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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

September 13, 1951

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

(H.E. Robert Schuman, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the French Republic) (Rt. Hon. Herbert Morrison, the British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs) (Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State) (Meeting of Tripartite Ministers)
(General W. Bedell Smith, Director, Central Intelligence Agency) (Mr. James S. Lay, Jr., Executive Secretary, National Security Council) OFF THE RECORD (Admiral Sidney Souers)
Cabinet [Meeting] (Secretary Acheson was not sure he could come, but did. Under Secretary Foley represented Treasury. Labor was not represented.)
H.E. Henri Bonnet, the Ambassador of the French Republic General of the Army Jean de Lattre de Tassigny, Commander in Chief of French Forces in French Indo-China and High Commissioner of French Indo-China Honorable Donald R. Heath, American Minister to Indo-China (General de Tassigny is in this country to discuss with our people the whole Asian picture. The French Ambassador requested this through Protocol.)
(Mrs. Mary Lasker) (Mrs. Florence Mahoney) OFF THE RECORD
Mr. Glenn Stanton, of Portland, Oregon, President, American Institute of Architects Mr. Edmund Purves, Executive Director (Mr. Purves asked if he might bring in their newly elected President to pay his respects.)
(His Eminence Samuel Cardinal Stritch, the Archbishop of Chicago) OFF THE RECORD (The Cardinal asked for this through Judge Tamm. The Cardinal said that the Papal Secretary of State from Rome had been visiting in Chicago, and the Cardinal wanted to come in and give the President a report and some information which the Secretary had submitted. Half hour.)
(General Carl Gray, Administrator of Veterans Affairs) OFF THE RECORD
(The President made recordings and filmings in the Cabinet Room for the Community Chest Speech.) (Half hour) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable Thomas K. Finletter, Secretary of the Air Force) OFF THE RECORD (Asked for this Off the Record)
(Mrs. Anna M. Rosenberg, Assistant Secretary of Defense) OFF THE RECORD (Asked for this Off the Record)
Honorable Vincent Impellitteri, the Mayor of New York (Called Mr. Connelly late yesterday and asked for this; plans to leave next Tuesday for Italy and Israel and wanted to talk with the President before leaving.)
(Honorable John W. Snyder, the Secretary of the Treasury) OFF THE RECORD
(General Omar N. Bradley, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff) OFF THE RECORD
(The President left for Union Station where he met Miss Margaret Truman when her train arrived at 7:15 p.m.) OFF THE RECORD
(Admiral Robert Dennison) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. Joseph Short) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. Donald Dawson) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. David Stowe) OFF THE RECORD
(The President, accompanied by his daughter Margaret, went for a short inspection trip of the Executive Mansion to observe the progress being made on the renovation.) OFF THE RECORD
(The following gentlemen joined the President aboard the USS WILLIAMSBURG for the weekend:) (Chief Justice Fred M. Vinson) (The Attorney General [J. Howard McGrath]) (Senator Robert Kerr) (Hon. Stuart Symington) OFF THE RECORD (Hon. George Allen) (Hon. Scott Lucas) (Hon. Clark Clifford)
(The President remained on board the USS WILLIAMSBURG until 4:00 p.m. when the ship moored at Pier #1, Naval Gun Factory, and from there the President, Miss Truman and their guests left the ship and returned to the Blair House.) OFF THE RECORD
AT THE BLAIR HOUSE OFF THE RECORD (Sir Denys Lowson, the Lord Mayor of London) (Sir Oliver Franks, the British Ambassador)
(The President left the Executive Office for the Library of Congress, where he took part in a ceremony marking the completion of measures for the preservation of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States. He was accompanied by General Robert Landry, Admiral Robert Dennison, Mr. Joseph Short and Mr. Matthew Connelly.) OFF THE RECORD
[Public Papers: Address at the Constitution Day Ceremonies at the Library of Congress]
(The President arrived at Constitution Hall, where he addressed the opening session of the National Association of Postmasters of the United States.) OFF THE RECORD [Public Papers: Address Before the National Association of Postmasters]
(Admiral Sidney Souers) (Mr. James Lay, Executive Secretary, National Security Board) (Admiral Robert Dennison) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. James McCahey, of Chicago, Illinois) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable Eric Johnston) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State, was represented in his usual Thursday appointment by: Honorable James E. Webb, the Under Secretary of State
(Honorable Paul Fitzpatrick, Democratic State Chairman, New York) OFF THE RECORD
Major General Lewis A. Pick, Chief of Engineers, U.S.A. (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly last week and asked for this.)
(Mr. Herbert Askins) (Honorable Dan Kimball, Secretary of the Navy) OFF THE RECORD (Mr. Dawson arranged to have Mr. Askins come in Off the Record.)
Senator Harley M. Kilgore, West Virginia (Called Friday and asked if he could see the President as early as possible this week.)
(Honorable George Allen) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable Charles Wilson, Director of Defense Mobilization) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable Charles Murphy, Counsel to the President) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable W. Stuart Symington, Chairman, R.F.C.) OFF THE RECORD (Asked for this Off the Record.)
Honorable David Lawrence, Mayor of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Honorable Francis Myers, former Senator from Pennsylvania Colonel Paul Betters (Mayor Lawrence called Mr. Connelly last week and asked for this.)
Congressman Peter W. Rodino, New Jersey (Wrote to the President re H.Res.345 relating to John Hvasta, a United States citizen arrested by officials of Government of Czechoslovakia in 1948.)
Honorable John M. Redding, Assistant Postmaster General (Called Mr. Connelly last week and asked for this.)
(Honorable Delos W. Rentzel) OFF THE RECORD (The Under Secretary of Commerce, Mr. Rentzel, asked for this Off the Record.)
Honorable Robert A. Lovett, the Secretary of Defense (Usual Tuesday appointment)
Honorable William M. Boyle, Jr., Chairman, Democratic National Committee (Usual weekly appointment)
(The President dropped into the Cabinet Room for meeting of National Security Advisory Board on Mobilization Policy.)
(Honorable Edwin Pauley) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jordan, of Amarillo, Texas) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Marshall L. Shephard, former Recorder of Deeds, District of Columbia (His resignation has been given the President and he wanted to come in to say "goodbye.")
Congressman Wayne Hays, Ohio (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly last week and asked for this.)
Honorable James A. Farley (Wrote Mr. Matthew Connelly earlier this month, stating he expected to be here at this time, attending Postmasters Convention, and hoped he might have pleasure of calling on the President.)
Honorable John W. Gibson, Chairman, Displaced Persons Commission Mr. Arthur Greenleigh, chairman, Advisory Committee of American National Voluntary Agencies Reverend Robert Van Dusen, National Lutheran Council Mr. Roland Elliott, Church World Services (represents all Protestant groups except Lutheran) Father Wysiclo, National Catholic Welfare Conference, Resettlement Division (On September 11th Mr. Greenleigh wired Mr. Matthew Connelly that American National Voluntary Agencies functioning in immigration and resettle- ment field greatly concerned with threatened interruption of inter- governmental immigration program. On behalf of Advisory Committee to Displaced Persons Commission he requested brief conference with the President to discuss possible solution. This group met with John Gibson, were told the President could see them if they could come to Washington later on, and at suggestion of Mr. Gibson, this meeting was arranged.
Honorable Edward J. Flynn (Phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly from New York last week.)
The President received the National Officers of the National Rural Letter Carriers Association Mr. Bun Raley, President Mr. Kenneth Taylor, Secretary Mr. H.L.Van Voorhis, Vice President Mr. Paul W. Morton, Treasurer Mr. Paul G. Benson, Chairman, Executive Committee Mr. Warren B. Bledsoe, Secretary Mr. Ray L. Hulick, Member (Arranged at request of Hon. Joseph J. Lawler, who furnished memorandum containing data which he thought the President might be interested in reading before meeting group.)
(Mr. William Hillman) OFF THE RECORD (Came to see Mr. Matthew Connelly and saw the President Off the Record.)
(Mrs. May Craig) OFF THE RECORD (Mr. Joseph Short brought in Off the Record to report on her trip to Korea.)
(Honorable Jonathan Daniels) OFF THE RECORD (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly last week from Raleigh.)
Honorable Chester Bowles, newly appointed Ambassador to India (Called yesterday and asked for this.)
The President signed H.R.1726, An Act "To provide for the organization of the Air Force and the Department of the Air Force, and for other purposes." The following were invited and attended ceremony: Honorable Thomas Finletter, the Secretary of the Air Force General Hoyt S. Vandenberg, Chief of Staff, U.S. Air Force Senator Richard Russell, Georgia Senator Styles Bridges, New Hampshire Congressman Overton Brooks, Louisiana Congressman Dewey Short, Missouri
[Public Papers: Letter to the President of the Senate on the Need for Additional Tax Revenue]
(Colonel Louis Truman) OFF THE RECORD (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly yesterday and asked for this.)
(Pre Press)
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
General Richard Marshall, President, Virginia Military Institute (Arranged by Mr. Joseph Short)
Honorable Henry Morgenthau, Jr. (Former Secretary of the Treasury; called Mr. Matthew Connelly last week from New York and asked for this.)
Honorable James E. Webb, the Under Secretary of State (Usual weekly appointment for State)
Honorable Myron Taylor (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly from New York last week)
Senator James E. Murray, Montana Senator Wayne Morse, Oregon Senator Matthew M. Neely, West Virginia Senator Harley M. Kilgore, West Virginia Senator William Langer, North Dakota Senator Herbert Lehman, New York (Senator Murray asked Mr. Matthew Connelly if this group might call on the President to discuss Railroad strike. Half hour.)
(Honorable Charles Wilson, Director, Office of Defense Mobilization) OFF THE RECORD
(The President left from the back of the Blair House for the MATS Terminal, where he greeted Secretary Acheson, upon his plane's arrival at 8:50 p.m. After conversing with the Secretary for a short time, the President left for the MATS Terminal and returned immediately to the Blair House, arriving at 9:08 p.m.) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schwimmer, of Kansas City, Missouri) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable Allen W. Dulles, Deputy Director, CIA) (Admiral Sidney Souers) OFF THE RECORD (Mr. James Lay, Executive Secretary, National Security Council) (General Smith away for two weeks, so the Deputy Director took his place at meeting.)
Cabinet [Meeting] (Mr. Webb represented State; Mr. Foley for Treasury. Mr. W. Averell Harriman absent.)
Honorable Jouett Shouse (Asked Mr. Connelly to arrange this; just returned from Europe.)
Congressman Abraham J. Multer, New York Mr. Benjamin G. Browdy, President, Zionist Organization of America (Congressman Multer called Mr. Connelly last week and asked for this.)
Mr. Herschel D. Newsom, Master of the National Grange Mr. Paul Taber, (Deputy to Newsom) (Arranged at suggestion of David Stowe)
H.E. Dr. J.H. van Roijen, the Ambassador of the Netherlands (Asked through Protocol if he might deliver to the President a letter from Her Majesty Queen Juliana; State Department indicated this communication dealt with political matter and did not concern forthcoming visit of Her Majesty to the United States next spring.)
Honorable James G. MacDonald, former Ambassador to Israel (Brought a copy of his book to the President)
(Major General Glen E. Edgerton, Executive Director, Commission on Renovation of the Executive Mansion) (Mr. Richard Dougherty, of New York, Member, Commission on Renovation) (Mr. Douglas William Orr, of Connecticut, Member, Commission on Renovation) OFF THE RECORD
The President received the members of the First National Conference on Israel: ABRAMS, Mr. Ben, of New York AMPER, Mr. Robert, of Pittsburgh BRESSLER, Mr. Max, of Chicago BROWN, Mr. Charles, Los Angeles DAROFF, Mr. Sam, Philadelphia DUBINSKY, Mr. Melvin. of St. Louis FEINBURGH, Mr. Abraham, New York KLUGERS, Mr. David LUCKMAN, Mr. Sol, Cincinnati MEYERHOFF, Mr. Joseph, Baltimore MONTOR, Mr. Henry, New York MORGENTHAU, Mr. Henry, Jr. MYERS, Mr. David, Cleveland OSNOS, Mr. Max, Detroit RABB, Mr. Irving, Boston STEINGLASS, Mr. Meyer F., New York VENEZKY, Mr. Julian B., Paoria, Illinois (This appointment arranged at request of Henry Morgenthau; this Conference was meeting in Washington over the weekend.) [Public Papers: Remarks to the Delegates to the First National Conference on Israel]
(The President left for Union Station to meet Miss Margaret Truman.) OFF THE RECORD
(The President left the Blair House for Silver Spring, Maryland, where he met Mrs. Truman upon her return from Independence, Missouri) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable Charles Sawyer, the Secretary of Commerce) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable John W. Snyder, the Secretary of the Treasury) OFF THE RECORD
(The President, with Mrs. Truman and Miss Truman, left the Blair House for the Naval Gun Factory, where they boarded the MARGIE at Pier #1, which immediately got underway for the East Potomac Park area. From there the President and his family witnessed the first heat of the power boat races for the President's Cup. The President and his family were joined by Miss Ann Cates, Queen of the Regatta, a girl attendant, and Messrs. John Remon and Edgar Morris, members of the Regatta Committee, to watch the race. On conclusion of the race, the Queen and her party left the MARGIE.) OFF THE RECORD
(The President, Mrs. Truman and their party left the MARGIE and returned to the Blair House.) OFF THE RECORD
(The President, Mrs. Truman, and Miss Truman left the Blair House for Gadsby's Tavern in Alexandria, where they attended the Little Theatre's showing of, "The Beaux Stratagem.") OFF THE RECORD
[Public Papers: Letter to the Vice President Transmitting Correspondence From Henry A. Wallace Relating to His Trip to the Far East in 1944]