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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

March 06, 1952

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

The President received a delegation from 4-H Clubs (Requested by Secretary Charles F. Brannan's office; presented to the President a copy of "The 4-H Story", a history of the organization which has just been published) MASON, Elizabeth Ann, 4-H Club Member, Westmoreland County, Va. BALDUS, Carl, 4-H Member, Charles County, Maryland HUTCHINSON, Knox T., Assistant Secretary of Agriculture WILSON, M.L., Director of the Extension Service WARREN, Gertrude L., Extension Service KYLE, Betty, District Extension Agent, Blackburg, Virginia accompanying Elizabeth Ann Mason GARVEY, Mr. William, County 4-H Club Agent, Charles County, Maryland, accompanying Carl Baldus TONKIN, Joseph, in charge of radio and television, Extension Service RUCKER, Georgia, Mrs., County Home Demonstration Agency, Blackburg, Virginia
Honorable Jesse M. Donaldson, The Postmaster General
Honorable Donald W. Nyrop, Chairman, CAB (Asked if might come in to make report to the President on Mexican Bi-lateral Aviation Discussions)
H.E. Senor Luis Antonio Penaherrera, the Ambassador of Ecuador and Madame Penaherrera (Is retiring and asked, thru Protocol, if might pay farewell call on the President; also asked for autographed picture of the President)
Honorable Edward J. Sparks, the American Ambassador to Bolivia (Newly appointed; asked, through Protocol, to pay respects to the President before leaving for post
The President received Members of the Players, Incorporated EXECUTIVE STAFF: HARTKE, Rev. Gilbert V., O.P. KERR, Walter BRADY, Adah May CALLAHAN, William KINSEY, Teddy Marie GOETZ, Lt. Col. Joseph, U.S.A.F. ACTING COMPANY: ARMSTRONG, Richard BARNETT, Pat CAMUTI, Louis, Jr. DARRACH, Moiya DIETZ, J. Robert HITCHELL, Tom KEARNS, William KIRBY, Keith LEAHY, Jill MARZOCCO, John MOORE, Brennan RATHBUN, Gil SUTTON, Henry
[Public Papers: Remarks to Members of a Catholic University Dramatic Group Leaving for Korea]
Honorable Dean Acheson, Secretary of State
(The President posed in his office for newsreels of speech he planned to make at 10:30 pm the same evening over a coast to coast radio and television hookup on the Mutual Security Program)
(The President made the radio address to the Nation on the Mutual Security Program)
[Public Papers: Radio and Television Address to the American People on the Mutual Security Program]
[Log of President Truman's Trip:(Eleventh) Trip to Key West, Florida]
[Public Papers: Letter to the President of the Senate Urging Action on Reorganization of the Bureau of Internal Revenue]
[Public Papers: Memorandum Directing Agency Heads To Decline To Comply With a Request for Information by the Chairman, Special Subcommittee of the House Committee on the Judiciary]
[Public Papers: Message to the Congress Transmitting first Report on the Mutual Security Program]
(General W. Bedell Smith, Director, C.I.A.) (Mr. James Lay, Executive Secretary, National Security Council) OFF THE RECORD
Cabinet [Meeting] (Solicitor General, Philip B. Perlman for Justice; Dr. John R. Steelman absent; all others present)
(Senator Clinton P. Anderson, New Mexico) (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly Wednesday and asked for this) LOWER WEST DOOR OFF THE RECORD
Ar. Boca Chica Airport, Key West, Flo. (aprox)
Members of the party The President Fleet Admiral William D. Leahy, USN Hon. Matthew J. Connelly Secretary to the President Hon. William D. Hassett, Secretary to the President Hon. Joseph Short, Secretary to the President Hon. Charles S. Murphy, Special Counsel to the President Major General Harry H. Vaughan, USAR, Army Aide to the President Rear Admiral Robert L. Dennison, USN, Naval Aide to the President Brigadier General Robert B. Landry, USAF, Air Aide to the President Rear Admiral Sidney Souers, USNR, Hon. Donald S. Dawson, Administrative Assistant Hon. David H. Stowe, Administrative Assistant Hon. David E. Bell, Administrative Assistant Hon. David D. Lloyd, Administrative Assistant Hon. Joseph G. Feeney, Legislative Assistant Commander Horace D. Warden, (MC) USN Secret Service Agents
PRESS SECTION Members of the party Mr. A. Merriman Smith~United Press Association Mr. Ernest Bedford Vaccaro~The Associated Press Mr. Robert G. Nixon~International News Service Mr. Joseph A. Fox~The Washington Star Mr. Anthony H. Leviero~The New York Times Mr. Jack Steele~The New York Herald Tribune Mr. Robert W. Ruth~The Baltimore Sun Mr. John M. Fisher~The Chicago Tribune Miss Ruth S. Montgomery~The New York Daily Herald Mr. Andrew F. Tully, Jr.,~Scripps-Howard Newspaper Alliance Mr. Edwin W. Darby~Time-Life Magazines Mr. Charles Hesser~The Miami Daily News (*) Mr. Raymond P. Brandt~The St. Louis Post Dispatch (*) Mr. Rene McColl~The London Daily Express (*) Mr. Frank Bourgholtzer~National Broadcasting Co. Mr. William Costello~Columbia Broadcasting System (*) Mr. John Edwards~American Broadcasting Co. Mr. William Smith~Associated Press Photos Mr. Maurice Johnson~International News Photos Mr. George Skadding~Life Magazine Mr. Frank Cancellare~United Press Photos (*) Mr. William Smythe~Fox Movietone News (pool) Mr. John Langenneger~N.B.C. Television Mr. G. Bradford Kress~N.B.C. Television Mr. George Schmidt~Telenews INS-INP Television (*) Mr. Carrol S. Linkins~Western Union ~(*) Join party in Key West
Mr. Irving Perlmeter Mr. Dewey Long Mr. Jack Romagna Mr. Harry Charnley M/Sgt. H. N. Callaway, USAF M/Sgt. L. M. Larson, USAF Cpl. Robert Mendoza, USA
Mr. Rex W. Scouten~Mr. Robert A. Mampel Mr. Donald E. Murphy~Mr. Emory P. Roberts Mr. Ray M. Hare~Mr. Paul T. Usher Mr. Vincent P. Mroz~Mr. Stewart G. Stout Mr. H. Stuart Knight~Mr. Paul B. Doster John E. Campion~Mr. Robert H. Taylor Carroll L. Honess~Mr. Adolph M. Downing Milton S. Mileski~Mr. Donald L. Nelson Frank L. Farnsworth~Mr. John R. Ladas Bartley A. Pugler~Mr. Robert J. Newbrand
Mr. Theodore Berrier American Telephone & Telegraph Co. National Airlines DC-6 crew:
Joseph Bailey~Pilot Marion C. Wedge~Co-pilot William L. McKendree~Flight engineer June McDonald~Stewardess Ernestine Wilcox~Stewardess John Morris~V.P. National Airlines Alexander G. Hardy~N.A.A. Representative Gilbert W. Paul~N.A.A. Representative Roy D. Stripling~2nd Pilot
[Log of President Truman's Trip:(Eleventh) Trip to Key West, Florida]
[Log of President Truman's Trip:(Eleventh) Trip to Key West, Florida]
[Log of President Truman's Trip:(Eleventh) Trip to Key West, Florida]
[Log of President Truman's Trip:(Eleventh) Trip to Key West, Florida]
[Log of President Truman's Trip:(Eleventh) Trip to Key West, Florida]
[Log of President Truman's Trip:(Eleventh) Trip to Key West, Florida]
[Public Papers: Message to the Convention of the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association on Federal Power Policy]
[Log of President Truman's Trip:(Eleventh) Trip to Key West, Florida]
Ar. Washington Members of the party The President Matthew J. Connelly Joseph Short Charles Murphy General Harry H. Vaughan General Robert B. Landry Donald Dawson David Lloyd Admiral Sidney Souers Dewey Long Jack Romagna Commander Horace D. Warden Secret Service Agents
[Log of President Truman's Trip:(Eleventh) Trip to Key West, Florida]
Ar. LaGuardia Field, New York Drove to Waldorf Astoria Hotel where the President addressed the Columbia Scholastic Press Association.
[Public Papers: Address in New York City at the Convention of the Columbia Scholastic Press Association]
Lv. LaGuardia Field, N.Y.
Ar. Key West, Florida Members of the party The President Matthew J. Connelly Joseph Short General Harry H. Vaughan* General Robert B. Landry Donald Dawson David Lloyd Dewey Long Jack Romagna Commander Horace D. Warden Judge Roy Harper Secret Service Agents *General Harry H. Vaughan left party at New York Mr. Charles Murphy and Admiral Sidney Souers left party upon arrival at Washington
[Log of President Truman's Trip:(Eleventh) Trip to Key West, Florida]
[Log of President Truman's Trip:(Eleventh) Trip to Key West, Florida]
[Log of President Truman's Trip:(Eleventh) Trip to Key West, Florida]
[Log of President Truman's Trip:(Eleventh) Trip to Key West, Florida]
[Log of President Truman's Trip:(Eleventh) Trip to Key West, Florida]
[Public Papers: The President's News Conference at Key West]
[Log of President Truman's Trip:(Eleventh) Trip to Key West, Florida]
[Log of President Truman's Trip:(Eleventh) Trip to Key West, Florida]
[Log of President Truman's Trip:(Eleventh) Trip to Key West, Florida]
[Log of President Truman's Trip:(Eleventh) Trip to Key West, Florida]
[Public Papers: Special Message to the Congress on Aid for Refugees and Displaced Persons]
[Public Papers: Letter to Committee Chairmen Concerning a Program in Aid of fugitives from Communism]
[Log of President Truman's Trip:(Eleventh) Trip to Key West, Florida]
[Log of President Truman's Trip:(Eleventh) Trip to Key West, Florida]
[Log of President Truman's Trip:(Eleventh) Trip to Key West, Florida]
[Public Papers: Letter to Committee Chairmen Enumerating Continuing Powers, Functions, and Responsibilities of the Director for Mutual Security]
Lv. Boca Chica Airport, Key West, Fla (USAF INDEPENDENCE) Members of the party The President Fleet Admiral William D. Leahy, USN Hon. John R. Steelman, The Assistant to the President Hon. Charles S. Murphy, Special Counsel to the President Hon. William D. Hassett, Secretary to the President Hon. Matthew J. Connelly, Secretary to the President Hon. Joseph Short, Secretary to the President Major General Harry H. Vaughan, USAR, Military Aide to the President Rear Admiral Robert L. Dennison, USN, Naval Aide to the President Major General Robert B. Landry, USAF, Air Aide to the President Hon. Donald S. Dawson, Administrative Assistant Hon. David H. Stowe, Administrative Assistant Hon. David E. Bell, Administrative Assistant Hon. David D. Lloyd, Administrative Assistant Hon. Joseph G. Feeney, Legislative Assistant Mr. Roger W. Tubby Commander Horace D. Warden, (MC) USN Secret Service Agents (Henry J. Nicholson) (Paul T. Usher)
PRESS SECTION Members of the party Mr. A. Merriman Smith~United Press Association Mr. Ernest Bedford Vaccaro~The Associated Press Mr. Robert G. Nixon~International News Service Mr. Joseph A. Fox~The Washington Star Mr. Anthony H. Leviero~The New York Times Mr. David McConnell~The New York Herald Tribune Mr. Robert W. Ruth~The Baltimore Sun Mr. John M. Fisher~The Chicago Tribune Mr. Francis Stephenson~The New York Daily News Mr. Andrew F. Tully, Jr.~Scripps-Howard Newspaper Alliance Mr. Edwin W. Darby~Time-Life Magazines Mr. Frank Bourgholtzer~National Broadcasting Co. Mr. William Costello~Columbia Broadcasting System Mr. John Edwards~American Broadcasting Co. Mr. William Smith~Associated Press Photos Mr. Maurice Johnson~International News Photos Mr. George Skadding~Life Magazine Mr. Frank Cancellare~United Press Photos Mr. Henry Griffin~Associated Press Photos Mr. William Smythe~Fox Movietone News (pool) Mr. John Langenneger~N.B.C. Television Mr. G. Bradford Kress~N.B.C. Television Mr. Carroll S. Linkins~Western Union
Commander William Rigdon, USN Mr. Dewey Long Miss Louise Hachmeister Miss Beverly Cole CPO P. Begley, USN CPO B. L. Winkler, USN Sgt. Ray M. Zook, USA Sgt. Philip Tarbell, USA M/Sgt. Bernard Putterman, USA Mr. Walter L. Burton Mr. Harry Charnley Cpl. Robert Mendoza, USA
Mr. Rex W. Scouten~Mr. Robert A. Mampel Mr. Donald E. Murphy~Mr. Emory P. Roberts Mr. Vincent P. Mroz~Mr. Stewart G. Stout Mr. H. Stuart Knight~Mr. Paul B. Doster John E. Campion~Mr. Robert H. Taylor Milton S. Mileski~Mr. Donald L. Nelson Mr. John R. Ladas~Mr. Robert J. Newbrand
Charles E. Taylor Carroll Pierce Richard Flohr National Airlines DC-6 crew:
Joseph Bailey~Pilot Marion C. Wedge~Co-pilot William L. McKendree~Flight engineer Miss Wilcox~Stewardess Miss Estelle~Stewardess Gilbert W. Paul~N.A.A. Representative James Van Pelt~N.A.A. Representative
Navy R4D (LCDR Beare) Members of the party
Rear Admiral E. T. Woolridge, USN YN1 Leander H. Klein, USN~Sgt 1/c R. B. Crawford, USA SD2 Maurice DelaVega, USN~SD2 Marciano Mariano, USN SDC Francisco Falsis, USN~SDC Roman R. Pascual, USN SDC Gregario Riolo, USN~SDC Marcelo Sepulchre, USN
Ar. Washington, D. C. (MATS, WNAP)
[Public Papers: Special Message to the Congress on Absentee Voting by Members of the Armed forces]
(Mr. Bill Hillman) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. Carl Lockhart of Kansas City, Missouri) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable Alan [Allen] Dulles, Deputy Director, CIA) (Mr. James Lay, Executive Secretary, National Security Council) (General Smith was out of the city until April 11th and asked that Mr. Dulles come in) OFF THE RECORD
Cabinet [Meeting] (Deputy Secretary Foster represented Defense, Treasury absent, all others present)
(Senator Thomas Hennings, Missouri) (Mr. Matthew Connelly arranged from Key West - The Senator wanted one hour) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable Maurice J. Tobin, The Secretary of Labor) OFF THE RECORD
H.E. Sir Oliver S. Franks, the Ambassador of Great Britain General Albert Orsborn, Supreme International Leader of the Salvation Army Commissioner E. I. Pugmire, National Commander, Salvation Army, U.S.A. (Arrange through Protocol as General Orsborn is a British National. The President has received General Orsborn on two occasions in the past.)
(Honorable Roger Putnam, Director, Economic Stabilization Agency) (Honorable Ellis Arnall, Office of Price Stabilization) (Honorable Charles Wilson, Director of Defense Mobilization) (Mr. Matthew Connelly arranged from Key West) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. Edward Neild of Shreveport, Louisiana) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. Tom Vansant and General Harry Vaughan) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable Clark Clifford) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. Edward Reagen) (Mr. Charles Amos) (Miss Margaret Truman talked to the President about seeing Mr. Reagen. Came to see Mr. Connelly and saw the President) OFF THE RECORD
(The President and Mrs. Truman left for National Guard Armory and the Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner)
[Public Papers: Address at the Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner]
[Public Papers: Letter Accepting Resignation of Charles E. Wilson as Director of Defense Mobilization]
(Mr. Jonathan Daniels) OFF THE RECORD
(The President went to Walter Reed Hospital)
(Mr. Joseph Short)
(The President and Mrs. Truman left for the Jefferson- Jackson reception at the Mayflower Hotel.)
[Public Papers: Remarks at a Reception by the Democratic National Committee]
(Honorable Charles Sawyer, the Secretary of Commerce)
[Public Papers: Statement by the President on the 10th Anniversary of the Institute of Inter-American Affairs]