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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

January 09, 1950

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

Congressman and Mrs. Lloyd M. Bentsen, Jr. (Phoned Mr. Connelly about ten days ago to ask for this)
Hon. John A. Marshall, Commissioner of Patents (Newly appointed; asked if he might call on the President and pay his respects)
Senator Homer Ferguson, Michigan The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson] (Senator Ferguson asked the President if he might come in to discuss Far Eastern affairs; the President told Mr. Connelly to have Mr. Acheson present)
The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson] (Usual Monday appointment)
(CABINET LUNCHEON. All present except the Attorney General and the Secretary of Commerce)
(Mr. William Douglas W. Orr) (Mr. Richard E. Dougherty) (Mr. Winslow) (Mr. Crim) (General Edgerton) (Mr. Orr & Mr. Dougherty just in town for today and wanted opportunity to talk to the President about White House remodeling)
(Lew Barringer)
[Public Papers: Letter to the U.S. Representative on the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women]
(Staff Meeting)
Congressman Michael J. Kirwan, Ohio (Called Mr. Connelly last week to ask for this)
Honorable Paul L. Mather, Liquidator of War Assets (Phoned Mr. Connelly last week to ask for this)
(Jim Finnegan)
Honorable Frank Pace, Director, Bureau of the Budget
H.E. Dr. John Myun Chang, The Korean Ambassador (asked for this thru Mr. Woodward, stating he wished to present an autographed photograph of the Korean President in return for President Truman's photograph recently sent to President Rhee. Dr. Chang stated that he is also under instructions to express to the President his country's great appreciation of American help received since the war)
The President presented the Collier Trophy. (The recipient this year is the Radio Technical Commissioner for Aeronautics, a cooperative Association of all U.S. Government agencies and industry organizations concerned with aeronautical telecommunications. Dr. Dellinger, Chairman, Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics will accept on behalf of this organization. Attached is list of those who will attend: Thomas H. Beck David L Behnoke Captain Arthur S. Born William A. M. Burden Richard Chaplin J. R. Cunningham Thomas W. S. Davis Dr. J. Howard Dellinger James C. Derieux Colonel J. B. Duckworth James C. Derieux Colonel J. B. Duckworth Mrs. Billie J. Fritchey J.R. Gorman, Jr. Mrs. Charlotte Hamilton J. B. Hartranft, Jr. William Hillman Hon. Dan H. Kimball Louis E. Leverone A. B. McMullen Thomas M. Malia Howard K. Morgan Seth Mosely Blanche Noyes J. J. O'Connell, Jr. Admiral D. C. Ramsey Robert Ramspeck Ben Regan D. W. Rentzel L. M. Sherer W. Stuart Symington Cyril C. Thompson John Victory Wayne Weishaar Alfred L. Wolf Mrs. Wm. E. Brown
Honorable James E. Webb, Under Secretary of State Honorable Walton Butterworth, Assistant Secretary of State
The Secretary of Defense [Louis Johnson] Secretary Stuart Symington (Usual Tuesday appointment)
(George Elsey)
(The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson]) (The Secretary of Defense [Louis Johnson]) (General Omar Bradley) (Admiral Sidney Souers) (The Under Secretary of State) (The Deputy Secretary of Defense)
(Staff Meeting)
Hon. Thomas B. McCabe Hon. Earnest G. Draper, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System (When Chairman McCabe saw the President on December 21st, he asked if Draper might call on the President)
Dr. Harold W. Dodds, President of Princeton University (Phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly January 5th to ask for this)
Senator Harry Darby, Kansas (New Senator; called Mr. Matthew Connelly January 5th to ask if he might call and pay his respects to the President)
Cong. Andrew Jacobs, Indiana (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly last week to ask for this, stating he had one or two important matters to take up with the President)
H.E. Senor Don Antonio Goubaud Carrera, the Ambassador of Guatemala (Newly appointed, to present credentials. Attached are copies of letters to be exchanged, together with brief biographical sketch)
(Mr. A. J. Granoff of Kansas City, Mo.) (This is the request of Mr. Edward Jacobson, who asked Mr. Matthew Connelly to arrange, stating Mr. Granoff "is my attorney and dearest friend." Mr. Granoff, in letter to Mr. Matthew Connelly, stated "I am to see the President on a matter concerning Eddie himself, etc." Will come to see Mr. Matthew Connelly and see the President OFF RECORD)
The President received newly elected officers of the Young Democratic Clubs of America -- State Senator Wilson D. Gilmore, President Mrs. Kay Glass, Vice President Mrs. Lolita Blackiston, Secretary Mr. Michael T. Jaffrin, Treasurer Mr. Charles B. Markham, Executive Secretary (This appointment requested by Democratic Natl. Committee)
Senator Herbert H. Lehman, N.Y. (Asked Mr. Matthew Connelly if he might call and pay respects)
(Mr. James McInerny)
Hon. William M. Boyle
The Secretary of the Treasury [John W. Snyder]
(Mr. Charles Murphy and Mr. Clark Clifford)
(Bill Hillman)
(Honorable Robert Patterson)
(Staff Meeting)
Congressman Philip Philbin, Mass.
Congresswoman Mary T. Norton, N. J. (Called Mr. Connelly last week to request appointment)
Congressman Adolph J. Sabath, Ill.
(Honorable Frank Pace, Director, Bureau of the Budget) (The Secretary of the Interior [Oscar L. Chapman]) (Honorable Nelson Lee Smith, Chairman, Federal Power Commission) (Frank Pace arranged, off-the-record)
Congressman Richard Bolling, Missouri (Asked Mr. Connelly to arrange this for him)
Mr. Winthrop Aldrich (The Secretary of the Treasury [John W. Snyder]) (At the request of the Secretary of the Treasury)
Honorable Ingram M. Stainback, Governor of Hawaii (Asked Mr. Connelly for this.)
Honorable Frank Walker
Press and Radio Conference (Mr. Cedric Foster after press)
[Public Papers: The President's News Conference]
Congressman Herman P. Eberharter, Pa.) (Called Mr. Connelly yesterday to ask for this, off-the-record)
(The President left Blair House for the Shoreham Hotel, where he attended reception and buffet supper for Democratic Members of the Congress.)
[Public Papers: Remarks at a Supper for Democratic Senators and Representatives]
Cabinet [Meeting] (All present except Dr. John Steelman)
(Staff meeting)
The President received a Committee from the 1950 Infantile Paralysis Campaign: Donald Anderson Mrs. Edward S. Anderson Linda Iris Brown Mrs. Leonard Brown Nancy Drury Mrs. Frank Drury Mrs. Lewis F. Hatch Mr. Edgar Morris Mr. Bryson Rash Terry Tulles Mrs. Clarence E. Tulles Wanda Wiley Mrs. Trudy Whitman
Honorable Frank Pace, Director, Bureau of the Budget
(Honorable John A. O'Donnell, Philippine War Damage Commission) (Off the record)
Senator Francis J. Myers, Pa. (Asked Mr. Connelly to arrange, stating he wished to discuss with the President the Western Judicial Circuit of Pennsylvania.)
Congressman Albert Thomas, Texas (Asked Mr. Connelly for this before Christmas)
(The Secretary of Defense [Louis Johnson]) (Dr. Albert Sterns)
The Secretary of Defense [Louis Johnson] The Secretary of the Army [Gordon Gray] The Secretary of the Navy [Francis P. Matthews] The Secretary of the Air Force [Stuart Symington] (To discuss Defense Department's real estate problems)
Under Secretary of State Admiral Sidney Souers
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Forsythe Edwin Forsythe Stuart Forsythe, Jr. Dr. Bruce Forsythe
[Public Papers: Special Message to the Congress on Synthetic Rubber]
The Vice President [Alben W. Barkley] Honorable Scott Lucas Speaker Sam Rayburn Hon. J. Percy Priest (Weekly meeting of the Big Four -- Congr. McCormack (is out of the city and Congressman came to take his place)
(Staff Meeting)
(Mr. James Lay) (Mr. Lay was sworn in to succeed Admiral Sidney Souers as Executive Secretary of the National Securtiy Council.)
Honorable Walter Myers, Assistant Postmaster General (Arranged by General Harry Vaughan)
Honorable Myron Taylor (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly -- wants half hour)
(Honorable Oscar Chapman) (Mr. Phil Regan)
(Cabinet Luncheon -- Secretary of the Treasury and Secretary of Commerce out of the city. The Secretary of State and the Postmaster General also absent.)
(Mr. A. L. Fitzpatrick) (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly from West Palm Beach, Florida. Delivered a message to the President from Cardinal Daugherty. Off-the- record)
General J. Lawton Collins
Attended dinner given by the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Banks and Directors from New York and the Minneapolis Banks at the Carlton Hotel.
[Public Papers: Remarks at a Dinner Given by the Chairmen and Directors of Federal Reserve Banks]
(Staff Meeting)
Honorable Brien McMahon Senator William Benton
Mr. Matthew Woll, Second Vice President, American Federation of Labor
Honorable Joseph Darst, Mayor of St. Louis Mr. Peter Maravalle Mr. John M. Dwyer General R.E. Truman (Mayor Darst called Mr. Connelly to arrange for these Members of the 35th Division Reunion association Committee to call on the President.)
The President received the members of the President's Advisory Committee on Management Improvement: Mr. Lawrence. A. Appley Mr. Herbert Emmerich Mr. Richard S. Mason Mr. Thomas A. Morgan Mr. Otto L. Nelson Mr. James. L. Palmer Mr. Marcellus Sheild Mr. Vincent Durke Mr. Oscar Chapman Mr. Gordon Gray Webb, Hon. James E.
The President received members of the National Emergency Civil Rights Mobilization: Mr. Thomas C. Allen Arnold Aronsen Felix Cohen Thurman Townsend Jules Cohen Thurmond L. Dodson Benjamin Epstein Mr. Dorothy Farebee Elmer Henderson Adolph Held R.A. Hester Irving Kane Mrs. I. Lee Levy Charles M. LaFollette Rabbi Irving Miller John O'Connor Hobson R. Reynolds Rev.Sandy Ray A. Philip Randolph Roy Reuther Michael Straight David Solomon Mis Alma Vessels Mrs. Robert L. Vann Roy Wilkins Boyd L. Wilson [Public Papers: Remarks to a Delegation From the National Emergency Civil Rights Mobilization Conference]
Honorable Owen Brewster, Senator From Maine (Called Mr. Connelly)
The Secretary of Defense [Louis Johnson] The Secretary of the Navy [Francis P. Matthews] (Usual weekly appointment)
(The President made an inspection tour for airport sites-- there are 3 proposed sites; one is Chantilly, a site Northwest of Washington; one in Fairfax County, Va.; and one in Annandale, Va.)
(The Attorney General [J. Howard McGrath]) The Very Reverend Robert J. Slavin, Order of Preachers, President, Providence College, Providence, Rhode Island (Mr. Thomas A. Monahan, Providence College)
(The Secretary of Labor [Maurice J. Tobin])
(Left Blair House with Mrs. Truman to attend Annual Reception in their honor given by the American Newspaper Women's Clubs at the Pan American Building.)
(Mr. Hardy Bulova)
(Staff Meeting)
Mr. James Penergast (Off the record)
Mr. Peter F. Mack, Congressman from Illinois (Called Mr. Connelly)
Mrs. Peter Marshall and young son, Peter (The President accepted from the son a leather-bound edition of the late Dr. Marshall's sermons.)
Honorable John Nangle, Natl. Democratic Committeeman from Missouri and two sons, Richard and John, Jr.
H.E. Henri Bonnet, French Ambassador Mr. Jacques Lacour-Gayet, Member of the French Insitute Mr. Louis Rollin, Deputy and former Minister of Commerce Mr. Georges Maus, Member French Economic Council (The French Ambassador requested appointment through State Department for this group of Economic Mission of French businessmen to pay respects.)
H. E. Baron Silvercruys, Belgian Ambassador Mr. Paul Henri Spaak, President of the Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe (Arranged through Mr. Woodward. Mr. Spaak will be named Chairman of the Organization for European Economic Cooperation.)
Honorable Laurie C. Battle, Congressman from Alabama
Honorable Mike Mansfield, Congressman from Montana
Mr. T. C. Carroll, President, Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees (Would be in city January 17th to 21st.)
The Secretary of Labor [Maurice J. Tobin] Father Wm. J. Kenealy