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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

October 03, 1945

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

Sen. Homer Ferguson, Mich. Hon. Edward J. Jeffries, Mayor of Detroit (If strike is settled before morning (this morning) they will not come as Mayor will have left last night.)
Dr. Karl T. Compton (Of Massachusetts Institute of Technology of Boston - back from reporting to MacArthur on results of his scientific intelligence mission in Japan, and the General thought the President would be interested in talking to him.)
(Mr. Edward Lockett) (Mr. Don Elson) OFF THE RECORD - Want to come in off the record and give to the President two original covers of Time Magazine
Dr. Harold W. Dodds, Pres. of Princeton University (Dean Acheson has recommended that the President con- sider Dodds for appointment as head of U. S. Com- mission to supervise Greek Elections.)
Hon. Hallett Johnson, American Ambassador to Costa Rica. (In Washington until Oct. 7th - to pay respects before returning to post)
Mr. Lowell Mason
(Hon. John Snyder) (Mr. Gunderson) OFF THE RECORD
Mr. Sumner Blossom, Editor of American Magazine (Mr. Charles Ross thinks he is a friend of the President and that it would help to have him come in.)
Judge Rosenman
Mr. Nick Bez
Corporal Josephy Proctor Patrolman Patrick Sheedy Lt. Paul W. Proctor (Policemen's Association of the District of Columbia)
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
[Public Papers: Statement by the President Concerning Government Operation of Petroleum Refineries Closed by Strikes]
[Public Papers: Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House of Representatives Concerning Federal Assistance for Child Care Centers]
Sen. Kenneth McKellar, Tenn. Sen. Alben W. Barkley, Ky. Speaker Sam Rayburn Cong. John W. McCormack, Mass.
Mr. Henry Schaffert, Past Internat'l Pres., Optimist Internat'l Mr. Carl Knapp, Vice Pres. of Washington Optimist Club Mr. J. Arnold Anderson, Pres. of Nat'l Capital Optimist Club Mr. Franklin A. Steinko, Governor of 16th District, Optimist Internat'l (To present an Honorary Membership in Optimist Inter- national to the President. Mr. Charles Ross agreed on this and arranged the appointment)
Mr. Sam J. Woolf, New York Times (To see the President about "follow-up" article and sketch)
Hon. Charles Sawyer, U. S. Ambassador to Belgium (Thinks he should see the President about a matter he feels most important)
Dr. George Taylor
Hon. Eric. Johnston (Re strike situation - Johnson asked for the appointment)
Hon. Ely Elliot Palmer, newly appointed American Minister to Afghanistan (To pay respects before leaving for his post on Oct. 8)
Mrs. Irita Van Doren Dr. Henry Steele Commager Mrs. Rose Oller Harbaugh Mr. David C. Mearns Miss Isabel DuBois Col. Ray I. Trautman Mr. Joseph A. Margolies Mr. Frederic G. Melcher (Mrs. Truman and the President to receive this Committee of the American Booksellers Association, which will present the quadrennial additions to the "home library" of the White House)
Hon. Nelson Rockefeller
Sen. Harley M. Kilgore Sen. Warren G. Magnusson [Magnuson]
The Secretary of Labor [Lewis B. Schwellenbach]
The Secretary of the Treasury [Fred M. Vinson]
[Public Papers: Letter Accepting Resignation of J. A. Krug as Chairman of the War Production Board]
The President will present the Congressional Medal of Honor to 14 Officers and Enlisted Men of the Navy and Marine Corps, including: Lt. Col. Gregory Boy- ington, USMCR; Corporal Richard Bush, USMCR; Sgt. William G. Harrell, USMCR; 2nd Lt. Arthur J. Jack- son, USMCR; Corporal Douglas T. Jacobson, USMCR; Capt. Joseph J. McCarthy, USMCR; Pvt. Franklin E. Sigler, USMCR; Commander George L. Street, 3d, USN; George E. Whalen, Pharmacist's Mate 2d Class, USNR; Pvt. Wilson D. Watson, USMCR; Corporal Hershel Wood- row Williams, USMCR; Major Louis H. Wilson, Jr., USMCR; Hospital Apprentice 1/C Robert E. Bush, USNR; Pfc. Jackalyn H. Lucas, USMCR. [Public Papers: Remarks at the Presentation of the Congressional Medal of Honor to Fourteen Members of the Navy and Marine Corps]
Mr. Lou Holland OFF THE RECORD (Mr. Holland is in town and Mr. Connelly told him to come in for the ceremonies and then to see the President afterwards whenever there was a chance)
Hon. Tom Stewart, Tenn. Hon. Leslie Biffle
The President will present Gold Star in lieu of Third DSM to Fleet Admiral Chester Nimitz, USN. [Public Papers: Citation Accompanying the Distinguished Service Medal Presented to Admiral Chester W. Nimitz]
Leave for Caruthersville, Missouri
[Public Papers: Remarks at the Pemiscot County Fair, Caruthersville, Missouri]
In Reelfoot, Tennessee
[Public Papers: The President's News Conference at Tiptonville, Tennessee]
In Reelfoot, Tennessee
Dedicated Dam in Gilbertsville, Kentucky [Public Papers: Address and Remarks at the Dedication of the Kentucky Dam at Gilbertsville, Kentucky]
[Public Papers: Statement by the President on the 34th Anniversary of the Chinese Republic]
Arrived at White House.
Sen. William J. Fulbright, Ark., and following County Judges from State of Arkansas: Judge H. C. Freeze, Jonesboro; Judge Charles O. Smithers. Benton; Judge C. H. Bond, Marion; Judge R. S. Dunn, Booneville; Judge A. B. Parker, Lewisville; Judge Virgil Kolb, Clarksville; Judge Barney Hartsell, Searcy; Judge Amos Horn, Mt. Ida; Judge George Caudle, Fayetteville; Judge Forrest Jeffrey, Bates- ville; Judge M. F. Taylor, Hamburg; Judge Joe Wood, Wynne; Judge John Kornegan, Clarendon. (All members of the Association of County Judges of Arkansas.)
The Secretary of Labor [Lewis B. Schwellenbach]
Cong. Walter C. Ploeser, Mo. (Rep.) (To report on trip aboard.)
Hon. Marriner S. Eccles
Hon. Basil O'Connor
Sen James M. Mead Sen. Robert M. LaFollette, Jr.
Mr. Kay Kyser
Mr. Fyke Farmer of Nashville, Tennessee (Constituent of Sen. Stewart who asked if the Pres- ident would shake hands with him while Mr. Farmer is in town. Has written quite a bit to the Presi- dent - great admirer of his speeches, and has in- vited him to speak in Nashville, etc.)
Brig. Gen. W. O'Dwyer (This arranged as result of President's talk with Judge Rosenman over long distance, from Tennessee)
Sen. Brien McMahon, Conn. (Had originally intended to bring with him former Sen. Augustine Lonergan, but as Lonergan has flu and cannot come, McMahon asked to keep it alone as he says he has two or three rather important matters to discuss with the President.)
Mr. Joseph Pulitzer (arranged through Mr. Charles Ross)
Sen. Kenneth McKellar Gov. Jim N. McCord
Mr. and Mrs. Kay Kyser Mrs. Paul B. Kyser Miss Kyser (To shake hands with the President. Arranged thru G. Drescher)
Mr. Henry R. Rittenberg
Gov. Walgren [Wallgren]
Arrival of the President of Chile
[Public Papers: Letter to Representative Powell of New York Regarding the Refusal of Permission to His Wife for a Concert in Constitution Hall]
Cabinet [Meeting]
The President will present the Congressional Medal of Honor to 14 Officers and Men of the United States Army, including: Cpl. Thomas E. Atkins, Cpl. Edward A. Bennett, Cpl. Melvin E. Biddle, Capt. James M. Burt, Cpl. Clarence B. Craft, Cpl. Desmond T. Doss, S/Sgt. Freeman H. Karaberis, Sgt. Thomas J. Kelly, Sgt. Dexter J. Kerstetter, M/Sgt. Nicholas Oresko, T/Sgt. Cleto Rodriguez, 1st Lt. Edward A. Silk, 2nd Lt. John C. Sjogren, Pvt. William A. Soderman. [Public Papers: Remarks on Presenting the Congressional Medal of Honor to Fifteen Members of the Armed Forces]
Hon. David Sholtz, Commander-in-Chief, Military Order of the World Wars Gen. George C. Marshall Admiral Ernest J. King Col. Edwin S. Bettleheim Mr. Arthur Brookfield Mr. E. Kemper Carter (Silver Anniversary Convention this Order being held in D. C. Presenting the President with Life Member- ship Certificate. Also conferring upon him the medal and insignia of an Honorary Past Commander-in-Chief for Life.)
Cong. W. R. Poage, Texas Sen. Tom Connally, Texas (To suggest to the President that they send a Com- mittee to South America to study Food)
Lt. Joseph Guilfoyle
Sen. Downey Hon. Robert W. Kenny, Atty. Gen. of Calif. Dr. Henry Grady, Pres. Chamber of Commerce San Francisco Mr. George Creel (Kenny asked for the appointment and that he might bring in Mr. Creel and Dr. Grady, who was Asst. Secty of State under Mr. Hull)
Mrs. Woodrow Wilson
Mr. Frank Land Mr. Melvin M. Johnson (Re Masonic matters)
Judge Collett, and officer
Mr. Blevins Davis Mr. Jack Male Miss Brading (At suggestion of Mrs. Truman)
Dr. Vannevar Bush (Appearing before Congressional Committee on Monday and feels it would help him a great deal if he could see the President before then)
The Secretary of State [James F. Byrnes] Maj. Gen Patrick J. Hurley, U. S. Ambassador to China
(LUNCH - Mr. and Mrs. Tom Evans)
Ambassador Braden H. E. Juan Antonio Rios, President of Chile
The Secretary of State [James F. Byrnes]
Sen. Lister Hill, Ala.
Cong. Vito Marcantonio, N. Y.
Cong. Samuel Dickstein, N. Y. (Re Oswego refugee shelter)
Mr. Harry Carlson (At suggestion of Sam O'Neal, at Committee. Carlson ran up an unusual vote in a normally Republican district when he ran for Congress in New Hampshire in 1944. Is planning to run again, either for Congress or for Governorship)
Commander Joseph M. Stack, newly-elected Commander-in- Chief, Veterans of Foreign Wars (Pittsburgh, Pa.) Pfc. Paul E. Davis, First Cavalry Div. U. S. Army, first American soldier to enter Tokyo Cong. George B. Schwabe, Okla. (Rep.) Mr. Omar B. Ketchum, Nat'l Legislative Rep., VFW Mr. Neil Kimball Mr. Ben Morgan (Pfc. Davis is Ottawa Co., Oklahoma farm boy, who won $1,000 prize offered by Oklahoma VFW to first soldier entering Tokyo. Thru courtesy of War Dept. he was flown back to attend recent national convention where he was awarded prize. Is from Schwabe's district)
(Mrs. Casardo) (Mrs. Stack) OFF THE RECORD
Lt. Charles Brendler, USN, leader Navy Band Capt. Wm. F. Santleman, USMC, leader Marine Band Capt. Geo. S. Howard, leader Air Corps Band (Lt. Brendler asked to bring in these Service Band leaders to talk with President re service bands)
Hon. Basil Manly, formerly Federal Power Commissioner (To pay respects before leaving Washington permanently)
Mr. Alden Hatch (Is writing biography of Pres. Roosevelt)
The Secretary of Labor [Lewis B. Schwellenbach] Hon. John W. Snyder Member of War Labor Board as follows: For Industry - Mr. Clarence Skinner, Mr. Early Cannon, Mr. George Barrs, Mr. Vincent Ahearn; For Labor - Mr. Carl Shipley (CIO), Mr. Neil Brant, Mr. Ray McCall (AF of L), Mr. John Leonard; For Public - Mr. Lloyd K. Garrison, Dr. Frank P. Graham, Mr. Edwin Witte, Mr. Nathan P. Feinsinger, Mr. Levers M. Gill
The Secretary of Commerce [Henry A. Wallace]
Mr. Roy B. White (Pres. of Balt. and Ohio RR - great admirer of the President and wishes to pay respects)
Col. Jozach Miller (Says Pres. wrote him to "drop by" before leaving town. Starts his terminal leave today and wants to come in and say "goodbye".)
The Secretary of State
The Secretary of the Treasury [Fred M. Vinson]
Mr. Edward McKim Mr. George Killion
[Public Papers: Special Message to the Congress on Puerto Rico]
[Public Papers: Statement by the President Following the Visit of President Rios of Chile]