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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

January 01, 1951

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

The President and his party arrived at the Naval Gun Factory and from there proceded by automobile to the Blair House.
(Staff meeting)
Honorable Frances Perkins
Honorable Russell B. Adams, Civil Aeronautics Board (Arranged at suggestion of Chairman Rentzel)
Honorable Ely E. Palmer, United States Representative on the United Nations Palestine Conciliation Commission (In Washington, and asked, thru Division of Protocol, if he might call on the President before returning to Near East, which he will do shortly)
Honorable George C. Marshall, The Secretary of Defense (Usual weekly appointment of one-half hour)
Cabinet [Meeting] General Bradly attended, Oscar L. Chapman, Secretary of the Interior, absent, Solicitor General for Justice.
Honorable John W. Snyder, Secretary of the Treasury
Public Papers: Statement by the President Upon Signing the Excess Profits Tax Act of 1950
(The President left Blair House with General Harry Vaughan and Mr. Joseph Short for National Presbyterian Church to attend prayer and communion services.)
(Staff Meeting)
Honorable Henry Morgenthau, Jr., former Secretary of the Treasury (Asked for this thru David Niles)
Congressman Stephen M. Young, Ohio (Asked if he might see the President before leaving for his home in Ohio)
Honorable J. Monroe Johnson, Chairman, Interstate Commerce Commission (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly yesterday and asked for this)
Honorable Frederick Lawton, Director, Bureau of the Budget (One-half hour)
Honorable W. Stuart Symington, Chairman, National Security Resources Board (Usual Wednesday appointment of one-half hour)
Honorable Harold L. Ickes, former Secretary of Interior (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly before holiday to ask for this. one-half hour)
Honorable William M. Boyle (Usual Wednesday appointment)
(Honorable Clark Clifford) OFF THE RECORD
(The President left the Blair House)
(The President attended Dame Myra Hess' concert at Constitution Hall with Secretary of State and Mrs. Acheson and Justice and Mrs. Tom Clark as his guests.)
Public Papers: Press and Radio Conference
(Staff Meeting)
Senator Warren G. Magnuson, Washington Congressman Hugh H. Mitchell, Washington Congressman Henry M. Jackson, Washington (Senator Magnuson called Mr. Connelly on Tuesday to ask for this)
(Mr. Charles Taft) OFF THE RECORD (Arranged by Mr. Hassett at the President's direction)
Dr. Daniel A. Poling (Asked, thru Mr. Hassett, if might come in and speak to the President about the continuance of the President's Committee on Religious and Moral Welfare in the Armed Services)
Honorable Dean Acheson, The Secretary of State (Usual Thursday appointment)
(National Security Council) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Frederick Lawton, Director, Bureau of the Budget (Half hour)
[Public Papers: Statement by the President on the Establishment of the United Defense Fund]
Cabinet [Meeting] (The Vice President [Alben Barkley] and Mr. Stuart Symington absent)

The Members of the Senior Class of Sacred Heart Academy, Brookline, Massachusetts. The following were present. (Arranged at suggestion of Secretary Maurice J. Tobin, whose daughter is member of Class.)

  • Miss Ellen Galvin
  • Miss Stella Palladino
  • Miss Ellen Duhig
  • Miss Janet Crowley
  • Miss Nancy Carter
  • Miss Ann Gibbons
  • Miss Ann Murphy
  • Miss Elaine Hennessey
  • Miss Betty Sawyer
  • Miss Helen Tobin
  • Miss Barbara Galvin
  • Sister Canesius (CHAPERONES)
  • Miss Frances Dorato
  • Sister Judith
  • Miss Claire Shields
  • Miss Claire Meekar
  • Miss Mary Loughran
(Staff Meeting)
(General Bedell Smith) (Admiral Sidney Souers) OFF THE RECORD (Mr. James Lay) (Usual Friday meeting with the President)
Honorable Francis P. Matthews, The Secretary of the Navy Mr. E. A. Roberts Mr. Ralph Blanchard Mr. Henry Weber (Secretary Francis P. Matthews asked if he might bring in these gentlemen who represent the United Defense Fund.)
Senator Homer Ferguson, Michigan (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly and asked if he might see the President to tell him about his recent trip to South Pacific)
Major General Hugh J. Knerr, U.S.A.F. (Ret.) (Arranged at suggestion of General Wallace Graham to discuss with the President hospital cargo planes.)
Dr. James B. Conant, Director, National Science Foundation (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly and asked if he might come in and give the President report on their work to date)
Mr. Edward Arnold (Actor appearing here at Gayety Theater; asked Mr. Connelly if might invite the President to his play, and pay respects)
Honorable Charles E.Wilson, Director of Defense Mobilization Mr. Eric Johnston, President, Motion Picture Assn. of America (Mr. Johnston called Mr. Matthew Connelly and asked if they might come in and make report on Labor Management Conference which Mr. Johnston had attended in New York)
(John Hersey) OFF THE RECORD
(James Finnegan) OFF THE RECORD
General Dwight D. Eisenhower (One-half hour conference before leaving for Europe)
Senator Ernest W, McFarland, Arizona Senator Lyndon B. Johnson, Texas Congressman John W.McCormack, Massachusetts Congressman J. Percy Priest, Tennessee (Mr. Connelly invited them to come in, at direction of the President)
(The Presidnet left for MATS to see General Eisenhower off for Europe)
The President remained at home at the Blair House.
(General Omar Bradley) OFF THE RECORD
BIG FOUR Honorable Alben Barkley, the Vice President Honorable Sam Rayburn, the Speaker of the House Senator Ernest W. McFarland, Arizona Congressman John W. McCormack, Massachusetts
(The President left for the Capitol with Messrs. Matthew Connelly, Joseph Short, John R. Steelman and Charles Murphy.)
The President delivered his State of the Union Message before a Joint Session of the Congress. [Public Papers: Annual Message to the Congress on the State of the Union]
Honorable Leon Keyserling, Chairman Council of Economic Advisors Honorable John D. Clark, Member Honorable Roy Blough, Member (Mr. Keyserling advised Mr. Matthew Connelly that they would be ready to give the President a draft of their report today.)
[Public Papers: Special Message to the Congress on the Need for More Equal Apportionment of Congressional Districts]
(Staff meeting)
The following members of the Committee on Mobilization Policy of the National Security Resources Board were received by the President: Honorable W. Stuart Symington, Chairman, N.S.R.B. Honorable Marion B. Folsom, Chairman of the Board, Committee for Economic Development and Treasurer of Eastman Kodak Company Honorable Otto A. Seyferth, President, U.S. Chamber of Commerce and President and Director, West Michigan Steel Foundry Company and Austin Trailer Equipment Company Honorable Claude Adams, President, National Association of Manufacturers, and President, Markem Machine Company Honorable William Green, President, A.F.ofL. Honorable Albert J. Hayes, President, I.A.ofM. Honorable Philip Murray, President, C.I.O. Honorable Hershel D. Newsome, Master of the National Grange Honorable Murray D. Lincoln, President, Farm Bureau Mutual Automobile Insurance Company Honorable James G. Patton, President, National Farmers' Educational and Cooperative Union Honorable Frank P. Graham, United States Senator and past president of University of North Carolina Honorable George H. Mead, Retired Member, War Labor Board, past President American Pulp and Paper Association, and member of the Commission on Reorganization of the Executive Branch of the Government (1947-49) Honorable Anna M. Rosenberg, Assistant Secretary of Defense.
Honorable Dean Acheson, The Secretary of State
Congressman Harry P. O'Neill, Pennsylvania Mr. Willie Jones, Executive Secretary, Scranton Chamber of Commerce Mr. Ted Rogers, Chairman of the Board, American Trucking Association Mr. Frank O'Neill, of Scranton Life Insurance Company (Congressman O'Neill asked for this a week ago, stating they wished discuss question of getting a war plant located at Scranton, Pa.)
Congressman Frank L. Chelf, Kentucky (Called Mr. Connelly before Christmas to ask for this)
The President presented five Congressional Medals of Honor, (These ceremonies were held in the Press Conference Room of Old State Building.) The following next of kin and guests were present: Mrs. Mildred D.Dean (wife of awardee, Major Gen. William F. Dean) also Mrs. Elizabeth Dean, mother Mrs. June Williams Cadet William F. Dean, Jr. Mr. Levon P. Henry (wife of Awardee, First Lieutenant Frederick F. Henry) Master Frederick H. Henry, Jr. Miss Sharon M. Henry Mrs. Ida M. Henry Mrs. Janna Henry Mrs. Maidie S. Watkins (widow of Master Sergeant Travis E. Watkins) Mrs. Auzie M. Carter Mr. Marshall R. Carter Sergeant Tris T. Watkins Master Sergeant Truman R. Watkins Mrs. Alma Barnett Mrs. Hazel O. Turner (Mother of awardee, Sgt. First Class Charles W. Turner) Mr. Harry H. Turner Mrs. Jaqueline Xavier Mr. Edward D. Brown (father of awardee, Pvt. First Class Marvin L. Brown) Mr.s Rhoda V. Brown Mrs. Evelyn Dickey Private Calvin W. Brown Mrs. Dorothy Pease Mrs. Beatrice Segar The following were also present in addition to the next of kin:
Honorable Frank Pace, Jr., Secretary of the Army General J. Lawton Collins, Chief of Staff General Wade H. Haislip, Vice Chief of Staff Lt. General J. E. Hull, Deputy Chief of Staff for Adm. Major General E. F. Witsell, The Adjutant General Major General Thomas Herren, Military District of Washington Colonel J. R. Beishline, White House Liaison Officer Colonel E. A. Williams, Military District of Washington Lt. Colonel C. W. Rogers, Adjutant General's Office Lt. Colonel W. C. Roberts, Military District of Washington Colonel James O. Curtis, Aide to the Secretary of the Army Lt. Colonel S. R. Larsen, Aide to the Chief of Staff Captain I. W. Gentry, Guide Captain O. N. Boone, Guide Captain O. S. Stone, Guide Lt. R. J. Watson, Guide Lt. J. A. Flannigan, Guide Captain C. C. Carlisle, Guide Lt. W. E. Crowder, Guide Lt. J. B. Little, Guide Lt. D. C. Cannon, Guide Lt. K. R. Ebner, Guide
[Public Papers: Remarks to Members of the National Advisory Committee on the Selection of Physicians, Dentists, and Allied Specialists]
Honorable George C. Marshall, The Secretary of Defense Honorable Anna M. Rosenberg, Assistant Secretary of Defense Mr. David Stowe, Adm. Asst. to the President
Honorable Frederick Lawton, Director Bureau of the Budget
Senator James E. Murray, Montana Congressman Mike Mansfield, Montana Mr. Charles Murray, Assistant to Senator Murray (Senator Murray asked Mr. Connelly for this sometime ago, stating they wished to discuss Montana matters)
Senator Brien McMahon, Connecticutt Edward Roddan (Called Mr. Connelly a week ago to ask for this)
(William Hillman) (David Noyes) OFF THE RECORD
Cabinet [Meeting]
(Honorable Dean Acheson, The Secretary of State) OFF THE RECORD
(The President left Blair House for an OFF THE RECORD dinner party at the house of Mr. James M. Barnes in honor of Speaker Sam Rayburn.)
(Staff Meeting)
Congressman Dayton E. Phillips (Former Congressman from Tennessee; defeated in last election. Called Mr. Connelly before Christmas to ask if he might see the President)
Congressman Raymond W. Karst (Former Congressman from Missouri; defeated in last election. Called Mr. Connelly before Christmas to ask for this)
Congressman Overton Brooks, Louisiana (Called Mr. Connelly last week to ask for this)
Honorable Robert Butler, American Ambassador to Cuba (Cabled Mr. Connelly last week to ask for this)
Presentation to the President of the Woodrow Wilson Award. This is the first time this award given to a President of the United States. The President was notified that he had been chosen by Mrs. Eleanor Wilson McAdoo, on December 28th, the birthday of President Wilson. Today's award is being made on the date of the founding of the League of Nations) The following persons were present: ACHESON, Hon. and Mrs. Dean~ALTSCHUL, Mr. and Mrs. Frank DANIELS, Mr. Jonathan~BROWNLOW, Mr. and Mrs. Louis GIDEONSE, Dr. Harry B.~FINLETTER, Hon. Thomas K. JESSUP, Dr. and Mrs. Phillip~HOLT, Dr. Hamilton McADOO, Mrs. Eleanor Wilson~LEHMAN, Senator and Mrs. Herbert STRAUSS, Miss Anna Lloyd~MONROE, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel SAYRE, Hon. and Mrs. Francis B.~SWEETSER, Mr. Arthur LAWTON, Mrs. Louis~THOMPSON, Mr. and Mrs. Huston SWEETSER, Miss Susan~MATTERS, Mrs. Thomas III TROWBRIDGE, Mr. Alexander Buel III~ROTIVAL, Mr. Alexander HULL, Mrs. Cordell~BARRETT, Hon. and Mrs. Edward W. WEBB, Hon. and Mrs. James E.~EVANS, Dr. and Mrs. Luther H. BRAY, Miss Gertrude~NICKERSON, Hon. and Mrs. John D. AUFRIGHT, Mr. and Mrs. Hans~RUSSELL, Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. d'ESTOURNELLES, Mrs. Julie~OGDEN, Miss Esther
[Public Papers: Remarks at the Woodrow Wilson Foundation Award Ceremonies. ]
Honorable Oscar Chapman, Secretary of the Interior (Called Mr. Connelly last week to ask for this)
(National Security Council) OFF THE RECORD The President attended the meeting.
Honorable William M. Boyle, Chairman, Democratic National Committee (Usual weekly appointment)
(Honorable John W. Snyder, The Secretary of the Treasury) OFF THE RECORD
Senator Wayne Morse, Oregon
(John Hersey) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Charles Wilson, Director of Defense Mobilization
(Honorable W. Averell Harriman) OFF THE RECORD
(Staff Meeting)
Father Corkery, President, Gonzaga University
(Honorable Gordon Dean, Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Myron M. Cowen, American Ambassador to the Philippines (Asked for this thru Protocol)