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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

August 23, 1949

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

[Public Papers: Remarks to a Group of South Carolinians]
Senator Hubert Humphrey, Minnesota Honorable Orville L. Freeman, Chairman of Democratic- Farmer-Labor State Central Committee of Minnesota Honorable Byron C. Allen, National Committeeman (Senator Humphrey advised that these gentlemen would be in Washington at this time, and asked if he might bring them in to see the President.)
Honorable Frank Pace, Director, Bureau of the Budget
(Chas. Murphy)
The President received a group of Exchange Teachers from Great Britain as follows: Miss Jean Bain~Mr. James Frame Miss Margaret W. Band~Miss Alice Gilgallon Miss Kathleen Irene Barratt~Miss Catherine A. M. Gladdis Miss Frances Isabel Leslie Bell~Miss Nancy R. Glenister Miss Diana Belman~Miss Eileen M. Halliday Miss Margaret Blackstock~Miss May I. Harding Mr. C. Boole~Miss M. I. Hawthorne Mr. John J. Brennan~Miss Gertrude J. Hendry Miss Constance Mary Bull~Miss Margaret Hodgkinson Miss Muriel Enid Cannon~Miss Joan Holderness Miss Muriel Catherine Carruthers~Miss Amy M. Imlach Miss Mary Catherine Carry~Miss Marguerita E. Irvine Miss Margaret L. Cawdron~Mr. Matthew J. Jones Miss Dorothea H. L. Chenappa~Miss Florence G. Jordan Miss Marjorie Chisnall~Miss Phyllis Killerby Miss Doreen F. Coates~Miss Joan Knighton Miss Lillian C. Colby~Miss Mary P. Lynch Miss Nanette I. Cook~Miss Margaret C. Mackay Miss Nora E. Cox~Miss Joan G. Mackenzie Miss Mary Elizabeth Cox~Miss Mary Manser Miss Katherine Davies~Mr. T. D. Martindale Miss Marjorie Davies~Miss Katherine C. Matthews Miss Nancy H. Davies~Mrs. Beryl M. Miller Mr. Eric H. Dehn~Miss Nora Mitchell Miss Nora DeLacy~Mr. Charles R. Miller Miss Mary Dillon~Miss Alice S. Moore Miss Phyllis M. Drummond~Miss Catherine F. Morrison Miss Maureen Duxbury~Miss Joan Mort Miss Daphne A. Dyke~Miss Teresa Murray Miss Maria M. Easton~Mrs. Annie Myers Miss Joan Edworthy~Mr. Louis A. Myers Miss A. R. B. Falconer~Mr. Michael J. O'Neil Mr. Eric. J. Fisher~Miss Elsie W. Orland Miss Kathleen C. C. Flint~Miss Margaret E. Pascoe Miss Alice Pendleburt~Dr. William G. Carr Miss Margaret E. B. Phillips~Dr. George F. Zook Miss Mary M. Phillips~Dr. Paul Elicker Miss Christiana J. Potter~Dr. Worth McClure Miss Doris M. Quick~Mr. Ralph W. Watt Miss Mary E. Quinn~Mr. Donald J. Shank Miss Beatrice D. Round~Dr. Melva Lind Miss Ruth E. Saunders~Mrs. Garfield Powell Miss Gwenneth Seddon~Dr. Paul F. Douglass Miss Hilda M. Smyth~Mrs. Emma Fandrich Miss Marbara L. Snook Miss Nina M. Stark Miss Irene Summerbell Miss Mabel Thomas Miss Kathleen E. Trenaman Miss Joan Wallis Miss Nita C. Warr Miss Gladys Watts Miss Maureen S. Whelan Mr. Arthur H. White Miss Gladys Williams Miss Mildred Wills Miss Phyllis M. Wiseman Miss Yvonne M. Woodford Miss Gladys M. Wright Miss Hilda B. Wroughton Miss Greta May Yeal Mme. Madeleine Telliez Mlle. Elise Mireille Jeanne Moulinas Hon. Oscar R. Ewing Mr. John L. Thurston Mr. Don Pryor Mrs. Ellen S. Woodward Dr. Earl J. McGrath Mr. Kendric N. Marshall Dr. Paul E. Smith Dr. J. Harold Goldthrope Mr. Raymond Nelson Hon. Howland H. Sargeant Dr. Wm. C. Johnstone, Jr. Mrs. Margaret H. Williams Sir Derick R. Hoyer-Millard Dr. J. Roger Carter (Arranged through Mr. Ewing and Office of Education. They are to exhange position for one year with American teachers in 85 cities located in 35 states.)
[Public Papers: Remarks to a Group of Exchange Teachers From Great Britain]
The Secretary of Defense [Louis Johnson] The Secretary of the Navy [Francis P. Matthews]
Secretary of Commerce [Charles Sawyer]
(Supper in private dining room of Secretary of the Treasury [John W. Snyder])
Congressman Hugh B. Mitchell, Washington Congressman Andrew J. Biemiller, Wis. Congresswoman Helen Gahagan Douglas, Calif. Congressman Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr., N. Y. Congressman Barratt O'Hara, Ill. Congressman John A. Blatnik, Minn. Congressman Charles B. Deane, N. C. (Congressman Mitchell asked Mr. Matthew Connelly to arrange this; to discuss middle income section of Housing Bill)
Honorable J. Monroe Johnson, Interstate Commerce Commission (To make arrangements for the President's visit to the American Legion Convention in Philadelphia next Monday)
Congressman Clark W. Thompson, Texas (Honorable David Stowe, Administrative Assistant to the President) (Arranged at suggestion of Mr. David Stowe; to discuss the Panama Canal.)
Mr. Joshua L. Cowen, President of Lionel Trains Mr. Bernard Rellin (Presented the President with the first toy diesel engine made for toy trains.)
Congressman Pat Sutton, Tennessee (Congressman Sutton asked through Mr. Neese, if he might come in and meet the President. The Congressman has led fight for Brannan plan, for some reason has never had opportunity to meet the President.)
Mr. Thurman L. Dodson, President, National Bar Assn. Mr. Richard E. Carey, N. Y. Mr. Henry J. Richardson, Indianapolis, Ind. and 8-yr.-old son Mr. Richard E. Westbrooks, Chicago Mr. W. Harold Flowers, Pine Bluff Mr. James A. Cobb, Washington Mr. Roy Garvin, Washington Mr. Richard Atkinson, Washington Mr. Marion Hill, N. Y. Mr. Frederick S. Weaver, New York (Mr. Weaver wrote the President in May asking if this Committee can see President to invite him to attend their 24th annual convention in Indianapolis, September 15, 17th.)
Honorable Robert Hinckley (Phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly last week to ask for this.)
Honorable Myron Taylor (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly from New York last week. One-half hour appointment)
The President participated in the Ceremony for the Entry into Force of the North Atlantic Treaty. The following were invited to be present: Belgium The Honorable Baron Silvercruys, Ambassador E. and P. Canada Mr. W. D. Matthews, Counselor of Embassy, Charge d'Affaires Denmark The Honorable Henrik de Kauffmann, Ambassador E. and P. France The Honorable Henri Bonnet, Ambassador E. and P. Iceland The Honorable Thor Thors E. E. and M. P. Italy Signor Mario Luciolli [Lucielli], Counselor of Embassy, Charge d'Affiares Luxembourg No one. The Minister is absent from Washington. The Netherlands The Honorable Jonkheer O. Reuchlin, E. E. and M. P., Charge d'Affaires Norway Wilhelm Munthe de Morgenstierne, Ambassador E. and P. Portugal The Honorable Pedro Theotonio Pereira, Ambassador E. and P. United Kingdom The Honorable Sir Derick Boyer Millar [Frederic Hoyer Millar], K.C.M.G., C.V.O. Minister, Charge d'affiares United States The Honorable Dean Acehson, Secretary of State The Honorable Louis Johnson, Secretary of Defense
[Public Papers: Statement by the President on the Coming Into Effect of the North Atlantic Treaty]
Honorable Tom Clark was sworn in as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court in the Rose Garden and the President attended the ceremony.
[Public Papers: Remarks at the Swearing In of Associate Justice Tom Clark]
Honorable William M. Boyle, Jr.
(Honorable Daivd E. Finley)
(Mr. Neal Helm)
(The President left for the Mayflower Hotel, where he attended a Buffet Supper and Reception of Democratic National Committee.)
[Public Papers: Remarks at a Dinner Honoring William Boyle, New Chairman of the Democratic National Committee]
On this date President Truman proclaimed the North Atlantic Pact to be in effect with implementation entrusted to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). See student research file The North Atlantic Treaty Organization: documents, photographs and more.
(Mr. Jim Pendergast) (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly yesterday)
(Rear Admiral Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter) (Admiral Sidney W. Souers) (Arranged at suggestion of Admiral Sidney W. Souers, who will bring Admiral Hillenkoetter in off-the-record.)
Honorable John Nangle Congressman Raymond W. Karst, Missouri and daughter, Jean (Mr. Nangle called Mr. Matthew Connelly earlier in week to ask for this appointment)
Judge Marion J. Harron, Tax Court of United States (To thank the Presidnt for reappointing her for the third time to the Tax Court)
(Congressman Frank Chelf, Kentucky) (Asked Mr. Matthew Connelly for this some days ago. Will see President off-the-record.)
Honorable Roger Sermon, Mayor of Independence, Mo Mr. Henry Warren of Kansas City, Missouri Mr. James Lillis, Kansas City, Missouri Mr. J. McKenna Mr. Barney Allis Mr. James Aylward Mr. Leo Schwart Mr. Ray Edlund Mr. A. J. Stephens Mr. Nat Milgrim Mr. James Guy Robertson Mr. Thomas Lee (This group from Kansas City, Missouri came in to invite the President to attend dinner to be held shortly in Kansas City in honor of William Boyle. Mayor Kemp of Kansas City had hoped to come but had to send regrets. However, wrote the President urging that he accept.)
Honorable James Grover McDonald, American Ambassador to Israel (Asked for thist through Mr. Woodward's office. In town for two weeks on consultation.)
(The Secretary of Defense [Louis Johnson]) (Mr. Paul Griffith) (The President suggested this to Secretary Louis Johnson yesterday when the Secretary called. Off-the-record.)
Mr. T. C. Carroll, President of Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees Mr. D. B. Robinson, President of Railroad Firemen and Enginemen Mr. G. E. Leighty, President, Railroad Telgraphers (Carroll phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly last week from Detroit, to ask for this, stating they wished to speak briefly to the President about the appointment of Julius G. Luhrsen of Railroad Retirement Board.)
The President received the following representatives to the third Girls Nation, of the American Legion Auxiliary: Jane Miles Dake, Alabama Ann Caroline Draughan, Alabama Suzanne Leslie Laws, Arizona Carole Joan Freeman, Arizona Julia Mary Caldwell, Arkansas Esther Ann Turner, Arkansas Alberta Lynch, California Rosemary Rood, California Bonnie Jean Drake, Colorado Jane Ann Parson, Colorado Janice Ann Furber, Connecticut Loraine Marie Foster, Connecticut Laura Johanne Pappler, Delaware Janette Williamson, Delaware Anna D. Agostino, Florida Jacqueline Liechty, Florida Jo Alice Moody, Georgia Jean Terry, Georgia Gasser, Idaho Marilyn Joan Teed, Idaho Ellen Ann Horn, Illinois Marilyn Paula Shanks, Illinois Marilyn Elizabeth McCormick, Indiana Arleen Farris, Indiana Marlene Buster, Iowa Sara Jane Sackett, Iowa Mary Catherine Hittle, Kansas Norma Lou Falletta, Kansas Kathryn Rae Murphy, Kentucky Betty Jean Caswell, Kentucky Helen Emily Robert, Louisiana Carolyn Addison, Louisiana Eileen Joan Howard, Maine Barbara Rolene Bowden, Maine Harriett Pauline Carlson, Maryland Mona Lou Evans, Maryland Josephine Alice Denick, Massachusetts Margaret Anne Garvey, Massachusetts Patricia Peterson, Michigan Catherine Louis Lauff, Michigan Pat Ann Fitzsimmons, Minnesota Ann Jarvis, Minnesota Sally Miller, Missouri Barbara Stutman, Missouri Nancy Lucia Wilson, Montana Judith Boyd McCullough, Montana Patricia Ann Livingston, Nebraska Nancy Alice Pumphrey, Nebraska Alice Melendy, Nevada Andree Anchart, Nevada Carolyn Alice Walton, New Hampshire Jean-Marie McKenna, New Hampshire Lois Elaine Thompson, New Jersey Lois Anne Viola, New Jersey Marilynn Tidmore, New Mexico Patricia McMahon, New Mexico Ann Gertrude, Ruhmann, New York Roberta Bixby Behrens, New York Alice Eugenia Joyner, North Carolina Mary Constance Bryson, North Carolina Mary Ann Hayashi, North Dakota Elaine Marie Von Rueden, North Dakota Joan Ellen Roach, North Dakota Marguerite Ruth Hardy, North Dakota Joan Rankin, Ohio Mary Jo Hunter, Ohio Mary Ellen Casey, Oklahoma Ernestine Smith, Oklahoma Joanne Knott, Oklahoma Bobie Jean Trent, Oklahoma Wanda Lee Makinson, Oregon Sara Ann Archibald, Oregon Betty Jane Kenealy, Panama Judith Anne Jorstad, Panama Roberta Shearer, Pennsylvania Janet Eck, Pennsylvania Shirley Louise Ross, Rhode Island Ruth Marilyn Vatcher, Rhode Island Shirley Fay Ford, South Carolina Joyce Gross, South Carolina Harriett Parsons, South Dakota Mary Kathryn Mumford, South Dakota Jacueline Levtzon, South Dakota Gloria Kennedy, South Dakota Anne Millinax, Tennessee Sara Newman, Tennessee Dorothy Ann Willis, Texas Mary Magdalene Garana, Texas Mary Ada Gardner, Utah Lois Blood, Utah Judith Riker Beach, Vermont Dalphia Rae Hall, Vermont Virginia Firkin, Virginia Mary Lisle Tucker, Virginia Mary Kay Johnston, Washington Janet Carol Houghton, Washington Nancy Lunn Village, West Virginia Patricia Carolyn Callison, West Virginia Janet Spencer, Wisconsin Marion Ida Hackbarth, Wisconsin Rachel Malgene Ikard, Wyoming Barbara JEan Weimer, Wyoming Mrs. John Engesather, North Dakota Mrs. Thomas R. Carr, Iowa Mrs. James C. Bangs, Idaho Mrs. A. E. Seymour, Illinois Mrs. Wm. H. O'Connell, Massachusetts Mrs. B. D. Ward, West Virginia Mrs. A. J. Ryan, Florida Mrs. T. Frank Lynch, Maryland Mrs. William E. Snelson, California Mrs. E. O. Orleman, Montana Mrs. Robert A. Goode, Oregon Miss Leona Brady, Washington, D. C. Lt. Col. Lenace Legendre, Washington, D. C. Col. Samuel Engle Burr and Mrs. Samuel Burr, Washington, D. C. Miss Margaret S. Bannister, Washington, D. C. Mrs. Lawrence Smith, Washington, D. C. Miss Joyce Sundeen, North Dakota Mrs. Gwendolyn Wiggin MacDowell, Indiana Mrs. Cecilia Wenz, Indiana Mrs. Raymond Newell, Maryland Miss Pauline Mandago, New York Mrs. Betty Murray, New York (The President received the Girls Nation August 9th last year. These girls are chosen from their communities for outstanding qualities of leadership and character and are brought together on campus of some college to participate in a program showing actual functioning of county, town and state government. They are the guests of American Legion Auxiliary in this city, where they participate in forming a Girls Nation following the lines of the National Government.)
[Public Papers: Remarks to the Delegates of Girls Nation]
Senator Elbert D. Thomas, Utah (Senator Thomas requested appointment.)
The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson] (Usual Thursday appointment)
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
(After Press Conference: Mr. Harvey Burrus of Independence) (Governor James Cox)
[Public Papers: Statement by the President on the Appointment of Gordon R. Clapp as Chairman of an Economic Survey Mission to the Near East]
Cabinet [Meeting] (All present except the Secretary of the Interior who was represented by Under Secretary Oscar Chapman)
Congressman Robert Crosser, Ohio (Asked Mr. Matthew Connelly to arrange, saying it was urgent and important.)
Mr. Edward Keating, Manager and Editor of "LABOR" (Phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly last week to ask for this appointment)
Honorable Frank Pace, Director, Bureau of the Budget (Fifteen minutes)
Mr. James R. Watson, Executive Director, National Civil Service League Mr. Winston Paul, Chairman, Executive Committee (Watson wrote Mr. Dawson, asking if they might discuss appointment of Chairman of Civil Service Commission with the President)
Honorable William Boyle, National Chairman, Democratic National Committee (Weekly appointment, postponed from Wednesday, the day he generally has appointment)
Honorable Edwin G. Nourse, Chairman, Council of Economic Advisers Honorable Leon H. Keyserling, Vice Chairman Honorable John D. Clark, Member (Dr. Nourse asked for this appointment)
(Congressman Porter Hardy, Jr., Va.) (Congressman Richard Bolling, Mo.) (Congressman M. G. Burnside, W. Va.) (Congressman William L. Dawson, Ill.) (Director Pace suggested that the President talk to this group from Expenditures Sub-committee of House, off the record.)
(Colonel Bartlett Boder, of St. Joseph, Mo.) (Mr. Joseph Healey) (At the request of Mr. Healey who said that when the Presi- dent was candidate for Senate, Boder entertained the President in his home in St. Joseph; that Boder also served on some highway associations with the President)
(Honorable Myron Taylor)
(Speech Conference)
(Mr. Ted Marks)
(Miss Bertha Joseph)
(Mr. Ted Marks)
At the Blair House: (Honorable Paul Hoffman, ECA)
The President took walk, returning to the Blair House for the day.
E.D.T. (Left by train for Philadelphia, Pennsylvania arriving at 11.45 a.m. E.D.T.)
(Motored to Belleve-Stratford where he attended American Legion Luncheon at 1.00 p.m.)
[Public Papers: Remarks in Philadelphia at the American Legion Convention Luncheon]
The President addressed the American Legion Convention at Convention Hall, leaving immediately after for the train. [Public Papers: Address in Philadelphia at the American Legion Convention]
Left Philadelphia for Washington, D. C.
E.D.T. Arrived Washington, D.C.
[Public Papers: Statement by the President Upon Signing Bill for the Construction of the Weber Basin Reclamation Project, Utah]
The Secretary of Defense [Louis Johnson] The Secretary of the Army [Gordon Gray]
Congressman Adolph J. Sabath, Ill. (At the President's request)
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Whitaker (Called Mr. Connelly last week from his home in Pennsylvania, to ask if he might bring his wife in to meet the President.)
Senator Estes Kefauver, Tennessee (Phoned Mr. Connelly last week to ask for this appointment)
Congressman Wayne L. Hays, Ohio (Called Mr. Connelly last week to ask for this appointment)
Honorable Frank Pace, Director, Bureau of the Budget
(Judge Tom Garrard, of Tahoka, Texas) (Mr. Garland Pennington) (Mr. John Heck) (Judge Garrard, who is an old friend, wrote the President on August 20th to say he would be here for a few days and wanted to say hello.)
(Luncheon at the Blair House with guests, Honorable Forrest Smith, Governor of Missouri, and Honorable William Boyle.)
The President received approximately 100 representatives to the Conference of the President's Committee on National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week. [Public Papers: Remarks to the Conference of the President's Committee on National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week]
The Secretary of the Treasury [John W. Snyder]
(Mr. Richard E. Dougherty) (Mr. William Douglass Orr) (Mr. Crim)
(Honorable Jonathan Daniels)
[Public Papers: Telegram to the Governors Concerning the Midcentury White House Conference on Children and Youth]
Honorable Wayne Coy, Chairman, Federal Communications Commission (One half hour. Called Mr. Connelly last week to ask for this appointment)
Congressman John C. Davies, N. Y. (Asked Mr. Connelly to arrange this, as he wished to discuss the Oswego Harbor project, contained in the Army Civil Functions Appropriation Bill.)
Senator Harley Kilgore, W. Va. (Called Mr. Connelly last week to ask for this appointment)
Congressman Overton Brooks, Louisiana (Called Mr. Connelly last week to ask for this)
Honorable Arthur J. Mellott, U. S. District Judge for Kansas (In Washington for two days and asked Mr. Connelly if he might drop by and pay respects)
Mr. David Dubinsky, President, International Garment Workers Union Mr. Alex Rose (Mr. Rose wrote to Mr. Connelly asking if this could be arranged.)
H. E. Dr. John Myun Chang, the Ambassador of Korea (Asked through Mr. Woodward's office to call on the President, stating he has two letters from the President of Korea, which he has been instructed to deliver to the President in person.)
The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson] Senator Scott Lucas, Ill. Senator Walter George
The Secretary of Agriculture [Charles F. Brannan] Senator Scott Lucas, Illinois Senator Elmer Thomas, Oklahoma Senator Clinton P. Anderson, New Mexico Congressman Stephen Pace, Georgia Congressman Harold D. Cooley, N. C. (Mr. Connelly called them and told them the President would like to have them come in and discuss with him the farm program.)
Senator Dennis Chavez, New Mexico
(Mr. Max Lowenthal)
(The Secretary of Labor [Maurice J. Tobin])
[Public Papers: Statement by the President: Labor Day]