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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

June 20, 1951

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

(The President left the Blair House for the Carlton Hotel, where he gave a dinner in honor of the President of Ecuador and Senora de Plaza.) OFF THE RECORD [Public Papers: Toasts of the President and the President of Ecuador]
[Public Papers: Letter to the Speaker Proposing an Accelerated Civil Defense Program]
(Honorable Clark Clifford) OFF THE RECORD
(Pre Press)
Press & Radio Conference [Public Papers]
Mr. C. R. Palmer, of Cluett, Peabody & Co. Inc. (The President wrote Mr. Palmer May 22nd stating "hope first time you are in Washington you will call me up and come around to see me". Mr. Palmer telephoned Mr. Matthew Connelly yesterday.)
Honorable Frederick Lawton, Director, Bureau of the Budget (Half hour)
Lt. General Earl E. Partridge (General Robert Landry) OFF THE RECORD (Arranged by General Robert Landry; General Partridge just back from Japan, where he formerly commanded Fifth Air Force)
(Mr. James Lay, Executive Secretary, National Security Council) OFF THE RECORD
Mr. William Brooks, Vice President, National Broadcasting Company Mr. Earl Godwin, radio commentator (Mr. Godwin asked Mr. Matthew Connelly in May if Mr. Brooks, who is in charge of distribution and gathering of international news at N.B.C. might call on the President. Mr. Godwin said that Mr. Brooks had some rather important things to tell the President.)
(Captain Lewis Wyatt, Police Department, Kansas City, Missouri) (Came to see Mr. Matthew Connelly and saw the President OFF THE RECORD. Jim Pendergast wrote Mr. Matthew Connelly June 12th to ask if Captain Wyatt might call while in Washington taking refresher course under the FBI.)
The Secretary of State (Usual Thursday appointment) The Secretary of Defense
The President received a group of newsboys, representing carriers from all over the country who have been cooperating with the Treasury Department in putting over Defense Bond Month. (The adults who accompanied them were: The Secretary of the Treasury, Hon. John W. Snyder CLARK, Vernon L., National Director of Savings Bond Division, Treasury MARX, Ray F., of California, Vice Chairman of Treasury Newspaper Boy Committee HEALY, Jerre C., of Newark, New Jersey, President, International Circulation Managers Association MOGELEZER, Mr. Jacob, Treasury Department (These boys represent carrier boys throughout country, who, throughout the month of May, distributed with their papers savings bond literature in the form of pledge cards to their customers. The boys then went around and collected the signed pledges. One of the boys, Joseph Herron, was at the White House representing carrier boys in general when the President signed the E Bond Securities Bill, authorizing a ten year extension of matured E Bonds. He was here to report on the success of this undertaking. The boys' trip was paid for by their papers but arranged by Treasury, with Defense Department cooperating. They were attending National Carrier Congress here also.) [Public Papers: Remarks to a Group of Newsboy Bond Salesmen]
The Joint Chiefs of Staff General Omar N. Bradley, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff General J. Lawton Collins, Chief of Staff, U.S.A. Admiral Forrest P. Sherman, Chief of Naval Operations General Hoyt S. Vandenberg, Chief of Staff, U.S.A.F.
(General Bedell Smith) (Mr. James Lay) 0FF THE RECORD
Cabinet [Meeting] (Justice was not represented as Attorney General and Solicitor General were both absent; Under Secretary Galvin for Labor; W. Averell Harriman absent; Wilson absent.)
H.E. Galo Plaza, the President of Ecuador H.E. Senor Luis Antonio Penaherrera, the Ambassador to Ecuador Honorable Paul C. Daniels, the American Ambassador to Ecuador (Usual courtesy call at office)
[Public Papers: Joint Statement Following Discussions With the President of Ecuador]
Honorable Walter J. Donnelly, American Minister and United States High Commissioner to Austria (Asked for this through Division of Protocol)
Congressman Richard Bolling, Missouri (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly and asked for this.)
Lt. General Elwood R. Quesada, Commander of Joint Task Force 3 Dr. Alvin C. Graves, Deputy Commander (Just returned from Eniwetok after completion of third series of atomic tests. General Robert Landry thought it a good idea to have them come in so that the President could thank them for their accomplishments at Eniwetok)
(The President left Blair House for Bethesda, where he took part in the cornerstone ceremony for the Clinical Center, National Institute of Health. He was accompanied by his three Aides, General Wallace Graham, Mr. Joseph Short and Mr. Matthew Connelly.) OFF THE RECORD
(At the conclusion of the above ceremonies the President visited the home of Dr. Leonard A. Scheele, Surgeon General, Public Health Service, which was in the neighborhood.) OFF THE RECORD
The President participated in the ceremonies mentioned above. [Public Papers: Address at the Dedication of the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center]
(The President left Blair House for the Statler Hotel, where he attended a dinner in his honor given by H.E. Galo Plaza, the President of Ecuador and Senora de Plaza.) OFF THE RECORD [Public Papers: Toasts of the President and the President of Ecuador]
[Public Papers: Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House Transmitting Report of the National Advisory Board on Mobilization Policy]
(Mr. Jerome Walsh, of Kansas City) OFF THE RECORD (Wired Mr. Connelly on June 21st that he would be in Washington on the 23rd and wanted to see the President. Came in to see Mr. Connelly and saw the President Off the Record.)
(Honorable Charles Wilson, Director of Defense Mobilization) (Called Mr. Connelly yesterday and asked for this.) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable Thomas Finletter, Secretary of the Air Force) OFF THE RECORD (Called Mr. Connelly on Thursday and said he had just returned from Korea and wanted to come in and report to the President.)
Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State Honorable John W. Snyder, the Secretary of the Treasury Honorable George C. Marshall, the Secretary of Defense Honorable William C. Foster, Administrator, E.C.A. (This arranged after the visit of the Secretary of State with the President on June 21st.)
(In the afternoon the President went for a drive, accompanied by the Chief Justice and Mrs. Fred Vinson, and stopped at the Leesburg home of the Secretary of Defense and Mrs. George C. Marshall. They remained for an informal supper, after which they motored back to the Blair House, the President himself taking the wheel on the return trip.) OFF THE RECORD

(EDST) The President and his official party left Washington on the INDEPENDENCE for a visit to Tullahoma, Tennessee, for the purpose of dedicating the Arnold Engineering Development Center. The following accompanied the President:

  • Mr. William Hassett
  • General Robert Landry
  • Mr. Joseph Short
  • General Wallace Graham
  • Mr. Matthew Connelly
  • Mr. David Stowe
  • General Harry Vaughan
  • Mr. Donald Dawson
  • Admiral Robert Dennison
  • General Maylon
  • Mr. Jack Romagna
(EDST) The President arrived at William Northern Field, Tullahoma and received honors.
(EDST) The President and motorcade departed for Arnold Engineering Development Center.
(EDST) Chaplain C. I. Carpenter opened the dedication with invocation.
(EDST) General Carroll introduced Mayor Farrar who introduced local dignitaries. At conclusion, Mayor Farrar presented gift of miniature plaque to Mrs. Arnold.
(EDST) Major General Lewis A. Pick, Chief of Engineers, U.S. Army, was introduced by General Carroll and made a six-minute speech.
(EDST) General Carroll escorted President Truman, Governor Browning, Secretary Thomas K. Finletter [Secretary of the Air Force], General Vandenberg, Senators and Congressmen to the rostrum. (Band played "Hail to the Chief")
(EDST) General Carroll introduced Mr. Silliman Evans, who introduced, for bows, distinguished guests with the exception of Senators McKellar and Kefauver, and Representative Joe Evins. Silliman Evans' last introduction was that of Joe Evins.
(EDST) (Joe Evins) introduced his Congressional colleagues from Tennessee.
(EDST) General Carroll introduced Senators McKellar and Kefauver.
(EDST) General Carroll introduced Governor Browning who spoke for ten minutes.
(EDST) Governor Browing handed over the deed for the Arnold Engineering Development Center to the Secretary of the Air Force, Hon. Thomas Finletter. The latter spoke for three minutes.
(EDST) Hon. Thomas Finletter, Secretary of the Air Force introduced General Hoyt Vandenberg, who spoke for one minute.
(EDST) Governor Browning took over again and presented Mrs. Arnold with a bouquet of flowers.
(EDST) Mrs. Arnold made a one-minute speech of acceptance.
(EDST) Governor Browning took over again and introduced the President of the United States. [Public Papers: Address in Tullahoma, Tenn., at the Dedication of the Arnold Engineering Development Center]
At the close of the speech, the band played the National Anthem.
(EDST) Immediately following the luncheon the Presidential party departed Tullahoma and returned to Washington National Airport, arriving at approximately 6:30 p.m. EDST.
(EDST) (The following gentlemen dined with the President at the Blair House:) OFF THE RECORD Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State Honorable George C. Marshall, the Secretary of Defense Honorable John W. Snyder, the Secretary of the Treasury Honorable William C. Foster, Administrator, ECA
Honorable Joseph M. Darst, Mayor of St. Louis, Missouri Mr. George Kempland, of St. Louis Housing Authority Mr. Leo Havey, Bricklayers Union Mr. Dan Reardon, a lawyer (Wired Mr. Matthew Connelly that he would be in Washington attending National Housing Conference and wanted to see the President.)
Honorable Frank Pace, the Secretary of the Army (Originally set up as OFF THE RECORD but changed at Secretary Frank Pace's request to On the Record. Asked Mr. Matthew Connelly for appt.)
Congressman Tom Steed, Oklahoma Honorable James E. Barry, Lieutenant Governor of Oklahoma (The Lt. Governor called from Oklahoma and the Congressman also called from the Capitol to ask if they might come in to invite the President to come to Oklahoma for Armistice Day, next November 11th.)
Senator Hubert H. Humphrey, Minnesota Mr. George Rutman (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly last week and asked for this.)
Congressman Phil J. Welch, Missouri Mr. True Davis, Jr. (Congressman Welch originally asked to bring in six hog serum producers from various parts of the country, Mr. Davis being one of the group, Mr. Matthew Connelly told him this could not be arranged, so the Congressman asked if he might bring in Mr. Davis, of Anchor Serum Company, Missouri, stating the President knew Mr. Davis and also knew his father.)
(Miss Marguerite Higgins, correspondent) OFF THE RECORD (Mr. Joseph Short) (Arranged by Mr. Joseph Short, who brought in Miss Higgins)
(Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kelley & mother and sister) (Mr. and Mrs. Phil Dreyer) (Mr. Charles Murphy) OFF THE RECORD (Mr. Kelly is Member of Staff of Democratic Policy Committee of the Senate, and Mr. Charles Murphy asked if he might have him come down to introduce his parents to the President.)
(Governor Murray and Mrs. Murray, of Oklahoma) OFF THE RECORD (Came in and shook hands with the President)
Honorable William M. Boyle, Jr., Chairman, Democratic National Committee Honorable Paul Fitzpatrick, Chairman, Democratic State Committee, New York (Mr. Boyle asked if he might bring Mr. Fitzpatrick with him for his usual weekly appointment.)
(Hon. John W. Snyder, Secretary of the Treasury) (Honorable George Schoeneman, Commissioner of Internal Revenue) (General John B. Dunlap) OFF THE RECORD
(The President left Blair House for the home of Mr. Clark Clifford, where he attended a birthday dinner in honor of Hon. Stuart Symington.) OFF THE RECORD
BIG FOUR The Vice President, Hon. Alben Barkley The Speaker, Hon. Sam Rayburn Senator Ernest W. McFarland, Arizona Senator Walter George, Georgia Congressman John W. McCormack, Massachusetts (Senator George was invited to join BIG FOUR)
(Mr. Leo D'Orsay) OFF THE RECORD
Vice Admiral Ross T. McIntire (Has just returned from trip around the country, visiting centers for the Phsically Handicapped and making arrangements for Fall Meeting of President's Committee on National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week; had with him design for the President's Trophy which the President will present to winner at the Fall meeting, and wished to get the President's approval of the design.)
Mr. Fred L. Trott, Vice Chairman, Democratic State Central Committee, California Mr. Robert Moore, Democratic National Committee (Mr. Trott wired Mr. Matthew Connelly and Mr. Moore phoned about this; Mr. Boyle said he could come in just to pay respects, nothing more.)
Hon. Leon H. Keyserling, Chairman, Council of Economic Advisers (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly yesterday and asked for this.)
Honorable Oscar Chapman, the Secretary of the Interior (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly last week and asked for this.)
Mrs. Edith Sampson, Alternate Delegate to the UN General Assembly Mr. Robert A. Wilkinson, of E.C.A. Mr. Warren Trabant (Mrs. Sampson presented to the President a Tyrolean hand-woven rug, woven in traditional Austrian design, a gift of the community of Inner Pitztal in the North Tyrol, in gratitude for Marshall Plan aid. Mrs. Sampson received it in Vienna earlier in month in formal presentation by the weaver of the rug, a young Tyrolean girl, Hilde Eiter, in presence of U.S. officials and Austrian government officials; ceremony took place in gardens of American Legation and began as a letter from Governor of Tyrol to President Truman was read.)
(Honorable Alex Campbell) OFF THE RECORD (Came to see Mr. Matthew Connelly and saw the President Off the Record)
Honorable W. Stuart Symington, Chairman, R.F.C. (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly last week and asked for this.)
The President received the members of the Student Citizenship Seminar. This meeting was under the auspices of the national boards of YWCA and YMCA, composed of more than 100 students from colleges and universities all over the country; purpose of seminar was to observe the process of Federal Government; to see responsibilities of citizens in a democracy; to clarify the ways Americans act as responsible citizens; and to prepare for effective citizenship. The President received them last year also. The following were present: ADULT ADVISORS: Reverand and Mrs. Edgar C. Reckard, Washington, D.C. Miss Martha Biehle, IRO Staff, Washington, D.C. Miss Stella Scurlock, Washington, D.C. Dr. Kerry Smith, Chevy Chase, Maryland Mr. Wells Harrington, University Park, Maryland STUDENTS: Abernethy, Lloyd M., Granite Falls, North Carolina (Wake Forest College) Allgood, Mary Lou, Kingsport, Tennessee (Berea) Allman, Alice Ann, Bloomington, Indiana (Indiana University) Anderson, Margaret, Iowa City, Iowa (State Univ. of Iowa) Anderson, Ruth D., Woodhaven, New York (Bucknell Univ.) Andrews, Bruce R., Trenton 8, New Jersey (Syracuse University) Angus, Robert C., Long Island, New York (Univ. of Virginia) Aston, Trudy, Farmersville, Texas (Texas State College for Women) Barber, Betty Lou, Orlando, Florida (Wesleyan) Battle, Charlotte, Clearwater, Florida (Wesleyan) Brandt, Rayola, Ladysmith, Wisconsin (University of Wisconsin) Brosius, Anne S., Berwyn, Pennsylvania (Northwestern University) Bryenton, Eleanor, Lakewood, Ohio (Ohio Wesleyan University) Butterfield, Patricia, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (Oklahoma A & M) Byers, Margaret P., Milton, Massachusetts (Radcliffe) Callis, Joan, Sedalia, Missouri (Lindenwood) Case, Raymond, Whittier, California (Whittier) Cawley, Mary Joe, Quitman, Georgia (Wesleyan) Chauls, Carol Ann, Port Chester, New York (Syracuse Univ.) Cvikevic, George, Chicago, Illinois (World Student Service Fund) Clardy, Betty, Roswell, New Mexico (Oklahoma A & M) Cocca, Theodore A., Amsterdam, New York (St. John's) Cohen, Audrey, Pittsburgh 17, Pennsylvania (University of Pittsburgh) Cooper, Barbara, Detroit, Michigan (Wayne University) de la Puente, Joseph, Bronx, New York (University of New Mexico) Dickson, James B., Hampshire, Illinois (University of Illinois) Dixon, Martha Jane, Homestead, Pennsylvania (University of Pittsburgh) Dwyer, Jane Terry, Rochester, New York (Wells) Edwards, Ellen, Auburn, Alabama (Wellesley) Edwards, James M., Champaign, Illinois (University of Illinois) Fung, Irene E., Glencoe, Illinois, (Northwestern) Gehrels, Ernst, Pasadena, California (Calif. Institute of Technology) Goodnow, Joanne S., Melrose, Mass. (Ohio Wesleyan) Grabowska, Marysia (Wellesley) Grenert, Gerald T., Bayonne, New Jersey (Randolph-Macon) Gruner, Nancy, Detroit 23, Michigan (Bowling Green State Univ.) Hall, Phyllis, Coffeyville, Kansas (Coffeyville) Hankins, Langdon F., Charlottesville, Virginia (Univ. of Virginia) Havens, Frank E., Los Angeles 27, Calif. (Los Angeles State) Harper, Dorothy Jo (Park) Harris, Jacquelyn G., Alhambra, California (Stanford University) Hayes, Lois Anne, Albert Lea, Minnesota (Hamline Univ.) Helweg, Shirley Ann, Roseburg, Oregon (Willamette Univ.) Hilton, Frances Ann, Stillwater, Oklahoma, (Oklahoma A & M) Hinrichs, Harley H., Madison, Wisconsin (Univ. of Wisconsin) Holl, Mary Lou, Lakewood, Ohio (Ohio Wesleyan) Jacobson, Marlyce, West Fargo, North Dakota (Concordia) Kenny, Gertrude M., Kingston, New York (Northwestern Univ.) Korth, Helen M., Chicago, Illinois (State Univ. of Iowa) Larter, Barbara L., Morristown, New Jersey (Jackson College-Tufts) Larter, Mary Dee, Morristown, New Jersey (Barnard) LaTowsky, Joanne, Wilmington, Delaware (Syracuse University) Lindley, Margaret, Mansfield, Ohio (Oberlin) Lippman, Joanne D., Perry, New York (Cornell University) Luke, Wing C., Seattle, Washington (University of Washington) MacElwee, S. Margaret, Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania (Univ. of Pa.) Malone, George F., Oakland 1, California (San Francisco State) Mann, Mary Jody, Atlanta, Georgia (Wesleyan) Margolis, Helen, Binghamton, New York (Radcliffe) McCary, Peggy L., Verbena, Alabama (Alabama State College for Women) McClintock, Marilyn, Woodville, Ohio (Louisiana State Univ.) McClure, James F., Jr., Lewisburg, Pa. (Amherst) McFadden, Eudora C., Pittsburgh, Pa. (Univ. of Pittsburgh) McGregor, James W., Pasadena, Calif. (Occidental College) Medalis, Richard J., Minneapolis, Minn. (Univ. of Minnesota) Merritt, Betty, Seattle, Washington (Washington State) Michaud, Louise (Pembroke College) Providence, R.I. Miller, Barbara Jo, Enid, Oklahoma (Oklahoma A & M) Moore, Barbara Jane, Seattle, Washington (University of Wash.) Morrow, John W., Stanford University, California (Stanford) Palmer, Susan K., Forest Hills, New York (Smith College) Patten, Richard H., Norman, Oklahoma(University of Oklahoma) Paulson, Evelyn R., Minneapolis, Minn. (University of Minnesota) Pendleton, Kathryn, Jopkin, Missouri (Denison University) Pippin, Larry L., Madison 5, Wisconsin (University of Wisconsin) Player, Mollie E., Tuskegee Institute, Alabama (Tuskegee Institute) Randall, Allan D., Rocky Hill, Conn. (Univ. of Conn.) Reinke, Janet M., Faribault, Minnesota (Grinnell) Remsberg, Elva, Middletown, Maryland (Hood) Rider, D. Mark, Long Beach, California (U.C.L.A.) Roberts, Beverly, New Paris, Ohio (Miami University) Rocchio, Elena, Greenwood, R.I. (Pembroke) Sandoz, George E., Shreveport, La. (La. State University) Schmidt, Paul G., Warren, Ohio (Oberlin) Scott, Deborah L., Washington, D.C. (Mount Holyoke) Seabury, Roslyn, Rockville Centre, N.Y. (Ohio Wesleyan University) Shanklin, Hazel D., Wichita, Kansas (University of Wichita) Sherer, John W., Iowa City, Iowa (State University of Iowa) Shinoda, June, Cleveland, Ohio (Kent State University) Singleton, John C., Evanston, Illinois (Oberlin) Smith, Oliver C., Neenah, Wisconsin (Stanford) Solomon, Arthur M., Brooklyn, New York (Univ. of Chicago)) Steinberg, Bruce M., Brooklyn, New York (Syracuse University) Strong, William D., Chatham, New Jersey (Yale University) Tanner, June, Santa Monica, California (U.C.L.A.) VerNooy, Robert A., Cortland, New York (Syracuse University) Vandervoort, Paul, Burbank, California (Glendale City) Woodruff, Ronald T., Rochester 17, New York (Union) Wean, Ruth Anna, Danville, Indiana (Indiana) [Public Papers: Remarks to Members of the Student Citizenship Seminar]
(Mr. Tom Gavin) OFF THE RECORD (Came in to see Mr. Matthew Connelly and saw the President Off the Record.)
(Honorable William Leahy) OFF THE RECORD
The President received the members of the National Security Training Commission: Honorable James W. Wadsworth Admiral Thomas C. Kinkaid Lt. General Raymond S. McLain Honorable William L. Clayton Dr. Karl T. Compton Also: Honorable Anna M. Rosenberg, Assistant Secretary of Defense Mr. Tyroler Mr. Elmer Staats, Bureau of the Budget Messrs. David Stowe and Donald Dawson (Arranged at the suggestion of Mr. David Stowe)
(National Security Council) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. David Noyes) OFF THE RECORD
(Admiral William D. Leahy) OFF THE RECORD (Called Mr. Connelly yesterday and asked for this.)
Honorable Scott Lucas, former Senator from Illinois (Called Mr. Connelly last Friday and asked for this.)
Honorable William McChesney Martin, Jr., Chairman, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System (Called Mr. Connelly last week and asked for this.)
Honorable and Mrs. Bernard F. Dickman Mr. and Mrs. Buskar, of Pennsylvania Mr. and Mrs. Neil Sibley, of Baltimore, Md. Mr. Frank Horak, Oconto, Wisconsin Mrs. Rosa Lindsay, of Georgia Mr. Arthur Smith, of Pascagoula, Mississippi Miss Ann Smith, of Pascagoula, Mississippi Mrs. Elizabeth Black, Mound City, Missouri Mr. North, Washington, D.C. (Mayor Dickman called Mr. Connelly last week, stating he would be in Washington this week, meeting with a Committee on the Post Office Bill, and wanted to bring these people who are attending these meetings to see the President and bring him up to date on what they are doing.)
Senator Harley M. Kilgore, of West Virginia (Called Mr. Connelly last week and asked for this.)
Honorable Edwin F. Stanton, American Ambassador to Thailand (Asked for this through Protocol)