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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

December 06, 1945

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

Hon. Edward V. Loughlin; Judge Levy
The Secretary of State [James F. Byrnes]
(Mr. Louis Adamic) (Czech writer, from Milford N.J. says Nick Bez)
(Mr. Marquis Childs)
Sen. Hugh B. Mitchell, Wash.
Maj. Gen. John F. O'Ryan, Commander Gen., Military Order of Foreign Wars of U.S. (to pay respects)
Mr. Frank N. Parsons (former Nat. Director, U.S. Employment Service - appointment through Ted Marks)
Sen. Olin D. Johnston; Mr. Sloan W. Gable
Lord Keynes (John Maynard Keynes); Hon. J. Balfour, Minister of Great Britian (Lord Halifax asked if President could say "goodbye" to Lord Keynes - has been here since Sept. holding financial discussions with heads of government. His title is Economic Advisor to Government)
Maj. Gen. Carl Gray, Jr.
Hon. Frank Walker
Mr. L. W. Baldwin
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
(Off Record newsreel to be made of the President in his office for British consumption)
The Secretary of the Treasury [Fred M. Vinson]
Hon. Wilson Wyatt, Mayor of Louisville, Ky.
Mr. John H. Buscher, Mrs. Mary Penn (Mr. Buscher is from Independence and is going to bring a map of Independence - some special process he has perfected)
Judge Collett and son
Hon. Julius A. Krug
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lyons
(Left for cruise aboard USS WILLIAMSBURG)
(Ret'd Washington from cruise)
Senator Kenneth McKellar; Speaker Sam Rayburn; Senator Lister Hill; Congressman John W. McCormack [Public Papers: Joint Statement With the Prime Ministers of Great Britain and Canada Concerning Removal of Wartime Trade Controls]
[Public Papers: Statement by the President Concerning the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry (Palestine Commission)]
Mr. Robert H. Alcorn, connected with the General Conference on Retirement, Federal Employees; Mr. Leo E. George, President National Federation of Post Office Clerks; Mr. J.B. Burns, National President, American Federation of Government Employees; Mr. Chester Harvey, National President, Railway Mail Association. (To present invitation to the President to attend testimonial Dinner for Congressman Ramspeck being given by different organizations of Federal Employees - this appointment request came through Senator George's office)
Major General Philip B. Fleming, Administrator, Federal Works Agency (To discuss proposed changes in White House construction)
Mr. Benjamin F. Fairless, President, U.S. Steel Corporation; Mr. Irving S. Olds, Chaiman, U.S. Steel Corporation, OFF THE RECORD (This arranged at the suggestion Mr. John Snyder - both men answered Mr. Connelly's wire very promptly, accepting)
Senator Frank P. Briggs, Missouri; Mr. W.C. Hewitt, President, Missouri Press Association; Mr. H.P. Long, Secretary, Missouri Press Association. (To present the President a gold membership card signifying life membership , voted to him by the Missouri Press Ass'n. They were anxious to present it this year as their incoming President is not of the same political faith as the outgoing President, or the President of the United States)
Mr. Wilson Wyatt
The Secretary of State [James F. Byrnes]
Congressman William L. Dawson, Illinois; Mr. Frederick B. Weaver; Mr. Lawarence A. Oxley; Mr. Spurgeon Burke; Mr. Alfred Edgar Smith. (To extend invitation to the President to address the 34th Annual Conclave, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity. This appointment strongly urged by Mr. Hannegan)
Hon. Herbert H. Lehman
The Secretary of the Interior [Harold L. Ickes]
Hon. Ernest Gruening, the Governor of Alaska; Hon. E.L. Bartlett, the Congressional Delegate from Alaska. (Re official matters concerning Alaska)
General Dwight D. Eisenhower (The President asked for this appointment)
Hon. John Simmons, American Ambassador to El Salvador (Is at present in Washington for consultation, and would like to see the President before returning to El Salvador)
(Mr. John F. Budke, President, Parkersburg Iron and Steel) (Senator Kilgore made this request, and if possible will accompany Mr. Budke. At the suggestion of Dr. John R. Steelman, Senator Kilgore was told to have Mr. Budke come) OFF THE RECORD
Captain and Mrs. E.E. Bannon; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Gunther, President Kansas City Chapter, National Sojourners. (To present the President a gold life membership card, together with proper scroll. Had intended doing this in Kansas City when the President planned to be there for Ararat Shrine ceremonial)
Lunch with members of the Cabinet aboard USS WILLIAMSBURG
The Rt. Rev. Bernard J. Sheil
The Secretary of State [James F. Byrnes]; General George C. Marshall
Honorable Harold D. Smith
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
[Public Papers: Letter to Wilson Wyatt Appointing Him Housing Expediter]
Senator Harley M. Kilgore, West Virigina (Leaving city tomorrow, and wanted a few minutes before going away)
Hon. Harold A. Burton, Assoc. Justice, U.S. Supreme Court; Hon. William A. Burden, Asst. Secretary of Commerce for Air; Governor Frank Lausche, Ohio; Hon. Welch Pogue, Chairman, Civil Aeronautics Board; Hon. Thomas Burke, Mayor of Cleveland, Ohio; Dr. Jerome C. Hunsaker, Chairman, National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics ; Mr. John F. Victory, Secretary, National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics; Mr. Benjamin Hopkins, President, Cleveland Graphite Bronze Co.; Mr. Heliger Church, Vice President, The Weatherhead Co.; Mr. Albert J. Weatherhead , Jr., President, National Aircraft Show; Mr. Gene P. Robers, Vice President, National Aircraft Show. (To invite President to come to National Aircraft Show to be held Cleveland, Ohio Jan. 11-20 1946 - arranged at request of Justice Burton)
Mr. Ralph Ingersoll, Mr. Max Lerner; Mr. John P. Lewis (Arranged at the suggestion of Mr. Charles Ross)
Mrs. Jewel W. Swofford, Chairman, U.S. Employees Compensation Commission (Asked to come down from New York to discuss matters in relation to the work of the Commission)
The President presented Medals of Merit to Hon. Henry Morgenthau, Jr.; Hon. Ralph K. Davies. (Dr. Vannevar Bush was to be the third recipient at this ceremony, but cannot be present due to illness) (grippe) Those present: Henry Morgenthau's son; Ralph Davies daughter; Hon. Richmond Keech; The Secretary of War [Robert P. Patterson]; The Secretary of the Interior [Harold L. Ickes]; The Secretary of the Treasury [Fred M. Vinson]; Senator Mead of New York; Mr. D. W. Bell; Mr. Harry White; Mr. Herbert Gaston; Mr. Edward F. Bartelt; Mr. Frank Coe; Mr. Ted R. Gamble; Mr. George C. Haas; Mr. Ansel F. Luxford; Mr. Joseph J. O'Connell, Jr.; Mr. John W. Pehle; Mr. Henrietta S. Klotz; General Philip Fleming; Justice Harold H. Burton; Governor Frank Lausche, Ohio; Major Thomas Burke, Cleveland, Ohio; Mr. John F. Victory, Secretary, National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics; Mr. Heylinger Church, Vice President, The Weatherhead Company; Mr. Albert J. Weatherhead, Jr., President, National Aircraft Show; Senator James W. Huffman, Ohio; Hon. C. I. Stanton, Deputy Administrator, C. A. A.; Mr. Paul Miller, Senator Huffman's Secretary.
[Public Papers: Citation Accompanying the Medal for Merit Awarded to Henry Morgenthau]
[Public Papers: Citation Accompanying the Medal for Merit Awarded to Ralph K. Davies]
Hon. Paul E. Fitzpatrick, State Chairman, Democratic State Committee, N.Y.
Mr. Hamilton Holt, International President, Kiwanis International of Macon, Georgia; Mr. George A. Stringfellow, Vice President of Thomas A. Edison, Inc., and chairman of the Kiwanis Interna- tional Committee on Public Affairs for the United States; Mr. O.E. Peterson, Secretary of Kiwanis International; Fred Worthing (This appointment was originally sought for by Kiwanis International in September, stating it was the wish of this organization to help in solving some of the broad non-partisan social and economic problems that will confront our country in the years ahead. In again asking for this appointment, their Public Relations Director, Mr. Fred P. Worthing, repeated this desire of Kiwanis International to help in post-war period.)
Mr. Robert C. Simmons, General Chairman, All Star Game sponsored by Touchdown Club for benefit of Metropolitan Police Boys Club Mr. Ralph B. Pitman, Vice Chairman (To present the president with tickets for the game, which is always played by the two outstanding high school teams of Washinton, for benefit of the Boys Club)
(Hon. Myron Taylor) (Was to be in Washinton for three days and wanted to see the President while here) (OFF THE RECORD)
(Mr. Lorenzo Winslow, architect of White House and Mr. Howell G. Crim, Chief Usher) (OFF THE RECORD)
The Secretary of Agriculture [Clinton P. Anderson]
The Secretary of Labor [Lewis B. Schwellenbach]
Congressman Sol Bloom (Only wants three minutes)
Vice Admiral Emory S. Land
Mr. Martin McNamara; Mr. George O'Conor; Mr. James Cauliflower. (Executive Officers of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, to present the President with honorary membership)
Hon. Gifford Pinchot (Former Governor of Pa. To give the President draft of a suggestion he has in outline for an international con- ference on conservation of natural resources)
Hon. Rexford G. Tugwell, Governor of Puerto Rico (In Washington for several days)
Congressman Brooks Hays, Arkansas (Made at suggestion Mr. Charles Ross)
Captain Frank B. Fisher, Jr.
The Secretary of Commerce [Henry A. Wallace]
Sen. Peter G. Gerry, R.I.; Sen. Theodore Francis Green, R.I.; Cong. Aime J. Forand, R.I.; Cong. John E. Fogarty, R.I. (Senator Gerry called to ask for this appointment to discuss Navy's decision on Newport Torpedo Station)
Vice Admiral Ben Moreell
Hon. L. Welch Pogue
(Mr. Adolph Levy) OFF THE RECORD
Congressman F. Edward Hebert, La.; Hon. Robert Moestri.
Hon. Charles Sawyer, American Ambassador to Belgium
The Postmaster General [Robert E. Hannegan] (Just back from trip to Denver)
Hon. Harold D. Smith
(Dinner at 1925 F Street given by Mr. and Mrs. W. Stuart Symington)
Cabinet [Meeting]
The President presented the D.S.M. to Admiral Ernest J. King - ceremonies in East Room [Public Papers: Citation Accompanying the Distinguished Service Medal Awarded to Admiral Ernest J. King]
General George C. Marshall; Hon. Dean Acheson
Hon. Edward J. Flynn
Senator Brien McMahon, Conn.; Senator Millard E. Tydings, Md.; Senator Warren R. Austin, Vt.; Senator Arthur H. Vandenberg, Mich.; Senator Tom Connally, Tex.; Senator Edwin C. Johnson, Colo.; Senator Harry F. Byrd, Va.; Senator Thomas C. Hart, Conn.; Senator Eugene D. Millikin, Colo.; Senator Bourke B. Hickenlooper, Iowa; Senator Richard B. Russell, Ga. (Atomic Energy Committee)
Dr. Arthur J. Todd, Manager, Washington Office, The First Church of Christ, Scientist. (To discuss certain phases of the social security and universal military training programs - Charlie Ross knows him amd recommended the President see)
Mr. Lincoln Filene, of Boston (Arranged through David Niles - Mr. Filene was going to be in city for several days and wanted to call upon the President)
Executive Committee of the American Society of Newspaper Editors, as follows: Mr. John S. Knight, Pres. American Society of Newspaper Editors; Mr. Basil L. Walters, Executive Editor, Knight Newspapers; Mr. Roy Roberts, Kansas City Star; Mr. Dwight Young, Dayton Journal; Mr. W.S. Gilmore, Detroit News; Mr. Irwin Canham, Christian Science Monitor; Mr. Nathaniel Howard, Cleveland News; Mr. Dwight Marbin, Troy Times Record; Mr. David Lawrence, United States News; Mr. Alexander Jones, Washington Post; Mr. Ben McKelway, Washington Star. (According to Mr. Charles Ross, who arranged this, these men requested the appointment on the ground that maybe the President has something he would like to communicate to them)
Brig. Gen. W.A. Danielson, Memphis (To shake hands)
Hon. and Mrs. Phil J. Welch, Mayor of St. Joseph, Missouri; Miss Eleanor Welch; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Boyle. (Has been in New York or is on the way there (cannot tell from correspondence) to attend Conference of Mayors, and asked to call upon the President while in the East)
Honorable Ben F. Stapleton, Mayor of Denver
Admiral of the Fleet, Sir James Somerville (Leaving for England, to say "goodbye")
Mr. Herbert Waltke; Dr. John W. Behnken; Dr. Lawrence Meyer. (John Snyder has talked to Waltke, at Walter Reed yes- terday, and thinks the President should talk to him and Dr. Behnken. Behnken has just returned from trip to Germany, Switzerland and France and England, where he went on mission for the Lutheran Church - Mr. Snyder feels that what Behnken has to report will interest the President a great deal)
The Secretary of the Treasury [Fred M. Vinson]
[Public Papers: Statement by the President: United States Policy Toward China]
Congressman Orville Zimmerman
Hon. Stuart Symington (Asked for it)