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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

September 01, 1949

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
Honorable William Boyle
Honorable Frank Pace, Director, Bureau of Budget
Honorable D. Worth Clark, former Senator from Idaho (Called last week to ask for this appointment)
(Mr. Franklyn Parks)
Honorable Frieda Hennock, Federal Communications Commission (Called Mr. Connelly yesterday to ask if she might come in and talk to the President about radio educational matters she is working on.)
Congressman Eugene Worley, Texas (Called yesterday to ask if he might see the President today.)
(Honorable William Boyle (Honorable Don Dawson)
The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson]
Cabinet (All present except the Attorney General, the Vice President and the Secretary of Labor)
Judge Guston L. Porperie, U. S. Western District of Lousiana (Has been holding court in New York this summer as a visiting judge, was in Washington and asked to pay respects)
H. E. Senor Don Ricardo Martinez Vargas, Ambassador of Bolivia H. E. Guillermo Gutierriez, Representative of Bolivia to the Organization of American States
Judge Richard Duncan
Honorable Basil O'Connor, President & Chairman of Board of Governors, The American National Red Cross (Phoned Mr. Connelly last Tuesday to ask for this)
(Dexter Perry)
Honorable Gordon Clapp (Has been appointed by Secretary General of UN as Chairman of an economic survey mission which is being created on recommendation of Palestine Conciliation Commission for survey of Middle East, and has asked, thru Mr. Woodward's office, to call upon the President prior to his departure next week)
Mr. John E. Bierwirth, President, The New York Trust Co., NYC (Wrote Mr. Connelly that he expected to be in Washington today for an appointment with Secretary Snyder, and hoped he might see the President)
(George Dorsey)
(Speech Conference)
Secretary of Commerce [Charles Sawyer]
[Public Papers: Statement by the President on Federal Employees Displaced by the Reduction-in -Force]
(Speech Conference)
(Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson]) (Secretary of the Treasury [John W. Snyder])
(E.D.T.) The President left Washington by Air for Pittsburgh, Pa.
(E.D.T.) Arrived Allegheny Airport, Pittsburgh. Motored to Allegheny County Free Fair.
The President made a radio address, following which he motored to the airport, boarded plane, and headed for Des Moines, Iowa [Public Papers: Labor Day Address at the Allegheny County Free Fair in Pittsburgh]
(C.S.T.) Arrived Municipal Airport, Des Moines, motored to Hotel Fort Des Moines
(C.S.T.) The President made a radio address at the Fair Grounds to the AMVETS Convention. Following address, the President motored to the Airport,where he boarded his plane for Kansas City at 5.00 p.m., C.S.T. [Public Papers: Labor Day Address in Des Moines at the Convention of the American Veterans of World War II]
(C.S.T.) The President arrived Fairfax Airport, Kansas City, Kansas, motored to Independence, Missouri and remained overnight at his home.
(C.S.T.) The President left Grandview Airport for Washington, D. C.
(C.S.T.) Arrived National Airport, Washington, D. C. Motored direct to the Blair House.
(Professor Eugene Kormendi, of Notre Dame) (Artist - is making plaque of the President to be presented to the President by the Citizens Committee on Displaced Persons. Has been working entirely from photographs and has now reached stage where he will have to have one or more sittings.)
Honorable Lester B. Pearson, Minister of External Affairs of Canada Honorable Douglas C. Abbott, Canadian Minister of Finance H. E. Hon. Hume Wrong, the Ambassador of Canada (The Canadian Ambassador requested, through Mr. Woodward's office, that these Ministers be allowed to pay their respects to the President while in Washington for the Tripartite Economic Conversations.)
Mr. Harry W. Frazee, of Little Rock, Arkansas (Saw the President last July 18th, at which time they decided he was to come back later.)
Vice Admiral Oscar Badger, USN (Formerly Commander Naval Forces Western Pacific - arranged at the request of Admiral Robert Dennison)
Mr. Myron H. Ackerman, President, Men's Tie Foundation Miss Estell Staub Mr. Sidney J. Wain (To present the President with a tie wardrobe which the Men's Tie Foundation has assembled for him.)
The Secretary of Defense [Louis Johnson] The Secretary of the Army [Gordon Gray] (Usual weekly appointment)
Senator Ernest W. McFarland, Arizona Senator Carl Hayden, Arizona (Arranged at the request of Senator McFarland)
(Mr. and Mrs. Walter Higgins and family)
(Honorable Oscar Chapman)
Blair House (The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson]) (The Secretary of the Treasury [John W. Snyder])
(Honorable Stephen T.Early - off the record)
The President opened the Mid Century White House Conference on Children and Youth, in the Projection Room of White House) [Public Papers: Remarks to Members of the National Committee for the Midcentury White House Conference on Children and Youth]
Congressman George H. Mahon, Texas (Phoned Mr. Connelly yesterday to ask for this appointment)
Mr. William Stringfellow,Chairman, United Student Christian Council in the United States (The President sent message of greeting to international students conference of the World's Student Christian Federation, and in appreciation the Conference Steering Committee desires to present a gift to the President.)
(Monsignor Curtis Tiernan) (Off the record)
Dr. Edwin G. Nourse, Chairman, Council of Economic Advisers Miss Frances James, head of Statistical Division, Council of Economic Advisers (Dr. Nourse asked for this, saying he would come alone; called yesterday, however, to ask if he might bring Miss James with him.)
Honorable W. Averell Harriman, United States Special Representative in Europe, ECA (Called Mr. Connelly yesterday to ask for this appointment)
H. E. Senor Dr. Don Ismael Conzalez-Arevalo, the Ambassador of Guatemala (Expecting to depart from Washington on September 10th to take up his post as Minister of Foreign Affairs of Guatemala, and before leaving desires to pay his respects to the President)
Commander Clyde A. Lewis, Veterans of Foreign Wars Mr. Omar Ketchum Mr. Adrian J. Grobsmith, Aide de Camp to Commander (Omar Ketchum asked Mr. Connelly for this appointment for their new Commander)
Mrs. India Edwards Mrs. Katherine Blackburn (Called Mr. Connelly yesterday to ask for this.)
Congressman Richard Bolling, Mo.
(Mr. William Stone)
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
(Mr.Thomas Fitzgerald)
At the Blair House (The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson]) (The Secretary of the Treasury [John W. Snyder]) (The British Ambassador) (Honorable Ernest Bevin) (Sir Stafford Cripps)
[Public Papers: Veto of Bill To Convey Lands to the City of Miles City, Montana]
(Dr. Eugene Kormendi - artist)
Cabinet [Meeting] (All present except the Vice President)
Honorable Harley Hise, Chairman, Board of Directors, R.F.C. (Called Mr. Connelly Wednesday to ask for this)
Mr. James Minnotto, of Phoenix, Arizona (Arranged at request of Senator Carl Hayden. Mr. Minnotto is former representative in State Legislature of Arizona)
Honorable William H. Hastie, Governor of the Virgin Islands (Called Mr. Connelly Wednesday to ask for this, stating he wished to discuss the Virgin Island Company with the President.) Under Secretary Oscar Chapman (Accompanied by Governor Hastie)
Honorable James Bruce, American Ambassador to Argentina (One-half hour. Phoned Mr. Connelly Wednesday and asked for this.)
Congressman Frank Buchanan, Pennsylvania (When in Pittsburgh on Labor Day, the President saw Congressman Buchanan and asked him to come down this week and see him)
(Miss Rose Santoro) (Mrs. Marie A. Santoro) (Miss Carmeline Chirveno)
(Jos. Rowan)
The President received group of Church of England Bishops: The Right Reverend Robert McNeil Boyd Lord Bishop of Derry and Raphoe Official Representative of the Most Reverend, the Archbishop of Armagh, Primate of Ireland. The Right Reverend William Bradfield Lord Bishop of Bath and Wells. Mr. Russell R. Brown, Member of National Congress Committee in charge of finance John C. Cavendish, Esq., National Secretary of the Congress Committee of the American Church Union The Reverend Albert J. duBois Executive Chairman of the Congress Committee of the American Church Union The Right Reverend John C. H. How, Primus of Scotland The Right Reverend William J. Hughes, Lord Bishop of Barbados The Right Reverend Fabian Jackson Lord Bishop of Trinidad The Right Reverend John Jagoe, Lord Bishop of Bermuda. The Right Reverend Kenneth Kirk, Lord Bishop pf Oxford Mr. Robert P. Lee, Member of National Committee on National Congresses The Reverend Harold E. Riley, Secretary of the English Church Union The Right Reverend and Right Honourable J. W.C. Wand, Lord Bishop of London The Right Reverend Douglas Wilson, Lord Bishop of British Honduras The Reverend C. Edwyn Young Vicar of Saint Silas Pentonville, London Sir Derrick Hoyer Miller
[Public Papers: Remarks to a Group of Bishops of the Church of England]
(Hon. George Elsey)
[Public Papers: Statement by the President Upon Signing Bill Providing Aid to Local School Agencies in Federally Affected Areas]
[Public Papers: Telegram to Labor and Management Leaders Following Receipt of Report of the Steel Factfinding Board]
(Staff Conference)
(David Noyes)
Honorable Carroll Dougherty, Chairman, Steel Industry Board Honorable Samuel I. Rosenman Honorable David L. Cole Harold Enarson Norman Beier (To present report)
(Left for Silver Springs, Md. to meet Mrs. Truman)
The Vice President [Alben W. Barkley] Senator Scott Lucas, Ill. (Big Four not all here but the President said he would like to see the V.P. and Senator Lucas)
Honorable Raymond M. Foley, Administrator, Housing and Home Finance Agency (Phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly last week to ask for this)
Senator George W. Malone, Nevada (Ambassador James Bruce requested that the President see Senator Malone)
Donald W. Douglas, President, Douglas Aircraft Co. (Asked for this thru Dr. John R. Steelman)
Dr. Andrew D. Holt, President, National Education Association Dr. Willard E. Givens, Secretary Dr. Belmont Farley (At 1949 Representative Assembly of National Education Association, a resolution was adopted expressing appreciation to the President for his leadership and inspiration on behalf of legislation to provide federal aid to educaiton. President Holt wishes to present to the President an engrossed copy of the resolution and have a picture taken of this presentation for use in the JOURNAL of the National Education Association and in the magazines published by the state and territorial education associations affiliated with the Association.
Hon. Herman B. Baruch, former American Ambassador to the Netherlands (Requested, thru Mr. Woodward's office, opportunity to pay respects to the President)
Hon. John W. Kenney, former Asst. Secretary of Navy (Phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly last week to ask for this)
The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson] The Secretary of Treasury [John W. Snyder] (Usual Monday appointment)
(CABINET LUNCHEON) -- all present except Commerce and Labor; Mr. W. Averell Harriman will also attend)
The Attorney General [J. Howard McGrath] Senator Theodore Francis Green, Rhode Island Senator Edward L. Leady, Rhode Island (The Attorney General asked Mr. Connelly to arrange this)
Honorable Frank Pace, Director, Bureau of the Budget (One-half hour)
Honorable John E. Sullivan, former secretary of the Navy (Called Mr. Connelly about ten days ago to ask for this, stating he wished to discuss matters pertaining to Conference of Christians & Jews)
Honorable Lewis W. Douglas, American Ambassador to Great Britain (One-half hour)
The Secretary of Defense [Louis Johnson] Under Secretary of Defense (Usual weekly appointment)