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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

April 02, 1951

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

(Honorable Charles E. Wilson, Director of Defense Mobilization) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable Maurice Tobin, Secretary of Labor) OFF THE RECORD
(The President left for the Carlton Hotel, where he gave a stag dinner for the Pan American Foreign Ministers.) [Public Papers: The President's Toast at a Dinner for the Foreign Ministers of the Pan American Union]
[Public Papers: Statement by the President on the Second Anniversary of the Signing of the North Atlantic Treaty]
The President received a group of students and instructors from St. Elizabeth's Academy of St. Louis Missouri. This was arranged at the request of Jim Boland, who wrote to the President stating that his daughter, Ruth Ann, would be in the group. These students were making a visual geography trip of the East Coast: Sister M. Chrysologa, C.PP.S. Sister Mary Joseph, C.PP.S. BREMEHR, Dolores, Sappington, Missouri BRENNEMANN, Catherine, St. Louis 18, Missouri CHARTRAND, Anne, St. Louis, Missouri DOWLING, Jane, St. Louis, Missouri EICHORN, Jean, St. Louis, Missouri FAUST, Rosemary, St. Louis, Missouri GUNN, Kathleen, St. Louis, Missouri HEITZER, Grace, St. Louis, Missouri HYNEK, Bernice, St. Louis, Missouri KIRCHOFF, Doris, St. Louis, Missouri McGRATH, Betty Lou, St. Louis, Missouri MUELLER, Mary Ellen, St. Louis 16, Missouri NEHRING, Betty Lou, St. Louis, Missouri RUTH, Sandra, St. Louis, Missouri SMID, Charlene, St. Louis, Missouri VIZE, Suzanne, St. Louis, Missouri WINTERER, Mercedes, Affton, Missouri YOUNG, Marcella, St. Louis, Missouri MERSINGER, Agnes, St. Louis, Missouri
Honorable John W. Gibson, Chairman, Displaced Persons Commission
Honorable Delos W. Rentzel, Chairman, C.A.B.
Honorable Paul Hoffman Mr. Henry Ford, Jr.
Honorable Frederick Lawton, Dirctor, Bureau of the Budget
Honorable George C. Marshall, Secretary of Defense
(The President left Blair House for the site of the new New York Avenue Presbyterian Church, where he participated in laying the cornerstone for the new church. The ceremony began at 3:00 p.m.) [Public Papers: Address at the Cornerstone Laying of the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church]
(The President left Blair House, accompanied by Honorable W. Averell Harriman and Admiral Sidney Souers, for the Little Cabinet Dinner, Office of the Secretary of Agriculture.)
(Dr. A. Hollis Edens of Duke University) (Dr. C. A. Dukes) OFF THE RECORD (Mr. Charles Murphy, Counsel to the President)
The Speaker [Sam Rayburn] Senator Ernest W. McFarland, Arizona Congressman John W. McCormack, Massachusetts (The Vice President [Alben W. Barkley] could not attend BIG FOUR. Were briefed by Colonel from office of General Bradley.)
The President received a group of Baptist Ministers in Washington attending the Baptist Simultaneous Revivals. Arranged at request of Dr. Edward B. Willingham, Pastor of the National Baptist Memorial Church and President of the Washington Ministerial Union. The following were present: Rev. W. Fred Swank, Local Director, Pastor fr. Ft. Worth, Texas Rev. S. Lewis Morgan, Jr., Local Chmn., Pastor, Petworth Baptist Church, Washington, D. C. Rev. William Adams, Rockville, Md. Rev. A. F. Ballbach, Jr., Trenton, J. J. Miss Regula Baltensperger, Washington, D. C. Rev. Herbert W. Baucom, Jr., Washington, D. C. Rev. and Mrs. Fred D. Bean, Kendall Baptist Church, Wash., D.C. Dr. Charles R. Bell, Jr., Madison, Wisconsin Rev. Frank K. Brasington, Silver Spring, Md. Mr. and Mrs. Carter Brooks, Washington, D. C. Rev. and Mrs. Frank Burress, Washington, D. C. Rev. J. Walter Carpenter, Washington, D. C. Rev. and Mrs. David Chastain, Jr., Washington, D. C. Dr. Robert Cook, Chicago, Illinois Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Cooper, Washington, D. C. Dr. and Mrs. William J. Crowder, Washington, D. C. Chaplain and Mrs. Peter Cullom, Washington, D. C. Mrs. Mamie L. Davis, Washington, D. C. Rev. and Mrs. W. F. Doverspike, Washington, D. C. Rev. R. Edward Dowdy, Washington, D. C. Rev. and Mrs. Clifton Duvall, Atlanta, Georgia Rev. and Mrs. C. R. Ferguson, Washington, D. C. Miss Ruth Ferguson, Washington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. George B. Fraser, Washington, D. C. Dr. Herbert Gabhart, Williamsburg, Kentucky Rev. John N. Garrabrandt, Camden, New Jersey Rev. J. Ray Garrett, Washington, D. C. Rev. and Mrs. E. E. Gates, Jr., Westfield, New Jersey Rev. Leslie Gould, Washington, D. C. Rev. George W. Griffin, Washington, D. C. Rev. J. P. Gulley, Alexandria, Va. Rev. Carl Q. Hickerson, Sr., Washington, D.C. Rev. Barker Hardison, Arlington, Va. Rev. and Mrs. John A. Holt, Grafton, West Virginia Rev. and Mrs. T. Ewell Hopkins, Washington, D. C. Rev. Henry Houston, Rosslyn, Virginia Rev. and Mrs. Ward B. Hurlburt, Washington, D. C. Rev. C. W. Kerry, Sr., Marshall, Texas Rev. Knox Lambert, Bolivar, Missouri Rev. Augustus Lewis, Washington, D. C. Rev. Clifford Lewis, Nashville, Tenn. Dr. and Mrs. Reuben E. Nelson, New York, N. Y. Rev. J. P. Nichols, Washington, D. C. Rev. Don J. Marsh, Jr., New York, N. Y. Rev. Aaron Mockley, Arlington, Va. Dr. Adiel Moncrief, St. Joseph, Mo. Rev. and Mrs. Lewis Morgan, Washington, D. C. Rev. and Mrs. B. Ross Morrison, Silver Spring, Md. Dr. Verner I. Olson, Omaha, Nebraska Rev. Benjamin J. Perkins, Cleveland, Ohio Rev. E. Jennings Perry, Ardmore, Oklahoma Mr. Howard D. Rees, Washington, D. C. Rev. T. K. Rucker, Forrest City, Arkansas Rev. Alfred B. Smith, Wheaton, Illinois Rev. and Mrs. A. Lincoln Smith, Washington, D. C. Rev. H. Marshall Smith, Kerrville, Texas Rev. Frank L. Squires, Washington, D. C. Rev. W. Fred Swank, Fort Worth, Texas Rev. Edward Thomas, Washington, D. C. Rev. Walter Treadway, Archbold, Ohio Rev. C. Michael Warr, Washington, D. C. Rev. E. L. Weston, Huntington, West Virginia Dr. and Mrs. E. B. Willingham, Washington, D. C. Rev. and Mrs. Vernon Yearby, Midland, Texas Miss Rozanne Yearby, Midland, Texas Miss Harriet Yearby, Midland, Texas
Honorable Harry A. McDonald, Chairman, Securities and Exchange Commission
Major General Milton G. Baker, Commander-in-Chief, Military Order of the World Wars
(Honorable W. E. Harber, Chairman, RFC) (Honorable Walter E. Cosgriff, Member, RFC) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Louis G. Dreyfus, Jr., American Ambassador to Afghanistan (Retiring from Foreign Service to take position in State Department and asked, through Protocol, for chance to call on the President. Will serve in Department on Foreign Service Board of Review.)
(Mr. Abraham Feinberg) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. Theodore Marks) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Stuart Symington, Chairman, NSRB
(Mrs. Ralph Truman) OFF THE RECORD (Mrs. Henrietta Davidson)
(Mr. Eben Ayers) OFF THE RECORD
Senator Harley M. Kilgore, West Virginia
Honorable D. W. Nyrop
(Admiral Chester Nimitz) (Honorable John A. Danaher) OFF THE RECORD (Honorable William Leahy)
(Honorable William M. Boyle) OFF THE RECORD
(The President and Mrs. Truman left for Constitution Hall to attend a concert of the National Symphony.)
[Public Papers: Statement by the President on Senate Resolution 99]
[Public Papers: Statement by the President on the Voice of America]
(Pre Press)
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
(Honorable Frank Pace) OFF THE RECORD
Mr. Alfred Pittman, Executive of the CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR
Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State
Senator Joseph C. O'Mahoney, Wyoming
The President received the members of the United Labor Policy Committee: Hon. William Green, President, AFofL Hon. George Meany, Secretary-Treasurer, AFofL Hon. Daniel W. Tracy, President, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Mr. W. C. Birthright, representing large International Union Mr. William C. Doherty, President, Letter Carriers Union Mr. Elmer Walker, Vice President, International Association of Machinists Hon. Philip Murray, President, CIO Hon. Emil Rieve, President, Textile Workers Uniion of America, CIO Mr. L. S. Buckmaster, President, United Rubber, Cork, Linoleum and Plastic Workers of America, CIO Hon. Joseph Curran, Vice President, CIO, Head of Maritime Union Mr. Jacob Potofsky, President, Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, CIO Mr. Arthur J. Goldberg, General Counsel, CIO Mr. George Leighty, Chairman, Railway Labor Executives Association Mr. A. E. Lyon, Secretary-Treasurer, Railway Labor Executives Association
[Public Papers: Letter to the President of the Red Cross on the Progress of the Fund Campaign]
[Public Papers: Letter to the Economic Stabilization Administrator on the Problem of Wage Stabilization in the Transportation Industry]
(General Omar Bradley, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff) OFF THE RECORD
(General Bedell Smith, et al) OFF THE RECORD
Cabinet [Meeting]
(Honorable Dean Acheson) (General George C. Marshall) (Honorable W. Averell Harriman) OFF THE RECORD (General Omar Bradley)
Dr. Howard A. Rusk, Chairman, National Advisory Committee on the Selection of Physicians, Dentists and Allied Specialists
The President's Commission on Migratory Labor (Hon. Maurice T. Van Hecke, Chairman) (Hon. Noble Clark) (Hon. William M. Leiserson) OFF THE RECORD (Hon. Robert E. Lucey) Hon. Peter H. Odegard) Arranged by David Stowe; to present their report to the President.
Honorable A. Pernos-Isern, Resident Commissioner, Puerto Rico (Asked to call on the President and present to him fifty- seven pounds of correspondence representing 119,000 signatures from people of Puerto Rico, pledging their support to the President.)
(Honorable Edwin Pauley) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable Charles Wilson) (Honorable Sidney Weinberg) OFF THE RECORD Accompanied by Mr. Joseph Short.
(Honorable Gordon Deane, Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission) OFF THE RECORD
[Public Papers: Statement by the President on Making Public the Report of the Commission on Migratory Labor]
(Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State) (Honorable George C. Marshall, Secretary of Defense) (Honorable W. Averell Harriman) OFF THE RECORD
(Admiral Robert Dennison) OFF THE RECORD (Honorable James Lay)
(Bill Hopkins)
(Mr. Joseph Short)
(The President left for Walter Reed to visit Philip B. Fleming.) OFF THE RECORD
(The President left for the Statler Hotel, where he attended a dinner given in his honor by Members of the Fourth Consultative Meeting of Foreign Ministers of the American Republics.) [Public Papers: The President's Toast at a Dinner in His Honor Given by the Foreign Ministers of the Latin American Republics]
(Senator Brien McMahon) OFF THE RECORD
The Speaker [Sam Rayburn] Senator Ernest W. McFarland, Arizona Congressman John W. McCormack, Massachusetts The Vice President [Alben W. Barkley] (General Bradley briefed BIG FOUR.)
(Honorable Dean Acheson, Secretary of State) (Honorable Omar Bradley, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff) (General George C. Marshall, Secretary of Defense) (Honorable W. Averell Harriman, Special Assistant to the President) (The Vice President [Alben W. Barkley]) OFF THE RECORD
Cabinet [Meeting]
Mr. Clark Griffith Mr. Edward Eynon (Mr. Griffith presented to the President his annual pass to Baseball Games.)
H.E. Manuel Tello, the Foreign Minister of Mexico H.E. Senor Don Rafael de la Colina, the Ambassador of Mexico (The Foreign Minister carried a letter from his President to President Truman, with instructions to deliver personally.)
Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State
(The President gave a stag luncheon at the Blair House for H.E. Joseph Pholien, the Prime Minister of Belgium.)
Senator Joseph C. O'Mahoney, Wyoming
H.E. Joao Neves da Fontoura, the Foreign Minister of Brazil H.E. Mauricio Nabuco, the Brazilian Ambassador (The Foreign Minister carried a letter from his President to President Truman, with instructions to deliver personally.)
The President received the members of the National Advisory Board on Mobilization Policy: Honorable Charles E. Wilson, Chairman D. W. Brooks, President, National Council of Farmer Cooperatives and of the Georgia Cooperative Council James G. Patton, President, National Farmers Union Herschel D. Newsom, Master, National Grange Marion B. Folsom, Treasurer, Eastman Kodak Company Otto A. Seyferth, President, Chamber of Commerce (Management) Claude A. Putnam, President, Markem Machine Company (Management) Samuel Abbot Smith, Chelsea, Massachusetts (Management) John Lord O'Brian, Washington, D.C. (Public) George Houk Mead, Dayton, Ohio (Public) William H. Davis, New York, N.Y. (Public) Paul Porter, Washington D.C. (Public) Walter P. Reuther, Detroit, Michigan (Labor) Philip Murray, CIO (Labor) George Meany, AFofL (Labor) The following also attended: Hon. Eric Johnston Herbert Bergson Hon. Leon Keyserling Dr. John R. Steelman, Assistant to the President Mr. Charles Murphy Mr. David Stowe Mr. David Bell Mr. Sidney Weinberg Hon. Michael DiSalle W. D. Kraeger
(Mr. Don Cooke, Securities and Exchange Commission) OFF THE RECORD
Mr. John H. Castner, "Driver of the Year" and Mrs. Castner Mr. George Neff (Runner-up) and Mrs. Neff Honorable W. Robie Dunman, Associate Director, President's Highway Safety Conference Mr. G. D. Southeimer, American Trucking Association (General Philip B. Fleming arranged to bring them in.)
Congressman Overton Brooks, Louisiana
(Mr. William Ames, of Arlington, Virginia) OFF THE RECORD (Called at request of Judge Carl A. Hatch, who wrote Mr. Connelly that Ames was a close personal friend of his and one of the finest men he had ever known; came to see Mr. Connelly and the President "off the record".)
Congresswoman Reva Beck Bosone, Utah (Requested appointment re appointment to Military Court of Appeals.)
(Mr. and Mrs. Nelson W. Rider) (Captain and Mrs. Glen Snyder) OFF THE RECORD (Mr. Rider wrote to the President recalling that they were neighbors at one time in Independence; that he and Mrs. Rider planned to be in Washington and would like to call. Captain Snyder is Mr. Rider's brother-in-law.)
Honorable George C. Marshall, the Defense Secretary
Honorable James E. Webb, Under Secretary of State Dr. Henry G. Bennett, Administrator, Technical Cooperation Administration, Policy Planning Staff, Department of State (Dr. Bennett, with Nelson Rockefeller, saw the President in January on eve of departure for South America. Secretary Webb asked to bring Dr. Bennett in to make report on this trip.)
Honorable William M. Boyle, Chairman, Democratic National Comm. Honorable John L. Sullivan, Chmn., Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner
Senator Clinton P. Anderson, New Mexico
Mr. Lew Wallace, former National Committeeman from Oregon
Honorable Maury Maverick
(Mr. Lucien Wulsin, President, Baldwin Company) (Mr. Sidney Waugh, Baldwin Company) OFF THE RECORD (General Harry Vaughan)
Honorable Frederick Lawton, Director, Bureau of the Budget
Congressman Morgan M. Moulder, Missouri
(Honorable John Simmons, Chief, Division of Protocol, Dept. of State) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. Tom Van Zant, Missouri) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Dean Acheson, Secretary of State Honorable John Foster Dulles, Consultant to the Secretary of State
The President made a Broadcast to the Nation on Korean Policy and the Relieving from Command of General Douglas MacArthur. [Public Papers: Statement and Order by the President on Relieving General MacArthur of His Commands]