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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

October 06, 1949

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

Dr. Arthur Watwood, Dean of the College of Law, University of Los Angeles (Called Mr. Connelly, saying he was in the city; was very old friend of the President's and would like to call on him.)
Congressman Harry P. O'Neill, Pennsylvania Mr. E. J. Lynett, Publisher and Owner of Scranton Times Honorable James Hanlon, Mayor of Scranton, Pennsylvania (Congressman O'Neill, Pennsylvania asked through Mr. Feeney, to have this appointment arranged.)
Honorable Ellis O. Briggs, American Ambassador Designate to Czechoslovokia (Asked for this, thru Mr. Woodward, to say goodbye before leaving for this post at Praha.)
Honorable William Benton Honorable James Webb (Wired Mr. Connelly last week that he would be in Washington at this time; that he had been in Europe twice since he last saw the President, and might have some views that might interest the President if the President had the time to spare for him.)
Honorable James E. Webb, the Under Secretary of State (Usual Thursday appointment)
Honorable James E. Webb, the Under Secretary of State Honorable Dean Rusk, Deputy Under Secretary for Political Affairs Honorable John E. Puerifoy, Deputy Under Secretary for Administration Honorable Ernest A. Gross, Assistant Secretary in charge of liaison with the Congress Honorable William Thorp, Assistant Secretary for Economic Affairs Honorable George Perkins, Assistant Secretary for European Affairs Honorable W. Walton Butterworth, Assistant Secretary for Far Eastern Affairs Honorable George McGhee, Assistant Secretary for Near Eastern Affairs Honorable Edward Miller, Assistant Secretary for American Republics Affairs (Arranged at the suggestion of Secretary Webb, for these Secretaries to meet and talk to the President.)
The Secretary of Agriculture [Charles F. Brannan]
On this date President Truman signed the Mutual Defense Assistance Act authorizing appropriation of funds for military assistance to nations signing the North Atlantic Pact. See student research file The North Atlantic Treaty Organization: documents, photographs and more.
(The President left the Blair House for the Capitol, where he breakfasted with the Missouri Delegation in the Speaker's [Sam Rayburn] Dining Room.)
Cabinet (All present except Secretary of Commerce [Charles Sawyer] and Dr. John R. Steelman. Webb represented State, Foley for Treasury and Calvin for Labor.)
The Vice President [Alben W. Barkley] Mr. Harry Schecter of Louisville, Ky.
(Mr. George Killion)
Congressman Lloyd M. Bentsen, Jr., Texas Mr. C. B. Ray, Manager of farm organization in Bentsen's district Mr. Austin Anson, Manager of Texas Citrus and Vegetable Growers (Congressman Benton [Bentsen] asked for this; said they wished to discuss certain provisions in Mexican-U. S. labor contract.)
Mrs. India Edwards (Asked Mr. Matthew Connelly for this last week)
Major Paul M. Long (Now stationed at Fort Belvoir. Wrote to the President, stating he had just returned from Tokyo and had brought a present back for the President which he would like to bring in. Is old friend)
Mrs. Ogden Reid (Asked through her Washington office to come in and discuss with the President, possibility of his taking part in Herald Tribune Forum)
Dr. Edwin G. Nourse, Chairman, Council of Economic Advisers Honorable Leon H. Keyserling, Vice Chairman Honorabel John D. Clark, Member (Dr. Nourse asked for this, stating they wished to present their quarterly report)
Senator Carl Hayden, Arizona (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly yesterday to ask for this.)
Honorable Camille Gutt, Chairman, International Monetary Fund (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly yesterday)
Honorable Fred Lawton
The President left Blair House by motor for Charlottesville, Va., where he spent weekend at country home of Honorable and Mrs. Stanley Woodward. The following accompanied him: General Harry Vaughan General Wallace Graham Mr. Charles Ross Mr. Charles Murphy Mr. David Stowe
At Charlottesville.
At Charlottesville.
The President returned to Blair House from the weekend trip.
The Vice President [Alben W. Barkley] The Speaker [Sam Rayburn] Senator Francis Myers (Senator Lucas out of city) Congressman John W. McCormack (Usual Monday Big-Four appointment)
Congressman John A. McGuire, Conn. Congressman John B. Sullivan, Mo. Congressman Neil J. Linehan, Illinois (Both Congressman Sullivan and McGuire called Mr. Matthew Connelly to ask for this appointment)
(Honorable J. Monroe Johnson) (Honorable Ashton Williams) (Colonel Louis Johnson asked Mr. Matthew Connelly to arrange this, off- the-record)
Congressman Cecil F. White, California (Asked Mr. Matthew Connelly to arrange, stating he wished to discuss Farm Bill)
(Mr. John A. Kennedy, Editor and Publisher, San Diego Journal) (Mr. Lewis Tierney) (Mr. Kennedy wrote to Mr. Matthew Connelly, stating he had disposed of his radio station in Charleston, West Virginia, to Lewis C. Tierney, a good Democrat. Mr. Kennedy asked if he might bring Mr. Tierney in to meet the President. Off the record.)
The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson]
(Honorable Stephen T. Early, Under Secretary of Defense)
Honorable Frank Pace
Secretary of the Treasury [John W. Snyder]
The Vice President [Alben W. Barkley] The Speaker [Sam Rayburn] The Secretary of Agriculture [Charles F. Brannan] Senator Scott Lucas, Illinois Senator Elmer Thomas, Oklahoma Senator Clinton P. Anderson, New Mexico Congressman John W. McCormack, Mass. Congressman Stephen Pace, Georgia Congressman Harold D. Coolay, N. C. (Mr. Connelly asked them to come down and discuss Farm Legislation with the President)
(Mr. Edward T. McCormack, of SEC) (Arranged at suggestion of Mr. Dawson, Off-the-record)
Mr. Robert F. Wagner, Jr. (Son of former Senator. Asked to see the President, stating he thought it important.)
(Mr. Donald C. Cook) (A lawyer here in Washington. Arranged at the suggestion of Mr. Dawson, off-the-record)
Mr. Ernest Durig (Sculptor who did bronze bust of the President; called Mr. Connelly from New York, asking if he might come down and present this bust to the President)
Honorable Selden Chapin, American Ambassador Designate to the Netherlands (Asked through Mr. Woodward to pay respects before leaving for his post at the Hague)
Honorable Stanton Griffis, American Ambassador to the Argentine (Phoned Mr. Connelly from New York last week, stating he was leaving for the Argentine in about ten days and wanted to see the President before leaving.)
The Secretary of Defense [Louis Johnson] (Usual weekly appointment)
(The President left for the National Airport where he met H.E. Jawaharlal Nehru, Prime Minister of India upon arrival)
[Public Papers: Remarks of Welcome to Prime Minister Nehru of India at the Washington National Airport]
The President and Mrs. Truman gave dinner at the Blair House for the Prime Minister Nehru
[Public Papers: Special Message to the Congress Upon Signing Bill To Raise the Pay of Certain Employees of the Veterans Administration]
[Public Papers: Veto of Bill Providing for Federal Aid to State Fish Restoration and Management Projects]
(Honorable Edmund [Edmond] N. Hanrahan, Chairman, SEC) (Off-the-record)
Senator James E. Murray, Montana Mr. Charles Murray (The Senator called Mr. Connelly last week to ask for this)
Honorable Sherman Minton took oath of office in the Rose Garden. Approximately 300 guests were present.
Captain George W. Gilmore (Wrote to Mr. Connelly that he was stationed here in Washington, but has been sent by Young Democratic Club of Missouri, Honorary Membership Cards Numbers 1 and 2, in Young Democratic Club of Missouri, for presentation to the President and the Vice President [Alben W. Barkley]. Asked if he might call and give the President card number 1.)
Honorable Sidney S. McMath, Governor of Arkansas (Was in the city and asked if he might call on the President)
Honorable Myron Taylor (One-half hour, off-the-record)
The President received the Ambassadors to the Organization of American States (Pan American Union): The Under Secretary of State The Deputy Under Secretary of State, Dean Rusk The Assistant Secretary of State for American Republic Affairs, Mr. Edward G. Miller, Jr. Deputy Assistant Secretary, American Republic Affairs, Willard F. Barber H. E. Sr. Jeronimo Remorino, Ambassador of Argentina H. E. Sr. Guillermo Gutierrez, Ambassador of Bolivia H. E. Sr. Hildebrando Aocioly, Ambassador, Representative of Brazil H. E. Sr. Felix Nieto del Rio, Ambassador of Chile H. E. Sr. Eduardo Zuleta Angel, Ambassador of Colombia H. E. Sr. Mario Esquivel, Ambassador of Costa Rica Hon. Sr. Jose T. Baron, Alternate representative of Cuba H. E. Sr. Joaquin E. Salazar, Ambassador, Representative of Dominican Republic Hon. Sr. Alfonso Moscoso. Alternate Representative of Ecuador Hon. Sr. Carlos A. Siri, Alternate Representative of El Salvador Hon. Sr. Francisco Linares Aranda, Alternate Representative of Guatemala H. E. Joseph D. Charles, Ambassador of Haiti, Chairman of the Council H. E. Dr. Rafael Haliodoro Valle, Ambassador of Honduras Hon. Sr. Antonio Gomez Robledo, Alternate Representative of Mexico H. E. Sr. Guillermo Sevilla Sacasa, Ambassador of Nicaragua H. E. Sr. Octavio A. Vallarino, Ambassador of Panama H. E. Sr. Luis Oscar Boettner, Ambassador of Paraguay Hon. Sr. Felipe Portocarrero, Alternate Representative of Peru H. E. Hon. Paul C. Daniels, Ambassador, Representative of U. S. H. E. Sr. Jose A. Mora, Ambassador, Representative of Uraguay H. E. Sr. Atilano Carnevali, Ambassador, Representative of Venezuela
[Public Papers: Remarks at a Meeting With the Ambassadors to the Council of the Organization of American States]
The President presented a scroll to General Jacob L. Devers, upon his retirement from the Army. Guests were present, Mr. and Mrs. Archibald S. Alexander Mrs. O. C. Dunn Mrs. C. D. Bolte Mrs. Omar N. Bradley and General Omar Bradley Lt. General and Mrs. E. H. Brooks Colonel and Mrs. J. T. Cole General and Mrs. Jacob L. Devers General and Mrs. Wade H. Haislip Lt. Colonel and Mrs. J. F. P. Hill Lt. General and Mrs. T. B. Larkin Senator and Mrs. Henry Cabot Lodge Mr. Frank Lyon Lt. General and Mrs. R. S. McLain Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Smith Miss Margaret Smith Mr. Tracy S. Voorhees
(Commissioner Harry MacDonald, SEC)
(Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lynch)
Senator Scott Lucas Senator Kenneth Wherry Senator Elbert Thomas, Okla. Senator Chan Gurney Senator Kenneth McKellar, Tenn.
(Congressman Frank Keefe, Wis.) (Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Kramlich, Sr.) (Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Kramlich, Jr.) (Mr. and Mrs Clarence Kramlich)
(Honorable James Bruce Judge Cooney)
Honorable William M. Boyle
(Honorable Samuel I. Rosenman) (Honorable George Elsey)
The Postmaster General [Jesse M. Donaldson] (Asked for this appointment)
(The Attorney General [J. Howard McGrath]) (Honorable William Boyle) (Honorable Matthew Connelly) (Honorable Donald Dawson) (Off-the-record appointment for one hour)
(Congressman Thomas H. Burke, Ohio) (Congressman Augustine B. Kelley, Pa.) (Mr. Connelly called them and told them the President wished to talk to them off-the-record)
Congressman Tom Pickett, Texas Mr. Grady Stallings, City Manager of Nacogdoches, Texas Mr. Victor Fain, Newspaper publisher, Nacogdoches, Texas Mr. Lee Rogers, Chamber of Commerce, Nacogdoches, Texas Mr. Ed Esterling, Beaumont, Texas Dr. J. M. Travis of Jacksonville, Texas (Congressman Pickett requested this, stating they wished to discuss construction of flood control reservoir.)
Honorable Frank Pace, Director, Bureau of the Budget
Mr. Clarence E. Pickett, Executive Secretary, American Friends Service Committee Mr. Harold Evans (Mr. Pickett wrote to the President last month to ask if he and Mr. Evans might come in and talk about forty or so men in federal prisons for refusal to register for military service; said at least half of these are members of the Society of Friends and known to him personally.)
Senator Clinton P. Anderson, New Mexico (Asked Mr. Connelly to arrange this.)
The President received the President's Advisory Committee on Management Improvement: Herbert Emmerich, Director of Public Administration Clearing House Edward S. Mason, Dean, Harvard Graduate School of Public Administration Thomas A. Morgan, President and Chairman of the Board, Sperry Corporation (Chairman of the Committee) Otto L. Nelson, Vice-President of New York Life Insurance Co. James L. Palmer, Executive Vice-President and Director of Marshall- Field Honorable Vincent Burke, First Assistant Postmaster General Honorable Oscar Chapman, Under Secretary of Interior Honorable Stephen Early, Under Secretary of Defense Honorable James E. Webb, Under Secretary of State Honorable Frank Pace, Director of the Budget Mr. Charles Stauffacher, Asst. Director in charge of Administrative Management, Bureau of the Budget
The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson] (Usual Thursday appointment)
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
H. E. Jawaharlal Nehru, the Prime Minister of India Hon. Sir. Girja Bajpai, Secretary General of the Ministry for External Affairs Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State
[Public Papers: Veto of Bill Relating to the Development of the Fish, Wildlife, and Recreational Aspects of the Colorado-Big Thompson Federal Reclamation Project]
Cabinet [Meeting] (All were present except the Secretary of Agriculture. Both the Secretary and the Under Secretary were away. Associate Justice Tom Clark will also be present.)
Senator George D. Aiken, Vermont (Presented to the President a special copy of the Magazine HOLIDAY for the month of October; devoted to the beauties of the State of Vermont.)
Congressman Edward J. Hart, N. J. (Phoned Mr. Connelly to ask for this, stating he wished to discuss Hoboken Piers and Third Circuit Court of Appeals appointment)
(Mr. Irving Pflaum, of Chicago Sun Times) One-half hour. Off the record)
(The Secretary of Defense [Louis Johnson])
(Colonel Edward V. Condon) (Asked Mr. Connelly to arrange this off-the-record)
(Honorable Edwin Pauley)
Honorable Lowell Mason, Member, Federal Trade Commission (To thank the President for reappointing him)
(Left for the Indian Embassy with Mrs. Truman, to attend a Reception in honor of the Prime Minister of India)
[Public Papers: Veto of Bill Establishing a Program in Aid of the Navajo and Hopi Indians]
The Vice President [Alben W. Barkley] The Speaker [Sam Rayburn] Senator Scott Lucas, Ill. Congressman John W. McCormack, Mass.
Congressman [Congresswoman] Helen Gahagan Douglas, California (Phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly last week to ask for this)
Congressman Morgan M. Moulder, Missouri (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly last week to ask for this)
(Ensign Thomas J. Donoher, Supply Corps, USN) (Admiral Robert Dennison) (Arranged by Admiral Robert Dennison, who will bring Ensign Donoher in.)
Mr. James G. Patton, President of the National Farmers' Union (Phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly early last week to ask for this)
Major General Philip B. Fleming, Chairman, Maritime Commission of the United States (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly last week to ask for this)
The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson] (Usual Monday appointment)