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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

October 10, 1951

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

Honorable William O. Douglas, Associate Justice, Supreme Court of the United States (The President wrote Justice Douglas in August that he would be glad to see him re some earlier correspondence, and the Justice wrote the President upon his return from Europe, that he awaited his convenience.)
Honorable James A. McConnell, Deputy High Commissioner of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Honorable Oscar Chapman, the Secretary of the Interior (High Commissioner Elbert Thomas wrote to Mr. Matthew Connelly September 19th to say Mr. McConnell would be here at this time and suggested that the President might wish to see him and get firsthand report of transfer from Navy Department to Interior Department.)
Honorable Sidney S. McMath, Governor of Arkansas (In town and called Mr. Matthew Connelly yesterday)
Honorable Henry F. Grady, former American Ambassador to Iran (Asked for this through Protocol)
Honorable Harry A. McDonald, Chairman, Securities and Exchange Com- mission (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly on Monday and asked for this.)
(Mr. Edgar Ansel Mowrer) (Mr. Joseph Short) OFF THE RECORD (Wrote Mr. Matthew Connelly in September that he had flown around the world, with emphasis on Asia, since he last saw the President, and hoped he might have early appointment. Mr. Joseph Short brought him in.)
Senator Earle Clements, Kentucky
(Honorable Jack Gorrie, Acting Chairman, N.S.R.B.) OFF THE RECORD
(National Security Council) OFF THE RECORD
The President signed the Mutual Security Bill, H.R. 5113 in his Executive Office. The following attended: Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State Honorable Robert A. Lovett, the Secretary of Defense Honorable James E. Webb, Under Secretary of State Honorable William C. Foster, Under Secretary of Defense Honorable Richard M. Bissell, Jr., Acting Administrator, E.C.A. Senator Alexander Wiley, Wisconsin Senator Styles Bridges, New Hampshire Senator Theodore Francis Green, Rhode Island Congressman James P. Richards, South Carolina Congressman Mike Mansfield, Montana Congressman Thomas E. Morgan, Pennsylvania Honorable C. Tyler Wood, E.C.A.
(Senator Theodore Francis Green, Rhode Island) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. William Hillman) (Mr. Albert Wagg) OFF THE RECORD (Jack Romagna) (The President saw Messrs. Hillman and Wagg at the Blair House, and Mr. Romagna was asked to be present.)
Honorable Frank Pace, the Secretary of the Army (Asked for this last week.)
Honorable Joseph Darst, Mayor of St. Louis Mr. John Moore (The Mayor phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly from St. Louis on Monday and asked for this.)
Mr. A. J. Wickens, President, the Army, Navy and Air Force Veterans in Canada Mr. William Dies, member of this organization (was blind) Mr. Austin S. Imirie, of Selective Service (Arranged by General Harry Vaughan)
Honorable Frederick Lawton, Director, Bureau of the Budget (Asked for 15-minute appointment)
Honorable Howard K. Travers, American Ambassador to Haiti (Newly appointed; asked through Protocol to pay respects.)
John L. Smith, National Commander, AMVETS Mr. David Schlothauer, Executive Director, AMVETS Mr. Dwight L. Oliver, Membership Director Mr. J. R. Pat Gorman, National Americanism Chairman (Commander Smith newly elected; asked to pay respects.)
Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State (Usual Thursday appointment)
Honorable Chester Bowles, American Ambassador Designate to India (The President wrote him to come in again after he was confirmed as Ambassador as there were two or three things he wished to talk over with the Ambassador before he left for India.)
Former Senator Tom Stewart, of Tennessee
(Pre Press)
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
Honorable Charles E. Wilson, Director of Defense Mobilization
AT THE BLAIR HOUSE: The following people met with the President for an "OFF THE RECORD" political discussion, at the President's request: Honorable Sam Rosenman Honorable Clark Clifford Honorable John L. Sullivan The Chief Justice [Fred Vinson] The Vice President [Alben W. Barkley] (Mr. Matthew Connelly and Mr. Charles Murphy from the White House Office.) OFF THE RECORD
[Public Papers: Letters to the Chairman of the Wage Stabilization Board Authorizing Investigations of Labor Disputes Affecting Aircraft Production]
(General W. Bedell Smith, Director of Central Intelligence Agency) (Admiral Sidney Souers) OFF THE RECORD (Honorable James Lay, Executive Secretary, National Security Council)
(Mr. and Mrs. Haraden Pratt) OFF THE RECORD
Cabinet [Meeting] (Honorable Clarence J. McCormick for Agriculture; Honorable Philip B. Perlman for Justice; Honorable W. Averell Harriman away; all others present.)
Dr. Howard Rusk (Called Mr. Connelly about two weeks ago and arranged this. One-half hour)
Senator Warren G. Magnuson, Washington Senator James E. Murray, Montana Congressman Henry M. Jackson, Washington Congressman Hugh B. Mitchell, Washington (Senator Magnuson called Mr. Connelly last week to ask for this.)
The President received the following directors of the American Hungarian Federation BALOCK, Mr. Stephen E., of Washington, D. C. BEKY, Rev. Zoltan, of Trenton, New Jersey BENCZE, Mr. John, of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania BORSHY, Mr. George E. K., of Washington, D. C. CIEPLINSKI, Mr. Michael, Nationalist Division of the New York Democratic Committee DAROGZY, Rev. Mathias, of Cleveland, Ohio FALUSSY, Mr. Aloysius, of New York, New York GASPAR, Rev. John, of Passaic, New Jersey GOMBOS, Mr. Zoltan, of Cleveland, Ohio KIRALY, Mr. Emery, of Washington, D. C. KISH, Rev. Julius, of Trenton, New Jersey MARK, Dr. Albert B., of New York, New York MOLNAR, Dr. Kalman, of New York, New York SEGEDY, Mr. Stephen L., of Bridgeport, Connecticut SUTA, Mr. Peter, of Bridgeport, Connecticut SZANTO, Mr. Louis, of Richmond, Virginia UJLAKY, Dr. Francis, of Washington, D. C. VASVARY, Mr. Edmund, of Washington, D. C. WEILER, Mr. George, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin SZEKELY, Mr. Izso, Business Manager of the Hungarian Daily newspaper in New York (Holding meeting of Board of Directors in Washington and asked, both direct and through Democratic National Committee, if this special dele- gation might pay respects to the President and express sincere appreciation of loyal American citizens of Hungarian traditions for President's sympathy and understanding.) [Public Papers: Remarks to a Delegation From the American Hungarian Federation]
(Honorable A. Devitt Vanech, Deputy Attorney General) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable Frank Briggs) OFF THE RECORD
Senator Dennis Chavez, New Mexico (Called Mr. Connelly Wednesday and asked for this.)
Senator Olin D. Johnston, South Carolina Senator Thomas R. Underwood, Kentucky Congressman Tom Murray, Tennessee Congressman George M. Rhodes, Pennsylvania Congressman M. G. Burnside, West Virginia (Came to discuss the postal rate bill now pending in Congress.)
(Mr. Thomas Gavin, of Kansas City, Missouri) OFF THE RECORD
[Public Papers: Letter to the President of the Senate Requesting Appropriations for the Enforcement of Antimonopoly Legislation]
(Mr. Charles Murphy) OFF THE RECORD
(Admiral Robert Dennison) (Admiral Sidney Souers) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. George Elsey) (Mr. Eben Ayers) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. David Stowe) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. Joseph Short) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. William Hassett) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. Donald Dawson) OFF THE RECORD
(General Wallace Graham) OFF THE RECORD (Mr. Charles Murphy) (Mr. David Stowe) (Mr. Milton Kayle, new assistant to Mr. David Stowe)
(Mr. Joseph Short) OFF THE RECORD
(The President returned to the Blair House.) OFF THE RECORD
(The President remained at home at the Blair House, except for a short time between 12:05 p.m. and 12:45 p.m. when he went over to the White House to look over the progress being made on the renovation.) OFF THE RECORD
The President left the National Airport in Washington for Winston-Salem, North Carolina in his plane, the USAF INDEPENDENCE. He was accompanied by the following: The President Mr. Matthew Connelly Mr. William Hassett Mr. Joseph Short Mr. Charles Murphy Mr. David Stowe General Harry Vaughan Admiral Robert Dennison General Robert Landry General Wallace Graham Mr. Jack Romagna Honorable Gordon Gray (return trip only) Congressman Thurmond Chatham, N. Car. (trip down only) The following persons went to Winston-Salem in a second plane: Congressman F. Ertel Carlyle, N. Car. Congressman and Mrs. Herbert C. Bonner, N. Car. Congressman Harold D. Cooley (return trip only) Congressman Hamilton C. Jones (return trip only) Hon. James E. Webb, Under Secretary of State Hon. Lamar Caudle Hon. William Tyson Mr. Harold Thomerson (trip down only) Congressman Graham A. Barden (trip down only) Congressman Carl T. Durham (trip down only) Congressman Charles B. Deane (trip down only) (Miss Tribble, daughter of President of Wake Forest College, aged 15 or 16, made return trip.)
The President's plane arrived at Smith-Reynolds Airport at Winston-Salem, where he was greeted by a reception committee including the following: Under Secretary of State James E. Webb Assistant Attorney General Lamar Caudle Lt. General John Hodge Major General Willard Wolfinbarger
The Presidential motocade departed the Airport and motored to the Babcock residence, arriving there at approximately 12:00 noon.
Refreshments served until 12:20 p.m. when the guests assembled in the large living room where luncheon was served.
Mayor Marshall Kurfees presented silver cup to the President. The President delivered a few extemporaneous remarks in acceptance and gratitude. He then retired to drawing room and rested until 1:45 p.m.
[Public Papers: Remarks at a Luncheon in Winston-Salem, North Carolina]
The Presidential motorcade departed the Babcock residence and motored to the site of the ground-breaking ceremonies, arriving at approximately 1:55 p.m.
The President, accompanied by Dr. Harold Tribble, proceeded to their respective seats on the stand and the program then began. Following prayer of dedication, the President accompanied by Dr. Tribble, Mr. Hubert Olive, and Mr. Otis M. Mull, left the speakers stand and proceeded to a point in front of the stand where actual breaking of the ground took place.
[Public Papers: Address in Winston-Salem at Groundbreaking Ceremonies, Wake Forest College]
The Presidential motorcade departed the speaker's stand at this time and motored directly to the Smith-Reynolds Airport.
The USAF INDEPENDENCE was airborne for Washington, D. C.
Arrived at National Airport and returned by motorcade to the Executive Office.
[Public Papers: Messages on the Death of Liaquat Ali Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan]
(Mr. William Hillman) (Mr. Albert Wagg) OFF THE RECORD
BIG FOUR Honorable Alben Barkley, the Vice President Honorable Sam Rayburn, the Speaker of the House Senator Ernest W. McFarland, Arizona Congressman John W. McCormack, Massachusetts
Mr. Sidney Salomon, Treasurer, Democratic National Committee (Was resigning and wished to come in and submit resignation and thank the President.)
Congressman Michael J. Kirwan, Ohio (Called Mr. Connelly last week and asked for this.)
Honorable Jesse M. Donaldson, the Postmaster General (Called last week and asked for this.)
H.R.H. Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands H. E. Dr. J. H. van Roijen, the Ambassador of the Netherlands (Honorable John Simmons) (The Prince asked for this through his Ambassador and Protocol)
Dr. L. E. McEldowney (This was requested by the Chief Justice, in whose home town Dr. McEldowney used to preach.)
Honorable Robert A. Lovett, the Secretary of Defense (Usual Tuesday appointment)
(LUNCH - at Blair House with Mrs. Truman and friends)
The President received the Officers and Members of the Board of Trustees, American Dental Association. (This organization was holding its national convention in Washington and asked through Dr. Bruce Forsyth for this.) BAIN, Mr. Herbert, Publicity Director, Chicago, Illinois BURNS, Dr. William McGill, Trustee, Brooklyn, New York CAMALIER, Dr. C. Willard, Past President, Washington, D. C. CARR, Dr. J. B., Trustee, Indianapolis, Indiana CHANDLER, Rear Admiral Alfred W., Second Vice-President, Wash., D. C. CRAIG, Dr. E. Earle, Trustee, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania DALGLEISH, Dr. R. C., Trustee, Salt Lake City, Utah ENNIS, Dr. LeRoy M., President Elect, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania FITZGIBBONS, David J., Chairman, Local Arrangements Committee, Washington, D. C. FORSYTH, Dr. Bruce D., Washington, D. C. FOSTER, Dr. C. S., Trustee, Cedar Rapids, Iowa HOLLISTER, Mr. John J., Business Manager, Chicago, Illinois JACOB, Dr. L. H., Trustee, Peoria, Illinois JARRELL, Dr. M. F., Third Vice-President, Alexandria, Louisiana JOHN, Dr. James E., Trustee, Roanoke, Virginia LYNCH, Dr. Daniel F., Trustee, Washington, D. C. MORN, Dr. Obed H., Trustee, Watertown, Wisconsin MORREY, Dr. Lon W., Editor, Chicago, Illinois OGLE, Dr. Willard, Trustee, Dallas, Texas OPPICK, Dr. Harold W., President, Chicago, Illinois PHILLIPS, Dr. Percy T., Speaker, House of Delegates, New York, New York PRUDEN, Dr. Edward Hughes, Minister, First Baptist Church, Washington, D. C. SHANDLEY, Dr. Fred S., Trustee, Seattle, Washington TAGGART, Dr. Charles I, Trustee, Burlington, Vermont THOMAS, Dr. Robert P., Trustee, Louisville, Kentucky WASHBURN, Dr. H. B., Treasurer, St. Paul, Minnesota WHITE, Dr. Edward R., First Vice-President, Jersey City, New Jersey
[Public Papers: Remarks to the Officers and Members of the Board of Trustees, American Dental Association]
(The President dropped in on a meeting in the Cabinet Room of the National Advisory Board on Mobilization Policy.) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Frederick Lawton, Director, Bureau of the Budget (One-half hour)
(Mr. Lorenzo Elgren, of Salt Lake City) OFF THE RECORD (Arranged by Mr. Dawson who brought Mr. Elgren in Off the Record)
(Honorable J. Howard McGrath, the Attorney General) (Honorable A. Devitt Vanech, the Deputy Attorney General) (Mr. Dawson) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. William Hillman) (Mr. Albert Wagg) OFF THE RECORD
(Dr. A. F. Schopper) OFF THE RECORD (Dentist from Kansas City, wrote to Miss Rose Conway in August to ask for this; Came to see Mr. Matthew Connelly and saw the President)
The President recieved a Committee from the Associated Press Managing Editors Association: John Colburn, Managing Editor, Richmond Times Dispatch Malcolm Patterson, Managing Editor, Baltimore Sun J. R. Wiggins, Managing Editor, Washington Post Herbert Corn, Managing Editor, Washington Star and President of A.P Managing Editors Association (Arranged by Mr. Joseph Short; they presented to the President a resolution passed by their Association in connection with order on Security Information)
(Mr. Frank Land) OFF THE RECORD (Mr. Case Gutskey)
Honorable Norris Dodd, Director General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (Has just returned to United States and asked to come in and talk to the President. Has just recently toured Near East, including Iran)
Honorable Haraden Pratt, Telecommunications Advisor to the President (Asked Mr. Matthew Connelly last week, when he took his oath, if might have this appointment)
Honorable Lincoln MacVeagh, American Ambassador to Portugal (Asked for this through Protocol)
(Mr. H. B. Deal, of St. Louis, Missouri) (Came to see Mr. Matthew Connelly and saw the President) OFF THE RECORD
Dr. Gilbert Darlington of the American Bible Society Dr. James V. Claypool, Secretary, Department of Use, ABS Captain and Mrs. Charles J. Irwin (daughter and son-in-law of Dr. Darlington) (This delegation from American Bible Society asked, through Mr. Hassett, if might make presentation to the President of Scriptures in 120 languages and dialects and a Bible in Braille, involving about 150 volumes, which will give indication of wide variety in which Scriptures are printed and distributed by the Society. Mr. Willliam Hassett selected from these volumes the ones to be used at presentation)
(Major General A. R. Bolling, G-2) OFF THE RECORD (Arranged by General Harry Vaughan)
The President received the following members of the Supreme Council, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. ALLEN, Claude L., Deputy for Massachusetts ASPLUND, Rupert P., Deputy, New Mexico BARRETT, Robert South, Deputy, Virginia BRICE, James H., Deputy, New York BRUCH, Frederick P., Provincial Grand Secretary BURKE, Judge H. P., S.G.I.G., Colorado COLLINS, James W., S.G.I.G., Utah COOMBS, Walter R., Deputy, Hawaii DONALDSON, Sanford G., S.G.I.G., South Dakota DRACHMAN, Harry A., Deputy, Arizona FAULKNER, Herbert L., Deputy, Alaska FRASER, Douglas, Sovereign Grand Commander GILDRED, Albert, Past Sovereign Grand Commander HALL, John W., Central America HALL, Thomas Graham, S.G.I.G., North Carolina HARKINS, Thomas J., S.G.I.G., North Carolina HERVEY, William Rhodes, S.G.I.G., California JOHNSON, William Clyde, Deputy, Florida KEY, William Shaffer, Deputy, Oklahoma KOCH, William, S.G.I.G., Iowa LAW, Thomas Cassels, Deputy, Georgia LEES, Stuart H., Lt. Grand Commander LENHART, Felix A. LOCKWOOD, Robert Lee, Deputy, Texas LOVE, L. Bert, Grand Tyler, Brazil MASSEY, William B., S.G.I.G., Missouri MORA, A., Grand Secretary General Columbia MUNOZ, John E., Dominican Republic PARKHURST, Chalres W., Deputy, P. R. POLLOCK, Charles Martin, Deputy, North Dakota POWERS, Dr. Edgar C., S.G.I.G., Maryland REINHARDT, Luis F., Grand Master of Ceremonies ROBERTS, William Burchard, S.G.I.G., Minnesota ROBINSON, Delbert T., S.G.I.G., West Virginia ROSS, Silas E., Deputy, Nevada SAMPIA, Eurico De Figuerado, Grand Master, Brazil SCHOOLEY, William Eugene, Deputy, Washington, D. C. SCOTT, Leslie M., S.G.I.G., Oregon SEACREST, Joseph Winger, Deputy, Nebraska SHEPHERD, Joshua K., S.G.I.G., Arkansas SMITH, Luther A., S.G.I.G., Mississippi STEVENS, Frederic H., Sovereign Grand Commander SUMMERALL, General Charles P., S.G.I.G., South Carolina THOMPSON, Ernest B., Grand Secretary General WHITEHEAD, Donald S., Deputy, Idaho WHITINGER, Walter M., Deputy, Alabama YOUNG, Claud F., S.G.I.G., Kansas (The Sovereign Grand Commander, John Cowles, wrote to the President last May to say they were preparing program for their biennial session, Oct. 15-19 and hoped the President could receive them) (Mr. W. B. Massey, of Bonne Terre, Missouri, was with the group, and he was told he might stay back and see the President alone for a few minutes, as he is very old friend) [Public Papers: Remarks to the Members of the Supreme Council, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite]
(Mr. James Lay, Executive Secretary, National Security Council) OFF THE RECORD
(Jonathan Daniels) OFF THE RECORD