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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

July 26, 1951

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

[Public Papers: Letter to the Chairman, Wage Stabilization Board, Requesting Investigation of a Labor Dispute Affecting the Production of Copper]
[Public Papers: Message to the Congress Transmitting Report of U.S. Participation in the United Nations for 1950]
Honorable William Pawley (Called Mr. Connelly yesterday and asked for this.)
(Mr. Maxwell Brown) (Mr. Marvin Brown) OFF THE RECORD (Mr. Connelly ran them in to shake hands with the President. Marvin Brown is Maxwell Brown's son.)
Honorable Morris L. Cooke (Wired Mr. Connelly telling him he would be in city and hoped he might have an opportunity for brief appointment with the President.)
The Inter-Departmental Committee on Internal Security. (Arranged by Mr. Lay. The President joined them at their meeting in the Cabinet Room. The following were present:) BOYKIN, Mr. Samual D., Director, Office of Consular Affairs, Department of State BURDICK, Mr. Bernard F., Chief of Office, Panama Canal Company CONNELL, Mr. John G., Personnel Manager, Admn. Asst's Office, Department of the Army COYNE, Mr. J. Patrick, National Security Council Representative on Internal Security DENSON, Mr. William D., Office of the General Counsel, Atomic Energy Commission EDWARDS, Mr. Sheffield, Director of Security, CIA FEIDLER, Commander Ernest R., Asst. to the Under Secretary, Department of the Treasury FOLEY, Mr. William E., Acting Chairman, ICIS, Dept. of Justice HUMELSINE, Mr. Carlisle H., Deputy Under Secretary for Administra- tion, Department of State JACOBUS, Mr. Gilbert, Special Asst. to the Chairman, NSRB JULIEN, Mr. Beatty R., Executive Secretary, Central Loyalty, Security Board, Department of the Air Force LAY, Mr. James S., Jr., Executive Secretary, National Security Council PIOZET, Mr. Charles, Special Asst. to the Chief, Office of Industrial Relations, Department of the Navy MELOY, Lawrence V. Executive Secretary, Loyalty Review Board, Civil Service RANTA, Mr. Hugo, Asst. General Counsel, Department of the Treasury SCHMIDT, Major General William R., Director, Continental U.S., Defense Planning Group, Department of Defense SMITH, Mr. Newman, Security Control Officer, Office of the Sec. of Commerce, Department of Commerce SMITH, Mr. T. Oscar, Special Asst. to the Attorney General, Department of Justice STOHL, Mr. Ralph N., Director of Administration, OSD, Department of Defense VICTORY, Dr. John F., Executive Secretary, National Advisory Comm. on Aeronautics
Congressman Morgan M. Moulder, Missouri (Called Mr. Connelly on Tuesday and asked for this.)
Honorable Frederick Lawton, Director, Bureau of the Budget Honorable Charles Wilson, Director of Defense Mobilization
(Mr. Eben Ayers) OFF THE RECORD
(Pre Press)
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
(Honorable George Allen) OFF THE RECORD
[Public Papers: Letter to Committee Chairmen on Financing the United Nations Palestine Refugee Program]
[Public Papers: Statement by the President on the Mass Deportations in Hungary]
(General Bedell Smith) (Admiral Sidney Souers) OFF THE RECORD (Mr. James Lay)
Cabinet [Meeting] (The Attorney General was represented by Solicitor General; Agriculture away, Under Secretary McCormick attended; General George Marshall called to Capitol and was represented by Mr. Robert Lovett; Dr. John R. Steelman and Mr. W. Averell Harriman away.)
Honorable Frederick Lawton, Director, Bureau of the Budget (One-half hour)
Honorable Frank Pace, the Secretary of the Army (Asked Mr. Matthew Connelly to arrange this.)
Congressman Richard Bolling, Missouri (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly to arrange this.)
(The President left Blair House for Arlington National Cemetary to attend funeral services for the late Admiral Forrest Sherman, former Chief of Naval Operations. The following accompanied the President to the funeral: General George C. Marshall Admiral Robert Dennison General Harry Vaughan General Wallace Graham Admiral Sidney Souers Mr. Roger Tubby Colonel Godfrey T. McHugh, USAF (representing General Robert Landry)
(Mr. Joseph Healey) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable Clark Clifford) OFF THE RECORD
Senator Thomas C. Hennings, Jr., Missouri Congressman Richard Bolling (Mr. Charles Murphy)
(Honorable Francis P. Matthews) (Honorable Dan Kimball, Secretary of the Navy) OFF THE RECORD (Admiral Arthur W. Radford) (Admiral Richard L. Connolly) (Admiral Robert B. Carney) (Admiral William M. Fechteler) (Admiral Lynde D. McCormick) (Admiral Robert Dennison)
[Public Papers: Address in Detroit at the Celebration of the City's 250th Anniversary]
Trip of the President to Detroit, Michigan Saturday, July 28, 1951
Lv. Washington ...(USAF Independence)....... 9:30 a.m. EDT Ar. Willow Run Airport, Michigan.....................10:15 a.m.EST
After greeting small Reception committee at Willow Run airport the Presidential party will motor to Detroit City Hall, where the President will speak at 12:00 noon, Eastern standard time, in connection with the celebration of the 250th Anniversary of the City of Detroit. The party will leave City Hall at 1:30 p.m., est, motor to Willow Run airport and depart for Washington. Estimated time of arrival Washington 5:10 p.m., Eastern daylight time Members of the party The President Senator Homer Ferguson Senator Blair Moody Congressman Louis C. Rabaut Hon. Raymond Foley Hon. Matthew J. Connelly Hon. Joseph Short Major General Harry H. Vaughan Admiral Robert L. Dennison Major General Wallace Graham Mr. Jack Romagna Secret Service Agents
Press Section Lv. Washington...(.American Airlines).......9:10 a.m.EDT Ar. Willow Run Airport, Michigan.............10:00 a.m.EST
Members of the party
Robert G. Nixon,~International News Service Ernest B. Vaccaro,~The Associated Press John L. Cutter,~United Press Association Edward T. Folliard,~The Washington Post Paul Kennedy,~New York Times Laurence H. Burd,~The Chicago Tribune Don Irwin,~New York Herald Tribune Frank Holeman,~New York Daily News Arnold P. O'Connor,~The Detroit Times Ed. Darby,~Time Magazine Robert Ruth,~The Baltimore Sun Frank Bourgholtzer,~National Broadcasting Co. Bryson Rash,~American Broadcasting Co. Louis Schollenberger,~Columbia Broadcasting System Hollis Seavey,~Mutual Broadcasting System* Blair Jones,~Mutual Broadcasting System* William M. Henry,~Mutual Broadcasting System Alfonso Muto,~International News Photos Henry Burroughs,~Associated Press Photos C. Ed Alley,~Acme News Pictures James Lyons,~Universal Newsreel (pool) Albert Schuster,~Universal Newsreel (pool)* Thomas Craven,~Paramount News ** Robert Hess, ~Telenews, INP. George Gerlach,~Telenews, INP.* Mr. Carroll S. Linkins,~Western Union
Mr. Dewey Long Mr. Robert Duffy Mr. Don Campbell, American Airlines Mr. Frank Brunton, American Airlines
USAF Independence:
Colonel F.W. Williams Major Silas Minton Captain E.P. Christensen Mr. Eugene Lucas WO. B.M. Sickler M/Sgt. F.J. Willard M/Sgt. F.A. Winslow M/Sgt. G.E. Robinson M/Sgt. R.E. Hughes
American Airlines DC-6:
Captain Roy Pickering First Officer G.J. Pickett Engineer Frank N. Pommersheim Erdine Perkinson, Hostess Ida Primavera, Hostess Secret Service Agents
(The President remained at home in the Blair House.)
(Admiral Sidney Souers) (Mr. James Lay) OFF THE RECORD
BIG FOUR Honorable Alben Barkley, the Vice President Honorable Sam Rayburn, the Speaker of the House Senator Ernest W. McFarland, Arizona Congressman John W. McCormack, Massachusetts
Honorable Milton Katz, U.S. Special Representative in Europe, ECA (Mr. William Foster called Mr. Connelly and asked if the President could see Mr. Katz, who came back here for a short while.)
(Mr. Haraden Pratt) (Mr. Charles B. Stauffacher, Assistant director of Defense Mobilization) OFF THE RECORD (Mr. Pratt is to be appointed as White House Consultant on tele-communications. Mr. Stauffacher asked Mr. Connelly if he might bring him in to meet the President Off the Record.)
Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State (Usual Monday appointment)
(Honorable Thomas C. Buchanan, Vice Chairman, Federal Power Com- mission) OFF THE RECORD (Called Mr. Connelly last Friday and asked for this Off the Record.)
Congressman Wright Patman, Texas
Honorable John W. Snyder, the Secretary of the Treasury
[Public Papers: Letter to the Chairman, Senate Committee on Expenditures in the Executive Branch, on Pending Reorganization Legislation]
[Public Papers: Statement by the President Upon Signing the Defense Production Act Amendments]
Honorable Charles Wilson, Director of Defense Mobilization Colonel A.E. Howse (Mr. Wilson called last evening and said that Colonel Howse, his Deputy assigned to Missouri Valley Flood Program, was in town and wanted to report on the situation.)
Senator Harley Kilgore, West Virginia (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly last week and asked for this.)
Congressman Paul C. Jones, Missouri (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly yesterday and asked for this.)
(Honorable Maurice Tobin, the Secretary of Labor) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. Paul Bloch) (Mr. Joseph Short) OFF THE RECORD (Mr. Bloch is Publisher of the Toledo Blade and Pittsburgh Post- Gazette, and Mr. Joseph Short brought him in through his office.)
Honorable James M. Mead, Chairman, Federal Trade Commission (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly a week ago and asked for this.)
Honorable Robert A. Lovett, Deputy Secretary of Defense (Usual Tuesday appointment for Secretary of Defense; General Marshall out of town.)
(Honorable James E. Webb, Under Secretary of State) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable Dan Kimball, Secretary of the Navy) OFF THE RECORD
General J. Lawton Collins, Chief of Staff, U.S.A. General Wade H. Haislip, Vice Chief of Staff, U.S.A. (retiring)
The President signed the Defense Production Act in his Executive Office.
(The President left the Blair House for the Statler Hotel, where he attended a Testimonial Dinner for the Honorable George J. Schoeneman.)
[Public Papers: Statement by the President Announcing His Intention To Establish the Defense Materials Procurement Agency]
Honorable Robert I. Millonzi, Member, Securities and Exchange Commission (Appointed in June; called Mr. Connelly last week and asked if he might call on the President.)
Congressman Frank W. Boykin, Alabama (Wrote Mr. Connelly July 26th asking if he might come in and tell the President about a suggestion which he had and which he believed would be very helpful.)
Honorable John Nangle, Democratic National Committee, St. Louis, Missouri (Called Mr. Connelly yesterday and said he was in the city and would like to see the President.)
The President presented the Congressional Medal of Honor to 1st Lieutenant Henry A. Commiskey, U.S.M.C. The following guests were present for the ceremony held in the Rose Garden: First Lt. Henry A. Commiskey, USMC Hon. Robert A. Lovett, Under Secretary of Defense Hon. Dan A. Kimball, Secretary of the Navy Hon. Frank Pace, Jr., Secretary of the Army Adm. L. D. McCormick, USN, Acting Chief of Naval Operations Gen. H. S. Vandenberg, USAF, Chief of Staff, USAF Gen. N. F. Twining, USAF Gen. C. B. Cates, USMC, Commandant of Marine Corps Mrs. H. A. Commiskey (wife) Miss Cassandra Janette Commiskey (daughter, 3 1/2 years old) Master Henry A. Commiskey, Jr. (son, 9 months old) Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Commiskey (parents) Miss Kathleen Commiskey (sister) M/Sgt. M. J. Commiskey (brother) Dr. and Mrs. Leo B.[V.] Commiskey (uncle and aunt) Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Commiskey (uncle and aunt) Mrs. Jenny Pickering (mother-in-law) Mr. H. L. Pickering (uncle) Mrs. C. R. Kenny (sister-in-law) Miss Faye Norris (friend) Mr. C. M. Bowman (friend) Mr. J. O. Cagle (friend) Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Able (friends) Major and Mrs. Mauro J. Padalina (friends) Captain and Mrs. Paul H. Harrington (friends) Commander George W. Ellenburg, USN (friend) Commander Frederick W. Maxwell, Jr., USN (friend) Commander Aram Y. Parunak, USN (friend) Lieutenant Ivan C. Floerchinger, USN (friend) Lieutenant Leonard N. Hippe, USN (friend) Lieutenant Joseph O'Leary USN (friend) Lieutenant Dwight E. Rossiter, USN (friend) M/Sgt. Judd Phillips, USMC (friend) S/Sgt. G. S. Willoughby, USMC (friend) First Lieutenant W. L. Kay, USMC (escort for Lt. Commiskey) Lt. Colonel R. E. Honsowetz, USMC, Aide to General Cates
(Honorable Robert Lovett, Under Secretary of Defense) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Oscar Chapman, the Secretary of the Interior (Called Mr. Connelly and asked him to arrange this.)
(Honorable Frank Waring) OFF THE RECORD
The President received member of the Girls' Nation. (This group was sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary; two girls from each State attended and were selected for qualities of character and leadership from thousands of girls attending th 48 Girls' States, where they had participated in a program showing the actual functioning of town, county and state government. As guests of the American Legion Auxiliary in Washington, they participated in forming a Girls' Nation following lines of the National Government.) Staff Members: BARDOSI, Mrs. Peter A., Barre, Vermont BELSER, Mrs. Irvine F., Columbia, South Carolina CARR, Mrs. Thomas R., Des Moines, Iowa CHRISTENSON, Mrs. Albin L., Wadena, Minnesota ENGESATHER, Mrs. John, Lakota, North Dakota KOGER, Mrs. O. L., Topeka, Kansas MARTIN, Mrs. Allen, Milwaukee, Wisconsin McQUOWN, Mrs. John B., Tuscon, Arizona WARD, Mrs. B. D., Kingwood, West Virginia WIESELMAN, Mrs. Abraham, St. Louis, Missouri Roster of Delegates: ADAMS, Jeanne, Santa Fe, New Mexico AKER, Trudy, Sioux Falls, South Dakota ANTLEY, Iris, Marietta, Georgia ASHLEY, Eileen Elizabeth, Waterbury, Vermont BAILEY, Edith Pearl, Gadsden, Alabama BISSETT, Lou Ann, Wilson, North Carolina BOLLES, Beatrice Belle, Newington, Connecticut BOYLE, Jacqueline Marie, Christobal, Canal Zone BOYLE, Joan, Milford, Michigan BOYACK, Jeanette, Salt Lake City, Utah BROADY, Paula Marie, Lincoln, Nebraska BRUMBAUGH, K'Lynn, Gresham, Oregon BULLOCK, Lula Mae, Jackson, Mississippi BURLEY, Sharon Lee, Seattle, Washington, BURROUGHS, Alice Jean, Norfolk, Virginia BYRNE, Lois Marie, Columbia Falls, Montana CARTER, Bitsy, Oneonta, Alabama CARVER, Beverly Ann, Douglass, Wyoming CHAMBERS, Theresa Joan, Hagerstown, Maryland CHEEK, Betty, Middletown, Ohio CHRISTENSEN, Inger M., Stamford, Connecticut CHRISTOFF, Nancy Ann, Gary, Indiana CLARKE, Shirley Ann, East Greenwich, Rhode Island COE, Mary Mariman, Yuma, Arizona COTTER, Patricia Catherine, Brookline, Massachusetts COX, Georgia Lee, Stanford, Kentukcy DAVENPORT, Beebe Rae, Jerome, Arizona DAVIS, Sylvia Annette, Charlotte, North Carolina DeBENNING, Merrell Annawyn, Stillwater, Oklahoma DICKERSON, Bonnie Joyce, Louisville, Kentucky DU VAL, Shirley Marijean, Webster, Massachusetts DYKERS, Dorothy, New Orleans, Louisiana EADDY, Carolyn, Columbia, South Carolina ECKBERG, Carol, Cranston, Rhode Island FITZGERALD, LaDelle, Nashville, Tennessee FLORCZAK, Irene Jean, Elizabeth, New Jersey FOSTER, Charlene Raye, Lynchburg, Virginia FULLAM, Maryellen, Waterville, Maine GARLAND, Ann Ruth, Windham, New Hampshire GIBBS, Jeane, Winter Haven, Florida GOODING, Hester Laurene, Gooding, Idaho GRUBB, Betsy, Kennett, Pennsylvania HACKETT, Jacquelin Susanne, Dover, Delaware HAYS, Judith Ann, Brighton, Colorado HONEYMAN, Cleta Marie, Albuquerque, New Mexico HUDSON, Carol Sue, Bloomington, Indiana HUNTINGTON, Barbara Jean, Las Vegas, Nevada HURDSTROM, Karen Lee, Moscow, Idaho HURLBURT, Pat, Ames, Iowa JACKSON, Martha, South Nashville, Tennessee JENSEN, Joyce Irma, Omaha, Nebraska JOHNSON, Sarah Marguerite, Casper, Wyoming KALISH, Judith Rae, Lynbrook, New York KENNEY, Patricia, Thorp, Wisconsin KOLMER, Ruth Otilda, Waterloo, Illinois KUBIT, Virginia Mary, Keymar, Maryland LAMBERT, Blanche, Helena, Arkansas LANDEWEHR, Joan, Collinsville, Illinois LETTON, Jane Rae MAREN, Marilyn, Milwaukee, Wisconsin MAXON, Sally, Walla Walla, Washington McBRIDE, Martha, San Jose, California McCOY, Pat Jeanne, Denver, Colorado McQUEEN, Joan, Middletown, New York MILLER, Lois Joan, Cresbard, South Dakota MILLS, Beverly Ann, Cincinnati, Ohio MIXON, Marian Alford, Westfield, New Jersey MOORE, Mary Jo, Amory, Mississippi MORRILL, Jacqueline Ann, Balboa, Canal Zone MUNFORD, Martha Jean, Kansas City, Missouri PATTERSON, Harriet Beckwith, Laurens, South Carolina PECK, Elizabeth Jane, Charlotte, Michigan PIERSON, Patricia Ann, Burlington, Kansas PUCCIO, Donna Marian, Minneapolis, Minnesota REESE, Bunny Marylyn, Brigham, Utah RICKETT, Margaret Alice, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa RODGERS, Martha Patricia, Tarpon Springs, Florida SARGENT, Jessie Eugenea, Old Town, Maine SCHWANDT, Barbara Jean, Bismarck, North Dakota SHELLEY, Jeanne Estelle, Concord, California SHUMATE, Elizabeth Ellen, Beckley, West Virginia SLAVENS, Susanne, Molt, Montana SMITH, Dianne Kay, Grand Fork, North Dakota SMITH, Sally Lincoln, Burlington, Vermont STEVENSON, Jacquelin Mary, St. Paul, Minnesota TAYLOR, Barbara Anne, South Charleston, West Virginia TIBBITT, Shirley, New Castle, Delaware TOLLEFSON, Carol Lorene, Sparks, Nevada TOWLE, Patricia, Durham, New Hampshire TRUXILLO, Mary Ellen, New Orleans, Louisiana VAN SANDT, Dinah Lee, Bellville, Texas WADE, Ethelyn Annette, El Dorado, Arkansas WALKER, Jenonne Roberta, Purcell, Oklahoma WILKINSON, Dora Jean, Newman, Georgia WOODWARD, Earnestine, San Angelo, Texas ZIEGENHORN, Ruth Ann, Independence, Missouri ZIPKO, Myrna Ann, Beallsville, Pennsylvania
[Public Papers: Remarks to Delegates of Girls Nation]
Lt. General Alfred M. Gruenther (Chief of Staff to General Eisenhower; in town and phoned to say if the President wished to see him would be available any time.)
Mr. Del Webb (Owner of New York Yankees; in town and asked to pay respects.)
(National Security Council) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable Dan A. Kimball, Secretary of the Navy) OFF THE RECORD (Admiral William M. Fechteler)
(Honorable Frederick Lawton, Director, Bureau of the Budget) (Mr. Charles Murphy) OFF THE RECORD (Mr. John Carroll)
(Pre Press)
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
Hon. Capus M. Waynick, American Ambassador to Colombia (Arranged at suggestion of Mr. Charles Murphy; was Ambassador to Nicaragua, and was sworn in yesterday as Ambassador to Colombia.)
Honorable Myron Taylor (Called Mr. Hassett last week and asked for this.)
Commander Harold Russell, AMVETS Former Commander Harold Keats, AMVETS (Commander Russell just returned from Europe; said the President asked him to come in and see him when he returned.)
Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State (Usual Thursday appointment)
Honorable Frank J. Lausche, Governor of Ohio (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly on Monday, from Columbus)
The President received the Members of the United Defense Fund who are meeting in Washington. Former Secretary Francis P. Matthews suggested that it might be a good idea for the President to see them as he was afraid of "let down". The following were present: AARON, Charles, Chicago, Illinois ABRAMSON, Irving, New York, N. Y. ABRAMSON, Sam, Des Moines, Iowa ALEXANDER, Claude, New York, New York BACHRACH, Mrs. Alfred R., New York, N. Y. BARBIERI, Reynolds J., San Francisco, California BENNETT, Mrs. Gerald, Grand Rapids, Michigan BISSELL, Cushman B., Chicago, Illinois BLANCHARD, Ralph H., New York, N. Y. BLODGETT, William W., Jr., New York BOND, Edwin E., New York BOND, Dr. Horace Mann, Chester County, Pa. BONDY, Robert E., New York, N. Y. BOOTH, Gifford, Jr., Wichita, Kansas BOWAN, Mrs. William S., Westfield, N. J. BRANDENBERG, W. A., Mansfield, Ohio BRAVERMAN, A. Marvin, Washington, D. C. BRIGHTBILL, Charles K., Washington, D. C. BRILL, Josiah, E., Minneapolis, Minn. BROWN, Rex I., Jackson, Mississippi CARROLL, Rt. Rev. Msgr. Howard, Wash., D. C. CHARLES, Russell J., Harrisburg, Pa. CHRISTENBERRY, Col. C. W., Washington, D. C. CLARKE, Dr. Walter, New York, N. Y. CODDING, Guy R., New York, N. Y. COLLINS, William, New York, N. Y. CONDON, Brig. Gen. Robert E., Washington, D. C. COOK, Miss Mabel R., Washington, D. C. COOKSEY, Warren B., Lansing, Michigan COWDIN, J. Cheever, New York, N. Y. COXHEAD, Stuart P., Orange, N. J. CRAIG, George R., Pittsburgh, Pa. DAROFF, Samuel, Philadelphia, Pa. DELBO, D. H., Lancaster, Pa. DERN, John, Chicago, Illinois DILDAY, Charles, Kenosha, Wisconsin DOTY, Foster W., Springfield, Massachusetts DOWNS, Tom, Detroit, Michigan DUFFIELD, Hugh K., Washington, D. C. DUGAN, Captain Thomas B., Washington, D. C. DUNN, Byron, Lincoln, Nebraska EATON, Charles A., Jr., Newark, N. J. EHRMAN, Mrs. S. Mason, Portland, Oregon EVANS, Henry C., Baltimore, Md. FERGUSON, Charles, New York, N. Y. FRY, Mrs. Mary, New York, New York GEISSLER, Edna M., New York, New York GIBBONS, Joseph D. Philadelphia, Pa. GILKS, William, Washington, D. C. GILMOR, Reginald, Washington, D. C. GOLUB, Bernard, Schenectady, N. Y. GREGG, Robert, Birmingham, Alabama GRIFFING, Joe D., Washington, D. C. HACKETT, Robert G., Wilmington, Delaware HANES, Robert M., Winston-Salem, N. C. HAZARD, Thomas P., Peacedale, R. I. HEINZ, H. J., II, Pittsburgh, Pa. HELLER, Harvey, A., Tulsa, Oklahoma HELLER, Mrs. Walter E., Highland Park, Illinois HICKEY, John F., New York, N. Y. HINTON, Thomas, Washington, D. C. HIRSH, Jack, Williamsport, Pa. INGRAHAM, Mrs. Henry A., Northport, L. I. JACOBUS, Henry S., Dallas, Texas JACOBS, Morris E., Omaha, Nebraska HYDE, Edwin, Richmond, Virginia JOHNSON, Holgar J., New York, N. Y. JONES, A. T., Washington, D. C. JONES, Robert T., Atlanta, Georgia KELLEHER, Michael T., Boston, Mass. KENNEDY, H. H., Cleveland, Ohio KENNEDY, Reginald E., New York, N. Y. KEYS, Edward J., Washington, D. C. KILBOURNE, E. H., Fort Wayne, Ind. KIMBALL, Lindsley F., New York, N. Y. LEE, Robert E., New York, N. Y. LEE, William A., Chicago, Ill. LEWIS, Edwin N., Washington, D. C. LIPPINCOTT, Earle G., New York, N. Y. LOCKHART, Carroll, Watertown, S. Dak. LOEB, Carl M., Jr., New York, N. Y. MANNIX, Mrs. Henry, Neponsit, N. Y. MATTHEWS, Hon. Francis P., Washington, D. C. MAXWELL, Wilbur, New York, N. Y. McCORD, R. G., Dallas, Texas McDONALD, Malcolm, Minneapolis, Minn. McDONALD, Paul, Washington, D. C. McNEIL, Edward, Montezuma, Iowa McRAE, Vice Adm. John L., Washington, D. C. MELLEN, Francis J., Williamsport, Pa. MONAGHAN, Thomas J., Lancaster, Pa. MOORE, John, New York, N. Y. MORGAN, Cecil, Baton Rouge, La. MORGAN, Philip M., Worcester, Mass. MORRILL, Justin, New York, N. Y. MORRISON, William G. F., Providence, R. I. NAGLE, Paul, New York, N. Y. NELLIGAN, H. Paul, Syracuse, N. Y. OSBORN, Alexander F., Buffalo, N. Y. PHELAN, Hunter C., Norfolk, Virginia PUGMIRE, Ernest I., New York, N. Y. ROGERS, J. Frederick, Buffalo, N. Y. RUDD, H. W. Dwight, Boston, Mass. SAMPSON, Charles, New York, N. Y. SAUTER, James, New York, N. Y. SCHIFFMAN, Dr. Ruth, Greensboro, N. C. SCHUYLER, Peter V. R., Nr., Newark, N. J. SCHWARTZ, Mrs. Rose, New York, N. Y. SEARS, Gilbert H., Charleston, W. Va. SIMONSON, Richard, Washington, D. C. SPEIDEL, Jess., New York, N. Y. STARK, Edwin J., Louisiana, Mo. STOUT, William J., Indianapolis, Ind. STRAKE, George, Houston, Texas TAYLOR, Bent, New York, N. Y. THOMPSON, John S., Newark, N. J. TOBIAS, Dr. Channing H. New York, N. Y. WADE, Hon. George N. WAHLSTROM, Frank, Savannah, Ga. WALKER, Joseph T., Boston, Mass. WEBER, Henry, New York, N. Y. WILSON, Donald O., Binghamton, N.Y. WOOD, Harold E., St. Paul, Minn. YOUNG, Ira E., Pueblo, Colorado ZIEMANN, J. Howard, Los Angeles, Calif. SMITH, Col. Alex., Washington, D. C. CALLAHAN, Frank P. SLOCUM, Richard [Public Papers: Remarks to the Members of the United Defense Fund]
Honorable James E. Webb, Under Secretary of State Honorable Charles M. Spofford, U. S. Deputy Representative on North Atlantic Council Honorable Thomas D. Cabot, Director, International Security Affairs, State Department (Arranged at suggestion of Mr. Webb)
Honorable Delos Rentzel, Under Secretary of Commerce Honorable Thomas H. MacDonald, Commissioner, Bureau of Public Roads (Under Secretary Rentzel phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly yesterday and asked for this.)
(Honorable Frank Pace, the Secretary of the Army) OFF THE RECORD (General J. Lawton Collins, Chief of Staff, USA)
(General W. Bedell Smith, Chairman, National Security Council) (Mr. James Lay, Executive Secretary, National Security Council) (Admiral Sidney Souers) OFF THE RECORD