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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

September 03, 1951

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

(The President was joined in his suite, at his request, by the following persons who dined with him: Mr. John H. Thacher and son Mr. J.A. Ducournau Colonel Harry B. Allen General Harry Vaughan Admiral Robert Dennison General Robert Landry General Wallace Graham)
[Public Papers: Telegram to the Attorney General Authorizing Him To Issue an Injunction in the Copper Industry Strike]
(P.D.T.) (The President received the following people in his suite at the Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco:) Mr. William Malone Mr. Tom Cuffee
(P.D.T.) Mr. Glen Skogman Mr. G.J. Bianchi Mr. C.A. Beach Mrs. Floyd Annin (The above group were from the Grand Lodge of California Order of Odd Fellows.)
Mr. Harry G. Henley
Mrs. Anna Roosevelt Boettiger
Mr. and Mrs. John Abbott and son
The President received a delegation of Chinese Americans
Mr. Glenn M. Anderson Mrs. Goldie Kennedy
(The President departed his suite and proceeded to the Empire Room on the northwest corner of the lobby floor of the Fairmont Hotel where he greeted the head table guests of the luncheon for political leaders. The hostess for the luncheon, Mrs. Eleanor Heller, National Committeewoman for California, introduced the head table guests. She then introduced Mrs. India Edwards, who spoke for four minutes. Mrs. Heller then introduced the President, who delivered an on-the-record address to the assembled 815 guests.) [Public Papers: Remarks in San Francisco at a Luncheon for Democrats From Western States]
(The President went from his suite to visit Mrs. John Shelley, wife of Congressman Shelley of California, who has been ill for some time. At 2:45 he returned to his suite.)
(The following friends of Mr. Edwin Pauley met with the President in his suite: Mr. Frank Freeman~General Ira Eaker Mr. Samuel Genis~Mr. George Killion Mr. Will Rogers, Jr.~Mr. John B. Elliott Mr. James Sheppard~Mr. Robert L. Smith Mr. W.C. Fields, Jr.~Mr. George Stratton Mr. Prentiss Moore~Mr. Arthur Garrett Mr. Lawrence Harvey~Mr. "Doc" Bishop Mr. Donald L. Loker~Mr. Monroe Butler, wife and daughter Sally Mr. Harry March~Mr. George Luckey
(P.D.T.) (The President left the Fairmont Hotel and motored to the War Memorial Opera House, where they were met by Secretary Acheson and Dr. Kelchner, Secretary-General for the Peace Conference. At 7:10 p.m. the President proceeded on to the stage, where the Conference was formally opened by Secretary Acheson. Mayor Robinson and Governor Warren then addressed the attending delegation briefly. At 7:30 p.m. the Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson] introduced the President of the United States, and the President delivered an address in connection with the signing of the Japanese Peace Treaty. Upon conclusion of the speech, the President left the opera house.) [Public Papers: Address in San Francisco at the Opening of the Conference on the Japanese Peace Treaty]
(P.D.T.) (The President and members of his staff motored to the Palace Hotel, where they proceeded to the Secretary of State's [Dean G. Acheson] suite, where the President remained until the chief delegates assembled in the Pied Piper Room. Then the President proceeded to the Pied Piper Room, accompanied by Mr. John Simmons, Chief of Protocol, and met the chief delegates. The President delivered a few words of greeting to the assembled guests at this reception, and then departed for the Fairmont Hotel, arriving at 9:45 p.m.) [Public Papers: Remarks in San Francisco to the Delegates to the Japanese Peace Conference]
(C.S.T.) The President arrived at the Municipal Airport, Kansas City, Missouri, from San Francisco, California. He was greeted upon arrival by Mrs. Truman and a group of friends. The President and Mrs. Truman then left immediately for their home in Independence, Missouri
(C.S.T.) (The President visited the Missouri Lodge Library, Research Section.)
(The President arrived by automobile at Muehlebach Hotel, Kansas City, Missouri, from his home in Independence) During the morning the President saw many people at his suite in the Muehlebach Hotel, among whom records were kept on the following:
Mr. Henry Warren Mr. N. Grenig
General and Mrs. Ralph E. Truman Mr. J. T. Dickinson Roma Colgan Ila Fay Hinkle Mr. Gibson
Mr. N. Remmick Jones
Mr. Harry Darby
Mr. W.M. Deramus
Honorable Charles Tucker, Mayor of Kansas City, Kansas
(LUNCH at Muehlebach Hotel)
The President departed the Muehlebach Hotel for a tour of the flood area, accompanied by the following: Mr. Alfred Howse, Office of Defense Mobilization Honorable Raymond Foley Honorable Charles Tucker, Mayor of Kansas City, Kansas Mayor Kemp, of Kansas City, Missouri
The President went to the New Armory, 1600 Central, Kansas City, and dedicated the building. [Public Papers: Remarks in Kansas City at the Dedication of the Organized Reserve Corps Armory] (Immediately following this ceremony, the President left for his home in Independence, Missouri.)
(The President departed his home in Independence and motored to the American Legion Home in Independence, arriving there at 8:00 p.m. The President spoke extemporaneously for five minutes to dinner guests attending the dedication of this building.)
(The President departed American Legion Home and motored to the Harpie Club, also in Independence, arriving there at 8:15 p.m. He remained until 9:25 p.m., at which time he departed and returned to his home.)
(The President arrived at the Muehlebach Hotel in Kansas City)
(Accompanied by Mr. Vivian Truman, the President's brother, Mr. Edward F. Neild, of Shreveport, Louisiana, Mr. George Allen, Mr. George Elsey, and Mr. William Hassett, the President left the Muehlebach Hotel and motored to Grandview, to inspect the site for the Truman Library.)
(The President returned to the Muehlebach Hotel, where he had LUNCH.)
(The President returned to his home in Independence.)
IN INDEPENDENCE, MISSOURI (In the afternoon the President motored to the summer home of Mr. Ted Marks, at Lee's Summit, Missouri. He remained there for dinner and the evening.)
(C.S.T.) (The President left Kansas City, Missouri, for Washington, D.C. aboard the U.S.A.F. INDEPENDENCE.)
(E.D.S.T.) (The President arrived in Washington from his San Francisco- Kansas City trip.)
Honorable Frank Pace, Secretary of the Army (Came in to discuss the National Guard)
(Honorable Charles Brannan, Secretary of Agriculture) OFF THE RECORD (The Secretary wished to discuss personnel problems with the President.)
Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State Honorable John McCloy, High Commissioner for Germany (Secretary Acheson had just returned from the San Francisco Peace Treaty Conference and had a few matters to discuss with the President. He brought Commissioner McCloy along with him for this appointment.)
(The President left the White House for the Shoreham Hotel) OFF THE RECORD
(The President "dropped in" on a session of the Banking Fund in the Main Ballroom of the Shoreham Hotel, at the suggestion of Secretary of the Treasury Snyder.) OFF THE RECORD [Public Papers: Address at the Joint Meeting of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the International Monetary Fund]
The President received the members of the International Council of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. This Council was made up of representatives from Sovereign Grand Lodge and from Lodges chartered in various countries. The purpose is for members of Independent Order of Odd Fellows to meet every three years to discuss matters of International Fraternal Relationship. The following were present: BENEDIKTSSON, Mr. and Mrs. Hallgrimur, of Reykjavik, Iceland BERNER,Edwin, of Hellerup, Denmark CARLSEN, William, of New York City, New York DAHLGREN, Ivar, of Stockholm, Sweden EIRIKSSON, Mr. and Mrs. Helfi H., of Reykjavik, Iceland ESPELUND, Mr. and Mrs. J., of Oslo, Norway FRANCESCHI, Fido, of Havana, Cuba GROAT, Robert B., of Washington, New Jersey GUERRA, Mr. and Mrs. Miguel Blanco, of Santiago, Cuba GUTIERREZ, Oscar, of Garcia, Cuba HERNANDEZ, Eduardo, of Havana, Cuba HALLAN, Mr. and Mrs. Olaf, of Oslo, Norway HOIJER, Ernst, of Uppsala, Sweden JOCKUMSSON, Magnus, of Reykjavik, Iceland JONSSON, Mr. and Mrs. Steingrimur, of Reykjavik, Iceland KNUCHEL, E.F., of Basel, Switzerland LOONEY, Mr. and Mrs. Joe, of Wewoka, Oklahoma LUDVIGSEN, Edward G., of Baltimore, Maryland MONROE, D.D., of Clayton, New Mexico NIELSON, Knud, of Copenhagen, Denmark OLSON, Miss Ellen C., of Baltimore, Maryland PECK, Mr. and Mrs. Miles E., of Sioux Falls, South Dakota TIEMEYER, Arthur C., of Baltimore, Maryland WHEELER, Charles A., of Austin, Texas WOOD, Mr. and Mrs. James G., of Lyndhurst, New Jersey [Public Papers: Remarks to Members of the International Council of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows]
Mr. Tex Colbert, President, Chrysler Motor Corporation
Mr. James G. Patton, President, National Farmers Union Mr. Glenn J. Talbott Mr. C.E. Huff Mr. M.W. Thatcher (Mr. Patton asked for appointment to bring in Executive Committee of National Farmers Union. However, all could not come, so above four represented entire group. Secretary Charles F. Brannan recommended appointment and said group probably wanted to discuss commonplace matters: price supports, tax, etc.)
(Honorable Charles Wilson, Director of Defense Mobilization) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable Stanley Woodward, American Ambassador to Canada) OFF THE RECORD
(The President worked on his speech to be given at the cornerstone-laying ceremonies of the new General Accounting Office Building.) OFF THE RECORD
(The President left for the new General Accounting Office Building, where he took part in corner-stone laying ceremonies which began at 10:00 a.m.)
[Public Papers: Address at the Cornerstone Laying of the New General Accounting Office Building]
(General Omar N. Bradley, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. Charles Blackmore) OFF THE RECORD (Mr. Joseph Short) (Mr. Blackmore, of Windsor, Missouri, wrote to the President last May stating that he was writing a doctoral dissertation in Graduate Department of Public Law and Government at Columbia University entitled, "Joseph B. Shannon, Political Boss and Twentieth Century Jeffersonian"; stated Congressman Cannon had indicated that perhaps the President would be willing to tell him about his relations with Mr. Shannon. Mr. Joseph Short wrote him that he could arrange for this visit in September, and would bring Mr. Blackmore in Off the Record.)
Honorable David A. Morse, Director General, International Labor Office, Geneva, Switzerland (Wrote Mr. Connelly from Geneva in July, stating he expected to be in this country at this time and asked if he could see the President.)
Mr. Elliott H. Newcomb, Secretary-General, International Federation of War Veterans Organizations (Mr. Newcomb requested this through the National Headquarters of AMVETS here in Washington, stating that he wished to report to the President on the results of recent security meeting held by this Federation in Rome. Mr. Newcomb is former National Executive Director of AMVETS and was elected to his present position at initial meeting of veterans' organizations which formed the International Federation; the Editor of "Army Times," Harold Stagg, also wrote Mr. Connelly to urge that the President see Newcomb, stating that this is a splendid organization, making great progress in fighting communism in Europe and that its prestige in eyes of Europeans would be greatly enhanced if Newcomb could say he talked with the President; also urged that a picture be taken of Newcomb with President.)
Honorable George C. Marshall, the Secretary of Defense (Usual Thursday appointment)
(Honorable Jack Gorrie, NSRB Acting Chairman) OFF THE RECORD (Came to see Mr. Connelly and saw the President Off the Record, at his own request.)
Honorable William M. Boyle Mr. Charles Vandevander (Mr. Boyle's usual weekly appointment; asked if he might bring Mr. V.)
[Public Papers: Letter Accepting Resignation of General George C. Marshall as Secretary of Defense]
(Honorable W. Averell Harriman, Special Assistant to the President) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable James Webb, the Under Secretary of State) OFF THE RECORD
BIG FOUR Honorable Alben Barkley, the Vice President Honorable Sam Rayburn, the Speaker of the House of Representatives Senator Ernest McFarland, Arizona Congressman Percy Priest, Tennessee (Mr. Matthew Connelly called their offices yesterday and arranged this; Congressman Priest acted for Congressman McCormack, who was not in Washington.)
Congressman Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr., New York Honorable Nathan Straus (Congressman Roosevelt called Mr. Matthew Connelly in August and asked if he might bring Mr. Straus in to see the President.)
Mr. Justin Miller, Chairman of Board and General Counsel, National Association of Radio and Television Broadcasters (Mr. Charles Murphy asked Mr. Matthew Connelly to set this up so that Mr. Miller might report to the President on survey he recently conducted in Latin America when he was on State Department's advisory Committee on Information. Mr. Forney Rankin, who was with Mr. Miller in South America, was to have come today but has not returned as yet to his post.)
Dr. Maurice N. Eisendrath, Prsident Union of American Hebrew Congregations, New York City Congressman Adolph J. Sabath, Illinois Mr. Louis Broido Rabbi Samuel Thurman Mr. Milton Kronheim (Mr. Edward Jacobson originally took this up with the President and Mr. Matthew Connelly, who told him to have Dr. Eisendrath request this in writing. Dr. Eisendrath then wrote to ask if this delgation might call and invite the President to attend festivities surrounding formal dedication of their new Union House of Living Judaism.)
Honorable Maple Harl, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly and asked for this, as he wanted to thank the President for reappointing him.)
The President received the National Citizen's Committee for United Nations Day. Mr. William Waymack was Chairman and headed the group. He was then presented with a cake made from Mrs. Truman's recipe which is contained in UN cookbook, which book is sponsored by this Committee. Cake had six candles, symbolizing sixth anniversary of coming into force of UN Charter. The first copy of this cookbook was handed the President for Mrs. Truman. The following were present: ALLEN, Kermit~HAWKINS, Miss Mary E. ANDERSON, Miss Signe~HAZEN, Mr. John ANDOLSEK, Eugene J.~HEAD, Dr. Walter BEER, Mrs. Anita~HELMES, Miss Winifred BEGGS, Mrs. Frederic~HESELTINE, Miss Marjorie BENNETT, Richard K.~HICKERSON, John D. BERNSTEIN, David~HINES, Lewis G. BISGYER, Mrs. Marjorie~HYMER, Miss Esther W. BLAUSTEIN, Jacob~INMAN, John R. BONDY, Robert E.~JOHNSTONE, Mrs. William BOZAY, Eugene~JONES, Rowland, Jr. BROCK, Stuart~KRAMER, Rabbi Simon G. CALKINS, Wallace J.~LANGFORD, Miss Marilyn CAMPBELL, Wallace J.~LEEPER, Miss Mary CHYZ, Yaraslov~LERCH, Don COPE, Admiral Harley~LINZEL, Mrs. Frank A. COWEN, Miss Rose Robinson~MacALISTER, Robert J. CROSBY, Ben G.~MacGREGOR, Frank S. deLIMA, Oscar A.~McGHEE, Mrs. Nancy DENNING, William I.~MILLER, Justin D'ESTOURNELLES, Julie~MILLER, Watson B. DONOHUE, Hon. Joseph F.~MILLS, Taylor District of Columbia Commissioner~MONTGOMERY, Miss Elizabeth EICHELBERGER, Clark~NEAL, Fred Warner ELLIS, Dr. George R.~PAKISER, L.C. ENGEL, Mrs. Irving M.~PARKER, Mrs. Virginia EVERS, Miss Winifred~PATTERSON, John M. FEREBEE, Dr. Dorothy B.~PETERSON, Henry M. FIEBEGER, Miss Julia~POWER, Thomas L. FIERST, Herbert A.~REID, Robert FLINN, W.G.~REISSIG, Dr. Frederick E. FLEUGEL, Dr. Edna~RENNIE, Wesley F. FOWLER, Andrew~ROETTGER, Miss Olinda FREDERICK, Frank B.~RUNYON, A. Milton FOX, Mrs. Carolyn~RUSSELL, Francis H. GOENNER, Miss Alicia~SAYMON, Miss Eleanor GOLDMAN, Frank~SCHIFF, Philip GORMAN, J.R., Jr.~SCHLUP, Lester A. HALLSTROM, Miss Elizabeth~SCRIVENER, Miss Katherine HANKINS, Mrs. O.G.~SHAEFER, Miss Rita SHAW, Harry~TOUROVER, Mrs. Raphael SIMS, Dudley L.~URBAN, Miss Frances SMITH, Miss Frances C.~URQUHART, George SPINGARN, Jerome~WEITZER, Bernard STAVRIDI, V.S.G.~WILSON, Allen STEINBERGER, Mrs. Helen~WOOTON, Paul SUTLIFF, Vincent~YOUNG, Mrs. William Harvey SWEETSER, Mr. Arthur~
[Public Papers: Remarks to the National Citizens' Committee for United Nations Day]
Mr. N.T. Veatch, of Kansas City, Missouri (Wrote the President August 23rd, recalling their previous corres- pondence re National Water Policy; said he planned on being in Connecticut for several weeks with his family and if possible hoped he might run down from New London and visit with the President.)
(Judge and Mrs. Luther Johnson) (Mr. and Mrs. E.N. Johnson) (Mr. and Mrs. R.B. Bowles) OFF THE RECORD (R.B. Bowles, Jr.)
Miss Ann Cates, Queen, the President's Cup Regatta Mr. John Remon, President, Cup Regatta Association Mr. Edward R. Carr, General Chairman Mr. Edgar Morris, Chairman, Coronation Committee Mr. Clarence Arata (Mr. Harloff, who asked for this appointment through Mr. Matthew Connelly, to have Miss Cates' picture taken with the President, was unable to attend and sent Mr. Arata to take his place.)
(Mr. and Mrs. William Skillman) OFF THE RECORD (Miss Rose Conway took them in to see the President)
(Mr. William Taylor) (Judge James D. Cooney) OFF THE RECORD (Came to see Mr. Matthew Connelly and saw the President Off the Record)
The President had his picture taken with new Secretary of Defense, Honorable Robert A. Lovett, and with retiring Secretary George C. Marshall.
(National Security Council) OFF THE RECORD
H.E. Huu, the Prime Minister of Vietnam H.R.H. Crown Prince Savang, of Laos Honorable Donald Heath, American Minister to Indo China (This appointment was arranged by Secretary Acheson with the President; the 2nd and 3rd Prime Ministers from Indo China, representing Cambodia and Laos, were unable to attend. Just to pay respects.)
Honorable Elmer B. Staats, Assistant Director, Bureau of the Budget (Acting Director in Mr. Lawton's absence; asked for fifteen minutes)
Honorable Thomas E. Dewey, Governor of New York (Arranged through Under Secretary of State. Half hour.)
H.E. Elpidio Quirino, President of the Philippine Republic H.E. Joaquin Elizade, the Ambassador of the Philippine Republic Honorable Myron Cowen, American Ambassador to the Philippine Republic (President Quirino asked if he might drop by and say "goodbye" to the President before leaving for the Philippines.)
Honorable James Webb, the Under Secretary of State (State's usual Thursday appointment; Mr. Acheson tied up in tripartite talks, so Mr. Webb took his place.)
Reverend John A. Flynn, President, St. John's University Reverend Cyril A. Myer, Vice President, St. John's University (Mr. Feeney took them in for a handshake with the President.)
Honorable J. Howard McGrath, the Attorney General, and a group of leading sports figures of the Nation. The following were present: BELL, de Benneville, Commissioner, National Football League BIBLE, D.X., Director of Athletics, Texas University DEAN, Everett, regarded as Dean of Basketball FRICK, Ford, President, Nat'l. League of Professional Baseball Clubs IRISH, Ned, former "World Telegram" Sports reporter McEVOY, L.C., represented Mr. Will Harridge, Pres., American League MURRAY, Francin T., Director of Athletics, University of Pennsylvania TUNNEY, Gene, former Heavyweight Boxing Chamion VANDERBILT, Alfred Gwynne, President, Thoroughbred Racing Assn. (The Attorney General asked if he might bring in this group, which he has convened to discuss gambling in amateur and professional sports, and to get recommendations looking toward remedial steps, etc.)
Congressman William L. Dawson, Illinois (Called Mr. Connelly from Chicago yesterday and asked for this.)
(Pre Press)
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
Honorable Stanton Griffis, American Ambassador to Spain (Wired Mr. Connelly from New York and asked for this.)
At the Blair House OFF THE RECORD