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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

March 23, 1951

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

[Public Papers: Statement by the President on the Forthcoming Visit of the President of France]
Honorable George C. Marshall, the Secretary of Defense
(Honorable John Snyder, the Secretary of the Treasury) OFF THE RECORD
The Honorable Sean McBride, the Minister for External Affairs for Ireland Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State (Arranged through Protocol Division. Mr. Simmons stated in memo that the Minister might refer to Irish Partition issue and Irish defense problems.)
Honorable Frederick Lawton, Director, Bureau of the Budget
(Honorable Eric Johnston, Administrator, Economic Stabilization Agency) (Honorable George Taylor) (Mr. David Stowe and Mr. Enarson) OFF THE RECORD
(Admiral Robert Dennison and Mr. Lay) OFF THE RECORD
(The Attorney General, Hon. J. Howard McGrath) (Honorable Philip Perlman, the Solicitor General) (Honorable Peyton Ford, Deputy Attorney General) (Honorable A. J. Harris, Assistant Attorney General) (Honorable John R. Steelman, Assistant to the President) (Honorable Eric Johnston, Administrator, ESA) (Honorable Charles Wilson, Director of Defense Mobilization) (Mr. Francis Whitehair, Counsel for Mr. Johnston) (Mr. Herbert Bergson, Counsel for Mr. Wilson) OFF THE RECORD (For general discussion of plans for calling a labor management conference under Title 5 of Defense Production Act, with particular reference to some of the legal problems involved.)
(Mr. David Noyes) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable Dean Acheson, Secretary of State) (Honorable Robert A. Lovett, Deputy Secretary of Defense) (Honorable Dean Rusk, Assistant Secretary of State) OFF THE RECORD
Senator Warren G. Magnuson, Washington
(Honorable John W. Snyder, the Secretary of the Treasury) (Honorable Frederick Lawton, Director, Bureau of the Budget) OFF THE RECORD
The Vice President OFF THE RECORD
H. E. Senor Dr. Jose A. Mora, the Ambassador of Uruguay
The President signed H.R.2268, an Act "To authorize the payment of interest on series E savings bonds retained after maturity, and for other purposes". The following were present: SNYDER, Hon. John W., Secretary of the Treasury GRRAHAM, Hon. John S., Asst. Secretary of the Treasury BARTELT, Hon Edward F., Fiscal Asst. Secretary of the Treasury LYNCH, Mr. Thomas J., General Counsel, Treasury Department MARKHAM, Leon J., National Sales Director, Savings Bond Division, Treasury Department STODGHILL, Howard W., Chairman, Circulation Managers Advisory Committee, Savings Bond Division HERRON, Joseph, Philadelphia (newspaper carrier boy) WOODWARD, Mrs. Ellen, Chairman, National Advisory Committee, Savings Bonds Division (Washington) REPPLIER, Ted, President, Advertising Council (Washington) LYNCH, Hugh, District Director, Savings Bond Division [Public Papers:Statement by the President Upon Signing Bill Extending the Interest-Bearing Life of Matured Savings Bonds]
(The President left for Constitution Hall where he opened the Fourth Consultative Meeting of Foreign Ministers of the American Republics at 4:00 p.m.) [Public Papers: Address Opening the Meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the American Republics]
Mr. Hugh Baillie, President, United Press
The following members of the President's Communications Policy Board came in to present their report on policies and practices recommended to be followed by the Federal Government in the communications field, as called for by Executive Order 10110, February 17, 1950: STEWART, Dr. Irvin, Chairman~KILLIAN, Dr. James R., Jr. O'BRIEN, Mr. David H.~EVERITT, Dr. William L. THOMSON, Mr. Charles A. H.~ALEXANDER, Mr. Fred C. FASSETT, Mr. F. G. Jr.,~SCWARZ, Mr. Charles
Honorable Frank Pace, Secretary of the Army
(Honorable Carl R. Gray, Jr., Administrator of Veterans Affairs) (Admiral Joel Boone) OFF THE RECORD (Admiral Robert Dennison)
Honorable William McChesney Martin, Chairman, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System
Honorable George C. Marshall, The Secretary of Defense
(Honorable George Allen) (Mr. Bill Sinic) OFF THE RECORD (Mr. Ed. Fraley)
Honorable William M. Boyle, Chairman, Democratic National Committee
Honorable Millard Caldwell, Administrator, Federal Civil Defense Administration Honorable James J. Wadsworth, Deputy Administrator, Civil Defense Admn.
(Mr. Fred Bowman) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable Charles E. Wilson, Director of Defense Mobilization) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable Drake Watson, U. S. Attorney, St. Louis) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Harold L. Ickes
Senator Clinton P. Anderson, New Mexico Mr. Ralph Jones Mr. John Gregg Honorable Fred Wilson
The President received the following members of the Associated Church Press, who were in Washington for the Association's annual meeting. This Association includes in membership about 100 leading Protestant church papers of all denomiations: ALLEY, Bobbie S., Richmond, Va.~HALL, Clarence W., N.Y.C. ALLEY, R. E., Richmond, Va.~HAMRIC, Ethalee, Birmingham, Ala. BISHOP, J. Ivyloy, Birmingham, Ala.~HARTSHORN, Chris B., Independ. BLOCK, Lillian, N.Y.C.~HEDSTRAND, G. F., Chicago BRADBURY, John W., N.Y.C.~HEIM, Ralph D., Gettysburg, Pa. BRININGER, Leroy, Chicago~HEINZE, Robert H., Phila. BUCKNER, George Walker, Jr., Ind., Ind.~HOUSE, Robert Lee, So. Pines, N.C. BUNTING, Natalie, N.Y.C.~HUNT, Horace H., N.Y.C. CADIGAN, Robert J., Phila.~JOHNSON, Alvin W., Wash., D.C. CARTWRIGHT, Lin D., St. Louis~JOHNSON, Edna Ruth, N.Y.C. CHESTERTON-MANGLE, Maeanna, Boston~JOHNSON, F. Ernest, N.Y.C. CULVER, Elsie Thomas, N.Y.C.~KEASLING, Ernest, Winona Lake, I. DELAFIELD, D. A., Washington, D.C.~KLAUSER, Alfred P., Chicago DOBBINS, C. Ray, Nashville, Tenn.~LeGRAND, Mabelle Rae, N.Y.C. EDIE, Raymond L., Pittsburgh~LENSKI, Gerhard E., Wash., D.C. EDIE, Mrs. Raymond L., Pittsburgh~LEWIS, Alice H., N.Y.C. ERB, Paul, Scottdale, Pa.~LIPPHARD, Wm. B., N.Y.C. FEY, Harold E., Chicago~MARVIN, John E., Adrian, Mich. FOSTER, Virgil, Chicago~MATHER, Juliette, Birmingham, Ala. GIAUQUE, Charles D., Washington, D.C.~MAXWELL, Arthur S., Mt. View, Cal. GRAY, Ione, Richmond, Va.~MAYFIELD, Robt. G., Chicago GROENFELDT, John S., Bethlehem, Pa.~McCORKLE, Henry L., Phila. McKUNE, Mrs. E. D., Allison Pk., Pa.~MULDER, Louise, N.Y.C. McKUNE, Rev. E. D., Allison Pk., Pa.~MURRAY, Roy H., Elgin, Ill. McNAB, John, Toronto, Ont.~PETERSEN, Lemuel, Chicago McNAB, Margaret, Toronto, Ont.~REAMEY, George S., Richmond, Va. MEANS, Frank K., Richmond, Va.~ROBBINS, Cecil W., Greensboro, N.C. MILLER, Ralph, N.Y.C.~ROWLAND, Ronald J., Chicago MODEAN, Erik W., N.Y.C.~RUFF, G. Elson, Phila. MOREHOUSE, Clifford P., N.Y.C.~RYMER, T. A., Washington, D.C. MORSE, Kenneth I., Elgin, Ill.~SASSAMAN, Ira C., Harrisburg, Pa. MOSELEY, Mrs. J. Edward, Ind.~SCHREINER, Roy, Harrisburg, Pa. MULDER, Bernard, N.Y.C.~SEARLE, Robert W., N.Y.C. Associated Church Press: SHERWOOD, Carlton M., N.Y.C. SHIPLER, Guy Emery, N.Y.C. SOUTHARD, Shelby E., Chicago SUTCLIFFE, Richard T., Phila. TAYLOR, Mills J., Pittsburgh, Pa. TEISBERG, Marjorie, N.Y.C. TOTH, Alexander, Lancaster, Pa. TRINIER, Harold U., Toronto, Ont. UJLAKI, Francis, Lancaster, Pa. VAN DEUSEN, Robert E., Wash., D.C. VOTAW, Heber H., Washington, D.C. WARREN, Hurley S., Plainfield, N.Y. WHALE, Mary E., Toronto, Ont. WILSON, A. J., Toronto, Ont. WUNSCH, William F., Paterson, N.J. CAYLOR, John, Atlanta, Ga. FINNEY, R. E., Jr., Nashville, Tenn. LEIDT, William E., N.Y.C.
[Public Papers: Remarks to Members of the Associated Church Press]
Honorable Carl R. Gray, Jr., Administrator of Veterans Affairs
Honorable Ellsworth Bunker, American Ambassador to the Argentine Republic
Honorable F. Joseph Donohue, District of Columbia Commissioner
Honorable Stuart Symington, Chairman, N.S.R.B
Honorable James E. Webb, Under Secretary of State Honorable Thomas D. Cabot, Director of International Security Affairs (Just returned from Europe and wished to deliver a personal note to the President from General Eisenhower and to tell him of their trip.)
Honorable Maurice Tobin, Secretary of Labor
(The President, with Mrs. Truman and Miss Truman left for Union Station to meet the President of the French Republic and Madame Auriol.)
(The President, with Mrs. Truman and Miss Truman, left for the Carlton Hotel for dinner in honor of the President of the French Republic and Madame Auriol.)
[Public Papers: The President's Toast at a State Dinner for President Auriol of France]
[Public Papers: Letter to the Members of the Philippine War Damage Commission in Response to Their Final Report]
H.E. the President of the French Republic H.E. Rober Schuman, the Minister of Foreign Affairs H.E. Henri Bonnet, the French Ambassador Honorable Dean Acheson, Secretary of State Honorable David K. E. Bruce, American Ambassador to the French Republic (The Secretary of the Interior, the Honorable Oscar Chapman came in for presentation of book of photographs of monuments in this country which the President presented to the President of the French Republic. These monuments were given to the United States by the French Government.)
Honorable Charles Brannan, the Secretary of Agriculture
(Mr. Russell Gabriel of Independence) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Rudolf E. Schoenfeld, American Ambassador to Guatemala
The Members of the Philippine War Damage Commission came in to present to the President their final report: Honorable Frank A. Waring, Chairman Honorable John A. O'Donnell Honorable Francisco A. Delgado
Honorable James E. Webb, the Under Secretary of State
(Honorable James McGranery) OFF THE RECORD
(Pre press)
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
Cabinet [Meeting]
(General Bedell Smith, Admiral Sidney Souers, et al) (Mr. Murray McConnell) OFF THE RECORD (General Smith asked to bring Mr. McConnell in. He is President of Cuno Engineering Co. of Connecticut and also of Manufacturers' Capital Corporation of New York. He has been in Washington for past six months working on reorganization of CIA, and General Smith wanted the President to say a few words of thanks. Mr. McConnell has worked without compensation.)
Honorable Myron Taylor
Honorable Oscar Chapman, Secretary of the Interior
(Mr. Joseph Short, et al) OFF THE RECORD
(The President and Mrs. Truman left for the French Embassy, where they attended a dinner given in their honor by the President of the French Republic and Madame Auriol.)
[Public Papers: The President's Toast at a Dinner in His Honor Given by President Auriol at the French Embassy]
(Honorable Clark Clifford) OFF THE RECORD
The following came in to be photographed with the President, the picture to be published on front cover of "The Reserve Officer": Colonel Charles W. Skeele, President, Reserve Officers Association of the United States Brigadier General E. A. Evans, Executive Director Lt. Col. C. M. Boyer, Adjutant
Honorable Oscar Chapman, Secretary of the Interior Mr. Richard Searles (Mr. Searles is nominee for post of Under Secretary of the Interior - has not yet been confirmed by Senate)
(Honorable John W. Snyder, Secretary of the Treasury) (Honorable Frederick Lawton, Director, Bureau of the Budget) OFF THE RECORD
(The President and Mrs. Truman left for Constitution Hall, to attend a concert of the Boston Symphony Orchestra.)
[Public Papers: Statement by the President on the Third Anniversary of the European Recovery Program]
(General Omar Bradley, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff) OFF THE RECORD
The President of the French Republic H.E. Robert Schuman, the Minister of Foreign Affairs H.E. Henri Bonnet, the French Ambassador
(Mrs. Ralph Truman) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Thomas McCabe (Came in to say goodbye to the President. His resignation as Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System was effective April 1st.)
(Mr. William Kittrell) OFF THE RECORD (Came in to see Mr. Matthew Connelly and the President.)
(Mr Joe Healey) OFF THE RECORD
The President received the following Members of the Supreme Lodge, Order of Ahepa: BELROY, William D., Supreme Counsellor, Chicago, Illinois GALANOS, Stanley, Supreme Governor, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada GEROULIS, George, Supreme Treasurer, Indianapolis, Indiana JAMSON, Nick, Supreme Governor, Grand Island, Nebraska LAMBERSON, Leo J., Supreme Vice Pres., South Bend, Indiana PAULUS, Dr. Peter V., Supreme Governor, Pittsburgh, Pa. RITSOS, Zack T., Chicago, Illinois, Supreme Secretary THEVOS, John G., Supreme President, Newark, New Jersey
The President signed a Proclamation entitled "Armed Forces Day, 1951". The following were Present: Honorable George C. Marshall, The Secretary of Defense Honorable Frank Pace, Jr., The Secretary of the Army Honorable Francis P. Matthews, The Secretary of the Navy Honorable Thomas K. Finletter, The Secretary of the Air Force Joint Chiefs of Staff: General Omar N. Bradley, Chairman General J. Lawton Collins, Chief of Staff, U.S.Army Admiral Forrest P. Sherman, Chief of Naval Operations General Hoyt S. Vandenberg, Chief of Staff, U.S.Air Force Lt. Gen. Merwin H. Silverthorn, Asst. to Commandant, Marine Corps (General Harry Vaughan, Admiral Robert Dennison, General Robert Landry)
Honorable Dean Acheson, The Secretary of State
(Dr. Howard Jefferson) (Mrs. Jefferson and son) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable James Finnegan) OFF THE RECORD
Mrs. India Edwards
(Honorable Oscar Ewing) (Honorable William M. Boyle, Jr.) OFF THE RECORD
(Cabinet [Meeting] )
(Honorable Charles Sawyer, Secretary of Commerce) OFF THE RECORD