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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

November 10, 1952

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

Senator Blair Moody, of Michigan
Honorable Perle Mesta, American Minister to Luxembourg
(Mr. Cyril Magnin) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Frederick Lawton, Director, Bureau of the Budget (Half hour)
(Mr. Eddie Jacobson) (Mr. Abraham Feinberg) (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly to arrange.) OFF THE RECORD
The President remained at home at the White House.
[Public Papers: Letter Directing the Air Coordinating Committee To Make Plans for Observing the 50th Anniversary of the Wright Brothers flight]
Judge E. Barrett Prettyman, Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly to request this.)
(Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Phillips of Kansas City, Missouri) OFF THE RECORD
Commander Floyd L. Ming, National Commander of the Disabled American Veterans Mr. Vivian D. Corbly, National Adjutant, DAV Mr. Cicero F. Hogan Mr. John W. Burris Mr. Clyde J. O'Daniel Mr. Charles E. Foster Admiral Charles S. Stephenson, Medical Director, DAV (Commander Ming is newly elected National Commander and wanted to pay respects to President. Arranged through Francis M. Sullivan, National Legislative Director, DAV)
Colonel Edward V. Condon, National Guard Bureau Colonel Elmer G. Brown, National Guard Bureau Lt. Col. Raymond F. Kreager, National Guard Bureau Colonel Ronald B. Stevens, National Guard Bureau Lt. Col. Ernest W. Posse, National Guard Bureau Mr. R. W. Turnley Mr. Richard B. Garvey Mr. James M. Riley (The President wrote Colonel Condon and told him to bring in a group of his friends.)
Dean H. K. Wilson, Dean of Men, Pennsylvania State College (Wrote the President he would be attending Land Grant Colleges' meetings here in November and wanted to discuss the Athens, Missouri, situation with the President.)
Honorable Thomas Burke, Mayor of Cleveland, Ohio (Honorable Michael DiSalle) OFF THE RECORD (Mayor Burke called Mr. Matthew Connelly to request this)
The Chinese Ambassador His Excellency Dr. George K. C. Yeh, Chinese Minister for Foreign Affairs (Arranged through Protocol)
Honorable Frederick Lawton, Director, Bureau of the Budget (Half hour)
Honorable Roger Putnam, Director of Economic Stabilization Honorable Archibald Cox, Director of Wage Stabilization Board (Mr. Putnam called Mr. Matthew Connelly)
(Mr. Frank Land) OFF THE RECORD (Mr. Land called Mr. Matthew Connelly from Kansas City to request this)
Dr. Frederick A. Middlebrush, President, University of Missouri Mr. Powell B. McHaney, President, Board of Curators, University of Missouri (Mr. McHaney wrote to Admiral Sidney Souers stating Leslie Cox told him to come in to discuss the new Medical School to be located in Columbia)
(Mr. Max Lowenthal) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable Clark Clifford) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable Fred Vinson, the Chief Justice) OFF THE RECORD
(The President and Mrs. Truman attended a dinner at the Chevy Chase Club given by Honorable Oscar Ewing. They left the White House at 7:10 p.m.) OFF THE RECORD
(The President and Mrs. Truman left the dinner in order to drop in at a Demolay Ceremony at 10:00 p.m., Scottish Rite Temple.) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Haraden Pratt, Telecommunications Adviser to the President (Called Mr. Connelly yesterday and asked for this)
Mr. Mike Flynn, of Kansas City, Missouri (Called Mr. Connelly yesterday and asked for this)
Honorable George Wadsworth, American Ambassador Designate to Czechoslovakia (Asked, through Protocol, to pay respects before departure for post)
Congressman George M. Rhodes, Pennsylvania (Asked if he might see the President today before going back to his District where there were still votes to be counted.)
Mr. Dwight Palmer, Director of Finance, Democratic National Committee
Congressman Wright Patman, Texas (Congressman Patman asked for this)
Honorable David Bruce, Under Secretary of State (Usual weekly appointment for State)
(Mr. Paul Dillon) OFF THE RECORD
Mr. C. J. Mack Mr. William Leahy (Presented the President with the first sheet of Tuberculosis Christmas Seals, and to be photographed with the President in the South Grounds in front of mobile x-ray unit.)
(Mr. Barnet Nover) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable Myron Cowan [Cowen], American Ambassador to Belgium) OFF RECORD
Honorable Eugenie Anderson, American Ambassador to Denmark (Asked for this sometime ago)
(Mr. Russell Stewart, Chicago SUN-TIMES) OFF THE RECORD
(The President "dropped in" on Founders' Day ceremonies at the National Press Club.)
(General W. Bedell Smith, Director, C.I.A.) (Admiral Sidney Souers, Adviser to the President) (Honorable James Lay, Jr., Executive Secretary, National Security Council) OFF THE RECORD
Senator Tom Connally, Texas (Called Mr. Connelly yesterday, saying he had a number of things to discuss with the President; half hour)
(Mr. Charles Van Devander) OFF THE RECORD
Mrs. India Edwards (Called Mr. Connelly last week and asked for this)
Senator Harley M. Kilgore, West Virginia (Called Mr. Connelly last week and asked for this)
(Mr. Wendell Lund) (Judge Luther Youngdahl) OFF THE RECORD
The President received the Directors of the National Newspaper Publishers Association: ANDREWS, M. M. BROWNING, Charles P. DAVIS, Dowdal H. DeJOIE, C. C. JACKSON, Emory JERVAY, T. C. KIRKPATRICK, John H. MARTIN, Louis E. MITCHELL, Frank W., Sr. MURPHY, Carol SCOTT, C. A. SENGSTACKE, John H. SWEETS, N. A. STANLEY, Frank L. VANN, Mrs. Robert WALKER, William O. WESLEY, Carter YOUNG, Thomas W.
[Public Papers: Remarks to the Directors of the National Newspaper Publishers Association]
Honorable Michael J. Galvin, the Under Secretary of Labor (Talked to Mr. Connelly last week and asked for this)
Honorable Frederick Lawton, Director, Bureau of the Budget (Half hour)
Mr. Joseph Keenan, American Federation of Labor (Postponed from yesterday)
(General Omar N. Bradley, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. and Mrs. George D. Clayton, Jr.) (Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clayton) (Came in to shake hands with the President) OFF THE RECORD
(The President and Mrs. Truman went to the home of Honorable Joseph Davies for an OFF THE RECORD dinner party.)
The President participated in a cornerstone laying ceremony of the new Temple of the Washington Hebrew Congregation, Macomb Street, N. W. The following accompanied the President: Admiral Robert Dennison General Robert Landry Mr. Roger Tubby Mr. Feeney Mr. Philleo Nash
[Public Papers: Remarks on Laying the Cornerstone of the New Temple of the Washington Hebrew Congregation]
Honorable Ellis Arnall (Honorable John R. Steelman) (Governor Arnall wrote Mr. Matthew Connelly last week to say he was anxious to see the President, with Dr. John R. Steelman)
Honorable Scott Lucas (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly last week and asked for this.)
Honorable J. Monroe Johnson, Interstate Commerce Commission (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly last week and asked for this.)
Mr. Lyle Wilson, United Press Mr. Paul Leach Mr. Richard Wilson, Des Moines Register (Asked if might come in and invite the President to Gridiron Dinner, December 13th)
Mr. Joseph Magee, of Kansas City, Missouri (Mr. H. J. Massman, Sr.) OFF THE RECORD (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly last week and asked for this)
Honorable David Bruce, Under Secretary of State (Usual Monday appointment)
Congressman Victor L. Anfuso, New York (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly last week and asked for this.)
Honorable Frederick Lawton, Director, Bureau of the Budget (One half hour)
(Honorable John W. Snyder, the Secretary of the Treasury) OFF THE RECORD
[Public Papers: Message to the Congress Transmitting Second Report on the Mutual Security Program]
Honorable Frederick Lawton, Director, Bureau of the Budget (one half hour)
Honorable Raymond M. Foley, Administrator, Housing and Home Finance Agency (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly last week and asked for this.)
The President presented the Harmon International Trophies to the following: Captain Charles F. Blakr, Jr. Mme. Jacqueline Auriol Lt. Carl J. Seiberlich (The Harmon awards are made for the most outstanding international achievements in the art and/or science of aeronautics for the previous year, with the art of flying receiving first consideration.) Government Officials present: FECHTELER, Admiral W. M. FLOBERG, Hon. John F. KIMBALL, Hon. Dan A. LANDRY, Major General Robert B. WILLIAMS, Colonel Francis W. Other Guests: ADAMS, Mr. and Mrs. Russell ARLEN, Margaret BELL, Larry BLAIR, Mrs. Charles F. Jr. BLAIR, Janice BLAIR, Charles F. Sr. BLAIR, Mrs. Charles F. Sr. BONNET, H.E. Henri, the French Ambassador and Mrs. Bonnet BROSNAHAN, Mary V. BOWL, Frederick W. BRUNO, Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. COCHRAN, Jacqueline COMBIER, P. Hodges CONVERSE, Dr. and Mrs. J. CHAPMAN, Mrs. W. F., Jr. CONE, Mr. and Mrs. J. Carroll CHARBONNEAUX, Colonel Pol E. de SEVERSKY, Major and Mrs. Alexander P. DOOLITTLE, Lt. Gen. and Mrs. James H. DOERN, Mr. and Mrs. Peter C., Jr. ENYART, Mr. and Mrs. William ELLINGTON, Mr. and Mrs. Ken GARDNER, Major Lester D. GRIFFITHS, Hon. Charles H. GERMI, Mr. and Mrs. August HARRIS, Brig. Gen and Mrs. Harold R. IANNONE, Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. KING, Mrs. William H. McEVOY, William MURTIN, General Jacques L. MEYER, Mrs. Francine MEYER, Mrs. Andre ODLUM, Floyd B. PRYER, Samuel F. PENROSE, Paul PRIESTER, Mr. and Mrs. Andre PLAYER, Mr. and Mrs. Willis ROSENDAHL, Vice Admiral and Mrs. Charles E. SCHRAMEK, Mr. and Mrs. William E. SCHILLING, Col. and Mrs. David C. SEIBERLICH, Mrs. Carl J. SEIBERLICH, Mrs. Helen D. STUART, Harold C. STAM, Mr. and Mrs. E. SHANNON, Mr. and Mrs. John SCRIBNER, Mr. and Mrs. Kimball J. TALBERT, Colonel and Mrs. Ansel E. WATSON, Captain and Mrs. George F.
The President received a group from the Poultry and Egg National Board, to receive annual gift of a Thanksgiving turkey. This is done each year by this organization, a non-profit organization for consumer information, and is only presentation of turkey made officially to the President. The following attended: BUDD, Mr. Theodore, Pemberton, New Jersey DOUGLASS, Mrs. Helen, Washington, D. C. GEURTS, Mr. W. T., Salt Lake City, Utah GRAUER, Mrs. Laura, New York City HOMES, Miss Barbara, Washington, D. C. JOHNSON, Mr. Loren, Corvallis, Oregon KNOX, Mr. Robert, New York City SMALL, Mr. M. C., Mount Morris, Illinois SMITH, Mr. C. Fred, New York City, Secretary of group MILLER, Mr. Herman URNER, Mr. Steve, New York City WILHELM, Dr. L. A., Lafayette, Indiana
Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State Honorable John W. Snyder, the Secretary of the Treasury Honorable Robert A. Lovett, the Secretary of Defense Honorable W. Averell Harriman, Director of Mutual Security (Briefing conference before Eisenhower visit)
Honorable Dwight D. Eisenhower, President-Elect of the United States
Honorable Dwight D. Eisenhower, President-Elect Senator Henry Cabot Lodge Honorable James M. Dodge Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State Honorable John W. Snyder, the Secretary of the Treasury Honorable Robert A. Lovett, the Secretary of Defense Honorable W. Averell Harriman, Director for Mutual Security
[Public Papers: Joint Statement following a Meeting With the President-Elect]
(Mr. Harry Schwimmer, of Kansas City, Missouri) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Sidney S. McMath, Governor of Arkansas (Called Mr. Connelly from Arkansas on November 5th and asked for this.)
(Mr. Robert Moore, Democratic National Committee) (Miss Mary Clynes, Democratic National Committee) (Mr. Moore asked for this and asked if it might be OFF RECORD)
Honorable Harry McDonald, Chairman, R.F.C. Honorable Clarence Buetal, Assistant Chairman (Chairman McDonald asked of Mr. Connelly if he might bring his assistant in to meet the President.)
(Honorable Frank Pace, the Secretary of the Army) OFF THE RECORD (Half hour. OFF RECORD)
Senator Ernest McFarland, Arizona (Called Mr. Connelly last Saturday and asked for this)
Honorable Frederick Lawton, Director, Bureau of the Budget (one-half hour)
Mr. Frank Anger, Chairman, Program Committee, the Executive Club of Chicago Colonel Tom Etchson Mr. James Day, President, Midwest Stock Exchange (Invited the President to address the Executives Club of Chicago, composed of young executives in and around Chicago, both Democrats and Republicans)