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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

May 02, 1951

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

Honorable Frederick Lawton, Director, Bureau of the Budget
Mr. Ernest Wood, President, Missouri REA Mr. Julius Helm, Executive Manager, Missouri REA Mr. John M. Dalton, attorney from Kennett, Missouri Congressman A.S.J. Carnahan, Missouri Mr. Thomas Galstrap, Secretary to Senator Hennings of Missouri Mr. Charles B. Miller, Vice President, Missouri REA Mr. Gates Wells, Member, Missouri REA Mr. Leland M. Lovell, Secretary, Missouri REA Mr. Jack Stanton, Member, Board of Platt-Coal Electric Cooperative Mr. Jack Meedy, Missouri Representative on National REA Board Mr. Ansel I. Moore, former President, Missouri REA Mr. Clay Dougherty, Treasurer, Missouri REA Mr. J.C. Berryman, President, Missouri Association of Municipal Utilities (Senator Hennings of Missouri called Mr. Connelly April 20th and asked if this group might call on the President and invite him to attend an Association meeting to be held this autumn.)
Honorable Henry D. Smyth, Atomic Energy Commission (Mr. Connelly, at direction of the President, asked Mr. Smyth to come in for a talk with the President.)
Honorable M. S. Szymczak, Member of Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System (Called Mr. Connelly last week to ask for this.)
(Honorable Charles U. Bay, American Ambassador to Norway) OFF THE RECORD (Called Mr. Connelly and asked to come in Off the Record.)
Honorable W. Stuart Symington Mr. Jack Gorrie (This was Mr. Symington's usual Wednesday appointment.)
Honorable Carl Hatch, U. S. District Judge, District of New Mexico (Called May 1st and asked for this.)
(National Security Council) OFF THE RECORD
[Public Papers: Remarks to Key Officials on the Budget for the Military Functions of the Department of Defense]
(Senator Thomas C. Hennings, Jr., Missouri) (Mr. Donald Gunn) OFF THE RECORD (Mr. George Robertson, of Moberly, Missouri) (Mr. William B. Boyle brought the above in to see the President. Appointment arranged by Senator Hennings when he saw the President May 1st.)
Senator Lister Hill, Alabama (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly yesterday and asked for this.)
(Honorable Dillon S. Myer, Commissioner, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Department of Interior) OFF THE RECORD (Arranged by Mr. Matthew Connelly yesterday.)
Congressman Clifford P. Case, New Jersey (Republican) (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly on Tuesday, stating he wanted to talk briefly with the President and stressed fact that he did not want to discuss anything which he would publicize, just to speak about a few matters he thought the President should know about.)
The President received a group of Foreign Journalists: ALGERIA Alexandre Breugnot, Asst. Editor, ECHO D'ALGER EGYPT Dr. Sayed Abouel Naga, Editor, AL MISRI Naguib Canaan, Editor EL AHRAM Nicholas, Nahas, Editor JOURNAL D'EGYPTE ENGLAND Donald Edgar, Industrial Correspondent, DAILY TELEGRAPH N.J.N. Dixon, Night Editor, MANCHESTER GUARDIAN Stanley Jackson, Asst. Editor, ILLUSTRATED Norman Cursley, Acting Editor, NEWS CHRONICLE J. L. Manning, Sports Editor, SUNDAY CHRONICLE Charles Eade, Editor, SUNDAY DISPATCH Guy Preston, Public Relations Manager FRANCE James De Coquet, Foreign Correspondent, FIGARO Sam Cohen, Editor in Chief, FRANCE-DIMANCHE Merry Bromberger, Editor, PARIS-PRESS L'INTRANSIGEANT James Nolan, European Public Relations Director, Paris GERMANY Otto Herr, RADIO FRANKFURT Oskar Reschke, Foreign Desk Editor, DEUTSCHE PRESSE AGENTUR GREECE Harris Bousbourelis, Reporter, KATHIMERINI Demetrios Yannoukakis, Columnist and Reporter, VRADYNI INDIA Coryndon Mandy, Feature Editor, TIMES OF INDIA S. N. Ghosh, Editor, PIONEER Venkatseha Naik, Editor, SAMYUKTA KARNATAK IRELAND Peter O'Curry, Editor, STANDARD Michael H. Rooney, Asst. Editor, IRISH INDEPENDENT ISRAEL Joseph Haim Heftmann, Editor, HABOKER ITALY Giovanni, Artieri, Special Correspondent, IL TEMPO & LA STAMPA Ugo Zatterin, Rome Bureau Chief, OGGI Count Guglielmo Ceroni, IL MESSAGERO Jean Govoni, Public Relations Manager, Rome PORTUGAL Morais Cabral, Foreign Editor, DIARIO NOTIGIAS Armando Ferreira, Editor, JOURNAL COMMERCIO & DIARIO POPULAR SPAIN Jaime Arias, Editor, BARCELONA NOTICERO UNIVERSAL Torcuato Luca De Tena, Managing Editor, ABC, Madrid SWITZERLAND Georges Rigassi, Former Editor in Chief, GASETTE DE LAUSANNE Albert Muller, Chief Foreign Editor, NEUE ZURCHER ZEITUNG TUNISIA Philippe Casanove, DEPECHE TUNISIENNE (Arranged by Mr. Joseph Short at request of Department of State. Assistant Secretary of State Barrett stressed advisability of their being received by the President. This group is on a TWA "Foreign Journalist" Flight, and trip considered as having a very special value under our educational exchange program. Mr. Barrett felt it could contribute materially to United States "Campaign of Truth" and to the objectives of State Department's USIE program)
[Public Papers: Remarks to a Group of Foreign Journalists]
Honorable Henry Morgenthau, Jr. (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly from New York last week)
Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State Honorable John Foster Dulles, Consultant to the Secretary of State (Usual Thursday appointment)
(Pre Press)
Press & Radio Conference [Public Papers]
(Honorable George Allen) OFF THE RECORD
(The President invited the following gentlemen to meet with him at the Blair House OFF THE RECORD:) (Senator Clinton Anderson, New Mexico) (Senator John J. Sparkman, Alabama) (Senator Brien McMahon, Connecticut) OFF THE RECORD (Honorable Philip B. Perlman, the Solicitor General) (Honorable Stephen T. Early)
(General Bedell Smith) (Admiral Sidney Souers) OFF THE RECORD (Mr. James Lay)
CABINET [Meeting] (All present)
Honorable Stephen Pace, former Congressman from Georgia (Secretary of Agriculture called Mr. Connelly May 1st, to ask if the President would see Mr. Pace)
Mr. James Minotto, ECA (Repesents ECA Program at U.S. Mission in Portugal; Senator Hayden asked if the President would let Mr. Minotto pay his respects before leaving for Portugal. Mr. Monotto saw the President, also at Senator Hayden's request, September 9, 1949)
Congressman Brent Spence, Kentucky (Called Mr. Connelly yesterday to ask for this)
Congressman Clifford Davis, Tennessee (Called Mr. Connelly May 2nd and asked for this)
(The President gave a stag luncheon for H.E. David Ben-Gurion, the Prime Minister of Israel. The following guests were present: H.E. The Ambassador of Israel (Abba Eban) The Vice President, Honorable Alben Barkley The Chief Justice, Honorable Fred Vinson Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State Senator Tom Connally, Texas Senator Alexander Wiley, Wisconsin Congressman Charles A. Eaton, New Jersey Congressman James P. Richards, South Carolina Honorable George C. McGhee, Assistant Secretary of State Honorable David K. Niles, White House
(The President awarded the Distinguished Service Medal to Major General Frank Lowe.) OFF THE RECORD
Senator Harley M. Kilgore, West Virginia
(Honorable John L. Sullivan, former Secretary of Navy) OFF THE RECORD
Judge Mellot of Kansas
(The President boarded the USS WILLIAMSBURG at the Naval Gun Factory for a weekend cruise on the Potomac.)
(The President returned from his cruise on the USS WILLIAMSBURG and went directly to the Blair House from the Naval Gun Factory.)
(Admiral Sidney Souers) OFF THE RECORD (Mr. James Lay, Executive Secretary, National Security Council)
BIG FOUR Honorable Alben Barkley, the Vice President Honorable Sam Rayburn, the Speaker of the House Senator Ernest W. McFarland, Majority Leader of the Senate (Arizona) Congressman John W. McCormack, Majority Leader of the House (Mass.)
Cabinet [Meeting] (Defense represented by the Deputy Secretary, Hon. Robert A. Lovett. Hon. Charles Wilson, Office of Defense Mobilization, not present and did not send representative. All others present.)
Rt. Rev. Henry Knox Sherill, President, National Council of the Churches of Christ in United States (Also head of Episcopal Church in United States; Mr. Connelly, at direction of the President, phoned Bishop Sherrill and asked him if he could come in for a conference with the President. One half hour)
Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State (Usual Monday appointment)
(Mr. Edward Jacobson) OFF THE RECORD
H.E. Dr. Luis E. Gomez-Ruiz, the Foreign Minister of Venezuela H.E. Dr. Antonio Martin Araujo, the Ambassador of Venezuela (Honorable John Simmons) (Arranged at request of Division of Protocol)
(Honorable William O. Douglas, Associate Justice, Supreme Court of the United States) OFF THE RECORD (Called Mr. Connelly last week and asked for this. One-half hour.)
(Honorable Mon Wallgren, Federal Power Commissioner) OFF THE RECORD
(The President left Blair House for the Statler Hotel where he attended the Civil Defense Dinner. He spoke at 10:30 p.m.) [Public Papers: Address at a Dinner of the Civil Defense Conference]
Miss Mary Hohm (Came in at the request of the Attorney General [J. Howard McGrath] to hand the President a scroll from H.E. the Most Reverend John F. Noll, D.D., Bishop of Fort Wayne, Indiana. She is special representative of OUR SUNDAY VISITOR, a popular National Catholic Action Weekly.)
Congressman Carl. T. Durham, North Carolina Congressman Clair Engle, California (Congressman Durham called Mr. Connelly last week to ask for this.)
Congressman James W. Trimble, Arkansas Mr. Roy Ritter, President, "Chicken of Tomorrow" Mr. Henry Weber, Vice President, "Chicken of Tomorrow" Dr. Lippert S. Ellis, of University of Arkansas Mr. W. B. Termohlen, of Department of Agriculture (Congressman Trimble asked to have these constituents shake hands with the President. The Speaker also asked Mr. Connelly to do this for Congressman Trimble.)
Congressman Harry P. O'Neill, Pennsylvania Honorable Joseph Lawler, Assistant Postmaster General (Called Mr. Connelly last week and asked for this; was joined by Mr. Lawler)
H.E. David Ben-Gurion, the Prime Minister of Israel H.E. Abba Eban, the Ambassador of Israel (Honorable John F. Simmons, Chief of Protocol) OFF THE RECORD (The Prime Minister came in to say "goodbye" to the President and to wish him a Happy Birthday.)
H.E. Dr. John Myun Chang, the Ambassador of Korea Dr. Helen Kim Dr. Frederick Brown Harris, Chaplain of the Senate (Honorable John Simmons) (The Korean Ambassador asked that Dr. Kim be received by the President. She is reputed to be the foremost woman educator of Korea, where she was for some time President of Ewah College; is a wellknown speaker and has addressed a number of audiences in this country recently on Korean situation. She has apparently been strong worker for Korean-American friendship. Dr. Harris asked if he might come with her as he claims to be responsible for her trip to America.)
Congressman Daniel J. Flood, Pennsylvania (Called Mr. Connelly last week and asked for this.)
Honorable Tom Stewart, Tennessee (Former Senator; asked for this through Senator McKellar)
(LUNCH) (The President had luncheon with members of the staff downstairs in the Executive Office on the occasion of his birthday.)
Honorable William M. Boyle, Jr. (Brought with him for his usual Tuesday appointment his new assistant, Mr. George J. Leary, to meet the President.)
(Honorable Clark Clifford) OFF THE RECORD
(Admiral Forrest Sherman) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable J. Howard McGrath, the Attorney General) OFF THE RECORD
(Speech Conference) OFF THE RECORD
(Admiral Chester Nimitz) (Honorable John Denaher) OFF THE RECORD
[Public Papers: Special Message to the Senate on the Convention on Wage and Hour Statistics Adopted by the International Labor Conference]
(The President left for the Department of Interior Auditorium to address the Industry Council.) OFF THE RECORD
[Public Papers: Remarks at a Conference of the Industry Advisory Councils of the Department of the Interior]
The President was presented with a Piano in honor of National Music Week. The following guests were present: BLISS, Mr. Robert Woods PHILLIPS, Mrs. Duncan CALLOWAY, Mr. Paul MITCHELL, Mr. Howard, Director, National Symphony HOWE, Mrs. Walter Bruce BALES, Mr. Richard ORION, Mr. Harold, Veterans Administration MILLER, Mr. Justin, President, National Assn. of Radio-Television Broadcasters RIVERS, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. GEOGHEGAN, Mr. Thomas HARBACH, Mr. Otto, President, ASCAP JANSSEN, Mr. Webster, President, Piano Manufacturers Assn. MALLERY, Mr. Otto, President, National Recreation Association LCDR T.M. WANNAMAKER, Office of Public Information, Dept. of Defense DUNTON, CAPT. J. G., OPI-OSD FRAWLEY, Lt. L.W., USN, Special Events, OPI-OSD MILLER, Capt. J.E., Jr., Editor, Armed Forces Day Bulletin, OPI-OSD SANTELMANN, Major William F. H., Leader, U.S. Marine Band DAVIC, Cpl. Miles, M., 1st Marine Regiment, wounded on first day of Inchon landing, September 15, 1950 SIMPSON, Sgt. Imogene, Hq. Bn. USMC, Henderson Hall, Arlington, Va. COPENHAVER, Lt. Harold L., Commanding USAF Bandsmen School, Bolling Air Force Base KRESS, Tech. Sgt. Roy, 51st Fighter Wing, FEAF TURKS, Cpl. Dolores M., Directorate of Public Relations USAF CASTILLO, Lt. Edmund, USN, Office of Information RAINEY, Lt. C.W., Navy, Office of Chief of Information HOLMES, LCDR Wilbur, Navy School of Music, Naval Gun Factory CARRINO, Paul J., HM1 USN, Bethesda Naval Hospital (played piano) BROUGH, Daisy PN1, Chaplain's Asst., Navy Receiving Station, Anacostia, (played piano) THOMPSON, Commander W. D. MEAR, Major Samuel E., U.S. Army Band, Special Services, Office of Adjutant General GREEN, Pfc Johnny, 34th Infantry Regt., 24th Div., now at Walter Reed (played piano) STEVENS, Sgt. Dorothy, Hq. Co., WAC Det., South Post, Ft. Myer, Va. (In August 1949, T.E. Rivers, Secretary, National Music Week, made the suggestion to Mr. Ross that the National and Inter- American Music Week Committee would like to present to the President a composite piano, the joint and cooperative work of all members of the Piano Manufacturers Association. At first wanted to make presentation in May 1950, but manufacturers felt time too short to do it in way they wanted it done, so was postponed to 1951. Presentation made in Fish Room; Major Santelmann of the Marine Band made the opening remarks and presented Otto J. Mallery, President of National Recreation Association, sponsor of National Music Week, who presented the piano to the President. The President made a few remarks, played the piano a bit, and then asked some of the servicemen present to try out the piano.) [Public Papers: Remarks at a Ceremony in Observance of National Music Week]
Congressman Adolph J. Sabath, Illinois (Called Mr. Connelly Tuesday and asked for this.)
Honorable Stuart Symington, Chairman, Reconstruction Finance Corporation (Asked for fifteen minute appointment)
(Honorable Paul Fitzpatrick, Chairman, Democratic State Committee, N.Y.) OFF THE RECORD
(Judge James D. Cooney, of Chicago) (Mr. William Taylor, of Boston) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable John L. Sullivan, former Secretary of the Navy) OFF THE RECORD (Called Mr. Connelly yesterday)
(Honorable Charles Wilson, Director of Defense Mobilization) OFF THE RECORD
[Public Papers: Statement by the President in Response to Report of the Committee on Religion and Welfare in the Armed Forces]
[Public Papers: Letter to the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House Recommending Legislation Extending Benefits to Veterans of the Korean Action]
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
Honorable Isadore [Isador] Lubin, U.S. Representative in the Economic and Social Council, U.S. Mission to the United Nations (Called Mr. Connelly and asked if he might pay respects to the President while in city)
Honorable Raymond M. Foley, Administrator, Housing & Home Finance Agency (Called Mr. Connelly on Monday and asked for this)
Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State (Usual Thursday appointment)
Commander Thomas J. Canty, Officer in Charge, U.S. Naval Hospital, Oakland, California Sgt. John J. Martin, USMC PFC Edward Mitchell, USMC PFC Kenneth McGuire, USMC Cpl. Frank Whorley, USMC Mr. Charles Asbelle (Congresswoman Edith Nourse, Massachusetts, called Mr. Connelly and arranged for the above to shake hands with the President. Commander Canty has charge of amputees in hospital in Oakland. The four boys are all Marine amputees from Oakland hospital and have been brought here for an Advisory committee on Artificial Limbs Meeting of the National Research Council. The boys will demonstrate artificial limbs at that meeting.)
(Mr. Russell Stewart, Chicago Sun Times) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Oscar Chapman, the Secretary of the Interior (Asked Mr. Connelly to arrange this)
Senator Clinton Anderson, New Mexico
[Public Papers: Letter to the Chairman, Board of Foreign Scholarships, on the Fulbright Program]
(General Bedell Smith) (Admiral Sidney Souers) (Mr. James Lay) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable Gordon Gray) OFF THE RECORD
Senator Allen J. Ellender, Sr., Louisiana (Called Mr. Connelly)
(Honorable Frank Pace, Secretary of the Army) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Delos Rentzel, Under Secretary of Commerce (Called Mr. Connelly)
Senator Kenneth McKellar, Tennessee