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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

October 01, 1951

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

The President received the Members of the Directing Council of the Pan American Sanitary Organization. The following were present: ARGENTINA~Dr. Gerardo Segura, Director of International Health Policy of Ministry of Public Health BOLIVIA~Mr. Luis Iturralde, Minister Counselor of Embassy of Bolivia BRAZIL~Dr. Almir Castro, Director of National Plague Service, National Department of Health CHILE~Dr. Nacianceno Romero, Director General of Health, Ministry of Public Healthth and Social Security COLOMBIA~Dr. Jorge Boshell Manrique, Director of School of Hygiene of Bogota COSTA RICA~Dr. Oscar Vargas Mendez, Director General of Health CUBA~Dr. Felix Hurtado, Permanent Delegate of Government of Cuba to World Health Organization DOMINICAN REPUBLIC~Dr. Luis F. Thomen, Ambassador of Dominican Republic to the United States ECUADOR~Dr. Egberto Garcia Solorzano, Director General of Health EL SALVADOR~Dr. Juan Allwood Paredes, Director General of Health, Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare GUATEMALA~Dr. Luis F. Galich, Director General of Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare HAITI~Dr. Kestner Saint-Louis, Administrator of the Sanitary District of Petit-Goave HONDURAS~Dr. Roberto Zepeda, Military Attache to Embassy in Washington MEXICO~Dr. Felipe Garcia Sanchez, Director of Health in the Federal District NETHERLANDS~Dr. Nicolaas Hendrik Swellengrebel, Director, Department of Tropical Hygiene, Royal Institute for the Indies, Amsterdam NICARAGUA~Dr. Leonardo Somarriba, Minister of Public Health and Social Welfare PANAMA~Dr. Alberto Calvo, Director of Public Health PARAGUAY~Dr. Hugo Pena, Minister of Public Health and Social Welfare PERU~Dr. Carlos Lazarte, Director of Public Health UNITED STATES~Dr. H. Van Zile Hyde, Director, Division of Health and Sanitation, The Institute of Inter-American Affairs URUGUAY~Dr. Ricardo Cappeletti, Chief, Division of Hygiene, Ministry of Public Health VENEZUELA~Dr. Carlos L. Gonzales, Director of Public Health FRANCE~Dr. Rene Lavoine, Area Inspector, Departmental Director of Health, Martinique UNITED KINGDOM~Dr. J. W. P. Harkness, Medical Adviser, Development and Welfare Organization, British West Indies PAN AMERICAN SANITARY BUREAU~Dr. Fred Soper, Director FEDERAL SECURITY AGENCY~Mr. Oscar Ewing, Administrator, Federal Security Agency ~Dr. Palmer Dearing, Deputy Surgeon General, Public Health Service ~Dr. Louis L. Williams, Jr., Chief, Division of International Health, Public Health Service DEPARTMENT OF STATE~Mr. John C. Dreier, U. S. Representative on the Council of the Organization of American States ~Mr. John D. Hickerson, Assistant Secretary for United Nations Affairs
[Public Papers: Remarks to the Members of the Directing Council of the Pan American Sanitary Organization]
Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State (Usual Monday appointment for State)
Honorable D. W. Nyrop, Chairman, Civil Aeronautics Board (Called Mr. Connelly last week and asked for this.)
Honorable A. Devitt Vanech, Deputy Attorney General (Called Mr. Connelly last week and asked for this.)
Honorable Anna M. Rosenberg, Assistant Secretary of Defense (Called Mr. Connelly last week and asked for this.)
(Mr. William Hillman) (Mr. Alfred Wagg) OFF THE RECORD
(Admiral Lawler) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Michael V. DiSalle, Director, Office of Price Stabilization (Called Mr. Connelly yesterday and asked for this.)
(Honorable Charles E. Wilson, Director of Defense Mobilization) OFF THE RECORD
Commander Ewing W. Mays, Disabled American Veterans Mrs. Thelma Feighner, National Commander of DAV Auxiliary Mr. Vivian D. Corbly Mr. Cicero F. Hogan Mr. Kenneth C. Bradley Mr. John E. Feighner Mr. Richard D. Lodders Mr. Charles E. Foster (Commander Mays newly elected; came to pay respects.)
(Congressman Emanuel Celler, New York) (Mrs. Florence P. Shientag, Assistant U. S. Attorney, Southern District, New York) OFF THE RECORD (Congressman Celler asked if he might bring Mrs. Shientag in and Mr. Connelly directed him to come Off the Record.)
Honorable Frederick Lawton, Director, Bureau of the Budget (Asked for fifteen minutes)
Honorable Charles Brannan, Secretary of Agriculture (Called Mr. Connelly last week and asked for this.)
H. E. Senor Don Roberto M. Heurtematte, the Ambassador of Panama (Newly appointed; presented credentials.)
(Mr. and Mrs. Drew Schroeder, of California) OFF THE RECORD (Frank Land called Mr. Connelly September 20th and asked if these friends of his might call on the President while in Washington. Came to see Mr. Connelly and saw the President Off the Record.)
Honorable Robert A. Lovett, the Secretary of Defense (Usual Tuesday appointment)
(On way back from luncheon the President stopped in Conference Room of East Wing and spoke briefly to a meeting on Air Defense.) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable Jack Gorrie, National Security Resources Board) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable Frank Pace, the Secretary of the Army) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable Clark Clifford) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable Bertram M. Gross, Council of Economic Advisers) OFF THE RECORD (To discuss maintaining two-party system.)
[Public Papers: Message to the Congress Transmitting 32d Report on Lend-Lease Operations]
[Public Papers: Statement by Direction of the President Announcing an Atomic Explosion in the U.S.S.R]
Honorable Frank C. Pace, Jr., the Secretary of the Army Mr. Elvis Stahr (One-half hour; Mr. Stahr is number one man in Defense on Reserve affairs)
(Admiral Chester Nimitz) (Mr. Charles Murphy and Mr. George Elsey) OFF THE RECORD
H. E. Athanese G. Politis, the Ambassador of Greece (Asked through Protocol if might present to the President in person, Prime Minister Venizelos' reply to the President's message of Congratulations to the Greek Government on being invited to join NATO)
The President received Members of the Foreign Relations Committee of the Syrian and Lebanese American Federation. ABIDE, Ellis, President, Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanon American Clubs ABRAHAM, Anthony, President, Federation of American Syrian Lebanon Clubs (Mid-West) BARAKAT, George, Executive Director, American Middle East Relief, Inc. BATAL, James, Executive Secretary, Syrian and Lebanese American Federation of the Eastern States MALOUF, Faris S., Member of Foreign Relations Committee, Syrian and Lebanese American Federation of the Eastern States MARIA, Francis, President, Syrian and Lebanese American Federation of the Eastern States NASSIF, Mrs. Louis, Member of Foreign Relations Committee, Syrian and Lebanese American Federation of the Eastern States RIHBANY, Simon, Member of Foreign Relations Committee, Syrian and Lebanese American Federation of the Eastern States SADO, Joseph, Chairman of Foreign Relations Committee, Syrian and Lebanese American Federation of the Eastern States ZANATY, Monsour C., President, National Association of Federations of Syrian Lebanon American Clubs BITE, Roger H., former President of Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanon American Clubs [Public Papers: Remarks to Members of the Foreign Relations Committee of the Syrian and Lebanese American Federation]
Honorable Harold B. Miner, American Minister to Lebanon (Newly appointed; to pay respects before leaving for new Post)
Honorable John Foster Dulles (The President asked Secretary Acheson to tell Mr. Dulles to come in)
Honorable Philip B. Fleming, American Ambassador to Costa Rica (Called Mr. Connelly last week to ask for this)
(Honorable W. Stuart Symington, Chairman, Reconstruction Finance Corporation) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Oscar L. Chapman, the Secretary of the Interior (Called Mr. Connelly last week to ask for this)
(Honorable J. Howard McGrath, the Attorney General) OFF THE RECORD (Honorable Oscar L. Chapman, the Secretary of the Interior) (Honorable Charles F. Brannan, the Secretary of Agriculture) (Honorable Charles Wilson, Director of Defense Mobilization) (Honorable Michael DiSalle, Office of Price Stabilization) (Honorable J. Edgar Hoover, Federal Bureau of Investigation) (Called by Mr. Connelly at the President's direction)
(Honorable Thomas K. Finletter, Secretary of the Air Force) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable John W. Snyder, Secretary of the Treasury) OFF THE RECORD
[Public Papers: Statement by Direction of the President Clarifying His News Conference Remarks on Security Information]
(Pre Press)
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt (She wrote the President that she would be in city at this time and hoped she might see him before leaving for Paris on October 25th)
(Honorable Omar Bradley, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Robert Butler (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly last week and asked for this.)
(Honorable A. Devitt Vanech, Deputy Attorney General) OFF THE RECORD (The President said he wanted to talk with Mr. Vanech re off record appointment held yesterday on meat.)
Dr. Carroll Dougherty, Chairman, Emergency Board in Pullman Compay Case Mr. Andrew Jackson (Dr. John R. Steelman arranged this at suggestion of National Mediation Board and accompanied the above gentlemen.)
(Dr. Edward Earle, Professor of World History, School of Advanced Studies, Princeton) OFF THE RECORD (General Robert Landry, Mr. W. Averell Harriman and Mr. George Elsey) (Arranged by General Robert Landry Off the Record)
(Honorable A. Devitt Vanech, Deputy Attorney General) (Honorable George Morris Fay, United States Attorney, District of Columbia) OFF THE RECORD
AT THE BLAIR HOUSE (Mr. William Hillman) (Mr. Alfred Wagg) OFF THE RECORD
(General W. Bedell Smith, Director of Central Intelligence Agency) (Admiral Sidney Souers) OFF THE RECORD (Honorable James Lay, Executive Secretary, National Security Council)
Cabinet (Mr. Webb for State; Solicitor General for Justice; Galvin for Labor.)
(Honorable Clarence H. Osthagen, Assistant Secretary of Commerce) (Secretary Charles Sawyer brough him in to meet the President) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable John W. Snyder, Secretary of the Treasury) OFF THE RECORD
Congresswoman Reva Beck Bosone, Utah (Wrote the President September 19th and enclosed copy of her bill H.R. 2646, "To facilitate the development of small reclamation projects." She stated she had been invited to speak on this measure at annual meeting of National Reclamation Association in Amarillo, Texas, October 17th, and before doing so wanted to talk with the President.)
Honorable Irving Florman, former American Ambassador to Bolivia (Resigned as of September 15th and asked for this through Division of Protocol)
Mr. Hugo Ernst, General President, Hotel and Restaurant Employees International Union Mr. Edward S. Miller, General Secretary and Treasurer Mr. J. W. Brown, General Counsel (Mr. Matthew Connelly arranged this at request of Mr. George Leary, Assistant to Mr. Boyle.)
(Honorable Samuel I. Rosenman) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable Thomas E. Murray, Atomic Energy Commission) OFF THE RECORD (Half hour)
(The morning was left open for members of the President's staff to discuss the problems of their respective offices.)
(The President remained at home in the Blair House for the day, leaving only at 6:00 p.m. when he motored to Union Station with Miss Margaret Truman to say "goodbye" to her as she left for New York. He returned to the Blair House at 6:40 p.m.)
(Admiral Sidney Souers) OFF THE RECORD (Mr. James Lay, Executive Secretary, National Security Council)
BIG FOUR Honorable Sam Rayburn, the Speaker of the House Senator Ernest W. McFarland, Arizona Congressman John W. McCormack, Massachusetts (The Vice President [Alben W. Barkley] was out of town.)
(Congressman Clarence Cannon) OFF THE RECORD (The Presiden told Mr. Feeney to arrange this. Basement Entrance.)
Congressman Wright Patman, Texas (Called Mr. Connelly last week and asked for this.)
Congressman E. H. Hedrick, West Virginia Mr. John C. Core, Jr. (Congressman Hedrick called Mr. Connelly and asked if he might come in this month to discuss the Civilian Physical Fitness Program with the President, bringing with him Mr. Core, an authority on such matters. Congressman Hedrick called on the President previously on this subject, September 25th.)
Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State (Usual Monday appointment; was able to keep this.)
(Honorable George Schoeneman) OFF THE RECORD
The President received a representative group from the Motion Picture Industry in connection with the celebration of the Golden Jubilee of the American Motion Picture Theatre. This was arranged at request of Mr. Orville Crouch. They had hoped the President might attend their luncheon at Carlton, but as he could not, this appointment was arranged. The following were present: Mr. A. Julian Brylawski Mr. George Crouch Mr. Orville Crouch Mr. John Ford Mr. Jack Foxe Miss Virginia Kellogg Mr. Frank LaFalce Mr. Joyce O'Hara, Acting President, Motion Picture Assn. Miss Louise Albritton Miss Debbie Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Scott Miss Elizabeth Taylor Mr. Adolph Zukor Mr. Arthur Mayer Mr. Art Arthur Mr. Herb Steinberg [Public Papers: Remarks on the Golden Jubilee of the American Motion Picture Theater]
Honorable Charles Brannan, the Secretary of Agriculture (One half hour; asked Mr. Connelly last week to arrange this.)
(Mr. William Hillman) (Mr. Albert Wagg) OFF THE RECORD (Jack Romagna)
Brig. Gen. William H. Abendroth, Commanding General, District of Columbia National Guard (Arranged through General Harry Vaughan; invited the President to attend National Guard Association Meeting October 24th. Brought along his small son to shake hands.)
Honorable Albert A. Horstman, National Committeeman, Dayton, Ohio (Arranged at request of Bill Boyle, who wrote us that Mr. Horstman would be here at this time.)
Honorable Edmond Hanrahan (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly from New York last week.)
Honorable Thomas E. Whelan, American Ambassador to Nicaragua (Newly appointed; came to pay respects before leaving) Senator William Langer accompanied Ambassador Whelan
H. E. Dr. You Chan Yang, the Ambassador of Korea (Asked for this through Protocol; delivered to the President, at the direction of the Korean Government, new set of recent issue of Korean postage stamps commemorating participation of various free nations in Korean conflict.)
H. E. Feridun C. Erkin, the Ambassador of the Turkish Republic Honorable John Simmons, Chief, Division of Protocol (Ambassador Erkin requested this through Protocol; brought answers to two letters which the President sent to the President of Turkey re admittance of Turkey as a member of NATO)
Honorable Robert A. Lovett, the Secretary of Defense (Usual Tuesday appointment)
Honorable J. Monroe Johnson, Interstate Commerce Commission (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly last week and asked for this.)
(Honorable George Harrison, of Railroad Brotherhoods) OFF THE RECORD (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly yesterday and asked for this Off the Record)
Honorable William M. Boyle, Chairman, Democratic National Committee (Usual weekly appointment)
(Honorable John W. Snyder, the Secretary of the Treasury) OFF THE RECORD (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly late yesterday.)
[Public Papers: Statement by the President Upon Signing the Mutual Security Act]
(Mr. William Hillman) (Mr. Albert Wagg) OFF THE RECORD (Jack Romagna)
Congressman Laurie C. Battle, Alabama (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly October 3rd and asked for this.)