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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

January 11, 1951

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

Honorable John W. Gibson, Chairman, Displaced Persons' Commission (Called Mr. Connelly on Monday to ask for this)
Honorable Frank Pace, Secretary of the Army (Asked Mr. Connelly for this)
Presentation to the President of the Henrietta Szold Award. The following members of Hadassah, The Women's Zionist Organization of America, Inc. were present:
GOLDBERG, Miss Hannah~ROSENSOHN, Mrs. Samuel J. TOUROVER, Mrs. Raphael~HALPRIN, Mrs. Samuel W.
Honorable Kenneth Royall (Called Mr. Connelly last week to ask for this)
(Honorable Stuart Symington, Chairman, N.S.R.B.) (Mr. William Paley, Chairman, Board of Directors, C.B.S.) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Dean Acheson, The Secretary of State (Usual Thursday appointment)
Mr. James Lilles (handshake) Mr. Francis McElhatton
Honorable Alan G. Kirk, American Ambassador to the U.S.S.R. (Is returning to post at end of week, and asked, thru Protocol, to see the President before leaving)
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
(Honorable Clark Clifford) OFF THE RECORD
The President dropped in on a tea given by Mrs. Truman at the Blair House for veterans at the Army and Navy Medical Centers.
(Dr. Howard Rusk) OFF THE RECORD
(The President left for the Shoreham Hotel to dine with the Democratic Member of Congress.)
[Public Papers: Remarks at a Buffet Supper for Democratic Members of Congress]
[Public Papers: Annual Message to the Congress: The President's Economic Report]
Cabinet [Meeting] (Vice President absent)
Honorable Dean Acheson, The Secretary of State Honorable George C. Marshall, The Secretary of Defense Honorable Stuart Symington, Chairman, N.S.R.B. Honorable Frank Pace, The Secretary of the Army Honorable Francis P. Matthews, The Secretary of the Navy Honorable Thomas K. Finletter, The Secretary of the Air Force General Omar N. Bradley, Chairman, Joint Chiefs General J. Lawton Collins, Chief of Staff Admiral Forrest P. Sherman, Chief of Naval Operations General Hoyt S. Vandenberg, Chief of Staff, U.S.A.F. General Bedell Smith Honorable W. Averell Harriman Admiral Sidney Souers Mr. James Lay Honorable H. Freeman Matthews, Deputy Under Secretary of State Honorable Dean Rusk, Assistant Secretary of State Honorable Philip C. Jessup, Ambassador at Large
The President spoke before a meeting of the State Committee of the National Advisory Committee on Selective Service on selection of physicians, dentists and allied specialists, Old State Department Builing. (The president was asked to do this by Dr. Howard Rusk, Chairman of the National Advisory Committee.) [Public Papers: Remarks to Members of the National Advisory Committee on the Selection of Physicians, Dentists, and Allied Specialists]
(Honorable Maurice J. Tobin, The Secretary of Labor) OFF THE RECORD
Mr. W. W. Martin, President, Masonic Home of Missouri (Old friend; wrote to Mr. Conelly in December, stating he would be in city at this time and would like to pay respects)
Honorable Myron Taylor (Arranged by Mr. Hassett)
The President posed for a picture with the Poster Child, opening the March of Dimes Campaign. The following were present: Robert Lawrence McKenzie, Jr. (aged 12) Mrs. Lois W. McKenzie (mother) Mr. Adam N. Lunoe, representative of National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis Mr. Edgar Morris, head of D. C. campaign Mr. Bryson Rash Mr. Rick LaFalce Mr. Thomas Wrigley
The President signed, H.R. 9798, An Act "To authorize a Federal civil defense program, and for other purposes." The following guests were present for the signing: RUSSELL, Senator Richard, Georgia, Chairman, Armed Services Comm. BRIDGES, Senator Styles, New Hampshire DURHAM, Congressman Carl, North Carolina SHORT, Congressman Dewey, Missouri MCMAHON, Senator Brien, Connecticut SYMINGTON, Honorable Stuart, Chairman, N.S.R.B. CALDWELL, Honorable Millard, Chairman, Civil Defense Administration WADSWORTH, Honorable James J., Acting Deputy Administrator, Civil Defense Administration [Public Papers: Statement by the President Upon Signing the Federal Civil Defense Act of 1950]
Honorable Stuart Symington, Chairman, N.S.R.B.
Major General Lewis A. Pick, Chief of Engineers, United States Army (Called Mr. Connelly on Wednesday to ask for this)
Honorable Frederick Lawton, Director, Bureau of the Budget (One hour)
(The President left for the New State Department Building, where he conducted a Budget Seminar in the auditorium.)
[Public Papers: The President's News Conference on the Budget]
(The President remained at home at the Blair House.)
[Public Papers: Special Message to the Congress on the Transfer or Sale of Surplus Military Property]
[Public Papers: Annual Budget Message to the Congress: Fiscal Year 1952]
(General Omar N. Bradley, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff) OFF THE RECORD - Briefed Big Four also.
BIG FOUR Honorable Alben Barkley, the Vice President Honorable Sam Rayburn, the Speaker of the House Senator Ernest W. McFarland, Arizona Congressman, John W. McCormack, Massachusetts
(Staff meeting)
(Honorable Frank Pace, The Secretary of the Army) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable James Blair Lieutenant Governor of Missouri (Called Mr. Connelly from Jefferson City, last week, to ask for this)
(Mr. Harry W. Frazee) OFF THE RECORD (Mr. E. Charles Eichenbaum) (Old friend of the President. Will come to see Mr. Connelly and see the President)
Honorable Dean Acheson, The Secretary of State (Usual Monday appointment)
(The President left for the Supreme Court to attend a luncheon as the guest of Associate Justice William Douglas.)
Honorable Maple T. Harl, Chairman Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Mr. Palmer Hoyt, Editor and Publisher of the Denver Post (Mr. Harl asked if he might bring Mr. Hoyt in to see the President; says Mr. Hoyt has always supported Administration)
Mr. Russell Stewart, of Chicago Sun Times (Wired Mr. Connelly and asked for this. Half hour)
Mr. Nick Bez
Cabinet [Meeting]
(Honorable Charles Wilson, Director of Defense Mobilization) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable Mon Wallgren) OFF THE RECORD
(Staff meeting)
Honorable Stuart Symington, Chairman, National Security Resources Board (Could not come tomorrow when he has regular weekly appointment, as must go out of town; asked, therefore, if could have fifteen minutes today instead)
Erna McGonigle Mr. Steve Harrington
Honorable Samuel I. Rosenman (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly from New York City a week ago to ask for this)
Honorable Millard Tydings, former Senator (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly last week to ask for this)
Honorable Maurice Tobin, The Secretary of Labor Mr. J.A. Oldenbrook, Executive Secretary, International Free Trade Unions Honorable William Green, President, American Federation of Labor Mr. Jacob S. Potofsky, President, Amalgamated Clothing Workers (representing Mr. Philip Murray, CIO) Mr. Phil Kaiser Mr. Tewson, Head of British Labor Group Mr. W. Averell Harriman (The Secretary of Labor [Maurice Tobin] asked Mr. Matthew Connelly to arrange this, stating he wished to present Oldenbrook to the President)
Senator Richard Russell, Georgia (Mr. Matthew Connelly called him last week and asked him to come in and see the President)
Honorable George C. Marshall, The Secretary of Defense (Usual Tuesday appointment)
(Mr. George Elsey) (Mr. Eben Ayers) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable William M. Boyle, Jr., Chairman, Democratic National Committee Mr. Kenneth Anderson, Democratic Candidate for Governor of Kansas-'50 Mr. John Young (This was Chairman Boyle's usual weekly appointment; Georgia Neese Clark asked Mr. Matthew Connelly last week if he could arrange to have these two gentlemen from Kansas call on the President, and Mr. Matthew Connelly suggested they come in with Mr. Boyle, just to shake hands. Mr. Anderson was Democratic Candidate for Governor of Kansas in last election.)
Honorable John W. Snyder, The Secretary of the Treasury
(The President dropped in on Mrs. Truman's tea for veterans of the Armed Services at Blair House)
(The President left for the home of Honorable Clark Clifford where the following guests were in attendance:) Chief Justice Fred Vinson~Senator Lyndon Johnson Speaker Sam Rayburn~Senator Robert Kerr Senator Richard Russell~Honorable W. Stuart Symington Senator Ernest McFarland~Honorable Clark Clifford
[Public Papers: Memorandum Establishing a National Manpower Mobilization Policy]
Honorable Delos Rentzel, Chairman, Civil Aeronautics Board (Called Mr. Connelly yesterday and asked for this)
(Staff meeting)
(Honorable John W. Snyder, Secretary of the Treasury) (Honorable Thomas McCabe, Chairman, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System) OFF THE RECORD)
Honorable William H. Hastie, Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit (Called Mr. Connelly last week to ask for this)
Congressman Clement J. Zablocki, Wisconsin (Called Mr. Connelly last week to ask for this)
Honorable Elbert D. Thomas, High Commissioner of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (Called Mr. Connelly last week to ask for this)
(Honorable Gordon Gray, President, University of North Carolina) (Wrote Mr. Connelly January 8th, stating he had to be in Washington today and hoped might see the Presi- dent; wired Mr. Connelly yesterday to ask that his appointment be kept OFF THE RECORD)
His Excellency Senor Luis Antonio Pehaherrera, the Ambassador of Ecuador. (Newly appointed. Presented credentials)
Mr. Lou Holland, Kansas City, Missouri (Old friend of the President, wrote to the President January 4th, asked if he might see the President while in Washington this week)
Mr. Milton Kronheim (Asked if he might come in and invite the President to a dinner to be held here in Washington, commerating naming of town in Israel for the President; the town is Kfar-Truman)
His Excellency Senor Don Jose Felix de Lequerica y Erquiza, the Ambassador of Spain (Newly appointed; presented credentials)
(The President left for the Capitol to attend luncheon in Speaker's Dining Room given by Congressman Phil Welch for the Missouri Delegation. The following were present: Senator Thomas C. Hennings, Jr., Missouri Speaker Sam Rayburn Congressman John W. McCormack, Massachusetts Congressman Percy Priest, Tennessee Congressman Clare Magee Congressman Morgan M. Moulder Congressman Leonard Irving Congressman Richard Bolling Congressman A.S.J. Carnahan Congressman Frank M. Karsten Congressman Paul C. Jones Congressman John B. Sullivan Congressman Clarence Cannon Congressman Phil J. Welch
Congressman Robert Crosser, Ohio (Called Mr. Connelly and asked for this)
(National Security Council) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Nelson A. Rockefeller Dr. Henry G. Bennett, Director, Technical Cooperative Administration (Wrote the President that he would be here for the third meeting of the International Development Advisory Board and hoped he might see the President and report personally on work of Board. The President wrote back that he would be glad to see all of the board; however, that is to be arranged later as not time at such short notice to arrange for so many to come in. Mr. Connelly told Mr. Rockefeller when they came here next it would be done)
(Mr. Bill Malone, San Francisco) (Mr. George Allen ) OFF THE RECORD
(Pre Press)
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
(Mr. Lorenzo Winslow, Secretary, Commission on Renovation of the Executive Mansion, discussed White House decoration) OFF THE RECORD
Mr. Christian Sonne, Chairman, National Planning Association Mr. Marion Hedges, Vice Chairman Mr. Beardsley Ruml, Chairman of Business Committee Mr. Frank Altschul, Chairman of International Committee Mr. John Miller, Assistant Chairman Mr. Charles Tyroler, Assistant Chairman Mr. Oscar Heline, representing Agriculture Committee (The Association here in Washington for one day meeting and the President indicated thru Dr. John R. Steelman, that he would like to talk to a delegation from the Association. One-half hour)
Honorable Dean Acheson, The Secretary of State Honorable John Foster Dulles (Regular Thursday appointment of the Secretary of State. Asked if he might bring with him Mr. Dulles.)
Senator Theodore Francis Green, Rhode Island (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly last week to ask for this)
Senator Dennis Chavez, New Mexico (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly last week and asked for this)
Mrs. Ruth Montgomery, President, Women's National Press Club Mr. Ted Mack Mr. Lou Goldberg Mr. Leslie Eichel Commander Clarence Cisin, USN (Invited the President to attend benefit show which Women's National Press Club will sponsor at Constitution Hall, for benefit of Armed Forces of Korean War)
(Honorable Donald Dawson) (Mr. Joe Adams) OFF THE RECORD (Mr. Donald Dawson brought Mr. Adams in OFF THE RECORD)
(Senator Warren G. Magnuson) OFF THE RECORD (of Washington)
(Mr. William McAvoy of Pan American) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable Delos Rentzel) (Dr. John R. Steelman) OFF THE RECORD
Cabinet (Interior, Agriculture, Commerce and Mr. Stuart Symington absent. Agriculture was represented by Under Secretary McCormick, General Collins and General Vandenberg briefed the Cabinet. General Omar Bradley and Admiral Sherman could not be present as they had to go to the Capitol)