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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

January 18, 1950

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

Honorable John L. Sullivan, former Secretary of the Navy
General Ivan Foster Dr. John E. Brown, Jr.
General Carl Gray; Honorable Frank Pace
The Secretary of the Treasury [John W. Snyder]; (Hon. Charles Murphy)
Honorable Adolph J. Sabath, Congressman from Illinois (Arranged by Colonel Maylon)
(Staff Meeting)
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
Honorable James F. Lind, Congressman from Pennsylvania (Arranged through Mr. Matthew Connelly)
Mr. William Evans, President and Publisher of the Nashville Tennessean (Arranged by Senator Kefauver)
Honorable James Bruce (Asked Mr. Matthew Connelly for half hour)
Honorable Irving Florman, American Ambassador-designate to Bolivia (To pay respects before departing his post at La Paz)
Honorable Frank Waring, Chairman, Philippine War Damage Commission Honorable John A. O'Donnell, Member, Philippine War Damage Commission
The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson]
(The President left Blair House to attend funeral services of General H. H. Arnold at Arlington National Cemetery)
The President and Mrs. Truman gave dinner at Blair House for Vice President Alben W. Barkley and Mrs. Alben Barkley.
The President received the Democratic Members of the Ways and Means Committee: Congressman Robert L. Doughton Congressman Jere Cooper Congressman John D. Dingell Congressman Wilbur D. Mills Congressman Noble J. Gregory Congressman A. Sidney Camp Congressman Walter A. Lynch Congressman Aime J. Forand Congressman Herman P. Eberharter Congressman Cecil R. King Congressman Thomas J. O'Brien Congressman J. M. Combs Congressman Hale Boggs Congressman John A. Carroll Congressman Stephen M. Young The Speaker of the House [Sam Rayburn] Honorable John McCormack The Secretary of the Treasury [John W. Snyder]
Cabinet [Meeting] (Secretaries of Agriculture and Labor absent. Honorable Stephen Early for Department of Defense; and Honorable C. V. Whitney for Secretary of Commerce.)
The President received a group from the National Cartoonists Society. Group will make joint presentation to the President and the Secretary of the Treasury [John W. Snyder] placque representing Honorable membership in Society.: Mr. Milton Caniff Mr. Dow Walling Mr. Bob Dunn Mr. Gregory d'Alesaio Mr. John Pierotti Mr. Gus Edson Mr. Russell Patterson Mr. William McDonald Mr. Jacob Magelener Mr. Leon Markham
(Staff Meeting)
(Honorable Thomas B. McCabe, Chariman, Federal Reserve Board) (Mr. Robert Anderson) (Chairman McCabe wants the President to meet Mr. Anderson before he, Mr. Anderson, departed for Texas today. He is one who might be appointed to the vacancy on the Board of Governors)
Honorable M. O. Burnside, Congressman from West Virginia
Senator Estes Kefauver, Tennessee Members of the Atlantic Union Committee Delegation: Honorable Orne Roberts Mrs. Robert J. Bishop Mr. Lucius Burch Mr. Ernest Estwing Mr. John Howard Ford Mr. Ellen C. Garwood Dr. A. V. Grosse Miss Helen Hamer H. Livingston Hartley Mrs. Charlotte K. John Gilbert Lamb Rev. Franklin D. Leohr Mr. and Mrs. Laurance Martin Mr. Allan Mathews Major and Mrs. John A. Mathews Professor James A. MacLachlan Dr. James A. McClain Mrs. Stewart Y. McMullan Mrs. Walter I. Miller Garrison Norton Edmund Orgill Hon. Lithgow Osborne Hon. Robert Pell Victor Reinemar Dr. David W. Roberts Mr. L.H. Schultz Mr. Theodore E. Simonton Mrs. Sara Sommer William Stern Roy F. Steward Mr. and Mrs. Clarence K. Streit Mr. W. T. Wynn Honorable Hal Boggs Mr. L. Metcalf Walling Mrs. Sabra Holbrook
Honorable Oscar Chapman, Secretary of the Interior Honorable Frank Pace, Director of the Budget (Called Mr. Connelly)
Mr. James F. Fitzgerald Mr. John A. Coleman Mr. Edward J. Doyle (Above are members whom the President indicated as a Committee to select sculptor for statue of Commodore John Harry, which is to be presented to Erie on behalf of the United States.)
Mr. Victor Devereaux, National Commander Regular Veterans Association Mr. Florentina Medina, Commander, Regular Veterans Assn. of Aurora, Colorado Mr. W.M. Floyd of Aurora, Colorado (Requested by Senator Johnson)
Honorable Frank Pace
His Excellancy, Archbishop Michael (Archbishop Michael is head of Eastern Greek Orthodox Church in North and South America, and is successor to Archbishop Athanagoras now Patriarch in Istanbul. Archibishop Michael has recently arrived from Greece where he was Archibishop of Corinth. Wishes to pay respects.)
Mr. William Thatcher Mr. Glenn Talbot Mr. James G. Patton Mr. C. E. Huff (The above gentlemen are officiers of the National Farmers Union, and this appointment was requested and arranged by Secretary Brannon.)
(Mr. Al Lodwick)
[Public Papers: Statement by the President on the Rejection by the House of Representatives of the Korean Aid Bill]
(Colonel Louis Truman)
(Honorable James Pendergast)
(Staff Meeting)
(The Secretary of Treasury [John W. Snyder])
(Message Conference)
(Mr. Carter Barron)
(Leave Blair House for Mr. Clark Clifford's Home to attend small party)
[Public Papers: Special Message to the Congress on Tax Policy]
The Vice President [Alben W. Barkley] The Speaker of the House [Sam Rayburn] Honorable John McCormack, Congressman from Mass. Senator Scott Lucas, Illinois (Weekly meeting of the Big Four.)
(Staff Meeting)
Dr. Serge Koussevitsky, Former Director of the Boston Symphony Orchestra (Wants to pay respects to the President)
Mr. David Peterson, President, Brotherhood of Locomative Engineers and Firemen
Honorable Oscar Ewing, Administrator, Federal Security Agency
Honorable Angus Ward (When the Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson] saw the President last Thursday, the President told he would see Mr. Ward. Mr. Ward has been a Foreign Service official for 28 years. Was Consul General in Mukden, China and just recently returned to the U.S.
The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson] (Usual weekly appointment)
(Cabinet Luncheon -- Attorney General, Secretary of the Interior and Secretary of Commerce out of the city.)
The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson] Honorable John McCloy, United States High Commissioner for Germany
The Secretary of Defense [Louis Johnson] The Deputy Secretary of Defense General Omar Bradley The Secretary of the Army [Gordon Gray] The Secretary of the Navy [Francis P. Matthews] The Secretary of the Air Force [Stuart Symington] General Hoyt Vandenberg Admiral Forrest P. Sherman General J. Lawton Collins Lt. General John E. Hull, Head of Weapons Evaluation Board (The President has them come in as he wished a briefing on the effectiveness of our plans for strategic air offensive. Also present: The Vice President [Alben W. Barkley] The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson] The Secretary of the Treasury [John W. Snyder] The Secretary of Agriculture [Charles F. Brannan] The Secretary of Commerce [Charles Sawyer] The Secretary of Labor [Maurice J. Tobin] The Postmaster General [Jesse M. Donaldson]
Honorable Paul Hoffman
(Honorable Sam Rosenman)
(Honorable Mon Wallgren)
[Public Papers: Statement by the President on the New 75-Cent Minimum Wage Rate]
(Staff Meeting)
(Honorable Clarence Cannon, Congressman from Missouri) (Off the record)
Mr. Henri L. Warren of Corpus Christi, Texas Mr. Guy Warren Judge Harry Carroll Colonel Ross B. Warren (Mr. Warren is old friend of the President)
Mr. William W. Wurster, Chairman, National Capital Park and Planning Commission (Mr. Wurster is also Dean, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning, Cambridge, Mass.)
Mr. Jackson Holz, newly elected Commander Jewish War Veterans (Wished to pay respects to President -- arranged by Mr. Niles.)
H. E. Charles D. B. King, Ambassador of Liberia (Requests appointment to pay respects to President before returning to Liberia, perhaps permanently.)
Mr. Spenser Love, Head of Burlington Mills, New York City (Arranged by the Secretary of the Treasury [John W. Snyder])
The Secretary of Defense [Louis Johnson] (Weekly appointment)
(Associate Justice Tom Clark) (General John Dunlap) (Justice Clark called Mr. Connelly -- off-the-record-appointment)
(Senator Ernest W. McFarland) (Called Mr. Connelly and requested.)
Mr. Joseph Keenan, American Federation of Labor
(Honorable Edwin Pauley)
(President, Mrs. Truman and Miss Truman attended dinner to be given by Secretary of the Treasury and Mrs. Snyder)
(Staff Meeting)
Congressman Robert Crosser, Congressman from Ohio (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly)
Congressman Brooks Hays, Arkansas (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly a week or so ago and said President saw him one evening and asked him to come up.)
Mr. Geoge N. Craig, Commander of the American Legion Mr. Jerome Duggan, from St. Louis, Mo. (Mr. Duggan saw Mr. Matthew Connelly on January 11th and arranged this.)
Congress Hugh S. Sims, Congressman from South Carolina (Requested by Colonel Maylon)
Mr. Clinton Davidson of New York City (Mr. Davidson is Economist and Financial Advisor and the President wishes to talk with him re domestic economic policies -- arranged by Clark Clifford)
Sir Oliver Franks, the British Ambassador H. R. H. the Duke of Windsor (Requested through the State Department -- wished to pay respects.)
Honorable Charles Sawyer, the Secretary of Commerce (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly)
Sen. J. Allen Frear, Delaware Mrs. Mildred Hickey Mr. Robert S. Kelly, Administrative Assistant to Senator (The Senator requested appointment. Mrs. Hickey wants to thank President for citation he issued in memory of those who died on the USS INDIANAPOLIS, Mrs. Hickey's son was among those aboard ship)
Governor Roy Turner, Oklahoma
Honorable Frank Pace, Director of the Budget (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly)
(Honorable Edwin Pauley)
(The President and Mrs. Truman attended party in dining room of the Executive Offices given in their honor by the White House Luncheon Club)
The President and Mrs. Truman left Blair House for reception being given by Mr. and Mrs. Clark Clifford in honor of the Vice President Alben W. Barkley and Mrs. Barkley at the Anderson House.
(President and Mrs. Truman left Blair House for Constitution Hall where they attended National Symphony Orchestra concert.)
[Public Papers: Exchange of Messages With President Prasad of India]
Staff Meeting
Senator Russell B. Long, Louisiana (Asked Mr. Connelly for this, stating he wished to discuss appointment of District Attorney, Western District of Louisiana)
Dr. Arthur S. Adams, Secretary of University of New Hampshire and also President of Association of Land Grant Colleges and Universities Dr. John A. Hannah, Chairman of Executive Committee of Association and President of Michigan State College (This appointment made by Senator Tobey, who wrote to Mr. Connelly asking if the President could see them)
Congressman Wright Patman, Texas General Ernest O. Thompson, Commissioner of Texas Railroad Commission (Congressman Patman called Mr. Connelly last week to ask for this appointment)
Honorable Helen Gahagan (Called Mr. Connelly last week to ask for this appointment)
Senator Harley M. Kilgore, W. Va. (Called Mr. Connelly last week to ask for this)
Congressman James E. Noland, Indiana (Called last week to ask for this; wished to discuss flood situation in Indiana and ways of remedying flood threats along Wabash River.)
The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson] (Usual Thursday appointment)
The President left Blair House with Mrs. Truman and Miss Truman for the Washington Cathedral where they attended wedding of Miss Drucie Snyder. Following wedding the President and party went on to the Chevy Chase Club where they attended wedding reception.