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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

November 13, 1950

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

[Public Papers: Letter to the Chairman, Civil Service Commission, Upon Signing Order Establishing Special Personnel Procedures in the Interest of the National Defense.]
(Staff Meeting)
Commander Henry Albert, National Commander, Jewish War Veterans
Honorable William O'Dwyer, Ambassador to Mexico (Was arranged for last week but cancelled because of President's trip. The Ambassador stayed over purposely to come in to talk with the President)
Honorable Frederick Lawton, Director, Bureau of the Budget
Honorable Robert Butler (Wired Mr. Connelly from St. Paul, requesting appointment)
Mr. Boniface Maile, Commander, Disabled American Veterans Mrs. Henrietta Mills, President of the Auxiliary, DAV Mr. Richard Lodders, Assistant Editor of DAV newspaper (Mr. Francis M. Sullivan of the DAV requested that the new Commander and new President of the Auxiliary come in to pay respects to the president)
Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State (Usual Monday appointment - one-half hour)
Mr. Ward Canaday, President, Willys-Overland Motor Co., Toledo, Ohio
(Colonel John McEwan) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable John W. Snyder, Secretary of the Treasury
General Omar Bradley
(Senator Clinton Anderson, New Mexico) OFF THE RECORD
(The President and Mrs. Truman left Blair House for dinner at home of Ed Foley)
[Public Papers: Letter to Committee Chairmen on Taxation of Excess Profits]
[Public Papers: Statement by the President Urging Support of the CARE-for-Korea Campaign]
Senator Brien McMahon, Connecticut
(Staff Meeting)
(Honorable Frank Pace, Secretary of the Army) OFF THE RECORD
(Colonel Edward V. Condon) (Colonel Winston P. Wilson of Arkansas)~OFF THE RECORD (Wrote the President that he, Colonel Condon, would like to call on the President and bring Colonel Wilson who is good friend to Secretary Frank Pace)
Mr. Erle Cocke, Commander of American Legion Mr. Erle Cocke, Sr. Mr. John Sheffield, Aide to Commander Cocke (Mr. Jerome Duggan of San Francisco arranged appt.) (Mr. Cocke is newly elected Commander of the American Legion and wished to bring along his father and his Aide)
The President received Members of the CARE for Korea Committee (At the suggestion of the Advisory Committee on Voluntary Foreign Aid of the State Department a CARE for Korea Committee was created to help promote a special CARE program for the civilian refugees in Korea. Mr. Paul French, Executive Director of CARE wrote the President stating that he felt it would be helpful if the President received these members - The following were present: Dr. John M. Chang, Korean Ambassador to the United States Paul French, Executive Director, CARE
Mr. Milo Perkins Mr. Herald Harter~Mr. T.S. Repplier Mr. Leo Perlis~Mr. Edwin S. Friendly Mr. Arthur Schuck~Mr. Harold S. Miner Mr. R. Roy Keaton~Col. J. Carroll Cone Mr. Murray D. Lincoln~Mrs. Hiram Houghton Mr. William Taylor~Mr. Walter White Mr. Franklin Steinko~Mr. David Baird
Honorable William Green, AFL Mr. W.C. Doherty, President of National Association of Letter Carriers Mr. Leo E. George, National Federation of Post Office Carriers Mr. William M. Thomas, President, National Transportation Association
Honorable Robert Lovett, Deputy Secretary of Defense (Secretary George Marshall absent - asked Sec. Robert Lovett to come in his stead)
(Honorable A. Devitt Vanech) OFF THE RECORD
Dr. Henry G. Bennett, President, Oklahoma A.& M. College Honorable James E. Webb
Cabinet Meeting - (Vice President [Alben Barkley] absent; Sec. Robert Lovett for Defense; Sec. Galvin for Labor)
(The President & Mrs. Truman gave a dinner at Blair House for Mrs. Mesta)
(Mr. Edward Jacobson) OFF THE RECORD
Major General Lyman Lemnitzer (General Lemnitzer has been Director of the Office of Foreign Military Assistance for several years now and is leaving for Fort Benning, Georgia, to attend Airborne School. Upon com- pletion of this course he will take command of an Airborne Division. Col. Carter in Secretary Marshall's office states that both the Sec. of Defense and the Sec. of State wrote very nice letters of commendation to the General and Col. Carter felt the President may wish to see the General for a minute to say "a job well done."
(Staff Meeting)
Honorable Mike Mansfield, Congressman from Montana
Honorable Dan A. Kimball, Under Secretary of the Navy
Honorable Frederick Lawton, Director, Bureau of the Budget
The President met with group of Jewish Leaders and heads of Zionist Organizations in America - (Arranged through Mr. Niles) The following were present:
Mr. Edward Jacobson~Mr. Adolph Held Mr. Benjamin G. Browdy~Dr. Nahum Goldmann Dr. Pinchas Churgin~Dr. Hayim Greenberg Mr. Abe Feinberg~Mrs. Rose Halperin Mr. Saul Gold~Mrs. Harold Levin Mr. Frank Goldmann~Mr. Louis Lipsky Rabbi Irving Miller~Mr. Henry Morgenthau Mr. Herbert Ehrman
(Senator Emery Allison) (Mr. Frank Hayes) OFF THE RECORD
Dr. Ali Sastroamidjojo, Ambassador of Indonesia Dr. Mohammad Roem, Foreign Minister of Indonesia (Arranged through State Department)
Honorable Stuart Symington, N.S.R.B. (Usual weekly appointment)
Honorable Charles A. Sawyer, Secretary of Commerce
(Mr. Bertram M. Gross) 0FF THE RECORD
Honorable Harold Ickes
Honorable Paul McNutt
Senator Kenneth McKellar, Tennessee
(Staff Meeting)
(Admiral William D. Leahy) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. Joe Healey) OFF THE RECORD
Congressman Emanuel Celler, New York
Mr. Robert T. Taylor, General Secretary, American Bible Society Dr. Francis C. Stifler, Secretary for Public Relations Mr. Page Atcheon Mr. Jack Banner Mrs. May Stanton (Arranged by Dr. Stifler, who wrote asking the President to sign "Good Will Book" containing signatures of thousands of Americans who have helped to supply Scriptures to Japanese, the book to be presented to the Japan Bible Society late in month of November)
Hon. Herman P. Koppleman, former Congressman from Conn. Mr. Samuel Rothstein, President, United Synagogue of America Dr. Milton Nevins, President, Men's Club of the United Synagogue of America Rabbi Max D. Davidson, President, Rabbinical Assembly of America Mr. Maxwell Abbell, President Elect, United Synagogue of America Mr. Simon Greenberg, Executive Director, United Synagogue of America (Arranged through Mr. David Niles)
(Mr. Douglas Orr) (Mr. Richard B. Dougherty) 0FF THE RECORD (Mr. Crim said Commission on Renovation meeting in East Wing early today and want to talk with President)
Honorable Ellis O. Briggs, American Ambassador to Czechoslovakia (Returned to Washington for consultation and had requested appointment with President - arranged thru State)
Mr. Frederick D. Hopkins, Executive Secretary of National Tuberculosis Association Mrs. Ellen Lovell, Public Relations, National Tuberculosis Association (The President accepted from Mr. Hopkins seals which will open drive for annual sale of seals - actual drive starts November 20th) [Public Papers: Statement by the President on the Christmas Seal Campaign]
(Judge Edw. Rowe, R.F.C.) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State Honorable John Foster Dulles
Honorable Paul Fitzpatrick, State Chairman, Democratic State Committee of New York
Dr. Gregg M. Sinclair, President, University of Hawaii (Wrote to Mr. Charles Ross stating he would like to extend to President invitation to come to Hawaii and address students and assembly; also to present to President Honorary Degree from westernmost American University)
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
(Honorable Edward H. Foley, Under Secretary of Treasury) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. Henry W. Frazee) OFF THE RECORD
(The President and Mrs. Truman left Blair House for Constitution Hall for concert by Boston Symphony Orchestra)
Cabinet Meeting (Secretary Foley for Treasury; Secretary Robert Lovett for Defense; Secretary Loveland for Agriculture; Sec. Galvin for Labor - All others present)
(Mr. Charles Rooney) OFF THE RECORD (Mr. Vivian Truman wrote Mr. Matthew Connelly that Mr. Rooney had just been appointed to the Legislative Committee of the Veterans of Foreign Wars; that he had been an active worker in Topeka for many years. Mr. Truman wanted Mr. Rooney to meet the President)
(Staff Meeting)
Hon. Stanton Griffis (Wrote to Mr. Matthew Connelly that he wished to see President and "properly terminate my Argentina job")
H.E. Baron Silvercruys, the Belgian Ambassador (Arranged through State - President approved sending message to Prince Baudouin of Belgium. Message was delivered and Belgian Ambassador requested appointment with President to deliver a response from the Prince)
(Honorable Delos Rentzel, Civil Aeronautics Board) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. Joseph Keenan, AFL) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Oscar Chapman, the Secretary of the Interior Honorable A. Fernos-Isern, Resident Commissioner of Puerto Rico (Sec. Oscar Chapman asked for half hour with the President; then also made arrangemants to bring Commissioner Fernos-Isern along. The Commissioner wants to present to the President a resolution by the people of Puerto Rico)
Honorable Thomas B. McCabe, Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Honorable Norris E. Dodd, Director General, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
(Mr. James Lay) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. Clark Clifford) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable John W. Snyder, Secretary of the Treasury) OFF THE RECORD
(The President left for weekend cruise on USS WILLIAMSBURG) (Lunch aboard) (The following guests joined the President at 4:00 p.m.) Honorable Fred Vinson, the Chief Justice Senator Clinton P. Anderson Honorable W. Averell Harriman Honorable W. Stuart Symington Honorable Oscar R. Ewing Mr. George E. Allen Mr. Clark M. Clifford
(Returned to Washington from cruise on USS WILLIAMSBURG)
(The President and Mrs. Truman attended tea given by Women's National Democratic Club, 1526 New Hampshire Avenue, N.W.)
(Staff Meeting)
Honorable John Small, Chairman, Munitions Board
Congressman Brent Spence, Kentucky
Mr. Robert Simmons, President, Metropolitan Police Boys' Clubs Mr. Ralph Pittman Major Robert Barrett (Presented to the President tickets to Inter-High football game which will be played around December 1st for benefit of Metropolitan Police Boys' Clubs - this has been done each year)
Honorable Oscar Ewing, Administrator, Federal Security Agency
Mr. James T. Patton, President of the Farmers Union
H.R.H. Crown Prince Olav of Norway Mr. Wilhelm Munthe de Morgenstierne, the Ambassador of Norway (Arranged through State - the Crown Prince and Princess of Norway are making unofficial visit to the U.S. The Crown Prince requested an appointment to see the President)
Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State (Usual Monday appointment)
(Mr. Herbert Feis) OFF THE RECORD (Mr. Feis, with State Department, called Mr. Ross to say that he had a note from the President saying he hoped to see Mr. Feis soon. Also Mr. Feis says he has gone as far as he can with his article and wants to know if he can say something about the President in it.)
Mr. John Ewing, Publisher, Shreveport Times (Arranged by General Robert Landry)
(Honorable Edw. Foley, Under Secretary of the Treasury)