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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

June 11, 1952

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

Honorable Franklin D. Richards, Commissioner, Federal Housing Administration (Honorable Walter Greene, Deputy Commissioner) Honorable Raymond Foley, Administrator, Housing and Home Finance Agency) (Arranged by Mr. Dawson; Richards went in first and then Mr. Green and Mr. Foley went in OFF THE RECORD)
Mr. Adre Bulova (Arranged at request of Paul Fitzpatrick)
Honorable Oscar Ewing, Federal Security Administrator (Asked if might report to the President on his trip to West Coast)
Honorable Frederick Lawton, Director, Bureau of the Budget (Fifteen minutes)
The President received delegates to Third Session of the Provisional Intergovernmental Committee for the Movement of Migrants from Europe. (Arranged at suggestion of State Department; Mr. Tubby got some background material for the President)
[Public Papers: Remarks to Members of the Provisional Intergovernmental Committee for the Movement of Migrants from Europe]
Honorable Edmund [Edmond] Hanrahan (Called Mr. Connelly last week from New York)
(Mr. Sidney Solomon, Jr.) (Came to see Mr. Connelly and saw the President) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. Joseph D. Guilfoyle and son, Joe, Jr., aged four) (Came to see Mr. Connelly and saw the President) OFF THE RECORD
The President received the Members of the United States Attorneys Association (And their wives; at request of the Attorney General [James P. McGranery])
[Public Papers: Remarks to Members of the United States Attorneys Association]
(General W. Bedell Smith, Director, Central Intelligence Agency) (Honorable James Lay, Executive Secretary, National Security Council) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Edmund [Edmond] Hanrahan (Postponed from yesterday)
(Senator Wayne Morse, Oregon) OFF THE RECORD (Asked for this Off Record)
Honorable Harry Rosenfield, Commissioner, Displaced Persons Commission (Postponed from last Tuesday, when it was cancelled because of the President's appearance before Congress.)
His Excellency Ramon Magsaysay, Secretary of Defense of the Philippines His Excellency Dr. Carlos P. Romulo, the Ambassador of the Philippines (Requested through Protocol, which Division advises that Mr. Magsaysay has made remarkable progress in combating the Communist-led Huks; he may offer additional troops for use in Korea; there is strong possibility he may be candidate for President of Philippines in 1953 elections; he was largely responsible for maintenance of law and order, making possible honest elections in 1952.)
His Excellency Senhor Walther Moreira Salles, the Ambassador of Brazil (Newly appointed; presented credentials.)
His excellency Phot Sarasin, the Ambassador of Thailand (Newly appointed; presented credentials)
His Excellency Eikichi Araki, the Ambassador of Japan (Newly appointed; presented credentials.)
Congressman Michael J. Kirwan, Ohio (Called Mr. Connelly yesterday and asked for this.)
Honorable Chester Bowles, American Ambassador to India (Asked for this through Protocol.)
Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State (Usual Thursday appointment)
(Mr. John Connerton) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable Philip B. Perlman, the Solicitor General) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Scott Lucas (Called Mr. Connelly yesterday and asked for this.)
Press & Radio Conference [Public Papers]
[Public Papers: Letter to Mrs. Elizabeth Cochrane on the Need for Increasing Social Security Benefits]
(Honorable Frank Pace, the Secretary of the Army) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable Samuel I. Rosenman) OFF THE RECORD
(Mrs. Alvin Baer, of Kansas City, with her daughter) (Adele and Julie Baer, and parents, (Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Lipman) OFF THE RECORD (Friends of Eddie Jacobson, who wrote Mr. Matthew Connelly and asked if they might shake hands; saw the White House first.)
(General W. Bedell Smith, Director, C.I.A.) (Honorable James Lay, Executive Secretary, National Security Council)
Cabinet [Meeting] (Foley for Treasury; Robert Lovett not Certain, and was to be represented by Mr. Foster if couldn't come; Mr. W. Averell Harriman absent; all others present.)
His Excellency Dr. J. H. van Roijen, Ambassador of the Netherlands His Excellency Baron Michiels Van Kessenich, Mayor of Maastricht (Asked for this through Protocol; Maastricht was liberated by American Forces in World War II.)
(Mr. George L. Wageley, of Jefferson City, Missouri) (Mrs. Nancy Garrett, daughter of Mr. Wageley) OFF THE RECORD (Came to see Mr. Matthew Connelly and shook hands with the President Off Record. Both Dick Nacy and Jim Blair wired Mr. Matthew Connelly to ask for this, stating he was fine Democrat and old supporter of the President, and has considerable influence in Labor Organizations.)
Mrs. India Edwards (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly last week and asked for this.)
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Sheean and daughters (Mr. Joseph Short) (Mr. Sheean wrote Mr. Hassett that he was coming through here enroute to Monticello, where he is gathering material for short book for children he is doing on Thomas Jefferson. Hoped the President might talk to him a bit about Thomas Jefferson.)
(Mr. Theodore Marks) OFF THE RECORD
[Public Papers: Remarks to Members of the International Society of Christian Endeavor]
[Public Papers: Commencement Address at Howard University]
Trip of the President to Electric Boat Co., Groton, and Submarine Base, New London, Connecticut
Pennsylvania Railroad Special train will be placed on Track 20, Union Station, Washington
Lv. Washington...(Pennsylvania RR)
Members of the party The President Hon. Matthew J. Connelly, Secretary to the President. Hon. Joseph H. Short, Secretary to the President. Major General Harry H. Vaughan, Army Aide to the President. Rear Admiral Robert L. Dennison, Naval Aide to the President. Major General Robert B. Landry, Air Force Aide to the President. Mr. Roger W. Tubby, Assistant Press Secretary. Commander H.D. Warde, (MC) USN. Mr. Jack Romagna. Commander William Rigdon, USN. Mr. Dewey Long. Major George McNally, USAR. Mr. H. B. Colvin. Mr. Robert A. Duffy Mr. Harry Charnley. Captain Eric Savage, USAR. Lt. Dean R. Woodward, USA. Secret Service Agents.
Mr. Merriman Smith~United Press Assocation Mr. Ernest B. Vaccaro~The Associated Press Mr. Robert G. Nixon~International News Service Mr. Joseph A. Fox~The Washington Star Mr. Anthony H. Leviero~The New York Times Mr. Lloyd Norman~The Chicago Tribune Mr. Jack Doherty~The New York Daily News Mr. James E. Warner~The New York Herald Tribune Mr. Robert Ruth~The Baltimore Sun Mr. William Henry~The Los Angeles Times Mr. Clay Blair, Jr.~Time-Life Magazine Mr. Ray Scherer~National Broadcasting Co. Mr. Lewis W. Shollenberger~Columbia Broadcasting System Mr. Bryson Rash~American Broadcasting Co. Mr. Byron H. Rollins~Associated Press Photos Mr. Stanely Tretick~United Press Photos Mr. Maurice Johnson~International News Photos Mr. William Richards~Fox Movietone News (Newsreel pool) Mr. Irving Heitzner~N. B. C. Television Mr. John Strong~Mutual (engineer-return) Mr. William Luce~United Press (join at Penn. Station, N.Y.) Mr. Harry Karr~Pennsylvania Railroad Mr. Edgar W. Hyatt~Pennsylvania Railroad Mr. P. C. Darcey~The Pullman Company
Pass Brill
Ar. Philadelphia, 30th Street Station Change engine crews
Lv. Philadelphia, 30th Street Station
Pass Holmes
Ar. Pennsylvania Station, New York Turn over to New Haven crew and operating personnel. Pick up William Luce of United Press
Lv. Pennsylvania Station, New York, NYNH&H RR
Ar. New Haven, Conn. Lay point at New Haven will be on Track 10. This point was selected as most desirable location off the main line and away from traffic.
Lv. New Haven, Conn.
Ar. New London (Railroad Station) Brief stop at New London station to permit radio, newsreel and TV crews leave train and ferry across to Electric Boat docks and set up equipment.
Ar. Electric Boat yard, South Gate After party detrains train will be moved out immediately and switched to Submarine Base and held until released. Movement from South gate, Electric Boat yard will include turing of train. Circulation: The President Mr. Matthew Connelly Mr. Joseph Short General Harry Vaughan Admiral Robert Dennison General Robert Landry Commander Warden Commander William Rigdon Mr. Roger Tubby Mr. Jack Romagna Mr. Rowly Mr. Nicholson Agents in charge of each shift.
[Public Papers: Address in Groton, Conn., at the Keel Laying of the first Atomic Energy Submarine]
[Public Papers: Remarks at a Luncheon at the Officers' Club, U.S. Submarine Base, New London, Connecticut]
The President remained at home at the White House the entire day.
Honorable W. Averell Harriman
(Sister Eucharistic) (Sister Grazie) OFF THE RECORD (Congressman McCormack brought them in for a handshake.)
BIG FOUR Honorable Alben Barkley, the Vice President Honorable Sam Rayburn, the Speaker of the House Honorable Ernest W. McFarland, Arizona Honorable John W. McCormack, Massachusetts
(Miss Connie Walter) OFF THE RECORD (Congressman McCormack brought her in to meet the President.)
Honorable Hiram Bingham (Former Republican Senator from Connecticut) (Called Mr. Connelly last week and asked for this Half Hour.)
Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State (Usual Monday appointment.)
(LUNCHEON WITH CABINET MEMBERS AT WHITE HOUSE:) (Honorable Dean Acheson) (Honorable John W. Snyder) (Honorable James P. McGranery) (Honorable Jesse Donaldson) (Honorable Charles Brannan) OFF THE RECORD
The following members of "Task Force Smith" met with the President at the telephonic request of Honorable Frank Pace, Secretary of the Army: SMITH, Lt. Colonel Charles B. DOODY, Capt. John J. DAY, Capt. Philip S. BERTHOLF, Capt. Russell W., Jr. WYRICK, Capt. William E. BERNARD, 1st Lieut. Carl F. CONNER, 1st. Lieut. Ollie D. HAWKINS, 1st. Sgt. John T. GODBEY, M/Sgt. James R. PUGH, M/Sgt. Donald M. KUNES, Sgt. 1st Cl. Kenneth P. ROSHEL, Cpl. Joseph, Jr. ELKINS, Mr. Douglas E., former soldier DE CRESCENZO, Mr. Julius J., former solider FOUNTAIN, Sgt. Robert H. CHARLES, Pfc. Paul N. KANE, Mr. John, Office of the Secretary of Defense ROCK, Capt. John J., Office of the Chief of Information PACE, Honorable Frank, Secretary of the Army
[Public Papers: Remarks to Members of "Task force Smith."]
Honorable Walter Donnelly, American Ambassador to Austria (Asked for this through Protocol)
Mr. Max Zaritsky, President, United Hatters, Cap and Millinery Workers International, A.F. of L. (Senator Chavez' office requested this appointment.)
(Honorable Frank McKinney, Chairman, Democratic National Committee) (Usual weekly half hour; OFF THE RECORD)
Honorable Leslie Biffle (Called Mr. Connelly last week and asked for this.)
(Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Thomas, of Maplewood, Missouri and daughter Patricia Ann) (Came to see Mr. Matthew Connelly and saw the President OFF THE RECORD.)
Admiral Ross T. McIntire (Advised Mr. Matthew Connelly last week that he expected to be in Washington at this time and hoped might see the President.)
Congressman Earl Chudoff, Pennsylvania (Wrote the President June 5th asking for this.)
The President received a medal from the National Forensic League, presented by a group of students from William Chrisman High School, Independence, Missouri: Delores Tandy Celia Fry Douglas Hagen David Freeman Miss Margaret Meredith, Speech Instructor Mr. Gregory Lefever, Assistant Principal (These students won first place in speech contests in Missouri and are eligible to compete in National Tournament at Boston University; enroute to Boston and asked by National Headquarters of Forensic League to present this medal to the President. The President is Honorary Member of Missouri Chapter of Forensic League.)
[Public Papers: Remarks Upon Receiving a Medal Presented by Students from William Chrisman High School, Independence, Missouri]
Honorable Albert F. Nufer, American Ambassador to the Argentine Republic (Newly appointed, and asked, through Protocol, to see the President before leaving for post.)
(Mr. Harry Schwimmer) (Mr. William Spann) OFF THE RECORD
H.E. Jean Letourneau, the Minister of the Associated States in the French Government H.E. Henri Bonnet, the Ambassador of France Honorable Donald R. Heath, American Minister to Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia (Requested by State Department.)
(Honorable Dan A. Kimball, the Secretary of the Navy) OFF THE RECORD (Came Off Record through Admiral Robert Dennison's office. Arranged by Admiral Robert Dennison.)
(Mr. Michael Gorman, President's Commission on Health Needs of the Nation) (Mrs. Florence Mahoney) OFF THE RECORD (Came to see Mr. Matthew Connelly and saw the President OFF RECORD.)
Honorable Chester Bowles, American Ambassador to India (The President asked him to come in before he goes back to post.)
Honorable John W. Snyder, the Secretary of the Treasury
(The President "dropped in" on meeting in Cabinet Room of National Advisory Board on Mobilization Policy.) OFF THE RECORD
(The following attended an "off the record" stag democratic dinner at the White House at the invitation of the President:) Honorable Frank McKinney, Chairman, Democratic National Committee Honorable Abraham Feinberg, New York Mr. George Faunce, Jr., of New York Mr. Fred Lazarus, Jr., of Cincinnati, Ohio Mr. William Zeckendorf, of New York Mr. Samuel Slotkin, of New Jersey Mr. M. Lincoln Schuster, of New York Mr. Lester Martin, of New York Mr. James C. Thompson, of Wisconsin Mr. Jacob Blaustein, of Maryland Mr. Alfred Kirsch, of New York Mr. Jacob Shapiro, of New York Mr. Samuel Koenigsberg, of New York Colonel Joseph Hartfield, of New York Mr. Albert I. Nierenberg, of New Jersey
(Mrs. Don McKellar and daughter and niece, Donna McKellar and Nancy Tuchfeld) OFF THE RECORD (Widow of Don McKellar, the Senator's brother. Saw White House and then came over to shake hands with the President Off Record.)
The President received a delegation from the Legislative Institute of the Utility Workers Union of America, CIO: Mr. William J. Pachler Mr. Joseph A. Fisher Mr. Patrick McGrath Mr. Andrew J. McMahon Mr. Garland Sanders Mr. Gus Lechak Mr. George McSweeney Mr. Harold J. Straub Mr. Edward Marsine (In 1948 their Convention was one of the first of Unions in country to endorse and work for reelection of the President, and at that time a delegation called on the President and presented their endorsement; as were meeting again in Washington, asked if delegation might pay respects on behalf of Union.)