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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

May 15, 1952

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

(Mr. Robert Hinckley) OFF THE RECORD
(Pre Press)
[Public Papers: Press & News Conference]
(Mr. William Mox) (Mr. Walter Koessler) (Mr. W. J. Conners) (Mr. Howard Clothier) OFF THE RECORD
(Dr. Howard Rusk) (Mr. Fred McNamara of Budget Bureau) OFF THE RECORD (Admiral Robert Dennison)
(Honorable James T. Blair, Jr., Lt. Governor of Missouri) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. James Doarn) OFF THE RECORD
(General W. Bedell Smith, Director, C.I.A.) (Mr. James Lay, Executive Director, National Security Council) OFF THE RECORD
Cabinet (Vice President [Alben Barkley] absent; W. Averell Harriman absent; all others present.)
(Mrs. Dorothy Schiff, Publisher, New York Post) (Mr. Jimmy Wechsler, Editor, New York Post) (Mr. Joseph Short) OFF THE RECORD (Mr. Joseph Short brought them in Off Record)
(Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Paul Appleby, Dean Syracuse University (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly from Syracuse last week and asked for this.)
The President's Airport Commission: General James H. Doolittle, Chairman Mr. Charles F. Horne Dr. Jerome C. Hunsaker (General Doolittle asked if the Commission might report to the President this month.)
Honorable Myrol M. Cowen, American Ambassador to Belgium (Requested this through Protocol Division.)
Honorable John W. Gibson, Chairman, Displaced Persons Commission (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly yesterday.)
Honorable Frederick J. Lawton, Director, Bureau of the Budget (Half hour) (The President spent the balance of the afternoon working on a speech.)
(The President left the White House for the Statler Hotel, where he attended the Armed Forces Day Dinner.)
[Public Papers: Remarks at the Armed forces Dinner]
(The President sat for Commercial Photographers, Harris & Ewing, et al, in the Broadcasting Room of the White House.)
(The President left the White House Office for Reviewing Stand on Constitution Avenue, accompanied by Mr. Joseph Short and the three Aides, to review Armed Forces Day Parade.)
(The President returned to the Executive Mansion.)
(Speech Conference)
(The President left the White House with Mrs. Truman for the Statler Hotel, to attend the Americans for Democratic Action Dinner.)
[Public Papers: Address at the National Convention Banquet of the Americans for Democratic Action]
(The President, Mrs. Truman and Miss Truman, attended services at St. John's Episcopal Church, Lafayette Square.)
BIG FOUR Honorable Sam Rayburn, the Speaker of the House Senator Ernest W. McFarland, Arizona Congressman John McCormack, Massachusetts (Vice President [Alben W. Barkley] absent)
(Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State) OFF THE RECORD (Honorable Robert A. Lovett, the Secretary of Defense) (General Omar N. Bradley, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff) (Honorable James Lay, Executive Secretary, National Security Council) (Arranged by Mr. Lay: LOWER WEST DOOR)
(Honorable Samuel I. Rosenman) OFF THE RECORD (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly from New York last Friday to say he would be in town today and had a couple of ideas he would like to tell the President about.)
H.E. Athanase G. Politis, the Ambassador of Greece Honorable Constantine S. Nicolopoulos, the Mayor of Athens, Greece (Presented to the President a diploma and gold medal representing honorary citizenship of the City of Athens, which the Municipal Council of Athens is awarding the President.)
H.E. Feridun C. Erkin, the Ambassador of Turkey Honorable Atif Benderliogler, Mayor of Ankara, Turkey Colonel Paul V. Betters, Executive Director, U. S. Conference of Mayors (Mayor Lawrence of Pittsburgh had asked to bring in the Mayor of Ankara, but as could not be present, asked if Colonel Betters might act for him. The Ambassador is only coming inasmuch as the Mayor of Ankara does not speak English.)
Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State (Usual Monday appointment.)
(The President gave a small, stag luncheon at the White House in honor of Right Honorable Robert G. Menzies, the Prime Minister of Australia. The following guests were present: The President The Rt. Hon. R. G. Menzies H.E. Hon. P. C. Spender, the Ambassador of Australia Dr. Roland Wilson, Secretary, Department of the Treasury of Australia Mr. Alan Watt, Secretary, Department of External Affairs of Australia Mr. Frederick Chilton, Deputy Secretary of Defense for Australia Honorable Alben Barkley, The Vice President Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State Honorable John W. Snyder, the Secretary of the Treasury Honorably Tom Connally, U. S. Senator from Texas Representative Charles A. Eaton Representative James P. Richards Honorable George W. Perkins
The President and Mrs. Truman gave a Departmental Receptioin at the White House.
(General Matthew Ridgway) OFF THE RECORD (General Omar N. Bradley, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff) (In the President's Study. General Harry Vaughan met General Matthew Ridgway at the Airport at 6:00 p.m. and brought him to the White House.)
(The President left for the train to West Point which was open early, it not being scheduled to leave until 2:40 a.m., Tuesday morning.) Train will be made up ready for occupancy at 10:00 p.m., (Eastern daylight time) Track 20, Union Station.
[Public Papers: Citation Accompanying Distinguished Service Medal Awarded to General Ridgway]
Ar. West Point, N. Y. (B&O--West Shore NYC)
Members of the Party The President Hon. Frank Pace, Secretary of the Army, Hon. Dan Kimball, Secretary of the Navy, Hon. Thomas Finletter, Secretary of the Air Force, General J. Lawton Collins, Chief of Staff, U.S. Army, Admiral William Fechteler, Chief of Naval Operations, General Nathan Twining, Acting Chief of Staff, USAF, General and Mrs. Matthew Ridgway, Hon. Matthew J. Connelly, Secretary to the President, Hon. Joseph Short, Secretary to the President, General Harry H. Vaughan, Army Aide to the President, Admiral Robert L. Dennison, Naval Aide to the President, General Robert B. Landry, Air Force Aide to the President General Wallace H. Graham, Physician to the President, Col. John R. Beishline, Col. Neil Mara, Col. Kenneth BeLieu, Mr. Jack Romagna, Mr. Dewey E. Long, Captain Harvard Dudley, USA, Mr. Robert A. Duffy, Mr. Harry Charnley, Mr. M. A. Selinger, Secret Service Agents
Newspaper Correspondents: Mr. Robert G. Nixon~International News Service Mr. Merriman Smith~United Press Association Mr. Edward F. Creagh~The Associated Press Mr. Edward T. Folliard~The Washington Post Mr. Lloyd Norman~The Chicago Tribune Mr. Jack Doherty~The New York Daily News Mr. Jack Beal~Time-Life Magazine Mr. Robert H. Donavon~The New York Herald-Tribune Mr. Robert Ruth~The Baltimore Sun Radio Correspondents: Mr. Frank Bourgholtzer~National Broadcasting Co. Mr. Hollis Seavey~Mutual Broadcasting System Mr. Louis Shollenberger~Columbia Broadcasting System Mr. John Edwards~American Broadcasting Co. Mr. William Costello~Columbia Broadcasting System (return) Still Photographers: Mr. Henry Griffin~Associated Press Photos Mr. Maurice Johnson~International News Photos Mr. Charles Corte~United Press Photos Newsreels: Mr. John Brockhurst~M-G-M-News-of-the-Day Mr. William Richards~Fox Movietone News Television: Mr. Irving Heitzner~N.B.C. TV. Mr. Thomas Craven~Associated Press TV.
Mr. Carroll S. Linkins, Western Union Mr. Everett Thompson Baltimore and Ohio Railroad
[Public Papers: Remarks at a Luncheon in the Cadet Dining Hall at West Point]
[Public Papers: Address at the Sesquicentennial Convocation of the United States Military Academy]
(Returned to Washington and to White House.)
Honorable Edmund G. Brown, the Attorney General of California Honorable William V. O'Connor, Chief Deputy Attorney General Mr. Everett W. Mattoon, Assistant Attorney General of California Mr. E. A. Mills, of San Francisco, California (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly last week from California.)
(Mr. Joseph Short) (Mr. Lay) (Mr. Pat Coyne) (Mr. Raymond Whearty) (Mr. Joseph Short brought them in.) OFF THE RECORD
The Teacher of the Year Mrs. Gerry Jones, of Santa Barbara, California Dr. Earl J. McGrath, U. S. Commissioner of Education Mr. Harold Jones, husband of Mrs. Jones Dr. G. Cary Smith, Office of the Commissioner of Education (Dr. McGrath wrote Mr. Matthew Connelly, stating "Because we believe that the quality of teaching is the key factor in strengthening America's schools** we have done number of things to bring to the attention of the public the important contribution of teachers. Our latest effort has been done in cooperation with National Council of Chief State School Officers and has involved selection of a representative "Teacher of the Year" who will be honored as a symbol of the profession within next two weeks." Asked if the President would receive Mrs. Jones, thus climaxing effort to bring to public attention significance of contribution made by teachers of the Nation.
Honorable James McGranery, The Attorney General
Congressman Victor L. Anfuso, New York (Mr. Matthew Connelly learned that Congressman Anfuso had felt the Administration did not know or appreciate the work he has been doing on Italian vote in New York; when he called Mr. Matthew Connelly, Mr. Matthew Connelly suggested he come down and tell the President what he was doing in this respect.)
[Public Papers: Remarks to the Winner of the Teacher of the Year Award]
(Senator Blair Moody, of Michigan) OFF THE RECORD (East Entrance)
The Reverend Gilbert V. Hartke, O.P., of Catholic University (To tell the President about his trip abroad.)
(The President left the Executive Office and walked to the Blair House for the Leslie Coffelt Memorial Plaque Dedication.)
The following persons attended the Dedication of a Memorial Plaque to the late Private Leslie Coffelt of the White House detail, Metropolitan Police in front of the White House: Metropolitan Police Department Representatives Major Robert V. Murray, Superintendent Inspector Howard V. Covell, Assistant Superintendent Inspector Edgar E. Scott, Detective Headquarters U.S. Park Police Chief Mark H. Raspberry White House Police Private Donald T. Birdzell Private Joseph O. Davidson Corporal Joseph H. Downs Inspector Hobart W. Francis U. S. Secret Service Special Agent Floyd M. Boring Speical Agent Vincent P. Mroz Special Agent in Charge James J. Rowley Chief U. E. Baughman Mrs. Leslie Coffelt (widow) Potomac Lodge, Order of Sojourners: Mr. Earl Davis, Master of the Lodge, and Mrs. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Dexter E. Bryan Mr. and Mrs. Guy Saunders Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Stoute Rev. and Mrs. Dorsey K. Sturges Dr. and Mrs. Ebart F. Warren Color Guard from Washington Chapter of National Soujourners: Colonel Edwin S. Bettelheim, Jr. Brigadier General Robert H. Dunlop Colonel Arthur J. Perry, Chaplain Commander and Mrs. Lawrence Vars The following guests of the Committee on Honors & Memorials of the National Sojourners, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Captain Verne Amberson Colonel William E. R. Basch Captain Robert E. Bassler Mrs. Beth Baumberger Lt. Col. William Mosley Brown Col. Carl S. Casto Maj. Omer W. Clark Col. and Mrs. Andrew J. Copp, Jr. Col. Harry Duchaine Lt. Col. Paul M. Filmer Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Girard Rev. James C. Graham Lt. Vernon H. Grant Vice Adm. Harry G. Hamlet Lt. Robert W. Herrick Maj. Albert W. Houghton, 3rd V-P Col. D. L. Knoll Capt. and Mrs. Bernard Leonard Maj. W. H. Mellen Lt. Comdr. Gay Milius Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Newstrom Lt. Col. John E. Pokorny Mr. James C. Richards Comdr. A. Roths Mr. R. C. Schiavo Comdr. William G. Shipman Lt. Col. Charles E. Smithson Comdr. Rulan I. Snyder Capt. Fred C. Snyder (originator of idea of memorial) Col. William J. E. Thompson Capt. Lou Tucker Maj. Wendell K. Walker Rear Adm. Wallen Comdr. Henry Welsford Col. Thomas B. White Capt. Russell B. Wine Rev. Irving C. Wise (At the conclusion of the ceremonies the President walked back to the Executive Office.)
[Public Papers: Remarks at the Dedication of a Memorial Plaque Honoring Pvt. Leslie Coffelt]
(The President left the Executive Office and motored to the Pentagon, where he attended luncheon in the Office of the Secretary of Defense, for General Matthew Ridgeway [Ridgway].)
(Honorable Frank Pace, Secretary of the Army) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. Garrett Smalley) OFF THE RECORD
Congressman Sidney R. Yates, Illinois (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly last week and asked if might come in and talk to the President on personal matter.)
Honorable Frederick Lawton, Director, Bureau of the Budget (One half hour)
(Mr. Harry Schwimmer, of Missouri) (Mr. William Spann, of Jackson County, Mo.) OFF THE RECORD
(The President, accompanied by three Aides and Mr. Joseph Short, left the White House for the Departmental Auditorium, where he "dropped in" at conclusion of dinner and addressed Veterans Administration Voluntary Services meeting. The President left immediately following his speech, at shortly after 8:30 p.m.)
[Public Papers: Remarks to Members of the National Advisory Committee of the Veterans Administration Voluntary Services]
(Mr. David Noyes) OFF THE RECORD
(Pre Press)
[Public Papers: Press and News Conference]
Honorable Angier Biddle Duke, American Ambassador to El Salvador (Asked, through Protocol, to pay respects to the President before departure for new post)
Honorable Francis B. Sayre, U. S. Representative on the Trusteeship Council of the United Nations (Asked for this through Protocol, is leaving in June for trip to Japan and wished to see the President before his departure)
Honorable Dean Acheson, The Secretary of State (Usual Thursday appointment)
(Honorable Delos W. Rentzel) (Honorable John R. Steelman) (Dr. John R. Steelman brought Mr. Rentzel over from East Entrance) (Half hour) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. James McCahey)
(Honorable Frank McKinney) (Mr. Walter Waldren, and son) (This was Mr. McKinney's usual weekly appointment; brought Mr. Waldren and son in for handshake and they left. Mr. Waldren is close friend of Governor Dever of Massachusetts)
(Left the White House for the Airport to see Secretary Acheson off)
(Left the White House for the Gayety Theatre)
[Public Papers: Message to the Congress Transmitting 68th Annual Report of the U.S. Civil Service Commission]
[Public Papers: Special Message to the Congress Upon Signing Bills Relating to Veterans' Benefits]
[Public Papers: Statement by the President: Memorial Day]
[Public Papers: Memorandum on Proposed Bills Dealing With Treaties and Executive Agreements]
[Public Papers: Letter to the Secretary of the Army Directing Him To Terminate Control of the Railroads]
(Jim Barnes) (Judge Richmond Keech) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Raymond M. Foley, Administrator, Housing and Home Finance Agency (Called Mr. Connelly Tuesday to ask for this)
(General W. Bedell Smith, Director, Central Intelligence Agency) (Honorable James Lay, Executive Secretary, National Security Council) OFF THE RECORD
(George Schoeneman) OFF THE RECORD
Cabinet [Meeting] (W. Averell Harriman absent; Perlman for Justice; all other present)
(Honorable Charles F. Brannan, The Secretary of Agriculture) (Stayed after Cabinet for few minutes)
Congresswoman Edna F. Kelly, New York (Asked for this a week ago; to invite the President to a political rally)
(Mrs. India Edwards) (Asked for this OFF THE RECORD: LOWER WEST DOOR)
The President received Members of the American Law Institute in the EAST ROOM of the White House. Invitation list for reception. NAME~CITY~GUEST Adair, Mr. Henry P.~Jacksonville, Fla.~Mrs. H. P. Adair Allen, Mr. Charles C.~St. Louis, Mo.~Mrs. C. Allen Amory, Mr. Robert, Jr.~Washington, D.C.~ Anderson, Mr. Dillon~Houston, Texas~Mrs. D. Anderson Angell, Mr. Ernest~New York, N.Y.~Mrs. E. Angell Appel, Mr. Monte~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. M. Appel Appel, Mr. Roberts R.~Lancaster, Pa.~Mrs. R. Appel Arant, Mr. Douglas~Birmingham, Ala.~Mrs. R.J. Stockham, Jr. Arensberg, Mr. Chas. F.C.~Pittsburgh, Pa.~Mrs. C. Arensberg Armstrong, Mr. Walter, Jr.~Memphis, Tenn.~ Arundell, Hon. C.R.~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. C.R. Arundell Ash, Mr. Robert~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. R. Ash Baar, Mr. Arnold A.~Chicago, Ill.~ Baer, Mr. Joseph J.~Uniontown, Pa.~ Bailey, Mr. Frank H.~Charleston, S.C.~Mrs. Frank H. Baldinger, Mr. Milton I.~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. M. Baldinger Ballard, Mr. Frederick A.~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. F. Ballard Bard, Hon. Guy Kurtz~Ephrata, Pa.~Mrs. Clara Leisey Barker, Hon. John T.~Macon, Missouri~Mrs. Frederick Gould Barker, Mr. Robert C.~Chicago, Ill.~ Barnes, Mr. John M.~Jacksonville, Fla.~Mrs. John M. Barnes Barnes, Mr. Lewis H.~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. Lewis H. Barnes Barnett, Mr. James, Jr.~Richmond, Va.~Mrs. Mary R. Barnett Barnhill, Mr. M.V., Jr.~Wilmington, N.C.~Mrs. M.V. Barnhill, Jr. Barron, Mr. Alexander J.~Pittsburgh, Pa.~ Barron, Mr. William W.~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. W.W. Barron Beall, Mr. Paul~Arlington, Va.~Mrs. Paul Beall Beckman, Mrs. Ada~Philadelphia, Pa.~Mr. Robert Beckman Beers, Mr. William L.~New Haven, Conn.~Mrs. William Beers Bell, Mr. James A.~Pittsburgh, Pa.~Mrs. James A. Bell Benham, Mr. H. K.~Winchester, Va.~ Benjamin, Mr. Robert M.~New York, N.Y.~Mrs. R. Benjamin Bennett, Mr. James V.~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. James Bennett Bennett, Mr. Lawrence~New York, New York~Mrs. L. Bennett Benson, Mr. Carville D.~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. Carville Benson Bentley, Mr. Richard~Chicago, Ill.~ Bergen, Mr. Kenneth W.~Boston, Mass.~ Berger, Mr. David~Philadelphia, Pa.~Mrs. D. Berger Berger, Mr. Raoul~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. R. Berger Bird, Mr. Francis M.~Atlanta, Ga.~Mrs. F. M. Bird Blewett, Mr. George~Philadelphia, Pa.~Mrs. George Blewett Boesel, Mr. Frank T.~Milwaukee, Wis.~Mrs. Geo. H. Strong Bookstaver, Mr. David R.~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. D. Bookstaver Boskey, Mr. Bennett~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. B. Boskey Boyer, Dean Benjamin F.~Philadelphia, Pa.~Mrs. B. Boyer Bradley, Mr. Raymond J.~Philadelphia, Pa.~ Branch, Mr. Claude R.~Providence, R.I.~ Breckinridge, Mr. Henry~Fresh Meadows, N.Y.~Mrs. H. Breckinridge Brewer, Mr. Leo~San Antonio, Texas~ Broeker, Mr. Bernard D.~Bethlehem, Pa.~Mrs. B. D. Broeker Brooks, Mr. John G.~Boston, Mass.~Mrs. J. G. Brooks Brosman, Hon. Paul W.~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. P. W. Brosman Brown, Dr. Brendan F.~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. B. F. Brown Brown, Mr. Jo. Baily~Pittsburgh, Pa.~Mrs. J. B. Brown Brown, Mr. John Mason~New York, N.Y.~Mrs. J. M. Brown Bruton, Mr. Paul W.~Philadelphia, Pa.~ Buchanan, Mr. John G.~Pittsburgh, Pa.~ Buchanan, Mr. John G., Jr.~Pittsburgh, Pa.~Mrs. J. Buchanan, Jr. Buckler, Mr. Leslie H.~Charlottesville, Va.~Mrs. L. Buckler Buist, Mr. George L.~Charleston S.C.~Mrs. G. Buist Burgess, Mr. Edwin H.~Baltimore, Md.~Mrs. E. H. Burgess Burns, Mr. Howard F.~Cleveland, Ohio~Mrs. H. F. Burns Cairns, Mr. Huntington~Washington, D.C.~ Caldwell, Mr. Manley P.~West Palm Beach, Fla.~Mrs. M. P. Caldwell Cantrall, Mr. Arch M.~Clarksburg, W. Va.~Mrs. A. M. Cantrall Caplan, Mr. Louis~Pittsburgh, Pa.~ Caplin, Prof. Mortimer M.~Charlottesville, Va.~ Carr, Mr. W. Russell~Uniontown, Pa.~ Cary, Mr. William L.~Chicago, Ill.~Mrs. W. L. Cary Casner, Mr. A. James~Belmont, Mass.~Mrs. A. J. Casner Chester, Mr. Theodore A.~Los Angeles, Calif.~ Chrystie, Mr. Thomas W.~New York, New York~Mrs. T. W. Chrystie Chubb, Mr. R. Walston~St. Louis, Mo.~Mrs. R. W. Chubb Clark, Mr. Herbert W.~San Francisco. Calif.~ Clark, Mr. Ralph E.~Cincinnati, Ohio~Mrs. R. E. Clark Clegg, Mr. Oliver M.~Magnolia, Ark.~Mrs. O. M. Clegg Clemens, Mr. E. W.~San Antonio, Tex.~Mrs. Ernest Clemens Coblentz, Mr. Wm. K.~San Francisco, Calif.~Mrs. Z. B. Coblentz Cobourn, Mr. Frank M.~Toledo, Ohio~Mrs. F. M. Cobourn Cohen, Mr. Edwin S.~New York, N.Y.~Mrs. E. S. Cohen Cohen, Mr. Hyman J.~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. Ann Cohen Cohn, Mr. Haskell~Boston, Mass.~Mrs. Haskell Cohn Colby, Mr. Willoughby A.~Concord, N. H.~Mrs. W. A. Colby Collierm Mr. Charles S.~Washington, D.C.~Miss Maxine Scarborough Cope, Mr. Kenneth B.~Canton, Ohio~Mrs. Lela C. Cope Cords, Mr. Charles D.~Brooklyn, N.Y.~Mrs. C. D. Cords Cotton, Mr. Albert H.~Richmond, Va.~Mrs. Anne Cotton Coughlin, Mr. Barring~Cleveland, Ohio~Mrs. B. Coughlin Courtney, Mr. John J.~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. J. J. Courtney Coxe, Mr. Whitwell W.~Roanoke, Va.~Mrs. W. W. Coxe Craft, Mr. Edward O.~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. E. Craft Craig, Mr. G. Ray~Norwalk, Ohio~ Crane, Mr. Judson A.~Pittsburgh, Pa.~Mrs. J. A. Crane Crawford, Mr. James S.~Pittsburgh, Pa.~Mrs. J. S. Crawford Crothers, Mr. George E.~San Francisco, Calif.~ Crotty, Mr. Homer D.~Los Angeles, Calif.~Mrs. H. D. Crotty Cunningham, Mr. Roger A.~Alexandria, Va.~Mrs. R. A. Cunningham Curtis, Mr. Charles P.~Boston, Mass.~Mrs. Henry W. Winot Cutter, Mr. R. Ammi~Boston, Mass.~Mrs. R. A. Cutter Clark, Mr. John J.~New York, N.Y.~Mrs. J.J. Clark Dach, Mr. Joseph~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. Joseph Dach Dangel, Mr. Edward M.~Chestnut Hill, Mass.~Mrs. Edward Dangel Darr, Mr. Loren~Brooklyn, N. Y.~Mrs. Loren Darr Darrell, Mr. Norris~New York, N. Y.~Mrs. N. Darrell Dart, Mr. Henry P., Jr.~New Orleans, La.~Mrs. H. P. Dart, Jr. Davis, Mr. Fred L.~Parkersburg, W.Va.~Mrs. F. L. Davis Dawson, Mr. Clarence E.~Washington, D.C~ Day, Mr. Rufus S., Jr.~Cleveland, Ohio~ Dearborn, Mr. F. M., Jr.~Wenham, Mass.~ Delaume, Mr. Georges R.~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. G. R. Delaume Derby, Mr. Augustin~San Francisco, Calif.~Mrs. Eliz. P. Stoddard DeWind, Mr. Adrian W.~New York, New York~Mrs. A. W. DeWind DeWitt, Mr. Paul B.~New York, New York~Mrs. P. B. DeWitt Dickinson, Prof. Edwin D.~Philadelphia, Pa.~Mrs. E. D. Dickinson Dinkelspiel, Mr. Martin J.~San Francisco, Calif.~Mrs. M. J. Dinkelspiel Dixon, Mr. Arthur~Chicago, Illinois~Mrs. Leonard Block Douglas, Mr. James M.~St. Louis, Mo.~Mrs. J. M. Douglas Doyle, Mr. Michael F.~Philadelphia, Pa.~Mrs. M. F. Doyle Dryer, Mr. Edwin J.~Arlington, Va.~Mrs. E. J. Dryer Dunbar, Mr. Charles E., Jr.~New Orleans, La.~Mrs. C. E. Dunbar Duncan, Mr. Andrew W.~Louisville, Ky.~Mrs. Louise L. Duncan Dwan, Mr. Ralph H.~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. R. H. Dwan East, Hon. William G.~Eugene, Oregon~Mrs. William East Eastham, Mr. James S.~Boston, Mass.~Mrs. J. S. Eastham Edmonds, Hon. Douglas I.~San Francisco, Calif.~Mrs. D. L. Edmonds Edwards, Mr. Wm. H.~Providence, R.I.~Mrs. W. H. Edwards Eichenbaum, Mr. E. Chas.~Little Rock, Ark.~Mrs. E. C. Eichenbaum Eldredge, Mr. Laurence H.~Philadelphia, Pa.~Mrs. L. Eldredge Elliott, Mr. Byron K.~Boston, Mass.~Mrs. B. K. Elliott Elson, Mr. Sam~St. Louis, Mo.~Mrs. Sol Elson Ely, Mr. Northcutt~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. Northcutt Ely Embree, Mr. William Dean~New York, New York~Mrs. W. D. Embree Eney, Mr. H. Vernon~Baltimore, Md.~Mrs. H. V. Eney Epstein, Mr. Maurice~Houston, Texas~Mrs. M. Epstein Everett, Mr. R. O.~Durham, N. Car.~Mrs. R. O. Everett Eversman, Mr. Walter A.~Toledo, Ohio~ Fairley, Mr. Francis H.~Charlotte, N.C.~Mrs. F. H. Fairley Falk, Mr. Edwin A.~New York, N.Y.~ Falk, Mr. Stanley G.~Buffalo, N.Y.~ Farage, Mr. Donald J.~Philadelphia, Pa.~Mrs. D. J. Farage Farinholt, Prof. L. W., Jr.~Baltimore, Md.~ Farley, Mr. Robert J.~University, Miss.~ Fee, Hon. James A.~Portland, Ore.~Mrs. J. A. Fee Fellers, Mr. James D.~Oklahoma City, Okla.~Mrs. J. D. Fellers Ferguson, Mr. Edwin E.~Vienna, Virginia~Mrs. E. E. Ferguson Ferguson, Miss M. Eliz.~Philadelphia, Pa.~ Ferguson, Mr. Tracy H.~Syracuse, N.Y.~Mrs. T. H. Ferguson Fey, Mr. John T.~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. Jane K. Fey Field, Mr. John A., Jr.~Charleston, W.Va.~ Finch, Hon. Edward R.~New York, N.Y.~Mrs. E. R. Finch Fisher, Mr. Samuel J.~Baltimore, Md.~Mrs. Samuel J. Fisher Fisk, Mr. Frederick M.~San Francisco, Calif.~Mrs. F. M. Fisk Fitchett, Mr. Jos. W.~Huntington, W.Va.~Mrs. J. W. Fitchett Fitzgerald, Mr. John C.~Chicago, Ill.~Mrs. J. C. Fitzgerald Ford, Mr. Peyton~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. P. Ford Fordham, Mr. Jefferson B.~Columbus, Ohio~ Forte, Mr. Felix~Somerville, Mass.~Mrs. F. Forte Fournett, Hon. John B.~New Orleans, La.~ Fox, Mr. Edward J., Jr.~Easton, Pa.~Mrs. E. J. Fox, Jr. Francis, Mr. Charles I.~Houston, Texas~ Frazier, Mr. Robert H.~Greensboro, N.C.~Miss Mildred Elmore Freedheim, Mr. Eugene H.~Cleveland, Ohio~Mrs. E. H. Freedheim Freedman, Mr. Walter~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. W. Freedman Freund, Mr. Arthur J.~St. Louis, Mo.~Mrs. A. J. Freund Fryer, Mr. William T.~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. Eliz. S. Fryer Fuller, Mr. Fred E.~Toledo, Ohio~Mrs. F. E. Fuller Funk, Mr. Carl W.~Philadelphia, Pa.~Mrs. C. W. Funk Gale, Mr. Henry B.~New York, N.Y.~Mrs. Henry Gale Gallagher, Mr. Harold J.~New York, N.Y.~Mrs. H. J. Gallagher Gambrell, Mr. E. Smythe~Atlanta, Ga.~Mrs. E. S. Gambrell Garfield, Mr. T. G.~Ames, Iowa~Mrs. T. G. Garfield Garvey, Mrs. Jane~Philadelphia, Pa.~ Gary, Mr. Frank B.~Columbia, S.C.~Mrs. F. B. Gary Gelberg, Mr. Frederick~New York, N.Y.~Mrs. F. Gelberg Gerhart, Mr. Eugene C.~Binghamton, N.Y.~Mrs. Lorriane S. Wagner Gershenson, Mr. Harry~St. Louis, Mo.~ Glenn, Mr. Eugene~San Diego, Calif.~ Godfrey, Mr. Alfred L.~Elkhorn, Wis.~Mrs. A. L. Godfrey Godfrey, Mr. Edward A.~Albany, N.Y.~ Goldman, Mr. Robert P.~Cincinnati, Ohio~Mrs. R. P. Goldman Goldstein, Mr. Elliott~Atlanta, Ga.~Mrs. E. Goldstein Goodrich, Hon. Edgar J.~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. E. J. Goodrich Goodrich, Hon. Herbert F.~Philadelphia, Pa.~Mrs. H. F. Goodrich Gornick, Mr. Alan L.~Dearborn, Mich.~Mrs. A. L. Gornick Graham, Mr. Charles V.~New York, N.Y.~Mrs. C. V. Graham Grand, Mr. Gordon, Jr.~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. G. Grand, Jr. Graves, Mr. H. Brice~Richmond, Va.~ Green, Mr. Theodore F.~Washington, D.C.~ Griffiths, Mr. Farnham P.~San Francisco, Calif.~Mrs. F. P. Griffiths Grinnell, Mr. Frank W.~Boston, Mass~ Griswold, Dean Erwin N.~Cambridge, Mass.~Mrs. E. N. Griswold Hafer, Mr. George H.~Harrisburg, Pa.~Mrs. G. H. Hafer Halpern, Mr. Philip~Buffalo, N.Y.~Mrs. P. Halpern Hammond, Mr. Edward H.~Berlin, Md.~Mrs. E. H. Hammond Hand, Hon. Augustus N.~New York, N.Y.~Mrs. A. Hand Hankin, Mr. Gregory~Davidsonville, Md.~Mrs. Charlotte Hankin Hanna, Mr. John~New York, N.Y.~Mrs. Barrow Lyons Hanson, Mr. Elisha~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. E. Hanson Hardgrove, Mr. J. Gilbert~Milwaukee, Wis.~ Hardy, Mr. D. Heywood~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. D. H. Hardy Harno, Dean Albert J.~Urbana, Ill.~Mrs. A. J. Harno Harris, Mr. George B.~Cleveland, Ohio~Mrs. G. B. Harris Harris, Mr. Samuel J.~Buffalo, N.Y.~Mrs. S. J. Harris Harrison, Mr. Earl G.~Philadelphia, Pa.~Mrs. E. G. Harrison Hartfield, Mr. Joseph M.~New York, N.Y.~ Hastie, Hon. William H.~Philadelphia, Pa.~ Hatch, Mr. Sinclair~New York, N.Y.~Mrs. S. Hatch Hawkland, Mr. Wm. D.~Philadelphia, Pa.~Mrs. Rosemary Hawkland Hebert, Mr. Paul M.~Baton Rouge, La.~ Heineman, Mr. Ben W.~Chicago, Ill.~ Hellring, Mr. Bernard~Newark, N.J.~Mrs. B. Hellrign Henderson, Mr. Jos. W.~Philadelphia, Pa.~Mrs. J. W. Henderson Herin, Hon. William A.~Miami, Florida~ Hester, Mr. W. J.~Coral Gables, Fla.~ Heyman, Mr. Herman~Atlanta, Ga.~Mrs. H. Heyman Hickox, Mr. Charles R.~Litchfield, Conn.~ Higgins, Mr. Allan H. W.~Boston, Mass.~Mrs. Lou C. Higgins Hileman, Mr. Charles C.~Alexandria, Va.~Mrs. C. C. Hileman Hinckley, Mr. Frank L.~Providence, R.I.~ Hincks, Hon. Carroll C.~New Haven, Conn.~Mrs. C. C. Hincks Hodges, Mr. Wm. V.~New York, N.Y.~Mrs. W. V. Hodges Hoke, Mr. George P.~Minneapolis, Minn.~Mrs. G. P. Hoke Holland, Mr. H. Brian~Boston, Mass.~ Holtzoff, Mr. Alexander~Washington, D.C.~ Honnold, Mr. John O., Jr.~Philadelphia, Pa.~Mrs. J. O. Honnold, Jr. Hopkins, Mr. Robert H.~Boston, Mass.~Mrs. R. H. Hopkins Horack, Mr. H. C.~Arlington, Va.~Mrs. H. C. Horack Horan, Mr. F. H.~New York, N.Y.~Mrs. F. H. Horan Horvitz, Mr. Harold~Boston, Mass.~Mrs. H. Horvitz Hosch, Dean J. Alton~Athens, Georgia~Mrs. J. A. Hosch Houston, Mr. J. Garfield~Pittsburgh, Pa.~Mrs. J. G. Houston Howe, Mr. Warren R.~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. W. R. Howe Huddleston, Mr. Jackson N.~Huntington, W.Va.~Mrs. J. N. Huddleston Hunter, Mr. Harold A.~New York, N.Y.~Mrs. H. A. Hunter Hutchinson, Hon. Jos. C., Jr.~Houston, Texas~Mrs. J. C. Hutchinson Hyde, Hon. Laurance M.~Jefferson City, Mo.~Mrs. L. M. Hyde Hodges, Mr. Edward P.~Washington, D.C.~Miss Moide W. Hodges Howard, Miss Wilma~Knoxville, Tenn.~ Invernizzi, Mr. Frederick~Baltimore, Md.~Mrs. F. W. Invernizzi Ireton, Mr. J. Francis~Baltimore, Md.~Mrs. J. F. Ireton Israels, Mr. Carlos L.~New York, N.Y.~Mrs. C. L. Israels Ivins, Mr. James S.Y.~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. J.S.Y. Ivins Ivins, Mr. Richard N.~Arlington, Va.~Mrs. R. N. Ivins Jackson, Mr. Thomas B.~Charleston, W.Va.~Mrs. T. B. Jackson Jaretzki, Mr. Alfred, Jr.~New York, N.Y.~ Jenner, Mr. Albert E., Jr.~Chicago, Ill~ Johns, Mr. Roy W.~Philadelphia, Pa.~Mrs. R. W. Johns Johnson, Mr. George M.~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. Alice Trigg Johnson, Mr. Mark H.~New York, N.Y.~Mrs. M. H. Johnson Johnson, Mr. Joseph F.~Birmingham, Ala.~Mrs. J. F. Johnston Joiner, Mr. Charles W.~Ann Arbor, Mich.~ Jones, Mr. Laurence M.~Baltimore, Md.~ Jones, Mr. Warren L.~Jacksonville, Fla.~Mrs. W. L. Jones Julian, Mr. L. S.~Miami, Florida~Mrs. L. S. Julian Kamin, Mr. Sherwin~New York, N.Y.~Mrs. S. Kamin Kane, Miss Emma~Philadelphia, Pa.~ Kaplan, Mr. Eugene J.~New York, N.Y.~Miss Jane Gordon Kennedy, Mr. Lloyd W.~Chicago, Ill.~Mrs. L. W. Kennedy Kent, Mr. Arthur H.~San Francisco, Calif.~Mrs. A. H. Kent Kern, Hon. John W.~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. J. W. Kern Kerrigan, Mr. R. Emmett~New Orleans, La.~Mrs. R. E. Kerrigan Kilpatrick, Mr. H. Cecil~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. H. C. Kilpatrick King, Mr. Edgar I.~Cleveland, Ohio~Mrs. E. I. King Kintisch, Mr. Emanuel~Arlington, Va.~Mrs. E. Kintisch Kinzler, Mr. Morton H.~New York, N.Y.~ Kirby, Mr. Vance N.~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. V. N. Kirby Kirkbride, Mr. Walter E.~Toledo, Ohio~Mrs. W. E. Kirkbride Kirkpatrick, Mr. Robert L.~Pittsburgh, Pa.~Mrs. R. L. Kirkpatrick Knight, Mr. Harry S.~Sunbury, Pa.~Mrs. H. S. Knight Know, Mr. William F.~Pittsburgh, Pa.~Mrs. W. F. Knox Korth, Mr. Fred~Fr. Worth, Tex.~Mrs. Fred Korth Landy, Mr. David L.~Buffalo, N.Y.~ Lane, Mr. Charles E.~Cheyenne, Wyo.~Mrs. Edward Gowdy Latimer, Hon. Clyde B.~Frankfort, Ky.~ Lavery, Mr. Urban A.~Chicago, Ill.~Mrs. Ann L. Tyson Laws, Hon. Bolitha J.~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. B. J. Laws Leary, Mr. Fairfax, Jr.~Wynnewood, Pa.~Mrs. F. Leary, Jr. Leath, Mr. Thomas H.~Rockingham, N.C.~Mrs. T. H. Leath Lehman, Mr. Wm. P.~Fairmount, W.Va.~Mrs. W. P. Lehman Leigh, Mr. Thomas W.~Monroe, La.~Mrs. T. W. Leigh Lemann, Mr. Monte~New Orleans, La.~Mrs. M. Lemann Leming, Mr. Mason B.~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. M. B. Leming Lesemann, Mr. Ralph F.~Urbana, Ill.~ Levi, Mr. Edward H.~Chicago, Ill.~Mrs. E. Levi Levin, Mr. Harvey~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. H. Levin Levins, Mr. Richard T.~Brooklyn, N.Y.~ Lewin, Mr. John H.~Baltimore, Md.~Mrs. J. H. Lewin Lewis, Mr. H. H. Walker~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. H. H. W. Lewis Lewis, Mr. James B.~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. Ruth Lewis Liles, Mr. Kenneth~Alexandria, Va.~Mrs. K. Liles Limbaugh, Mr. Rush H.~Cape Girardeau, Mo.~ Litton, Mr. Ralph~St. Anthony, Idaho~Mrs. R. Litton Livengood, Mr. Chas. H., Jr.~Durham, North Car.~Mrs. C. Livengood, Jr. Lobinger, Mr. Charles S.~Washington, D.C.~Miss Rosamond Wright Long, Mr. Charles D.~St. Louis, Mo.~ Long, Mr. Mitchell~Knoxville, Tenn.~Mrs. Mitchell Long Lord, Mr. Leland L.~Toledo, Ohio~Mrs. Carolyn M. Lord Loth, Mr. Alan~Fort Dodge, Iowa~ Love, Mr. Edward B.~Chicago, Ill.~ Lummus, Hon. Henry T.~Swampscott, Mass.~Mrs. H. T. Lummus Lytle, Mr. Roy C.~Oklahoma City, Okla.~Mrs. R. C. Lytle Lawrence, Mr. C. Clive~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. C. C. Lawrence McAllister, Mr. Thomas F~Grand Rapids, Mich.~ McBride, Mr. Thomas D.~Philadelphia, Pa.~Mrs. T. D. McBride McCamic, Charles~Wheeling, W.Va.~Mrs. C. McCamic McClatchey, Mr. Devereaux~Atlanta, Ga.~Mrs. D. F. McClatchey McCleary, Mr. Glenn A.~Columbia, Mo.~Mrs. G. A. McCleary McCloy, Mr. Joseph F.~New York, N.Y.~Miss Delight Millspaugh McDevitt, Mr. Vincent P.~Philadelphia, Pa.~Mrs. V. P. McDevitt McDougle, Mr. Robert B.~Parkersburg, W.Va.~Mrs. R. B. McDougle McGregor, Mr. Douglas W.~Houston, Texas~ McKaig, Mr. Edgar S.~Philadelphia, Pa.~Mrs. E. S. McKaig McKay, Mr. Douglas~Columbia, S.C.~ McKee, Mr. Ralph D.~Pittsburgh, Pa.~Mrs. R. D. McKee McLaughlin, Mr. Walter A.~Philadelphia, Pa.~ McMahon, Mr. F. T.~New York, N.Y.~Mrs. F. T. McMahon MacCracken, Mr. Wm. P., Jr.~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. W. P. MacCracken Mackall, Mr. H. C.~Minneapolis, Minn.~Mrs. H. C. Mackall MacTavish, Mr. L. R.~Toronto, Canada~Mrs. L. R. MacTavish Madden, Mr. J. Warren~Falls Church, Va.~Mrs. J. W. Madden Magnusson, Mr. Warren~Arlington, Va.~Mrs. W. Magnusson Magruder, Hon. Calvert~Cambridge, Mass.~Mrs. C. Magruder Maguire, Mr. John M.~Cambridge, Mass.~Mrs. J. M. Maguire Malcolm, Mr. Walter P.~Hingham, Mass.~ Malley, Miss Lillian L.~Hartford, Conn.~ Malone, Mr. Rosser L.~Roswell, N. Mex.~ Marbury, Mr. William L.~Baltimore Md.~Mrs. Wm. L. Marbury Marden, Mr. Orison L.~New York, N.Y.~Mrs. O. Marden Marks, Mr. Sumter D., Jr.~New Orleans, La.~ Marshall, Mr. Rembert~Atlanta, Ga.~Mrs. R. Marshall Martin, Mr. Clarence E.~Martinsburg, W.Va.~Mrs. C. Martin Martin, Mr. George W.~New York, N.Y.~Mrs. G.W. Martin Martin, Mr. Oscar T.~Springfield, Ohio~ Martin, Mr. Thomas E.~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. T. E. Martin Markham, Mr. William L.~Birmingham, Ala.~Mrs. James M. Markham Mickey, Mr. Paul~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. P. Mickey Miller, Mr. Frederic M.~Des Moines, Iowa~ Miller, Mr. Justin~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. J. Miller Miller, Mr. Robert N.~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. R. Miller Mitchell, Mr. Morris B.~Minneapolis, Minn.~ Mitchell, Mr. Richard F.~Chevy Chase, Md.~Mrs. R. F. Mitchell Moise, Mr. E. W.~Atlanta, Ga.~Mrs. E. W. Moise Montgomery, Mr. James, Jr.~Philadelphia, Pa.~Mrs. J. Montgomery, Jr. Montgomery, Mr. Robert H.~Boston, Mass.~Mrs. R. Montgomery Moore, Mr. James A.~Philadelphia, Pa.~Mrs. J. A. Moore Moser, Mr. Clarence P.~Rochester, N.Y.~Mrs. C. Moser Mueller, Mr. Paul A.~Lancaster, Pa.~Mrs. P. A. Mueller Mulder, Mr. John E.~Philadelphia, Pa.~Mrs. J. E. Mulder Murdock, Hon. J. E.~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. J. E. Murdock Murphy, Mr. Robert B.~Madison, Wis.~ Murray, Hugh V., Jr.~Centralia, Ill.~Mrs. H. V. Murray, Jr. Muse, Mr. Wm. T.~Richmond, Va.~Mrs. Wm. T. Muse Musgrave, Mrs. G.W.S.~Laurel, Maryland~ Nadelmann, Kurt H.~Philadelphia, Pa.~Mrs. K. Nadelmann Napier, Miss Maud~Washington, D.C.~Miss Ella Burton Nehru, Dr. S. S.~New York, N.Y.~Mrs. R. D. Nehru Nicholson, Mr. Lowell S.~Boston, Mass.~ Newman, Miss Helen~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. Wm. H. Browne Newton, Mr. Blake T., Jr.~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. B. T. Newton, Jr. Niederer, Miss Gertrude~New York, N.Y.~ Niles, Hon. Emory H.~Baltimore, Md.~ Niles, Mr. Russell D.~New York, N.Y.~Mrs. R. D. Niles Noble, Mr. John~Easton, Maryland~Mrs. Will Shafroth Nuss, Mr. E. P.~Hastings, Nebr.~Mrs. E. P. Nuss Nutting, Mr. Charles B.~Pittsburgh, Pa.~ Obermayer, Mr. Leon J.~Philadelphia, Pa.~Mrs. L. J. Obermayer O'Brian, Mr. John Lord~Washington, D.C.~ O'Bryen, Mr. Roland F.~St. Louis, Mo.~ O'Hara, Mr. Alfred P.~New York, N.Y.~ O'Meara, Mr. Joseph, Jr.~Cincinnati, Ohio~ O'Neal, Mr. F. Hodge~Macon, Georgia~ Oppenheim, Mr. S. Chesterfield~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. S.C. Oppenheim Orentlicher, Mr. Herman I.~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. H. I. Orentlicher Overholser, Dr. Winfred~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. W. Overholser Packel, Mr. Israel~Philadelphia, Pa.~Mrs. Sara Packel Pakradooni, Mr. D. S.~Bryn Mawr, Pa.~Mrs. D.S. Pakradooni Pakradooni, Mr. Haig H., Jr.~Wynnewood, Pa.~Mrs. H.H. Pakradooni, Jr. Palmer, Mr. J. Campbell, III~Charleston, W.Va.~Mrs. Margaret Rhine Pantzer, Mr. Kurt F.~Indianapolis, Ind.~ Parker, Mr. Alex W.~Richmond, Va.~Mrs. A. W. Parker Parker, Mr. John C.~Franklin, Va.~Mrs. J. C. Parker Peacock, Mr. J. C.~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. J. C. Peacock Peale, Mrs. Ruth E.~Washington, D.C.~ Peals, Mrs. Virginia~Philadelphia, Pa.~ Pearson, Mr. Geo. B., Jr.~Wilmington, Del.~Mrs. G. B. Pearson, Jr. Pehle, Mr. John W.~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. J.W. Pehle Pepper, Mr. George W.~Philadelphia, Pa.~ Perlik, Mr. William R.~Arlington, Va.~Mrs. Annabel S. Perlik Perry, Mr. H. H., Jr.~Albany, Georgia~Mrs. H. H. Perry, Jr. Perry, Mr. J. H.~Ottawa, Canada~ Peterson, Mr. C. Rudolf~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. C. R. Peterson Pfeiffer, Mr. Timothy N.~New York, N.Y.~Mrs. T. N. Pfeiffer Pflager, Mr. Henry B.~St. Louis, Mo.~Mrs. H. B. Pfalger Pharr, Hon. Ralph H.~Atlanta, Ga.~ Phillips, Hon. Orie L.~Denver, Colo.~Mrs. O. l. Phillips Platt, Mr. Joseph S.~Columbus, Ohio~ Ploscowe, Hon. Morris~New York, N.Y.~Mrs. M. Ploscowe Plowden-Wardlaw, Thomas C.~Oneonta, New York~Mrs. T. Plowden-Wardlaw Polk, Mr. James K.~New York, N.Y.~Mrs. James Polk Pollock, Mr. T. Hartley~St. Louis, Mo.~Mrs. T. Pollock Pope, Mr. Thomas H.~Newberry, S.C.~Mrs. T. H. Pope Powell, Mr. Lewis F., Jr.~Richmond, Va.~Miss Josephine Powell Powell, Mr. Richard R.~New York, N.Y.~Mrs. R. R. Powell Powers, Mr. Walter~Boston, Mass.~Mrs. W. Powers Prettyman, Mr. E. Barrett~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. E. Prettyman Price, Mr. Wm. Jennings~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. W. J. Price Prickett, Mr. William~Wilmington, Del.~Mrs. W. Pickett Prizer, Mr. John B.~Philadelphia, Pa.~Mrs. J. B. Prizer Provosty, Mr. LeDoux R.~Alexandria, La.~ Quick, Mr. Charles W.~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. C. W. Quick Rabkin, Mr. Jacob~New York, N.Y.~Mrs. J. Rabkin Ramey, Mr. Thomas B.~Tyler, Texas~Mrs. T. B. Ramey Rasco, Dean R. A.~Coral Gables, Fla.~ Raum, Hon. Arnold~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. A. Raum Ray, Joseph W., Jr.~Uniontown, Pa.~ Ray, Mr. Philip A.~San Francisco, Calif.~Mrs. P. A. Ray Rea, Mr. Bryce, Jr.~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. B. Rea, Jr. Redman, Mr. Lipman~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. L. Redman Reeve, Mr. Harold L.~Chicago, Ill.~Mrs. H. L. Reeve Reiblich, Mr. G. Kenneth~Baltimore, Md.~Mrs. G. K. Reiblich Reid, Mr. Herbert O.~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. H. O. Reid Reno, Dean Russell R.~Baltimore, Md.~Mrs. R. R. Reno Reynard, Prof, Charles A.~Baton Rouge, La.~Mrs. C. A. Reynard Ribble, Dean F. D. G.~Charlottesville, Va.~Mrs. F.D.G. Ribble Rice, Mr. Leon L. Rice, Jr.~Winston-Salem, N.C.~Mrs. L. L. Rice, Jr. Richmond, Mr. David W.~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. D. Richmond Rieser, Mr. Leonard M.~Chicago, Ill.~ Ritchie, Mr. John, III~Charlottesville, Va.~Mrs. J. Ritchie, III Rix, Mr. Carl B.~Milwaukee, Wis.~Mrs. Ellen Rix Townley Roberts, Mr. George~New York, N.Y.~Mrs. G. Roberts Robinson, Mr. Joseph G.~Pittsburgh, Pa.~Mrs. Frances K. Robinson Robinson, Mr. Howard L.~Clarksburg, W.Va.~Mrs. H. L. Robinson Rodewald, Mr. Paul G.~Pittsburgh, Pa.~ Rodgers, Mr. Churchill~New York, N.Y.~Mrs. C. Rodgers Roy, Mrs. Gloria W.~Philadelphia, Pa.~ Rudick, Mr. Harry J.~New York, N.Y.~Mrs. H. J. Rudick Russell, Mr. A. C.~Louisville, Ky.~Mrs. A. C. Russell Russell, Mr. Newton~Fresno, Calif.~ Rutherford, Dr. M. Louise~Philadelphia, Pa.~Mrs. Walter M. Lask Ruzicka, Mr. Charles~Baltimore, Md.~Mrs. Charles Ruzicka Ryan, Mr. James R.~Philadelphia, Pa.~Mrs. James Ryan Salkey, Mr. J. Sydney~St. Louis, Mo. ~Mrs. J. S. Salkey Sarner, Mr. Leonard~Philadelphia, Pa.~Mrs. L. Sarner Saunders, Mr. Stuart T.~Roanoke, Va.~Mrs. S. T. Saunders Saxe, Mr. Leonard S.~New York, N.Y.~Mrs. L. Saxe Scheineman, Hon. A. J.~Sterling, Ill.~ Schnader, Mr. William A.~Philadelphia, Pa.~Mrs. W. A. Schnader Schulman, Mr. Robert A.~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. R. A. Schulman Schwartz, Mr. Edward L.~Boston, Mass.~Mrs. E. L. Schwartz Schwartz, Mr. L. B.~Philadelphia, Pa.~Mrs. L. B. Schwartz Scott, Mr. Austin W.~Cambridge, Mass.~Mrs. A. W. Scott Sebastian, Mr. Robert M.~Philadelphia, Pa.~ Segal, Mr. Bernard G.~Philadelphia, Pa.~Mrs. B. Segal Sellers, Mr. Ashley~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. A. Sellers Sellin, Mr. Thorsten~Philadelphia, Pa.~Mrs. T. Sellin Semerad, Mr. Ralph D.~Albany, New York~ Seymour, Mr. Whitney N.~New York, N.Y.~Mrs. W. N. Seymour Shackelford, Mr. Frank~Washington, D.C.~Miss Renee Fletcher Shackleford, Mr. T. M., Jr.~Tampa, Florida~Mrs. T. Shackleford, Jr. Shafroth, Mr. Morrison~Denver, Colo.~Miss Marjorie Merritt Shafroth, Mr. Will~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. John Noble Shapiro, Mr. Jos. G.~Bridgeport, Conn.~Mrs. Joseph Shapiro Shaw, Major Gen. Franklin~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. Shaw Shaw, Mr. Lucien W.~Palm Springs, Calif.~ Sherman, Hon. Carl~New York, New York~ Shrum, Mr. G. Dixon~Pittsburgh, Pa.~Mrs. G. D. Shrum Shulman, Prof. Harry~New Haven, Conn.~Mrs. H. Shulman Silverson, Mr. Harry~New York, N.Y.~Mrs. H. Silverson Simpson, Mr. Gordon~Dallas, Texas~Mrs. G. Simpson Sims, Mr. Cecil~Nashville, Tenn.~Mrs. C. Sims Sims, Mr. Henry U.~Birmingham, Ala.~Mrs. H. U. Sims Slaton, Mr. John M.~Atlanta, Georgia~Mrs. J. M. Slaton Sloane, Hon. Joseph~Philadelphia, Pa.~Mrs. Gertrude Arronson Small, Mr. Benjamin F.~Indianapolis, Ind.~Mrs. B. F. Small Smith, Dr. James Barclay~Lawrence, Kansas~ Smith, Hon. Willis~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. Willis Smith Smithers, Mr. J. Westwood~Richmond, Va.~Mrs. J. W. Smithers Smoyer, Mr. Stanley C.~New Brunswick, N.J.~Mrs. S. C. Smoyer Snively, Mr. John R.~Rockford, Ill.~Mrs. J. R. Snively Snow, Mr. Conrad E.~Arlington, Va.~Mrs. C. E. Snow Soffel, Hon. Sara M.~Pittsburgh, Pa.~ Soper, Hon. Morris A.~Baltimore Md.~Mrs. M. A. Soper Southall, Mr. Eugene H.~New York, M.Y.~Mrs. E. H. Southall Spence, Mr. Kenneth M.~New York, N.Y.~Mrs. K. M. Spence Spies, Mr. Warren T.~Chicago, Ill.~Mrs. W. T. Spies Spilman, Mr. Robert S.~Charleston, W.Va.~Mrs. R. S. Spilman Stahr, Dean Elvis J., Jr.~Lexington, Ky.~Mrs. E. J. Stahr, Jr. Stambaugh, Mr. Harry F.~Pittsburgh, Pa.~Mrs. H. F. Stambaugh Stason, Dean E. Blythe~Ann Arbor, Mich.~Mrs. E. B. Stason Stathers, Mr. W. G.~Clarksburg, W.Va.~Mrs. W. G. Stathers Steel, Mr. Edwin D., Jr.~Wilmington, Del.~ Stephens, Hon. Harold M.~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. H. M. Stephens Sternhagen, Mrs. John J.~Washington, D.C.~ Storke, Mr. Frederic P.~Boulder, Colo.~Mrs. F. Storke Stsassburger, Mr. Eugene~Pittsburgh, Pa.~Mrs. E. B. Strassburger Strickling, Mr. C. W.~Huntington, W.Va.~Mrs. C. W. Strickling Stuart, Mr. William A.~Abingdon, Va.~Mrs. W. A. Stuart Sunderland, Mr. Thomas E.~Chicago, Ill.~ Surrey, Mr. Stanley S.~Cambridge, Mass.~Mrs. S. S. Surrey Surrey, Mr. Walter S.~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. Rita Surrey Sutton, Mr. Fred I.~Kinston, N. Car.~Mrs. F. I. Sutton Swan, Hon. Thomas W.~New York, N.Y.~Mrs. T.W. Swan Talbott, Mr. Malcolm D.~Newark, N.J.~Mrs. M. D. Talbott Tanner, Mr. Harold B.~Providence, R.I.~Mrs. H. B. Tanner Taplin, Mr. C. F.~Cleveland, Ohio~Mrs. C. F. Taplin Tappan, Mr. Paul W.~Tenafly, N.J.~Mrs. P. W. Tappan Tarleau, Mr. Thomas N.~New York, N.Y.~Mrs. T. N. Tarleau Tarrant, Mr. John E.~Louisville, Ky.~Mrs. J. E. Tarrant Tate, Mr. Robert G.~Birmingham, Ala.~ Taylor, Prof. Athol Lee~Louisville, Ky.~Mrs. A. L. Taylor Taylor, Mr. Edwin W.~Los Angeles, Calif.~Mrs. E. W. Taylor Teiser, Mr. Sidney~Portland, Oregon~Mrs. S. Teiser Thormodsgard, Mr. O.H.~Grand Forks, N.D.~ Tillett, Mr. C. W.~Charlotte, N.C.~ Tolman, Mr. Leland L.~Washington, D.C.~ Traynor, Mr. Roger J.~San Francisco, Calif.~Mrs. R. J. Traynor Treusch, Mr. Paul E.~Arlington, Va.~Mrs. P. E. Treusch Triplett, Mr. O. B., Jr.~Forest, Miss.~Mrs. O.B. Triplett, Jr. Tucker, Mr. Richard B., Jr.~Pittsburgh, Pa.~Mrs. R. B. Tucker, Jr. Tumilty, Mr. Howard T.~Oklahoma City, Okla.~ Tunstall, Mr. Robert B.~Norfolk, Va.~Mrs. R. B. Tunstall Turner, Mr. N. A.~Columbia, S. Car.~Mrs. N. A. Turner Tweed, Mr. Harrison~New York, N.Y.~Mrs. H. Tweed Vallance, Mr. Wm. Roy~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. W. R. Vallance Van Fossan, Mr. Ernest H.~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. E. H. Van Fossan Van Vleck, Mr. William C.~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. W. C. Van Vleck Varnum, Mr. L. K.~Grand Rapids, Mich.~Mrs. L. K. Varnum Vernon, Mr. Weston, Jr.~New York, N.Y.~ Vold, Dr. Lawrence~San Francisco, Calif.~Mrs. L. Vold Wade, Mr. John W.~Nashville, Tenn.~ Wade, Hon. Lester A.~Salt Lake City, Utah~ Wagoner, Mr. Claude B.~Philadelphia, Pa.~Mrs. C. B. Wagoner Wales, Mr. Robert W.~Chicago, Ill.~Mrs. R. W. Wales Walker, Mr. Owen F.~Cleveland, Ohio~ Wallace, Mr. Leon H.~Bloomington, Ind.~ Wallace, Wm. L.~Lexington, Ky.~Mrs. W. L. Wallace Waller, Mr. William~Nashville, Tenn.~Miss Charlot Waller Wallerstein, Mr. Morton L.~Richmond, Va.~Mrs. M. L. Wallerstein Warren, Mr. William C.~New York, N.Y.~Mrs. W. C. Warren Washington, Hon. George T.~Washington, D.C.~Miss Helen Goodner Wasserman, Mr. Jack~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. Jack Wasserman Waterman, Mr. Sterry R.~St. Johnsbury, Vt.~Mrs. S. Waterman Watkins, Hon. Harry E.~Fairmont, W. Va.~Mrs. H. E. Watkins Watts, Mr. Olin E.~Jacksonville, Fla.~Mrs. O. E. Watts Watts, Mr. Sidney J.~Pittsburgh, Pa.~ Wearing, Mr. Raymond~Chicago, Ill.~ Weaver, Mr. David B.~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. D. B. Weaver Webster, Mr. Bethuel M.~New York, N.Y.~Miss Eliz. W. Webster Wechsler, Mr. Herbert~New York, N.Y. Wexler, Mr. Morris M.~Philadelphia, Pa.~Mrs. M. M. Wexler Weygrandt, Hon. Carl V.~Columbus, Ohio~Mrs. C. V. Weygandt Wham, Mr. Benjamin~Chicago, Ill.~Mrs. B. Wham Wheeler, Mr. Leonard, Jr.~Boston, Mass.~Mrs. L. Wheeler, Jr. Wickersham, Gen. C. W.~New York, N.Y.~Mrs. C. W. Wickersham Willard, Mr. Josiah~New York, N.Y.~Mrs. J. Willard Willebrandt, Mrs. Mabel W.~Washington, D.C.~Mr. Willebrandt
Williams, Mr. Laurens~Omaha, Nebraska~ Williams, Mr. Lewis C.~Richmond, Va.~Mrs. John Minor Willy, Mr. Roy E.~Sioux Falls, S.D.~ Windolph, Mr. F. Lyman~Lancaster, Pa.~ Winnet, Hon. Nochem S.~Philadelphia, Pa. Winokur, Mr. Robert~New York, N.Y.~Mrs. R. Winokur Winters, Mr. Glenn R.~Ann Arbor, Mich.~Mrs. G. R. Winters Wolfe, Hon. James H.~Salt Lake City, Utah~Mrs. J. H. Wolfe Wolkin, Mr. Paul A.~Philadelphia, Pa.~Mrs. P. A. Wolkin Wright, Hon. J. Colvin~Bedford, Pa.~Mrs. J. C. Wright Wyatt, Mr. Walter~Washington, D.C.~Mrs. W. Wyatt Wyzanski, Hon. Chas, E., Jr.~Boston, Mass.~Mrs. C. E. Wyzanski, Jr. Young, Mr. W. W.~New Orleans, La.~Mrs. W. W. Young Zimmer, Mr. W. L., III~Richmond, Va.
(Mr. Donald Dawson) (Mr. Marty Friedman) (Mr. Patrick Valdo) (Mr. Melvin Hildreth) OFF THE RECORD
(The President left for the USS WILLIAMSBURG for weekend cruise)
The USS WILLIAMSBURG got underway from Annapolis Roads for the U.S. Naval Academy.