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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

August 11, 1949

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

(Honorable Mon Wallgren)
Honorable Kenneth Royall, former Secretary of the Army
(Mr. M. R. Evans) (Mr. Isaacs)
The Secretary of the Treasury [John W. Snyder]
Honorable Robert Butler, U. S. Ambassador to Cuba
Mr. Tully Garner
Mr. David Noyes
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson]
(Mr. Tom Evans)
[Public Papers: Letter to the Vice President on Reorganization Plans 1 and 2 of 1949]
Cabinet (All present except Secretary of Commerce. Commerce was not represented. The Chief Justice, the Speaker of the House and Honorable Averell Harriman also attended.)
The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson] Honorable J. Leighton Stuart, American Ambassador to China (Requested by Secretary Acheson late yesterday, for one- half hour.)
Senator Clyde R. Hoey, N. C. Senator Frank Graham, N. C. Honorable Victor Shaw, Mayor of Charlotte, N. C. Congressman Hamilton Jones, N. C. (Senators Graham and Hoey asked if they might bring the Mayor in to extend to the President, on behalf of the people of Charlotte, N. C., invitation to speak in that city on May 20, 1950.)
Honorable James McI. Henderson, Philippine Alien Property Administrator (Leaving soon for Philippines and asked Mr. Connelly to arrange.)
Honorable Waldemar J. Gallman, American Ambassador to Poland (Has just returned to U. S. from his post, and in addition to his desire to pay his respects to the President, thought that the President might be inter- ested in a firsthand account of conditions in that country. Made request through Mr. Woodward's office)
Honorable Henry F. Grady, American Ambassador to Greece (Was to have come in yesterday but had to testify at Capitol. Mr. Grady asked for the appointment)
(Mr. Hugh Fulton) (Mr. Mon Wallgren) (Off the record. Mr. Fulton asked if this might be arranged)
Honorable Melvin Hildreth (Presented to the President the final financial report on Inaugural)
(Mr. Tom Evans) (Mr. N. S. Shapero)
(The Secretary of Defense [Louis Johnson]) (The Under Secretary of Defense) (General Omar Bradley)
(Left the White House to meet Miss Margaret Truman's train.)
(General J. Lawton Collins, Vice Chief of Staff of the Army) (Off the record - East Entrance)
(Mr. George Elsey)
(Mr. Lee Warner, Democratic State Chairman, Kansas)
The Vice President [Alben W. Barkley] The Speaker [Sam Rayburn] Senator Scott W. Lucas, Ill. Congressman Percy Priest, Tenn. (House Whip) (Congressman Priest came in Congressman McCormack's absence)
Mr. and Mrs. William Malone, of San Francisco Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sullivan (Arranged at the request of Mr. Malone. Just to shake hands)
Congressman Clyde Doyle, California Colonel A. B. McMullen, Director and Executive Secretary of Air Force Reserve Association (At the request of Congressman Doyle. Colonel McMullen wishes to invite the President to attend National Convention of Air Force Reserve Assocation, at Long Beach, California, October 12-13-14.)
Honorable David E. Lilienthal, Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission (Requested this through Mr. Clark Clifford)
Honorable Edward B. Lawson, American Minister to Iceland (Newly appointed, and asked, through Mr. Woodward's office, to be received by the President before departing for his post.)
Congressman Brent Spence
The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson]
(Cabinet Luncheon - All present)
Senator Pat McCarran, Nevada
The Secretary of the Army [Gordon Gray]
(Honorable George Allen)
The Secretary of Defense [Louis Johnson] The Director, Bureau of the Budget General Omar Bradley Admiral Louis Denfeld General Lawton Collins General Leslie McNarney (To discuss the Defense Budget)
Honorable Frank Pace, Director, Bureau of the Budget (Asked Mr. Connelly yesterday to arrange a 15-minute appointment for him)
The Secretary of Agriculture [Charles F. Brannan] (Phoned Mr. Connelly yesterday to ask for this appointment)
Senator J. William Fulbright, Arkansas Senator Lister Hill, Ala. Senator Lyndon B. Johnson, Texas Senator Clyde Hoey Senator Burnet Maybank Senator John Sparkman (The President asked them to come in)
Honorable Ugo Carusi, Chairman, Displace Persons Commission (Phoned Mr. Connelly last week to ask for this appointment)
(Honorable Jim Finnegan)
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Swanson, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Swanson, Jr. (Mr. Swanson wrote Mr. Connelly from Kansas City, Mo., in July, stating he would be here at this time, and hoped that he and his wife and their son and his wife, might have an opportunity to greet the President.)
Dr. George M. Arrowsmith (Wrote to the President July 31st, stating that he had moved to Washington and hoped he might call one day. The President answered and told him to get in touch with Mr. Connelly.)
The Secretary of Labor [Maurice J. Tobin] (Asked for this last week.)
(Mr. Glenn McCarthy) (The Secretary of Defense [Louis Johnson] and the Speaker [Sam Rayburn] both asked that this be arranged. off-the-record)
Honorable Emil Schram, President, Stock Exchange (Asked for this through Secretary of the Treasury)
(Honorable Edgar B. Brossard, Commissioner, U. S. Tariff Commission) (Phoned Mr. Connelly last week to ask for this and also asked if it might be off-the-record)
The Secretary of Defense [Louis Johnson] The Secretary of the Air Force [Stuart Symington] (The Secretary of Defense's usual Tuesday appointment)
(The Secretary of the Treasury [John W. Snyder])
Mr. Joe Healey
(Mr. James McCahey)
Congressman Wayne L. Hays, Ohio Congressman Robert Crosser, Ohio Congressman Walter B. Huber, Ohio Congressman James G. Polk, Ohio Congressman Robert T. Secrest, Ohio Congressman Earl T. Wagner, Ohio (Congressman Hays asked Mr. Matthew Connelly to arrange, stating they wished to discuss their interest in their colleague, former Congressman Imhoff, of Ohio)
Senator Elbert D. Thomas, Utah Congressman Walter K. Granger, Utah (Senator Thomas asked Mr. Matthew Connelly to arrange)
Senator Clinton P. Anderson, New Mexico Congressman Ken Regan, Texas Congressman Harold A. Patten, Arizona Congressman Harry L. Sheppard, Calif. Congressman Ernest K. Bramblett, Calif. Mr. G. G. Armstrong, Roswell, N. Mexico Mr. Ellis Coman, Calif. Mr. George Hall, Pecos, Texas Mr. B. A. Harrigan, El Centro, Calif. Mr. Louis Ivey, Pecos, Texas Honorable George Luckey, California Mr. R. K. Metz, Los Angeles, California Mr. Don McColly, California Mr. Frank Owen, Tornillo, Texas Mr. George Pickering, Yuma, Arizona (Senator Clinton Anderson asked if he, with these Congressman, might bring in a group of farmers from the Western and Southwestern States. Wished to discuss their labor contract with Mexico.)
Congressman James W. Wadsworth, New York (The President had Mr. Matthew Connelly ask him to come in to discuss Science Bill)
(Honorable Philip Perlman, the Solicitor General) (Asked Mr. Matthew Connelly to arrange this off-the-record)
The Secretary of Agriculture [Charles F. Brannan] (One-half hour)
Honorable Fletcher Bowron, Mayor of Los Angeles, Calif. (Wired Mr. Matthew Connelly that he would be here at this time, and hoped might see the President)
Mr. F. H. Bedford, Jr., President, Atlas Supply Co., Newark, New Jersey Mr. John Hall (Mr. Bedford is also a Vice President of the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey. Saw the President last May (1948) at suggestion of Ambassador Robert Butler, who thought the President would be interested to hear of Bedford's trip around world. Has now completed European tour and says he has interesting story to tell the President.)
Honorable Paul Porter, U. S. Representative on Palestine Conciliation Commission (Returning to Palestine tomorrow and requested this through Mr. Woodward's office)
(Mr. Tom Burke)
(Honorable George Mead)
Mr. William Boyle (Usual weekly appointment)
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
Honorable E. L. Bartlett, Delegate from Alaska (Phoned Mr. Connelly Tuesday to ask for this)
General Robert Lee Bobbitt, of Texas (Called Mr. Connelly yesterday to ask for this)
Mr. Edward A. King of Pittsburgh Miss Edna Mae King (daughter) (Frank Land called Mr. Connelly from Kansas City and asked him to arrange this.)
H.E. Senor Dr. Don Gonzalo Restrepo-Jaramillo, the Ambassador of Colombia Hon. Jose Camache, Counsellor of Embassy (to interpret) (Honorable Charles Spraks, Actg. Chief, Div. of Protocol) (The Ambassador is relinquishing his post and returning to Colombia, and before departure wants to pay his respects to the President.)
H.E. E. Haung, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Burma H.E. Uso Nyun, the Ambassador of Burma Hon. George C. McGhee, Asst. Secretary of State, in charge of Near Eastern and African Affairs (This appointment is only to pay respects)
The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson]
The Secretary of the Army [Gordon Gray]
Honorable Tom Clark
(Mr. Neal Helm)
Cabinet [Meeting] (Solicitor General represented the Attorney General. Under Secretary Oscar Chapman represented Interior. Commerce and Agriculture were not represented.)
Honorable Oscar Ewing (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly last week to ask for this appointment)
(Mr. Delos Rentzel)
The President signed H.R. 5188, An Act "To provide for the preparation of a plan for the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the building of the Soo Locks." The following were present: Senator Arthur H. Vandenberg, Michigan Congressman Charles E. Potter, Michigan Mr. Carl Sedan (Congressman Potter asked Mr. Matthew Connelly to arrange a ceremony for this bill signing.)
The President signed S.J.Res. 79, "Authorizing Federal participation in the International Exposition for the Bicentennial of the Founding of Port-au-Prince, Republic of Haiti, 1949." The following were present: Honorable Rene Colimon, First Secretary of the Haitian Embassy Hon. Jules Domond, Commerical Attache, Haitian Embassy Mr. Melvin D. Hildreth (Mr. Hildreth asked Mr. Matthew Connelly to arrange a ceremony, and as the Haitian Ambassador is away, suggested the above representatives from the Embassy.)
H. E. H. T. Andrews, the Ambassador of the Union of South Africa (Is relinquishing his post as Ambassador to this country and intends to depart on August 31st.)
(Honorable Tracy S. Voorhees, Under Secretary of the Army) (Mr. Joseph M. Dodge) (Dr. John R. Steelman) (Arranged by Dr. John R. Steelman. Off-the-record. Mr. Voorhees is going out to Japan and Mr. Dodge has lately returned from there.)
(Honorable J. Howard McGrath)
Mr. Gordon Cole, International Ass'n of Machinists Mr. Leo Goodman, CIO Mr. Richard Hawkins, American Veterans Committee Mr. Rufus H. Wilson, AMVETS Mr. Harry Mopsick, President, N. J. Tenants' Council Violet McGrath, A.D.A. Bernard Weitzer, Jewish War Veterans James S. Mitchell, Exec. Secy., Natl. Council of Catholic Men Alicia Goenner, Natl. Council of Catholic Women Bert Seidman, A. F. of L. (This group wished to discuss housing with the President)
(Honorable George Killion)
(Speech Conference)
(The President left to go aboard the USS WILLIAMSBURG for a weekend cruise. The following accompanied him: Honorable Tom Clark Senator J. Howard McGrath Senator Clinton Anderson Honorable Stephen Early Honorable Stuart Symington Honorable George Allen Honorable Clark Clifford
[Public Papers: Letter to the Speaker Concerning Irrigation in the Grand Prairie Area of Arkansas]
[Public Papers: Address in Miami at the Golden Jubilee Convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars]
[Public Papers: Veto of Bill for the Construction and Operation of the Vermejo Reclamation Project, New Mexico]
Congressman Joe L. Evans, Tennessee (Phoned Mr. Connelly last week to ask for this)
Congressman William J. Green, Jr., Pennsylvania (Phoned Mr. Connelly last week to ask for this)
The President received a group of citizens of South Carolina who invited him to visit that State. Those invited are as follows: F. E. Adams~B. C. Fitch George E. Allen~J. Ralph Gasque Caroll Allen~J. B. Gibson W. E. Allen~S. Charles Green H. M. Allen~Clyde Gray James Allen~Teffney Huggins W. Gary Baker~Daniel S. Haynes Doc Bullock~J. W. Higgins L. L. Benton~A. W. Hayes O. Carroll Bailey~Marshall Hemmard Frank H. Barnwell~Brooks Hanner David K. Bethea~Amar L. Henry W. Thad Bethea~K. Acree Ikner W. K. Bethune~Joe Ivey Bynun Buie~Wm. H. Johnson Neville Bennett~W. D. Jenerette Dr. W. K. Branford~A. B. Jordan, Jr. Grover C. Bowers, Sr.~I. L. Johnson Grover C. Bowers, Jr.~Shirley Johnson Henry Bartell~A. E. Koonce L. M. Bolk~Jeanena Koonce G. W. Bogan~Bernice Koonce Billy Carmichael~Earle Koonce R. H. Carmichael~P. R. Key Garson Carmichael~Sherrill Lewis Autrey Carmichael~Solas B. Lewis M. L. Cribb~D. D. Lee W. H. Cook~Charles A. Lafitte J. D. Coliman, Jr.~Pat Murphy Daniel Epps~Joe Martin Mrs. Daniel Epps~Jim Arch Moore Dill Ellis~Wade McMillan Frank Ellerbe~Hector McQueen O. M. Edwards~John Ed McQueen Cary Elvington~Henry McKuinser Tracy Finklea~J. Malcolm McMIllan Jessee Ford~Dan McLeod Marion S. Fowler~F. D. Martin F. L. Floyd~J. Marion Oliver W. E. Powell~Thomas Chadwick R. L. Roper~Maxie C. Collins A. J. Rogers~Dill Ellis D. E. Ripuitoe~B. L. Elvington R. S. Rogers~Earl Hayes Bernie Rogers~Robert Hurtz D. D. Roper~Stonewall Jackson J. Nichols Rogers~D. D. Lee C. P. Rogers~Curtis Munn J. D. Rouse~E. B. Nettles Ed Stewart~Mrs. G. S. T. Peeples Malcolm W. Sewell~W. B. Phillips J. O. Smith~S. W. Phillips Mrs. J. O. Smith~Harold Ravenel R. W. Scott~Mrs. Harold Ravenel Lacy Shelley~Thomas Sligh Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Redd~C. E. Stewart Cleo Singletary~H. A. Stuckey Ben Smith~Mrs. James L. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Ralph M. Smoyer~Senator O. T. Wallace Ruth Alice Smoyer~Tim Atkinson Charles E. Smoyer~Carson Carmichael H. Fletcher Strickland~A. F. Currie Paul S. Singletary~Bryan Heugons H. E. Stacey~Robert Kurtz John Singeltary~F. D. Martin Jack Sharpe~J. A. Moore C. C. Thomas~Joseph P. Riley David Townsend~J. Walker Owens H. W. Tallevast~Roy Gregory Rion Tomlinson~E. R. Czapleski M. D. Turbeville~Bob Leseane Harry Truluck~Ronald A. Fine Ransome J. Williams~Macey Kronsberg Ashton H. Williams~Marvin Rogers Mrs. Ashton H. Williams William B. Williams J. R. Wyman F. L. Adams W. E. Allen Mrs. J. R. Allison Arthur M. Baker W. G. Baker Haywood Barfield Dr. W. V. Barfield P. C. Brown R. C. Campbell