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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

November 09, 1949

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

Honorable Leon Keyserling, Council of Economic Advisers Dr. John D. Clark, Council of Economic Advisers (Mr. Keyserling asked for this, stating they wished to submit monthly report.)
Mr. William Stone of Kansas City, Missouri
Honorable Lincoln MacVeagh, American Ambassador to Portugal (Asked for this through Mr. Woodward, stating he was here for consultation in the State Department, and would like to see the President before returning to his post)
Honorable Paul Hoffman
Mr. Lowell Thomas, Jr. (Son of news commentator, Lowell Thomas, Sr., wrote Mr. Charles Ross, suggesting that perhaps the President would be interested in hearing something of the Tibetan journey he and his son made; but as Lowell, Sr., in hospital for several weeks thought his son could give the President a good idea of what they did)
Mr. Carter Barron Mr. Dore Schary
(Mr. Lowell Thomas, Jr.)
Honorable William M. Boyle
(Honorabole David Lilienthal)
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
Reverend E. J. Carney and Mrs. Charles Attwood
The President received the Selection Committee for the White House Library and Officers and Directors of the American Booksellers Association. (This committee presented token number of books which make up the quadrennial gift. The following were present: John Barnes Gordon W. Bryant Robert B. Campbell Mrs. Lucie Eberly Benedict Freud Gilbert E. Goodkind Rose Oller Harbaugh George A. Hecht Charles Jackson Allan McMahan Joseph A. Margolies David C. Mears Frederic G. Melcher Lewis B. Traver Ellsworth R. Young
The President signed the Proclamation entitled, "Thanksgiving Day, 1949" Miss Louise Marie Gavoni, 17 -year-old senior from Plymouth, Mass. High School Mr. Seth Arvid Kallio, 17-year-old President of Students' Activities Society, Plymouth High School Mr. James T. Frazier, Chairman of Board of Selectmen Mr. Melvin Coombs, Manager of Plymouth Colony Associates Mrs. Dorothy Marie Gavoni (mother of girl) (Arranged at request of Congressman John W. McCormack. The Young girl and boy will be dressed in Pilgrim costume and will have copy of original Thanksgiving Proclamation issued by the colonial Governor Bradford in 1621)
Honorable William H. Hastie, Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals, Third Circuit (Phoned Mr. Connelly last week to ask for this)
Honorable Eric Johnston (Phoned Mr. Connelly last week to ask for this.)
The President received the Members of the National Executive Board of the American Gold Star Mothers, Inc.: Mrs. Marion Altamus Mrs. Ruth Barnes Mrs. Georgia Bartlett Mrs. Marion Blair Mrs. Edna Boardman Mrs. Eleanor D. Boyd Mrs. Mable Bradley Mrs. Iva Bridger Mrs. George Brown Mrs. Jewel Brown Mrs. Marion Brunner Mrs. Virginia Burns Mrs. Anna M. Clapper Mrs. Grace Connelly Mrs. Laura Cosper Mrs. Frances Davis Mrs. Bulda Dawson Mrs. Katherine Devakos Mrs. Pauline Dickens Mrs. Lillian Donnigan Mrs. Vera Faise Mrs. Gertrude Flynn Mrs. Jeanette Gery Mrs. Mary Goodwin Mrs. Katherine Gormley Mrs. Amy Granthan Mrs. Georgia Green Mrs. Agnes Greener Mrs. Fannie Greenberg Mrs.Mrs. Henrietta Guilloz Mrs. Elizabeth Hanratty Mrs. A. J. Happ Mrs. Marguaritte Henry Mrs. Mary Hildebrand Mrs. Carolyn Hodgkin Mrs. Josephine Holmes Mrs. Jennie June Jackson Mrs. Lucille Jacobs Mrs. Mary Jones Mrs. Mildred Jones Mrs. Molly Kadner Mrs. T. Karcy Mrs. Mary Kellogg Mrs. Katherine M. Kelly Mrs. Mary Killeen Mrs. Helen M. Kolb Mrs. Eleanore Kulieke Mrs. Mary Lamanna Mrs. F. M. Laetherman Mrs. Jean Lentz Mrs. Mary E. Londergan Mrs. Gertrude H. McBroom Mrs. Sue McGann Mrs. Rose Maloney Mrs. Matthews Mrs. Anna Marous Mrs. Fannie Meeks Mrs. M. J. Menig Mrs. Minnie Miles Mrs. Martha A. Murphy Mrs. Beatrice Narber Mrs. Frances Nelson Mrs. Elsie Nielson Mrs. Stella Nixon Mrs. Glenna Penrod Mrs. Nellie Peters Mrs. Clare Pierce Mrs. Helen K. Reese Mrs. Anna Rivior Mrs. Agnes Seifert Mrs. Ruth Sharplay Mrs. Rulon Sheers Mrs. Ruth Singer Mrs. Fannie smith Mrs. Smithers Mrs. Marguerite Stanton Mrs. Mary Supina Mrs. Mildred Ten Eyck Mrs. Ethel Vinal Mrs. Rose Warlick Mrs. Johanna Weimer Mrs. Whalen Mrs. Rose Wilson Mrs. Etta Mary Wood Mrs. Hazel Yanda
Honorable Eugenie Anderson, American Ambassador to Denmark (Requested this through Mr. Woodward. Is leaving shortly for her post.)
Honorable James E. Webb, Acting Secretary of State (Usual Thursday appointment)
The Secretary of the Treasury [John W. Snyder]
Armistice Day
[Public Papers: Letter Accepting Resignation of Julius A. Krug as Secretary of the Interior]
The President left the White House for Arlington National Cemetery, where he place wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
The President left the White House for Mayflower Hotel where he attended luncheon of National Council of Christians and Jews
[Public Papers: Address at a Luncheon of the National Conference of Christians and Jews]
(Honorable Jonathan Daniels)
(Honorable James E. Webb, Under Secretary of State)
Congressman Pat Sutton, Tennessee (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly last week to ask for this stating he wished to discuss housing in Nashville)
Honorable David Lawrence, Mayor of Pittsburgh Colonel Paul Betters, of U.S. Conference of Mayors (Mayor Lawrence phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly last week from Pittsburgh, stating they wished to discuss with the President the award to General George Marshall for out- standing public services, which U.S. Conference of Mayors wishes to present to the General.)
Honorable John Gibson, Assistant Secretary of Labor (Asked Mr. Matthew Connelly to arrange this.)
Honorable Thomas Davis, Assistant Secretary of Commerce (Asked Mr. Matthew Connelly if he might come in and thank the President for his appointment)
H.E. Hon. Henri Bonnet, the Ambassador of France Hon. Marcel Plaisant, Chairman of the French Foreign Relations Committee of the French Senate (The French Ambassador asked, through Mr. Woodward, if the President would receive Mr. Plaisant, Mr. Woodward says that Mr. Plaisant's position is comparable to that of Senator Tom Connally in the U.S. Senate)
Dr. Howard A. Rusk (Of N.Y. Times - wrote Mr. Matthew Connelly that he had returned from European trip for UN, visiting Austria, Czecheslovakia and Poland, and has great deal of interesting and, he believes, valuable information.)
The President received the Members of Board of Directors of the League of Women Voters of the United States: Mrs. Maxwell Barus~Mrs. Ellen Russell Mrs. Eugene Burgess~Mrs. Arthur L. Ranschoff Mrs. H. E. Cummings~Miss Anna Lord Strauss Miss Muriel Ferris~Mrs. Harlod A. Stone Mrs. Charles E. Heming~Mrs. James G. Scarborough Mrs. Leonard Haas~Mrs. Waldo E. Stephens Mrs. Errol Horner~Mrs. Donald B. Stough Mrs. B. Hurley~Miss I. Sweeney Mrs. Anne Hartwell Johnstone~Miss Barbara White Mrs. John G. Lee Mrs. Moses H. Luire Mrs. Allan C. G. Mitchell Mrs. Nelson Morris Mrs. Bradford L. Patton Mrs. Theresa Putnam Miss Margaret Plumb Miss Ann Pasternack
(Mr. Roger DeWitt) (Old friend of the President, just returned from Europe)
Honorable James E. Webb, Acting Secretary of State (Usual Monday appointment)
(Cabinet Luncheon - All present except Treasury, Commerce and Labor)
The Secretary of Agriculture [Charles F. Brannan] Hon. Oscar Ewing, Administrator, F. S. A. (Secretary Charles F. Brannan phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly and asked for this.)
(Honorable James Finnegan)
(Honorable Mon Wallgren)
Honorable Frank Pace, Director, Bureau of the Budget (One half hour)
H. E. Ismael Gonzalez-Arevalo, Foreign Minister of Guatemala Senor Dr. Don Francisco Linares Arande, Charge d'Affaires, Guatemalan Embassy (The Foreign Minister requested this through his Embassy and Mr. Woodward, in order to thank the President personally for American Assistance to the recent flood disaster in Guatemala)
Judge Burnita Shelton Mattthews
(Speech Conference)
(Judge Coney) (Mr. William Taylor)
(Mr. Frank Blackwell, President, Young Democrats of California)
The Secretary of Defense [Louis Johnson] The Under Secretary of Defense (Usual Tuesday appointment)
(Lunch) Downstairs in the Executive Offices
(The President with Under Secretary Webb, motored to airport, where they met Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson] upon his arrival from European Conferences)
Dr. James Eliab Perkins, Managing Director, National Tuberculosis Association Mrs. Ellen Lovell, Director, Public Relations, National Tuberculosis Association (Presented to the President the first Christmas Seals, opening the Annual Drive of the Association.)
(Mr. William Hillman)
The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson]
[Public Papers: Address at the Annual Meeting of the National Council of Negro Women, Inc.]
(Mr. Jack Krell) (Arranged by Mr. Connelly. Will come to see Mr. Connelly and see the President. off-the-record)
Honorable Frank Pace, Director, Bureau of the Budget (Fifteen minutes)
Honorable Thomas B. McCabe, Chairman, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System (Called Mr. Connelly last week to ask for this)
Dr. Charles Brandon, of Poplar Bluff, Mo. (Judge Ferguson of NLRB called Mr. Connelly November 10th, to say that Dr. Brandon had asked him to make this appointment for him. Dr. Brandon old friend of the President)
(Mr. Milton Kronheim)
Mr. John E. Bierwirth, President, New York Trust Co. New York.
The Secretary of Defense [Louis Johnson] Honorable James E. Webb, Under Secretary of State Mr. Dallas Dort, Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs Miss Katharine F. Lenroot, Chief, Children's Bureau Mrs. Mary Lord, Chairman of United States Committee for United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (Mrs. Lord asked for this opportunity to present to the President a report to the Nation on the work of the Children's Fund, prepared by United States Committee. Wish to have pictures taken.)
[Public Papers: Remarks Upon Accepting Report of the U.S. Committee for the U.N. International Children's Emergency Fund]
The Reverend Bryan Green, Rector of Burmingham, England The Rt. Reverend Angus Dun, Bishop of Washington The Very Reverend John W. Suter, Dean of the Washington Cathedral (Mrs. Truman suggested to Mr. Connelly that appointment be arranged for Dr. Green, who is in this country con- ducting a mission. Mr. Woodward arranged and the Bishop and Dean asked if they might accompany him)
The President received a turkey from the members of the Poultry and Egg National Board: Mr. Phil Almapi, American Broadcasting Company, New York, N.Y. Honorable Charles F. Brannan, The Secretary of Agriculture Miss Eleanor Bateman, New England Poultry and Egg Instutite Mr. Andrew Christie, President, International Baby Chick Assn. Mr. Hugh Gordon, President of Poultry Egg National Board Mr. Arthur F. Hinds, Secy, Massachusetts Turkey Growers Assn. Mr. Lionel M. Mercier, President, Mass. Turkey Growers Assn. Mr. M. C. Small, Secretary, Natl. Turkey Federation Mr. Dewey Termohlon, Director, Poultry Branch, USDA, Washington, D.C. Mr. Leon Todd, Manager, Northeastern Poultry Producers Council Mr. Clyde Edmonds Mr. N. R. Clark
Honorable Myron Melvin Cowen, American Ambassador to the Republic of the Philippines (Asked for this through Mr. Woodward; Ambassador Cowen is in Washington primarily of account of the illness of his mother; expects to return to his post at Manila about November 17th, and asked for appointment to discuss with the President recent developments in the Philippines, especially the election.)
Honorable William Green, Presidnt, A. F. of L. Mr. Frank Coleman, of Government Employees' Council, A. F. of L. Mr. Thomas Walters, of Government Employees' Council, A. F. of L. (Mr. Green called Mr. Connelly yesterday to ask if he and these gentlemen might call to tell the President about resolution passed at recent convention of A. F. of L. in St. Paul, pertaining to celebrating Flag Day, June 14, 1950)
Honorable Charles U. Bay, American Ambassador to Norway (Mr. Woodward asked for this late yesterday.)
Professor Dr. Hans Finsterer
Honorable William M. Boyle (Usual Wednesday appointment)
(The President left for the airport accompanied by the Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson] and the Secretary of Agriculture [Charles F. Brannan] to meet the Shah of Iran)
[Public Papers: Remarks of Welcome to the Shah of Iran at the Washington National Airport]
(The President and Mrs. Truman left Blair House for the Carlton Hotel, where they gave dinner in honor of Shah of Iran)
[Public Papers: Toast of the President at the Dinner in Honor of the Shah of Iran]
The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson]; The Under Secretary of State Honorable Philip Jessup Honorable J. Leighton Stuart, American Ambassador to China Dr. Everett Case, Special Advisor on China to State Dept. Mr. Raymond Fosdick, Special Advisor on China to State Dept. Hon. Walton Butterworth, Assistant Secretary of State (Mr. Webb talked to Mr. Connelly about ten days ago and arranged this. One half hour)
Honorable Frederick Lawton, Director, Bureau of the Budget (One-half hour)
Congressman Robert Crosser, Ohio (Called Mr. Connelly on Monday, from Ohio, to ask for this.)
(Mr. Jim Doarn, of Kansas City)
Mr. William Malone (Called Mr. Connelly and asked for this)
Mr. Everett F. Zurn, Executive Vice President, J. A. Zurn Mfg. Co., Erie, Pa. Mr. Melvin A. Zurn Judge Owen M. Burns Mr. William L. Costello (This appoinment arranged by Mr. Dawson)
The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson] (Usual Thursday appoinment)
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
(Honorable Oscar Chapman, Under Secretary of Interior) (Off record)
(The Under Secretary Webb, Charles Murphy and David Stowe)
Honorable Francis Biddle, former Attorney General (Mr. Connelly invited him to come and see the President at direction of the President)
Honorable James Mead, Federal Trade Commissioner (Asked to come in and thank the President for his appointment)
Honorable James Bruce (Asked Mr. Connelly to arrange)
(Honorable David Lilienthal) (Asked Mr. Connelly to arrange)
H. I. M. The Shahinshah of Iran The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson]; Lt. General Yazdan Panah H. E. Hussein Ala, the Ambassador of Iran (Asked for this, thru Mr. Woodward of State)
Hon. Constantine Tsaldaris, First Greek Deputy Premier and Foreign Minister Hon. Sophocles Venizelos, Greek Deputy Premier H. E. Vassili G. Dendramis, the Ambassador of Greece (The Greek Ambassador requested this, through Mr. Woodward.)
[Public Papers: White House Statement Following Visit to the President by the Deputy Premiers of Greece]
(Mrs. Hal J. Miller) (Mrs. Arthur Clarendon Smith) (Presented to the President several copies of the Pictorial Directory of Congress. This edition carries White House tribute to the 81st Congress on back cover and also the picture of the President with the Vice President and the Speaker on the front cover.)
Mr. George Harrison, President, Union of Railway Clerks (Called Mr. Connelly on Wednesday to ask for this)
(Mr. Lorenzo Winslow, Architect)
Judge Jed Johnson
The President and Mrs. Truman left Blair House for the Shoreham Hotel, where they will attend Dinner and Reception given by the Shah of Iran.)
[Public Papers: Toast of the President at a Dinner Given in His Honor by the Shah of Iran]