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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

June 12, 1951

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

(Mr. Martin A. Lewis) OFF THE RECORD (Of Springfield, Illinois. Came to see Mr. Connelly and saw the President Off the Record.)
Honorable Gordon E. Dean, Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission (Half-hour to report results of recent tests at Eniwetok.)
(Honorable Stanley Woodward, American Ambassador to Canada) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable George C. Marshall, the Secretary of Defense (Usual Tuesday appointment; his office felt sure he would have returned, and the Secretary did keep the appointment.)
(Mr. Joseph Feeney, Legislative Assistant to the President) (Mrs. M. J. O'Toole) Mrs. O'Toole is Mr. Feeney's mother-in-law) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable A. Devitt Vanech, Assistant Attorney General, Lands Division) Mr. and Mrs. Gambino) Mr. Salvatore T. Gambino) OFF THE RECORD
Congressman James G. Fulton, Pennsylvania
Honorable William M. Boyle, Jr., Chairman, Democratic National Committee (Usual Tuesday appointment)
(The President left for Constitution Hall) OFF THE RECORD
The President addressed the opening meeting of the Highway Safety Conference at Constitution Hall. [Public Papers: Remarks at the Highway Safety Conference]
Honorable Myron M. Cowen, Ambassador to the Philippines (Asked for this through Protocol)
The President received the Members of the Fifth Annual Institute for Teachers of Government and Administration. This Institute is sponsored by American University, School of Social Sciences and Public Affairs. The President has received the members several times in the past: ABBOTT, Roger~KLUG, H. V. BIRKHEAD, Guthrie S., II~LANE, Barton G., Jr., Lt. Col. BRAIBANTI, Ralph J. D.~LEWIS, McMillan CHANG, Paul T.~PADGETT, Edward Riddle COSTIN, Glenis G.~ROTH, Harold H. HALDEMAN, Mrs. Anna D.~ROSS, William R. HATTERY, Lowell H. ~SILVA, Miss Ruth C. HAWLEY, Dr. Claude E.~SPIEGEL, Frederick C. HOMBERGER, Ludwig M.~YOUNG, Mrs. Dorothy R. KLEVEN, Bernhardt J.
(Mr. Raymond W. Marshall, President, Alaska Airlines) OFF THE RECORD (Asked Mr. Connelly to arrange this as he wished to pay respects and thank the President for his action on recent decision.)
Colonel Bernard L. Robinson, Engineer Commissioner, District of Columbia (Asked if he might come in and thank the President for his appointment)
Commander Harold Russell, AMVETS Mr. David Schlothuer, National Executive Director, AMVETS Mr. Charles Slagman, National Legislative Director, AMVETS Mr. Dwight Oliver, National Membership Director, AMVETS Mr. Stanley Allen, Public Relations Director, AMVETS (Commander Russell called Mr. Connelly last week and asked for this.)
Honorable Frank Pace, the Secretary of the Army
(Mr. James McCahey) OFF THE RECORD
(National Security Council) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable Gordon Gray) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. Theodore Marks) OFF THE RECORD
Congressman Michael Kirwan, Ohio (Called Mr. John Carroll yesterday and asked for this. Wanted to see the President before leaving for Ohio.)
Honorable Frederick Lawton, Director, Bureau of the Budget (One-half hour)
Honorable Maurice Tobin, Secretary of Labor
(Mr. Theodore Marks) OFF THE RECORD
His Excellency Senor Dr. Luis Machado, the Ambassador of Cuba (Asked for this through Protocol; to discuss sugar reciprocity Legislation.)
The President received the Members of the Twenty-first National 4-H Club Camp. The State Department cleared the list of Foreign 4-H Club Members. OFFICIAL REPRESENTATIVES FROM SEVENTEEN OTHER COUNTRIES ATTENDING NATIONAL 4-H CLUB CAMP Name~Country Affeldt, Dietrich~Germany Bailee, Noel~North Ireland Chosson, Micheline~France Chowdbury, A. M.~Pakistan Cisneros, Genardo~El Salvador Connolly, Sheila~Ireland Cocu, Mr. Jules Etienne~Belgium Czernin, Vinzenz~Austria Deane, Mrs. Diana Levis~Ireland Demal, Hartmann~Austria Feix, Herbert~Austria Fives, John L. ~Ireland Fleming, Archibald~Scotland Gaier, Hans~Austria Gondowarsito,A. S.~Indonesia Hanimer, Thomas~Austria Hanke, Wolff~Germany Hansen, Christen Ejgil~Denmark Hartl, Noel~Northern Ireland Haudot, Bernadette Therese~France Hussian, A. A. ~Pakistan Jensen, Peter Torberg~Denmark Kaiser, Franz~Austria Kammer, Vreny~Switzerland Kennedy, Maurice~Ireland Khan, Said~Pakistan Khin, Aung~Burma Knuhtsen, Ellen~Denmark Korvald, Lars~Austria Krancsics, Heinz~Austria Krettenauer, Gustaf~Germany Lambie, Neil~New Zealand Le Baudour, Francois-Marie~France Lyttle, Victor Best~North Ireland Marcellin, Roger~France May, Nyunt~Burma Moffat, Maurice~New Zealand Morrison, Elizabeth~North Ireland Mulcahy, William~Ireland Mumethaler, Ruedi~Switzerland Nomblot, Jean-Paul~France Oemarjene, Mr. ~Indonesia O'Flanagan, Michael J.~Ireland Patterson, Bruce~New Zealand Peat, Watson~Scotland Peltonen, Maija~Finland Pirchner, Franz~Austria Pryosusilo, Sujone~Indonesia Rehu, Ruth~Germany Reichle, Josef~Germany Reralle, Louis~France Ryan, John Raymond~Ireland Schedl, Hagen~Austria Schmidt, Anneliese~Germany Scott, Kathleen~Scotland Scott, Leonard~New Zealand Sillanpaa, Mikko~Finland Simonsen, Gunnar Bruun~Denmark Singalavanya, Thumnong~Thailand Soedibjo, F. X. Sjamso~Indonsesia Soekarmanto, Mr.~Indonesia Stewart, Alexander~Scotland Sufi, M. H. ~Pakistan Tavaila, Kari~Finland Torrens, John~North Ireland Utomo, Gregorius~Indonesia Voight, Brigitte~Germany Wallig, Alfred~Austria Weiss, Herbert~Austria Wohlfahrt, Ludwig~Germany
[Public Papers: Remarks to the Delegates to the 21st National 4-H Club Camp]
Mr. John E. Bierwirth, President, National Distillers Products Corp., of New York (Wrote Mr. Connelly stating he planned to be in town and wanted to see the President a few minutes to tell him one thing he thought the President would find interesting.)
Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State (Usual Thursday appointment) Honorable John McCloy, High Commissioner for Germany
The remainder of the afternoon was kept open for the President to work on his speech to the Nation concerning price controls.
(The President addressed the Nation from his Office in the White House.) [Public Papers: Radio and Television Report to the American People on the Need for Extending Inflation Controls]
(General Bedell Smith, Director, Central Intelligence Agency) (Admiral Sidney Souers) (Mr. James Lay) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Charles Brannan, the Secretary of Agriculture (Asked Mr. Connelly to arrange this.)
(Mr. Martin Lewis) OFF THE RECORD (Came to see Mr. Connelly and saw the President Off the Record)
Colonel J. Monroe Johnson, Interstate Commerce Commission (Called Mr. Connelly a week ago to ask for this.)
(Honorable Charles M. LaFollette, Acting Head of the Subversive Activities Control Board) OFF THE RECORD (Called Mr. Connelly and asked to see the President Off the Record; said there was no emergency but did have few things he wanted to discuss with the President before this weekend.)
Honorable Edmund G. Brown, the Attorney General of California Honorable William V. O'Connor, Assistant Attorney General of California (Mr. O'Connor wired Mr. Connelly last week and asked for this.)
The President signed S.872, An Act "To furnish emergency food aid to India." The following were present for the signing: Madam Pandit, the Indian Ambassador Mr. M. K. Kirtalani, Minister of Embassy of India Mr. B. K. Nehru, Minister of Embassy of India Mr. P. L. Bhandari, Public Relations Attache, Indian Embassy Honorable Dean Acheson, The Secretary of State Honorable George McGhee, Asst. Secretary of State Honorable Loy Henderson, American Ambassador to India Honorable Richard M. Bissell, Acting Administator, ECA Honorable Herbert Gaston, Export-Import Bank Honorable Sidney Sherwood, Export-Import Bank Dorothy Norman, Chairman, American Food Committee for India Mr. Frank Cleverley, National Director, Insular and Foreign Operations, American Red Cross Mr. Murray Lincoln, President, Cooperative American Remittances for Europe, Inc. (CARE) Mr. John Metzler, representing Christian Rural Overseas Program (CROP) Elaine Egan, Chairman, Committee of India of the American Council of Voluntary Agencies Senator Alexander Wiley, Wisconsin Senator H. Alexander Smith, New Jersey Senator Brien McMahon, Connecticut Senator Theodore Francis Green, Rhode Island Congressman Thomas E. Morgan, Pennsylvania Congressman Charles A. Eaton, New Jersey Congressman Abraham A. Ribicoff, Connecticut Congressman Jacob K. Javits, New York [Public Papers: Statement by the President Upon Signing the India Emergency Food Aid Act]
(Honorable Charles Wilson, Director of Defense Mobilization) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Edward Delaney, Mayor of St. Paul, Minnesota (Called Mr. Connelly and asked for this.)
(Honorable George E. Allen)OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State Honorable John Foster Dulles, Consultant to the Secretary (Arranged at Mr. Acheson's suggestion.)
[Public Papers: Statement by the President on the Ratification of the Charter of the Organization of American States]
[Public Papers: Statement by the President Upon Signing the Trade Agreements Extension Act]
[Public Papers: Letter in Response to Report of the National Historical Publications Commission]
(General Robert Landry, the President's Air Force Aide, brought to see the President his son's Cub Scout Troop, together with their Den Dad, Mr. John Mitchell.) OFF THE RECORD
(Admiral Sidney Souers) (Admiral Robert Dennison, President's Naval Aide) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. Eben Ayers) OFF THE RECORD
(His Excellency, the Most Reverend Gerald P. O'Hara, D.D., J.U.D., the Archbishop of Savannah-Atlanta) OFF THE RECORD (Arranged by Mr. Matthew Connelly yesterday when the Archbishop telephoned him from the office of Congressman McCormack.)
(The President remained at home at the Blair House all day, except for having taken a short automobile drive during the day.)
(Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Campbell, of Sedalia, Missouri) OFF THE RECORD (Mr. A. J. Campbell, Jr., of Sedalia, Missouri)
(Admiral Sidney Souers) OFF THE RECORD (Mr. James Lay, Executive Secretary, National Security Council)
BIG FOUR Honorable Alben Barkley, The Vice President Honorable Sam Rayburn, The Speaker of the House Senator Ernest W. McFarland, Majority Leader of the Senate (Arizona) Congressman John W. McCormack, Majority Leader of the House (Mass.)
Cabinet [Meeting] (Under Secretary Michael J. Galvin for Labor; Under Secretary Searls for Interior; all others present.)
Lord Layton Honorable C. E. Steel, Minister, British Embassy (Lord Layton is vice president of Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe, meeting in Strasbourg, France; now in this country for purpose of encouraging idea of some kind of meeting between members of the council and our Congressional leaders, looking toward consolidation of European situation; Lord Layton also a well-known newspaper leader in England, being described as chairman of free London publications, namely the News Chronicler, The Evening Star and The Economist.)
Honorable David Lilienthal (Called Mr. Connelly from New York last week; said the President had told him to come in before starting on trip around the world; expects to leave before too long and wanted to come in.)
Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State (Usual Monday appointment)
(Mr. Walter T. Fisher) OFF THE RECORD (Arranged at suggestion of Mr. Dawson; under consideration for Tennessee Valley Administration (TVA). Came to see Mr. Connelly and saw the President Off the Record.)
Honorable Carl Gray, Administrator of Veterans Affairs (Called Mr. Connelly last Friday to ask for this.)
Honorable Jonathan Daniels (Called Mr. Connelly last week and asked for this.)
Honorable Harry A. McDonald, Chairman, Securities & Exchange Commission (One-half hour; arranged by Mr. Connelly)
Senator Blair Moody, Michigan (Called Mr. Connelly last week and asked for appointment. Was originally set up for 11:15 a.m. but the Senator came in early because of an important committee meeting which he could not afford to miss.)
Honorable Walter Cummings, of Chicago Mr. Walter Cummings, Jr. (Arranged at request of Secretary Snyder, who says Mr. Cummings has been most helpful.)
(Mr. Edward McKim) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable John L. Sullivan) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable John B. Blandford, Jr. (Member of Advisory Commission of UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees, with personal rank of Ambassador. Mr. Blandford plans to resign from this post as of June 30th in order to make effective his appointment by UN as Director of the Agency as of July 1st. State Department said no announcement to be made of his new position until Mr. Blandford had opportunity to discuss matter with the President and had submitted his resignation.)
Honorable Walter S. Gifford, American Ambassador to Great Britain (Asked for this through Division of Protocol)
The President signed S.1, An Act "To provide for the common defense and security of the United States and to permit the more effective utilization of manpower resources of the United States by authorizing universal military training and service. and for other purposes." The following were present: Honorable George C. Marshall, the Secretary of Defense Honorable Anna M. Rosenberg, Asst. Secretary of Defense Major General Louis B. Hershey, Director of Selective Service Senator Richard B. Russell, Georgia Senator Lyndon B. Johnson, Texas Senator Styles Bridges, New Hampshire Congressman Carl Vinson, Georgia Congressman Dewey Short, Missouri Congressman Overton Brooks, Louisiana Commander Earle Cocke, American Legion Commissioner of Education, Hon. Earl J. McGrath
Honorable George C. Marshall, the Secretary of Defense (Usual Tuesday appointment)
Honorable Frederick Lawton, Director, Bureau of the Budget (One-half hour)
(Honorable Francis Matthews, Secretary of the Navy) (Asked for this; five minutes OFF THE RECORD
Honorable William M. Boyle, Jr. (Usual weekly appointment)
(Honorable John W. Snyder, Secretary of the Treasury) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. William Mox) (Mr. Russ Stewart) OFF THE RECORD (Mr. Edward McKim)
[Public Papers: Directive Establishing the Psychological Strategy Board]
(Mr. Neal Helm, of Caruthersville, Missouri) (Mr. James M. Reeves, of Caruthersville, Missouri) (Mr. James Greer, Dyersburg, Tennessee) (Mr. W. A. McCretchen, Tiptonville, Tennessee) (Mr. Gerald Devin, St. Louis, Missouri) (Mr. M. R. Rowland, of Caruthersville, Missouri) OFF THE RECORD (Mr. O. F. Patterson, Caruthersville, Missouri) (Mr. G. Wood Smith, of St. Louis, Missouri) (Mr. D. B. Young, of St. Louis, Missouri)
(Mr. Wendell Lund) (Mr. Gerald Cleary) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. T. Swann Harding, Editor, Office of Information, Department of Agriculture) OFF THE RECORD (Arranged by Mr. Joseph Short, who brought Mr. Harding in.)
Honorable Johan Albert Nykopp, the Minister of Finland (Newly appointed; presented credentials.)
Honorable Nong Kimny, the Minister of Cambodia (Newly appointed; presented credentials)
(Honorable J. Howard McGrath, the Attorney General) (Miss Margaret Owen) (Mr. Stephen Owen) OFF THE RECORD
Congressman Franck R. Havenner, of California Congressman Clyde Doyle, of California Congressman Clinton D. McKinnon, of California Congressman Samuel W. Yorty, of California Mr. Harry Wade, Secretary to Congressman Doyle (Congressman Havenner asked for this, stating they wished to talk to the President re Reapportionment Act in California)
(Mr. and Mrs. John Hurley and daughter) OFF THE RECORD (Friends of Mr. Frank Land, who called Mr. Matthew Connelly from Kansas City June 13th to ask if the President would greet them; Mr. Hurley is Director of Sears Roebuck in St. Paul. Came to see Mr. Matthew Connelly and saw the President Off the Record)
(Mr. Beverly Smith, Chief of Washington Bureau, Saturday Evening Post)OFF THE RECORD (Mr. Joseph Short and Mr. George Elsey) (Arranged by Mr. Joseph Short, who brought Mr. Smith in. Half hour.)
(LUNCH) (On the way to luncheon the President stopped outside his office and greeted busloads of underprivileged children, brought to Washington each year by Congressman Mack of Illinois. These handicapped and underprivileged children selected by non-partisan committees with recommendations being made by teachers, principals and superintendents in various school districts. The Congressman says they refer to this group as most deserving rather than underprivileged so that the individual pride may be protected.) OFF THE RECORD
(The President left Blair House for National Airport, where he met the President of Ecuador, His Excellency Galo Plaza Lasso, who arrived in the United States for an official visit. Upon arriving back at the Blair House from the Airport, there was a small Tea for the President of Ecuador and Senora de Plaza.) OFF THE RECORD
[Public Papers: Remarks of Welcome to the President of Ecuador at the Washington National Airport]