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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

December 21, 1949

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

Honorable David E. Lilenthal, Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission (Called Mr. Connelly yesterday to ask for this; said that if the President had no objections he would come in on the record)
Honorable William M. Boyle (Usual Wednesday appointment)
Honorable Ray Foley
The President attended the dedication of World War II Memorial in Arlington National Cemetary. [Public Papers: Address at the Unveiling of a Memorial Carillon in Arlington National Cemetery]
The Chief Justice [Fred Vinson] Associate Justice Minton Associate Justice Clark
Honorable Leon Keyserling Honorable John D. Clark
Honorable Stuart Symington
(Made record in the Cabinet Room for the Broadcast on "Voice of America.")
Cabinet [Meeting] (All present except the Vice President)
(The following Cabinet Members wish to have a few minutes alone with the President after Cabinet: The Postmaster General [Jesse M. Donaldson] The Secretary of the Interior [Oscar L. Chapman] The Secretary of Agriculture [Charles F. Brannan].)
(The Secretary of Defense [Louis Johnson]) (The Secretary of Labor [Maurice J. Tobin])
(Speech Conference)
Professor Eugene Kormendi, of Notre Dame Mr. Fred W. Ramsey, Exec. Vice President of the Church World Service Rev. Thomas Dade, Diocesan Director for National Catholic Welfare Conference in Archdiocese of Washington Mr. Edwin Rosenberg, President of United Service for New Americans Mr. Bernard Zamichow of United Service, etc. (These representatives of three DP agencies will present to the President, a plaque made by Professor Kormendi of the President.)
Hon. George V. Allen, Ambassador Designate to Yugoslavia (Departing for post on December 27th and would like to call on the President prior to departure)
(The Deputy Secretary of Defense) (Mr. Thomas D. Cabot)
(Lunch - The Secretary of Defense [Louis Johnson], the Deputy Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of the Army [Gordon Gray], the Secretary of the Navy [Francis P. Matthews] and Honorable John R. Steelman. Secretary Stuart Symington invited but unable attend as he is leaving for Alaska.)
Honorable Frank Pace
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
(Horace Deal) (Maurice Chaite) (Mr. John Chaite)
The President received the Members of the White House Staff at Annual Christmas Reception.)
[Public Papers: Exchange of Messages With Pope Pius XII]
EST The President left by plane for Independence, Mo. for Christmas. The following accompanied him: Miss Margaret Truman Miss Rose Conway Mr. Matthew Connelly Mr. Charles Ross General and Mrs. Harry Vaughan Miss Janet Vaughan Mr. David Vaughan General and Mrs. Graham Mr. Wallace Graham, Jr. Lt. Colonel Robert Rates
CST Arrived Fairfax Airport, Independence, Mo.
[Public Papers: Address in Connection With Lighting of the National Community Christmas Tree on the White House Grounds]
The President participated in the dedication of Andrew Jackson Statue in the Court House Grounds in Independence, Mo. Miss Margaret Truman unveiled the statue.
(The President attended an off-the-record Masonic Ceremony in Grandview, Mo.)
At the Muehlebach Hotel, Kansas City, Mo.
Honorable J.E. Taylor, Attorney General of Missouri
[Public Papers: Statement by the President on the Occasion of the Independence of Indonesia]
The President arrived in Washington, D.C.
(The Attorney General [J. Howard McGrath])
Congressman Brent Spence, Kentucky (Asked Mr. Matthew Connelly to arrange this before the President went to Missouri)
Honorable Gordon Clapp, Chairman, United Nations Economic Survey Mission to the Middle East (In Washington for consultation with the State Department, and asked for this through Mr. Stanley Woodward)
Honorable Warren R. Austin, U.S. Representative, UN (Mr. Humelsine called Mr. Matthew Connelly to say that Mr. Austin was in Washington conferring with Secretaries Dean Acheson and Webb, and it was felt might be a good thing for him to call on the President.)
(Admiral Sidney Souers asked that we keep this open for a meeting of the Security Council in the Cabinet Room)
The Secretary of Navy [Francis P. Matthews] Admiral Forrest Sherman
[Public Papers: Joint Statement Following Discussions With the Shah of Iran]
[Public Papers: Statement by the President on the United Nations Economic Survey Mission to the Middle East]
Cabinet [Meeting]
(Honorable William Boyle)
Honorable Frederick J. Lewton
(Admiral James Foskett)
(Staff Meeting)
(Toured White House seeing repairs, etc, with architects and engineers)
(Dined at the home of Mrs. Dwight Davis)
New Year's Day
Left the Blair House and walked to First Baptist Church for Services.
Returned to Blair House.
Worked at the office most of the day on his address to the Congress on the State of the Union, to be delivered January 7th.
[Public Papers: Letter to the Chairman of the President's Water Resources Policy Commission]
(The President left Blair House for the National Presbyterian Church, where he attended prayer services.)
The Vice President [Alben W. Barkley] Senator Scott Lucas, Ill. The Speaker of the House [Sam Rayburn] Congressman John. W. McCormack, Mass.
(Staff Meeting)
Honorable Charles Luckman Honorable William M. Boyle (Mr. Luckman is Chairman of Jackson Day Dinner; Mr. Boyle arranged this so that they might discuss dinner arrangements with the President.)
The Secretary of Defense [Louis Johnson] (Usual Tuesday appointment)
Senator Burnet R. Maybank, S.C. Senator John J. Sparkman, Ala. Congressman Brent Spence, Ky.
(Staff Meeting)
(Honorable Edward J. Flynn)
(Honorable Frank Pace)
(The President left for the Capitol. This year the Cabinet did not accompany him but met him in the Speaker's [Sam Rayburn] Office.)
The President delivered his State of the Union Message before a Joint Session of the Congress. [Public Papers: Annual Message to the Congress on the State of the Union]
(Mrs. Louis Truman and her mother, Mrs. Mary B. Stevenson)
The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson]
(Staff Meeting)
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
(Lt. Colonel Francis Williams) of President's plane, INDEPENDENCE (Mrs. Williams and daughter, Diana Major Smith, Co-Pilot of INDEPENDENCE Captain Christenson, Navigator, INDEPENDENCE Master Sergeant Willard, representing enlisted members of crew Sergeant Hilliard, secretary to Colonel Williams (The President signed and presented the Colonel's commission for Lt. Colonel Williams.)
(Mr. Martin Coffey)
Senator Brien McMahon, Conn. (Phoned Mr. Connelly last evening to ask for this.
(Honorable Mon Wallgren)
H. E. Sir Zafrulla Khan, Minister for External Affairs and Commonwealth Relations of Pakistan Honorable M. O. A. Baig, Charge d'Affairs (Honorable Stanley Woodward) (The Foreign Minister requested this through Mr. Woodward; is in Washington from January 3rd to January 7th)
The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson] (Usual Thursday appointment)
(The Secretary of Defense [Louis Johnson]) (General Omar Bradley) (The Deputy Secretary of Defense)
Honorable William M. Boyle
(Mr. Martin Coffey) (General Frank Lowe) (Mr. Paul Wollman) (General Harry H. Vaughan)
(Mr. David Noyes)
(The President "dropped in" on the Samuel Gompers Dinner at the Statler Hotel.)
[Public Papers: Remarks at the American Federation of Labor's Samuel Gompers Centennial Dinner]
[Public Papers: Annual Message to the Congress: The President's Economic Report]
[Public Papers: Exchange of Messages With Michael, Orthodox Archbishop of North and South America]
(The President walked to Union Station and met Mrs. Truman at 7:41 a.m.)
Cabinet [Meeting] (All present except the Secretary of Commerce who was represented by Mr. Whitney)
(Staff Meeting)
Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt Mr. Chauncey McCormack, President, Chicago Art Institure Mrs. David Levy Miss Katharine F. Lenroot, Chief of Children's Bureau (Mrs. Roosevelt wrote to the President in December 28th, asking if this group might call on him in order to discuss White House Children's Conference, which she says is not having clear sailing. She states that Mr. McCormack has agreed to serve as chairman of Finance Committee.) [Public Papers: Statement by the President on the Midcentury White House Conference on Children and Youth]
Dr. F.A. Middlebush, President, University of Missouri Mr. Allen McReynolds, President Board of Curators Mr. Guy Thompson of St. Louis. Mr. Roscoe Anderson, of St. Louis Mr. Stratton Shartel, of Kansas City (This arranged by Mr. Charles Ross)
Senator Allen J. Frear, Jr., Delaware (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly yesterday to say he needed to see the President on an urgent matter pertaining to Delaware.)
Mr. Joseph Keenan, A. F. of L. Mr. Joseph Kehoe, of Streetcar Men's Union Mr. Daniel McNamara, of Streetcar Men's Union (Mr. Keenan asked Mr. Matthew Connelly to arrange this.)
(The President left for the Capitol with Mr. Clark Clifford and Mr. Charles Ross, where he attended a luncheon at 1:00 p.m., in the Speaker's Dining Room. This is the Speaker's [Sam Rayburn] Birthday.)
The Secretary of the Treasury [John W. Snyder]
Honorable Frank Pace, Director, Bureau of the Budget (Briefing on Seminar -- one hour)
Budget Seminar in the Projection Room. [Public Papers: The President's News Conference on the Budget]
[Public Papers: Annual Budget Message to the Congress: Fiscal Year 1951]
The Vice President [Alben W. Barkley] The Speaker [Sam Rayburn] Senator Scott Lucas, Ill. Congressman John W. McCormack, Mass.