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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

April 11, 1951

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

[Public Papers] Radio Report to the American People on Korea and on U.S. Policy in the Far East. [ Audio excerpts: MP3]
Honorable Jess Larson, Administrator, General Services
Congressman Brent Spence, Kentucky
(Honorable Harold C. Stuart) Asst. Sec. of Air Force OFF THE RECORD
Congressman Harley O. Staggers, West Virginia
Honorable E. L. Bartlett, Delegate from Alaska
Honorable Dean Acheson, Secretary of State
(Mr. Jack Colbert, Chrysler Company) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Marx Leva, Assistant Secretary of Defense
General Omar Bradley, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
(Hon. Mon Wallgren, Chairman, Federal Power Commission) OFF THE RECORD
(The President and Mrs. Truman left Blair House for the Gayety Theatre, where they attended a performance of "The Guardsman.")
[Public Papers: Statement by the President on the Invitation to General MacArthur To Address a Joint Session of Congress]
(General Bedell Smith, et al) OFF THE RECORD
Cabinet [Meeting]
Honorable Mark Etheridge
The President received a delegation from the National Housing Policy Conference. This Conference was held in St. Louis the week of March 26th and adopted an outstanding statement of policy and resolutions. Mayor Darst, as Honorary Chairman, was chosen to head the delegation to present to the President a copy of the resolutions, which represented agreement reached on national housing problem by delegates representing all interests. The following were present: BETTERS, Colonel Paul V. Petters~HUME, Fred Jr. BOWRON, Mayor Fletcher~KAUFMANN, Hon. A. P. DARST, Mayor Joseph M.~KELLEHER, Thomas F. EDELMAN, John W.~KULTZNICK, Phillip GRAY, Richard~LAWRENCE, Mayor David ~SALOMON, Sidney, Jr. Following the above, Mayor Darst, with Mr. Myles P. Dyer, Director of Public Safety, and Mr. Milton Carpenter, Comptroller presented to the President a bound volume of Reproductions of the White House Presidential Portraits.
The President presented the Congressional Medal of Honor to Lieutenant (j.g.)Thomas J. Hudner, Jr., USN. The following were present: MARSHALL, Hon. George C., Secretary of Defense MATTHEWS, Hon. Francis P., Secretary of the Navy SHERMAN, Admiral F. P., USN, Chief of Naval Operations HUDNER, Mr. Thomas J. - father HUDNER, Mrs. Mary B. - mother HUDNER, Mr. James H. - brother HUDNER, Mr. Richard R. - brother HUDNER, Mr. Philip B. - brother HUDNER, Miss Mary E. - sister PRIDE, Rear Admiral A. M., USN SISSON, Captain T. U., USN PATTERSON, Captain A. M., USN, and Mrs. Patterson FARSHING, Mr. and Mrs. Donald D.~CREAMER, Capt. and Mrs. W.H. FARSHING, Mrs. Donald D., Jr.~BUNCH, Lt. Comdr. J.M., USN FARSHING, Miss Peggy~TIMBERLAKE, Major J.W., USMC BROWN, Mr. W. Hensel~OWENS, Capt. Robert A., USMC BROWN, Mr. J. Hay~HARRELL, Lieut. W.T., USMC HUDNER, Mr. Harold K.~BROWN, Mrs. Jesse L. ~NELSON, Lt. B.D., USN
Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Feinberg and daughter
(Honorable Oscar Chapman, the Secretary of the Interior) (Honorable Frederick G. Payne, Governor of Maine) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Frederick Lawton, Director, Bureau of the Budget
Congressman Robert Crosser, Ohio
(Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Bauermeister) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. James McCahey) OFF THE RECORD
(General Omar Bradley) OFF THE RECORD
(The President and Mrs. Truman left Blair House for the National Guard Armory where they attended the Jefferson- Jackson Day Dinner. The President spoke at 10:30 p.m.) [Public Papers: Address at the Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner]
(The President and Mrs. Truman left the Blair House where they attended a reception for visiting Democrats who had come to Washington for the Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner. They returned to the Blair House at 5:35 p.m.) OFF THE RECORD
[Public Papers: Letter to Committee Chairmen on the Need for Assistance to Yugoslavia]
(Mr. James Lay) OFF THE RECORD (Admiral Robert Dennison)
BIG FOUR The Vice President [Alben W. Barkley] The Speaker of the House [Sam Rayburn] Senator Ernest W. McFarland, Arizona Congressman John W. McCormack, Massachusetts (Briefing by General Omar Bradley, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff)
Cabinet [Meeting]
(Mr. John Carroll, Consultant) (Mr. Charles Murphy) OFF THE RECORD
Mr. Jacob Blaustein of Baltimore
Honorable Edward J. Flynn
Honorable James E. Webb, Under Secretary of State
(Honorable Charles E. Wilson, Director of Defense Mobilization) OFF THE RECORD
[Public Papers: Letter to Stuart Symington on His Appointment as Administrator of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation]
(Honorable Stuart Symington) OFF THE RECORD
Congressman John A. McGuire, Connecticut Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dubar
The President received the folowing State Presidents of the Farmers Union, which appointment was arranged by the Secretary of Agriculture [Charles F. Brannan]: PATTON, Mr. James G., President, Farmers Union BERG, Mr. J. J., Pres., Texas CHAPMAN, Mr. Don W., Pres., Montana CHRISTIANSON, Mr. Edwin, Pres., Minn. DECHANT, Mr. Tony T., Treas. and Secretary, Nat'l. Union DUFFY, Mr. Homer, Pres., Oklahoma FORTUNE, Mr. E. T., Pres., Kansas HONES, Mr. K. W., Pres., Wisconsin HOPKINS, Mr. J. Albert, Pres., Arkansas HUFF, Mr. C. E., Gen. Mgr., Farmers Union Insurances JONES, Mr. Ronald, Pres., Oregon OPSAHL, Mr. Paul, Pres., South Dakota ROLPH, Mr. H. D., Vice Pres., National Farmers Union SOLBERG, Mr. Harvey, Pres., Rocky Mountain Farmers Union STRONG, Mr. Benton J., Legislative Representative, Nat'l. Farmers Un.
Honorable Harry McDonald, Chairman, Securities and Exchange Commission
Mr. Richard Nacy
Honorable Nelson Rockefeller, Chairman, Advisory Board on International Development, and the following members of the Board: HINES, Mr. Lewis G.~PARRAN, Mr. Thomas POTOFSKY, Mr. Jacob F.~POE, Mr. Clarence H. WHEELER, Mr. Charles L.~DANIEL, Mr. Robert P. HICKEY, Mrs. Margaret A. JOSEPH, Miss Bertha
(Honorable W. Elmer Harber, Chairman, R.F.C.) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable George C. Marshall, the Secretary of Defense
Honorable William Denman, U.S. Circuit Judge for Ninth Circuit
Honorable William M. Boyle Mrs. India Edwards
(Justice Sherman Minton) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. Theodore Marks) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable George C. Marshall, the Secretary of Defense) OFF THE RECORD
[Public Papers: Statement by the President on the Point Four Program]
[Public Papers: Statement by the President on the Security of the Far East]
Honorable Francis J. Myers, former U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania Mr. Walter Annenberg Honorable David Lawrence, Mayor of Pittsburgh, Pa. (Presented to the President large brochures on Philadelphia, with a view to having the city again considered as site of next Democratic National Convention.)
Admiral Ross T. McIntire (Talked over arrangements for forthcoming meeting in Washington on May 4th of the President's Committee on Employ the Physically Handicapped.)
Honorable James Blair, Lt. Governor of Missouri Marcel Boulicaullt, Missouri State Architect
Honorable James E. Webb, Under Secretary of State Dr. Henry G. Bennett, Administrator, Technical Cooperation Administration, Policy Planning Staff, Dept. of State (Reported on Dr. Bennett's trip to South America.)
Honorable Stuart Symington
(Mr. Jay Workman, Kansas City) OFF THE RECORD
(National Security Council)
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
(The President and Mrs. Truman left the Blair House for THE PLAYHOUSE, where they attended the premiere of the British film, "Tales of Hoffman".)
[Public Papers: Statement by the President on the Death of Senator Vandenberg]
(Honorable Oscar Chapman, Secretary of the Interior) (Mr. Oren Long) OFF THE RECORD
Congressman John E. Fogarty, Rhode Island
Congressman Charles A. Buckley, New York
Honorable Francis Matthews, Secretary of the Navy Mr. James Lawrence, Publisher of Lincoln, Nebraska "STAR"
Honorable Millard Caldwell, Administrator, Civil Defense Admn.
(Honorable Charles Stauffacher, Bureau of the Budget) Dr. Oliver Buckley, President, Bell Telephone Laboratories (The President told Mr. Stauffacher to bring Dr. Buckley in to see him.)
Honorable Dean Acheson, Secretary of State
[Public Papers: Statement by the President on the Occasion of the Transfer of a Statue of Simon Bolivar to the Avenue of the Americas in New York City]
Admiral William D. Leahy
Admiral Arthur C. Davis
(Dr. George Taylor) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. William Hillman) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable Fred Vinson, the Chief Justice) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowman) OFF THE RECORD
[Public Papers: Letter to the Chairman, Science Advisory Committee]
(General Bedell Smith, et al) OFF THE RECORD
Cabinet [Meeting]
The President received a group of British Publishers and Editors, along with the following representatives of the British Embassy and the Department of State: Paul Gore-Booth, British Embassy Charles Campbell, British Information Service Coulter D. Huyler, Department of State Baker, F., Director & General Manager, KENT MESSENGER Baxter, J.L., Director and Editor, HINCKLEY WEEKLY TIMES Cunningham, S.B., Director, NORTHERN WHIG and BELFAST POST Grime, Harold R., Director & Editor-in-Chief, BLACKPOOL EVENING GAZETTE Howarth, H.L., Director and General Manager, WESTMINSTER PRESS PROVINCIAL NSP. GROUP Jeans, Alec., Managing Director, LIVERPOOL POST, LIVERPOOL ECHO, & LIVERPOOL EXPRESS Jones, Alun, Managing Director, NORTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS Morgan-Webb, C.C., Managing Director, FINCHLEY PRESS Nott, J.,Director & General Manager, EXETER EXPRESS & ECHO, WESTERN TIMES Peacock, S.P., Managing Director, HEREFORD TIMES Polden, Ernest, Managing Director ALDERSHOT NEWS Putnam, Eric, Managing Director, BOURNEMOUTH ECHO & TIMES, POOLE & DORSET HERALD Radcliffe, James R., Managing Director, ISLE OF MAN EXAMINER Robinson, M.P., Director & Editor-in-Chief, WAKEFIELD EXPRESS SERIES, Yorkshire Tester, C.H., Director & General Manager, BRIGHTON & ROVE HERALD Thompson, John, Managing Director, NORTHCLIFFE NEWSPAPERS GROUP LTD. Tillotson, Marcus, Managing Director, BOLTON EVENING NEWS & LANCASHIRE WEEKLY JOURNALS Wallace, F. W., Legal & Industrial Director, KEMSLEY NEWSPAPERS LTD. Whitaker, J., Director & Editor, TAVISTOCK TIMES Wiltshire, Truman H., Director & Managing Editor, LONDON COUNTIES NEWSPAPERS [Public Papers: Remarks to a Group of British Publishers and Editors]
Honorable Frederick Lawton, Director, Bureau of the Budget Honorable Robert Lovett, Deputy Secretary of Defense
(The President and Mrs. Truman left for Griffith Stadium to attend the opening ballgame.)
(The President boarded the USS WILLIAMSBURG for a weekend cruise.)