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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

September 13, 1949

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

The Presiden left from the Blair House for the Shoreham Hotel where he said few words of welcome to the Joint Annual Meeting of the International Monetary Fund and the International Bank.)
[Public Papers: Remarks at the Joint Meeting of the International Monetary Fund and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development]
(Honorable William Boyle) (One-half hour)
Honorable Edward J. Flynn (Phoned Mr. Connelly last week to ask for this)
Honorable Nathaniel P. Davis, American Minister to Hungary (Asked, thru Mr. Woodward, to pay respects before departure for post at Budapest, Sept. 18th)
The President received the members of the Airport Advisory Committee to the Civil Aeronautics Administration, on follows: Mr. H. F. Law, New York City Mr. G. D. Albrecht, Memphis, Tenn. Mr. C. J. Amundson, Grand Forks, N. D. Mr. J. H. Burke, Oklahoma City, Okla. Mr. W. E. Betsworth, Waterloo, Iowa Mr. C. M. Young, Los Angeles, California Mr. J. P. Doyle, Portland, Oregon Mr. A. B. Curry, Miami, Florida Mr. D. W. Martin, Wilmington, Delaware Mr. John Berry, Cleveland, Ohio Mr. L.R. Inwood, Kansas City, Mo. Mr. L.R. Mooney, St. Petersburg, Fla. Hon. D. W. Rentzel, Administrator of C.A.A. (Mr. Rentzel asked if the President would see this Committee which is engaged in its first meeting in Washington. Mr. Rentzel hoped the President could make their acquaintance and express his appreciation for their cooperation and unselfish efforts.)
(Honorable Myron Taylor) (OFF RECORD - HALF HOUR)
(Durries Crane and Harry Mason)
(Honorable Robert E. Hannegan)
Honorable William Boyle (One hour)
Mrs. India Edwards Mrs. Eugenie Anderson, National Committeewoman, Minnesota
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
(Dr. Calvin Hoover of Duke University) (Dr. Hoover wrote to David Stowe, stating he would be here at this time. Mr. Stowe wrote him to come to Press Conference and remain behind and meet the President)
Mr. George Marshall, Owner of Redskins Mr. Bert Bell, Commissioner of National Football League (Asked to come in to present to the President his Annual Football Pass)
The President received the National Citizens Committee for United Nations Day as follows: Mrs. Leonard Aries~Mrs. Anne Hartwell Johnstone Dr. Henry A. Atkinson~Mrs. Beatrice Pitney Lamb Richard K. Bennett~Leonce Legendre Mrs. David Bernstein~Barry Mahool David Bernstein~Rev. Thomas J. McCarthy Mrs. Mary McLeod Bethune~Taylor M. Mills Jacob Blaustein~Bradshaw Mintener Dr. John G. Bowen~Mrs. E. Swift Newton Mrs. Charles Brannan~Elliot H. Newcomb Lou Brott~James T. Nicholson Dr. Francis J. Brown~Harold P. Nutter Mrs. Jeanetta W. Brown~Joseph P. O'Connell Mrs. J. L. Blair Buck~W. R. Ogg Wallace J. Campbell~Mrs. Virginia Parker Mrs. Margaret R. T. Carter~Miss Mary Louise Parks Benjamin V. Cohen~Lester Perry Ben G. Crosby~David R. Porter James E. Cummings~Robert K. Richards Miss Julie D'Estournelles~Michael Ross Mr. Clark Eichelberger~Francis N. Russell Miss Lynn Fallon~J. T. Sanders Mr. George A. Finch~Purward [Durward] V. Sandifer Frank B. Frederick~Miss Eleanor Saymon Mrs. H. Gordon Freeman~Miss Rita Schaefer Earl Gammons~Philip Schiff William N. Gerber~Mrs. Robert Shank C. William Gilchrist~C. Melvin Sharpe Thomas L. Greer~Mrs. Helen T. Steinbarger Giblert A. Harrison~Herman W. Steinkraus John C. Hazen~Leslie C. Sratton Lewis G. Hines~Miss Anna Lord Strauss Dr. Althea Kratz Hottel~Robert S. Strother Albert E. Johnson~Arthur Sweetser Lester Switt Thomas Tippett Reverend Robert E. Van Deusen Channing S. Walker Elmer E. Walker Mrs. Lillian Watford Bernard Weitzer Mrs. Mildred W. Wells Mrs. Joseph M. Welt Mrs. Florence B. Widutis John S. Wood Thomas W. Young
[Public Papers: Remarks to the National Citizens Committee for United Nations Day]
Senator Lyndon Johnson, Texas (Mr. Connelly called Senator Johnson and told him the President wished to see him)
Honorable Richard P. Buttrick, Director General of the Foreign Service (Formerly U. S. Minister to Iceland. Asked for this thru Mr. Woodward)
Honorable Kenneth Royall
(Honorable James E. Webb) (Honorable James Bruce)
H. E. Madame Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit, Ambassador of India
Cabinet [Meeting] (Oscar Chapman for Interior, Stephen Early for Defense, Commerce not represented)
(The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson]) (Remained after Cabinet)
(Secretary of Labor [Maurice J. Tobin] and Oscar Chapman)
Senator Lister Hill, Alabama (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly on Thursday to ask for this)
Master Sergeant James Hendrix Elder Michaux Mr. J. P. Presswell (Sgt Hendrix is holder of Congressional Medal and last week gained nation-wide attention by surviving a parachute jump of 1000 feet, when his parachute failed to open. Elder Michaux asked Mr. Matthew Connelly to arrange, stating it was his idea and that he suggested it to the Sergeant, who was anxious to meet the President)
Senator Clinton Anderson, N. Mexico (Mr. Matthew Connelly phoned him and told him the President wished to see him)
Honorable John Taylor, Attorney General of Missouri (In town and asked to pay respects)
(Mr. Edward Rowe) (Arranged at suggestion of Mr. Donald Dawson, who will bring him in OFF RECORD)
Senator Kenneth McKellar, Tenn. (Phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly yesterday to ask for this)
Senator Joseph C. O'Mahoney, Wyoming (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly Wednesday to ask for this)
Honorable Frank Pace, Director, Bureau of the Budget
(Staff Meeting)
(Under Secretary Webb; Admiral Sidney Souers)
(The Secretary of the Army [Gordon Gray])
The President left for Alexandria, Va., to attend football game between Quantico and VPI. At conclusion of game, the President left for Naval Gun Station to board the USS WILLIAMSBURG. The following members of staff attended the game: Honorable Charles Ross Admiral Robert Dennison Mr. Bill Hopkins Mr. Don Dawson Colonel Mara Mr. William Rigdon Admiral Sidney Souers General Harry Vaughan General Wallace Graham Mr. Joseph Feeney Mr. Clark Clifford
The President returned to the Blair House from cruise on river.
(The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson] and the Secretary of Defense [Louis Johnson])
(George Allen)
Honorable Robert Butler, American Ambassador to Cuba (Asked Mr. Matthew Connelly to arrange this)
Dr. George Taylor, Chairman, Emergency Board Colonel Grady Lewis Professor George Osborne (Asked, thru Dr. John R. Steelman, to have opportunity to present their report. Are Board appointed by the President to consider the Diesel dispute raised by Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen)
(Mr. Larry Ryan)
Honorable Paul Fitzpatrick, Democratic State Chairman, New York (Phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly last week to ask for this)
The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson] The Under Secretary of State (Usual Monday appointment)
(At Blair House -- Secretary of Defense [Louis Johnson], Under Secretary Early, Admiral Sidney Souers, General Omar Bradley)
Honorable Thomas B. McCabe, Chairman, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System
(Mr. Winslow, White House Architect; Maj. Gen. Glen E. Edgerton; Mr. Crim and Mr. Chandler)
(Secretary of the Treasury [John W. Snyder])
Senator Glen H. Taylor, Idaho (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly last week to ask for this)
Mr. Rafael Velasquez Albe, President of the Young Democratic Clubs of Puerto Rico Mr. Charles Markum, Executive Director, Young Democratic Clubs (Jack Redding requested this; said that Albe was in town attending some meetings at Bureau of Internal Revenue, and would like to meet the President. Redding suggested a picture be taken)
Honorable George Radcliffe, former Senator from Maryland (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly from Baltimore last week)
Honorable Thomas W. O'Hara, Chairman, Motor Carriers Claims Commission (Recently appointed by the President, and asked if might come in to pay respects)
The Rt. Hon. Sir Oliver Shewell Franks, the Ambassador of Great Britain The Most Reverend and Rt. Honorable Cyril Forster Garbett, the Archbishop of York (The British Ambassador made this request thru Mr. Woodward's office. Woodward's office advises that the Archbishop should be addressed as "Your Grace")
The President presented trophy to the winner of the President's Cup Regatta. The following people attended: Mr. Horace Dodge, owner of MY SWEETIE, Winning Boat Mrs. Horace Dodge (Mother) Mr. and Mrs. William Horn Mr. William Cantrell, Driver of MY SWEETIE Mr. Edward C. Baltz, Pres., The President's Cup Regatta Assoc. Mr. John Remon, Honorary President Mr. Edgar Morris, Vice President Mr. C. H. Gardiner Mr. Eric Greenleaf, General Chairman of Regatta Mr. Jack Blank, in charge of Trophies Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schafer Mr. Guy Lombardo Mr. Bennett Hill Miss Jane Lingo Mrs. Lingo Herbert Towell
The Secretary of Defense [Louis Johnson] George Craig, Commander of the American Legion Hon. Paul Griffith, Assistant Secretary of Defense (Secretary Louis Johnson asked if he might bring in the newly elected Commander of the Legion, to pay respects.) Mr. Ed McGinnis, Publicity man for Legion
The Secretary of Defense [Louis Johnson] Gordon Gray Tracey Voorhees
Senator Carl Hayden, Arizona
(David Lilienthal)
[Public Papers: Letter to Steel Industry Labor and Management Leaders Urging an Early Settlement of the Dispute]
(Jonathan Daniels)
Hon. Frank Pace, Director, Bureau of the Budget
(Cyrus Ching and Dr. John R. Steelman)
Honorable James M. Mitchell, President, Civil Service Commission (Phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly and asked for this)
Mr. Edmund I. Kaufmann (Wrote Mr. Matthew Connelly September 9th that he planned to be in Washington at this time and hoped he might have an appointment with the President)
Congressman Emanuel Celler, N. Y. (Phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly earlier in week to ask for this)
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Emmons of Mexico, Mo. (Congressman Cannon's office asked Mr. Matthew Connelly to arrange; said that Mr. Emmons had requested them to call, and that Mr. Emmons helped start the President in the Grand Lodge)
Honorable W. Stuart Symington, Secretary of the Air Force (Phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly last week to ask for this)
Honorable Edward S. Crocker, American Ambassador to Iraq (Asked thru Mr. Woodward to pay respects before leaving for post at Baghdad)
Alex Sachs, Postmaster at Kansas City The Postmaster General [Jesse M. Donaldson]
(Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Yehlen of St. Louis, Mo.) (Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Webers) (Mr. Yehlen wrote to the President in August, stating he planned to be here at this time, reminded the President he had served as the President's District Lecturer in St. Louis the year the President was Grand Master. The President wrote him to contact Mr. Matthew Connelly when he reached Washington. Will come to see Mr. Matthew Connelly and see the President OFF RECORD)
Honorable W. Averell Harriman
(Mr. Fred Bowman)
(Mayor Burke of Cleveland) (Lew Hawley, Director of Law, Cleveland)
[Public Papers: Letter Accepting Resignation of Basil O'Connor as President of the American National Red Cross. September 22, 1949]
The Vice President [Alben W. Barkley] The Speaker [Sam Rayburn] Senator Scott W. Lucas, Ill. Congressman John McCormack, Mass.
Cong. John W. McCormack, Mass. The Most. Rev Emmanuel Suarez, Master General, Dominican Order Most Rev. Paul Skeehan Very Rev. T. S. McDermott, Provincial Very Rev. Timothy Sparks Very Rev. Emmanuel Monoto (Congressman asked for this; Mr. Connelly checked with Mr. Woodward's office, as the Most Rev. Emmanuel Suarez, Master General, is a Spanish National. State Department had no objections)
Maj. Gen. Glen E. Edgerton Mr. Richard E. Daugherty Mr. William A. Delano Mr. Willliam Douglas Orr (Mr. Lorenzo S. Winslow) (Mr. Howell Crim) (Mr. Winslow suggested this meeting to talk over some architectural details in White House construction)
Dr. Daniel A. Poling, Editor of the Christian Herald Maj. Gen. Roy H. Parker, Chief of Chaplains (Dr. Poling in Washington to attend meeting and asked, thru Mr. Hassett, if he might bring Chaplain Parker in to see the President)
(Hon. Edmund [Edmond] N. Hanrahan) (Asked Mr. Connelly to arrange this, OFF RECORD)
Mrs. James V. Forrestal (Called Mr. Connelly to ask for this)
Mrs. Jewell W. Swofford, Commissioner for Special Services, F.S.A. (Wrote Mr. Dawson that she planned to be here at this time and hoped she might see the President)
(Mrs. Charles Tucker and son Robert)
The Under Secretary of State (Usual weekly appointment - Mr. Acheson at UN)
(Senator Brien McMahon)
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
(Honorable James Bruce) (Said he has had talks with Governor Lehman and Mayor O'Dwyer which he would like to tell the President about. OFF RECORD)
[Public Papers: Statement by the President on Announcing the First Atomic Explosion in the U.S.S.R.]
Cabinet [Meeting] (Mr. Webb for State. Commerce and Labor will not be represented)
Senator Burnet R. Maybank, S. C. (Called Mr. Connelly yesterday to ask for this)
Hon. Frederick J. Lawton, Assistant Director, Bureau of the Budget (One-half hour. Mr. Pace had asked for this before having to leave town, and Mr. Lawton asked if he might come over in Mr. Pace's absence)