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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

September 01, 1945

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

Hon. John B. Blandford, Jr., Administrator, National Housing Agency Hon. Philip M. Klutznick, Commissioner, Federal Public Housing Authority Hon. Raymond Foley, Commissioner, Federal Housing Administration Hon. John H. Fahey (Re the President's Message to the Congress)
Col. and Mrs. Lewis Truman
Hon. Edward C. Moran, the Assistant Secretary of Labor
(Lunch) (Downstairs in Executive Office)
The Secretary of State [James F. Byrnes]
[Public Papers: Radio Address to the American People After the Signing of the Terms of Unconditional Surrender by Japan]
[ Streaming audio: Real Audio]
View United Newsreel Japanese Sign Final Surrender.
Worked on message to the Congress
[Public Papers: Radio Address to the Members of the Armed Forces]
View United Newsreel Japanese Sign Final Surrender.
Labor Day.
Went aboard USS POTOMAC for cruise with Mrs. Truman
The Secretary of State [James F. Byrnes]
Mr. Frank S. Land, Secretary General, The Grand Council of the Order of De Molay, Kansas City, Mo. Dr. Claud F. Young, Member of Executive Committee
Mr. Roy Roberts, Kansas City Star (Arrived Washington yesterday, Monday)
Mr. Herbert Rivers, Secretary of Building Trades De- partment of A. F. of L. Mr. Joseph Keenan, Vice Chairman WPB
Hon. Wallace K. Harrison, Director of Office of Inter-American Affairs (To pay respects and submit resignation)
The Secretary of the Interior [Harold L. Ickes]
(Lunch) (Cabinet at White House)
Mr. Ted Marks
Hon. Harold D. Smith
Sen. Alben W. Barkley
On this date the Army's Western Defense Command issues a proclamation revoking all exclusion orders and military restrictions against persons of Japanese descent. See student research file The War Relocation Authority & the Incarceration of Japanese-Americans During World War II: documents, photographs and more.
[Public Papers: Letter to the Speaker of the House of Representatives Transmitting Proposed Reductions in Appropriations for Civilian War Agencies]
(Mrs. Enit Kaufman - artist)
The Alabama Delegation Sen. Lister Hill Congressman Frank W. Boykin Congressman George W. Andrews Congressman Albert Rains Congressman Carter Manascu [Manasco] Congressman John J. Sparkman
Sen. Kenneth McKellar Speaker Rayburn Sen. Alben W. Barkley (The Big Four - McCormack in Mass.)
Mr. Frank S. Land, Secretary General, The Grand Council of the Order of De Molay, Kansas City, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. William Woodfield
Hon. Hermann Baruch, American Ambassador to Portugal (Leaving in a day or so for his post)
Hon. Robert H. Jackson, Associate Justice, Supreme Court
The Secretary of War [Henry L. Stimson]
Hon. Harry L. Hopkins (Wants this appointment alone, and does not know of the Medal award at 12.30)
The President will present the D. S. M. to Hon. Harry Hopkins Mr. Howard Bruce (Mr. Howard Bruce, banker, industrialist and financier entered War Dept., July 11, 1942, and for three years was one of front line "generals" on the procurement- production-distribution front. Served with Army Services as Chief, Conservation Branch, etc.) [Public Papers: Citation Accompanying the Distinguished Service Medal Presented to Harry L. Hopkins]
[Public Papers: Citation Accompanying the Distinguished Service Medal Presented to Howard Bruce]
Mr. Nicholas Schenck Hon. Basil O'Connor (To be photographed with the President. Schenck handing to O'Connor check representing proceeds of motion picture drive in fight against infantile paralysis for year 1945. Schenck is chairman of motion picture com- mittee that handles the collection.)
Meeting of the Roosevelt Memorial Committee, East Room of White House, at which President Truman presided. Following are members of the Committee: Mr. Basil O'Connor, temporary chairman; Mr. Fred- erick B. Adams, Hon. George E. Allen, Gen. of the Army Henry H. Arnold, USA, Hon. Bernard M. Baruch, Mrs. Mary McLeod Bethune, Lt. Comdr. Barry Bingham, USNR, Dr. Isaiah Bowman, Prof. Nelson C. Brown, Dr. Solon J. Buck, Mr. John S. Burke, Mr. Cason J. Cal- laway, Miss Charlotte Carr, Dr. James B. Conant, Hon. Josephus Daniels, Hon. Helen Gahagan Douglas Hon. Stephen Early, Hon. Mark Ethridge, Mr. Marshall Field, Hon. Edward J. Flynn, Hon. Felix J. Frank- furter, Mr. John Golden, Hon. William Green, Hon. George M. Harrison, Hon. Will H. Hays, Hon. Sidney Hillman, Major Henry S. Hooker, Hon. Harry L. Hopkins, Hon. James Lawrence Houghteling, Fleet Admiral Ernest J. King, USN, Fleet Admiral William D. Leahy, USN, Hon. David E. Lilienthal, Hon. Archibald Mac- Leish, Gen. of the Army George C. Marshall, USA, Mr. Langdon P. Marvin, Hon. Leighton McCarthy, Vice Admiral Ross T. McIntire, USN, Mrs. Anne O'Hare Mc- Cormick, Hon. Henry Morgenthar, Jr., Comdr. Samuel E. Morison, USNR, Mr. Gerald Morgan, Hon. Phillip Murray, Dr. Frederick Newall, Hon. Mary T. Norton, Rt. Re. G. Ashton Oldham, Dr. Frederick D. Patter- son, Hon. James G. Patton, Hon. Frances Perkins, Hon. Gifford Pinchot, Mrs. Anna M. Rosenberg, Judge Samuel I. Rosenman, Mr. Robert E. Sherwood, Most Rev. Francis J. Spellman, Dean C. Mildred Thompson, Gen. Alexander A. Vandegrift, MSMC, Hon. Frank C. Walker, Hon. Henry A. Wallace, Hon. Thomas J. Wtson, Hon. John G. Winant, Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, Mr. Robert W. Woodruff, and also: Hon. Myron C. Taylor, Mr. Earl R. Keene, Mr. Fred Maguire.
[Public Papers: The President's News Conference ]
[Public Papers: Special Message to the Congress Presenting a 21-Point Program for the Reconversion Period]
Hon. John G. Townsend (Former Senator (Rep.) from Delaware)
Hon. Herbert H. Lehman
Mr. J. David Stern (Just returned from Europe - wishes to report to the President on trip.)
Hon. Will H. Hays (Came East for meeting of Roosevelt Memorial Com- mittee and is anxious to have talk with the President alone.)
Mr. William B. Massey, Sovereign Grand Inspector General in Missouri, the Supreme Council Scottish Rite (In East on business trip)
Hon. Lawrence Wood Robert (Re showing of the Jacobs portrait of the President and possible trip of the President to Georgia)
The Secretary of Labor [Lewis B. Schwellenbach]
Mr. W. M. Floyd, National Commander, Regular Veterans Association Dr. Frank Gigliotti, National Adjutant (To pay respects - felt they had been ignored as heads of all other recognized veterans organizations had been in. This first time these people asked to come.)
Hon. Frank Walker
Hon. Josephus Daniels
Mrs. Albert Lasker
(Mr. Harry Easley)
[Public Papers: The President's News Conference]
Sen. Sheridan Downey (Calif.) Dr. Francis E. Townsend (At request of Senator Downey - Townsend is author of famous Townsend Plan)
Sen. Joseph F. Guffey, Pa.
Mr. Harold Callendar (Chief of Paris Bureau, N. Y. Times. Leaving soon for Paris, to be gone for a year)
The Secretary of War [Henry L. Stimson] The Secretary of the Navy [James Forrestal] The Acting Secretary of State, Hon. Dean Acheson Gen. George C. Marshall Adm. Ernest J. King Lt. Gen. Alexander A. Vandegrift Gen. Ira Eaker (in absence of Gen. Arnold) Adm. William D. Leahy Col. Bernard Thielen Hon. John J. McCloy Col. William H. Kyle Col. H. A. Gerhardt (To present to the President the Japanese surrender papers. Courier arrived last night from Tokyo with papers) Pictures
Dr. T. V. Soong, the Premier of China Hon. Dean Acheson, the Acting Secretary of State (Mr. Acheson asked for this appointment)
Mr. Don Geaslin Mr. James Beatty
Mr. Ned H. Dearborn, President, National Safety Council
(Mr. Ted Marks) (Mr. Perry Faulkner)
Hon. W. Bostrom, the Minister of Sweden (Is retiring after twenty years service here - has been good friend of America, according to State Dept. and very popular. Picture attached to be signed for him as in all cases departing Diplomats)
H. E. M. Andre Liautaud, the Haitian Ambassador (He is retiring, leaving Washington this Sunday - to pay respects)
Hon. William Green, President, A. F. of L. (Leaving Washington in day or two)
Mr. David L. Lawrence, State Chairman and National Committeeman for Pennsylvania (Made at suggestion of Mr. Robert Hannegan, to whom Mr. Lawrence had expressed desire to call upon the President.)
Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Sinclair Mrs. James Corrigan
Cabinet [Meeting]
(Mr. Paul Dillon)
(Miss Grace Dupre, artist. Just returned from Mo. where she has been working on Mrs. Truman's portrait)
[Public Papers: Letter to the Surgeon General Concerning Termination of the Nurses Training Program]
Mr. Fred Murphy
Hon. Francis Biddle (Re Germany - was in Washington and wanted to come in while here)
Hon. Robert Jackson, Associate Justice, U. S. Supreme Court
Hon. Dennis Delaney, Collector Internal Revenue, Boston
Mr. Sachse, Public Service Commissioner of California
Mr. M. R. Evans
(Mrs. Enit Kaufman - artist)
Congressman Andrew J. May
Congressman Alfred L. Bulwinkle, N. C. (To discuss legislation pertaining to transporta- tion and aviation
Sen. Owen Brewster, Maine Sen. Warren G. Magnuson, Wash. Hon. Guy M. Gillette (The President asked for this appointment)
Sen. Charles O. Andrews, Fla. Mr. Roy Schroeder (Andrews anxious to have Schroeder made Executive Asst. to Governor of Virgin Islands)
H. E. Senor Dr. Don Oscar Ibarra Garcia, Ambassador of Argentina (Has been recalled to Buenos Aires, requested appointment to say "goodbye". No picture)
Sen. Harley M. Kilgore, W. Va.
(Mr. Ted Marks) (Mr. Harry Whitney)
Mr. Winthrop Aldrich, President of Chase National Bank (Just back from Europe)
Brig. Gen. George M. Badger Mrs. Badger and son, Robert William Badger (Bringing in gift from William Brady of Independence, Mo.)
Mr. Elon G. Borton, Pres., Advertising Fed. of America Mr. Don G. Mitchell, Vice Pres. Sylvania Electric Products Mr. Charles E. Murphy, General Counsel, Advertising Federation of America (All of New York - are Committee from Advertising Fed- eration of America, to outline briefly the important series of meetings they are planning under title "Fall Marketing Rally", to put emphasis on need for effective selling and advertising in speeding consumption of consumer goods. Under Secretary of Commerce Schindler thought good idea, as they are cooperating with the National Federation of Sales Executives, whose leaders met with the President several days ago. Schindler thinks not enough emphasis has been put on problem of selling goods)
The Secretary of the Interior [Harold L. Ickes] Mr. Earl Finch (of Hattiesburg, Miss.) Mr. Dillon S. Myer, Director War Relocation Authority, and Pfc. Tarumi Kato Sgt. Yeichi Kuwayama Pfc. George M. Tsujimoto Pfc. Jesse Hirata (The four Japanese are combat veterans of Japanese- American 442nd infantry regiment, to present to the President a contribution of $4300 raised by the 442nd for a memorial to the late President. Secretary Ickes says Earl Finch is business man and cotton planter, has been called "godfather of 442nd," because of his many demonstrations of interest in welfare of Nisei soldiers. They chose him to make the arrange- ments for this formal presentation.)
Mr. Ernie Ahrenfeldt
President presented the Congressional Medal of Honor to General Jonathan Wainwright [Public Papers: Citation Accompanying the Congressional Medal of Honor Presented to General Jonathan M. Wainwright]
Congressman Melvin Price, Illinois
Sen. Josiah W. Bailey, N. C. Sen. Clyde R. Hoey, N. C.
Se. James E. Murray Congressman Wright Patman
Sen. Walter F. George, Georgia