Commission
Honorable Frederick Lawton, Director, Bureau of the Budget (Half hour)
(Mr. Martin Lewis) (Mr. Carl Franks) OFF THE RECORD (Came to see Mr. Connelly and saw the President OFF RECORD)
(Honorable Jack Gorrie, Chairman, N.S.R.B.) OFF THE RECORD
Mr. Ray Rhode, Grand Worthy President, Fraternal Order of Eagles Mr. Robert W. Hansen, Chairman, Freedom Committee Mr. John A. M. McCarthy, Memorial Foundation Committee Mr. Maurice Splain, Jr., Grand Trustee Mrs. Marie Des Rosier and two small children, Susie aged 2 and Valerie, aged 4 (The Eagles requested this to encourage their drive for observance of Freedom Week, December 7th, Pearl Harbor Day, to December 15th, Bill of Rights Day. The two children and their mother were photographed with the President; they are beneficiaries from 3 million dollar fund set up to assist children whose fathers, Members of this order, were killed in World War II or Korea.)
Honorable Waldemar J. Gallman, American Ambassador to the Union of South Africa (Asked for this through Protocol)
Honorable Robert A. Lovett, Secretary of Defense (Usual Tuesday appointment)
(Mr. Gerald Johnson) OFF THE RECORD (Mr. Tubby brough him in OFF RECORD)
Honorable Walter Cummings Honorable Walter Cummings, Jr., newly appointed Solicitor General
(Honorable Eugene Worley, Judge, U. S. Court of Customs and Patent Appeals) (Honorable Joseph R. Jackson, Judge, U. S. Court of Customs and Patent Appeals) (Honorable William Purington Cole, Jr., Judge, U. S. Customs Court) OFF THE RECORD (Called Mr. Connelly and asked if might come in OFF RECORD to pay respects to the President before he leaves office. Came to see Mr. Connelly)
IN THE PRESIDENT'S STUDY - WHITE HOUSE (Honorable Samuel I. Rosenman) (Honorable Charles Murphy) (Honorable David Lloyd) (Honorable Matthew J. Connelly) (Honorable Clark Clifford) (Honorable David Bell) (Mr. Tom Evans, of Kansas City) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. Jack Blalock) (Mrs. Alan Goldsborough) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. and Mrs. Morris E. Lasker and sons David and Harry) OFF THE RECORD (Came to see Mr. Connelly and saw the President OFF RECORD. Mr. Lasker is a New York attorney of firm of Battle, Fowler, Neaman, Stokes & Kheel)
Congressman Samuel W. Yorty, California (Called Mr. Connelly last week and asked for this)
(Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Middleton) OFF THE RECORD (Came to see Mr. Connelly and saw the President OFF RECORD. Mrs. Middleton asked for this, saying she was formerly Blanche Jones, secretary for many years to late Congressman Zimmerman of Missouri)
Honorable Oscar Chapman, the Secretary of the Interior (Called Mr. Connelly yesterday and asked for this)
H. E. Dr. Karl Gruber, Foreign Minister of Austria H. E. Dr. Max Lowenthal, the Ambassador of Austria (The Ambassador requested this through Protocol, stating the Foregin Minsiter wished to pay courtesy call)
Judge Clarence P. LeMire, Tax Court of the U. S. Jo Ashburn LeMire, grandson (Judge LeMire called Monday and asked if might bring in his grandson to meet the President.)
Admiral Ross T. McIntire (Asked for this several weeks ago)
Honorable George S. Kennan, American Ambassador to the Soviet Union (One half hour; arranged at request of Charles Bohlen, Counselor of State Department)
(Judge Samuel I. Rosenman) OFF THE RECORD
(Governor Stevenson dined at the White House with the President and Mrs. Truman and remained overnight.)
[Public Papers: Letter to the Administrator, Economic Stabilization Agency, on the New Wage Agreement in the Coal Industry]
Senator Kenneth McKellar, of Tennessee (Called Mr. Connelly yesterday and asked for this.)
(Staff) The following persons, along with regular members, attended the Staff meeting OFF THE RECORD: Governor Adlai Stevenson, of Illinois Honorable Stephen Mitchell, Chairman, Democratic National Committee Honorable Dwight Palmer, Finance Director, Democratic National Committee Honorable Clayton Fritchey Honorable Hyman Raskin, Assistant Chairman, Democratict National Committee Honorable William Blair, Secretary to Governor Stevenson
Honorable Thomas W. O'Hara, Chairman, Motor Carrier Claims Commission Honorable Ernest Smith, Commissioner Honorable Thomas D. Phillips, Commissioner (Chairman O'Hara called Mr. Matthew Connelly from Kansas City, head- quarters of this Commission, and asked if they might come in and present their final report.)
Honorable William M. Boyle, Jr. Mr. Tom Williams, Mr. Boyle's son-in-law
Congressman Arthur G. Klein, of New York (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly on Monday and asked for this.)
Congressman Clinton D. McKinnon, California (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly on Monday and asked for this.)
Mr. Demetrius Alekatos, National Commissioner of Hellenic Boy Scouts Association, Athens, Greece Mr. Leslie C. Stratton, National Director of Public Relations, Boy Scouts of America Mr. Calergis, Counselor, Royal Greek Embassy Mr. Leonard Elstad, Scout Commissioner of National Capital Area Council, B.S.A. Mr. George Legakis, International Commissioner, Hellenic Boy Scouts Assocation, Athens, Greece Mr. Leonard Linsenmayer, Former Chairman of Troop Committee of Boy Scouts of American Troop in Athens Mr. W. Arthur McKinney, Assistant to Chief Scout Executive, Boy Scouts of America, New York City Mr. George Muth, Vice President, National Capital Area Council, Boy Scouts of America, Washington, D. C. Mr. Sam Orphan, Greek American member of Battle Creek Area Council, B.S.A. Mr. Delmer H. Wilson, Scout Executive, National Capital Area Council B.S.A., Washington, D. C. (The Greek Ambassador and Mr. Leslie Stratton asked for this through Protocol, to present to the President the SILVER PHOENIX, and piece of Marble from the Hellhenon. This is gift of Hellenic Boy Scouts of Greece, the SILVER PHOENIX being their highest distinction.)
Honorable Michael DiSalle (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly on Monday and asked for this.)
(Honorable Dwight Palmer) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State (Usual Thursday appointment)
(Pre Press)
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
The President held a dinner at the White House for the Members of his Cabinet, past and present. The following attended: The President and Mrs. Truman Miss Margaret Truman Mrs. Alben W. Barkley The Chief Justice and Mrs. Fred M. Vinson The Secretary of State and Mrs. Dean Acheson Mr. Justice and Mrs. Tom Clark The Secretary of the Treasury and Mrs. John Snyder The Secretary of Defense and Mrs. Robert Lovett The Attorney General and Mrs. James McGranery The Postmaster General and Mrs. Jesse Donaldson The Secretary of the Interior and Mrs. Oscar Chapman The Secretary of Agriculture and Mrs. Charles Brannan The Secretary of Labor and Mrs. Maurice Tobin Honorable and Mrs. W. Averell Harriman Governor Adlai E. Stevenson The Secretary of the Army and Mrs. Frank Pace The Secretary of the Navy and Mrs. Dan Kimball The Secretary of the Air Force and Mrs. Thomas K. Finletter General of the Army and Mrs. George C. Marshall Honorable Frances Perkins Honorable and Mrs. Francis Biddle Mr. and Mrs. Ernest L. Ives Honorable and Mrs. Louis A. Johnson Honorable and Mrs. J. Howard McGrath Honorable and Mrs. Henry Morgenthau, Jr. Honorable and Mrs. John L. Sullivan Honorable and Mrs. W. Stuart Symington Honorable and Mrs. Frank C. Walker Honorable and Mrs. Henry A. Wallace Major General and Mrs. Harry H. Vaughan Rear Admiral and Mrs. Robert L. Dennison Major General and Mrs. Wallace H. Graham Major General and Mrs. Robert B. Landry Colonel Godfrey T. McHugh Lieutenant Colonel Ralph E. Zahrobsky
(General W. Bedell Smith, Director, C. I. A.) (Honorable James Lay, Jr., Executive Secretary, National Security Council) (Admiral Sidney Souers, Adviser to the President) OFF THE RECORD
Cabinet [Meeting] (Vice President absent; Commerce absent; all others present)
Honorable Henry H. Fowler, Administrator, National Production Authority (Mr. Connelly called him earlier in week and told him the President wanted to have a talk with him)
(Colonel Louis Johnson) OFF THE RECORD
(The rest of the appointments for the day were cancelled due to the death of Mrs. Truman's mother)
Executive Orders:  [10418 EXECUTIVE ORDER 10321 (footnote 1) AMENDED]
[Public Papers: Statement by the President on German Steps Toward Acceptance of the European Defense Community Agreements]
The President, Mrs. Truman and Miss Margaret Truman left Washington by train for Independence, Missouri to attend the funeral of Mrs. Wallace, mother of Mrs. Truman. The following accompanied the First Family: Mr. Matthew Connelly Mr. Roger Tubby Miss Rose Conway Mr. Jack Romagna Secret Service 6 Reporters 2 Photographers
[Public Papers: Statement by the President on the Need for "Operation Skywatch"]
Arrived in Independence, Missouri from Washington, D. C.
Services were held in the President's home for the late Mrs. Wallace, mother of Mrs. Truman. Immediately thereafter the members of the funeral party drove to the cemetery for the burial of Mrs. Wallace.
Returned to the President's home in Independence, Missouri for the remainder of the day and night.
The President drove to his brother Vivian's farm at Grandview, Missouri for a visit.
From there he proceeded to the home of Miss Mary Jane Truman for a visit.
The President drove to the Muehlebach Hotel in Kansas City, Missouri.
(LUNCH at the Muehlebach Hotel)
The President departed Kansas City for Independence, Missouri.
The President left home for Independence Station, where he boarded the train for the return trip to Washington, D. C.
The train left at this time for Washington, D. C.
The President and his party arrived at Union Station, Washington, D. C. and drove directly to the White House.
Executive Orders:  [10419 the Existence of the Quantico-Superior Committee, Created by Executive Order No. 6783 of June 30, 1934]
(Pre Press)
Press & Radio Conference [Public Papers]
Mr. Ott Schoen, U. S. Marshal, St. Louis, Missouri Mr. Alan Hubbard, Collector of Customs, St. Louis, Missouri (Judge Roy Harper wrote Mr. Matthew Connelly they would be here at this time and, if possible, were anxious to see the President.)
Honorabel Paul M. Herzog, Chairman, National Labor Relations Board (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly last week and asked for this.)
Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State (Usual Thursday appointment)
Honorable Elbert N. Carvel, Governor of Delaware Bishop Arthur R. McKinstry (of Episcopal Church of Delaware) Mr. Leslie I. McKinstry (Father of Bishop) Mr. Arnold W. Carvel (Father of the Governor) (Governor Carvel called Mr. Matthew Connelly December 4th from Dover asking if might bring this group in, and asking if perhaps Mrs. Truman might also be present, as Leslie I. McKinstry once directed a choir in Independence, in which Mrs. Truman sang.)
Mr. Anthony A. Buford, of St. Louis, Missouri Anthony A. Buford, Jr., aged 11 Nancy Ann Buford, aged 14 (Mr. Buford wrote Mr. Matthew Connelly last month and asked if might bring his children in)
(Honorable Frank McKinney, former Chairman, Democratic National Committee) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable James P. McGranery, the Attorney General) OFF THE RECORD (Admiral Robert Dennison and Mr. Charles Murphy also sat in)
Honorable John W. Snyder, the Secretary of the Treasury
(Mr. Vivian Truman, brother of the President) (Mr. Alex Sachs, Postmaster at Kansas City, Missouri) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. George Bauman) (Mr. Vivian Truman) OFF THE RECORD
(General W. Bedell Smith, Director, C.I.A.) (Mr. James Lay, Jr., Executive Secretary, National Security Council) (Admiral Sidney Souers, Adviser to the President) OFF THE RECORD
Mr. A. P. Greensfelder, of St. Louis, Missouri (Wrote Mr. Matthew Connelly he would be here at this time attending regular meeting of National Capital Planning Commission, and hoped he might see the President; wanted to ask him if he could contribute some old maps for the Truman Library)
(Honorable Henry H. Fowler, Director of Defense Mobilization) (Dr. John R. Steelman brought Mr. Fowler over from his office OFF THE RECORD)
His Excellency Senor Dr. Cesar Gonzalez, the Ambassador of Venezuela (Newly appointed; presented credentials.)
His Excellency Senor Dr. Jose Richardo Chiriboga Villagomez, the Ambassador of Ecuador (Newly appointed; presented credentials)
His Royal Highness Prince Wan Waithayakon, the Foreign Minister of Thailand His Excellency Kempati Bunyaratapham, the Deputy Foreign Minister His Excellency Pote Sarasin, the Ambassador of Thailand (Asked for this through Protocol. The Foreign Minister wished to invite the President to visit Thailand)
Mr. Gerald G. Wagner, General Manager, Lopert Washington Theatres Mr. I. E. Lopert, President of Lopert Films (Mrs. Truman) (Arranged by Mrs. Truman. Presented to the President and Mrs. Truman a lifetime gold pass to the Lopert Theatres)
Commander Jesse Moss, Jewish War Veterans of the United States (Newly elected; asked if might pay respects)