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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

August 24, 1951

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

Senator Richard B. Russell, Georgia (Mr. Matthew Connelly called him yesterday and asked him to come up and talk with the President.)
(General W. Bedell Smith) (Admiral Sidney Souers) OFF THE RECORD (Mr. James Lay, Executive Secretary, National Security Council)
Cabinet [Meeting] (Mr. Robert Lovett for Defense; Mr. Searles for Interior; Mr. Galvin for Labor. Mr. W. Averell Harriman absent.)
Honorable John W. Snyder, the Secretary of the Treasury Honorable Charles Brannan, the Secretary of Agriculture Honorable I. W. Duggan, Governor, Farm Credit Administration (Requested by Secretary Charles F. Brannan; Governor Duggan presented to the Secretary of the Treasury a check for one million dollars, which made a total of one hundred million dollar dividends earned by Farm Mortgage Corporation, which was an early New Deal Corporation; this practically liquidates it.) [Public Papers: Statement by the President Commending the Operations of the Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation]
Senator Brien McMahon, Connecticut Honorable Philip B. Perlman, the Solicitor General (Asked for this in order to talk further about a matter previously discussed at a Blair House meeting.)
(Honorable Joseph Keenan, A. F. of L.) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Watson B. Miller Commander William J. Holliman, Commander, Dept. of D.C., American Legion Mr. Fred P. Amthor, Athletic Director, D. C. American Legion (Mr. Miller asked if they might come in and present to the President tickets to the American Legion's Junior Baseball Games, to be played here August 27th, 28th, and 29th, and invited the President to attend.)
(Mr. William Hillman) OFF THE RECORD
The President received a group of students from Kansas High Schools, sponsored by the Veterans of Foreign Wars. The following were present: Rear Admiral Harley Cope (Ret'd.), Director, American Sovereignty Campaign, Veterans of Foreign Wars Congressman Edward H. Rees, of Kansas Mr. Raymond Branaman Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Maypin, Fort Scott, Kansas Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Eckdall, Emporia, Kansas Mr. and Mrs. Warren Kailer, Chase, Kansas Gilbert Hatfield, Arkansas City, Kansas Shirley Jordan, 120 N. E. 4th, Abilene, Kansas Mildred Reinking, 120 West Kansas, Arkansas City, Kansas Bonita Kennard, Chase, Kansas Mary Jo Crick, Cimarron, Kansas Diana Davidson, 204 Glenwood, Coffeyville, Kansas Ruby Schaulis, 1022 Fifth, Clay Center, Kansas Mary Katherine Schroeder, Colby, Kansas Beverly Stiller, Route #1, El Dorado, Kansas Eleanor Lewis, Eureka, Kansas June Stehwien, 619 N. 10th, Garden City, Kansas Elizabeth Bartley, 3015 Eighteenth, Great Bend, Kansas Ethel Billingsley, Hoisington, Kansas Connie Marie Lucas, 215 North 26th, Kansas City, Kansas Pat Richecky, 2602 Forty-Fifth Avenue, Kansas City, Kansas Edith Sortor, 2415 Everett, Kansas City, Kansas Lois Adams, LaHarpe, Kansas Sonya Cade, 720 W. 4th, Larned, Kansas Carole Schlehuber, Marion, Kansas Loreen Cline, Conway, Kansas Meredith Clary, 3031 Corning, Parsons, Kansas Marjorie Spicer, Box 225, Pratt, Kansas Joan Talley, General Delivery, Sunflower, Kansas Margaret Jean Smith, 1352 Wayne, Topeka, Kansas Winifred Meyer, 223 North Alexander, Hoisington, Kansas Jim Miller, 1123 National, Fort Scott, Kansas Bob Shelton, 129 W. 16th, Hutchinson, Kansas Clarence Wilson, Route #2, Kinsley, Kansas Bill Fisher, 1028 Metropolitan, Leavenworth, Kansas Lawrence Davis, 207 E. Lincoln, Medicine Lodge, Kansas Jim Ward, 7 Quincy Court, Pittsburg, Kansas Larry Cooley, 415 South High, Pratt, Kansas [Public Papers: Remarks to a Group of High School Students From Kansas]
Congressman Brent Spence, Kentucky (Called yesterday and asked for this.)
(The President came to the Executive Office but saw only members of his Staff during the morning.)
(The President remained at home at the Blair House all day.)
[Public Papers: Letter to the Chairman, Wage Stabilization Board, Requesting Investigation of a Strike in the Copper and Nonferrous Metals Industry]
Honorable Frederick Lawton, Director, Bureau of the Budget (Asked Mr. Connelly for fifteen-minute appointment today.)
(Honorable Charles Wilson, Director of Defense Mobilization) OFF THE RECORD
Congressman Francis E. Walter (Called Mr. Connelly last week and asked for this; wished to discuss Displaced Persons and International Labor Organization.)
(Honorable John Gibson, Chairman, Displaced Persons Commission) (Honorable Edward M. O'Connor, Commissioner) OFF THE RECORD (John Gibson called Mr. Connelly last Friday and asked for this. They came to see Mr. Connelly and saw the President Off the Record.)
Mr. Spyros Skouras, President, Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation (Requested this through his Washington representative, Tony Muto.)
Honorable Louis Johnson Honorable J. Monroe Johnson Mr. Edgar Dunlap Mr. James P. Ringley Honorable Paul Griffith (Colonel Louis Johnson asked if he might bring this delegation in to invite the President to attend the Convention of the American Legion, to be held in Miami, Florida in October)
Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State (Usual Monday appointment)
(Mr. Bryson Rash and photographer) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable Maurice Tobin, Secretary of Labor) OFF THE RECORD
[Public Papers: Statement by the President Upon Establishing the Defense Materials Procurement Agency]
[Public Papers: Letter to the President, National Farmers Union, on the Taxation of Cooperatives]
Mr. Lewis Wehle, of Rochester, New York Mr. George Kelly, his assistant (Arranged at request of the Democratic National Committee)
Congressman Thomas S. Gordon, Illinois (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly last week and asked for this.)
(Mr. Paul M. Massmann, General Manager, National Capital Sesqui- centennial Commission) OFF THE RECORD (Mr. James B. C. Howe) (Came to see Mr. Matthew Connelly and saw the President Off the Record)
Hon. E. L. Bartlett, Delegate from Alaska (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly last week and asked for this.)
H.E. Dr. Vladimir Prochazka, the Ambassador of Czechoslovakia (Presented credentials)
H.E. Dr. Hipolito J. Paz, the Ambassador of the Argentine Republic (Presented credentials)
Honorable George C. Marshall, the Secretary of Defense (Usual Tuesday appointment)
Honorable John W. Snyder, the Secretary of the Treasury (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly yesterday and asked for this.)
(Honorable William M. Boyle, Jr., Chairman, Democratic National Committee) OFF THE RECORD (This was Mr. Boyle's regular Tuesday appointment, but he asked to come in Off the Record.)
(Honorable Frederick Lawton, Director, Bureau of the Budget) (Mr. David Stowe) OFF THE RECORD
(The President left Blair House for the Pentagon where he had dinner in General Marshall's office at 7:30 p.m.) OFF THE RECORD
Dr. George W. Taylor, Chairman, Wage Stabilization Board Mr. Nathan P. Feinsinger Mr. Fred Bullen (Arranged at request of David Stowe; Taylor was retiring and Mr. Feinsinger succeeded him.)
(Mr. John Kennedy, of San Diego) OFF THE RECORD
Senator James E. Murray, Montana Senator Warren G. Magnuson, Washington (Senator Murray phoned Mr. Connelly last week and asked to come in to discuss Western Reclamation Program.)
Mrs. Ruth Bryan Rohde (Called Mr. Connelly August 27th from New York and asked for this.)
Honorable Gordon Gray (Wired Mr. Connelly from Chapel Hill last week.)
(Honorable William Foster, Administrator, ECA) OFF THE RECORD (Asked Mr. Connelly if he might come in Off the Record.)
(Dr. R. W. Tyler, Dean, The Division of Social Sciences, the University of Chicago) OFF THE RECORD (Mr. Connelly wrote Dr. Tyler August 21st that the President would like to have an off the record talk with him and asked him to come to Washington at this time.) HALF HOUR
Honorable Joseph Guffey, former Senator from Pennsylvania (Called Mr. Connelly on Tuesday and asked for this.)
(Honorable George C. Marshall, the Secretary of Defense) OFF THE RECORD
(National Security Council) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable Charles Wilson, Director of Defense Mobilization) OFF THE RECORD
[Public Papers: Letter Greeting the President of the Philippines Upon His Arrival at Washington National Airport]
(Pre Press)
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
(Mr. Randolph Hughes) OFF THE RECORD (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly yesterday and said he would like to drop by and say "goodbye" to the President, as he was returning to Delaware to be State Banking Commissioner.)
(The President left for the Departmental Auditorium, where he participated in ceremonies incident to signing of Security Treaty with the Republic of the Philippines. He was accompanied by Mr. Joseph Short, General Harry Vaughan and Admiral Robert Dennison.)
[Public Papers: Exchange of Remarks With the President of the Philippines at the Signing of the Treaty of Mutual Defense]
The President gave a stag luncheon at the Blair House in honor of H. E. Elpidio Quirino, the President of the Philippine Republic. The following guests attended this luncheon: The President H. E. The President of the Philippines, Elpidio Quirino H. E. The Secretary of Foreign Affairs of the Philippines, Carlos P. Romulo H. E. The Ambassador of the Philippines, Joaquin M. Elizalde Honorable Vincente Francisco, Senator Honorable Diosdado Macapagal, Congressman Honorable Jose Yulo, Member of Philippine Council of State Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State Honorable George Marshall, the Secretary of Defense Senator Tom Connally~Senator Bourke B. Hickenlooper Senator Walter F. George~Representative Walter H. Judd Senator Alexander Wiley~Representative Abraham A. Ribicoff Senator H. Alexander Smith~General Omar N. Bradley Honorable John Foster Dulles~Honorable Myron M. Cowen
The President signed S.960, "To amend the Act authorizing the segregation and expenditure of trust funds held in joint ownership by the Shoshone and Arapaho Tribes of the Wind River Reservation for the purpose of extending the time in which payments are to be made to members of such tribes under such Act, and for other purposes." The following were present for the signing: Senator Joseph C. O'Mahoney, Wyoming Senator Lester C. Hunt Honorable Oscar Chapman, Secretary of the Interior Honorable Dillon S. Myer, Commissioner, Bureau of Indian Affairs
Honorable Oscar Chapman, the Secretary of the Interior (Asked for a half hour appointment)
(The President left Blair House for the Statler Hotel, where he "dropped in" on a dinner in honor of Dr. George Taylor, retiring Chairman of Wage Stabilization Board. Mr. David Stowe accompanied him.) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. Charles Irelan) OFF THE RECORD (Accompanied by Mr. Charles Murphy, who arranged this appointment.)
(General W. Bedell Smith, Chairman, National Security Council) (Admiral Sidney Souers) OFF THE RECORD (Mr. James S. Lay, Jr., Executive Secretary, National Security Council)
Cabinet [Meeting] (Mr. Webb for State. Mr. Galvin for Labor. All others present.)
Honorable Gordon E. Dean, Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission (Called Mr. Connelly last week and asked for this.)
Honorable Frederick Lawton, Director, Bureau of the Budget (Asked for fifteen minutes on this date.)
The President signed H.J.Res.281, "To authorize the President to proclaim a special period for intesified voluntary contributions of clothing and kindred supplies in connection with the collection effort of American Relief for Korea, Incorporated." At the same time the President issued the Proclamation. The following guests were present for the signing: The Korean Ambassador, H.E. Dr. You Chan Yang BENNETT, Honorable Wallace F., U. S. Senator from Utah CARROLL, Monsignor Howard, National Catholic Welfare Conference FAIRFIELD, Dr. Wynn C., Church World Service, New York FREEMAN, Mrs. H. Gordon, Secretary, American Relief for Korea, N. Y. GOSORN, Colonel L. M., Chief, International Branch, Supply Division, G-4, Department of the Army HALL, Mr. Graham R., Special Asst. to Asst. Secretary of State for United Nations Affairs LEHMANN, Mr. Joseph B., Executive Director, American Relief for Korea PICKETT, Mr. Clarence E., American Friends Service Committee, Phila. RINGLAND, Mr. Arthur C., Executive Director, Advisory Committee on Voluntary Foreign Aid, Department of State ROBERTS, Mr. E. A., President, United Defense Fund WHITE, Mr. Paul S., Chief, Washington Office of United Nations Reconstruction Agency for Korea LEWIS, Mr. Edwin A.
Honorable Waldemar Gallman, American Ambassador to the Union of South Africa (Newly appointed to this post and asked if he might pay his respects before his departure.)
The President was presented with a floral replica of a Defense Bond by representatives of the Florists Telegraph Delivery Association. This Association was having its annual convention in Washington from September 4th to 7th and asked if it might make this presentation to the President. The following were present: Snyder, Honorable John W., Secretary of the Treasury Gude, Mr. Granville, President, Florists Telegraph Delivery Assn. Blackistone, Mr. Z. D. Sr., Honorary Chairman of the Convention Potter, Mr. Lewis, Chairman of the Convention Dent, Mr. Hatch, Publicity Chairman of the Convetion Brott, Mr. Lou, Public Relations Murphy, Mr. Julian, Public Relations [Public Papers: Remarks at the Presentation of a Floral Replica of a Defense Bond]
(The remainder of the afternoon was left open for the work on the Speech.)
[Public Papers: Statement by the President Upon Issuing Order Delaying the Disposal of World War II Housing]
(The President went for a tour of the White House to survey the progress being made on the Renovation of the Executive Mansion.) OFF THE RECORD
(Admiral Robert Dennison) (Admiral Sidney Souers) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. William Hassett) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. W. Averell Harriman) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. Joseph Short) OFF THE RECORD
(General Wallace Graham saw the President in the gym) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. Hopkins) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. George Elsey) OFF THE RECORD
The following accompanied the President to Griffith Stadium for the celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the founding of the American League: Mr. Joseph Short, and sons (Steven and Sandy) Mr. Charles Murphy Admiral Robert Dennison Mr. Roger Tubby Mr. Perlmeter Mr. Joseph Stowe Mr. Hopkins Miss Rose Conway and her sister (Mrs. Margaret Kurt) Miss Rose Conway and her niece (Miss Mary Anne Kurt) General Robert Landry (By way of celebration, the 12th inning of the winning game in 1924, when Washington won the World Series, was reenacted, with most of the original players participating. A regular baseball game was then played.)
OFF THE RECORD (The President remained at home in the Blair House.)
[Public Papers: Statement by the President: Labor Day]
(E.D.S.T.) (The President departed for San Francisco, California, to address the opening session of the Japanese Peace Treaty Conference.)
The Independence and accompanying press plane will fly non-stop to San Francisco and land at the U.S. Coast Guard section of the San Francisco Airport. The Presi- dent will occupy quarters in the Fairmont Hotel during his stay in San Francisco. Both sections of the Presidential party will depart San Francisco at 7:00 A.M., Pacific Daylight Time on Wednesday, Sep- tember 5, fly non-stop to Kansas City and land at Municipal Airport at approximately 1:00 P.M., Central Standard Time.
MEMBERS OF THE PARTY The President Hon. Wayne Coy, Chairman, Federal Communications Commission Hon. William D. Hassett, Secretary to the President Hon. Joseph Short, Secretary to the President Major General Harry H. Vaughan, Army Aide to the President Admiral Robert L. Dennison, Naval Aide to the President Brigadier General Robert B. Landry, Air Force Aide to the President Major General Wallace H. Graham, Physician to the President Mr. David Bell, Mr. David Stowe, Administrative Assistant Mr. Richard E. Neustadt, Mr. Jack Romagna, Mr. Dewey Long, Secret Service Agents
Newspaper Correspondents: Robert G. Nixon~International News Service Merriman Smith~United Press Association Ernest B. Vaccaro~The Associated Press Joseph A. Fox~The Washington Star William H. Lawrence~The New York Times Robert J. Donovan~New York Herald Tribune Laurence H. Burd~The Chicago Tribune Jack Doherty~New York Daily News Herbert B. Elliston~The Washington Post J. Lacey Reynolds~Pittsburg Post-Gazette Edwin Darby~Time Magazine Radio Correspondents: William Hillman~Mutual Broadcasting System Bryson Rash~American Broadcasting Co. Frank Bourgholtzer~National Broadcasting Co. Walter L. Cronkite~Columbia Broadcasting System William Cornell~A.B.C. (Pool Engineer) Still Photographers: Milton Freier~Acme Newspictures Henry Burroughs~Associated Press Photos Maurice Johnson~International News Photos Henry Walker~Life Magazine Donald W. Wingfield~Pictorial Section Department of Defense Television: Robert Hess~Telenews INS, INP George Gerlach~Telenews INS, INP
Miss Madeline Lorenz White House Press Office Mr. Carroll S. Linkins Western Union Mr. Harry Charnley Mr. Robert A. Duffy Mr. Russell P. Andrews Secret Service Agents USAF Independence Crew: Colonel F. W. Williams Major Silas Minton Captain E. P. Christensen Mr. Eugene Lucas M/Sgt. F. J. Willard M/Sgt. F. A. Winslow M/Sgt. R. E. Hughes M/Sgt. G. E. Robinson Guards: M/Sgts., Borega, Campbell, Boord and Wood American DC-6 B Crew: Captain Roy E. Pickering Co-Captain Paul W. Clough First Officer Gordon Pickett Flight Engineer John Harris Stewardess: Ida M. Primavera Stewardess: Jane L. Ebker Stewardess: Florence H. Blais Mr. Stephen Noble, American Airlines Mr. Frank Brunton, American Airlines
(P.D.T.)(The President's plane, The Independence, arrived at the Coast Guard Air Station, San Francisco Municipal Airport. The President was greeted upon arrival by: The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson] Mayor Robinson, of San Francisco Dr. Warren Kelchner Mr. John F. Simmons, Division of Protocol, State Dept. Rear Admiral J.E. Stike, U.S. Coast Guard Rear Admiral E.C. Ewen Admiral B.T. Rodgers Vice Admiral Hall Major General William E. Hall Major General A.H. Noble Lt. General Joseph M. Swing and other civic leaders
(The Presidential motorcade departed the airport for the Fairmont Hotel, San Francisco, where they arrived at 4:15 p.m.)
(The President departed his suite and went to Suite 262 in the Fairmont Hotel, where he made a pre-broadcast of his speech opening the Bond Drive. Following this he returned to his suite and remained until 7:45 p.m. when he again returned to Suite 262 and, at 7:55 p.m. delivered his address in connection with the U.S. Bond Drive Campaign. The first of these speeches was made for the benefit of the newsreels and White house still photographers. Following the latter broadcast, the President posed for the photographers from the local newspapers.)
[Public Papers: Radio Address Opening the Defense Bond Drive]