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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

July 17, 1951

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

(The President left the Executive Office for the National Airport, where he boarded the USAF Independence for Grandview, Missouri. From that point the President made a flying inspection trip of the Kansas, Missouri, and Central Valley flood area.)
(e.d.t.) Lv. Washington (USAF Independence)
(c.s.t.) Ar. Grandview, Mo. Airport
Upon arriving at Grandview, the President will pick up Major General Lewis A. Pick of the Army Engineers; Chester W. Anderson, Regional Engineer of the Federal Housing Administration, and Mr. Don Smith, in charge of area office, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Kansas City. At conclusion of inspection trip the President will motor from Grandview Airport to Independence, Mo., where he will vote on a local bond issue. After voting the President will return to Grandview and depart for Washington.
Members of the party The President Mrs. Truman Miss Truman Hon. Matthew J. Connelly Hon. Joseph Short Major General Harry H. Vaughan Rear Admiral Robert L. Dennison Hon. Charles Wilson Major General Wallace Graham Mr. Jack Romagna Secret Service Agents
Press Section: T.W.A. Constellation The Press plane will depart Washington ahead of the Independence and land at Grandview immediately before the President's plane. The Press plane will accompany the Independence over the flood area and on the return trip to Washington. Newspaper correspondents: Mr. Edward F. Creag,~The Associated Press Mr. John Cutter,~United Press Association Mr. William J. Kerwin,~International News Service Mr. Lawrence H. Burd,~Chicago Tribune Mr. Paul Kennedy,~New York Times Mr. James Warner,~New York Herald Tribune Mr. Edward T. Folliard,~Washington Post Mr. Frank Holeman,~New York Daily News Mr. Robert C. Koch,~Baltimore Sun Mr. Ed. Darby,~Time Magazine Radio Correspondents: Mr. Charles Collingwood,~Columbia Broadcasting System Mr. John Edwards,~American Broadcasting Co. Mr. Ray Scherer,~National Broadcasting Co. Mr. Everett Holles,~Mutual Broadcasting System Photographers: Mr. B.H. Rollins,~Associated Press Photos Mr. George Skadding,~Life Magazine Mr. A.E. Scott,~International News Photos Mr. Frank Cancellare,~Acme News Photos Newsreels: Mr. Charles Mack,~M.G.M. News of the Day (pool) Mr. Andrew Willoner,~M.G.M. News of the Day (pool) Television: Mr. Richard Dresner,~N.B.C. Television Mr. Robert Hess,~Telenews, INS, INP. Mr. George Gerlach,~Telenews INS, INP.
Mr. Carroll S. Linkins, Western Union Mr. Dewey E. Long Mr. R.A. McMullin Secret Service Agents Mr. J.N. Martin, TWA Airlines Mr. John Brock, TWA Airlines Mr. Thomas Bell, TWA Airlines Plane Crews: (USAF Independence) Colonel F.W. Williams, Major Silas Minton, Captain E.P. Christensen, Mr. Eugene Lucas, M/Sgt. F.J. Willard, M/Sgt F.A. Winslow, WO. B.M. Sickler, M/Sgt. G.E. Robinson, M/Sgt. R.E. Hughes (TWA Constellation) Captain Don W. Smith 1st Officer A. Stahl Engineer: G. Reynolds Purser: R. Robbins Miss J. Clarey, Hostess Miss D. Hassin, Hostess
[Public Papers: Remarks in Grandview, Mo., After Viewing the Flood Disaster Area]
[Public Papers: Letter to the President of the Senate on a Pending Bill To Increase Public Assistance Payments]
(Mr. Fred Whittaker and son, Jackie) OFF THE RECORD (Mr. Whittaker called Mr. Matthew Connelly last week from Philadelphia, to ask if he might bring his son in to shake hands with the President. Came to see Mr. Matthew Connelly and saw the President Off the Record.)
Honorable Raymond Foley, Administrator, Housing and Home Finance Agency
(Mr. and Mrs. William B. Lowry, of Amarillo, Texas) (William Lowry, Jr. ) (Robert Lowry ) OFF THE RECORD (Dr. C.W. Lowry, Rector of All Saints Episcopal ) Church, Chevy Chase, Md. ) (David Morgan, of Eureka, Kansas, old friend of the President's wrote Mr. Matthew Connelly and asked if the President would shake hands with his daughter, Mrs. William Lowry, her husband, two sons and brother- in-law. Came to see Mr. Matthew Connelly and saw the President Off the Record)
H.E. P.C. Spender, the Ambassador of Australia Mr. E.J. Hallstrom Honorable David E. Finley, Director of the National Gallery of Art (The Australian Embassy asked through Protocol if Mr. Hallstrom, well-known Australian businessman and philanthropist, might present to the President ten Audubon paintings, a gift to the U.S. Government, to be exhibited alternately by the National Art Gallery, the National Audubon Society, and the American Museum of Natural History.)
Congressman Louis Rabaut, Michigan Commissioner Richard Erwin Dougherty, Commission on Renovation of the Executive Mansion
Congressman Emanuel Celler, New York, Chairman, House Judiciary Committee (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly last week and asked for this.)
The President received the French Provincial Press Study Group, sponsored by E.C.A., as follows: H.E. the Hon. Henri Bonnet, the French Ambassador Colonel White Mr. E.N. Brandt, Member of ECA Information Staff, Paris, and Project Manager M. Pierre Jean Archambault, Manager, "Nouvelle Republique du Centre-Ouest" M. Bernard Bodin, French Productivity Center Helene Bremond, Co-owner and Editor, "Le Progres de Lyon" Andre Comboul, General Manager, "Nice Matin" Andre Cordesse, Attache of the Director, "Le Provencal" Gerard D'Orgeville, Editor, "La Voix du Nord" Francisque Fabre, General Manager "La Montagne" Raoul Hilimeyer, Director, "L'Alsace" Armand Labin, Director, "Midi Libre" Rene Mauries, Assistant Editor, "Depeche du Midi" Pierre Noton, General Manager, "Resistance de l'Ouest" Louis Richerot, General Manager, "Le Dauphine Libre" Pierre-Rene Wolf, Manager & Editor, "Paris-Normandie" Interpreters: Denise Seleskovitch Eugen Seleskovitch [Public Papers: Remarks to a Group Representing the French Provincial Press]
(Judge Learned Hand) OFF THE RECORD (Arranged at request of the Secretary of the Army [Frank C. Pace, Jr.], who phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly.)
Hon. Gordon Gray was sworn in as Director, Psychological Strategy Board, in ceremonies in the Cabinet Room. The following were present: ACHESON, Hon. Dean, the Secretary of State BARKLEY, Hon. Alben, the Vice President BARRETT, Hon. Edward W., Assistant Secretary of State GORRIE, Hon. Jack, Acting Chairman, NSRB LAY, Mr. James S., Jr., Executive Secretary, National Security Council LOVETT, Hon. Robert A., Deputy Secretary of Defense SMITH, Lt. Gen. Walter Bedell, Director of Central Intelligence SNYDER, Hon. John W., Secretary of the Treasury WILSON, Hon. Charles E., Director of Defense Mobilization WOOLRIDGE, Rear Admiral WRIGHT, Mr. James S., State Department photographer BERNARD, Mrs. B.F., Mr. Gray's mother CRAIGE, Mrs. Burton, Mr. Gray's mother-in-law GRAY, Miss Alice G., Mr. Gray's cousin GRAY, Mrs. Gordon JOHNSTON, Mrs. Arditha B., Mr. Gray's Administrative Assistant
(National Security Council)
(Honorable John W. Snyder, Secretary of the Treasury) OFF THE RECORD (Honorable Maple Harl, Chairman, Federal Reserve Board)
(Honorable Mon Wallgren, Chairman, Federal Power Commission) OFF THE RECORD
[Public Papers: Message to the Congress Transmitting the First Annual Report of the Civil Service Commission Under the Classification Act of 1949]
[Public Papers: Letter to the President, American National Red Cross, on the Flood Disaster Areas in the Middle West]
[Public Papers: Letter to the Director, Office of Defense Mobilization, on Federal Activities in the Flood Disaster Areas]
[Public Papers: Letter to Mrs. C. Irving Guyer on the Need for Controlling Inflation]
(Admiral Robert Dennison) OFF THE RECORD (Mr. James Lay, Executive Director, National Security Council)
(Pre Press)
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
(Honorable George C. Marshall, Secretary of Defense) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable James T. Nicholson, Executive Vice President, American National Red Cross (In answer to Mr. Nicholson's last report on the Kansas-Missouri flood, the President wrote to him he wanted to talk to him after his inspection trip to the flood area.)
Honorable Leon H. Keyserling, Chairman, Council of Economic Advisors Honorable John D. Clark, Member Honorable Roy Blough, Member (Mr. Matthew Connelly invited them to come in for meeting with the President. One-half hour.)
The President received a group from the International Boys Camp, Inc. (This request was made by Mrs. Ruth Bryan Rohde, who phoned Mr. Connelly July 19th. As the majority of the children at this camp were Danish, she was told to go through the Danish Ambassador. The Ambassador then contacted the State Department, and the appointment was approved and set up. Mrs. Rohde advised that this camp is philanthropic and run from contributions from the Directors. The Ambassador was also present and brought with him Mr. Frode Jacobsen, member of the Danish Parliament, to meet the President. Mr. Jacobsen was visiting this country for the purpose of studying the Defense Assistance Act.) ADULTS H.E. the Hon. Henrick de Kauffmann, Ambassador of Denmark Mr. Frode Jacobsen, civil leader of Danish Home Guard Mr. and Mrs. Karl Hansen, Board of Directors of Int'l. Boys Camp Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Kirschner, Board of Directors Honorable Ruth Bryan Rohde, Board of Directors Mr. Henry Weiss, Camp Councillor Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fenster Mr. H. Lordell BOYS DANISH BOYS Per Christofferson John Philip Lindstedt Svend Erik Nielson Niels Sejersen Svend Erik Bobek Poul Erik Alenholt Kent Weber Owen (Mrs. Rodhe's grandson~Robert Burden Thomas McPherson~Robert Capik Clarence Mitchell~Jack McGrath Mark Lee~Douglas Yates Jack Perry~Robert Armstrong Michael Smoller~Robert Madden
[Public Papers: Remarks to a Group of Danish Boys From the International Boys Camp, Inc]
Honorable Robert E. Quinn, Court of Military Appeals (Judge Quinn requested this through office of Senator Green of Rhode Island.)
Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State (Usual Thursday appointment)
(Hon. John Carroll) OFF THE RECORD
(Admiral Chester Nimitz) (Hon. John Danaher) OFF THE RECORD (Admiral Nimitz called Mr. Matthew Connelly and asked if they might see the President Off the Record.)
(Congressman Tom Murray, Tennessee) OFF THE RECORD (Messrs. Carrol, Donald Dawson, Charles Murphy)
Senator Thomas C. Hennings, Jr., Missouri
(General W. Bedell Smith, Chairman, National Security Council) (Admiral Sidney Souers) OFF THE RECORD (Mr. James Lay)
Cabinet [Meeting] (Under Secretary McCormick for Agriculture; Under Secretary Rentzel for Commerce; Mr. Averell Harriman absent; all others present)
(Reverend John Gilsenan) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Robert Butler (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly from St. Paul and asked for this.)
(Mr. John L. LeBan, President, Schenley Distilling Co., New York City) OFF THE RECORD (Came to see Mr. Matthew Connelly; arranged at suggestion of Hon. Louis Johnson)
Congressman Edward J. Hart, New Jersey (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly on Wednesday and asked if he might come in and discuss a Judgeship)
Congressman Clinton D. McKinnon, California (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly Wednesday and asked if he might come in to discuss Marguerita River Project.)
(Lunch at Blair House with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Summer of Dallas, Texas)
(Honorable Harry McDonald, Chairman, Securities and Exchange Commission, and brother) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable Oscar Chapman, the Secretary of the Interior) OFF THE RECORD (Mr. Bruce Brown)
(After signing the mail the President left for the Naval Gun Factory, accompanied by Judge Roy Harper, Hon. William Boyle, Jr., Mr. Matthew Connelly and Admiral Robert Dennison, where they boarded the USS WILLIAMSBURG for an overnight cruise on the Potomac.) OFF THE RECORD
(The President remained aboard the USS WILLIAMSBURG with Judge Roy Harper, Mr. Boyle, and Admiral Robert Dennison. Mr. Matthew Connelly left the ship at 11:00 am, when it docked at Pier #1, Naval Gun Factory.)
The following joined the President on the USS WILLIAMSBURG, which then got underway from the Naval Gun Factory for Blakiston Island and a weekend cruise: Honorable Joseph H. Short Honorable Charles S. Murphy General Harry Vaughan Mr. George M. Elsey
The President remained aboard the USS WILLIAMSBURG which left Blakiston for a cruise in the Chesapeake Bay area.
The USS WILLIAMSBURG anchored off Quantico.
The President and his guests left the USS WILLIAMSBURG, after docking at Pier #1, Naval Gun Factory, Washington, D.C. The President motored directly to the Blair house.
[Public Papers: Special Message to the Congress: The President's Midyear Economic Report]
(Admiral Sidney Souers) (Mr. James Lay) OFF THE RECORD
BIG FOUR Honorable Alben Barkley, the Vice President Honorable Sam Rayburn, the Speaker of the House Senator Ernest W. McFarland, Arizona Congressman John W. McCormack, Massachusetts
Dr. Harold W. Tribble, President, Wake Forest College, Wake College, North Carolina Judge Hubert E. Olive, Chairman, Board of Trustees Mr. Egbert L. Davis, Winston Salem, N.C. Mr. Charles H. Babcock, Winston Salem, N.C. (Honorable Gordon Gray) (Arranged at request of Gordon Gray; invited the President to come to Wake Forest College)
Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State (Usual Monday appointment)
Honorable Francis Matthews, newly appointed Ambassador to Ireland
Honorable Raymond Foley, Administrator, Housing and Home Finance Agency
Honorable John W. Snyder, the Secretary of the Treasury
(Judge Roy Harper) OFF THE RECORD
The President "dropped in" on a meeting in the Cabinet Room of the National Advisory Board on Mobilization.) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. William R. Matthews. foreign correspondent for the Arizona Daily Star) (Mr. Joseph Short brought Mr. Matthews in OFF THE RECORD)
Honorable W. Stuart Symington, Chairman, R.F.C. (One-half hour; called Mr. Matthew Connelly last week and asked for this.)
(Honorable James Bruce) (One-half hour; asked for this some time ago) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable George C. Marshall, the Secretary of Defense Honorable Robert Lovett, Under Secretary of Defense (This was the Secretary of Defense's usual Tuesday appointment.)
Honorable Carl R. Gray, Jr., Administrator of Veterans Affairs (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly yesterday and asked for this.)
Honorable William M. Boyle, Jr. (Usual weekly appointment)
(The following gentlemen met with the President at the Blair House for an OFF THE RECORD meeting: Senator Clinton Anderson, New Mexico Senator William Benton, Connecticut Senator John J. Sparkman, Alabama Senator Robert S. Kerr, Oklahoma Senator Herbert H. Lehman, New York Senator Joseph C. O'Mahoney, Wyoming Honorable Philip B. Perlman, the Solicitor General Honorable William M. Boyle, Jr., Chairman, Democratic National Comm. Honorable George Leary, Executive Vice Chairman, Democratic Nat'l. Comm. (Messrs. Joseph Short, Carroll, Charles Murphy, George Elsey)
(Honorable David Niles) OFF THE RECORD
Senator James E. Murray, Montana (Phoned Mr. Connelly last week and said that before he went overseas the President had written him and asked him to come down.)
Honorable Frederick Lawton, Director, Bureau of the Budget (Asked for just fifteen minutes today.)
Congressman Abraham J. Multer, New York Mr. Benjamin G. Browdy, President, Zionist Organization of America (Congressman Multer called Mr. Connelly last week and asked for this.)
Brother Emilian, Provincial, Baltimore District, Christian Brothers Brother A. Victor, New York District Brother Hugh Elzear, California district Brother Elwin, Santa Fe district Brother Thomas, St. Mary's College, California Brother Benedict, Vice President, Christian Brothers Education Assn. Brother Dominic Augustine, Secretary, CBEA Brother E. Clement, President, St. John's College, Wash., D.C. (In conjunction with the observance of the 100th anniversary of St. John's College High School, the Christian Brothers Educational Association held its Annual Convention in this city at that time. The purpose of the convention was to bring together from all over the country Christian Brothers engaged in College and University teaching, in education on secondary and elementary school levels, in social and rehabilitation work in orphanages, industrial schools and in mission fields. Convention examined results achieved in past year; studied current educational needs and demands, and set up blueprint for action during the coming year. Brother Clement, President of St. John's College wrote the President on June 28th, and asked if he would receive a delegation, who tendered to the President the loyalty and support of the Christian Brothers.)
(Honorable Charles Wilson, Director of Defense Mobilization) OFF THE RECORD
Congressman John Watts, Kentucky
The Boy's Nation (The President has received the Boys Nation in past years; sponsored by the National Americanism Commission of the American Legion. This was the Sixth Annual American Legion Boy's Nation held in Washington, D.C., with headquarters at Fort. Myer. They studied government machinery, held their own political conventions, elected own officers, etc.) STAFF PERSONNEL Erle Cocke, Jr., National Commander of the American Legion Henry H. Dudley, National Adjutant the American Legion William E. Sayer, Asst. National Adjutant, the American Legion Jack Oakey, Asst. National Adjutant, the American Legion A. Luke Crisps, Chairman, National Americanism Commission, American Legion Charlie Morgan, Sr., Chairman, National Boys State Comm., American Legion Richard C. Cadwallader, Member, National Americanism Commmission, Chairman, Youth Activities Subcommittee, American Legion Allen B. Willand, Director, National Americanism Commission, Am. Legion R. Worth Shumaker, Director, Boys Nation 1951, American Legion William Jarvis, Asst. Director, Boys Nation 1951, American Legion Russell Thom, Asst. Dept. Adjutant, American Legion of West Virginia John Sheffield, Georgia Boys State George E. "Fritz" Heller, National Field Representative, Am. Legion Hayes Kennedy, Member, National Boys State Committee, Am. Legion Harold Eaton, Director of Boys State, American Legion Francis H. Geremonty, Dept. Americanism Chairman, Am. Legion, N.H. Werner Witte, Wisconsin Boys State Robert L. Coutts, Jr., New Jersey Boys State Mrs. John Langley Edward F. McGinnis, Director, Public Relations, American Legion George Kelly, Asst. Director, Public Relations, American Legion Norman Lodge, Asst. Director, Public Relations, American Legion Jack R. Berry, Public Relations, American Legion Hon. Paul F. Douglas, President, American Univ, Host to Boys Nation, '51 Earl Rice, Manager, Boys Nation Dining Service, American University Boys Nation Enrollees ALABAMA: John Allen Crook, Jr., Union Springs W. Milan Turner, Jr., Selma ARIZONA: Phil Brown, Phoenix Reed E. Done, Mesa ARKANSAS: Joseph Robert Lynch, Fort Smith Jim Wilson Arnold COLORADO: Ross L. Tyler, Boulder David Arlen Frosythe, Boulder CONN: George Baldino, Norwalk Carl D. Orio, Durham DELAWARE: David R. Lecrone, Middletown Leslie E. Werner, Jr., Wilmington FLORIDA: Roger Dale Riggenbach, Miami Jack L. Strott, St. Petersburg GEORGIA: Claude Hamilton Hollis, Jr., Macon Ted Sammons, LaGrange IDAHO: Larry Bert Anderson, Rexburg Victor A. Casebolt, Moscow ILLINOIS: Alex Robert Seith, Aurora Fred Henry Figge, Collinsville INDIANA: Eugene Henry Lamkin, Jr. Robert E. Laney, Crown Point, Indiana KANSAS: Donald Alan Johnston, Pittsburg Cliff Thompson, Kansas City, Kansas LOUISIANA: Robert Saldich, Shreveport Sebron Morris Sneed, Shreveport MAINE: Arthur S. Allen, Brewer James P. Noyes, Millinocket MARYLAND: Richard S. Contee, Bethesda W. Eugene Sanders, Frederick MASS.: Leo C. McKenna, Concord Stephen M. Winslow, Lynn MICHIGAN: Frederick P. Droesch, Lansing John E. Erickson, Ironwood MINNESOTA: John Paul Sten, Wayzata Howard Brown, Barnesville MISS: Ralph Creyton Atkinson, Jr., Yazoo City James Kelly Williams, Greenwood MISSOURI: Fred B. Heath, III, Kansas City John R. Feemster, Fornfelt MONTANA: John P. Dunbar, Butte NEBRASKA: Michael Yanney, Kearney Paul Bunge, Auburn NEVADA: James T. Wright, Babbitt Gerald E. Kizzia, Henderson NEW HAMP.: Gerald Z. Demers, Manchester Donald Edward Dillon, Manchester NEW JERSEY: Ronald Tell, Union Christian William Matthews, Jersey City NEW MEX.: George LeRoy Watts, Roswell James Turner, Portales NEW YORK: Bernard C. Corbalis, Jr., Yonkers James S. Nist, Kenmore N. CAR.: Robert Edwin Gaddy, Raleigh Walter Shepherd Barge, Durham N. DAK.: Noel I. Fedge, Happle Calvin J. Eichhorst, Washburn OHIO: Anthony Wayne Bonacci, Newton Falls David Dale Clark, Astabula OKLAHOMA: William Charles Wantland, Seminole George Franklin Forney, Jr., Cherokee OREGON: David James Finley, Silverton Stanley Truman Irvin, Corvallis SOUTH CAR.: George Dewey Oxner, Jr., Greenville Robert Venning Royall, Jr., Mt. Pleasant SOUTH DAK.: Jim Walters, Yankton Darrell Drickey, Caputa TENNESSEE: Floyd A. Hunter, Franklin Bernard T. England, Old Hickory TEXAS: Jim Bob Hilton, Fort Worth Tom W. Boyd, Lufkin VERMONT: George Hansen, Rutland Steve Hoyt Gilman, St. Johnsbury VIRGINIA: Isaac Frederick Stine, Jr., Winchester George Arger, Portsmouth WASHINGTON: Gary Sisler, Wenatchee David D. O'Hara, Vancouver WEST VIRG.: Robert S. Morgan, Charleston Benjamin F. Good, Hedgesville WISCONSIN: Richard Holt Gascoigne, Kohler William G. Marshall, Madison WYOMING: Duane Jensen, Sheridan Tom Kidd, Casper
[Public Papers: Remarks to Delegates to the Sixth Annual American Legion "Boys Nation."]
(Honorable Jess Larson, Administrator, General Services Administra- tion) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. William Kittrell) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. James Di Lao) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. Al Schindler) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. Fred Bowman) OFF THE RECORD