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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

January 27, 1951

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

(Admiral Sidney Souers) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable John W. Snyder, The Secretary of the Treasury) OFF THE RECORD
The following members of the Democratic Policy Committee of the Senate met with the President at the Blair House: Senator Ernest W. McFarland, Arizona Senator Richard B. Russell, Georgia Senator Theodore Francis Green, Rhode Island Senator Lister Hill, Alabama Senator Brien McMahon, Connecticut Senator Lyndon Johnson, Texas Senator Robert Kerr, Oklahoma Senator Joseph C. O'Mahoney, Wyoming Senator Virgil Chapman, Kentucky Also present were: Hon. Leslie Biffle, Secretary of the Senate Hon. Felton M. Johnston, Secretary to the Majority Hon. David Stowe, Administrative Assistant to the President
(The President left the Blair House for an OFF THE RECORD birthday party in honor of Chief Justice Vinson at the home Hon. Clark Clifford, 8551 Rockville Pike): The President The Chief Justice [Fred Vinson] The Attorney General [J. Howard McGrath] Hon. Mon Wallgren Senator Robert Kerr, Oklahoma Hon. Stuart Symington, Chairman, N.S.R.B Hon. George Allen Hon. Clark Clifford
The President and Mrs. Truman attended a recital by Mr. Lauritz Melchior at Constitution Hall.
(The President, accompanied by the Secretaries of State and Defense, motored to the Union Station to greet the Prime Minister of France upon his arrival at 9:00 am)
BIG FOUR Honorable Alben Barkley, the Vice President Honorable Sam Rayburn, the Speaker of the House Senator Ernest McFarland, Arizona Congressman John W. McCormack, Massachusetts (Briefing by General Bradley)
(Mr. A. L. Stonier) (Former Under Secretary of Treasury Williams) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State Honorable David K. E. Bruce, American Ambassador to France Honorable Donald R. Heath, American Minister to the Associated States of Indo-China
Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State (Usual Monday appointment.)
(The President gave a stag luncheon at the Blair House for the Prime Minister of the French Republic. The following guests were present:) H.E. Rene Pleven, Prime Minister of the French Republic H.E. The Ambassador of the French Republic General Alphonse Juin, Inspector General, French Armed Forces H.E. Alexandre Parodi, Secretary General, French Foreign Office The Vice President [Alben W. Barkley] The Chief Justice [Fred Vinson] The Speaker of the House [Sam Rayburn] Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State Honorable John W. Snyder, Secretary of the Treasury Honorable George C. Marshall, Secretary of Defense Honorable W. Averell Harriman, Special Assistant to the President Senator Tom Connally Senator Alexander Wiley Representative Charles A. Eaton Representative James P. Richards Hon. David K. E. Bruce, American Ambassador to the French Republic
French-American Conference in the Cabinet Room. The following persons attended the conference: Hon. George C. Marshall, Secretary of Defense Hon. Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State Hon. Omar Bradley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Hon. W. Averell Harriman, Special Assistant to the President Hon. Philip C. Jessup, Ambassador at Large Hon. David K. E. Bruce, U.S. Ambassador to France Hon. Dean Rusk, Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Af- fairs Hon. Thomas D. Cabot, Director Designate of International Security Affairs, Department of State Hon. Donald R. Heath, U.S. Minister to the Associated States of Indo-China Hon. Charles E. Bohlen, U.S. Minister to France Hon. James C. H. Bonbright, Deputy Asst. Secretary of State for European Affairs Hon. George M. Elsey, Admn. Asst. to the President Mr. Bromley Smith, Special Asst. to the Secretary of State French Members H.E. the Hon. Rene Pleven, Prime Minister of the French Republic General of the Armies Alphonse Pierre Juin, French Resident General in Morocco H.E. the Hon. Henri Bonnet, French Ambassador to the U.S. Ambassador Alexandre Parodi, Secretary General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ambassador Herve Alphand, French Deputy to the North Atlantic Council Tezanas de Montcel, Inspector General representing the Ministry of the Associated States Colonel Allard, Chief of Staff to General de Lattre de Tassigny Jean Daridan, Minister Counselor, French Embassy M. de Marraches, Aide to General Juin
(The President and Mrs. Truman left Blair House for the French Embassy to attend a dinner given by Ambassador and Madame Bonnet in honor of the Prime Minister of France.)
(Dr. Allen Valentine) OFF THE RECORD (Called Mr. Connelly yesterday.)
Honorable Sam Rayburn, Speaker of the House of Representatives was presented with a gavel in a surprise ceremony in the President's office. This presentation marked the date when the Speaker broke the record for serving as Speaker of the House previously set by Henry Clay. The following guests were present: Senator Ernest McFarland, Senate Majority Leader Senator Kenneth Wherry, Senate Minority Leader Congressman John W. McCormack, House Majority Leader Congressman Joseph Martin, House Minority Leader Miss Lucinda Rayburn~Cong. Wright Patman Mr. Dick Rayburn~Cong. Lindley Beckworth Senator Tom Connally~Cong. J. Frank Wilson Senator Lyndon B. Johnson~Cong. Olin E. Teague Cong. J. M. Combs~Cong. Tom Pickett Cong. Albert Thomas~Cong. Ed. Gossett Cong. Clark W. Thompson~Cong. John E. Lyle, Jr. Cong. Homer Thornberry~Cong. Lloyd M. Bentsen, Jr. Cong. Wingate H. Lucas~Cong. Ken Regan Cong. Omar Burleson~Cong. George H. Mahon Cong. Walter Rogers~Cong. Paul J. Kilday Cong. O. C. Fisher~Cong. Adolph Sabboth, Ill. Cong. Robert Doughton, S.C.~Cong. Percy Priest, Tenn. Cong. Michael Kirwan, Ohio~Judge Luther Johnson Chief Justice Vinson~Judge Eugene Worley Judge Marvin Jones~Judge Fritz Worley Mr. Robert Bartley
[Public Papers: Remarks at a Special Ceremony for Sam Rayburn]
Honorable Charles Wilson, Director of Defense Mobilization (Called Mr. Connelly yesterday to ask for this)
French-American Conference in the Cabinet Room. The following were present: Honorable Dean Acheson, Secretary of State Honorable George C. Marshall, Secretary of Defense General Omar Bradley, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff Honorable Averell Harriman, Special Assistant to the President Honorable Philip C. Jessup, Ambassador at Large Honorable David K.E. Bruce, Ambassador to France Honorable Thomas D. Cabot, Director Designate of International Security Affairs, Department of State Honorable Charles E. Bohlen, U.S. Minister to France Honorable James C.H. Bonbright, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs Honorable George M. Elsey, Admn. Asst. to the President Honorable Bromley Smith, Special Assistant to the Secretary of State H.E. the Honorable Rene Pleven, Prime Minister of the French Republic General of the Armies Alphonse Pierre Juin, French Resident General in Morocco H.E. the Honorable Henri Bonnet, French Ambassador to the U.S. H.E. the Honorable Alexandre Parodi, Secretary General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. the Honorable Herve Alphand, French Deputy to the North Atlantic Council Honorable Jean Daridan, Minister Counselor, French Embassy M. de Marraches, Aide to General Juin
[Public Papers: Joint Statement Following Discussions With Prime Minister Pleven of France]
The following members of the President's Materials Policy Commission came in to shake hands with the President: Mr. William S. Pauley, Chairman Mr. Arthur H. Bunker Mr. Eric Hodgins Mr. Edward S. Mason Mr. Philip H. Coombs, Executive Director Mr. William C. Ackerman, Acting Secretary
French-American Conference in the Cabinet Room. The following were present: Honorable Dean Acheson, Secretary of State Honorable George C. Marshall, Secretary of Defense Honorable John W. Snyder, Secretary of the Treasury Honorable Charles E. Wilson, Director of Defense Mobilization Honorable Averell Harriman, Special Assistant to the President Honorable William Foster, Administrator, Economic Cooperation Administration Honorable Philip C. Jessup, Ambassador at Large Honorable David K. E. Bruce, U.s. Ambassador to France Honorable Willard Thorp, Asst. Secretary of State for Ecomonic Affairs Honorable Thomas D. Cabot, Director Designate of International Security Affairs, Department of State Honorable Charles E. Bohlen, U.S. Minister to France Honorable James C. H. Bonbright, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs Honorable George M. Elsey, Admn. Asst. to the President Honorable Bromley Smith, Special Assistant to the Secretary of State French Members H.E. the Honorable Rene Pleven, Prime Minister of the French Republic General of the Armies Alphonse Pierre Juin, French Resident General in Morocco H.E. the Honorable Henri Bonnet, French Ambassador to the U.S. H.E. the Honorable Alexandre Parodi, Secretary General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. the Honorable Herve Alphand, French Deputy to the North Atlantic Council Honorable Guillaume Guindey, Director of the Ministry of Finance Honorable Raoul de Vitry, French Representative to the Central Committee on Raw Materials Honorable Jean Daridan, Minister Counselor, French Embassy Honorable Pierre Paul Schweitzer, Financial Counselor, French Embassy M. de Marranches, Aide to General Juin
(The President dropped in at a tea given by Mrs. Truman at the Blair House for Veterans in the Army and Naval Medical Centers.)
(The President and Mrs. Truman left for the Carlton Hotel to attend a dinner given by Speaker Rayburn for the Texas Delegation.)
[Public Papers: Letter to the Director, Bureau of the Budget, on the Establishment of a Federal History Program]
Honorable Millard Caldwell, Chairman, Civil Defense Administration (Called Mr. Connelly earlier in the week to ask for this)
The following members of the House Committee on Ways and Means met with the President Cong. Robert L. Doughton, N.C., Chairman Cong. Jere Cooper, Tenn. Cong. John D. Dingell, Mich.~Cong. J.M. Combs, Texas Cong. Wilbur D. Mills, Ark.~Cong. Hale Boggs, La. Cong. Noble J. Gregory, Ky.~Cong. Eugene J. Keogh, N.Y. Cong. A. Sidney Camp, Ga.~Cong. Walter K. Granger, Utah Cong. Herman P. Eberharter, Pa.~Cong. Burr P. Harrison, Va. Cong. Cecil R. King, Calif.~Cong. Daniel A. Reed, N.Y. Cong. Thomas J. O'Brien, Illinois~Cong. Roy O. Woodruff, Mich. Cong. Robert W. Kean, N.J.~Cong. Thomas A. Jenkins, O. Cong. Carl T. Curtis, Neb.~Cong. Richard M. Simpson, Pa. Cong. John W. Byrnes, Wis.~Cong. Noah M. Mason, Ill. Cong. Hal Holmes, Wash.~Cong. Thomas E. Martin, Iowa Honorable John W. Snyder, Secretary of the Treasury Mr. Thomas J. Lynch, General Counsel of the Treasury Dept. Council of Economic Advisors Honorable Leon R. Keyserling, Chairman Honorable John D. Clark Honorable Roy Blough Bureau of the Budget Honorable Frederick J. Lawton, Director Economic Stabilization Agency Honorable Eric Johnston, Administrator (The President directed Mr. Connelly to invite this group in for a conference)
Congressman Emanuel Cellar, New York (Called Mr. Connelly last week to ask for this)
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Dorr (Mr. Robert Hinckley asked Mr. Connelly to arrange for Mr. and Mrs. Dorr to call. Mr. Dorr is American representative for ECA in Turkey; Mrs. Dorr is an old friend of the Truman family and is from Independence, Missouri)
H.E. Henri Bonnet, the Ambassador of France H.E. Rene Pleven, the Prime Minister of France
Mr. James Morang, Democratic State Chairman, Randolph, Maine Mr. Roscoe C. Emery, Eastport, Maine Mr. Arthur Knobskey, Calais, Maine Rev. Ernest Heywood, Calais, Maine Mr. Oscar H. Brown, Eastport, Maine Mr. Arlo T. Bates, Calais, Maine (In November, Mr. Turney Gratz at Democratic National Committee, forwarded to Mr. Connelly a letter addressed to Mr. Boyle by Davis Clark, National Committeeman for Maine, in which he said several members of Washington County, Maine Chamber of Commerce were interested in so-called Quoddy Project, the harnessing of the tide to develop electrical power on an international basis; that this group wished to send to Washington a delegation to discuss this with the President. They asked to come in January. Mr. Connelly checked this with Mr. Charles Murphy before arranging.)
Honorable David Lilienthal (Called Mr. Connelly last week to say he was leaving this Friday for India, Pakistan, etc., and thought might be good idea to have talk with the President before leaving.)
Honorable Morris L. Cooke, Chairman, the President's Water Resources Policy Commission, with following members: Paul S. Burgess, Dean, College of Agriculture, University of Arizona Lewis Webster Jones, President, University of Arkansas Samuel B. Morris, Department of Water & Power, Los Angeles Leland Olds Roland R. Renne, President, Montana State College Gilbert F. White, President, Haverford College (When the President saw Chairman Cooke in December he indicated a desire to see all the members of the Commission. The Commission meeting in Washington this week and Mr. Cooke notified Mr. Connelly)
(The President left for the Airport to meet General Dwight Eisenhower on his return from Europe. From there they motored directly to the Blair House where the President and the General had lunch together.)
Cabinet [Meeting] (All present)
(Honorable Thomas McCabe, Chairman, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System) OFF THE RECORD (Asked to see the President alone before the meeting at 4:00 pm with Federal Reserve Board and Open Market Committee)
The following members of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors and the Open Market Committee met with the President at his request: Honorable Thomas B. McCabe, Chairman, Board of Governors Honorable Marriner S. Eccles Honorable M.S. Szymczak Honorable R. M. Evans Honorable James K. Vardaman, Jr. Honorable Edward L. Norton Honorable Oliver S. Powell Open Market Committee composed of above members of Federal Reserve Board in addition to the presidents of the five Federal Reserve Banks as follows: Honorable Allan Spraul, New York Honorable Chester C. Davis, St. Louis Honorable Joseph A. Erickson, Boston Honorable John N. Peyton, Minneapolis Honorable C.S. Young, Chicago
(Honorable James Bruce) OFF THE RECORD (Called Mr. Connelly sometime ago to ask for this)
(The President left for the Congressional Hotel to attend a dinner given by the Democratic Congressional Committee of which Congressman Michael Kirwan, Ohio, is Chairman, in honor of the new Democratic Members of the House of Representatives.)
[Public Papers: Remarks at the Democratic National Congressional Committee Dinner]
Honorable Frederick Lawton, Director Bureau of the Budget
Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, Chairman, President's Commission on Internal Security & Individual Rights
Honorable Stanley Woodward
Senator Milton R. Young, North Dakota
Mr. Silliman Evans, Owner and Publisher of Nashville TENNESSEEAN
Honorable Dean Acheson, The Secretary of State (Usual Thursday appointment)
Honorable Stuart Symington, Chairman, National Security Resources Board
Honorable Robert Hinckley Mr. James Carey Mr. Orin Lehman (Mr. Hinckley and Mr. Jonathan Daniels asked Mr. Connelly to arrange for members of Public Adnisory Board of ECA to talk to the President. Mr. Daniels could not attend because of poor flying conditions.)
(National Security Council)
(The President and Mrs. Truman left Blair House for the Women's Congressional Club, where they attended a reception in their honor.)
[Public Papers: Letter to the Chairman, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System, on the Treasury Defense Financing Program]
[Public Papers: Special Message to the Congress Recommending a "Pay as We Go" Tax Program]
(The Secretary of Labor) OFF THE RECORD Honorable Maurice Tobin
Cabinet [Meeting]
(General Bedell Smith) OFF THE RECORD (Admiral Sidney Souers)
Congressman L. Mendel Rivers, South Carolina (Congressman Rivers wrote the President offering his complete cooperation in crisis as a member of Armed Services Committee.)
Honorable Richard C. Patterson, Jr., American Ambassador to Guatemala Mr. Pierre Cartier, International Jeweler
Congressman Adolph J. Sabath, Illimois
Senator John O. Pastore, Rhode Island Honorable Dennis J. Roberts, Governor of Rhode Island (Senator Green of Rhode Island called Mr. Connelly and asked if newly elected Governor might call to pay respects.)
Honorable Oscar Chapman, Secretary of the Interior
(Honorable Eric Johnston, Administrator, ESA) (Mr. Al Hayes) OFF THE RECORD
(Governor Mon Wallgren, Chairman, Federal Power Commission) OFF THE RECORD
(Miss Wilson, daughter of Hon. Charles Wilson) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable William Green, President, AFofL Honorable Philip Murray, President, CIO
(The President left for the Union Station)
(The President's train departed for Philadelphia where the President attended and gave a short speech at the dedication ceremony of the Chapel of Four Chaplains, The following were members of the official party: Mr. Matthew J. Connelly Mr. William D. Hassett Mr. Joseph Short Major General Harry H. Vaughan Admiral Robert L. Dennison Brigadier General Robert B. Landry Mr. Joseph G. Feeney Mr. Charles Maylon Captain Ray L. Miller, MC USA Mr. Jack Romagna Mr. Dewey Long Secret Service Agents
[Public Papers: Address in Philadelphia at the Dedication of the Chapel of the Four Chaplains]
(Honorable William Foster) (Dr. Fitzgerald) OFF THE RECORD
The Vice President [Alben W. Barkley] The Speaker [Sam Rayburn] Senator Ernest W. McFarland, Arizona Congressman John W. McCormack, Massachusetts (Weekly meeting of the BIG FOUR)
Congressman John F. Shelley, California Mr. Dan Shelley, Inspector of Police, San Franscisco (Congressman Shelley phoned Mr. Connelly and asked if he might bring his brother in and introduce him to the President)
Mr. Clarence R. Graham, President of the American Library Association Mr. John T. Kelton, Librarian, Jackson County, Missouri (Mr. Orrin Moon of Independence, Missouri phoned Mr. Connelly and arranged for these gentlemen. The Executive Board of the American Library Association authorized them to ask the President to consider naming October 4th, 5th, or 6th as National Library Day in this 75th anniversary year of the Association.)
Honorable George Morris Fay, United States Attorney, District of Columbia (Wrote to the President thanking him for re- appointment; the President sent Mr. Connelly memo to effect that he would like to see Mr. Fay and have talk with him.)
Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State
The following bipartisan group of Senators and Representatives sent the President a letter on January 30th expressing interest and concern over food shortage in India, and stating India has asked United States for help. Senator O'Mahoney made all arrangements for the group to come in to the White House to see the President: Honorable Hubert H. Humphrey, Senator from Minnesota Senator Joseph C. O'Mahoney, Wyoming Senator Herbert H. Lehman, New York Senator H. Alexander Smith, New Jersey Senator Leverett Saltonstall, Massachusetts Representative Mike Mansfield, Montana Representative Thomas E. Morgan, Pennsylvania Representative Francis P. Bolton, Ohio Representative Jacob K. Javits, New York Representative Walter H. Judd, Minnesota Representative James G. Fulton, Pennsylvania
Cabinet (Attorney General represented by Solicitor General. Commerce absent; all others present)
(Honorable Gordon Dean, Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Harry B. Mitchell, Chairman, Civil Service Commission
(Mr. Joseph Keenan, AfofL) (Mr. Jack Kroll, CIO) OFF THE RECORD
Senator Kenneth McKellar, Tennessee Senator Ernest McFarland, Arizona Senator John L. McClellan, Arkansas Senator Walter F. George, Georgia Senator Richard B. Russell, Georgia Senator Allen J. Ellender, Louisiana Senator John C. Stennis, Mississippi Senator Dennis Chavez, New Mexico Senator Clyde R. Hoey, North Carolina Senator Willis Smith, North Carolina Senator Olin D. Johnston, South Carolina Senator James. C. Eastland, Mississippi Senator Thomas C. Hennings, Jr., Missouri Senator Tom Connally, Texas Senator Lister Hill, Alabama Senator Carl Hayden, Arizona Senator J. William Fulbright, Arkansas Senator George A. Smathers, Florida Senator Clinton P. Anderson, New Mexico (The above group of Senators came in to discuss "Cotton" with the President.)
The President received a group of Eagle Scouts, representing the nation's 2,750,000 Boy Scouts. This visit opened Boy Scout Week, marking the forty-first anniversary of the organization. The President received from the a "Report to the Nation" summing up accomplishments of America's 76,367 Scout Units in 1951. The Boy Scouts were originally incorporated in Washington, D.C. on February 8, 1910. The following persons were members of the official delegation: Mr. Amory Houghton, President, Corning, New York Mr. Frank W. Wozencraft, Executive Board Member, Washington, D.C. Dr. Arthur A. Schuck, Chief Scout Executive, New York, N.Y. Mr. John L. Smith, Asst. Director of Camping and Special Events, N.Y. Mr. Guy Miller, Asst. Director of Camping and Special Events, N.Y. Mr. Thomas McPherson, Asst. Managing Editor of "Scouting" Magazine, N.Y. Mr. Charles A. Kelso, Troop 55, Scoutmaster, St. Louis, Mo. Charles W. Ring, Region I, Brunswick, Maine Richard T. Chittick, Region II, Stanfordville, N.Y. David Derbes, Region III, Pottsville, Pa. William Eddie Houston, Region IV, Central City, Kentucky Arthur H. Matthews, Region V, Monroe, Louisiana Jack Paley, Region VI, Goldsboro, North Carolina Lee Baxandall, Region VII, Oshkosh, Wisconsin Kenneth Wayne Philbrick, Region VIII, Grand Island, Nebraska John H. Dykes, Jr., Region IX, Enid, Oklahoma Thomas Burton, Region X, Bismarck, North Dakota Matthew E. Brislawn, Region XI, Pullman, Washington Jerald J. Haserot, Region XII, Arcadia, California Leslie C. Stratton, National Director of Public Relations, New York, N.Y.
Honorable Phelps Phelps, Governor of Americal Samoa Honorable Fred Simons, Attorney General of Samoa
Honorable Dean Acheson, The Secretary of State Honorable George C. Marshall, The Secretary of Defense
Congressman Tom Murray, Tennessee
Honorable Stanton Griffis, American Ambassador to Spain
Honorable David Lawrence, Mayor of Pittsburgh, Pa. Colonel Paul Betters, of Conference of Mayors
Honorable William M. Boyle, Chairman, Democratic National Committee